There is no death where the dead live. This is what all religions agree on. secrets of the afterlife

Most people, having reached a certain age, begin to think about the questions of whether there is an afterlife, how our dead live. Most religions preach another world where a person is freed from all troubles and worries, but in order to get a place in Eden, it is necessary to earn it by pious behavior in earthly life. After atheism began to lose ground in recent decades, unconventional scientists have proven that the afterlife exists. What happens on the other side of visibility and what gave rise to such conclusions?

Is there an afterlife: evidence

Many seers (Vangelia Gushterov - Vanga, Grigory Rasputin - Novykh, the Tanzanian boy Sheikh Sharif) had no doubt about the existence of the other world and that each person has his own place there. Direct evidence of the posthumous existence of real, historical figures(mostly the Virgin Mary) can be considered Fatima Miracles (1915-1917) and Lourdes healings . Some scientists who adhere to an atheistic worldview answer the question in the affirmative to the question of whether there is an afterlife, the evidence of which in most cases is indirect.

Academician neurophysiologist N.P. Bekhterev , whose very profession does not accept any mysticism, in her autobiographical memoirs says that the ghost of her late husband repeatedly appeared to her. At the same time, her husband, who also worked in the field of medical physiology, consulted with her about problems that had not been resolved during her life. If initially night meetings with a ghost caused concern in a woman, then after his appearance in daytime all fears disappeared. Natalya Petrovna did not doubt the reality of what was happening.

Famous American visionary Edgar Cayce , putting himself into a somnambulistic state, made about 25 thousand predictions, in one of which he indicated the time of his death with an accuracy of an hour. When diagnosing diseases, E. Cayce achieved an accuracy of 80% - 100%. He was deeply confident about his reincarnation and reappearance in a different form.

Some researchers, based on real events, phenomena and phenomena, read as an indisputable fact that scientists have proven that the afterlife exists. However, contact with the other world is possible only for certain individuals - “conductors”: individuals who are in a stressful or borderline state, or people with extrasensory abilities.

The latest evidence of the existence of an afterlife can be considered the search for resident of Novosibirsk M.L. Babushkina the graves of his father, who died during the Great Patriotic War. Maria Lazarevna found his burial as part of the “Search” group. At the same time, according to the expedition members, she indicated the resting place with amazing accuracy. In an interview with television M.L. Babushkina quite convincingly explained to the correspondents that his voice led the searchers to the grave of her father, and he also indicated, with an accuracy of up to a meter, the location of the remains of the front-line soldier.

Similar cases have been repeatedly reported by search participants. expeditions from Novgorod . According to their reports, the souls of front-line soldiers who are not properly calmed down contact lone searchers and report the coordinates of the burial. Largest quantity contacts with representatives of the afterlife were noted in one of their tracts Myasnogo Bor (Death Valley), where in 1942 the 2nd Shock Army was surrounded by the Nazis, most of the soldiers and officers died trying to break through the encirclement.

Visions of the other world

  • Galina Lagoda from Kaliningrad during clinical death, while on the operating table, she met a stranger in a white robe, who said that she had not completed her earthly mission, and to complete it, he gave the deceased the gift of foresight.
  • Yuri Burkov after cardiac arrest, he did not lose contact with the outside world, and after returning to life, the first thing he did was ask his wife if she had found the lost keys, which the panicked woman did not tell anyone about. A few years later, while with his wife at the bedside of his sick son, whom doctors had given a fatal diagnosis, he predicted that his son would not die now and that he would be given a year to live - the prediction came true with absolute accuracy.
  • Anna R. During clinical death, she observed a dazzlingly bright light and a corridor leading to infinity, into which the deceased was not allowed to enter by successfully carried out resuscitation procedures.

Saints, prophets and martyrs who sufficient accuracy predict not only global world events, but also the future of a particular person, we can talk about real facts. This gives reason to believe that the afterlife exists, and how our dead live in it remains unknown to those inhabiting the material world. This knowledge is beyond human understanding, and only isolated cases remind us of the other world.

As they say, all's fair in love and war. Well, what about a person’s craving for knowledge? People's curiosity knows no bounds, and in order to satisfy it, a person is able to step over age-old prohibitions, overcoming his own fears.

One of the legends talks about a very curious couple who lived many years ago in a small village in Italy. One day, while relaxing in the evening after work, the wife and husband began to once again discuss the existence of an afterlife. And so great was their desire to know the truth that they swore to each other that the one who died first would definitely return and tell the other what he saw.

After several years, the woman became a widow. Fellow villagers helped the widow make all the preparations for the upcoming funeral: the women washed the body and dressed the deceased in clothes specially reserved for such an occasion. And when in the evening the mourners came to spend the night in the widow’s house to pay their last respects to the deceased, they were surprised by her strange request. The woman began to ask them to leave her alone with her husband’s body, and the mourners had no choice but to satisfy her desire.

Night fell, the woman sat and waited with bated breath for her husband to fulfill his promise. A sharp knock on the door made her shudder in horror. A stranger entered the room and, as if not noticing the dead man on the table, asked to spend the night. In those days, it was not customary to refuse shelter to wanderers, and the man settled down by the fireplace.

Suddenly, a chilling scream broke the silence, the owner’s corpse sat on the table with a face distorted by agony, but the stranger quickly touched it with his staff, and the body collapsed back. As soon as the woman came to her senses, the corpse took new try leave his bed: with a terrible cry, he jumped off the table and attacked his wife. Hooked fingers grabbed her throat, and a vengeful light flashed in her lifeless eyes. “Because of you, I am now in hell, and you will pay for it with your life!” the living dead wheezed. This time the stranger had to make an effort to save the woman. Where the staff touched the dead body, the flesh began to decompose, and soon the clothes hung loosely on the skeleton. At that same second, a huge column of smoke and flame burst out of the fireplace, as if enveloping the dead man in a black cloak, and with a wild howl carried the remains of the husband through the chimney.

The fire in the hearth went out, and a chill filled the room. The woman fell to her knees and began to pray earnestly. At dawn, the wanderer, leaving, said the words that the widow remembered for the rest of her life: “It is not the business of the living to know the fate of the dead.

Are intermediaries needed?

