How much money do you need to open a nail salon? Business plan: nail business from A to Z. Cost of gel nail extensions. How to open a nail extension business at home

In order to look decent, women spend long hours on procedures in beauty salons. But a stylish hairstyle and tan will not be highly appreciated by others without a beautiful manicure, which is why many salons and hand care offices are opening today.

Of course, you can do a manicure at home, but for this you often lack the strength and skills, because the process of caring for your hands is labor-intensive and requires special skills. Therefore, most women, as well as some men, prefer to trust competent manicure specialists.

Despite the large number of nail salons, hundreds of entrepreneurs try themselves in this niche every year. If you are wondering how to open a nail salon, then for your attention we offer a list of recommendations and advice from experienced businessmen in this field.

Before you run to register your activities with the tax office, sketch out a business plan for a manicure salon. What it will look like, how much money it will require, who will work there. You should have a complete picture of the future project in your head; the “we’ll figure it out as we go along” option will not work here.

After the opening plan has formed in your head, go to register an individual entrepreneur. This registration procedure does not require large investments and waste of time. In addition, taxes on business activities will be lower than in an LLC. It is not at all necessary to hire a lawyer to register; the package of documents is small, and the procedure itself is easy. You will need the services of a lawyer when you have to draw up lease and supply agreements. To do this, agree with a specialist who will provide you with well-executed documents for a fixed fee.

After this, decide on the source of financing for the project: a bank loan, investors or your own savings will become the starting point in the business.

Search for premises

The premises for a nail salon must comply with fire standards and the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station. According to them, each workplace must be allocated six to seven square meters, there must be access to a water supply, and all personnel must have sanitary records.

For an average salon with four to five workplaces, an area of ​​sixty squares is enough; they will accommodate manicure tables, a restroom, and a reception desk. The room must have access to the Internet (wi-fi) and there must be a waiting area (sofa, table with magazines and TV). Clients must feel comfortable in the salon, otherwise they will be easily lured away by competitors.

It is necessary to locate your future nail salon in a public place: shopping and business centers, the first floors of high-rise buildings. The premises must have undergone good cosmetic repairs. It may be worth inviting a designer to add some “zest” and personality to the new salon.

Nail salon equipment

The main criteria for choosing equipment are its functionality and reliability. Buying cheap manicure lamps or saving on chairs means burying your business at the first stage. Firstly, the client needs a comfortable place, and secondly, the master needs high-quality equipment for work, otherwise a dissatisfied client will not only leave on his own, but will also tarnish your reputation. In a niche with such high competition, there is no room for mistakes.

In order to offer all possible manicure services, you must purchase:

  • quartz sterilizer and thin manicure lamp for standard manicure;
  • Fraser for manicure and pedicure;
  • paraffin melter for hands;
  • professional ultraviolet lamp for nail extension.

In addition to these devices, you will need many more little things: baths, sets of tools for manicure and pedicure, napkins, gloves, cosmetics and consumables.

Remember: When purchasing everything you need, be sure to check the products for compliance. To do this, ask for certificates from sellers.

From furniture you will need: specialized tables for manicures, comfortable chairs for pedicures, a sofa for those waiting, a desk for the administrator, a wardrobe and a safe for documents. In addition, you need to purchase a music system or TV to create a pleasant atmosphere, a coffee table and several hangers.

Remember: The manicure table must be at least 70 centimeters high, otherwise it will not pass sanitary standards.

It is very important to pay attention to the chairs of the craftsmen, in which they spend most of their time. They must be height adjustable and must have a backrest and armrests. Their performance, and therefore the profit of your nail salon, will depend on the choice of chairs for the masters.

Tip: For the safety of manicure services, purchase an ultraviolet sterilizer, with which masters will process their tools.


Nowadays, there are quite a lot of experienced manicurists and pedicurists, so finding them will not be difficult. The main problem is luring clients, that is, when a master secretly offers a client his services at home for a lower price. In order to avoid this, all negotiations with clients are conducted by the salon administrator, who also monitors the work of the masters and their communication with clients.

Payment from manicurists consists of either a small salary (7-10 thousand) and 10-20 percent of the work done, or only interest, but then their rate is 40-50%. The administrator receives a salary of 15-18 thousand rubles and 2-3 percent of total revenue.

