How much and how to boil eggs. How to boil eggs so that they peel well. How and how long to cook a soft-boiled, hard-boiled and quail egg. How to cook poached and regular eggs in the microwave

Methods for preparing eggs are known, if not to everyone, then to many, but none of them lose their relevance throughout the day. At first glance, boiling eggs is a simple matter, but even here there are difficulties and pitfalls. Properly boiled eggs are the key to a successful and tasty dish that will delight the whole family.

Eggs are an incredibly nutritious and healthy product. Eating a few eggs for breakfast can easily fill your daily protein requirement. In addition to being eaten on its own, eggs are also an ingredient in various soups, salads, baked goods and other dishes. However, different recipes require different degrees of doneness for the eggs. How long to boil eggs? For any method there are certain requirements.

Make sure eggs are fresh

First of all, you need to make sure. Insufficiently fresh eggs can ruin the entire dish. Before wondering how long to boil an egg, you need to check if it is fresh. You can easily do this by placing it in lightly salted water.

The rotten one will float, the egg with a short shelf life will rise a little, and the freshest one will remain at the bottom. This stage is extremely important, since the freshness determines how long the eggs need to be boiled. For example, the freshest ones usually take a little longer to cook.

You should not boil eggs in a large container or over high heat. In this case, when boiling, the eggs will jump and hit the walls of the pan and each other - this increases the risk of cracks. A medium or small saucepan and slightly boiling water will be optimal for cooking - this way the eggs will be safe and sound.

Place in the “correct” water

You cannot put cold eggs straight from the refrigerator into hot, much less boiling, water. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the eggs will simply crack, and you risk going hungry.

This can be easily corrected by first rinsing the eggs in warm or hot tap water - this will keep them warm and prevent them from cracking during cooking. You can also put the eggs in cold water and gradually bring it to a boil - this method of cooking is called “cold setting”. This reduces the cooking time slightly.

You can add a pinch of salt to the pan. It will ensure rapid coagulation of the protein - so, even if the eggs crack, they will not leak out. You can also pierce the egg with a needle from its blunt end. Don't worry - the protein won't leak out, it's quite viscous. And this small hole will compensate for the pressure, and the egg will not crack.

Watch the cooking time carefully. It only takes a couple of minutes to make a mistake, and the egg will turn out completely different from what you planned. Please note that it is most difficult to boil an egg in a bag - this method requires careful control of time, as it is difficult to catch the desired consistency.

It’s true, it’s very easy to set eggs to boil and forget about them, but in this case they will be overcooked, become “rubbery” and completely inedible. Always time yourself when boiling eggs.

Contrary to erroneous belief, the color of an egg does not affect its taste at all. The color of the shell depends solely on the breed of chicken. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the yolk: the brighter one contains more nutrients.

Everyone has different tastes: some prefer semi-liquid whites and yolks, others like cooked whites and a tender runny yolk, while others only accept a fully cooked egg. Cooking methods vary by just a few minutes, so you need to know exactly how long to cook the egg until it reaches the consistency you want.


A hard-boiled egg is the most common cooking option. In this case, both the yolk and the white are dense and fully cooked. Hard-boiled eggs are consumed in their pure form and also added to salads, sandwiches and other dishes.

There are two ways to boil hard-boiled eggs: cold and hot. When cold, as mentioned above, the eggs are placed in cold water and brought to a boil. The cooking time is 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Hot laying means eggs at room temperature. They are carefully placed in boiling water, usually with the help of a ladle, making sure that the eggs do not hit the sides or bottom of the pan. Boil hard-boiled eggs while hot for 8-10 minutes. Remember that the freshest eggs need to be cooked about 3-4 minutes longer!

For easy peeling, place the eggs in cold water immediately after boiling. It is also convenient to peel an egg by rolling it between your palm and the table - the surface of the egg will become cracked and the shell will be easily removed.