However, despite such warnings, people are still looking for a way to make contact with the souls of the dead and use the power given to them to get answers to their questions. In the 19th century, a widespread passion for spiritualism began. With the help of mediums, a kind of intermediaries between worlds, man gained the opportunity to communicate with otherworldly forces. Whether one should treat such things with faith is a personal matter for everyone, because most of mediums and spiritualists were caught in fraud. But today we can safely say that the phenomena of mediumship exist, if by this we mean the unusual abilities of some people, which we are not yet able to explain from a scientific point of view. People with such abilities, often against their will, see the spirits of the dead, who themselves are looking for a way to establish a connection with the world of the living.

Such plots are by no means uncommon in world literature: here is the shadow of Hamlet’s father, crying out for retribution, and the Reveler from the work of Jorge Amado, who does not want to leave his young wife Donna Flor. It is the spirit of a loving husband who warns the ancient old woman from P. Coelho’s novel “The Devil and Signorita Prim” about the trouble that threatens their town. And such examples can be given endlessly. Almost everyone, having dug deep into their memory, will definitely remember similar case that took place in his life or the lives of his closest acquaintances.

For example, here is a story that happened in 1998 in a St. Petersburg communal apartment, where next to big family There lived a lonely old woman. By that time she was already 80 years old, but despite such an advanced age, she was a surprisingly sensible and cheerful woman. Over her only oddity, neighbors brought up in best traditions atheism, at first they laughed, but then they got used to it and stopped paying attention. The strange thing was that on her husband’s birthday, and she had been a widow for more than 20 years, the old woman cooked him favorite dish- naval pasta, locked herself in her room and didn’t come out until midnight struck. If you believe her stories, then the spirit of her late husband came to her room that day, at the set table they had leisurely conversations about their past, and sometimes he gave her advice regarding the future. The neighbors were able to appreciate the usefulness of one such advice.

And after one such “ family holiday“The widow went out into the common kitchen and in the most ordinary, everyday voice, in which she usually reported about the weather or sugar prices, said: “It’s now better to keep big money in foreign currency.” The neighbors had recently sold the car, and the head of the family decided to follow the unobtrusive advice. More than once after the default that occurred three months later, he gratefully remembered the old woman and her late husband, whom she had already joined by that time.

Do you really need to have some kind of superpower to communicate with the dead? Or is it a matter of such strong ties connecting people who love each other that even death cannot completely break them? People have yet to discover this.

Hungarian demon

Unfortunately, a close psychological connection with another person can be quite dangerous. Without knowing it, a person, experiencing the untimely death of a loved one, can open access to spirits into our world. It has been known since time immemorial that words spoken in the hearts can bring a lot of trouble. The call to the deceased is sometimes endowed with such emotional energy that it is capable of bringing his spirit to life. In Hungary, for example, it was believed that the name of a dead person spoken out loud could summon a demon. Here is one such story. A certain widow missed her husband very much and dreamed of seeing him at least one more time.

One day a man appeared to her, exactly like her late husband. The woman’s mind was clouded with joy, and she did not realize that the demon had come in the form of her beloved. In Hungary, such demons who feed on human suffering are called leaders. Night after night they come to their victims until they drink all their life force. The only salvation for people who fall into their power is to recognize the evil spirit in the alien, which can be done if you carefully look at his legs: the leader’s one of them always ends in a bird’s paw.

The fact is that these evil spirits appear from a chicken egg, which was “hatched” by a person, carrying it under his arm for 24 days. Such a hellish “chick” can enrich its owner by doing any work for him or showing him the places where treasures are buried. But this does not bring him happiness: gradually the leader exhausts the person, and when his master dies, the evil spirit goes in search of a new source of energy.

The guardians of darkness do not sleep

There are also other demons who act less “delicately” and do not leave their victims any opportunity to avoid death. One of the old Prussian fairy tales tells about the unfortunate girl Lenore, who saw off her fiancé to the war. She waited for news from him for many months, but never received a single message. Far from her native land, her fiancé laid down his head on the battlefield. Lenora suffered so much that in moments of despair she called for death, which would relieve all sorrows and sorrows. But death did not respond to her call, although the girl, exhausted sleepless nights, lost weight and became very weak.

One night she heard the voice of her lover, who called her with him. Going out into the yard, she saw a horseman waiting for her. Obeying her fiancé's orders, Lenora climbed onto the horse behind him and they raced off. On the way, the stranger explained to her that they must reach the appointed place before the rooster crows, otherwise they will be late for their wedding feast. The goal of their journey turned out to be a cemetery, where a crowd of gray shadows pulled the unfortunate girl off her horse, and her fiance, who turned out to be a swollen corpse, took her with him to the grave. In the morning, the church watchman discovered in the church yard a tortured horse, from which there was already a stinking spirit of decay, and a new grave, on the freshly filled mound of which lay a piece of lace. Thus ended the earthly journey of Lenora, now doomed to wander at night among the dead...


Chapter 1 Definition of the afterlife. Places of afterlife for souls. Periods of the afterlife

What is the afterlife, what is life after death like? The Word of God is the source for resolving our question. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness(Matt. 6:33).

The Holy Scripture presents to us the afterlife as a continuation of the earthly one, but in a new world and in completely new conditions. Jesus Christ teaches that the Kingdom of God is within us. If good and pious people have heaven in their hearts, then evil people have hell in their hearts. So, the afterlife state, that is, heaven and hell, have their correspondence on earth, which constitutes, as it were, the beginning of the eternal life after death. The nature of the afterlife can be determined by how and what the soul lives on earth. By the moral state of souls here we can first learn about their afterlife state.

Meekness and humility fill the soul with heavenly peace. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls(Matthew 11:29), taught the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the beginning of heavenly - blissful, calm, serene - life on earth.

The state of a person subject to passions, as a state unnatural for him, contrary to his nature, inconsistent with the will of God, is a reflection of moral torment. This is the eternal, unstoppable development of the passionate state of the soul - envy, pride, love of money, voluptuousness, gluttony, hatred and laziness, which makes the soul dead even on earth, unless it is cured in time by repentance and opposition to passion.

The afterlife, that is, heaven and hell, have their correspondence on earth, which constitutes, as it were, the beginning of the eternal life after death.

Each of us who is attentive to ourselves has experienced these two internal spiritual states of the soul. Dispassionate is when the soul is embraced by something unearthly, full of spiritual joy, making a person ready for any virtue, even to the point of self-sacrifice for Heaven; and passionate is a state that brings a person to readiness for all lawlessness and destroys human nature, both spiritual and physical.

When a person dies, his body is interred like a seed to germinate. It, like a treasure, is hidden in a cemetery until a certain time. The human soul, which is the image and likeness of the Creator - God, passes from earth to afterworld and lives there. Behind the grave we are all alive, because God... doesn't exist God of the dead, but alive, for with Him all are alive(Luke 20:38).