Salon advertising

To successfully operate a nail salon and fight against competitors, it is important to allocate an advertising budget at the first stage. Order a light box so that the sign is visible to passers-by not only during the day, but also at night. Make a sign to display in front of the salon, order flyers with discount coupons, and distribute them to mailboxes. Run promotions on social networks and give away a free manicure to attract the attention of potential customers. Over time, create discount cards for regular customers, congratulate them on the holidays by email, and give them gifts.

Prices for services

Don’t be afraid to initially set average prices for the services of your salon’s specialists; too low a price will scare off respectable clients. Here are approximate prices for manicure and pedicure services:

  • Hygienic manicure – 350 rubles;
  • Hardware manicure – 400 rubles;
  • Children's manicure – 250 rubles;
  • Paraffin therapy – 300 rubles;
  • Gel manicure (extension) – 800 rubles;
  • Manicure correction – 500 rubles;
  • Gel manicure removal – 400 rubles;
  • Nail modeling – 1200 rubles;
  • Coating with medicinal varnish – 100 rubles;
  • “French” manicure – 250 rubles;
  • Nail polishing – 100 rubles;
  • Classic pedicure – 900 rubles;
  • Hardware pedicure – 1100 rubles;
  • Treatment of fingers and feet – 700 rubles;
  • Foot bath – 150 rubles;
  • Foot scrub – 100 rubles.

Expenses and income

Table 1.1

One-time expenses.

NameAmount, rub.
1 Registration of individual entrepreneur800
2 Quartz sterilizer, 4 pcs.7 200
3 Manicure table set, 4 pcs.60 000
4 Paraffin burner, 4 pcs.10 000
5 Ultraviolet lamp, 4 pcs.12 000
6 Fraser, 4 pcs.30 000
7 Aprons and gloves for craftsmen, 4 sets10 000
8 Reception desk20 000
9 Craftsmen's chairs, 4 pcs.16 000
10 Chairs for clients16 000
11 Pedicure chairs, 2 pcs.50 000
12 Sofa for those waiting12 000
13 TV18 000
14 Coffee table3 000
15 Hangers2 000
16 Phone number for administrator2 000
17 Filing Cabinets3 000
18 Safe2 500
Total274 500

Table 1.2

Monthly expenses

NameAmount, rub.
1 Renting premises50 000
2 Consumables (varnishes, napkins, bases, etc.)40 000
3 Employee salaries140 000
4 Taxes (USN, 15%)40 000
5 Advertising10 000
6 Internet, TV3 000
7 Stationery2 000
8 Water, tea, sweets for clients2 000
Total287 000

With an average turnover of a nail salon (4 nail technicians), the monthly income is 450 – 500 thousand rubles. In this case, the payback period for the salon will be from 8 to 12 months.

The manicure business is considered female because they are better versed in the intricacies of the salon, and also follow fashion trends and can adapt in time. If our calculations for opening a manicure salon have convinced you of its profitability, do not put off your dream until tomorrow. Hurry up to draw up your business plan and look for investors. Only brave and determined people can count on running a successful business.

More and more entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nail salon. Our article describes this process step by step.

♦ Starting investment in the salon: 500,000 – 800,000 rubles
♦ Business payback period: 12 months
♦ Profitability of a nail salon: 35%

Women always want to remain beautiful and desirable. And a complete look is impossible without a beautifully and high-quality manicure.

Demand creates supply. That's why more and more entrepreneurs are asking the question: how to open a nail salon from scratch.

This business promises the owner great profits.

Of course, if a businessman takes the time to calculate all costs, analyze the indicators of the existing market for manicure services and, of course, compile data on the payback period and the amount of expected revenue.

This process does not seem so complicated if you describe it step by step.

This instructional article will accomplish exactly this task.

Planning to open a nail salon

Business Summary

To achieve a goal, you first need to specify it, highlighting the main goals and objectives of the manicure business that the entrepreneur wants to achieve through his activities.

Goals of opening a nail salon:

  1. Creation of additional jobs for specialists in the provision of services to the population.
  2. Making a profit by an entrepreneur from the manicure activities of the salon.
  3. Creating a circle of regular clients of the salon by attracting new visitors through advertising methods, and retaining them thanks to various advantageous offers and discount systems.
  4. Providing additional services to increase profits and improve the reputation of the salon (for example, original pedicure methods or fingernail extensions).

