Scandal in the Ural dumplings, what to send a review. Love secrets of “Ural dumplings. “It would be great to write everything down like in a marriage contract”

Members of the creative association “Ural Dumplings” became famous back in the 90s, when they performed in KVN. Following the victory in the 2000 season finale, fame came with money: the Ekaterinburg residents became stars of the STS television channel and began touring with their show throughout the country. On the wave of popularity, the team twice - in 2013 and 2015 - was included in the ranking of the richest showbiz artists, earning $2.8 million and $800 thousand, respectively.

Concert ticket prices " Ural dumplings" reached tens of thousands of rubles, and new program was broadcast in federal prime time approximately once every two months. The quarrel looked all the more unexpected from the outside.

How is it that former friends only speak to each other through their representatives in courtrooms?

On October 21, 2015, information appeared that Sergei Netievsky had left his position as director of the show. At first, former Kaveen members did not speak out about the reasons for this decision, which only contributed to the spread of rumors: “the guys expressed no confidence in him,” “financial conflict,” “Netievsky has many projects on the side.”

Later that day, the general director of the Ural Pelmeni Production company (producing the show), Alexey Lyutikov, expressed the official position of the team. As usual: “The decision to change the director was a simple management move that will increase efficiency.” The problem was Netievsky’s residence in Moscow; at some point this caused discomfort among his colleagues.

- Many rumors appeared, including that the reason for the resignation was a financial conflict. What happened?

Sergei felt cramped in Yekaterinburg. He himself has said more than once in interviews that he has become a Muscovite and that he is much more comfortable in the capital. In other words, Sergei ceased to be a “dumpling in a pan” and became a “fish in water.”

As for rumors about political or financial disputes, we do not even comment on this. We don't want to make excuses to anyone. We are honest with each other. We have no behind-the-scenes games, no kitchen secrets. It's funny for us to read about this in the media.

- Will Netievsky remain on the team?

No one was kicked out, no one was fired. Now Sergey will be working on his projects in Moscow, and we wish him success in this. If Sergei Netievsky wants to continue working in the team, then we will sit down with him and discuss everything.

IN next year- the anniversary of KVN, followed by the anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. We will be happy to invite both Sergei Svetlakov and Sergei Netievsky.

- Did you and other team members manage to maintain friendly relations with him?

Certainly. I think that this is such a feature of the Urals - we are kind, reasonable people. Normal, friendly relationships are important to us, because it’s easier to live this way. The main value is decency and good attitude towards each other, which we will always maintain as a team.

At the same time, Sergei Netievsky tried to launch entertainment project"Show out of thin air." The co-author was Alexander Pushnoy, known for the scientific and entertainment program “Galileo”. It was planned that the program would be broadcast on STS.

In February 2016, the unofficial leader of the Ural Dumplings. “Netievsky went his own way... I won’t wash dirty linen in public. It's too much here a difficult situation. It hasn’t been fully resolved yet, so…” he said.

In the spring, two participants announced their interests outside the show: Vyacheslav Myasnikov collected his good songs into an album, and Yulia Mikhalkova wanted to go to the State Duma and. “I didn’t act naked. “I had a photo shoot in an information magazine,” this is how the prima of “Ural Dumplings” responded to the question about filming in Maxim.

As it turned out, many legal issues the teams were tied to Netievsky. To distance yourself from past life, Sergey Isaev came up with the idea to update the branding. The winner of the competition for the best logo was promised money.

As it turned out, Sergei Netievsky himself was against changing the status quo and did not agree with his dismissal. The showman felt that he had been improperly notified. June 1 at labor relations and the form of their termination began to be examined by the arbitration court.

A month later, the court sided with the ex-director. During that meeting, Ural Dumplings lawyer Olga Yuryeva suggested that in fact Netievsky did not need a chair: “This process is a way to block and slow down the process that is now underway in the Moscow Arbitration Court. The essence of the matter is that we are challenging the transfer of a trademark from one company, where Netievsky owned 10%, to another, where he owns 100%.”

At the same time, Ural Dumplings filed a lawsuit to invalidate the decision to alienate Netievsky’s company’s exclusive rights to a verbal trademark worth 400 million rubles.

August 10 in a room at the Angelo Hotel. The team went underground for a month and did not speak to journalists.

In October, the 17th Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the lower court, confirming that the director of the creative association is Sergei Netievsky.