The wondrous Providence of God clearly shows that man was created for immortality. Our earthly life is the beginning, preparation for the afterlife, endless life.

With the modern development of science, the spiritual and moral decline has become so deep that the truth of the existence of the soul beyond the grave has even been forgotten and the purpose of our life has begun to be forgotten. Now a person is faced with a choice of whom to believe: the enemy of our salvation, who instills doubt and disbelief in Divine truths, or God, who promised eternal life to those who believe in Him. If there were no new life after death, then why would earthly life be needed, then why virtue? The wondrous Providence of God clearly shows that man was created for immortality. Our earthly life is the beginning, preparation for the afterlife, endless life.

Belief in a future afterlife is one of the dogmas of Orthodoxy, the twelfth member of the “Creed.” Afterlife- this is a continuation of real earthly life, only in a new sphere, under completely different conditions; continuation in eternity moral development good - truth, or the development of evil - lies. Just as life on earth either brings a person closer to God or moves him away from Him, so beyond the grave some souls are with God, while others are at a distance from Him. The soul passes into the afterlife, taking with it everything that belongs to it. All the inclinations, good and evil habits, all the passions with which she became close and for which she lived, will not leave her after death. The afterlife is a manifestation of the immortality of the soul, granted to it by the Lord. God created man for incorruptibility and made him the image of His eternal existence(Wis. 2, 23).

The concepts of eternity and immortality of the soul are inextricably linked with the concept of the afterlife. Eternity is time that has neither beginning nor end. From the moment the baby receives life in the womb, eternity opens up for man. He enters it and begins his endless existence.

In the first period of eternity, during the baby's stay in the mother's womb, a body is formed for eternity - the outer man. In the second period of eternity, when a person lives on earth, his soul - the inner man - is formed for eternity. Thus, earthly life serves as the beginning of the third period of eternity - the afterlife, which is an endless continuation of the moral development of the soul. For man, eternity has a beginning, but no end.

True, before the enlightenment of humanity with the light of the Christian faith, the concepts of “eternity”, “immortality” and “afterlife” had false and crude forms. Both Christianity and many other religions promise man eternity, immortality of the soul and an afterlife - happy or unhappy. Consequently, the future life, which is a continuation of the present, completely depends on it. According to the teaching of the Lord, he who believes in Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God(John 3:18). If here on earth the soul accepts the Source of life, the Lord Jesus Christ, this relationship will be eternal. Its future after death will depend on what the soul strived for on earth - for good or for evil, since these qualities, together with the soul, go into eternity. However, the afterlife of some souls, whose fate has not been finally decided in a private court, is interconnected with the lives of their loved ones remaining on earth.

Eternity, the immortality of the soul, and, consequently, its afterlife are universal human concepts. They are in close connection with the creeds of all peoples, all times and countries, no matter what degree of moral and mental development they are at. Ideas about the afterlife differ from one another at different times and among different peoples. Tribes at low levels of development imagined the afterlife in primitive, crude forms and filled it with sensual pleasures. Others considered the afterlife dull, devoid of earthly joys; it was called the kingdom of shadows. The ancient Greeks had this idea; they believed that souls were aimlessly existing, wandering shadows.

Its future after death will depend on what the soul strived for on earth - for good or for evil, since these qualities, together with the soul, go into eternity.

And here is how the festival of the dead in Nagasaki is described: “At dusk, the inhabitants of Nagasaki go in processions to various cemeteries. Lighted paper lanterns are placed on the graves, and in a few moments such places are enlivened by fantastic illumination. Relatives and friends of the deceased bring food intended for the deceased. Some of it is eaten alive, and the other is placed on graves. Then food for the dead is placed in small boats and set afloat on the water, along the current, which should bring them to the souls behind the coffin. There, beyond the ocean, according to their ideas, there is paradise” (“Nature and People.” 1878).

The pagans, being firmly convinced of the existence of an afterlife, to calm the dead, brutally deal with prisoners of war, avenging the blood of their murdered relatives. Death is not scary for a pagan. Why? Yes, because he believes in an afterlife!

Famous thinkers of antiquity - Socrates, Cicero, Plato - spoke about the immortality of the soul and the mutual communication of the earthly and afterlife worlds. But they, aware and anticipating their immortality in the afterlife, could not penetrate its secrets. According to Virgil, souls, rushing along the wind, were cleansed of their delusions. Tribes at lower levels of development believe that the souls of the departed, like shadows, wander around their abandoned homes. Realizing the truth of the afterlife of the soul, they hear the languid cry of wandering shadows in the wind. They believed that the soul continued to live a sensual life, so they put food, drink, and weapons in the grave along with the deceased. Little by little, thought and imagination created more or less definite places where the dead were supposed to live. Then, depending on what they strived for during life, for good or for evil, these places began to be divided into two areas that have a vague resemblance to the ideas of heaven and hell.

To prevent souls from remaining lonely in the afterlife, servants were killed at the graves, and the wives of the deceased were stabbed or burned. Mothers poured milk on the graves of their infants. And the Greenlanders, in the event of the death of a child, killed a dog and put it in the grave with him, hoping that the shadow of the dog in the afterlife would serve as his guide. For all their underdevelopment, ancient pagan peoples and modern pagans believe in posthumous reward for earthly deeds. This is described in detail in the works of Pritchard and Alger, who collected many facts about this. L. Caro writes: Even among undeveloped savages, this conviction amazes us with the subtlety of moral feeling, which one cannot help but be surprised at.

The savages of the island of Fiji, who are considered the least developed among other tribes, are convinced that the soul after death appears before a court of justice. In all mythological tales, almost all peoples have an idea of ​​the initial test of souls that precedes their judgment. According to the Huron Indians, the souls of the dead must first go through a path full of all sorts of dangers. They need to go through fast river on a thin crossbar trembling under their feet. A ferocious dog on the other side prevents them from crossing and tries to throw them into the river. Then they must walk along a path that winds between swaying stones that may fall on them. According to African savages, souls good people on the way to deity they are persecuted by evil spirits. Therefore, they developed the custom of making sacrifices for the dead to these evil spirits. In classical mythology, we meet at the doors of hell the three-headed Cerberus, who can be appeased with offerings. The savages of New Guinea are convinced that two spirits - good and evil - accompany the soul after its death. After some time, a wall blocks their path. Kind soul with help good spirit easily flies over the wall, and the evil one breaks against it.

