I dream of an adult son crying. Why a mother might dream about her son

Seeing your son handsome and healthy in a dream foretells receiving news of his happiness and well-being.

But if in a dream you see that he is sick, wounded, pale, etc., then expect bad news or troubles.

If you dream that your son killed you, then after your death he will inherit your fortune.

A dream in which you saw that your son died portends you great concern about his well-being.

Sometimes such a dream may indicate that your child is in excellent health and your worries are unfounded.

If your son calls you in a dream, then soon he will need your help.

If you dream that you have a son, although in reality you do not have children, then you will have to bravely endure future troubles or material losses.

Sometimes such a dream warns of great experiences. See interpretation: children, relatives.

The dream in which you saw that you had a son foreshadows worries and worries.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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    I dreamed that I was walking with my son by the hand, but I didn’t have him, and a guy I knew was walking towards us and told my son that soon your mother will be left without a breast because my husband, who I have, touched a sick cat or dog

    Hello! I had a dream that it was as if I was in the village and my son was playing, there was also my brother and some girl, and then he ran far away, I asked for help to catch up, to which they answered me he wouldn’t run far, and I myself ran after him and caught up, took him in my arms and carried by the lady and on the way we walked with my brother and my son was in my arms and although I have a child, it’s my daughter and in a dream my son asked what he wanted to poop for, why send all this please by mail

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a son, but in my life I don’t have children, I only dream, and it was a surprise for everyone, since no one knew that I was pregnant, including me, who gave birth to a son at home, I didn’t find any milk in my breast , began to prepare the mixture, with her beloved groom and nephew nearby. My nephew started feeding him rice, I scolded my nephew, saying that he was still small and move away from him. In a state of shock, she took out the milk, then caught the child’s gaze. He lay very calmly and watched me carefully, I took him in my arms and he somehow quickly grew into a one-year-old child. He closed his eyes and smiled, when I reached out to kiss him, I almost cried with happiness... and I woke up. I didn't want to wake up so much. I remembered his face, his eyes and cheeks were so velvety with a hint of pink) lapula

    What could this mean? This is not the first time I’ve been pregnant, or given birth, or already have an adult child. And I always dream about boys.
    Send interpretation by email

    I saw in a dream a boy who seemed to be from an orphanage, about ten years old, his name is Alexey, I take him into a foster family, and I remember that for a certain period until the new year, he says that he agrees that I will be his mother and makes me some kind of postcard with his own hands and kisses me.

    I was walking with my several month old son in a village where I once went to school and lived with my grandmother. My baby and I went to the store in a stroller, and along the way I saw some school friends. In the store I bought bread and something else, and the saleswoman mistakenly gave me several more packs of milk and a roll of noodles, I took the milk, but left the noodles and left without paying extra for the milk. I left the store and put my son in the stroller. And I woke up.

    I dreamed of a son who also had a guy in the dream (4 years together) as a husband. We were happy and couldn’t be happier with our son. Our son was little, 8-9 months old, dark, and constantly laughed with us, and my husband and I constantly called him by name.

    Hello! I don’t remember the dream exactly, I remembered it in the evening. Dream. I found out that I was pregnant, I was a little upset, but I decided to give birth and was very pleased. I don’t remember exactly the birth, everything was fine. Then I saw my son, about 1-2 years old, running around. I pick him up, hugging him and feel such joy and tenderness... that I have a son. (In fact, I don't have a son and I'm not pregnant.

    I dreamed that I had a little son... my girlfriend and I were supposedly riding in a trolleybus, and when our sons got out, we forgot in the trolleybus, of course, he was very small in a stroller and had blue eyes like my little girl’s

    I dreamed that I had a son, but I consciously knew that it was the son of my friend. I remember that I loved him very much and did not want to leave him even a step. Soon, I went to this friend (I don’t remember why) and saw she had another boy, and she refused the boy who was my son. But she gave me some of his things. I rocked this boy, he smiled at me, laughed with me. Previously, I had a similar dream in which I had already given birth to a child. I don't know what this could mean. I am not married and I have no children.