By December, the warring parties seemed to be. This outcome, in theory, suited everyone. Although Netievsky was de jure reinstated in his position, he did not have any real influence on the team, and the participants of the “Ural Dumplings” did not need a formal, but managerial superstructure.

In the last week of 2016, comedians at their meeting elected a new director: .

In May 2017, Ural Dumplings lost a trademark appeal. Lawyer Evgeniy Dedkov said that the right to the brand was already on the balance sheet of the plaintiff; his client Sergei Netievsky registered the mark for the group when he was in the status of director of Pelmeni. And for some reason comedians still continue to sue.

By the summer, a new lawsuit began between Netievsky and Ural Dumplings. Lyutikov's successor as general director, Evgeny Orlov, said that from the sale of the show on STS and touring activities. To do this, he organized the Idea Fix Media company, which, in fact, became the owner of all Pelmeni programs.

“In general, there were always hints that something was unclean. He considers his actions lawful. Nine people are wrong, and he is right! He said: “This is a business. In Moscow, all producers do this.” That is, for some reason he imagined himself to be our producer. Although everyone in our team has an equal contribution to the common cause, and income should also be equal,” Dmitry Sokolov said then.

Sergei Netievsky, commenting on the accusations, expressed regret that his former comrades came under bad influence. “A television product is created not only by actors and authors, it is created and promoted by the work of a well-coordinated team of a production company under the leadership of producers. I did great job producer and really made the Ural Dumplings KVN team into a popular television show! Launching a TV project is a different, higher level of responsibility and risk compared to actors and authors and, accordingly, this is a different payment,” the producer explained his point of view.

On July 17, the court again sided with Netievsky - at that time, the claims of Ural Dumplings were that the ex-director sold the rights to the STS TV channel anniversary concert“We are 16 years old. Because gladiolus! ”, without warning the team about it. According to Ural Dumplings, Sergei took the money from the deal for himself.

New round legal proceedings started in the fall. Firstly, the Moscow Arbitration Court held a trial against Dmitry Sokolov, Sergei Kalugin, and Vyacheslav Myasnikov. Sergei Netievsky's company - LLC "Fest Hand Media"- asks to cancel contracts with its subsidiary. The court rejected the claim.

Secondly, other claims from LLC "Fest Hand Media" to Ural Pelmeni Production, where the plaintiff claims that Evgeny Orlov, as CEO of Idea Fix Media, caused damage to the company. He allegedly sold 73 archived concerts to Uralskie Pelmeni Production for 861 thousand rubles, after which Uralskie Pelmeni Production transferred the recordings to STS for 231.3 million rubles. The first instance rejected the claim, after which Fest Hand Media filed an appeal.

And recently the Sverdlovsk Arbitration Court began to consider another statement"Ural dumplings" Lawyers want money that he allegedly appropriated for himself while he held the position of director of the Unitary Enterprise. Netievsky spent these funds through his own individual entrepreneur, although there was no need for this, a representative of Pelmeni said, the plaintiff believes..

On February 28, the director of one of the legal entities - OOO " Creative association"Ural dumplings"- Natalya Tkacheva became, replacing Andrei Rozhkov. Previously, she was responsible for media communications.

To be continued.

"The guys didn't do anything"

Interview with ex-director of Ural Dumplings Sergei Netievsky about the scandal in the team

Sergey Netievsky

On next week The Moscow Arbitration Court will hold the first hearing on the claims of the company of ex-director of Ural Dumplings Sergei Netievsky against former colleagues in the amount of more than 100 million rubles. This time, the “dumplings” share the right to use the archives of recordings of their performances on STS.

Litigation between former friends has been going on for more than a year and a half. At first, the participants of the “dumplings” tried to dismiss Sergei Netievsky from the post of director of the team, accusing him of withdrawing funds and unwillingness to engage in general creativity. Then the friends began to sue over the combined trademark “Ural dumplings”.

In an interview with the site, Sergei Netievsky explained why a conflict arose in the team, who was threatening him with criminal cases, and whether a reunification of the Ural Dumplings was possible.

“Everyone knew the working conditions”

— In 2011, the company “Creative Association “Ural Dumplings” LLC was established, whose shareholders are equally All 10 members of the team were there: actors and authors. Why did you personally create two more companies in 2012: Fest Hand Media LLC and Idea Fix Media company?

