Skyrim spell volume fear id. Black magic spells at home. Ash spell in Latin

Black magic spells have their roots in the pre-Christian era. A spell (spell, enchantment, slander) came to us from pagan times and, for the most part, bears the imprint of the culture of that time and those traditions.

Any spell, even love spells, is a program based on the power of human thought expressed in words, the energy of some entity or deity invoked during the ritual, and the emotional-volitional attitude of the operator. The entire set of these components is called a spell.

In those distant times, knowledge of magic was not something special, much less secret. It was only after many centuries that people began to emerge who were specifically involved in this and had a certain occult orientation.

These people are magicians, healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, wise men, witches, healers, and so on. Both white and black magic were in use - spells, damage, love spells. Not only magicians, but also most people living in that era had a clear understanding of all this.

At that archaic time, people mainly used spells based on the forces of nature. They turned to water, wind, fire, stars, sun, earth, moon and so on for help. Then, with the advent of Christianity, religiously strictly directed spells appeared, addressed to God, saints, apostles, the Mother of God and others.

What are the types of magic spells?

Since ancient times, a large number of different spells and incantations have been known. They can be classified according to a huge number of characteristics:

  • by type of force used,
  • on guidance technology,
  • by type of ritual,
  • by the nature of the content,
  • by method of influence and so on.

Let's look at some of the basic and most popular types of spells.

Simple Spells

This type includes fleeting curses, said casually and during strong emotional arousal. These are also different types of whispers that are whispered about an object, for example, a ticket for good luck, or about a person. Depending on the purpose, they can have different effects.

Nature Spells

These are spells using natural forces and phenomena. As a rule, they are based on the four natural elements. These are quite powerful spells that are used by experienced sorcerers and healers. So, for example, a black magic spell for death involves the use of dead water or earth from the cemetery.

Health Spells

This type includes spells for acquiring health or getting rid of various ailments. This is a vast body of knowledge that includes herbalism and witchcraft.

Black Spells

Black magic spells are always based on attracting dark forces.

The purpose of these rituals is to cause harm. They use the demonic pantheon in their work and attract elements of dark forces in the texts of spells. This type also includes all types of cemetery rituals.

Divine Spells

This type of spell is already called prayer. Unlike classical spells, where there is an order based on a contract with forces, in prayer there is a request or plea for grace or help.

Protective Spells

A very large group of spells based on temporary or permanent protection of a person from troubles, adversities, dangers, and failures. This type includes religious blessings, protective rites, herbal incantations, charged amulets, etc.

It is based on a human protection program based on a spell of some kind of power. It can be applied to the person himself or to an object that will subsequently need to be constantly carried with him.

This is not a complete list of all kinds of spells. In every culture and tradition you can find more than a dozen sacred texts of a magical nature.

The structure and content of the spell can be anything. First of all, it all depends on the purpose of the ritual. In simple spells, one or two words can be used, but more are simple and not necessary due to the context of the ritual itself.

In more complex ones, multi-page, logically sequential paragraphs of text are used, forming a holistic structure of the ritual program. Deviation from which even the slightest can cause a significant threat to the operator.

There are many special cases where the text of the spell will have a unique form and content. We will consider the general rule and sequence for creating any spell.

So, in order of compilation:


This part is also called the “backlog”. Necessary to change the consciousness of the speaker. An altered state of consciousness is needed both for protection and for maximum concentration over the spell.

Opening the formula

It serves as the beginning of a ritual, and the text itself expresses the intention to do or do something.

“I’ll walk in circles, wash my face with clean water, take some fresh earth, etc.”

These actions are clearly imagined in the head, or the operator actually carries them out in real life. If, for example, a black magic spell is being cast for wealth, then the ritual must be preceded by some kind of operations with real money or coins. This serves as an entrance or beginning.

At this stage, the author verbally expresses his wishes in a brief and understandable form.

The execution of which he would like to entrust to the magical forces involved. The text of an order, command or desire should not be ambiguous or ambiguous.

When composing this part, they try to express their intention as clearly and accurately as possible. An error or omission at this point can have disastrous consequences for the author.


All powerful spells necessarily have some kind of clearly expressed identity. For example,

“Just as a nail rots in the ground, so does (name)’s body decompose.
Just as the sun shines brightly, so (name)’s smile illuminates everyone and so on!”


The final stage of the spell has the character of a volitional consolidation of the result, irrevocable execution. The purpose is to show the force your determination to pay for the work done, as well as to strengthen faith in the execution of the ritual.


At this stage, the operator expresses gratitude to the force for its help and undertakes to pay for the work. In any case, we must remember that any black magic spell requires appropriate payment from the customer.

