Squidward is such an animal. Squidward Quentin Tentacles is an octopus, a character from the animated series SpongeBob SquarePants. Mr and Mrs Square Pants

Squidward - born October 9, 1977. SpongeBob's neighbor. Squidward loves all kinds of art. He prefers to play the clarinet (albeit very poorly) and draw (although no one appreciates his creations). By character type - introvert. He is self-sufficient and does not need friends. Likes to be at home. Squidward works as a cashier at the Krusty Krab. Very narcissistic. He is annoyed by everything around him, including SpongeBob and Patrick. But most of all he can't stand SpongeBob. Squidward is very strict and demanding. It is for this reason that he has most of his clashes with the “ill-mannered” SpongeBob and Patrick, who constantly violate the boundaries of his personal space. Squidward has a rather sparkling sense of humor, often with elements of sarcasm, which arouses great sympathy and love from the audience. Many of his phrases and witty statements have long become popular. Squidward himself is an octopus. The name comes from English. words squidward (octopus).

Relationships with neighbors

Squidward lives between SpongeBob's pineapple house and Patrick's rock, in a large stone head that looks like a statue from Easter Island. While his neighbors SpongeBob and Patrick are very cheerful and cheerful, Squidward is very irritable. SpongeBob and Patrick consider Squidward one of their own best friend, but Squidward himself does not share this opinion with them. Squidward made his feelings towards them clear to them, but SpongeBob and Patrick don't care. Their pranks and games irritate Squidward, but in some circumstances he may be reluctant to participate in them. SpongeBob and Patrick periodically pull Squidward into different adventures. And he always gets all the bruises and so on.


Squidward is a diligent artist and musician, although he lacks talent completely, however, not always. In the Culture Shock series, Squidward wanted to become the highlight of the program with his act, but the audience did not appreciate his dance and were much more willing to accept SpongeBob, who was cleaning the stage. The squid can create only in a fit of rage. For example, he did this in the Artist Unknown series. Squidward, in a fit of rage, accidentally created a beautiful sculpture.


Squidward works as a cashier at the Krusty Krab and, unlike SpongeBob, hates his job. Workplace Squidward is located next to the kitchen where SpongeBob is working, which also does not delight him. Squidward was fired more than once due to Mr. Krabs' greed, but eventually returned. Squidward is often in a bad mood while at work. This is explained by the fact that it creative potential was never realized, and instead of gaining fame and fortune, Squidward is forced to spend time cash register in the company of a bad neighbor and a greedy boss.

Squidward's house

Squidward's house looks like the Easter Island Moai statue. It's two stories high. In the living room there is a blue and green sofa, a TV, a telephone, a stereo system, and the door is the mouth of this statue. The kitchen has a bamboo refrigerator and cupboard.

The bathroom consists of a bathtub with a receiver and a toilet. Its walls are pink. Behind the bathroom is the bedroom. It has many mirrors, a bedside table and a bed. There are many paintings in the gallery - best works Squidward. In addition, there is also a library where Squidward keeps and reads books. There is a reading table with a reading lamp.

Interesting Facts

One day, SpongeBob accidentally smashed Squidward's face in with a door. Finding himself in the hospital, Squidward realizes that he is very handsome, and the whole of Bikini Bottom is chasing him to get an autograph. Then SpongeBob smashes his face with the door again and he becomes even more beautiful. But when he wanted to run away, he collided with a pillar and his face became normal again.

In various episodes, Squidward performs in public, but, oddly enough, with different results. He is mainly shown as a mediocre musician and artist. At the same time, in one of the episodes he writes music for symphony orchestra Bikini Bottom, and she is received with applause. Also, in the episode Best Day Ever, Squidward organizes a concert for SpongeBob, and the audience, judging by the applause, liked it. So Squidward's talent is ambiguous.

Squidward has a rival to the Squilliams, talented musician and a millionaire.

General information

Spongebob Square Pants

Relentlessly optimistic, kind, funny, hardworking, reliable SpongeBob lives in the underwater town of Bikini Bottom. His best friend is Starfish Patrick, but he has many other friends with whom he shares common interests. But there are also inhabitants of the town who cannot stand him. His neighbor, Squidward, an octopus who lives in a house that looks like a statue from Easter Island, constantly complains that SpongeBob does not allow him to live in peace. Very often SpongeBob gets too emotional, even in matters that he doesn't even know about (for example, when Squidward suggested that he go on strike at the Krusty Krab, and SpongeBob was very happy about it, although he didn't know what it was) . This, coupled with his excessive sociability and dolphin-like laugh, irritates others characters, such as Mrs. Puff, Squidward, and Plankton. By the way, SpongeBob was in prison once and spent the night in the police station once.