Target audience of the nail salon

The main audience of nail salons are, of course, women.

Moreover, most of them are young mothers or housewives. That is, those representatives of the fair sex who want to look good every day, and not just for a specific event.

This category visits studios close to home, and will rarely leave their area of ​​residence for a manicure or pedicure. As well as necessity, because in this area of ​​​​business there is high competition and finding a nail salon near your place of residence will not be difficult.

The second part of salon visitors are business women. As a rule, they are also limited in time. And sometimes tougher than mothers on maternity leave.

But they have more opportunities to choose a nail salon based on the quality of work performed and other indicators, and not just on location.

First of all, because they can get a manicure “on the way” to work or in between business meetings. And secondly, due to the fact that most of them have a personal car at their disposal.

Depending on the assortment, prices and location, the clients of your nail salon will be the first or second category.

But in rare cases, it is possible to combine them, increasing the overall profit from the business.

Advertising campaign for the opening of a nail salon

Interesting fact from history:
In Ancient Egypt they were sure that long nails helped to communicate better with the gods; it was a symbol of wisdom. Only noble people were allowed to grow their nails; slaves cut them very short. And by the color of the nails one could judge importance and position. The brighter and richer the manicure, the higher the position in society. Cleopatra preferred to paint her nails with henna, which gave them a terracotta hue.

Although the success of the studio depends 80% on the professionalism of the masters, investment in advertising is an integral part of promoting a nail salon.

  1. The first thing a studio client will see is a sign.
    Therefore, its development must be delegated to design specialists.
    You shouldn't waste money on this.
    A bright and beautiful sign will attract the attention of potential customers passing by and serve as the best advertising.
  2. Also, to attract women who live or work near a nail salon, leaflets are distributed in high-traffic areas.
    Intersections, entrances to shopping centers and business centers, underground passages and metro stations are ideal.
    The distribution locations and design of leaflets should be changed periodically so that they do not become boring.
    An additional motivation is to offer a discount or special conditions to the bearer of such leaflets.
  3. To retain attracted visitors, introduce a discount system for regular customers.
    They can also be included in SMS newsletters to inform about current promotions on manicure services or simply congratulate you on the holidays, reminding you of the existence of the salon.
  4. We must not forget about such an important element of a manicure advertising campaign as promotion on social networks.
    It does not require a large budget, but significantly increases brand awareness and attracts potential customers.
    Young mothers and housewives who spend a lot of time on the Internet respond especially actively to such advertising.
  5. To advertise a manicure studio in the media, an entrepreneur should use “female” sources.
    For example, TV channels for this category of the population, glossy magazines.
    To save money, you can contact regional companies.
    In addition, they better influence potential clients on a territorial basis.

Choosing a room for a nail salon

When choosing a premises for rent for a future manicure studio, you need to be guided by the following requirements:

  • Like many other types of business, it is advisable to place this one in places with a large concentration of your potential clients.
    Depending on the category, these will be: shopping centers, business centers, neighborhoods of work offices, busy streets in residential areas.
  • Only the most desperate people decide to buy premises for their own salon after starting their manicure business.
    Life can be very unpredictable, let alone business!
    First, you need to spend six months or a year developing and analyzing project indicators.
    If things are clearly going well, you can make attempts to expand by purchasing more spacious premises.
  • Even before that how to open a nail salon, the entrepreneur should already know how many craftsmen will be on his staff.
    After all, according to legal requirements, each employee must have at least 6 m2.
    At the same time, there must be a distance of at least 3 meters between tables.
  • Employees need to be provided with comfortable working conditions so that the level of manicure services increases and the salon has a good reputation. After all, so much depends on the satisfaction of manicurists and pedicurists with their working environment!
    Set up a rest room, purchase a separate wardrobe, refrigerator and microwave.
  • In addition to the main work room, there must be a utility room (for storing equipment) and a toilet.
  • Placing a nail salon in the basement is prohibited by SES requirements.

Staff for opening a nail salon

To begin with, when only basic services are provided in a nail salon, and the entrepreneur analyzes the chosen location, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and other points, it is enough to hire the following positions:

A manicurist and pedicurist is the main employee in a nail salon.

