Complex subordinates with several subordinate clauses. Complex sentences: homogeneous, sequential and parallel subordination

Polynomial complex sentences (with several subordinate clauses)

Punctuation marks in complex sentences


1. Polynomial SPPs with subordinate clauses related to one main thing:

a) homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses;

b) heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. Polynomial NGN with sequential subordination.

3. Punctuation marks in NGN.

4. Syntactic analysis of polynomial NGNs.


1. Valgina N.S. Syntax of the modern Russian language: [Textbook. for universities for special purposes “Journalism”] / N.S. Valgina. – M.: Higher School, 1991. – 431 p.

2. Beloshapkova V.A. Modern Russian language: Syntax / V.A. Beloshapkova, V.N. Belousov, E.A. Bryzgunova. – M.: Azbukovnik, 2002. – 295 p.

3. Pospelov N.S. Complex sentence and its structural types / N.S. Pospelov // Questions of linguistics. – 1959. ‑ No. 2. – pp. 19-27

Complex sentences may have not one, but several subordinate clauses.

Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses are two main types:

1) all subordinate clauses are attached directly to the main sentence (homogeneous and heterogeneous, i.e. parallel subordination);

2) the first subordinate clause is attached to the main clause, the second – to the first subordinate clause, etc. (sequential subordination).

I. Subordinate clauses that are attached directly to the main clause can be homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Complex sentences with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

With this subordination, all subordinate clauses refer to the same word in the main part or to the entire main clause, answer the same question and belong to the same type of subordinate clause. Homogeneous subordinate clauses can be connected with each other by coordinating conjunctions or without conjunctions (only with the help of intonation). The connections of homogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause and among themselves resemble the connections of homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example:

[I came to you with greetings, tell What?], (that the sun has risen), (that it fluttered with hot light across the sheets). (A. Fet.)

[That , (who lives real life), (who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood),forever believes in the life-giving, full of reason Russian language]. (N. Zabolotsky.)

[At the end of May, the young bear was drawn to her family places which? ], ( where she was born) And ( where the months of childhood were so memorable).

In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination, the second subordinate clause may lack a subordinating conjunction.

For example: ( If there is water) And ( there won't be a single fish in it), [I won't trust the water]. (M. Prishvin.) [ Let's shudder], (if suddenly a bird flies up) or ( elk will trumpet in the distance). (Yu. Drunina.)

2. Complex sentences with heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses (or with parallel subordination). With this subordination, subordinate clauses include:

a) to different words of the main sentence or one part to the entire main sentence, and the other to one of its words;

b) to one word or to the entire main clause, but answer different questions and are different types of subordinate clauses.

For example: ( When I have a new book in my hands), [I feel], (that something living, speaking, wonderful came into my life). (M. Gorky.)

(If we turn to the best examples of prose), [then we'll make sure], (that they are full of true poetry). (K. Paustovsky.)

[From the world (which is called children's), the door leads into space], (where they have lunch and tea) (Chekhov).

II. Complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

This type of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses includes those in which the subordinate clauses form a chain: the first subordinate clause refers to the main clause (clause of the 1st degree), the second subordinate clause refers to the subordinate clause of the 1st degree (clause of the 2nd degree) etc.

For example: [ The young Cossacks rode vaguely and held back their tears.], (because they were afraid of their father), (who was also somewhat embarrassed), (although I tried not to show it). (N. Gogol)

The specificity of subordinate parts is that each of them is subordinate in relation to the previous one and main in relation to the following one.

For example: Often in the fall I closely watched the falling leaves to catch that imperceptible split second when the leaf separates from the branch and begins to fall to the ground.(Paustovsky).

With sequential subordination, one clause can be inside another; in this case, there may be two subordinating conjunctions nearby: what and if, what and when, what and since, etc.

For example: [ The water came down so scary], (What, (when the soldiers ran below), raging streams were already flying after them) (M. Bulgakov).

There are also complex sentences with a combined type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

For example: ( When the chaise left the yard), [he (Chichikov) looked back and saw], (that Sobakevich was still standing on the porch and, it seemed, was looking closely, wanting to find out), (where will the guest go). (Gogol)

This is a complex sentence with parallel and sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

In this type of SPP, simple sentences form a kind of chain: From the main sentence we ask the question of the 2nd subordinate clause, from the second we ask the question of the 3rd.

