Dreaming of young trees. Dream interpretation of a cut down tree. Why we love new things

A tree in a dream is a person, his life and health / a person as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person / in men's dreams a tree can symbolize a woman’s body and desires directed towards it.

Most often, what you do with a tree affects your loved ones.

What someone else does to a tree concerns you.

Green tree - your well-being, happiness in marriage / a person in the prime of life / the visible in a person - as opposed to the spiritual - the invisible.

The flowering tree is yours happy Days/ person preparing for life path/ bride is a girl of marriageable age.

Before our eyes it became without leaves, it was easily pulled out - the husband and beloved died.

A tree with fruits is your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life / a woman in the prime of life and beauty.

A leafy dry tree means misfortune, a difficult time in your life, a broken life, despair.

Withered tree - labors and sorrows / spiritually passive person.

Yellow autumn tree– sad old age / young old woman / ancient wisdom of extinct races.

Red autumn tree - drunkard / self-absorbed person / cheerful, happy old age.

A tree in the snow - variable happiness / a person who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times.

Broken tree - illness, quarrels.

A tree broken by lightning is misfortune generated by pride.

A tree torn out by a storm is irrevocable misfortune for a person’s fate.

What happens to the tree:

the tree is covered with leaves and flowers before our eyes - unexpected joy/ experience a second youth.

A storm tears off all the leaves from a tree - temporary misfortunes.

Before our eyes, a tree instantly withers and flies away - sadness.

A tree easily pulls out of the ground - you will lose a friend.

The tree itself unexpectedly falls - someone’s misfortune unexpected death, unjustified fear for one’s health.

A tree falls, washed away by water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness.

A tree falls, undermined by an animal - misfortune from unbridled passions and licentiousness.

A flaming tree is health that is dying in labor.

A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes / to have an evil feeling towards another person.

To cut down a dead tree means to say goodbye to someone in your life with whom it is high time to part with long ago / to acquire an illness / to touch upon the memory of a dead person.

Relocating the tree means loss.

To tear a green tree out of the ground means to nourish vengeful feelings; your angry feelings towards a certain person needlessly spread to others.

A felled tree - your fate does not depend on your will / a foregone conclusion / a missing or seriously ill person.

A fallen dry tree is a certain deceased / death of the spiritual principle in a person.

Seeing a rotten trunk on the ground means oblivion of your work.

To see a log on the road means you will have to remember a deceased or long-forgotten person.

Planting a tree is wealth.

Grafting a rootstock means wealth.

Co standing tree cutting branches - unfairly slandering or thinking badly about a person / benefit at the expense of health.

Cutting branches from a felled tree is a sad duty; work that goes against your conscience and sense of duty.

Sitting under a tree means protecting your happiness, fearing for it.

Climbing a tree is an honor.

Climb high and feel fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future.

Sitting on a tall tree is good news.

Climbing to the top of a tree is melancholy; to be burdened by gray everyday life.

To climb down from a tree upside down is to mentally penetrate into a certain world.

Falling from a tree is a danger to the life of a wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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The tree is a symbol vital energy person. Based on this, it is not difficult to understand why a dry tree is dreamed of. Failures, falls, collapse of hopes - this is what awaits the dreamer after such a dream. But sometimes a dried-up tree seen in a dream can mean changes for the better, dream books suggest.

Brief description of the plot

How nice it is to wake up in the morning and remember your dream in detail. After all, this will help you understand what the coming day will bring. But what should those who remember practically nothing of what they dreamed do? Do not panic! Dream books will interpret the meaning of a dream even from a small fragment.

  • I dreamed of dead wood - to despondency.
  • Cutting it down means freeing yourself from problems.
  • If it collapses on its own, it means difficult times.
  • The fruit tree has dried up - to problems in the family.
  • Lesnoye - to misunderstanding in the team.
  • Seeing flowers on dried branches means a revival of hope.

Gustav Miller version

According to Miller's dream book, a dream in which you see a dry tree does not bode well. Sadness, melancholy and quarrels await you.

But a dream in which you break a dry tree means getting rid of everything unnecessary and outdated. And such a dream also means that it’s time to let go past life. If you had to break a fruit tree, then the old feelings have become obsolete; boldly part with those you don’t love.