They read spells in any language convenient for the author. Of course, if the text itself was compiled in a language or symbol system that is foreign to you, then you need to read it in that language. In general, any book of black magic spells should contain detailed instructions on the rules for casting a specific spell.

Black magic | Neil Gaiman, Ted Williams, Eoin Colfer, Orson Scott Card

Each tradition describes its own way of reading prayers and spells.

In a hoarse and frightening tone of voice, they pronounce black magic spells, black spells for death and damage to loneliness. There is an irritating tone and anger in the voice.

Shamans claim that any ritual texts must be read using the “throat singing” method. The culture of shamanism says that this is the most effective tonality that divine forces perceive.

In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to sing prayers, with emphasis placed on monotony and frequent repetition of the same texts.

Black magic spells in Latin

Magic spells written in Latin are especially powerful. They were written according to special rules that took into account a lot of currently unknown patterns.

Black magic spells in Latin must be read in a loud voice and clearly reading each syllable, although there are also many nuances here. For maximum comprehension, we recommend reading them in complete privacy. Let's look at the spells of water, ash and salt in Latin.

Water spell in Latin

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen!

Translation of the spell to water

“Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate waters from waters: those that are above from those that are below; and those who are lower will be like those who are higher. The sun is her father, the moon is her mother, and the wind carried her in her womb, reaching from earth to heaven and again descending from heaven to earth. I conjure you, creature of water, to be salt and ash for me, the mirror of the living God in His creations and the source of life and the washing away of sins. Amen!".

Ash spell in Latin

“Revertatur cinis ad fontem aquarum viventium, et fiat terra fructificans, et germinit arborem vita per tria nomina, quae sunt NETSAH, HOD et IESOD in principio et in fine, per alpha et omega sunt in spiritu AZOTH. Amen!

Translation of this spell

“Let the ashes return to the source of living waters, and let the earth become fertile, and let life produce the tree through the three names, which are Netzah, Hod and Jezod, in the beginning and in the end through Alpha and Omega, which are contained in the spirit of Azoth. Amen!".

This ash is stored in a bottle with a wide neck, carefully sealed. It is placed in a closet where it is stored.

Salt spell in Latin

The salt must be sea salt, the purest, consecrated by a breath, just like water, and then the next spell is pronounced.

“In isto sale sit sapientia et ab omni corruptione sicut mentes nostras et corpora nostra, per HOCHMAEL et in virtute ROUACH HOCHMAEL, recedant ab fsto fantasmata hulae, ut sit sal coelistis, subterrae salis, ut nutrietur bos triturans et addat spei nostrae cornua tauri volentis . Amen!

Translation of the spell

“Let there be wisdom in this salt! Yes, he will. she is from all corruption, both our minds and bodies, for the sake of Khoshmael and in the name of the virtues of Ruach, Khoshmael. Let the monsters of matter leave her, so that the salt of heaven may be like the salt under the earth and on the earth; to feed the threshing bull and give our hope to the horns of the spinning bull. Amen!".

The salt, thus consecrated, is preserved in a crystal vessel on the altar, protected from all unclean things. The remaining ash from the incense is carefully collected and blessed by reciting the following spell.

Black magic spells in Latin with translation and transcription can be found in modern textbooks on magic. But you shouldn’t immediately start performing rituals with their help. These ancient spells must be cast with extreme caution. After all, without knowing all the rules and nuances of conducting such rituals, you can incur very serious consequences.

There are a lot of spell volumes in Skyrim. We will list here those that are less popular among players; for volumes that are more in demand, there will be an individual approach - a separate mini-article for each. So, let's go.

Fast healing (in the original - Spell Tome: Fast Healing) - is available from a number of merchants - Colselmo in the Understone Fortress, Coletta Marens in the College of Winterhold, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Nelasar in the Frozen Hearth tavern, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Wunfert the Unliving in the Royal Palace, Vaylandria in the Mistvale Fortress. Among other things, this volume can be easily found - it is located in the Lair in the Kronvangr location.

Whirlwind Cloak (originally Spell Tome: Whirlwind Cloak) - available for sale from the merchant Talvas Fathrion in Tel Mithryn. You must first complete the “Wind and Sand” quest.

Expulsion of the Daedra (in the original - Spell Tome: Expel Daedra) is available for sale from Finis Gestor at the College of Winterhold.

The Thunder Rune (originally Spell Tome: Lightning Rune) is available from the merchants Colcelmo in the Understone Fortress, Entir in the College of Winterhold, Falion in Morthal, Faralda in the College of Winterhold, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Wunferth the Unliving in the Royal Palace, and also at Wylandria in the Mistvale Fortress.