In the following examples, questions to the next subordinate clause will be placed in brackets.

And Nikolai went to work (why?) so that no one would say that he didn’t like his job (which one?), which he really didn’t like.

The SPP with a comma at the junction of 2 conjunctions has a sequential subordination.

He said that when father comes, we will go to the park. (The proposal is discussed below.)

Analysis: He said (what?) -> let's go to the park (when?) -> when father comes.

Non-union proposal

Non-union complex sentences

Non-union complex sentence- this is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are combined into one whole in meaning and intonation, without the help of conjunctions or allied words: [Habit from above to us given]: [replacement happiness she](A. Pushkin).

Semantic relations between simple sentences in conjunctions and non-union complex sentences are expressed differently. In allied sentences, conjunctions take part in their expression, so the semantic relationships here are more definite and clear. For example, union So expresses the consequence because- the reason, If- condition, however- opposition, etc.

Types of complex non-union sentences.

The most widespread classification of types of non-union sentences is based on lexical meaning. In accordance with this, the following SBP are distinguished:

- explanatory SBP:

Something incomprehensible was happening on the street: suddenly an incredible noise was heard.

- SBP with sequence value:

The spring sun peeked out from behind the clouds and it quickly became warmer.

- additional SBP:

He decided to go to work: he needed to go in place of his sick partner.

- SBP with condition value:

When I return home, I’ll kick everyone out.

- SBP with reason value:

There was the sound of the door opening: Vika had returned from school.

- SBP with time value:

The sun rose and the birds chirped happily.

- SBP with mapping value:

Time for business - time for fun.

- SBP with the meaning of the consequence:

The TV is broken: there was a power surge.

Direct speech and its presentation in writing.

Formatting direct speech

1. Direct speech must be highlighted in quotation marks.

3. If direct speech precedes the words of the author, then a comma and a dash should be placed after it. If direct speech contains an exclamation or question, then it should be followed by a question or exclamation mark and a dash. In all cases, the author’s words should begin with a capital letter. Sentences with direct speech:

“I won’t give you to anyone,” Anton whispered excitedly.

"Who's there?" – Pashka asked in fear.

"Let's run quickly!" - Seryozha shouted.

2. If it is supposed to put a dot at the place where direct speech breaks, then after direct speech it is necessary to put a comma and a dash, and after the author’s words - a dot and a dash. In this case, the second part should be written with a capital letter. The format of direct speech in this case looks like this.

Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses There are two main types: 1) all subordinate clauses are attached directly to the main clause; 2) the first subordinate clause is attached to the main clause, the second - to the first subordinate clause, etc.

I. Subordinate clauses that are attached directly to the main clause can be homogeneous And heterogeneous.

1. Homogeneous subordinate clauses, like homogeneous members, they have the same meaning, answer the same question and depend on one word in the main clause. Homogeneous subordinate clauses can be connected with each other by coordinating conjunctions or without conjunctions (only with the help of intonation). For example:

1) [But sad to think], (which is in vain was us youth is given), (What cheated to her all the time), (that deceived us she)... (A. Pushkin)- [verb], (conjunction What),(union What),(union What)...

2) [Dersu said], (What these are not clouds, but fog) So what Tomorrow it will be a sunny day and even hot) (V. Arsenyev).[verb], (what) and (what).

The connection of homogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause is called homogeneous subordination.

It should be borne in mind that with a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, it is possible to omit a conjunction or conjunction in the second (third) subordinate clause, for example:

(Where is the cheerful the sickle was walking) And ( the ear fell), [now everything is empty] (F. Tyutchev).(where) and ("), ["].

2. Heterogeneous clauses have different meanings, answer different questions, or depend on different words in a sentence. For example:

(If I have hundred lives), [ they wouldn't satisfy all thirst for knowledge], ( which burns me) (V. Bryusov)- (union If),[noun], (v. word which).

The connection of heterogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause is called parallel subordination.

II. The second type of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses are those in which the subordinate clauses form a chain: the first subordinate clause refers to the main clause (clause of the 1st degree), the second subordinate clause refers to the subordinate clause of the 1st degree (clause of the 2nd degree) etc. For example:

[She was horrified"], (When found out), (that the letter was carried father) (F. Dostoevsky)- , (With. When verb.), (p. What).

This connection is called consistent submission.