    Hello. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, from March 7 to 8, I dreamed that I was walking to school (he was about 6 years old) by the hand, to the school where I worked as a director in the dream. (In life there is another job and not even a teacher education). I don't have children yet.

    I saw in a dream a son who was not there (I also had such dreams before) I only remembered his blond hair and brown eyes... I told him that I was his mother, after that he began to tell me mom... why such dreams?

    Hello! I dreamed that my husband and I had a little son (in fact, we don’t have children). I’m busy doing housework, and my husband is playing with his son, and they’re both so happy that I even felt envious in my dream. I say, it would be better if he taught his son to speak (and his son in his sleep is at most half a year old) and then the child speaks in a whisper from dad. The son in the dream was plump, white, incredibly handsome! My husband and I are currently in a serious quarrel, two days ago I thought that it was unlikely that we would have children. He only wants it in words, but I don’t want to be the retired mother of a schoolboy in the future.

    I had a dream in which my 2-year-old son was from a loved one (but in real life there are no children yet). I bought my son a suit with a superhero emblem.. The boy was very cute and happy...

    I dreamed that I had a little son, although in reality I did not.
    I knew the father of my child, but for some reason he did not appear in the dream
    The boy is cute, but I cried constantly, since I’m only 17 years old

    I dreamed that I had arrived somewhere. My parents met me, although the couple had died two years ago, but he was there. And she took her son from them, he was very handsome, but not a baby, 5-7 years old, and we ran away with him somewhere. I remember it was an unforgettable feeling that I was a mother and this was my child. I woke up with this wonderful feeling, it was a pleasant impression.

    Today I saw that I have a small child, but not from my husband, but from a neighbor whom I haven’t seen for a long time, and we eat with him and visit guests, but the boy, how can I tell you, doesn’t always get away with me?

    I dreamed that I had a little son, a couple of months old. I was surprised in my dream that I had a child. Then the baby began to babble, this was also unexpected. In a dream I felt tenderness for this creature

    Today in my dream I was very happy. My boyfriend and I were playing with a baby boy. It's like he's our son. The baby smiled. I woke up with great happiness in my soul. In real life I don't have a son.

    This is the first time I have had such a dream. I’m in my apartment, in my room, I see a boy, I understand that this is my son, and he was already a year and a half or two years old. He is very similar to me in appearance, he smiled, laughed and was happy with me. The next detail of the dream is how I walk with him in the yard. It's winter outside, we play and have fun. Internal sensations during sleep - love, awe.

    I dreamed that I came from somewhere and was quarreling with a guy because he admitted that he cheated on me and there was a girl next to me with whom he cheated on me and from somewhere near me a beautiful little boy appeared about a year or two. It’s as if I was feeding him my son. And the guy says look what you learned while you were away, but I actually don’t have children. Please help me figure it out.

    Good afternoon, in a dream I saw that we were going to bed at my mother’s and I was upset that the test showed a negative result, we wake up and a little boy is sitting on me and says that he is my son, he is two years old and his name is not called, I give him the name Roman, I’m going and I introduce him to his mother, he joyfully runs up and shouts to her grandma, then I see, I look in the mirror and I see at first a small tummy and then it gets bigger and I already see the baby’s hand, he kicks in the tummy and it hurts me a little, I talk to my husband in a dream and I say how can this be because the test was negative, I leave my son with his mother and sister and I go to the antenatal clinic where I take a queue and my queue number was 39, then I see I meet a friend with a dog and go to another consultation and they tell me that I was going through my critical days when I was already pregnant and therefore I didn’t know anything, I’m sitting talking to a friend about this and saying you want to see how the child’s hand sticks out of the tummy, they lift the T-shirt and the skin on my stomach has split a little and a naked, small child comes out of there and I clearly see that this is a girl in her genitals, there were no contractions or pain, and since everything is back to my normal tummy, I see my daughter a moment later already a tall, slender girl of about 10 years old and I wake up

    I dreamed that I had a small child and without understanding why, I just knew that it was my son, I sort of babysat him, walked with him and a very old friend whom I really hadn’t seen for several years. And all this evoked such positive emotions. But the point is that there really is no son and there is no pregnancy.