— These are production companies created together with partners - the VBD-group company, whose representatives were directly involved in the production and promotion of the Ural Dumplings show. The Idea Fix Media company was engaged in the supply of creative products to television. And Fest Hand Media is one of the shareholders of Ideas Fix Media (according to SPARK, 50% of the Ideas Fix Media company belongs to Fest Hand Media, another 50% belongs to VBD GROUP JSC..

— Are you talking about the show that was sold to the STS TV channel? Which of the three companies entered into a cooperation agreement with STS?

- Yes, I'm talking about television project team "Ural dumplings", which regularly aired on STS. Since 2009, all agreements with the channel have been concluded by the VBD Group company, and since 2012 - by Idea Fix Media.

— If the creation of the show’s content was done by the artists and authors of “Ural Dumplings,” and the employees of “Idea Fix Media” were involved in the filming, organization, promotion and sale of the finished show on “STS,” then who, in your opinion, was responsible for in this case Do you own the rights to the archives of these recordings with the right to further use?

— The first 27 concerts belong to VBD GROUP JSC. And since 2012, when Idea Fix Media began producing the show, all rights to the archives began to belong to it.

— The current director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC, Evgeniy Orlov, in his interviews in the media claims that you “received income from selling shows to TV channels, hiding it from the team for three years (from 2012 to 2015.”) Allegedly, you told the team that they work for fees, and the guys believed this version, and at that time you were pocketing the money. Explain on what terms the cooperation with STS was carried out. How was the income of the artists and the production company formed?

— Evgeniy Orlov has a substitution of concepts in the issue of remuneration. It was as if everything that the production company and I as a producer earned had to be shared with the team. Producing work is different from the actors and authors, the enormous labor involved in producing a show. It doesn’t happen by itself! The guys didn't do anything as producers.

“Ural Dumplings” again filed a lawsuit against its ex-director Sergei Netievsky

The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them, as with actors and authors. And they received a fee for each episode of our show. By the way, these agreements were concluded with him by Evgeny Orlov, who was then general director"Idea Fix Media" and worked by proxy. The guys knew about all the conditions of their work. How could I mislead them for so many years? They knew about the production company and that I was working as a producer to create the show. Of course, Idea Fix Media, as a production company, also received its income for its work. This is the media business!

By the way, after we launched the show on STS, the actors began to receive a separate percentage from each showing of the show from Idea Fix Media. Previously, they did not have these conditions. This is my plus as a producer - I achieved this for the team.

“Orlov withdrew money from the company in favor of third parties”

— Currently, the Moscow Arbitration Court is considering several claims from your company “Fest Hand Media” against its subsidiary “Idea Fix Media”. You are trying in court to challenge the loan agreements that Evgeniy Orlov entered into as the general director of the Idea Fix Media company. What was the reason for filing these lawsuits? Have you started to suspect your former colleague of something?

— The shareholders and founders of Idea Fix Media conducted an audit and found out that Orlov was withdrawing money from the company in favor of third parties precisely through loans. And he did not coordinate all these transactions with the founders. We believe that Orlov acted illegally. And the court will look into this. Actually, that’s why Orlov was fired from the company, because he began to act opaquely.

— What damage did Idea Fix Media receive from these uncoordinated loans, according to the audit?

— We filed claims with the Moscow Arbitration Court for total amount over 100 million rubles. I'm afraid I'll be wrong, it seems to be 107 million rubles. These are loans in favor of legal and individuals.

— But if Orlov is now fired, then from whom in your own subsidiary do you want to demand compensation for losses?

— We are suing Idea Fix Media as one of the shareholders, and, as far as I know, the second shareholders of the company (VBT Group JSC) are joining this lawsuit. They have already stated this in court. The lawsuit was not filed against Orlov personally , and based on the results of his activities at Idea Fix Media, let the court decide who will pay. Probably, it will be the companies to which he gave loans.

“We have repeatedly called on the team to negotiate”

— Also in the Moscow Arbitration Court there are claims from Fest Hand Media against Ural Pelmeni Production LLC. You demand that your company be given back the right to dispose of archival recordings of the Ural Dumplings’ performances at STS. How did it happen that this right, previously owned by Idea Fix Media, was transferred to Ural Pelmeni Production?

— Evgeny Orlov, taking advantage of his position, withdrew the licensing rights for all concerts from Idea Fix Media in favor of the Ural Dumplings Production company, where he later became the general director. He also did not coordinate this action with the shareholders of Idea Fix Media. You see, the actors, the writers, and the production company that produced the show have the rights to record these concerts. The procedure for using these rights must be negotiated. And we repeatedly called on the team for these negotiations when disputes began between us. But Orlov decided to act in his own way.