With sequential subordination, one clause can be inside another; in this case, two subordinating conjunctions may appear side by side: What And just in case And when that And because etc. (for punctuation marks at the junction of conjunctions, see the section “Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with two or more subordinate clauses”). For example:

[The water collapsed so scary], (what, (when the soldiers fled below), after them already were flying raging streams) (M. Bulgakov).

[ so + adv.], (what, (when),").

In complex sentences with three or more subordinate clauses, there may be more complex combinations of subordinate clauses, for example:

(Who in young age didn't connect yourself with strong connections with an external and wonderful cause, or at least with simple, but honest and useful work), [ he can count your youth lost without a trace], (as if cheerfully she neither passed) and how many would pleasant memories she neither left).

(who), [pronoun], (however), (however). (Complex sentence with three subordinate clauses, with parallel and homogeneous subordination).

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence based on emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine the main and subordinate clauses, find their boundaries.

4. Draw up a sentence diagram: ask (if possible) questions from the main to the subordinate clauses, indicate in the main word on which the subordinate clause depends (if it is a verb), characterize the means of communication (conjunctions or allied words), determine the types of subordinate clauses (definitive, explanatory and etc.).

5. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses (uniform, parallel, sequential).

Sample analysis of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

1) [You look at the pale green sky, strewn with stars, (on which there is not a cloud or spot), and you'll understand], (why is summer warm air immovable), (why nature is on guard) (A. Chekhov).

[noun, (sel. on which), verb.], (sel. Why),(sel. Why).
will determine. will explain. will explain.

Declarative, non-exclamative, complex, complex with three subordinate clauses, with parallel and homogeneous subordination: 1st subordinate clause - attributive clause (clause depends on the noun sky, answers the question which?, on which); 2nd and 3rd subordinate clauses - explanatory clauses (depending on the verb you'll understand answer the question What?, join with a conjunctive word Why).

2) [Any the person knows], (what should he have to do not that, ( what divides him with people), otherwise), ( what connects him with them) (L. Tolstoy).

[verb], (conjunction What locality, (village) What), places.), (s.ate.what).

will explain. local-determined local-determined

Declarative, non-exclamative, complex, complex with three subordinate clauses, with sequential and parallel subordination: 1st subordinate clause - explanatory clause (depending on the verb knows answers the question What?, joins the union What), 2nd and 3rd clauses - pronominal clauses (each of them depends on the pronoun That, answers the question which one?, joins with a conjunctive word What).

.1. Non-union complex sentences

Non-union complex sentence - this is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are combined into one whole in meaning and intonation, without the help of conjunctions or allied words: [Habit from above to us given]: [replacement happiness she](A. Pushkin).

The semantic relations between simple sentences in conjunctions and are expressed in different ways. In allied sentences, conjunctions take part in their expression, so the semantic relationships here are more definite and clear. For example, union So expresses the consequence because- the reason, If- condition, however- opposition, etc.

The semantic relationships between simple sentences are expressed less clearly than in a conjunction. In terms of semantic relationships, and often in intonation, some are closer to complex ones, others - to complex ones. However, it is often the same non-union complex sentence in meaning it can be similar to both a compound and a complex sentence. Wed, for example: The spotlights came on- it became light all around; The spotlights came on and it became light all around; When the spotlights came on, it became light all around.

Meaningful relations in non-union complex sentences depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them and are expressed in oral speech by intonation, and in writing by various punctuation marks (see section “Punctuation marks in non-union complex sentence»).

IN non-union complex sentences The following types of semantic relations between simple sentences (parts) are possible:

I. Enumerative(some facts, events, phenomena are listed):

[I_ did not see you for a whole week], [I haven't heard you for a long time] (A. Chekhov) -, .

Such non-union complex sentences approach complex sentences with a connecting conjunction And.

Like the compound sentences synonymous with them, non-union complex sentences can express the value 1) simultaneity listed events and 2) their sequences.

1) \ Bemep howled plaintively and quietly], [in the darkness the horses neighed], [from the camp swam tender and passionate song- thought] (M. Gorky) -,,.

stirred ], [fluttered up half asleep bird] (V. Garshin)- ,.

Non-union complex sentences with enumerative relations may consist of two sentences, or may include three or more simple sentences.

II. Causal(the second sentence reveals the reason for what is said in the first):

[I unhappy]: [every day guests] (A. Chekhov). Such non-union complex sentences are synonymous with complex subordinates with subordinate clauses.