And there are special requirements for his work:

  1. A requirement that is not even discussed is the presence of special education in this category of customer service.
  2. Having a medical education or at least completed medical training courses will be a significant bonus.
  3. The master must be able to politely communicate with the client, understand his wishes and concerns, and competently and clearly explain incomprehensible points.
  4. A specialist’s appearance is his calling card.
    The whole appearance should be well-groomed, and even more so the hands!
  5. Diplomas, medals and other awards from various professional exhibitions and competitions will be an excellent decoration for the manicure work area.

But it makes no sense to keep a cleaner and an accountant at work all the time.

To perform the duties, it is enough to hire people part-time with an hourly wage or contact an outsourcing company.

Financial calculations for opening a nail salon

Costs of opening a nail salon

Monthly expenses for a manicure studio

Implementation of opening a nail salon

Possible risks of opening a manicure studio

Interesting fact:
French manicure first appeared in 1976. The idea belongs to the company ORLY, which created it for Hollywood actresses with the goal that it would suit different looks and outfits.

This will emphasize the seriousness and reliability of the entrepreneur in the eyes of potential investors. And for the businessman himself, it will help him feel more confident in his actions and become an exit plan in case of problems.

Possible risks awaiting the studio from the moment of opening are:

  • In times of crisis, competition becomes tougher, and customers are looking for salons with the most affordable prices.
    Opening another nail salon nearby with lower prices is a serious risk.
    There is also competition from craftsmen working from home.
  • In the future, legal requirements may become more stringent, which will require the allocation of additional budget money and time to achieve them.
  • In an effort to save money, clients may begin to prefer to perform manicure and nail care services themselves at home.
  • But this business is almost completely protected from seasonal fluctuations.
    Demand is usually stable. But on holidays and weekends it becomes significantly higher.
  • Due to the low qualifications of specialists or their lack of customer focus, visitors may be dissatisfied with the provision of services and refuse to visit a nail salon in favor of competitors.
  1. You should decorate your salon as stylish and original as possible.
    Modern manufacturers even allow you to choose the equipment “to match” the environment, and you need to take advantage of this.
  2. To save money and better control the work process of a newly opened salon, the responsibilities of the administrator should be performed by the business initiator himself.
    If the result is positive, new administrators can be hired.
  3. Limit as much as possible, or better yet, prohibit employees from smoking at work.
    The terrible smell of tobacco from the master will negate any beautiful studio design and breadth of assortment.
  4. Good manicure and pedicure specialists can be lured from other salons.
    Offer them higher salaries and better working conditions.
    Also, professionals can agree to the same conditions if their place of work is unprofitable and may soon close.
    As a bonus, you can get an extensive customer base.
  5. Before launching a project, an entrepreneur should conduct a market analysis, assess the prospects for its development, and the business model of competitors.

We offer you an informative video for viewing.

about opening a nail salon from scratch

enterprising girls:

Conclusion on the profitability of opening a nail salon

Those who wondered how to open a manicure salon, from the article we were able to understand that this is a profitable business.

On average, the payback time for a studio in Moscow is 1 year.

But if an entrepreneur invests all his free time, effort and desire into his business, it is possible to achieve a high level of profitability and significant profits.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, not be afraid to experiment and plan your development vector.

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In this material:

Most people try to find business ideas that do not require large expenses, one of them is nail services. How to open a manicure salon, what is needed for this, what subtleties do you need to know to run it successfully? The services of cosmetologists, hairdressers and manicurists are among the most in demand. A beautiful hairstyle and clothes are only part of the ideal image; you cannot make a good impression with unkempt, dirty nails. Recently, men have also been visiting beauty salons, which has contributed to an increase in demand for these services.

Choosing a room for a nail salon

Before opening a nail studio, you need to decide on the premises. Its size depends on how many seats the cabinet will be designed for. If one master will work in your salon, a room of 10 sq.m. will be enough. It is very important in which area your manicure business will develop. The ideal option is to rent a workplace in a large beauty salon. However, finding such premises can be difficult, since prestigious salons usually have their own employees. If you have sufficient experience in the field of manicure and pedicure, you can try offering a beauty salon to rent out a small space.

E It would be more economically feasible to open a nail salon in a small pavilion in a shopping or office center. This is an ideal option regarding rental costs. It is unprofitable to rent a separate apartment on the ground floor of a residential building for a manicure business: the rent will be too high, and a large area of ​​​​the premises will remain unclaimed. The cost of renting an office will depend on its size and location.