With this method of cooking, the egg turns out almost liquid, the white only slightly thickens around the edges. This cooking option is considered the most useful - the maximum nutrients are retained in the egg. A couple of soft-boiled eggs for breakfast will give you a productive morning and energy for the rest of the day.

They cook very quickly and easily, but require exceptional freshness of the products. For a soft-boiled egg to be ready, 2-4 minutes are enough, depending on the required consistency. You must first wash the eggs thoroughly to prevent any contamination of dirt and bacteria. Soft-boiled eggs are also boiled using a hot and cold mixture.

In a bag

As mentioned earlier, poaching an egg is one of the most difficult, but also exquisite, methods of preparation. Such an egg is obtained with a dense cooked white and a runny yolk, which appears as if “in a bag”. Typically, a similar result is achieved with 4-5 minutes of cooking from the moment of boiling.

You may not be able to poach an egg correctly the first time, but don't despair: this dish is worth trying again. In addition, it should be remembered that large eggs usually take 1-2 minutes longer to cook.

You can also prepare an egg in a bag in another way: cook for a minute, and then leave in still hot water for 7 minutes.

Features of boiling quail eggs

Recently, quail eggs are deservedly gaining popularity. Compared to chicken, their concentration of nutrients is much higher. For example, they contain much more protein, as well as vitamin D and A, which prevents the development of rickets.

Quail eggs never contain salmonella or cholesterol, so they do not cause allergies, and even small children can eat them. Quail eggs also help in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis and other intestinal diseases.

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Hard-boiled or soft-boiled. It’s the latter that I wanted to talk about in more detail. My recipe today may seem too easy and simple to some.

But in fact, this is a whole science - how to boil soft-boiled eggs so that they turn out tasty, beautiful and perfect: with a liquid yolk and a ready-made white. And although the whole process will take you very little time, it is important to do everything correctly and clearly.

And for this you need to know the basic rules: which eggs are best to choose, what kind of water to lower them into, how long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling... But let's not get ahead of ourselves, but start our recipe from the very beginning. To do this, today I invite you to my kitchen, where together we will prepare a quick and delicious breakfast with soft-boiled eggs in just 10 minutes.


  • chicken eggs.


  • bread;
  • ham;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • salt. pepper mixture;
  • greens, fresh vegetables, green peas - for decoration.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs:

Our most important ingredient is chicken eggs. I emphasize chicken, because quail, for example, takes a completely different time to prepare, and they are rarely soft-boiled. It’s best if you have farm eggs from domestic chickens - they have such bright yolks that a soft-boiled egg turns out very appetizing and beautiful.

Place the washed eggs in a pan with water at room temperature and put it on the fire. There should be so much water. So that it covers the egg. Do not use a large saucepan if you are boiling only 1-2 eggs: the water will take too long to boil. And then it will be difficult to determine how long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling. It is very important that the water is at room temperature and not hot: otherwise the shells of the eggs may crack during the cooking process.

While we wait for the water in the pan to boil, we have a few minutes to prepare the rest of the ingredients. necessary for serving soft-boiled eggs. Of course, you can do without them if you put the finished soft-boiled egg in a special egg pan. But an egg on a sandwich with cheese, ham and lettuce will look much more impressive.

Please note that you should not be too distracted: you need to catch the moment when the water in the pan with eggs begins to boil. As soon as this happens, you need to note the time. How many minutes to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling?, depends on what kind of egg you want to get as a result. I like it when the yolk is very runny and the white is just set.

How long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling

I boil soft-boiled eggs for 2 minutes after the water boils in the pan.. I set a timer on my phone or stand over a pan with a clock with a second hand. Then the soft-boiled egg will turn out like in my photo - with dense white and runny yolk. For those who like a yolk that is not too runny, but somewhat thick, I advise you to soft-boil the egg after boiling for 3 minutes. After another 1-2 minutes, the yolk will become quite dense and will no longer spread, but will remain soft and pliable.