III. Explanatory(the second sentence explains the first):

1) [Items were lost your form]: [ everything merged first into a gray, then into a dark mass] (I. Goncharov)-

2) [Like all Moscow residents, yours Father is like that]: [I would like he is a son-in-law with stars and ranks] (A. Griboyedov)-

Such non-conjunction sentences are synonymous with sentences with an explanatory conjunction namely.

IV. Explanatory(the second sentence explains the word in the first part that has the meaning of speech, thought, feeling or perception, or a word that indicates these processes: listened, looked, looked back and so on.; in the second case we can talk about skipping words like see, hear and so on.):

1) [Nastya during the story I remembered]: [from yesterday remained whole untouched cast iron boiled potatoes] (M. Prishvin)- :.

2) [I came to my senses, Tatyana looks]: [bear No]... (A. Pushkin)- :.

Such non-conjunctive sentences are synonymous with complex sentences with explanatory clauses (I remembered that...; looks (and sees that)...).

V. Comparative and adversative relations (the content of the second sentence is compared with the content of the first or contrasted with it):

1) [All happy family looks like and each other], [each unhappy family but in my own way] (L. Tolstoy)- ,.

2) [Rank followed to him]- [he suddenly left] (A. Griboyedov)- - .

Such non-union complex sentences synonymous with complex sentences with adversative conjunctions a, but.

VI. Conditional-temporary(the first sentence indicates the time or condition for the implementation of what is said in the second):

1) [Do you like to ride] - [love and sleigh carry] (proverb)- - .

2) [See you with Gorky]- [talk with him] (A. Chekhov)--.

Such sentences are synonymous with complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition or time.

VII. Consequences(the second sentence states the consequence of what is said in the first):

[Small the rain is falling since morning]- [it's impossible to get out] (I. Turgenev)- ^TT

Lectures No. 10-11

Polynomial complex sentences (with several subordinate clauses)

Punctuation marks in complex sentences


1. Polynomial SPPs with subordinate clauses related to one main thing:

a) homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses;

b) heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

2. Polynomial NGN with sequential subordination.

3. Punctuation marks in NGN.

4. Syntactic analysis of polynomial NGNs.


1. Valgina N.S. Syntax of the modern Russian language: [Textbook. for universities for special purposes “Journalism”] / N.S. Valgina. – M.: Higher School, 1991. – 431 p.

2. Beloshapkova V.A. Modern Russian language: Syntax / V.A. Beloshapkova, V.N. Belousov, E.A. Bryzgunova. – M.: Azbukovnik, 2002. – 295 p.

3. Pospelov N.S. Complex sentence and its structural types / N.S. Pospelov // Questions of linguistics. – 1959. ‑ No. 2. – pp. 19-27

Complex sentences may have not one, but several subordinate clauses.

Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses are two main types:

1) all subordinate clauses are attached directly to the main sentence (homogeneous and heterogeneous, i.e. parallel subordination);

2) the first subordinate clause is attached to the main clause, the second – to the first subordinate clause, etc. (sequential subordination).

I. Subordinate clauses that are attached directly to the main clause can be homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Complex sentences with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

With this subordination, all subordinate clauses refer to the same word in the main part or to the entire main clause, answer the same question and belong to the same type of subordinate clause. Homogeneous subordinate clauses can be connected with each other by coordinating conjunctions or without conjunctions (only with the help of intonation). The connections of homogeneous subordinate clauses with the main clause and among themselves resemble the connections of homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example:

[I came to you with greetings, tell What?], (that the sun has risen), (that it fluttered with hot light across the sheets). (A. Fet.)

[That , (who lives real life), (who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood),forever believes in the life-giving, full of reason Russian language]. (N. Zabolotsky.)

[At the end of May, the young bear was drawn to her family places which? ], ( where she was born) And ( where the months of childhood were so memorable).

In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination, the second subordinate clause may lack a subordinating conjunction.

For example: ( If there is water) And ( there won't be a single fish in it), [I won't trust the water]. (M. Prishvin.) [ Let's shudder], (if suddenly a bird flies up) or ( elk will trumpet in the distance). (Yu. Drunina.)

2. Complex sentences with heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses (or with parallel subordination). With this subordination, subordinate clauses include:

a) to different words of the main sentence or one part to the entire main sentence, and the other to one of its words;

b) to one word or to the entire main clause, but answer different questions and are different types of subordinate clauses.