Oakflesh (originally Spell Tome: Oakflesh) can be found for sale at a number of merchants: Colcelmo in Understone Keep, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Tolfdir in the College Winterhold, Wunfert the Unliving in the Royal Palace, Vaylandria in the Mistvale Fortress, Nelasar in the Frozen Hearth Tavern, Finis Hestor in the College of Winterhold, Lucan Valery in the Riverwood Merchant. In addition to the abundance of options to buy this volume, you can also find it for free in the Burial Fire Mound location.

Healing Wounds (in the original - Spell Tome: Close Wounds) is available only from one merchant - Colette Marens at the College of Winterhold.

Hysteria (originally Spell Tome: Hysteria) is available for sale from Drevis Neloren at the College of Winterhold. Before attempting to purchase the tome, make sure you have completed the Ritual Spell of Illusion quest.

Courage (in the original - Spell Tome: Courage) is available for sale from the sellers Colcelmo in the Understone Fortress, Drevis Neloren in the College of Winterhold, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Wunferth the Unliving in the Royal Palace, Vaylandria in Mistvale Fortress and Nelasar in the Frozen Hearth Tavern. In addition to buying it for money, the volume can be obtained in another way, simply by finding it in the Trevskaya Outpost location.

Encouragement (originally Spell Tome: Rally) is available from two merchants: Drevis Neloren in the College of Winterhold and Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace. In addition, you can get the volume for free if you are in the Burial Fire Mound location - there will be a door locked to the master level, and the chest where the book lies behind that door is completely locked to the expert level.

Reanimate Corpse (originally Spell Tome: Reanimate Corpse) is available from many merchants. Their list: Colselmo in the Understone Fortress, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Nelasar in the Frozen Hearth tavern, Finis Hestor in the College of Winterhold, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Wunferth the Unliving in the Royal Palace, Vaylandrya in Mistvale Fortress.

Repelling Lesser Undead (originally Spell Tome: Turn Lesser Undead) is available from a number of merchants. Their list is attached: Colselmo in the Understone Fortress, Coletta Marens in the College of Winterhold, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Nelasar in the Frozen Hearth tavern, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Wunferth the Unliving in the Royal Palace , Wylandria in Mistvale Fortress.

Stoneflesh (originally Spell Tome: Stoneflesh) also refers to the widespread spell tomes in Skyrim. Judge for yourself by the list of merchants - Colselmo in the Understone Fortress, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Tolfdir in the College of Winterhold, Wunfert the Unliving in the Royal Palace, Vaylandria in the Mistvale Fortress.

Katavasia (in the original - Spell Tome: Mayhem) can only be obtained as a reward for completing the quest "Ritual Spell of Illusion".

Repelling the Undead (in the original - Spell Tome: Turn Undead) is a rather rare tome of spells, it is sold only from Colette Marens at the College of Winterhold. True, in the process of completing the quest “Awakening of the Wolf Queen” you can also get it.

Scaring away the elder undead (in the original - Spell Tome: Turn Greater Undead) is a rare volume, available only from Coletta Marens at the College of Winterhold.

Repulsion of lesser undead (in the original - Spell Tome: Repel Lesser Undead) - like the previous volume of spells, is also very rare and can also be bought only from Coletta Marens at the College of Winterhold.

Repel Undead (originally Spell Tome: Repel Undead) is sold only by one merchant - Colette Marens at the College of Winterhold.

The Lightning Cloak (originally Spell Tome: Lightning Cloak) is available from several merchants. The list is attached: Enthir in the College of Winterhold, Faralda in the College of Winterhold, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Wunfert the Unliving in the Royal Palace.

The Wall of Flames (in the original - Spell Tome: Wall of Flames) is available for sale from Entir in the College of Winterhold and Farald in the same College of Winterhold.

The Wall of Frost (originally Spell Tome: Wall of Frost) is also sold by Enthir at the College of Winterhold and Farald at the College of Winterhold.

Fear (originally Spell Tome: Fear) is a much more common tome of spells. It is available for sale from a number of merchants, their list: Colcelmo in the Understone Fortress, Drevis Neloren in the College of Winterhold, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace, Wunfert the Unliving in the Royal Palace, Vaylandrya in Mistvale Fortress.

Dread Zombie (originally Spell Tome: Dread Zombie) is a very rare tome, sold only by Finis Gestor at the College of Winterhold.

Pacification (originally Spell Tome: Pacify) is also a rare volume, available only from Drevis Neloren at the College of Winterhold.

Steadfast Ward (Spell Tome: Steadfast Ward) is one of the most commonly found spell tomes in Skyrim. Judge by the list of merchants who have it: Colselmo in Understone Keep, Coletta Marens in the College of Winterhold, Falion in Morthal, Farengar Secret Fire in Dragonsreach, Madena in the White Hall, Nelasar in the Frozen Hearth Tavern, Sibylla Stentor in the Blue Palace , Wunferth the Unliving in the Royal Palace, Vaylandria in Mistvale Fortress. In addition to the impressive list of merchants, the volume can be obtained in another way - by finding it in the Labyrinthian location.