Patrick Star is one of the main characters in the American animated series SpongeBob SquarePants, voiced by Bill Fagerbake, and in the Russian version by actor Yuri Malyarov.

General information

Patrick is a pink, goofy, densely built starfish. He usually wears green shorts with purple flowers.

Patrick lives under a large rock, across the house from SpongeBob. Patrick has a wind direction indicator on his rock. Many episodes depict Patrick's house as a simple rock with Patrick sleeping on its underside. Other episodes show living quarters under a cliff, full of furniture and appliances made from sand, although the size of the rooms varies depending on the episode. The episode Home Sweet Pineapple shows Patrick covering himself with the rock like a big blanket.

Patrick Star neighbor and best friend sponge Boba. They have a lot common interests: blowing bubbles, catching jellyfish, TV show “The Adventures of the Sea Superman and the Barnacle Boy.” He often calls on SpongeBob to join him in dangerous or silly activities, such as fishing hook rides. Despite the bad consequences of Patrick's plans, SpongeBob recognizes the genius of some of his ideas and consults with him in difficult situations.

Sandy Cheeks

During the winter, Sandy hibernates. During hibernation, it increases in size and becomes like a bear. In her sleep she talks about outlaws of the Wild West.

Interests Personality

Sandy is very proud of his status as an air-breathing mammal. She is usually friendly and positive, but when angry she becomes instantly ferocious. Sandy speaks with a Southern accent, but is it a Texas accent? controversial issue. She loves her home state of Texas very much and gets angry in response to negative opinions about it.


Sandy became one of SpongeBob's best friends after saving him from a giant oyster and has since enjoyed having fun with him (like doing karate). Sandy is also friends with Larry, which sometimes makes SpongeBob jealous.


According to the Wormy series, Sandy has many pets: caterpillars, crickets, mice and snakes. A caterpillar named Wormy has caused quite a stir in Bikini Bottom by transforming into a butterfly.

Sandy's house

Sandy's house is an air-filled dome with a tree growing under it. This is the only place underwater where Sandy can breathe without her suit. Interestingly, natural processes occur under the dome, such as the change of seasons and precipitation.

Squidward Tentacles


Krabs lives in a house shaped like a black anchor. There is no information about neighbors.