For example: ( When I have a new book in my hands), [I feel], (that something living, speaking, wonderful came into my life). (M. Gorky.)

(If we turn to the best examples of prose), [then we'll make sure], (that they are full of true poetry). (K. Paustovsky.)

[From the world (which is called children's), the door leads into space], (where they have lunch and tea) (Chekhov).

II. Complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

This type of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses includes those in which the subordinate clauses form a chain: the first subordinate clause refers to the main clause (clause of the 1st degree), the second subordinate clause refers to the subordinate clause of the 1st degree (clause of the 2nd degree) etc.

For example: [ The young Cossacks rode vaguely and held back their tears.], (because they were afraid of their father), (who was also somewhat embarrassed), (although I tried not to show it). (N. Gogol)

The specificity of subordinate parts is that each of them is subordinate in relation to the previous one and main in relation to the following one.

For example: Often in the fall I closely watched the falling leaves to catch that imperceptible split second when the leaf separates from the branch and begins to fall to the ground.(Paustovsky).

With sequential subordination, one clause can be inside another; in this case, there may be two subordinating conjunctions nearby: what and if, what and when, what and since, etc.

For example: [ The water came down so scary], (What, (when the soldiers ran below), raging streams were already flying after them) (M. Bulgakov).

There are also complex sentences with a combined type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

For example: ( When the chaise left the yard), [he (Chichikov) looked back and saw], (that Sobakevich was still standing on the porch and, it seemed, was looking closely, wanting to find out), (where will the guest go). (Gogol)

This is a complex sentence with parallel and sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

Lesson: “Types of subordination of subordinate clauses”

Lesson Objectives : teach to determine the type of subordination in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses; develop the ability to correctly place punctuation marks in sentences of the specified structure.

Lesson Objectives :


Expand students’ understanding of complex sentences and types of subordination;

Repeat and deepen information about the syntax of a complex sentence;

Repeat types of subordinate clauses;

Develop skills and abilities of competent writing;

Consolidate knowledge of terms, teach participation in conversation, constructing statements.


Develop the ability to systematize and analyze;

Develop attention and speech, logical thinking;

Develop skills of working in small groups (in pairs and groups);


Foster the need for knowledge;

Cultivate a love for your native language.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment .

Guys, we continue to work with you to prepare for the exam. Today we have a new lesson topic, it is related to complex sentences. We will introduce you to new types of syntactic constructions.

Look carefully at task 13 of one of the GIA options. It sounds like this:

13. Among sentences 8 – 12, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________. (On the desk)

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson yourself.

The topic of the lesson is: “Types of subordination of subordinate clauses”

What are our goals and objectives?

Learn to determine the type of subordination in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses; develop the ability to correctly place punctuation marks in sentences of the specified structure.

We write down the date and topic of the lesson in the GIA notebook.

Before we start studying a new topic, let's do some revision.

2. Spelling warm-up (Test for everyone followed by verification)

Each of you has a test with tasks - to indicate words with an alternating vowel in the root. You need to find the word in each task, highlight the root and explain what determines the spelling of a given vowel in the root. (Time – 3 minutes)

1. Indicate a word with an alternating vowel in the root:

1. thickets ( -ROS- – o, -raST-, -raSh)

2. dew


4. belated

The spelling of a vowel fundamentally depends on what consonants follow it: laG- – a, - loZh- – o: to expound – to expound; -ROS- – oh, -GRAST-, -RASH- – a: grown – I’m growing, I’ll grow.

Exceptions: Rostok, moneylender, Rostov, Rostislav, industry.

2. Indicate a word with an alternating vowel in the root:

1. selflessly

2. make your way (-e-/-i-:)

3. get started

4. thin out

The spelling of the vowel depends on the suffix following the root.

Ber- – -bira-: I’ll take it away – I’ll put it away

Der- - -dira-: I'll run away - I'll run away

Mer- – world-: die – die

Per- – -pira-: lock – lock

Ter- – -tira-: wipe – wipe away

Shine - - - shine -: shine - shine

Stel- – -styla-: lay – cover

Burned - - -zhiga-: lit - lit

3. Indicate a word with an alternating vowel in the root:

1. naked,

2. dedicate

3. hit

4. plain ( equal - – - equal -) Roots in which the spelling of the vowel depends on the meaning.