    I was pregnant, but there was no belly, I just felt it. And so I gave birth to a son, we came home with him. Guests came to us, my parents. And my friend was also visiting us, also with her infant son. My Son was beautiful, small, healthy. She didn’t cry, she just lay there and looked at me. And I decided to breastfeed him. I fed him. And I felt so happy. Then I woke up.

    In a dream I see my ex-husband and three sons sitting and chatting nicely. Although in reality I have a daughter. I see my husband with other men in the bathroom where they are all naked, and I am making a bed for myself, although there is not one bed and there is a lot of bed around for all these men. I fry fish, wash my clothes. In a dream I see jewelry in a bag and I talk to the girl and tell her why I didn’t bring the money, but she says there is no money, she decided to return the bag with jewelry. Afterwards I run out looking for my daughter, she is crying and ran away from her ex-mother-in-law and husband, I hug her and leave with her and my mother

    I dreamed that in the dream there was already a 6-7 year old son whom I was picking up from school in a white BMW (although I don’t have any children or a car), the boy was very handsome, blond, calm and obedient, and in the dream I felt that he was very much his I loved him because in my dream I didn’t even give him Coca-Cola because it was harmful. Everything I remember.

    Hello! I dreamed of a boy about 2 years old; I don’t have any children myself, and I don’t plan on it yet. In a dream, I told my friends that this was my son and hugged him, and he smiled and looked at me...

    holding her three-month-old son, who was not yet born, in her arms. handed him over to her husband with a request to help, he took him and showed him something and told him something, a very cute picture from the outside of how a dad hugs his infant son and talks to him. We don’t have a son, but we are working on it and it’s very much his we wait)

    Hello. I dreamed of 4 sons who are not there, I am very happy, they are sitting at the table. We are waiting for something, most likely dad, the younger ones want to sleep, I am smiling. I am married, although my husband and I were divorcing and we have a daughter, but in the dream there was another husband. With whom I felt safe and happy.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was holding a small swaddled baby in my arms. And in a dream I think, this is my son, I gave birth to a son, that means I have a full-fledged family, that means I’m married. Although in reality I live alone with my daughter.

    Somehow I had a son, a boy, and we were running away from someone and he disappeared. I searched, but they said that his mother was looking for him and called the police, although this boy shouted to me, mom, I love you, take me.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed of a baby boy. My son, whom I don't have. So plump,))))), beautiful. With big black eyes and blond hair. I dreamed about how I bottle-fed him. And this fact did not greatly satisfy me, because... I breastfed my daughter for a very long time

    I had a dream where I was pushing my son in a stroller, then I put him on a bench and started talking to him, he listened very carefully and even answered me very smartly “he is 3-4 years old” this was a joy for me... then I suddenly dreamed that we were in in the aqua park in the pipe we go down and he slowed down and we couldn’t go down normally “6-7 years old” tell me what it could be? It was a colorful dream, he had fair hair and blue eyes, I’m 19 years old and not married) and I never thought about it.

    I had a baby in my hands. I held him in my chest - he gave me a calm state of happiness. This baby was my child. We walked along dark roads, he asked me various questions “with his eyes”, without saying anything. But I immediately understood everything and gave him answers. We came to some house, then he disappeared. In this house I sat with relatives and talked about something. Then I went outside and the baby appeared again

    At first, I dreamed that I was caring for and babysitting the child of my ex-girlfriend, with whom all contact has now been interrupted. Then I dreamed of a conversation with my boyfriend and a boy runs up, I hug him tightly, kiss him and say: “my beloved son.”
    This is where the dream ended

    My name is Kolya, I’m 17 years old, I’m not married yet, I have a fiancee, Christina, she’s 18.
    We didn’t have anything with her until after the wedding. We love each other very much.
    I dreamed that we were standing on the shore, and in the middle of the sea on a small island there was a wolf or a white wolf, and it was as if a covenant was with us, and we entered the water and began to walk with difficulties, it was not deep, then we somehow came to the shore and I there was a small, pretty child in my hands, and someone said to me, your son, and then I began to show everyone and say this is my son, I kissed him, and then I gave her hands to my bride and woke up