Spell codes in Skyrim help you quickly learn these vital defenses in a harsh world where a killer lurks or a magical trap is set in every dark corner. This will be discussed in the article.

Path of the Magician

"Skyrim" is populated by all kinds of elves, trolls, orcs, as well as dragons and sorcerers. In such a world, magic is not only a way of self-development, but also a means of defense.

For some, a couple of spells are enough to successfully make their way. Usually these are warriors. But for magicians, spells are key tools in mastering the world around them and in the fight against the enemy.

For example, a warrior just needs to summon a pet or illuminate a dark room with one or two magic words. An inveterate magician will not take a step without using a spell.

Accordingly, there are three ways to obtain the desired knowledge:

  • buy a book from a merchant;
  • receive as a reward for completing a quest;
  • equip yourself with an item that can cast a spell;
  • use cheats.

The spells available in the game are divided into the following types:

  • Damaging - reduce the target's main characteristics (health, strength and magic level).
  • Absorbers - gradually or temporarily reduce the main indicators and transfer them to the caster.
  • Resistance spells - these include those skills that increase resistance to various elements (cold, fire, electricity), as well as magic, conventional weapons, or the likelihood of receiving negative spells.
  • Restoring - replenishes basic characteristics to the standard level.
  • Amplifiers - temporarily increase performance.
  • Reflective - transfers any damage received by the caster to the enemy.
  • Illusion spells - depending on the type of spell, you can put an opponent to flight, inspire an ally (will not be subject to fear for a certain time), or instill a friendly attitude in the enemy.
  • Manipulation - this type includes spells for summoning the entities of Oblivion, paralyzing the victim, transforming some objects into others, as well as telekinesis.

Spell Mechanics in The Elder Scrolls 5

Codes for spells in Skyrim work on the principle of assigning an ID. Each spell (and even item in the game) corresponds to a specific code. It is enough to enter the console command player.addspell - and the protagonist will instantly receive the necessary knowledge.

Casting a spell requires a certain number of magic units. The higher the level, the more. In addition, spells in Skyrim have their own unique mechanics:

  • Long-range magic (such as Firebolt) requires concentration for 1-2 seconds and gains momentum from the direction the caster moves. That is, when moving forward, the “projectile” will fly at a higher speed than when moving backward or at rest. In addition, if the player moves to the side, the energy flow will move at an angle.
  • Summoning weapons, enchanting cloaks, quickly restoring health and armor, as well as summoning runes and creatures require concentration in any position.
  • The master level of Firestorm or Protective Circle also requires immobility.

Magic schools

Conventionally, all magical “goodies” are divided into several schools, each of which has its own book, reading which ensures that the protagonist receives the necessary knowledge. A mastered spell immediately becomes an element of the combat arsenal of a novice or advanced sorcerer.

Reading the textbook again does not bring any effect. A tome that increases mastery of magical arts can be purchased from a merchant, but to increase the rank of a spell you must reach a certain level:

  • student - 15;
  • adept - 40;
  • expert - 65;
  • master - volumes for this level can only be obtained as rewards in quests upon reaching level 90-100.


The spells of this school are distinguished by the principle of playing with the mind of an enemy or ally. An experienced wizard is able to sow fear in the ranks of the enemy or force them to attack each other. When influencing an ally, it can inspire a heroic deed or completely slow down the pace of battle.

Skill level Name

Spell/Book ID

Newbie Courage Applies to an ally. Inspires a character who will not run away in fear for the next 60 seconds. In addition, it increases strength and health
Fury People and creatures below level 6 (inclusive) attack everything they see for 30 seconds
Clairvoyance Shows the hero the “path” to the goal
Tenth eye vision

(there is no book to study this spell)

The protagonist sees objects that are inaccessible to others
Student Calm Grants peace to all people and creatures who have reached level 9 inclusive. Spell targets don't attack anyone for 30 seconds
Quiet walking Muffles the hero's steps for 3 minutes
Fear Enemies up to level 9 take flight within the next 30 seconds. Works on people and creatures
Adept Rabies Evolution of the "Fury" spell. Targets below level 14 attack for the next minute
Encouragement Advanced version of "Courage". The difference is that there is now not one goal, but several. The effect is the same: health and strength increase for 60 seconds, and the object will not run away from the battlefield in fear
Expert Escape Upgrade "Fear". Can now route enemies up to level 20 for 30 seconds
Invisibility The protagonist becomes invisible for 30 seconds unless he attacks someone or performs an action with any object (for example, opening a door)
Pacification Advanced Calm: People and creatures up to level 20 do not fight for a minute
Master Hysterics The "escape" has moved on. Now people and creatures up to level 25 run away in panic within a minute
Confusion People and creatures that reach level 25 will attack everyone they see for the next minute
Call to Arms The objects affected by the spell increase their combat skills, health and strength for 10 minutes
Harmony The same “Pacification”, but of a higher order. Targets up to and including level 25 are completely calm for the next 60 seconds