-equal- – written in words meaning equality:Solve the equation.

Rovn- – in words meaning something even, i.e. smooth, straight: Smooth out the wrinkles.

3. Syntactic warm-up.

1 task (oral)

1. Replace the phrase built on the basis of agreement with a synonymous phrase with the connection management.

Management approval.

bookstore (book store), plank barn (plank shed), in a crystal vase (in a crystal vase), evening cool (coolness of the evening), flock of geese (flock of geese).

2. Replace the phrase built on the basis of adjacency with a synonymous phrase with the connection management.

Connection to control.

treat humorously (treat with humor), shrink sadly (shrink with sadness), look scared (look with fear), rule respectfully (rule with respectability)

3. Replace the phrase based on control with a synonymous phrase with the connection adjacency.

Adjacent control.

ate greedily (ate greedily), sat down for dinner (sat down to dinner), got out with dexterity (got out deftly), speaks with joy (speaks joyfully)

4. Replace the phrase based on management with a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination.

Management for approval.

Krylov's fable (Krylov's fable),exhibition of paintings (picture exhibition), war years (war years), strawberries in the meadow (meadow strawberries)

2 task (on sheets of paper, the sentence is written on the board, one works at the board)

- Write down the complex sentences, highlight the grammatical basics, indicate the boundaries, determine the type of subordinate clause.

[ View him was like this ], (as if he somebody offended ).(definitive)

[X], (which...)

[ It was night ],(When I went out to the street from home), (where in the circle of loved ones read your story),( because I trusted their literary taste)

(1 subordinate clause – attributive, 2 – attributive, 3 – explanatory)

Which? Which one? Why?

[ X ], (when...), (where..), (because....)

How are these offers different? (in the 1st there is one subordinate clause, in the 2nd there are three subordinate clauses.

Conclusion: A complex sentence may have one or more subordinate clauses.

4.Learning a new topic

Let's do some research. Let us recall the material on physics “Types of conductor connections”

What types of conductor connections are there? (Serial and Parallel)

How are the conductors connected in a series connection? (series-connected electric current receivers follow each other, an example is a Christmas tree garland).

How are the conductors connected in a parallel connection?

(All conductors are connected at two points - nodes. With a parallel connection, the beginnings of all conductors are connected to one point of the electrical circuit, and the ends to another).

We noted such phenomena as sequential and parallel subordination. The Russian language also has such phenomena.

We noted that a complex sentence can have several subordinate clauses. In this case, it is important to understand how all the parts of a complex sentence are related to each other, what obeys what.

Possiblethree types of subordination of subordinate clauses :

1) consistent submission,

2) parallel subordination,

3) homogeneous subordination.

1. Consistent submission

With sequential subordination, a chain of sentences is formed: the first subordinate clause is subordinate to the main clause, the second subordinate clause is subordinate to the first subordinate clause, etc. With this type of subordination, each subordinate clause is the main one for the subsequent subordinate clause.

Let's consider (All proposals on the board)

[ I'm afraid ], (What Anna will be late for the exam) (which must begin early in the morning).(1 subordinate clause – explanatory, 2 – attributive)

Scheme: [...], (conjunction that...), (conjunctive word which...).

what? Which?

[X], (what...), (which...)

(Consistently, if part of a chain or sentence is removed, the electrical circuit and the semantic and grammatical integrity of the sentence are disrupted)

With sequential subordination, the subordinate clause related to the main one is called a subordinate clause of the first degree, and the next subordinate clause is called a subordinate clause of the second degree, etc.

2.Parallel subordination

If subordinate clauses of different types belong to one main sentence, then parallel subordination is formed. With this type of subordination, both subordinate clauses belong to the same main clause. It is important that these clauses are of different types, and they answer different questions.

(When the teacher came in), [the guys stood up], (to greet her).

(1 – time, 2 – goals)

Scheme: (conjunction word when...), [...], (conjunction to...).

When? For what purpose?

(when...), [X], (to...)

(Parallel, if part of a circuit or sentence is removed, the electrical circuit and the semantic and grammatical integrity of the sentence are not broken)

3. Homogeneous subordination

If subordinate clausesare sentences of the same type Andrefer to the same member of the main clause or the entire main clause as a whole , then a homogeneous subordination is formed. With homogeneous subordination, subordinate clausesanswer the same question .