    This dream was intermittent, I woke up three times and then it was like a continuation, but with an interval, a discontinuity in time.
    First, I lost my eldest daughter in the subway. I was in a state of depression and bitterness. Then I dreamed that I felt pregnant. And the last fragment: I’m visiting my sister on the bus. Continuously clarifying the specific place of her residence (although I know perfectly well where she lives), I was very worried that I would not be able to find it. And I had my son in my arms. About six months. No name. I remember sitting in a minibus and thinking: what should I call it? Alexander? Konstantin seems to be a good name too..

    From Friday to Saturday I had a dream that the guy I like was pregnant, on the night from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that this guy gave birth to a child. And I was his mother, and the child was already about 5 years old and he said that mom you love me, but dad doesn’t, I started hugging him and crying and the dream ended.

    My son is a bright boy, 1 year old he could already talk a little. At first I didn’t understand that this was my son, then I started calling him “son” after a while he grew up, about 18 years old, but for some reason he’s in another family and doesn’t know that I’m his mother

    Hello. I dreamed that supposedly we were walking with my boyfriend and friends and I have a son who is about a year old, we found ourselves in some place, it immediately felt like a room and then it started to rain, I ran out into the street and there my son was lying in a blue stroller and he’s crying, I look at him and he’s lying in the water as if he’s been covered in rain. Then, when I took him, I returned to the room with the stroller, there were already a lot of people there, and I went to the very end of this building and a friend was sitting there with her child, and I saw our boys swimming in some kind of bathhouse or Jacuzzi. my one-year-old child already had long hair.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I had a son who was from 3 to 5 years old, I can’t say for sure. A cheerful, mischievous boy, we were walking on the street. Moreover, he was born from an ex-boyfriend whom I met many years ago and now I have not been in contact with for a very long time. he found out about his son in a dream, met him by chance on the street, recognized him immediately, because the son was very similar to his dad. we talked, then we ended up in the room, I was sitting at the computer and asked my son’s father to babysit the child on Saturday, supposedly I was going to visit, because... I need to improve my personal life, and my parents can’t sit with the boy. He didn’t seem to be able to help me either, but he promised to try or ask his parents. I tried to access my email on the Internet and the dream ended.

Why do you dream about your son?

Miller's Dream Book

If you have a son and you see him handsome and obedient in a dream, it means that you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors.

If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, then you should be afraid of some kind of trouble.

If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of a well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that a lot of grief awaits her.

But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream should be taken as an incentive to be careful.

Why do you dream about your son?

Family dream book

If you have a son and you dreamed that he was handsome and obedient, you will have something to be proud of.

If in a dream you are for some reason unhappy with your child, you should be wary of trouble.

Why do you dream about your son?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Communication with your son - he has problems, he needs your help.

Why do you dream about your son?

Spring dream book

Son - to experience.

Why do you dream about your son?

Summer dream book

Son - to news about him.

Why do you dream about your son?

Autumn dream book

Son - to prosperity in the family.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you see yourself as a woman in labor and they announce to you that you have a son - this means that you will be able to oppose your will and determination to evil intentions, thereby preventing tragic events.

If you have a freak son, this means painful experiences and bitter disappointment; handsome, strong son - arrange your wedding safely.

To experience strong anxiety about the fate of your son in a dream means that you will learn things that you would prefer never to hear.

Why do you dream about your son?

Esoteric dream book

A son who actually does not exist is a reminder that you have not yet created what you should, have not accomplished the work of your life.

They kill, they die - time is running out, we urgently need to “come to our senses.”

Being born is a favorable opportunity for self-realization.

Existing in reality is a reminder that it is time to analyze your relationships and, depending on the context of the dream, resolve the issues that have arisen.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you have a son and you saw him handsome and obedient in a dream, you will have something to be proud of in reality, and your desire to take a high position in society or at work can be very successful.