The Tenth Eye Vision spell cannot be learned by reading the corresponding book. This knowledge is acquired by the player only after completing the quest “Ritual Spell of Illusion” from the College of Winterhold.

Therefore, you can either execute or write the appropriate console command. For example, the code for the invisibility spell in Skyrim looks like this: player.addspell 00027EB6. After entering, the desired skill will appear in your arsenal.

To get a book, you need to write a command to add an item: player.additem X, where id is the system-assigned codes for spell volumes in Skyrim, and X is the number of items that need to be added to the inventory.


The skill allows you to create ghostly weapons, summon an entity from Oblivion, revive the dead and capture the souls of defeated opponents.

Codes for witchcraft spells in Skyrim are also activated using the player.addspell command, and book volumes are added using player.additem X. You just need to have the IDs of spells and tomes on hand to properly regulate character development.

Skill level Name

Spell/Book ID

Newbie Summon a pet Summons the spirit of a wolf for a minute to fight on the side of the hero
Summon Free Dremora

spell volume is missing

A dremora is summoned for 999 seconds, which attacks everyone (including the caster himself)
Summon Sword Arms the caster with a spectral witch sword that will disappear after 120 seconds
Summon Dagger Similar to the previous skill, creates a ghostly dagger for 120 seconds
Zombie Revival Raises the weak dead, obliging them to fight on the side of the caster for a minute
Student Summoned Ax Arms the caster with a magical battle ax for 3 minutes
Summon Flame Atronach Summons the Fire Atronach essence to the sorcerer's side for a minute
Soul Capture The spell allows you to fill the Soul Stone if the enemy dies within a minute after casting
Revive a corpse The evolution of "Zombie Reanimation", only now the dead man is more powerful. Time - also 60 seconds
Fire pet Upgrade to standard pet summon. The summoned wolf is fiery and deals flame damage to enemies. Does not live very long, as it immediately rushes into battle and explodes
Summon Arnel's Shadow

missing spell volume

Summons the ghost of Arnel Gein, the magician of the College of Winterhold, into battle for exactly a minute in a place chosen by the caster
Summon Arvak

no book

For 60 seconds, summons a ghostly horse from the Cairn of Souls.
Summon Bone Man Calling a skeleton for help for a minute from the Cairn of Souls
Phantom Arrow The indicated arrow deals 30 damage and also knocks the target off balance.
Adept Banishing the Daedra The opposite of a spell that summons a free Daedra. The skill allows you to banish the summoned entity back to Oblivion
Summon Frost Atronach Calls this entity to help the sorcerer for a minute
Calling the Misty Man Summons an entity in the form of a haze from the Cairn of Souls. After 60 seconds the assistant will disappear
Seeker's Call Summons the Seeker, a servant of Hermaeus Mora, to help the protagonist for exactly one minute
Summoned Bow A ghostly bow appears in the player's hands, which will disappear if the weapon is removed or after 3 minutes
Ghost The third stage of the line of spells from the school of witchcraft for the reanimation of the dead. At this level, the dead man is more powerful than in the case of the “Animate Corpse” skill, but the duration of existence is also limited to a minute
Expert Order of the Daedra Allows you to seize control of entities (atronachs and daedra) summoned by another mage. The basic effect allows you to subjugate creatures up to level 20, the maximum - up to 40
Expulsion of the Daedra Summoned powerful Daedra Lords are banished back to Oblivion
Furious Summon a furious man from the Cairn of Souls for 60 seconds
Horrible Zombie Allows you to resurrect a very strong dead person for 60 seconds
Storm Atronach Summons an electric atronach to serve, which will disappear after a minute
Dremora Lord Help this powerful entity for 60 seconds
Master Fire Thrall Evolution of the fire atronach summoning team. Now this essence serves the sorcerer without time limit
Ice Thrall

Ice atronach in permanent service

Storm Thrall Same with the thunder atronach. Will serve until he dies
Undead Thrall The dead man fights on the side of the sorcerer without a time limit. Only people can be resurrected

Spell codes in Skyrim are a convenient and quick way to learn the skills you want. Especially if you can’t buy the treasured volume. For example, “Summon the Free Dremora”, “Summon the Shadow of Arnel” and “Summon Arvak” are awarded only as a result of quests.