[ I suddenly felt ], (How the tension has subsided ) And How it became easy in my soul). (both are explanatory clauses)

Scheme: [...], (conjunction as...) and (conjunction as...).

What ?

[ X], (as..) and (as..)

Subordinate explanatory clauses are similar to homogeneous members of the sentence; they are connected to each other by the conjunction and. Both subordinate clauses refer to the main clause of the sentence. There is no comma between them.

5. Consolidation

Work in rows. Complete the task: place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses

1 row. He rushed at the deer and pulled the rope,Bye not convincedWhat the animals are standing.

How long? What?

[...pulled], (until... I'm not convinced ), ( What… )

Consistent submission

2nd row. Now,When deer were cut off from the talnik cape,When he averted the greatest danger for the herd, Arsin gradually calmed down...


[..., (when...), (when...)...calmed down]

Homogeneous Subordination

3rd row. When the coniferous forest began, he immediately felthow much The wind is weaker here.

When? What?

(When...started), [...felt], (how much...)

Parallel subordination

6.Evaluation of educational and cognitive activities




Exercise 1.

1) Arsin had no choice but to begin to pull off the canvas fords filled with water and swollen like logs, and the thoroughly wet malitsa.2) When it became completely warm in the hut, Taya went out so that he could be left alone and could dry his canvas shirt and trousers.

Task 2 . Among the sentences, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Please enter your offer number. Write your answer on the score sheet.

1). There was still no movement of ice, and the banks remained narrow and shallow: even from here it was noticeable that the water barely reached the belly of the animals. 2) Next to some of the important ones, newly born fawns were trotting along.3) Arsin saw how hesitantly the kids began to swim, how vigorously the important women croaked, making a signal to follow them.

Task 3. Among the sentences, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Please enter your offer number. Write your answer on the score sheet.

1) The gurgling of water under his hooves became louder, and Arsin realized that a rather large herd was being transported to the island, moving faster and faster. 2) To make sure of this, he decided to climb up the stairs, built to survey the surroundings even when he and his father were building a hut. 3) They put a dozen strong crossbars on two larch trees standing nearby - they got a reliable structure that has been serving regularly for almost five decades... (according to R. Rugin)

Task 4. Among the sentences, find a complex sentence with parallel subordinate clauses. Please enter your offer number. Write your answer on the score sheet.

1) He couldn’t say how long he trudged on his heavy boots or where he was going. 2) I came to my senses only on the bank of the wide Meleksimsky litter, about twenty kilometers from the previous place. 3) He raised his head: the sun was already approaching noon... (according to R. Rugin)

The assignments are checked using the teacher's checklist and assessment sheets.

7. Lesson summary

Let's summarize the lesson:

What are the ways to subordinate subordinate clauses in a complex sentence?

Why do you need to know the IPP groups by method of subordination?

(To place punctuation marks in IPP with several subordinate clauses, perform test exam tasks)


1. Specify the WBS with homogeneous subordination.

A) They write to me that you, harboring anxiety, are very sad about me, that you often go on the road in an old-fashioned, dilapidated shushun.

B) The closer the boat came, the brighter the night seemed to him, although anyone would call this darkness pitch-black.

C) I want you to hear how my living voice yearns.

2. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

When the first warmth came, there was not a day since my early childhood that I did not go to play in the nearby garden of the medical academy.

A) Homogeneous.

B) Parallel (non-uniform).

B) Consistent.

3. Find SPP with several subordinate clauses.

A) Only the rooks, who had grown old in the steppe, calmly hovered over the grass or indifferently, not paying attention to anything, pecked the stale earth with their beaks.

B) Quietly, as only animals can, the bear sat next to a motionless human figure, barely visible on the slope of a snowdrift.

C) No matter how excited she was, she could not help but answer that the Germans do not have anti-aircraft artillery here.

4. Specify the WBS with sequential subordination.

A) While we are burning with freedom, while our hearts are alive for honor, my friend, let us devote our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses!

B) The night was so black that in the first minutes, until your eyes got used to it, you had to feel your way.

B) When all the units were again pulled back to the highway, news came that the commander was wounded in the head.

5. Indicate the WBS with homogeneous subordination.

A) I came to a stop where there was no one, because the bus had just left.

B) The question is not who is to blame, but the question is what to do now.

C) Something happened that Davydov could not forget about for a long time and that from time to time made him shudder.