Sheldon Jay Plankton

Plans and attempts
  • Plankton first appears in the episode of the same name “Plankton!”, where he takes control of Spongebob’s brain and, with the hands of a naive cook, steals one of the Krabby Patties. He planned to place the Krabby Patty in a specially designed analyzer, but ended up getting caught in it himself. Thus, the seemingly foolproof plan completely fails.
  • In the episode "Plankton's Army", it is revealed that Sheldon has been trying to obtain the formula for 25 years. This time, he invites all his many relatives to help him take possession of the treasured formula, but Krabs gives him a fake recipe for making a Krabby Patty. As a result, all the relatives, including cousin Clem, who cannot understand the significance of the formula, run back to the Trash Can.
  • In the episode with telling name"F.U.N." Spongebob teaches Plankton how to have fun, which results in them becoming friends. However, then, as expected, the microscopic villain betrays Spongebob and with his help gets the formula. But immediately after revealing his insidious nature, he falls into concrete and remains out of work.
  • In the episode "Fake Krabs", Plankton constructs a mechanical Krabs robot and passes it off as the real owner of the diner. But soon the real Mr. Krabs appears and stops Spongebob, who is about to give the secret formula to the fake.
  • In the episode " Culture shock» to obtain the Krabby Patty recipe, Plankton uses magic spells, but, in the end, he himself falls under the influence of his own magic.
  • In "Bucket, Sweet Bucket", Plankton encourages Squidward, Spongebob and Patrick to paint his restaurant, the Trash Bucket. As a result of the actions of this cheerful team painters, the Garbage Bucket is destroyed, and the formula is no longer a question.
  • In the episode "Welcome to the Trash Can", Krabs card game loses his faithful employee Spongebob to the treacherous Plankton. Naturally, he tries to force Spongebob to cook Krabby Patties, but he flatly refuses. Then Plankton removes Spongebob's brain and transplants it into the robot, but the robot also does not want to cook anything. As a result, the villain transplants the brain back and returns the careless cook to Krabs, and even with an additional payment of $50.
  • In the episode "Krusty Krab Training Video", Plankton captures a Krabby Patty disguised as an insect, but moves too slowly and Krabs catches up to him.
  • In "The Krabby Patty Horror," Plankton forces Krabs to switch the diner to 24-hour operation and then places an order for 1 million Krabby Patties over the phone. Working for many days without sleep or rest, Spongebob goes crazy and begins to become panicky about the subject of his activity. He goes to a psychoanalyst, under whose guise Plankton himself disguised himself, and tries to be cured. Plankton puts Spongebob to sleep and intends to find out the recipe through hypnosis, but Spongebob wakes up rested and full of energy, schizophrenia goes away completely.
  • In the episode "Friend or Foe?" Krabs and Plankton become friends again, the latter coming to his sworn enemy with an apology and vowing that he will never try to steal the secret formula again. As a result, as one might expect, he betrays Krabs and steals the treasured recipe. But Krabs, together with Spongebob, manages to neutralize him in time.
  • In the first full-length cartoon, “SpongeBob SquarePants (film),” Plankton steals the crown of the powerful King Neptune, as a result of which he is going to destroy the Krusty Krabs, and with him Mr. Krabs, who was blamed for the kidnapping. Spongebob and Patrick go on a journey and find the crown, but upon returning, Plankton seizes control of all the city's residents and sends them against the brave heroes. Unexpectedly for everyone, Spongebob takes up a guitar and begins to sing a powerful rock song, which completely dispels the villain's spell.
Interesting facts about Plankton
  • The official directory of the Nickelodeon television channel says that Uncle Plankton lives in Russia.
  • In "Crabburger Horror", Sheldon used the name Peter Lankton (P. Lankton for short) when he wanted to order crabburgers anonymously.
  • Until Plankton's Army, Plankton's "wife" did not know his name.
  • In Krabby Patty Road, Plankton stole the Krabby Patty recipe, which was actually called the "Secret Formula" (as Plankton called it), and the ingredient list was just a bunch of letters.


Pearl Krabs

Pearl Krabs is the sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr. Krabs. She is quite popular, but sometimes gets teased about her father because Pearl is a whale and Mr. Krabs is a crab. Pearl, like most girls her age, often blows ordinary little things out of proportion. global scale. She can't stand it when people laugh at her and loves to be the center of attention.

Lobster Larry

Larry the Lobster is a lifeguard at Sticky Lagoon. Goo Lagune), Larry is a workout fanatic and bodybuilder. Almost everyone in Bikini Bottom is his friend.

Sea Superman and Barnacle Boy

He is a champion at tying knots, but does not know how to tie shoelaces.

Looks like a human ghost. The Flying Dutchman here is green and has no legs. Can fly.


Supercomputer, Plankton's "wife". It looks like a CRT monitor with arms attached to a platform on wheels using a long tube. The monitor displays a green bar that bends as you speak. She sharply criticizes the miniature “husband’s” plans to take over the world and teases him in every possible way. Karen builds contraptions that Plankton uses to steal Krabby Patties.

Mr and Mrs Square Pants

Harold and Claire are SpongeBob's parents. They are more reminiscent of a round shape rather than SpongeBob's square shape.

King Neptune

King Neptune is the grumpy king of the ocean, a massive green merman with a red beard and bald head. Patrick falls head over heels in love with his daughter, Mindy, who only appears in the movies.

One-episode characters

Single-episode characters are characters from the animated series “SpongeBob SquarePants” who are not the main characters.