The rented premises need to be renovated, so before you open a manicure salon, you should decide whether you have enough funds for this. The absence of the need for repairs is another advantage of premises located in shopping centers. The office should look neat and clean. It is not necessary to create an ultra-modern interior; it is enough to cover the walls and floor, as well as purchase the necessary furniture.

When planning to start a manicure business, you should take care of timely registration with government agencies. You can register your business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In order to open a manicure salon, you do not need to obtain a license. However, you will need to know and comply with all sanitary standards related to establishments providing manicure and pedicure services.

If you rent a separate room, the methods of its operation should be agreed upon with the fire inspectorate. All permitting documentation, of course, should be obtained before starting work. Do not forget about the correct execution of the contract with the owner of the premises.

Every technician in a nail salon must have a health certificate. Don’t forget to set up a stand with registration certificates and a book of complaints. As for the taxation system, the nail business involves the use of UTII. When registering an enterprise with the tax office, you must submit an application to apply the simplified tax system.

The amount of taxes paid will remain unchanged; it will depend on the number of craftsmen, including the owner of the company. The basic income level is 7,500 rubles. per person. Each region has its own coefficients for accurate tax calculation.

Choosing equipment for a manicure salon

Each master in a nail salon must have his own workplace. First of all, this is a manicure table; to purchase it you will need at least 5 thousand rubles. It is best to buy a ready-made workplace, equipped with shelves for cosmetics, a hood and a lamp. Such a table will cost 25-50 thousand rubles. A chair for a master and a client will cost 6 thousand rubles. When planning to open a nail salon, you need to buy a high-quality set of tools, it costs at least 3 thousand rubles. You will also need a sterilizer, a cabinet and shelves for tools.

Workplaces should be comfortable, furniture should be resistant to regular sanitization. The chair does not have to be expensive, the most important thing is that it is comfortable. The manicure procedure is lengthy, so both the master and the client should be in a state of comfort during this time. You will also need lamps to dry the coating on your nails.

We evaluate business profitability

Before you start a nail business, you should determine what costs you expect. The cost of renting a room depends on its size and location: it ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles. per sq.m. Repairs will require from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. You will spend 30 thousand rubles on equipment for one workplace, and 15 thousand rubles on the purchase of consumables. The profitability of a salon depends on the qualifications of the craftsmen working in it. If you provide services yourself, having sufficient experience in this field, you will be able to earn at least 50 thousand rubles.

You can increase the profitability of a business by adding additional jobs and hiring craftsmen. Nail salon workers are paid on a piece-rate basis, which is about half the cost of the service. It should be remembered that clients go to a specific master, and not to a specific establishment, so the key to the success of your business will be the highly qualified master and his friendly communication with clients.

If you are planning to start your own business, you may be interested in the self-employment program, according to which a beginning entrepreneur can receive a government subsidy to open a manicure salon.

Create your own website, a group on a social network, conduct all kinds of promotions and competitions. Advertisements can be placed in public places, entrances of residential buildings, etc., order an SMS newsletter, a colorful banner, or send out invitations on a social network.

Order a business plan

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After deciding which method of doing business is best for you, you need to decide on the location of the future nail salon and the types of services that are most needed in the area.

For example, near the business center of the city, a nail bar with an accelerated mini format is in greater demand. Having looked at the premises for rent and agreed with the owner, conduct a survey of the population and research competitors for negative and positive aspects in this area. You need to conclude a lease agreement after registering and registering your business.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

The location most suitable for rent is selected. A meeting is held with the landlord and further cooperation is discussed. The most popular types of manicure and hand care are studied. There are quite a few of them, and the choice of a master when recruiting personnel will depend on what is the main demand.

For example, a salon near a student dormitory or university should focus on creativity and trendy youth manicure. If there are many administrative and medical institutions nearby, the emphasis will be on classic and French manicure. When choosing prestigious areas, you need to be prepared for a lot of VIPs; accordingly, choose staff capable of doing top-quality manicures and being able to work with this category of clients.

After this, you need to issue registration, permits, correct the license and make repairs to the premises. It should be stylishly decorated and furnished with comfortable and beautiful furniture. After this, you need to purchase materials, tools and equipment, and do not forget to take the appropriate certificates so as not to have problems with the SES.