All peoples believed that the soul after death continues to exist beyond the grave. They believed that she had a connection with the living still remaining on earth. And since the afterlife seemed vague and secret to the pagans, the souls themselves who went there aroused some kind of fear and mistrust in the living. Believing in the inseparability of the spiritual union of the dead and the living, in the fact that the dead can influence the living, they sought to appease the inhabitants of the afterlife and awaken in them love for the living. This is where special religious ceremonies and spells - necromania, or the imaginary art of summoning the souls of the dead.

In all mythological tales, almost all peoples have an idea of ​​the initial test of souls that precedes their judgment.

Christians base their belief in the immortality of the soul and in the afterlife on the Divine Revelation of the Old and New Testaments, on the teachings of the holy fathers and teachers of the Church, on the concepts of God, the soul and its properties. Hearing the word “death” from God, Adam and Eve immediately realized that they were created immortal.

Since the time of the first man, the art of writing had not been known for a long time, so everything was transmitted orally. Thus, all religious truths, passing from generation to generation, reached Noah, who passed them on to his sons, and they passed them on to their descendants. Consequently, the truth of the immortality of the soul and its eternal afterlife life was kept in oral tradition, until Moses was the first to mention it in various places in his Pentateuch.

The fact that the consciousness of the afterlife was common to all humanity is testified by John Chrysostom: “Both Hellenes, barbarians, poets and philosophers, and in general the entire human race agree with our belief that everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds in the future life” (“Conversation 9”) -I on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians"). The Divine Revelation of the Old and New Testaments revealed to man the truth about his personal afterlife existence. Moses wrote: and the Lord said to Abram... and you will go to your fathers in peace and will be buried in a good old age(Gen. 15, 13, 15). It is known that Abraham's body was buried in Canaan, and the body of his father Terah was buried in Haran, and the bodies of Abraham's ancestors were buried in Ur. The bodies rest in different places, and God tells Abraham that he will go to his fathers, that is, his soul will unite behind the grave with the souls of his ancestors who are in Sheol (hell). And Abraham died... and was gathered to his people(Gen. 25:8). Moses describes the death of Isaac in the same way, saying that he venerated his people(Gen. 35, 29). Patriarch Jacob, struck by grief over the death of his beloved son, said: with sorrow I will go down to my son into the underworld(Gen. 37, 35). The word "underworld" means a mysterious afterlife. Jacob, feeling the approach of death, said: I am gathered to my people... and died and was gathered to my people(Gen. 49, 29, 33).

Christians base their belief in the immortality of the soul and in the afterlife on the Divine Revelation of the Old and New Testaments, on the teachings of the holy fathers and teachers of the Church, on the concepts of God, the soul and its properties.

God commanded Moses to prepare his brother Aaron for his departure from earthly life: let Aaron be gathered to his people... let Aaron go away and die(Numbers 20, 24, 26). Then the Lord said to Moses: vengeance on the Midianites for the children of Israel, and then you will go back to your people(Numbers 27:13; 31:2). All the people of Korah, according to the word of Moses, were swallowed up by the earth, and they went down with all that belonged to them alive into the pit(Numbers 16, 32, 33). The Lord said to King Josiah: I will add you to your fathers(2 Kings 22, 20). Why didn’t I die when I came out of the womb?- Job exclaimed in the midst of his temptations. – Now I would lie down and rest; I would sleep, and I would be at peace with the kings and advisers of the earth who built deserts for themselves, or with the princes who had gold... The small and the great are equal there, and the slave is free from his master... I know yu, says Job, “My Redeemer lives, and on the last day He will raise this decaying skin of mine from the dust, and I will see God in my flesh.”(Job 19, 25, 26; 3, 11–19).

The king and prophet David testifies that the dead can no longer help themselves; the living must pray for them: in the grave who will praise you?(Ps. 6, 6). Righteous Job said: before I'm coming the land of darkness and the shadow of death, to the land of darkness and what is the darkness of the shadow of death, where there is no structure where it's dark as darkness itself(Job 10, 21, 22). And in the dust will return to the ground, which is what it was; and the spirit returned to God, who gave it (Eccl. 12:7). The quotations from the Holy Scriptures given here refute the incorrect opinion that the Old Testament says nothing about the immortality of the soul, about its afterlife. This false opinion was refuted by Professor Khvolson, who conducted research on graves and tombstones Jews who died before the birth of Christ. The gravestone inscriptions reveal the living faith of the Jews in the immortality of the soul and in the afterlife. This important discovery also refutes another absurd hypothesis, that the Jews borrowed the idea of ​​​​the immortality of the soul from the Greeks.

Evidence and indisputable proof of the truth of the immortality of the soul and its afterlife is the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. He clearly, tangibly, irrefutably proved to the whole world that immortal life exists. The New Testament is the restoration of man's lost unity with God for eternal life, for life that begins for man beyond the grave.

Jesus Christ resurrected the son of the widow of Nain, the daughter of Jairus, the four-day-old Lazarus. Another fact confirming the existence of the afterlife is the appearance of the prophets Elijah and Moses during the glorious transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor. Having revealed to man the secrets of the afterlife, the immortality of the soul, the fate of the righteous and sinners, the Lord, by His teaching, life, suffering, the redemption of man from eternal death and, finally, by His Resurrection, showed us all immortality.

There is no death for those who believe in Christ. Her triumph is destroyed by the Resurrection of Christ. The cross is the instrument of our salvation, the Divine glory of Christ. What does it mean, for example, a cross placed on a grave? A visible sign, the conviction that the one resting under this cross did not die, but lives, because his death was defeated by the Cross and eternal life was granted to him by the same Cross. Is it possible to take the life of an immortal? The Savior, pointing to our highest purpose on earth, says: Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul(Matt. 10:28). This means the soul is immortal. (Luke 20:38). Whether we live, we live for the Lord; whether we die, we die for the Lord: and therefore, whether we live or die, we are always the Lord’s(Rom. 14:8), testifies the Apostle Paul.

One of the facts confirming the existence of the afterlife is the appearance of the prophets Elijah and Moses during the glorious transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor.

If we are the Lord’s, and our God is the God of the living, and not the dead, then everyone is alive before the Lord: both those who are still on earth and those who have moved to the afterlife. They are alive for God, alive for His Church as its members, for it is said: He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live(John 11:25). If the dead are alive for the Church, then they are alive for us, for our mind and heart.