The "Phantom Arrow" spell was cut from the original game by the developers. Therefore, you can get it by entering a cheat code on the Skyrim spell book, by using a command on the spell itself, or by installing an unofficial mod.


Followers of this school are able to regulate the life processes of the surrounding nature.

It should be understood that using spells outside the appropriate conditions does not upgrade the skill. If you use Underwater Breathing while on land, the level will not increase.

Skill level Name

Spell/Book ID

Newbie Equilibrium The sorcerer converts 25 units of his health into magic. You should not go too far, because the player may die
Oak Flesh +40 armor for a minute
Candle light A flying beam of light materializes in the air for 60 seconds
Student Stone Flesh +60 armor for a minute
Magic Light Upgrade of “Candle Light”, only the ball does not fly, but stands in the place where the caster calls. Duration - 1 minute
Adept Telekinesis Allows you to attract a distant object in order to further dispose of it at your discretion
Transmutation The ability to turn crude iron ore into silver or silver into gold. Of course, you need to have the specified materials in your backpack
Life Detection It illuminates all living beings through the walls. Does not affect undead, daedra and machines
Breathing underwater Allows you not to lose health while underwater for a minute
Iron Flesh +80 armor for a minute
Expert Paralysis For 10 seconds the enemy is completely disabled
Death Detection Highlights the dead nearby, behind walls and other objects. Especially useful in dungeons infested with Draugr
Ebony Flesh +100 armor for a minute
Master Mass paralysis The sorcerer is able to paralyze a crowd of enemies affected by such a curse for exactly 15 seconds
Dragon skin Physical resistance increases by 80% for half a minute


Codes for spells in Skyrim work for all schools without exception. The direction is chosen by battle mages interested in quickly eliminating the enemy.

Skill level Name Spell/Book ID Effect
Newbie Flame A blast of fire similar to a dragon's breath deals 8 damage per second.
Frostbite Similar to “Flame”, only damage (8 units/sec) is dealt by the element of cold, and along with health, strength also goes away
Sparks Electric elemental damage 8 units/sec. Health and magical energy decreases
Arnel convection

book is missing

The target burns, losing 1 health unit every second
Student Arson Releases a fireball that deals 4 damage per second over 15 seconds to a burning enemy.

book is missing

Deals 20 cold damage, slows the target and reduces Strength for 15 seconds
Lightning Strikes the enemy with the elements of electricity. Takes away 25 health and 12.5 magic
Firebolt 25 fire damage. Burning enemies also deal damage
Ice Spike A similar effect, only from the cold. -25 units of target's health and stamina
Frost Rune An analogue of an anti-personnel mine with a freezing effect. Causes 50 damage
Storm Rune Similar to the previous one, but 50 damage from the element of electricity
Fire Rune Upon entering a trap, the enemy loses 50 health units
Adept Fire Cloak Enemies who come too close (arm's length) suffer 8 HP/sec from fire. Duration - 1 minute
Electric Cloak A similar action, but from the element of electricity. 8 units/sec for a minute, but the amount of enemy magical energy also decreases
Frost Cloak The same effect with the same numbers, but from cold and the damage extends to stamina
Chain lightning Deals 40 damage to the first target. damage to health, 20 damage to magic, and then jumps to a nearby enemy

Ice storm

A large whirlwind that deals 40 health and stamina damage per second to all enemies within the spell's area of ​​effect.
Fire ball Casting the spell produces an explosion that deals 40 damage to everyone within a 5 meter radius.
Expert thunder wall When applied to the ground, it creates a barrier that causes 50 damage. electrical damage per second
Wall of Flame Same thing with the same numbers, but fire damage
Wall of Frost Similar to the previous one, only cold damage
Ice spear Ice projectile that removes 60 health and stamina
Incineration The flash takes away 60 health from enemies.
Lightning discharge Lightning damage to health in the amount of 60 and to magic in the amount of 30
Master Buran Enemies suffer 20 health losses over 10 seconds and their stamina is also reduced.
Fire storm Explodes everything around the caster. The maximum possible damage is 150
Thunderstorm with Lightning 75 damage per second from electricity, 37.5 damage from magic

"Arnel's Convection" serves as a quest reward in Skyrim. The spell cheat code helps you gain the necessary knowledge. But it is useless to look for a book in the vastness of the province; it is not there.

To master Ignite and Freeze, the protagonist must equip Azidal's Ring of Magic. Prescribing a console code for Skyrim spells will eliminate the need to occupy an inventory slot, so you can replace it with an enchanted ring with a different effect.


Adepts who choose this path are able to heal wounds, banish undead, and absorb various types of damage.