If your child looked sick or suffering in a dream, you should be wary of some kind of trouble.

If you dreamed that your son fell to the bottom of a well and called out to you for help from there, a lot of grief awaits you. But if you managed to save him in a dream, the danger will pass you by, but you should still be more careful in the near future.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

The son died - a joyful event; for a woman - relationships with his father, husband.

Why do you dream about your son?

Modern dream book

Seeing your son handsome and obedient in a dream is a sign of this. that in real life you will have a reason to be proud of him, and you will strive for honors.

If your son came to you in a dream crippled or sick, troubles and misfortunes await you ahead.

If a mother dreams that her son has fallen into a well and she hears his cry, deep sadness, loss and illness await her.

If she manages to save her son, the danger threatening her will suddenly disappear.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Son - You see your son in a dream as handsome and flexible - you will be proud of what you have recently created. You see your son sick and sad - the dream warns: trouble is on your heels. A woman dreams that her son fell into a well - this woman would not wish her enemy worse harm than what she will soon face. A woman dreams that she saved her son who fell into a well - the dream says that this woman is suspicious and tends to see a thundercloud in a small cloud; Everything will be fine.

Why do you dream about your son?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing an adult son as a small child means his labors, care, grief.

To see your adult children - if it’s “good”: fortunately, “bad”: to secretly worry about them, to suspect something evil, to see your daughter dying - a big expense awaits, to see your “little” children big - help, hope.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The son for the father is himself and his hopes, fortunes, achievements, opportunities (based on appearance and behavior).

For the mother - a symbol of her guardian angel, assistant; emotional state, relationship with husband.

Left - unhappiness in the family, breakup of relationships.

For a childless woman - her feeling for her beloved, the situation with him.

Died, died - the son will leave the family; joyful event, peace. Sometimes the “son-mother” relationship (their images in a dream), thanks to the formed broadband energy connection, goes beyond typical symbolism and reports on some actual events in reality (more often tragic) happening to them. This is how a mother can feel and see the death of her son through a dream (often such a “vision” occurs even in reality).

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Son - You will reach great heights in life. Imagine your son healthy, beautiful and successful.

Why do you dream about your son?

Big dream book

The son died - A joyful event.

Why do you dream about your son?

Ancient Russian dream book

Seeing your own Son and talking to him signifies harm and loss.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does the Son mean in a dream - to prosperity, long life.

Son - son in dreams illuminates the dreamer's need for self-expression and extroversion. It also signifies parental responsibility. In a mother's dream, a son can represent someone's ambitions, hopes and possibilities. In a father's dream - to illuminate unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Relationships in a dream with a wife or partner are based on how a man perceives himself. If he has formed a good relationship with his mother, he will try to show himself as a good husband in his dreams. In any case, he will experience the potential loss of the death of his partner in the same way as he would experience the loss of his beloved mother.

What does Son mean in a dream - see Family Tobacco 1. Tobacco appearing in dreams will have different meanings, depending on whether the dreamer smokes in life or not. If the dreamer is a smoker, then the tobacco he dreamed about is most likely a means of relaxation and calm. If the dreamer does not smoke, then tobacco will be associated with the idea of ​​using it to achieve a different state of consciousness. If the dreamer smokes a pipe, problems with masculinity may be present. 2. It is believed that Native Americans used tobacco to ward off evil spirits, but the truth is that tobacco creates an uplifting mood. In a dream, it is the symbolism of change that is significant. 3. Tobacco is a provider of visions. The dreamer may be interested in the idea of ​​spirituality, but still has not found the right stimulation to receive it.

Why do you dream about your son?

Women's dream book

Son - If you have a son and you saw him handsome and obedient in a dream, you will have something to be proud of in reality, and your desire to take a high position in society or at work can be very successful. If your child looked sick or suffering in a dream, you should be wary of some kind of trouble. If you dreamed that your son fell to the bottom of a well and was calling out to you for help from there, a lot of grief awaits you. But if you managed to save him in a dream, the danger will pass you by, but still you should be more careful in the near future, this is how what you dream in a dream is deciphered.