Well, 8-10 minutes after the water boils you will have a hard-boiled egg. As soon as you have counted down the required 2 or 3 minutes, take out the egg, cool it under running cold water and immediately peel it.

Place the peeled soft-boiled egg on the prepared sandwich, cut it so that the yolk appears.

Season with salt and pepper to taste, decorate as desired and serve immediately while the egg is still hot.

Who hasn't had difficulty boiling eggs? Yes, almost everyone sometimes ends up with a different consistency than you want to achieve, and you often have to figure it out by experience.
But today we will dot all the I’s and find out how to properly and how long you need to boil eggs in order to boil them soft-boiled in the shell (semi-liquid white and liquid middle), in a bag (hard white and liquid yolk, not to be confused with poached), and hard-boiled We are talking about chicken eggs.


  • eggs:)

And a spoonful of salt if the eggs are just out of the refrigerator.
The saucepan should have a minimum volume so that the eggs in it lie on the bottom in one layer and do not roll around when boiling.
You can also carefully pierce each egg from the blunt end, where the air sac is, with a sharp needle, then the eggs will not crack even without salt. We place the needle with the point up and lightly hit it with the egg, and not vice versa.

How to properly boil eggs

  1. Wash eggs with a brush and soap to minimize the risk of salmonellosis.
  2. Pour cold water into the pan.
  3. Carefully place the eggs in it so that they are completely covered with water. If you put cold eggs in a pan of boiling or hot water, they will burst. To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, add a tablespoon of salt per liter to the water.
  4. Place the pan over high heat, cover with a glass lid, and bring to a boil. When signs of boiling appear, remove the lid, immediately reduce the heat to low and cook for 1.5 - 8 minutes, depending on the size and desired consistency of the white and yolk.
  5. Drain the boiling water and pour cold water over the eggs to stop the hardening process.

Boiled chicken eggs in shell are ready.

Now for the important details. The information below is for medium-sized eggs (table egg category 1). For small eggs, reduce the cooking time by 0.5 - 1 minute. For 5 eggs, take approximately 600 ml of water in a one and a half liter saucepan. If you boil one egg, you will need more water, it will take longer to boil, and you will need to reduce the cooking time.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

Place the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce and cook 2 minutes: the white will become semi-liquid, the yolk will become liquid; or 4 minutes: the yolk will remain runny and the white almost solid.
It will be more accurate with eggs that have been preheated to body temperature, for example, in warm tap water. Place them in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. The result is soft-boiled eggs, where the yolk will be liquid and the white will be semi-solid.

If you put eggs in boiling water, you need to prepare them: pierce one end with a needle in the place where the air bubble is, not deeply. How do you know where this bubble is? Dip the egg into the water and pierce the end that floats.

How to properly boil eggs in a bag

A solid white and a runny yolk are just right for the bag. Do not confuse them with poached eggs, which are boiled without the shell.
Place the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil over high heat with the lid on, remove the lid, reduce the heat and cook for exactly 6 minutes. Cool immediately. The result is a perfectly cooked white and a perfectly runny yolk.
Option with warm eggs: place in boiling water and cook over very low heat for 7 minutes.

How to boil hard-boiled eggs

It seems that there shouldn’t be any special problems when hard-boiling, just cook for yourself, but even here there are some peculiarities. To properly boil hard-boiled eggs, place them in cold water, let them boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 8 minutes. Do not overcook the eggs, otherwise the white will taste rubbery and the yolk will crumble too much.

I hope that now you will once and for all decide for yourself the question of how and how much you should boil soft-boiled, hard-boiled and pouched eggs :) Bon appetit!

Even the simplest culinary manipulations require a certain degree of care and attention. But once we learn the rational way, we will boil eggs for the rest of our lives without thinking about how we do it.

How to properly boil an egg?