Cheat codes for Skyrim spell books, as well as for the skills themselves, are no different from the previous ones.

Skill level Name Spell/Book ID Effect
Newbie Small amulet +40 armor and +40 spell damage resistance
Treatment +10 units health per second
Student Fire of the sun 25 units damage to undead enemies
Necromantic treatment Restores 10 units. health per second to the dead
Lasting amulet +60 armor, +60 spell damage resistance
Repelling Lesser Undead Dead people below level 6 run away in fear for 30 seconds
Fast treatment +50 health
Healing Hands Replenishes 10 units. target health per second
Adept Aura of Stendarr Undead that come within arm's reach receive 10 units. sun damage within a minute
Vampire Scourge Sunburst causing 40 damage to undead within a 15 meter radius
Repelling the Undead Undead units below level 13 run away in fear for 30 seconds
Treatment of Undead +75 undead health per second
Treatment of Neighbors +75 to target's health
Great Amulet +80 armor, +80 resistance to damage from magic skills
Healing Wounds +100 to caster's health
Expert Circle of Protection Undead below level 20 flee when caught in a circle
Supreme Treatment +200 health to everyone near the sorcerer
Repulse Undead Undead below level 16 flee. Action time - 30 seconds
Repelling Elder Undead

The effect is the same, only applies to undead up to level 21 inclusive

Master Protective Circle Undead up to level 35, once in a circle, run away. The magician inside the circle replenishes 20 health per second
Curse of the Undead Sets the dead on fire up to level 30, causing victims to run away in fear for 30 seconds


In order not to have to worry about searching for quests and merchants that help you obtain the necessary spells, you can write the code and learn all the spells in Skyrim. We are talking about the psb command, after which all the spells, shouts and talents appear in the magician’s arsenal.

Another option is the command player.additem 000C2CD9 1. Through this, the player receives a full chest of Skyrim spell books. The code for the scrolls looks the same, but has ID 000C2CE1. The difference between tomes is that books teach, while scrolls are intended for one-time use.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim continues to be a very popular project, which is returned to by fans who have avoided these wonderful forests and mountains far and wide. Therefore, an already knowledgeable player is not afraid to introduce cheats, because the environment has long been familiar.

If a person has decided to immerse himself in the wonderful world of the project for the first time, it is not recommended to use codes for Skyrim spells.

Magic is an integral part of the world of Nirn, it allows you to control the elements, summon creatures, heal wounds, change matter and create illusions. All this is available for study in Skyrim.

To see the spells available to you, press "Tab" and go to the "Magic" section. Spells are packaged by school: Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion and Restoration.

You can take 2 different spells in each hand and use them either simultaneously or in turn, or take one spell in both hands and (if you take the corresponding perk in each school) use its enhanced version.

You can take a sword in one hand and a spell in the other.

Active Effects

In addition to spells, in the magic menu you can see what active effects affect you. In particular, the screenshot below shows the effect of activating the Thief Stone:


To use a pre-selected talent, press the Z key. Each race has its own unique talent from the very beginning, and you can acquire new talents as you travel. Only one talent can be marked at a time, and in most cases such talents can only be used once per day.

Skill Upgrades and Spell Levels

To increase your skill, use spells from the corresponding schools, but so that there is some effect. If you want to level up destruction, then throwing fire at a wall will not help level up the skill; you need to use the spell against your opponents.

The growth of any skill somehow improves the character's abilities. The higher your stealth, the quieter you walk, the higher your skill with a bow, the higher the damage from bows. In any school of magic, the bonus from increasing skill is the same - spells cost less magic. But how then to increase the power of spells?

Firstly - perks. As with any skill, by investing perks into the school you're interested in, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of spells... and lower their cost. The first perk of the school is always to reduce the cost of beginner-level spells. Next, you can invest perks to reduce the cost of apprentice, adept, expert, and master level spells. We'll talk more about levels a little later.

Secondly, new spells. You can buy or find spells that are stronger than the ones you currently have. Books of spells are purchased from court magicians and the magicians' guild. But they won’t immediately sell you the most powerful spells; for this you need to achieve the appropriate level of skill.

  • There are 5 spell levels (or mastery levels):
  • Beginner: 0 skill;
  • Apprentice: 25 skill;
  • Adept: 50 skill;
  • Expert: 75 skill;

Master: 100 skill.

To purchase adept and expert level spells, you must reach the appropriate skill level.

You can also find spell books while wandering through dungeons. New spell levels will open depending on your character’s level (and your magic school skill does not play a role in this case):

  • Beginner: level 1 and above;
  • Student: level 11 and above;
  • Adept: level 23 and above;
  • Expert: level 35 and above.