Why do you dream about your son?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does the Son mean in a dream - ambition; attitude towards him. He is beautiful and healthy - the desire to reach great heights; spiritual harmony with my son; a sick or suffering child - doubts that the goal can be achieved; your relationship is not very good; hearing the cry of a fallen son is a call for help; saving him is a successful resolution of all problems.

Why do you dream about your son?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If the mother had a dream, everything is fine with him.

Bad meaning: If the father had a dream, the son may have serious problems in the near future. To help him cope with them easily, give your son a family heirloom.

Why do you dream about your son?

Old Russian dream book

died - a joyful event.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream book for women

If you dream of your future son, whom you see as a handsome and well-mannered boy, in real life this means that your career will take off and this will become a source of your pride. You will strive for a higher position.

If you dreamed that your son is not good-looking or suffers from some kind of abnormality, then in reality beware of trouble.

A dream in which you see your son screaming and begging for help portends grief and failure in business.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dream book for the whole family

If you dream of your future son, whom you see as a handsome and well-mannered boy, in real life this means that your career will take off and this will become a source of your pride. You will strive for a higher position.

If you dreamed that your son is not good-looking or suffers from some kind of abnormality, beware of trouble in reality.

A dream in which you see your son screaming and begging for help portends grief and failure in business.

Why do you dream about your son?

Online dream book

Your son looked good - this means that he will give you a reason to be proud of him.

He looked bad - don't expect anything good from the future.

According to the dream book, the birth of a son is a reflection of the fact that you can cope with problems yourself if you act with vigor.

If you were worried about him, you will be aware of something that you might not know.

Seeing your son as a small child in a dream means that in reality you will be on the threshold of a new life period; events will occur that will radically change your whole life.

If in real life he has already grown up

If you dream that you are beating your son, in reality you are guaranteed to achieve significant results in what you are doing now.

For entrepreneurs this vision

If you beat your own child

A dream in which you lost your son does not bode well for you; be prepared for fate to teach you a cruel lesson or deal you a stunning blow.

If such a vision was seen by a woman in position

You saw your deceased son in a dream - you just can’t come to terms with this loss, but his soul is not at peace because you are holding it, try to come to terms with it and remember that despondency is a grave sin.

According to the dream book, the very handsome, smart and obedient future son you saw promises you great success in your work, and you will soon take a more respectable and responsible position.

To dream that you are trying to look for your son - in real life, due to fatigue and apathy, it will be difficult for you to work at full capacity, your thoughts will be beyond your control.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity have a vision

If you dreamed that your son was crying - in real life he will be truly happy and more cheerful than ever, which will make you feel good too.

If someone else's child cries

If you dreamed of a drunken son, some previously unknown information will be revealed that will be very useful.

Why do you dream about your son?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing that you have sons or daughters is a sign of increase.

Why do you dream about your son?

Dreams are not just a picture in video slides, they are impressions and events of our life. The sensations that we experience are hidden in our subconscious - they are the cause of our dreams. According to the dream book, dreams are of three types: simple, prophetic and nightmare. Dreams are something unreal, emotional and bringing memories that haunt you. That is, something specific influences the production of pictures in our dreams. Some specific reason.

The meaning according to the dream book of Fate if the son plays the main role in the dream