The holy apostles, their successors and many saints confirmed with their lives that the soul is immortal and that the afterlife exists. They raised the dead, spoke to them as if they were alive, and addressed them with various questions. For example, the Apostle Thomas asked a murdered young man, the son of a priest, about who killed him, and received an answer. All teachers of the Church considered the afterlife and the desire to save a person from eternal destruction to be an important subject of their teaching. The Church's prayers for the dead testify to its unshakable belief in the afterlife. With the decrease in faith in God, faith in eternal life and reward after death was also lost. So, whoever does not believe in the afterlife does not have faith in God!

God is omnipresent, but there is a special place of His presence where He appears in all His glory and dwells forever with His elect, according to the words of Jesus Christ: where I am, there will my servant also be. And whoever serves Me will be honored by the Father M oh (John 12:26). The opposite is also true: whoever was not a servant of the true God will not be with Him after death, and therefore a special afterlife place in the universe is required for him. Here is the beginning of the teaching about two states of departed souls: the state of reward and punishment.

He who does not believe in the afterlife does not have faith in God!

In the mystery of death, the soul, having separated from the body, passes into the land of spiritual beings, into the kingdom of angels. And depending on the nature of earthly life, she joins either the good angels in the Kingdom of Heaven, or the evil angels in hell. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself testified to this truth. The prudent robber and the beggar Lazarus immediately after death went to heaven; and the rich man ended up in hell (Luke 23:43; Luke 16:19-31). “We believe,” proclaim the Eastern patriarchs in their “Confession Orthodox faith”, - that the souls of the dead are blissful or tormented, depending on their deeds. Having been separated from the body, they move either to joy or to sadness and sorrow; however, they do not feel either perfect bliss or perfect torment, for everyone will receive perfect bliss or perfect torment after the general resurrection, when the soul is united with the body in which it lived virtuously or viciously.”

The Word of God reveals to us that souls go to various places beyond the grave. Unrepentant sinners receive their deserved punishment, while the righteous receive a reward from God. The Book of the Wisdom of Solomon sets out the doctrine of a dual afterlife: the righteous live forever; their reward is in the Lord, and their care is with the Most High. Therefore they will receive a kingdom of glory and a crown of beauty from the hand of the Lord, for He will cover them with His right hand and protect them with His arm.(Wis. 5, 15–16). The wicked ones as they thought, so they will suffer punishment for despising the righteous and departing from the Lord (Wis. 3:10).

In the mystery of death, the soul, having separated from the body, passes into the land of spiritual beings, into the kingdom of angels. And depending on the nature of earthly life, she joins either the good angels in the Kingdom of Heaven, or the evil angels in hell. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself testified to this truth.

The place of residence of righteous souls in the Holy Scriptures is called differently: the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 8:11); Kingdom of God (Luke 13:20; 1 Cor. 15:50); paradise (Luke 23:43), the home of the Heavenly Father. The state of rejected souls, or their place of residence, is called Gehenna, in which the worm does not die and the fire does not go out (Matt. 5:22; Mark 9:43); a fiery furnace, in which there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:50); pitch darkness (Matthew 22:13); hellish darkness (2 Peter 2:4); hell (Isa. 14, 15; Matt. 11, 23); the prison of spirits (1 Peter 3:19); the underworld (Phil. 2:10). The Lord Jesus Christ calls this afterlife state of condemned souls “death,” and the souls of condemned sinners in this state are called “dead,” for death is removal from God, from the Kingdom of Heaven, it is deprivation true life, bliss

The afterlife of a person consists of two periods. The life of the soul before the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment is the first period, and the eternal life of a person after this Judgment is the second period of the afterlife. According to the teaching of the Word of God, in the second period of the afterlife everyone will have the same age. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself expressed His teaching about this as follows: God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for with Him all are alive.(Luke 20:38). This is proof of the eternal continuation of the life of the soul beyond the grave. All people, both living on earth and those who have died, both righteous and unrighteous, are alive. Their life is endless, since they are destined to be witnesses of the eternal glory and power of God, His justice. The Lord Jesus Christ taught that in the afterlife they live like the Angels of God: those who are deemed worthy to reach that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, and can no longer die, for they are equal to the Angels and are with yns of God, being sons of the resurrection(Luke 20:35–36).

Consequently, the afterlife state of the soul is rational, and if souls live like Angels, then their state is active, as ours teaches. Orthodox Church, and not unconscious and sleepy, as some believe. This false teaching about the passive state of the soul in the first period of its afterlife does not agree with either the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments, or with common sense. It appeared in the 3rd century in Christian society as a result of the incorrect interpretation of certain passages in the Holy Scriptures. Thus, Arabian scientists, called psychopannihits, believed that the human soul, both during sleep and after separation from the body, in the first period of its afterlife is in a sleepy, unconscious and passive state. This doctrine was widespread in the Middle Ages. During the Reformation, the main representatives of this teaching were the Anabaptists (re-baptists), whose sect arose in Friesland (in the north of the Netherlands) in 1496. This teaching was further developed by the Socinians, who rejected the Holy Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus Christ, and the Arminians (followers of the teachings of Arminius) in the 17th century.

The afterlife state of the soul is reasonable, and if souls live like Angels, then their state is active, as our Orthodox Church teaches, and not unconscious and sleepy.

Holy Scripture offers us the dogma of the afterlife of the soul and at the same time shows that its state there is independent, reasonable and effective. In the Old Testament, for example, the entire fifth chapter of the Book of Wisdom of Solomon describes the conscious life of the soul in hell. Next, the prophet Isaiah paints a prophetic picture of the Babylonian king entering hell and meeting him there. A picture full of poetry, but at the same time reflecting an intelligent and active afterlife: the hell of the underworld began to move for you, to meet you at your entrance; awakened for you the Rephaim, all the leaders of the earth; raised up all the kings of the heathen from their thrones. They will all tell you: and you have become powerless, like us! and you have become like us! (Isa. 14:9-10.)

A similar poetic picture of Pharaoh’s coming to hell and his meeting with other kings who died before him is depicted by the prophet Ezekiel: Who are you superior to? go down and lie with the uncircumcised. Te p he was among those killed by the sword, and he was given to the sword; draw him and all his multitude. Among the underworld, the first of the heroes will talk about him and his allies; they fell and lie there among the uncircumcised, slain with the sword (Ezek. 32:19-21).