  • Bubble Bass is a terrible nitpicker, cheats to prove himself right and in general bad guy. He first appears in the episode "Pickles", he can also be seen in the episode "Fun (F.U.N.)"
  • Flats - flounder. One day, Flats went to a boat driving school, where he became SpongeBob's deskmate and wanted to beat him all the time. Also appears as a small cameo in the episode "Rocket Sandy".
  • SpongeBob's grandparents. In one of the episodes, SpongeBob and Patrick came to visit their grandmother. But SpongeBob did not want to remain a child and refused his grandmother's food and sweater. Patrick got it all. In the series “Stone Abyss” and “The Sponge That Could Fly,” Spongebob remembers the insistence of his grandfather (In the first, he funny parodies him).
  • Dirty Bubble is one of the main enemies of Mermaid Superman and Barnacle Boy. The Dirty Bubble is able to capture and store enemies within its body. He was pierced by SpongeBob when he wanted to ask for an autograph.
  • Old Man Jackins is an elderly fish who used to live at the Krusty Krab before it became a restaurant, and currently resides in Shadow Shoals. Jenkins is the subject of ridicule by Stephen Hillenburg. Constantly gets into stupid situations. There are also several Old Man Jenkins:
    • Old Man Jenkins, who loves to go to the Krusty Krab;
    • Old Man Jenkins is Betsy Krabs' neighbor;
    • "Cannonball" Jenkins, the old stuntman;
    • Farmer Jenkins.
    • Jenkins, who was featured in the episode: "Friend or foe". He helped Krabs and his mother, but died due to Krabs and Plankton's poisoned burger.
  • The Pirate Painting is an image of a pirate's head singing the theme of the animated series. Has a cameo in the episodes "The Dyers" and "Your Shoes Are Untied."
  • Scooter is a colorful fish that loves to surf. He died in one episode of the second season, but returned in future episodes.
  • Squilliam Fensison - Squilliam's lifestyle is the exact opposite of Squidward's. But, nevertheless, they have the same character. She and Squidward also constantly compete, trying to prove to each other the success of their lives.
  • Mommy Krabs is very similar to her son, Eugene Krabs. She even lives in the same house as Krabs, but in pink.
  • Bubble Buddy: One day when SpongeBob was very bored, he blew Bubble Buddy out of a soap bubble, and they began to bother everyone in Bikini Bottom until they wanted to puncture the bubble. And then Bubble Buddy came to life and left in a taxi.
  • Doodle Bob is a character drawn by SpongeBob and Patrick, who found a magic pencil. After this, the doodle came to life and began to terrorize them. SpongeBob caught the Doodle in a book, and from then on it became just a drawing.
  • Fish Head is a television announcer character who broadcasts news on TV and comments on sporting events.
  • The Bikini Bottom Cops represent the worst aspects of all cops in the world.
  • Spongegar, Squog and Patar are the ancestors of SpongeBob, Squidward and Patrick, who became acquainted with fire.
  • Riddle is a seahorse that SpongeBob once tamed.
  • Jay Ka El is a great surfer. SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward met him when they were brought to the Island.
  • Twitchy is the head of a company living on the Island. SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward also met him on the Island. So nicknamed because he sometimes shudders.
Squidward Tentacles Floor: Color:


Eye color:


Hair color: Birthday: Interests:

Squidward Tentacles(English) Squidward Tentacles) - one of the main characters of the American animated series "SpongeBob SquarePants", voiced by Roger Bumpass (in the Russian version by Ivan Agapov).

General information

Skidward Tentacles, SpongeBob's neighbor. Squidward loves all kinds of art. He prefers to play the clarinet (albeit very poorly) and draw (although no one appreciates his creations). Squidward works as a cashier at the Krusty Krab. He is annoyed by everything around him, including SpongeBob and Patrick. But most of all he can't stand SpongeBob. Squidward himself is an octopus or squid. As we know, a living octopus has 8 tentacles, and Squidward has 6. You ask why? The answer is that the artists who created Squidward found it difficult to draw 8 tentacles.

Relationships with neighbors

Squidward's house

Squidward lives between SpongeBob's pineapple house and Patrick's rock, in a large stone head similar to the Easter Island statue. While his neighbors SpongeBob and Patrick are very cheerful and cheerful, Squidward is very irritable. SpongeBob and Patrick consider Squidward their best friend, but Squidward himself does not share this opinion with them. Squidward made his feelings towards them clear to them, but SpongeBob and Patrick don't care. Their pranks and games irritate Squidward, but in some circumstances he may be reluctant to participate in them.


Squidward is a diligent artist and musician, although his abilities are not recognized. In the series Culture Shock Squidward wanted to become the highlight of the program with his act, but the audience did not appreciate his dance and were much more willing to accept SpongeBob, who was cleaning the stage. However, in the series Artist Unknown Squidward, in a fit of rage, accidentally created a beautiful sculpture.


Squidward works as a cashier at the Krusty Krab and, unlike SpongeBob, hates his job. Squidward's workplace is located next to the kitchen where SpongeBob works, which also does not delight him. Squidward was fired more than once due to Mr. Krabs' greed, but eventually returned to work.


One day, SpongeBob accidentally smashed Squidward's face in with a door. Finding himself in the hospital, Squidward realizes that he is very handsome, and the whole of Bikini Bottom is chasing him to get an autograph. Then SpongeBob smashes his face with the door again and he becomes even more beautiful.

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