Equipment and materials

  • Paraffin furnace.
  • Ultraviolet or LED lamps.
  • Frasers with attachments.
  • Pedicure chairs.
  • Chairs for manicure.
  • Plastic baths.
  • Manicure tools (files, bars, brushes, tweezers, spatulas, scissors, brushes, etc.).
  • Towels, napkins, cotton pads.
  • Rollers under the arms.
  • Container for sterilization.
  • Gloves.
  • Slippers, bags, separators for pedicure.
  • Hanger for outerwear.
  • Varnishes, gels, acrylics, rubbing, degreasers, foil, rhinestones, stickers, etc.


When everything is ready to receive clients, you need to recruit employees. When starting your business, you should save on staffing, since revenues may still be small. A nail salon with 2 jobs requires: 2 technicians, an administrator, a cleaner and an accountant. You can hire 2 good craftsmen and a cleaner; the position of administrator can be occupied by a novice entrepreneur himself. It is easier to outsource accounting services to a third party company. For a certain fee, its specialists will conduct your accounting and tax reporting, and you will not have to pay contributions for an extra employee. Cleaning duties are often undertaken by the cleaners themselves for an additional fee. Thus, the number of employees is reduced to 2 people. The wages of the craftsmen are calculated as a percentage equivalent from each client (from 30 to 50% by agreement).

If you decide to open a manicure salon in a rented area, it should have good traffic, and you need to focus on ladies and girls who are accustomed to taking care of themselves. The building must have good access roads, a public transport stop, parking nearby or the ability to park a car near the entrance.

The hairdressing salon or shopping center itself should be well-known and promoted, so as not to get into trouble and not engage in promotion yourself, since this is quite expensive and time-consuming.

It is advisable that there be a cafe, restaurant, tea house, coffee shop or, at worst, a pizzeria nearby. If there is no catering establishment, you need to consider the option of treating your clients with coffee or tea. This is an additional expense, but also a big plus for your competitiveness. Customers' expectations can also be brightened up with bright, current magazines about fashion, manicure and stylistic innovations. The following are suitable for opening a salon: sleeping areas; places close to business centers; shopping areas with many shops and boutiques.


To open a nail salon from scratch, you need to register a business and open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often, they open an individual entrepreneur and use the simplified taxation system (STS) or the unified tax on imputed income (UTI). You will need to open a bank account and pay state fees. List of documents and permits:

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. License to carry out this activity.
  3. Permission from the SES.
  4. Permit from the fire department (if the landlord does not have one).
  5. Registration with the tax office.
  6. Registration with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund as an employer.

The last point concerns hiring under an employment contract - this is the best option. Unlike most types of entrepreneurial activity, opening a nail salon does not require a large number of documents, but you need to be prepared for SES checks, monitor employees’ medical examinations, and have certain conditions in the salon premises.

According to existing standards, the requirements for nail salons are as follows:

  • Each workplace must be allocated at least 6 square meters. meters.
  • All masters must have medical records and marks of regular examination by medical specialists (once every six months).
  • The salon must have a sterilizer and a sink or cooler.
  • At the end of the appointment, the master must disinfect instruments and furniture.

If the landlord has not taken care of drawing up contracts for the disposal of fluorescent lamps, solid waste, garbage removal, etc., you will have to do this. As a rule, such documents in hairdressing salons, shopping centers or beauty salons where you will rent an office, these contracts are concluded by the owners, these concerns will not fall on the tenant. This circumstance serves as another advantage of renting versus buying your own premises, at least for the first 2-3 years.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

  • Where to begin?
  • What do you need for work?
  • Features of doing business
  • Last step

A nail salon is a profitable business, because there has always been, is and will be a demand for beauty, and a bright, stylish manicure is an integral part of a woman’s image. But what do you need to know to open your own business in this area and make it successful? In this article we tell readers of the Lady Business website how to open a nail salon from scratch and how much it costs.

Where to begin?

You should always remember that any endeavor requires experience. In second place is the desire to create your own business from scratch. You should not assume that newfangled trainings and seminars conducted online will help increase motivation, prompt a new idea, and opening a nail salon will immediately begin to bring in money after snapping your fingers, because the main thing is the idea, the rest is secondary.