Every person, good and evil, after death continues his personal existence in eternity, as our Holy Church teaches! The soul, passing into the afterlife, carries with it all its passions, inclinations, habits, virtues and vices. All her talents with which she showed herself on earth also remain with her.

To the question A question to people who know: is it true what they say that if you cry a lot for a deceased person, then his soul suffers from this? given by the author dewdrop the best answer is According to the Bible - not true. God, our Creator, knows the truth about what happens to a person after death. In his Word, the Bible, he explains the state of the dead. The Bible teaches that when a person dies, he ceases to exist. Death is the opposite of life. The dead cannot see, hear or think. There is no immortal principle in man that continues to live after the death of the body. Yes, we do not have an immortal soul or spirit.
Solomon said: “The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing.” He explained that the dead cannot love and hate because “in the grave... there is no work, no reflection, no knowledge, no wisdom” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10). Also, Psalm 145:4 says that at death “every thought” of a person perishes. People are mortal and cannot live after the body dies. Our life can be compared to the flame of a candle. If the candle is extinguished, the flame will simply disappear. It won't burn somewhere else.
This is what is written in God's Word:
Genesis 2:7: “God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” Please note that it does not say that man was given a soul, but that he became a soul, that is, a living being. The word “soul” here is translated from the Hebrew word neʹfesh.
Joshua 11:11: “They smote every soul with the edge of the sword [Heb. nefesh] that were in it." If a soul can be struck with a sword, then it is not some kind of spiritual substance.
Ezekiel 18:4: “All souls belong to me. Both the soul of the father and the soul of the son belong to me. The soul* that sins will die." (*Heb. neʹfesh. Modern Translation: “He who sins shall die”).
Regarding the cases described above, in such situations the appearance of the dead is assumed by Satan the Devil or his demons, thereby misleading people. And oddly enough, many people believe them!
It is normal to mourn and cry over the death of a person. However, if the dead appear in a dream, a warm, sincere prayer to God for help and protection from these spiritual evil individuals will come to our aid.
Demons have another way to deceive people - this is “communication” with the dead. Often people grieving the death of loved ones succumb to deception: they believe that they can communicate with the dead. Spiritual mediums can “transmit” special information from a deceased person or speak in his voice. This convinces many that the dead continue to live and communication with them is an opportunity to be consoled in their grief. However, such consolation is deceptive. Besides, it is dangerous. Why? Because demons can imitate voices and tell mediums information that was known to the dead (1 Samuel 28:3-19). Moreover, as we have learned, with death a person ceases to exist (Psalm 113:25). Therefore, those who “question the dead” are deceived evil spirits and violate God's law (Deuteronomy 18:10, 11; Isaiah 8:19). You need to be careful not to fall for this “bait” of demons.
But one should not be afraid of them, because our Almighty God provides protection if: 1. Get rid of everything connected with spiritualism; 2. Study the Bible; 3. Turn to God in prayer at any time and in any place.
If you have any other questions, write to me by email, I will be happy to answer them based on the Bible :-))

Answer from Rec.[guru]
I often heard this from them in the battle of psychics

Answer from compound[guru]
No one will ever be able to answer this question. The Bible says - dead to dead, living to alive.

Answer from Neurosis[guru]
Is it true.
The deceased may then dream about it and ask them to stop crying for him.

Answer from light[guru]
To put it mildly, he may become a tax collector.

Answer from Ivarg[guru]
When my nephew died, my mother cried a lot --- she dreamed about him, said that the work was hard, she carried water in buckets, she stopped crying and he stopped complaining ---

Answer from man of the world[guru]
“soul” is a figurative and symbolic concept and dies with a person

Answer from Lika Sereda[guru]
You need to try to let him go, not tie him down!! Although this can be difficult)) The soul of the departed does not understand why you are crying, because it is so easy and good for her!!!

Answer from Bird Singing[guru]
The condition of the dead is clearly stated in Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10: “The dead know nothing... In the grave where you will go, there is no work, no reflection, no knowledge, no wisdom."
Therefore, death is non-existence. The psalmist wrote that when a person dies, “his spirit departs, and he returns to his land; in that day all his thoughts perish” (Psalm 146:4).
When the life force leaves a person, only God is able to return it to him again. Thus, “the spirit will return to God” in the sense that now the hope for future life depends entirely on God.
People who are in the memory of God will be resurrected, as the Bible speaks of “the resurrection of the dead, the just and the unjust” (Acts 24:15)

Answer from Instigator[guru]
Until forty days it is impossible. During this period, the soul does not belong to either this or this light, it is somewhere halfway. And her sobs lead her off the road, which, entangled in her tossing, she will never be able to find. This belief is rooted in the mythology of the pagan Slavs.

Answer from Extinguere non spiritus[guru]
Do not cry, but pray and give alms for him. Everything that the Church has established (if he is Orthodox) must be done and then the soul will receive relief in hell or may even be begged for or pardoned for Last Judgment. This is why it is so important that a person die Orthodox.

Answer from Adventus[guru]
Am I the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (Matthew 22:32)+++ The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and there is no longer any reward for them, because the memory of them is forgotten, and their love and their hatred and their jealousy have already disappeared, and They will no longer have a share forever in anything that is done under the sun. (Eccl. 9:5,6) +++ And no wonder: because Satan himself disguises himself as an Angel of light, (2 Cor. 11:14)

Answer from Yovetlana Likhatskaya[guru]
Death is also a mystery. During death (even in the last minutes of a person’s life), one must not disturb the peace with screams and tears. At this time, the soul is shown the life it has lived and mistakes are pointed out. The soul is no longer here. And after death, she prepares for a new incarnation, she has her own affairs. You can’t pull her back to where she has no return.
So what people say is true.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Yes. Remembering and mourning, a person pulls the deceased out of his world and he must appear next to the one who remembers him, or rather, in his fields. Since the one who remembers constantly mourns the deceased and cannot let go, the deceased has no choice but to settle in the field of the one who remembers and feed on his energy. Everyone who cannot let go of the dead has kidney problems. Kidney stones are gravestones. On the other hand, the one who commemorates can disrupt the new birth of this entity. It seems like the entity broke away, chose its parents, synchronized them, the woman became pregnant, and then the compassionate relative remembered again - he ran to the temple to light a candle for the repose - the woman had a miscarriage. In principle, those who remember and mourn are essentially murderers. The Church is specially lobbying for this magic; it is beneficial for it that those who are not recorded in the book of destinies go into rebirth, it is easier to zombify them. Well, in general, this story is long. People don’t realize what they are doing, everything is hidden from them.