Some spells cannot be purchased. You can find a book while wandering around the world (such books are located in a certain place), or receive a spell on assignment.

Master level spells

To purchase master-level spells, you must complete the task, which is taken from the teacher of the corresponding school in the College of Winterhold upon reaching skill level 90:

  • Illusion: Drevis Neloren (ritual illusion spell);
  • Witchcraft: Finis Gestor (ritual spell of witchcraft);
  • Destruction: Faralda (ritual destruction spell);
  • Restoration: Colette Marens (ritual restoration spell);
  • Alteration: Tolfdir (ritual alteration spell).

Master level spells differ from lower level spells:

  • To prepare a spell, both hands are used (hence, you cannot take 2 different spells in your hands).
  • You cannot move while preparing a spell.
  • Spell preparation can be interrupted.

Acquiring Spells

A small supply of initial spells can be bought from the Rivenwood merchant, novice and apprentice level spells can be bought from any of the court magicians, and the magician can also sell spells to an adept of a certain school (upon achieving the appropriate skill).

Spells of higher levels are purchased from the College of Winterhold.

Details in the table:

Change Witchcraft Destruction Illusion Recovery
Rivenwood Merchant Bark leather Raise a Zombie Frostbite Clairvoyance
Small amulet
(Court Mage of Riften)
Adept *
(Court Mage of Morthal)
Adept *
(court magician of Markarth)
Adept *
Farengar Secret Fire
(Court Mage of Whiterun)
Adept *
(Court Mage of Dawnstar)
Adept *
Wunfert the Unliving
(Court Mage of Windhelm)
Adept *
Sibylla Stentor
(Court Mage of Solitude)
Adept *
("Frozen Hearth" in Winterhold)
Newbie Newbie
Newbie Newbie Newbie
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
Finis Gestor
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Drevis Neloren
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *
Coletta Marens
(College of Winterhold)
Adept *
Expert *
Master *

* Spells of the adept and expert level are purchased only upon reaching the corresponding skill level, and for the master level, in addition to the skill level, you must complete a task.

** Gives you the opportunity to trade only after receiving a task from Azura.

Spell books in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, as the name suggests, contain certain spells - spells. To learn a new spell, you just need to read the book, then it disappears, and a new magic appears in your list. Spell books can also be created using Ruined Books; they are found randomly in caves and closets of houses. You can also use burnt books. To create the Book of Spells, components are used in the Atronach Forge.

Spell Books can be purchased from magic merchants or found in dungeons and other places. These books usually drop randomly, so most of them don't have specific locations other than merchants and a few other places.

What Spell Books you can buy from a merchant depends entirely on your skill level. After leveling up several levels, new books usually appear.


Book of Spell Sparks - a spell for a beginner in the magic of Destruction.
Helgen. Finding the spell is part of learning how to pick locks. A successful hack will reveal a dead mage with a book.
Mzulft, next to Oculory there are two books. One contains the Frostbite spell, which is necessary to rotate the ceiling in the room. The second spell varies depending on the passage.

Candlelight at Fort Snowhawk.

Balance in the fissure of the Labyrinthian, in the room with the pentagram of souls.

Oak flesh in the Burial Fire Mound.

Clairvoyance in the Torch Mine.

Courage at the Tverskaya outpost.

Transmute at Halted Stream Camp.
The book with the spell Flames is located in the Labyrinth (Southeast of Mortal). The book always appears in this place since the spell is necessary to pass through the ice door.


Drevis Neloren - spells of Illusion. Located in the College of Winterhold.
Faralda - spells of Destruction. Located in the College of Winterhold, guarding the bridge.
Tolfdir - spells of Change. There at the College of Winterhold. Teaches magic to novices.
Collette Marence - Restoration spells. College of Winterhold. Master level teacher.
Phinis Gestor - spells of Witchcraft. College of Winterhold. Expert in the field of witchcraft.
Farengar Secret-Fire - various books. Dragon's Reach in Whiterun.

Colselmo - various books. Understone fortress in Markarth.
Lucas Valerius - Riverwood. You can find it in his store, Riverwood Merchant.

Creation of Spell Books

As mentioned above, all this is done in the Atronach Forge. Located in Midden, under the College of Winterhold.

Book of Spell - Creation of the Fire Atronach
1 Broken book
1 Dragon's Tongue
1 Fire Salt
1 Bear Skin

Book of Spell - Creation of the Ice Atronach
1 Ice salt
1 Broken book
1 Frosty Miriam
1 Ice Wolf Pelt

Book of Spell - Making a Storm Atronach
1 Void Salts
1 Broken book
1 Poison Bell
1 Mammoth Tusk

Book of Spell - Soul Trap
1 salt
1 Broken book
1 Thorax Firefly
1 Any Soul Stone