— Sergey, none of your companies are in any way connected with Ural Dumplings. Why do you need the rights to recordings of their concerts? You just don't want to miss out on the potential profits you could make from selling those archives on TV again?

- We want legality! Audiovisual works must belong to those who produced them. How can people who did nothing as producers for the show claim, let alone take, the fruits of someone else’s labor? It's not fair. And, yes, of course, this is a business issue.

— It turns out that Evgeny Orlov carried out all the illegal actions, according to you, while being your subordinate. In fact, all the machinations you are talking about were carried out under your nose. How could you not notice this?

- I don’t go with him all the time! He acted by proxy. Evgeny Orlov was responsible for this. The founders look at the reports once a year. Yes, we gave the company some recommendations and were involved in its strategic development. And he was in charge of operational activities.

— Between you and Evgeny Orlov there is some kind of personal conflict? He used to work for you, then, as you claim, he committed these frauds, and now he works for his opponents.

— When Orlov worked as a manager at Idea Fix Media, he also received his own income. At some point in time, Orlov began to claim bonuses (profit from production income that did not depend on him. The shareholders deprived him of part of the bonuses, to which he was terribly offended and told me: “I’ll arrange something for you.” I think that’s why he arranged such a revolution between us.

“It would be great to write everything down like in a marriage contract”

— Let’s go back to that period of “Ural Dumplings”, when you were still the director. Why did your company only have a charter, but no corporate agreements or written partnership agreements between the actor-shareholders? After all, then none of the artists would be able to be guided by their idea of ​​justice. Potential steps for each of you would be discussed in advance.

— “Ural Dumplings” had minimal activity at that time. We did not burden ourselves with additional documentation. But it would probably be great if we concluded them and spelled out everything, as in a good marriage contract. But when people start joint activities, they do not always think about how they will need to part.

— But, by the way, this is precisely why the conflict with your dismissal from Ural Dumplings occurred in 2016. The artists could not fire you legally, since for this, according to the charter, your consent was also needed. And if you were going to leave the team anyway, why did you prove in court the illegality of your dismissal? Is this a matter of principle?

“I was fired illegally without even notifying me of the meeting.” I had to return to the post of director of Ural Dumplings in order to accept the combined trademark “Ural Dumplings” from the Fest Hand Media company. The situation is this: the text of the trademark (the name of the team. was invented by the team, it graphic image— design team of “Fest Hand Media”. As a producer, it was simply convenient for me that these trademarks be combined into a production company, that is, into Fest Hand Media. When there was a breakdown in the team, Fest Hand Media decided to give the guys a trademark so that they could use it. But the guys themselves just didn’t want to take him. That is, they used it, but they wanted to get it only through the courts. Therefore, I had to prove that I was fired illegally, return to the position of director at the Ural Dumplings Creative Association LLC and accept the trademark. After that I left.

Official group of “Ural dumplings” on the social network “VKontakte”

That is, instead of resolving everything peacefully, the guys sued me, as if I had once illegally appropriated a text trademark. But that's not true. When I was a producer, I combined a text trademark with a graphic one for the team. And when our relationship ended, I did not prevent the guys from continuing to use it. I gave away the trademark for only 2 rubles. But they are still trying to take away the trademark, which they already own, through the court! The decision has entered into legal force and there is no subject of dispute. They have a sign. All the courts are just for the sake of hype in the media, for the sake of putting pressure on me so that I withdraw my claims from the arbitration court. It is obvious.

- You know, from the outside this story looks absurd, really.

- But that's how it is. Word by word.

— Over the last week, quite a lot of material has appeared in the media that you left your wife with three children and accumulated a child support debt of about 1.5 million rubles. This is true?

— These are dirty fake articles, not supported by facts. Yes, my wife and I separated a long time ago, and all our property issues have been resolved. But as soon as we (the company "Fest Hand Media" filed two large lawsuits for the illegal actions of Evgeny Orlov, these dirty articles below the belt immediately appear in the media. Why do you think this is being done? Moreover, Orlov's representatives , they threaten me with criminal cases. Obviously this is pressure so that I refuse to go to court!

— One way or another, the story of your relationship with Ural Dumplings is over. What are Fest Hand Media doing now?

— Life at “Ural dumplings” did not end. We are doing other projects.