  1. The interpretation of the dream in which you saw your son speaks of upcoming experiences.
  2. The son dreamed about what this means (for the father) - it speaks of hopes, condition, achievements, opportunities.
  3. I dreamed about my son, what does this mean (for the mother), a big dream book of Fate - this symbolizes a guardian angel, protector; also denotes relationship with spouse.
  4. I dreamed that my son was leaving, the online interpreter warns of impending misfortunes in the family, as well as a break in relationships.
  5. Decoding a dream if a childless woman had a son - according to the big dream book, this speaks of her feelings for her partner and the situation with him.
  6. Why do you have a dream about the death/death of your son, interpretation according to the online dream book - it foretells the son’s moving away from his parents.
  7. What does a dream mean in which a woman gives birth to a son? You need to beware of disputes that may arise in the near future.
  8. Why see a little son in a dream - it’s time to change something in your life.
  9. I dreamed about what my adult son said to a free dream interpreter - listen to what your son told you in a dream, this will allow you to bring vivid emotions and impressions into everyday life
  10. A crying son according to the dream book, what does this mean - you need to pay more attention to your health. Serious illnesses are possible.
  11. I dreamed of a little son hugging you, deciphered according to the dream book of Fate - this speaks of all your hopes and plans for the future. Luck will accompany you in everything.
  12. In a dream you dreamed of a naked son - a difficult task lies ahead, which will turn out to be successful and profitable.
  13. View online interpretation of a dream if you dreamed of a beautiful and healthy son - you will receive news that he is happy and does not need anything.
  14. Interpret according to the popular dream book if you dreamed of a wounded, pale or sick son - bad news, trouble.
  15. The meaning of a dream about how your son killed you - when you die, your son will become the heir to your fortune.

Let's decipher the meaning of dreams in which the main role is a son

A dream is the fruit of the subconscious, that is, it turns out that he himself creates certain pictures. It turns out that something like that influenced and became a distortion of the image. And this “something” ended up in our head, in our thoughts. If it is there, then it was able to get through only thanks to its owner. Our states - spiritual, mental and physical - are the real “scriptwriters” of our dreams. You can look for ways to interpret a dream using a dream book, or use psychoanalysis and find the answer in the past and present.

  1. To see your son dying in a dream means that in the near future you will have to worry about the well-being of your son.
  2. What does the dream book say, if you dreamed of a son calling you, he will need your support and help.
  3. To interpret a dream in which you saw that you have a son, although in real life you do not have children, means material losses and troubles await you, which you will overcome.
  4. Why see a son falling into a well and calling his mother in a dream - loss, illness and sadness are coming.
  5. If you had a dream in which a mother saves her son from danger, you have the power to avoid trouble.
  6. Why did you have a dream in which your son is mutilated and suffering - it portends trouble.
  7. The meaning of seeing an unborn son with a beautiful face in a dream means that you will rapidly move up the career ladder and will be the pride of your family.
  8. To decipher a dream about a son who is unattractive in appearance or who is ill with something, what does this mean - it speaks of impending troubles and dangers.
  9. In a dream, you committed the murder of your son, what does this mean according to the free dream book of Fate - there are many deep and disturbing contradictions in your soul. Bad dream.
  10. To see in a dream how you beat your son, the meaning according to the popular dream book - in reality you will be able to achieve positive results in the business you are doing.
  11. The meaning of seeing a drunken son in a dream is that a frivolous mood awaits you in real life.
  12. Decoding a dream if your son is lost - this speaks of your son’s fears. He is afraid of losing something or someone.
  13. Look at the dream book of Fate, what does it mean if you dream about your son’s marriage - it promises a long-term illness.
  14. Why do you dream of a son in a coffin, look at the free dream interpreter - this dream has two meanings (positive and negative). Talks about debts and expenses that cannot be avoided.
  15. What does it mean to see your son wearing glasses in a dream if he doesn’t wear them? It speaks of change.

Interpretation of dreams in which you saw your son in a dream

It is very important to understand what your subconscious is trying to tell you through dreams. Let's say, seeing the death of your own son is a rather memorable fragment, but its essence must be found on the surface. This speaks about the spiritual world of a person, about his doubts and fears. No one can interpret the same situation in the same way, since everyone sees a different meaning and a different meaning. You need to turn to your subconscious and it will point to the correct answer.

  1. Explanation: Seeing a newborn son in a dream portends troubles and worries.
  2. I had a dream in which my son drowned, why is this - you will receive unexpected news.
  3. To see your son lying in the hospital, what does this mean according to the free dream book - you have to find out some information that will calm you down.
  4. To see your son drowning in a dream, the meaning according to the online dream book of Fate means you are with the law or you are about to be reprimanded by your boss.
  5. The interpretation of a dream in which you saw your son being discharged from the hospital promises a move to a new place.
  6. What does the dream book say if you dreamed of a son in a suit - financial difficulties are ahead.
  7. The meaning of seeing your son in black clothes in a dream means unpleasant situations are coming that will not bring anything good.
  8. I dreamed of a son in white clothes, interpretation of the dream online - perhaps you will receive a promotion, bonus or award.
  9. To see your son riding on a swing in a dream, what does this mean - life changes for the better await you.
  10. Look in the free dream book to see what it means if your son pushed you on a swing - your son will be the culprit of changes in your life.
  11. To see a dream in which you and your son are on a swing, decoding the dream - this indicates that events are coming that will be favorable for both of you.