By the way, I always thought that I knew how to boil eggs. What could be simpler? Place in boiling water, add salt so that the eggs do not crack (and if they do, so that the white does not leak out), and adhere to the following temporary regime:

  • boil the egg soft-boiled - 3-3.5 minutes
  • boil the egg in a bag - 4-6 minutes
  • hard boil the egg - 8-10 minutes

After maintaining this time over medium heat, remove the eggs from the heat and place under cold water to make them easier to peel. That, in fact, is the whole technology, but...


♦ how to cook eggs correctly and rationally

What you need first is to remember a few rules.

1. Never boil eggs straight from the refrigerator because cold eggs are likely to burst if immersed in hot water.

2. Use a kitchen timer. Trying to guess the time, or remember to look at the clock, you will not achieve the desired degree of “cookiness”.

3. The pan should preferably be small, because if you boil several eggs in a large pan, they may break against each other.

How to boil an egg without cracking?

Pierce the egg with a thick needle from the blunt side.

4. At the blunt end of the eggs, inside, there is a pad where air collects. Usually, during boiling, the pressure there increases, and as a result, the egg may crack. To avoid this, pierce the egg with a needle and let the steam escape.

5. Never put eggs on strong “fast” heat, cook on medium. If you don't use a timer, don't cook the eggs for too long - the yolks may turn black and literally become rubbery.

6. If the eggs are very fresh (less than four days), they will take a little longer - about 30 seconds.

How to soft boil an egg in a bag with a timer

First of all, we need a small saucepan in which to boil water. To boil an egg, cover it with 1 cm of water.

Quickly but carefully lower the egg into the water, or if there are several eggs, then one at a time. Set the timer and let the eggs cook in the boiling water for exactly 1 minute.

Then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and set the timer again.

  • To soft-boiled egg(a fairly runny yolk and a set but runny white), you will need 6 minutes timing.
  • To boiled egg in a bag(runny yolk and firm white), you will need 7 minutes timing.

How to boil a soft-boiled egg in a bag - an alternative method

Place the eggs in a saucepan, fill them with cold water, covering them by about 1 cm, set the heat to high, and once the boiling point is reached, reduce it. Then watch the clock hand or set a timer:

  • 3-4 minutes if boiling a soft-boiled egg (more liquid and less liquid)
  • 5 minutes if we boil the egg in a bag (fully boiled white and slightly runny yolk).

How to hard boil an egg

Please note that very fresh eggs, if boiled, are difficult to peel. Therefore, recommendation number 1: use at least five days from the date on the package.

Now about how to cook. The method is as follows: place the eggs in a saucepan and add about 1 cm of cold water. Bring the water to a boil and set the timer for 6 minutes if you want a slightly runny yolk, or 7 minutes to get a completely hard-boiled egg.

  • 6 minutes - “cool bag”
  • 7 minutes - hard-boiled egg

Then remove from heat and cool under running water for about 1 minute, then place in a bowl of cold water for another 2 minutes to cool completely.

How to peel a hard-boiled egg

The best way is to do this under running water. Break the shell and then, holding the egg under running water, peel it, starting from the wide end. Water will wash away everything unnecessary. Then you need to keep the egg in cold water for a little longer. If you don't cool it completely, it will be overcooked - you can see this by the black rings on the white.

How to boil quail eggs

Quail eggs for boiling should also not be too fresh. Unlike chicken ones, they do not burst in boiling water.

To hard-boil quail eggs, you will need 5 minutes, starting from the boiling point, over medium heat. To soft-boil, 1 minute is enough. Then cool quickly and peel as above.

  • Boil a quail egg soft-boiled - 1 minute
  • Boil a quail egg hard - 5 minutes

One of the main products in the diet of most people is a boiled egg. But few people think about how to cook eggs correctly. Everyone knows that a soft-boiled egg only takes 4 minutes. And it takes 10 minutes to get a hard-boiled product. But as a result, the eggs crack during cooking and are difficult to clean. This indicates mistakes made at the very beginning of the cooking process. How to boil eggs correctly?