Answer from Alexander[guru]
"The soul that sins shall die... (Ezekiel 18:20) How do you understand these verses?

Answer from Lyudmila kkkkkkk[guru]
Most likely, the mourner himself will fall ill, but wouldn’t it be better to have the hope that God gives that there will be a resurrection to life on earth in wonderful conditions.

It should be borne in mind that after Death, every Soul, having finally freed itself from its dense shell, has a very limited amount of vital force compared to the reserves that the physical body gave it. This energy deficit begins to be felt by the deceased in literally everything immediately after the Transition.

Many people who died after Death thoughtlessly waste the strictly limited reserves of their astral energy on the realization of the crudest instincts and low-quality feelings, rushing with all their Thoughts and desires not to the spiritual and light areas of the new World, but to the vast areas of the so-called “Sphere of Hungry Ghosts.” There they very quickly become de-energized and astrally exhausted, thoughtlessly surrendering to the power of all sorts of coarse-astral Thought Forms and instincts, and thereby very quickly bringing themselves to the so-called. “second Death” - astral.
An acute deficiency of vital force also determines the difference between the quick and relatively easy acquisition by a person of all kinds of new knowledge and skills during his Life on Earth, and the very weak ability of the deceased to assimilate everything new after Death, that which he did not have to practically encounter or come into close contact with during Life. . When you die, you will no longer be able to master areas of Knowledge that are completely new to you as quickly and successfully as now, but you will begin, on the basis of the experience gained during earthly Life, to develop and deepen what has already been developed by you personally, and You also “inherited” it from previous reincarnations of the Spirit who embodied you.

Any new spiritual thought-creativity requires a powerful influx of vital force, in contrast to the memories of the Soul, which can be evoked and left in memory with virtually no expenditure of energy. Energy will be required only when, for the astral materialization of memories, the deceased will need to apply a prolonged volitional impulse.

The creation and implementation of a NEW, finally formed Thought Form or Astroidea is a very difficult and very difficult task, especially for people who have not adapted and are not accustomed during their earthly Life to intellectual or spiritual creativity. The fate of such dead is to continue to affirm in the outer regions of the Outer Sphere of the Astral the primitive images, ideas and concepts they developed on Earth, watching with horror the approach of their own astral Death.

Personally, I have repeatedly experienced disappointment and bewilderment when, during my out-of-body visits to some of these primitive astral communities, I tried to teach individual members more or less simple mental skills that could greatly facilitate their existence.

All my numerous attempts at spiritual improvement or revealing the Consciousness of the dead always remain in vain, because the inhabitants of such astral regions simply do not want to understand anything, change anything and do anything either for their spiritual growth or to improve their primitive life, which, however, is completely suits each member of this community. What, from my point of view, is stupid or simply irrational, is absolutely normal for them simply because “all their ancestors lived this way.”

Repeatedly, after returning to my physical body, I discovered on it obvious traces of the aggressive influences of my, too biased, astral “opponents”: red astral burns, cuts, shallow wounds, bruises and abrasions. This means that during such “educational missions” they simply tried to either burn me at the stake, or shoot me with a poisonous arrow, or kill me with a club, or strangle me, so that I would no longer disturb their sleeping and primitive Consciousnesses with unnecessary highly spiritual Ideas and my “diabolical” ones. rationalization proposals.
All members of each of these low-spiritual communities very strictly adhere to the moral, ethical, religious and many, many other requirements and conditions imposed on them by the Egregor, who oversees this astral community. Any attempt at the slightest spiritual improvement or other radical change within a given community is fraught with the danger of going beyond the vibrations of a given energy-information structure, and therefore losing its - Egregor - energetic support.

Almost all people who, during Life, receive energy from one or another Egregor, after their Death move to the same Egregor, “territorially” and spatially divided into many spiritual communities with very similar way of life, foundations, traditions, moral principles and religious views.

Due to an acute energy deficiency, all the dead strive for a very close “fusion” with everything that they believed in during Life, with the things that they strived for or that aroused negative feelings in them, because everything is religious, moral and moral Ideas, through the corresponding Egregors, are closely tied to the astrosomes of living people, who constantly feed them with their psychic energy.
Having firmly “attached” or identified as closely as possible with one or another Idea or mental Prototype, spiritual communities draw energy from them for their own existence, and not only the quality of the thought-creativity of its members, but also the level of their creative activity. That is why there is nothing there that would be simple separately, that would exist on its own, in isolation from everything else.
Everything and everyone must be tied to global subtle structures, such as Egregors, which are the most powerful accumulators and transformers of psychic energy of the most diverse ranges of vibration. Housing there is practically of no importance, because the disharmony environment with the inhabitants of each spiritual Family is completely absent, as, however, there is generally no feeling of disharmony within the same spiritual community.

And there is no time to “sit” on benches at home and gossip, as is customary here on Earth, because a huge number of opportunities attract every Soul to the self-realization of its spiritual potential. But what truly has always amazed even my imagination, rich and seasoned during astronomical excursions, - especially during the stay of my Consciousness at the highest levels of Being - is What we usually define with the word “Nature”.

There, the continuously changing Harmony of colors and shades of Light, combined with the shimmer of the gentlest and sweetest sounds, immerses the disembodied Soul in the exciting stream of the incessant Music of the Spheres, from which, after Consciousness enters into full resonance with it, one does not want to leave forever.

Many of those who devoted their earthly Life exclusively to the study of only its material aspects, after Death, have to completely relearn, completely reorienting their Consciousness to the study of the spiritual aspects of Existence, since the experience and knowledge of the material World and its laws can do little to help the deceased in his posthumous life. existence. He who has ears, let him hear this Truth and not waste so much of his strength and resources on assimilating what after Death will no longer have any value for anyone.

Thus, artists learn to create in a new way, carefully “drawing” their creations in the imagination, and then “revitalizing” them in the surrounding space with the help of a volitional impulse. This way you get completely “alive” and real pictures, representing a complete and absolutely accurate realization of the artist’s Thought Forms.
Things are somewhat different for those who have dedicated their earthly Life to the art of photography: after Death they will no longer need cameras, because what they want to capture, they will simply have to contemplate until they remember the whole play of colors and gamut shades, and the picture will not become this way integral part themselves.

They can then place their work anywhere so that others can also enjoy the beauty and harmony they have created. And since all members of the same community create and think in unison with each other, then in the Subtle World, on none of its many spiritual levels, creations simply cannot arise that evoke delight and admiration among some inhabitants of this area, but among others - irritation or condemnation. What may please one person should definitely please another.