Interpretation of dreams according to the best online dream books

If, according to Miller’s dream book, you saw your real son in a dream, he was handsome and obedient, then this portends you success in your personal and career life. If the son suffers and does not feel well in a dream, then there will be trouble. According to Vanga’s dream book, seeing your son in a dream means that good luck and good health await you and him. If in a dream you saw the death of your son, then expect good news.

Children are a favorable sign for the future, but it is advisable to remember all the details of the night's adventure. If you dreamed of a little son, this is a pleasant surprise that will end a bad streak in life. A little son is the hope that everything will work out for the best.

What if you dream about your little son?

If an unmarried girl dreams of such a night image, then the good news may be about long-awaited motherhood, which has not come for many years. Now the status of “Expectant mother” is just around the corner, so the fulfillment of your cherished dream is nearing.

An experienced mother can dream of her own child if in everyday life he is in dire need of care and guardianship. Perhaps in reality he does not show his experiences, but he will not refuse the reverent maternal participation.

When a single man sees a small son in a dream, it means it’s time to start a family, think about procreation and offspring. The carefree life has come to an end, especially since a worthy life partner has long been found.

If a man already has children, then the appearance of a small child in a dream indicates that the most unexpected changes await him, and a recently started business will bring success and universal popularity.

So, when waking up, you must definitely look into the dream book and determine the most correct interpretation of this night image for your own circumstances.

A small child in a dream is always good news, which for a sleeping person becomes a pleasant surprise, a long-awaited gift of fate and a smile of fortune. This dream is most often seen by women who dream of motherhood.

When his own mother had a dream with a small son, this also means that in reality she is overly worried about her own offspring. It is advisable to relax parental guardianship, especially if in reality the children are already teenagers.

Seeing your grown-up children as small children in a dream is a good sign that reports impeccable relationships between two generations. It’s a dream, but you certainly can’t expect negativity in real life.

Watching unborn children on a nightly adventure is a sign of hope and the speedy fulfillment of a cherished desire. But children who were no longer born indicate that the dreamer is tormented by remorse and is haunted by not entirely pleasant memories from the past.

For many parents, regularly seeing their little son in a dream is considered the norm, and such a dream most often does not carry a semantic load, being a consequence of increased emotionality in reality.

A small son is a good sign for the future, so it is very important to remember all the details of the night’s incident, your actions, emotions and deeds. This is the only way to find the right answer to all your questions after waking up.

What does it portend?

Miller's dream book states that when this night image appears in the dreamer's life, a new stage begins, which will bring him joy, material and emotional stability.

Hasse's dream book predicts future motherhood for childless couples, surprise for married couples and joy for single dreamers. So the dream in any case is very favorable, and is fulfilled in the shortest possible time.

Tsvetkov’s dream book also interprets the appearance of a small son in a dream as hope for better times. Most likely, a bad period of life is coming to an end, and a white streak is just around the corner.

Freud's dream book associates this night image with secret desires that were never realized in real life. It's time to start implementing them, otherwise the feeling of depression and apathy will very often remind you of itself.

Vanga's dream book states that a little son is a well-deserved rebirth, that is, the end of one life stage and the beginning of another - successful and prosperous in all endeavors. Menengetti's dream book fully confirms this prediction of the Bulgarian clairvoyant.

This is a favorable night image that will completely change the life of a sleeping person. If you remember as accurately as possible all the details of a night dream, you can predict your future and predict individual life events. All that remains is to choose a proven dream interpreter, who has already helped with determining fate more than once.