There's really no need to reinvent the wheel or listen to those who are trying to do so. Everything has been invented a long time ago and works flawlessly. The main rule of a successful business is to lift your butt and start learning something, because only with experience comes knowledge and success. Therefore, opening a nail salon should start small - gaining experience and skills.

It is better to start training at home. Every girl or woman has the basics of nail care; now you need to expand your knowledge and hone your skills. The Internet will be an effective assistant in this. There are a huge number of free videos that contain step-by-step instructions from A to Z of various manicure techniques, methods, methods. It doesn’t hurt to open an album or take a sheet of paper to sketch several manicure options. You can see an example of a teaching technique in the photo:

It’s definitely worth researching what equipment you need to open a nail salon. But you shouldn’t immediately borrow money and take out loans to buy expensive professional equipment. Suddenly it turns out that the soul is not in this business, the money will disappear, but the debts will remain. You should choose the optimal set of equipment for your budget in order to open a salon without significant financial losses. More details about how to make money doing nail extensions We talked about it in the corresponding article.

What do you need for work?

Opening a salon at home will not require significant expenses. On average, you will need about 50,000 rubles. What will these funds be used for:

  • Mills and other tools.
  • Specialized lamp.
  • Hand baths.
  • Consumables: varnishes, creams, powders, antiseptics, wipes.
  • Manicure table. But at home, ordinary furniture will also work, so you can save money here.

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The first clients will be acquaintances, friends, relatives. Their nails are a testing ground for honing their skills. Once you have the skill, you can start attracting clients. This moment is the opening of your own salon.

Features of doing business

It is advisable to work privately at home for some time. This is necessary to study the specifics of the activity, because a nail salon will subsequently require the application of certain knowledge in practice:

  • How to communicate with clients. This can be quite difficult;
  • Be able to calculate the required number of consumables so that there are no interruptions in work and to satisfy the wishes of customers;
  • Supervise personnel.

To know all this, you need to work at home for some time. In addition to experience, this will allow you to raise funds that will later become a significant help and help you open a manicure studio. According to estimates, on average, you can earn no less than 15,000 rubles monthly.

To promote a home business, it is best to use word of mouth or social networks. This will bring the desired effect - it will attract clients to the impromptu salon and will not require any monetary costs.

When you are confident that the time has come to expand, you can safely begin the process of opening a nail salon. You shouldn’t immediately strive for a grandiose scale; rather, on the contrary, you should be modest. Small nail bars are trending today. These are cozy offices designed for 1 chair. Opening them will not be difficult.

But there is one problem - a high level of competition, so most likely you will have to promote a new place from scratch. You should not be afraid of this, since modern information technologies greatly simplify this process. In addition, the nail salon is popular not because it is located in a popular place in a shopping center, but because professionals work there who are ready to implement any idea regarding nail design, give practical advice, and support the conversation.

By the way, opening small manicure corners for 1 chair in a shopping center is not a very good idea. Most people come to shop and often plan their budget in advance. Therefore, the percentage of girls and women who do shopping, as they say, is small for the soul. And it’s not a fact that they will decide to spend money on a manicure rather than buy another item or accessory.

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The manicure salon generates profit mainly from regular customers. And when one point is loaded with work to capacity, you should expand - add more chairs or open a new office for 2 more masters and start promoting it. Thus, in a few years you can create a whole network of small salons for manicure, pedicure and other services.

An example is the “Fingers” brand, which today sells its franchise, although there is nothing supernatural or complicated in organizing such a business. All you need for this is the desire to succeed and the willingness to engage in self-learning. And the above information is a step-by-step instruction, a pointer towards success and, in some way, a summary of the franchise. It will help significantly reduce costs, because opening a nail salon from scratch as a franchise is estimated at 3–5 million rubles. It is quite possible to significantly reduce this figure.

In order to find out how much it costs to open a manicure studio, you need to draw up a business plan that describes the cost of equipment, renovation of the premises and other initial costs. This will allow you to understand whether it would be profitable to organize such an activity in your city. Download nail salon business plan with detailed calculations you can from our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

Last step

To legally register your business, you need to open an individual entrepreneur, which can later transform into an LLC or OJSC. Step-by-step instructions for this process are available on the official website of the fiscal authorities. To obtain the status of an entrepreneur, you need to collect a package of documents and pay a state fee. By time independent opening of an individual entrepreneur will take no more than ten working days.

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