After the Transition, talented musicians gain to an even greater extent the ability and opportunity to influence, with the help of their works, both the living people remaining on Earth and the so-called. “dead”, living in the same range of vibrations as them or one overtone lower, because their music is the same vibrations, the same vibrations that they tune to us, people, and bring into line with us.
The higher the level of posthumous existence the author is, the more capable he is with his creations, inspired by him to living composers, to positively influence our spiritual growth. All musicians who wished to improve in the musical field even after Life on Earth are organized into numerous specialized groups of Consciousnesses striving for music as the highest perfection.
Sounds are construction material Souls, that’s why you can say a lot about a person’s spiritual level by knowing what kind of music he loves. During astronomical outings, I have more than once had the opportunity to meet and talk with those who, during their Life, were seriously involved in applied sciences: medicine, physics, astronomy, chemistry, etc. - and managed to achieve very great success in this field.

And what? Even after Death, having undergone some retraining and reorientation of Consciousness to the specifics of the Laws of the Subtle World, they still continue to do what they love, performing the tasks newly assigned to them in numerous research groups, uniting scientists from various fields.

After all, the defining impulse after the Transition is the steady aspiration of Consciousness towards further self-improvement and development, and each of the disembodied people has the opportunity to turn to absolutely all the knowledge accumulated at this level of the Subtle World.
So, I talked with a recently deceased physicist who, together with a group of his colleagues, is looking for new ways to purify polluted astral Matter. He said that even the great scientists “there” do not possess all the Highest Wisdom and have to figure everything out on their own, devoting a lot of energy to study, research and experimentation. Only Great Teachers, who make up the so-called, have access to the Higher Knowledge. "Council of Twelve".
Those of the deceased who were during Life, what is called “a doctor by vocation,” continue to study medicine “there” in astral research institutes that unite the brightest minds of all humanity. Only “there” the term “medicine” is understood as something completely different than what we are used to on Earth.

Take, for example, such an important direction of space exploration medical science, like astral surgery: nothing, not a single organ of the subtle body “there” is amputated, and the spiritual bodies of those who have passed on, damaged during Life on Earth, are completely restored, healed and cleansed, so that their Soul, even after physical Death, can continue its path of Knowledge and go further into your individual spiritual development.
Once I had the opportunity to have a long conversation with a former child prodigy who died at a young age, and now, after Death, a young scientist-historian who continues to successfully and fruitfully study in the richest mental libraries all kinds of interconnections of Existence, which closely intertwine the entire history of all levels of Divine Existence on Earth.

He is infinitely happy that he finally has the opportunity to do his favorite thing with full dedication and fruitfulness impossible on Earth. He also said that this is real happiness - to cognize and create as here (for us - “there”) and at the same time constantly be in a huge and close-knit team like-minded people who fully understand and support you in your work.
Often in the Subtle World you can meet people who, with indescribable delight and joy, care for plantings in numerous and amazingly beautiful parks or plant flowers of truly indescribable, heavenly beauty in unearthly gardens, which you can not only admire, but even communicate very fruitfully. Each person after his Death has practically unlimited opportunities to start anew or continue to study what he missed during Life.

But the most important quality, filling the entire Being of the dead, is Love - unknowable, limitless and all-encompassing. Each person after his Death will have to, first of all, know the one and only Truth, that he is a part of boundless Love, that he is a part of the Divine Universe, that he is a part of God. Each person came from the Primary Source and each after Death will return to his Source and enter His Love, from which he never left, but which he simply could not perceive, being in voluntary captivity of Matter.
Many of the living are very afraid that after Death they will be “depersonalized” or lose their individuality, will not be able to do what they love, etc. This way we can full responsibility to say that INDIVIDUALITY - as the summarized internal experience of all Lives of a person on all the planets of his habitat - ALWAYS REMAINS, regardless of the nature of Death, circumstances or age at which the Transition takes place.
After Death, anyone will be able to do whatever they love, as much as they want. And the conditions for this will be truly heavenly. But the higher the inner level a person reaches after Death, the more he is inspired by one single desire - to merge as fully as possible with the Truth, with Divine Love, which comprehensively fills the entire Universe.

“There” there are no such purely human concepts as something “putting off until tomorrow” or “doing later”: everything that needs to be done WILL DEFINITELY BE DONE, but not at all because someone -in a way it forces us to do this, but due to the fact that there are always those who want to do exactly this, because they are sincerely convinced of the necessity and usefulness of their participation in this particular matter.

Everything that every Soul does “there” is part of what can be called “indescribable happiness”, “absolute bliss”, etc. Not a single creative action is accompanied by an act of compulsion: everything that serves spiritual advancement is recognized and accepted by each Soul, based on its own Knowledge that it is THIS that it needs most for its further development. Free Will is an integral part of the Life of the deceased and everyone goes after Death on their own path leading to perfection.

Perfection consists of a countless number of “small perfections” through which one must go in order to comprehend the Whole. After the Transition, someone decides to improve, for example, in singing and drawing, someone else - in the sciences, someone else - in dancing, rhythms or plastic arts, etc. This allows each Soul to find its own self-expression and not get lost among the mass of all other members of the huge spiritual Family, but, on the contrary, to express its individuality to the maximum extent possible in the general vibrations of Love and Happiness.

Many of those who have departed, from among those who during their Life did not recognize the possibility of existence after Death, having undergone preliminary training and in terms of spiritual practice before moving to a higher level of Knowledge, themselves voluntarily choose for themselves the path of preparing those who have again moved to a new conscious Existence and providing help to those who, just like they once did, do not want to admit their mistakes and delusions after the Transition.
After preliminary training and preparation, they can exert a positive spiritual influence on newly arriving deceased people who are unaware of their posthumous existence. Many of these dead people, after their Transition, wander for a long time in the outermost regions of the Astral in confusion and bewilderment, not finding a place for mental peace in themselves and literally losing their heads from the Thoughts that they are already “dead”.
After all, many, many millions of those who have departed, due to their ignorance of the possibility of their active posthumous existence, are completely unaware of themselves after awakening, cannot understand where they are and cannot see the paths by which they will have to independently come to the Light. And these paths can sometimes be very tedious and difficult. In the field of providing them with first spiritual assistance, hosts of spiritual Beings of Light are involved, always ready to give the Soul necessary advice and help you make the right decision in a given situation.