Egg selection

For any dish you need to choose quality products. This rule also applies to simple boiling of eggs. Not a single holiday table is complete without this ingredient, especially on Easter. Many housewives claim that eggs that have been left for 4-6 days will clean well. But to clean a fresh product you need to be patient. Indeed, the “older” the egg, the easier it will be to peel.

Therefore, if eggs are collected directly from chickens or purchased from rural farms, they need to sit in the refrigerator for at least a week. Otherwise, problems with cleaning cannot be avoided, and most of the protein will go into the trash. If the product is purchased in supermarkets, there is no need to wait a week. After all, the eggs had already reached the required “age” while they were being collected at the factory, packaged and transported.

Also, when choosing an ingredient, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • Marking. A stamp is placed on the shell itself, which indicates the size, quality and shelf life of the product.
  • Letter. The eggs are marked with letters. D - dietary (shelf life maximum week), C - table (shelf life up to 25 days), O - selected grade, B - premium grade.
  • General form. Domestic eggs are not all the same size and color. Some unscrupulous sellers sell a factory product as if it were homemade. But the factory product has the advantage of being the same size, white or brown.
  • To the touch. When assessing quality, you need to hold the egg in your hands. Freshness is determined by weight. If the egg is at most 5 days old, it will be heavy. An egg that is more than 2-3 weeks old will be light, almost weightless.

How to boil an egg: in cold or hot water?

What kind of water should the product be placed in: cold or boiling? Most people are accustomed to cooking a product only by taking it out of the refrigerator. Chefs recommend waiting until the egg reaches room temperature. Direct cooking often occurs in this way: the product is placed in a saucepan, filled with cold water, and sent to gas. Such manipulations become the reason that it is impossible to clean the egg efficiently.

To clean the eggs easily and quickly, they are placed in already boiling water. This applies even to those eggs that are no longer the freshest, having lain for 7-10 days. Cooks compare this process to cooking meat or steak. Steak should never be placed in a cold pan. Otherwise, the blood that should be released and soak the piece will remain inside the meat itself. The dish will not be tasty.

If the protein warms up with the water and gains temperature evenly, it will quickly stick to the shell. But there are also disadvantages to the “hot” process. So, when cooking in cold water, the yolk will remain in the center. By throwing the product into boiling water, it will mix and stick to one side. Therefore, the cooking option depends on the purpose for which the ingredient is cooked.

Egg response to gradually increasing temperature

The reaction of white and yolk to increased temperature is different. The protein reacts as follows:

  • From 0 to 60 degrees Celsius - the protein is still liquid and begins to gradually warm up;
  • 60 degrees Celsius - protein particles begin to bind together and form a jelly-like matrix;
  • After 68 degrees Celsius - the proteins form a dense mass;
  • 82 degrees - ovalbumin begins to be released, which gives the protein a white color and elastic texture;
  • After 82 degrees - Protein compounds become as strong as possible, which gives the protein strength and elasticity.

The yolk reaction is as follows:

  • 63 degrees - it thickens and the cooking process starts;
  • 71 degrees - the yolk begins to harden, but it is still tender;
  • 78 degrees - the yolks become brittle and lighten;
  • After 78 degrees, the yolks are dried.

How and for how long to boil a soft-boiled egg?

To get a delicious soft-boiled dish, it is better to use fresh ingredients. In this case, the yolk will retain its rich color and liquid. So, the product should be a maximum of 6 days after the footnote. The egg should sink to the bottom, or hover in the center. If it floats on the surface, it is better to throw away the product - it is rotten.

Boiling soft-boiled eggs in cold water

Before cooking the ingredient, it must be washed in water at room temperature. This is especially true for domestic eggs, which are often found in chicken droppings. Next, the raw materials are placed in a wide pan and filled with cold liquid. The product is brought to a boil over maximum heat.