Sergei Netievsky handed over a controversial trademark to Ural dumplings for two rubles

- Which for example? Are you currently producing any show that is comparable in income to “Ural Dumplings”?

- This is still a trade secret. I wouldn't like to say. There are projects that we are working on.

trade secret- this is a specific number. That's not what this is about.

— So far, Fest Hand Media does not have such a big project as Ural Dumplings, but there are others that we are developing. After all, the show “Ural Dumplings” became successful and profitable only three years later.

— Do you think your reunion with your former colleagues and friends is still possible?

— We all talked and communicated for a year and a half. As you can see, nothing has worked out yet. I very much doubt that a reunion is possible when there are “weapons sellers” next to the guys. I am ready to negotiate to leave disputes in the past and for everyone to move on in their own direction. This is the most correct way out. There is no need to cling to the past.

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The actor learned about the tragic event from a correspondent for Days.Ru. “What are you talking about! It can’t be!” he was amazed. “How did this happen? Was he killed?” However, there is no answer to this question yet. The showman admitted that he liked working with Lyutikov:


“I can’t say a single bad word about him. He was a calm, normal, adequate person, an excellent leader - he explained everything clearly and understandably. If I didn’t understand something, he translated it into my language. I can’t even believe that there are more of him No".

According to Dmitry, Lyutikov was previously a team administrator and only worked as a director for a year. There has never been any disagreement between them this year. “Before this, we often crossed paths, he played in “Service Entrance”, I played in “Ural Dumplings”. I recently met his family in Sochi. His daughter is so good. I can’t believe it,” the actor shared.

An operational investigation team is currently working at the scene. So far, experts have not been able to detect signs of violent death on the body of the team director. At the same time, many empty bottles of alcoholic beverages were found in Lyutikov’s room.

Who is Dmitry Sokolov in everyday life - the most famous of the “Ural dumplings”? The team is distinguished by simple life humor, a combination of different styles in programs and, of course, the flavor of the heroes who have long captivated the team’s fans. One of the most memorable images can be called Dima the simpleton, who touches with his naivety.

Sokolov from "Dumplings" biography

The full name of one of the most colorful artists of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” and the show of the same name is Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov. How old is he? Judging by his date of birth, Dmitry is already in his sixties.

His hometown is Pervouralsk. A graduate of a general education school, and then a music school, and after the chemical-technological faculty of the UPI - the Ural Polytechnic Institute (his sister also studied there). Dmitry never had problems with his studies, but he could not avoid them after receiving a higher education: once, while traveling with a construction team, he contracted typhoid fever. Due to numerous absences from classes, I had to leave the institute.

Even in his youth, Dmitry Sokolov was distinguished by his enthusiasm, activity and humorous talent. He began his creative activity in the group of the Horizon construction team. But after Dmitry left the institute, he had to say goodbye to the construction team. However, after the army, he joined “Neighbors” - the KVN team. In 1993, Dmitry Sokolov decided to assemble his own team called “”. The participants were guys from the same university where Dmitry had previously studied, from different construction teams.

This team entered the KVN game very successfully. Soon enough, the “dumplings” made it to the Major League. And a few years later the team could boast of the KVN Champions Cup, as well as several KiViNs. Since 2009, “pelmeni” organized their own project on the STS TV channel. And in 2013 they celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their team.

Personal life of Dmitry Sokolov

Sokolov's first wife from Ural Dumplings is a girl named Natalya. They met in a construction team and got married soon enough. But the reason for the divorce turned out to be Dmitry’s nomadic lifestyle; the team for him became an important part of his existence, which took quite a lot of time, which his wife could not come to terms with. The second time Sokolov married Ksenia Li (2011). She also played in KVN (a team called “Irina Mikhailovna”). It is worth noting that the lives of both spouses are connected with humor, which occupies a special place in Dmitry’s life.

Children of Dmitry Sokolov

Now Dmitry Sokolov already has five children: Alexander and Anna and his wife from his first marriage, Maria, Ivan and a baby who was born quite recently, in May 2017, from his second.

Dmitry Sokolov continues to actively participate in the Ural Dumplings project, so in the near future we will see a lot of new sketches and humorous numbers with him in the leading role.

The residents of Yekaterinburg, who chose orange shirts for their uniform, gathered in 1993 on the basis of student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. There were 12 of them, like apostles - Andrei Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Dmitry Sokolov and others. Sergei Svetlakov was taken from the “Park of the current period” team. In 1994, Sergei Netievsky came. They created a national team of USTU-UPI, called themselves “Ural dumplings”, started playing in KVN and won in 2000 Major League. Then they took a few cups and began to think about continuing their journey.