After the water with the raw materials boils, the heat is reduced to medium. The product should not boil strongly. To ensure that the yolk is completely liquid and flows out, the product is cooked for no more than 3 minutes. To achieve medium thickness, cook the egg for 4 minutes. During this time, the protein will completely thicken, curl, and the egg can be cleaned efficiently. If you cook the ingredient for 5 minutes, you will get a yolk with dense edges, but a liquid core.

Cooking in hot water

In this case, the raw material is placed in an already boiling liquid. First, the eggs should reach room temperature, only then rinse under water. While the water in the pan is boiling, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of salt to it. This will prevent the shell from cracking during sudden changes in temperature.

After boiling, the eggs are placed in a bowl using a spoon. The eggs should remain in the liquid for 60 seconds. After this, the dishes are removed from the heat, and the raw materials still remain in boiling water for 5 minutes. This period is enough for the white to partially set and the yolk to remain completely liquid. The longer the egg sits in boiling water, the more protein compounds will form.

How long and how to boil a hard-boiled egg?

To prepare hard-boiled eggs, you can use a product that is 10 days old. The cooking period is higher than in the previous version. After all, we need to get both the white and the yolk solid. The cooking process can be cold or hot.

Cooking in cold water

To get hard-boiled raw materials, you need to follow the instructions:

  • Rinse eggs under running water;
  • Dry with a waffle towel;
  • Roll the eggs on the surface of the table (for even cooking);
  • Place the eggs tightly on the bottom of the saucepan, add water, and put on fire;
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of salt;
  • After boiling, the eggs are cooked for 7-8 minutes;
  • After cooking, pour cold water over them (to clean them without problems).

Cooking in already boiling liquid

Raw materials must be removed from the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking. This will allow the eggs to reach the desired temperature. They are also washed, dried, and rolled on the table. While the water is boiling, add salt to it. After boiling, the heat is reduced to medium, and the eggs are immersed with a spoon. As soon as the dish boils again, you need to cook it over medium heat for 7-8 minutes. After draining the boiling water, the product is filled with cold water. Let the eggs sit in the ice-cold liquid for about 5 minutes. This will ensure high-quality shell cleaning.

How to cook poached eggs?

Today, poached eggs are very popular among both housewives and professional cooks. The essence of the preparation is to prepare the product without the shell. This cooking option is also called a bag. This ingredient is used for salads, breakfast sandwiches, first courses, and meat. How to prepare such raw materials?

For poaching, you need to use only fresh raw materials, not “older” than three days. Otherwise, the white and yolk will mix and spread in boiling water. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Egg;
  • 100 grams of vinegar;
  • Saucepan (saucepan with low sides);
  • 1/2 tablespoon salt;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

The water is brought to a boil. After boiling, vinegar and salt are added to it. The egg is broken separately, onto a flat dish or plastic board. It is important to maintain the integrity of the yolk and not break it. The fire is decreasing. After the boiling bubbles disappear, the white and yolk are immersed in water. The egg is shaped using a tablespoon. The white should envelop the yolk. The poached meat is cooked for no more than 4 minutes and removed with a slotted spoon.

To prepare a delicious dish, consider the following recommendations:

  • For cooking, use dishes with a wide bottom. The fire should completely cover the bottom of the pan. This will ensure the water boils evenly.
  • If the eggs have just been taken out of the refrigerator, do not cook them in already boiling water. This will cause the shell to burst and the protein to leak out. Salt will help prevent cracks from forming.
  • If the product is steamed in a double boiler, cook it for at least 20 minutes. This will give you a medium-hard egg. During this time, turn the ingredient over to cook evenly.
  • Boil a soft-boiled quail egg for only 2 minutes, and a hard-boiled quail egg for 5 minutes.

Depending on the cooking method, eggs will differ in their calorie content. So, the raw product contains 160 kcal, the hard-boiled product contains 60 kcal, and the soft-boiled product contains 70 kcal. Therefore, boiled eggs are often included in dietary or sports nutrition. As for taste, everyone chooses individually which cooking option is most acceptable.