Sergey Netievsky. Photo: STS Channel That’s when Sergei Netievsky took control of the ship. Everyone thought he was good captain vessel, a person who can promote and sell the project on TV. Both Sergei Isaev, who subsequently removed Netievsky, and Dmitry Sokolov, and Dmitry Brekotkin said in unison that it was not for nothing that Sergei became the producer of the group.

It was his idea to go to TNT with the idea of ​​the show. The humorous project “Show News” did not live long and was a failure, but it was this bad experience that allowed the guys to sit on the STS channel for a long time. Alive for profit “Ural dumplings” put together a serious lineup and began to play around concert programs. In 2009, they were invited by STS. More precisely, it was Sergei Netievsky who did not give up trying to sell the project - and did it with great success. The team began recording shows directly at their concerts. Not too multi-layered, but understandable humor, interaction with the audience in the hall, recognizable faces - that’s the whole secret of success. Plus “Pelmeni” continued to tour. 130 people (!) are working on the show - authors, directors, film crew, make-up artists...

In 2013, “Ural dumplings” soared to 15th place on the Forbes list. And where large amounts, there are big conflicts there. Alas, even among old friends. Head over heels in court In 2015, the team was suddenly led by Sergei Isaev. The revolution took place without bloodshed. After all, ten participants of the “Ural Dumplings” are the founders of the project - and Netievsky was removed by a majority vote. It turned out that by the time of the change of power in Pelmeni, Netievsky single-handedly organized the team’s tour - he was general producer Idea Fix Media and founder of First Hand Media. These are the companies that produced the Ural dumplings projects and were engaged in touring activities team. All income from the TV show went to these companies. The key claim was this: Netievsky “received income from the sale of shows to television channels, hiding it from the team for three years.” Producing work is a huge job producing a show! And the guys did nothing as producers. But the displaced producer is not at all embarrassed by this. “It’s as if everything that the production company and I, as a producer, earned had to be shared with the team! - Sergei Netievsky is surprised. - Producing work is a huge job of producing a show. The guys didn't do anything as producers. The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them, as with actors and authors. And they received a fee for each episode of our show."

Pelmeni lawyer Evgeny Orlov assured that the ex-producer stole “not a fundamentally huge amount, several million rubles.” Netievsky launched a retaliatory attack - to court. He stated that he was removed, firstly, without a quorum of votes and, secondly, he was not notified of the date of the meeting 30 days in advance. The court reinstated the producer in his position and fined former colleagues in his favor 300 thousand rubles - for legal costs. After which Netievsky was fired again, and he again proved a violation of rights. Realizing that he could no longer cook porridge with Ural dumplings, in the fall of 2016 Sergei left voluntarily.

The team filed a class action lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court and demanded that the rights to the Ural Dumplings trademark be retained by themselves, and not by Netievsky. The court refused. After which Sergei transferred to the team the right to two Ural Dumplings trademarks, asking for a symbolic sum of two rubles.

But the litigation did not end there.

Because the rights to the performances belong to all the actors on the TV show. However, before 2015, Netievsky was one of them, but after 2015, not. Therefore, the team is trying to agree with Sergei on how to divide the rights, earned capital, website and shares in the project. A million-dollar scam - Now I’m producing a program in which teams of “already Muscovites” and “those who have come in large numbers” compete in wit on the Moscow 24 channel,” says Sergei Netievsky. - Together with the Russian Youth Union I am engaged in All-Russian festival STEM, from which I want to make a TV show. And for a year now, the authors and I have been writing the script for the film “March 9.”

“Ural dumplings” also participate in the film process. Not long ago, the comedy “Lucky Chance” was released, the heroes of which won 43 million rubles and decided to run away from their loved ones so as not to share. Maybe it's hello former friend. Maybe a symbolic message for everyone.

Be that as it may, Sergei Netievsky now lives alone. He separated from his wife two years ago after 18 years life together. The producer denies the information that since the divorce he has accumulated 1.5 million rubles in alimony. He moved his eldest son Ilya to Moscow, the guy is studying at school and does not want to return home, as his father assures. The middle son Ivan and daughter Masha live in Yekaterinburg with their mother.

Now the director of Ural Dumplings is legally Andrey Rozhkov.