Falling dead wood is a sign of life stagnation

If you dream that a tree in the garden has dried up and fallen, then you need to make some changes in your life. A deciduous tree has fallen - improve relationships with colleagues; fruity – love relationship have exhausted themselves.

But pine needles are a symbol of friendship: if it has dried up, but is standing, a quarrel with a friend can be resolved peacefully; if it has fallen, you need to separate for a while, advises the Lunar Dream Book.

Unexpected metamorphoses, or the rebirth of hope...

Looking into Autumn dream book, you can find what promises the interpretation of a dream in which a dry tree blossomed. Here, a lot also depends on what kind of tree has bloomed: fruit or berry - peace and prosperity will return to the family; forest - the ideas on which you “gave up” will miraculously be able to come true.

It’s more interesting if the pine tree blooms. Moreover, when on its branches you see not pine cones, but flowers. This promises the dreamer an unexpectedly pleasant conclusion to a very delicate matter. In general, according to most dream books, flowering branches dry wood always symbolizes new life.

Helping the forest as a symbol of deliverance

When you dream that you are cutting down your outdated plants, clearing the forest of dead wood, this means that you will be able to get rid of those things that bother you, predicts the Women's Dream Book.

Cutting dry wood and setting it on fire is a sign of cleansing the soul from negativity. And if you set fire to an uncut tree and watch it burn, this is a sign that you will be “purified” through mental pain.

If you dreamed of dead wood that was burning - in order to get rid of the past, you need to change your place of work or home.

“Break the woods”, or Be kinder

Did you dream that you broke a dry tree? Take care of the feelings of those close to you. You managed to break a huge dried oak tree - you demand too much from your family and friends. But if you dream that you managed to break a dried bush, be more civil with people.

Why do you dream about a big tree? The dream book states: personal growth, a well-established life, excellent health, successful resolution of affairs lie ahead. However, some details in a dream warn of unpleasant surprises, as well as the machinations of spiteful critics.

Personal growth, well-organized life

Because the tree symbolizes personal development sleeping, if you dreamed about something big, it means that you have to take a significant step in this direction.

Did you see a big tree in a dream - beautiful, majestic? The dream book explains: now everything is fine with you, your life is settled and organized.

Why do you dream of seeing him right in front of you? Soon you will meet a wise person who will help you find answers to questions that have long been troubling you.

Miller's Dream Book: health, strength, energy

Did you dream of a large tree with an even trunk and a lush crown? The vision promises vitality, excellent health, and an influx of energy.

What is it like?

Remember what it was like:

  • with a green crown - prosperity awaits;
  • old but strong - you will gain strength and authority;
  • without leaves - you have no like-minded people;
  • without bark - in old age there will be a lack of communication and money;
  • blooming - love is ahead;
  • with fruits - successful endeavors, good profits.

Achieve good results and find a way out of difficulties

We saw it like in a dream ordinary flower turns into a big tree? The dream book suggests: the planned business will bring results that will exceed all expectations.

Did you dream that a giant grew up right before your eyes? By using your ingenuity and putting in enough effort, you can find a way out of a difficult situation.

Why do you dream about a money tree of considerable height? The dream book predicts positive changes in some important area of ​​life.

Significant profits, family well-being

A money tree in a dream that has grown to large sizes, means: the dreamer will successfully solve the assigned tasks. The reward for this will be significant profit, which will provide an opportunity to strengthen and stabilize your financial situation.

Did you happen to see a big tree planted by your father? The dream book says: you need to strengthen your internal connection with your parents; you often forget about them.

Did you climb a huge one? Such a plot symbolizes the transition to a new spiritual level, internal development, and the opening of new horizons.

Admiring them in a dream means: there is a comfortable life ahead, joyful life, family well-being, consent and financial well-being.

Prepare to face enemies and difficulties

Why do you dream of falling from a big tree? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: there are enemies at work who want to take your place. They are not content with gossip, but use denunciations, manipulation of facts, and disruption of the tasks you have planned.

Did you happen to chop it down? The dream book warns: unexpected and serious changes are ahead. It is necessary to mobilize in order to adequately withstand unpleasant surprises.

Luck, successful activity

Did you plant a tree in a dream, and later saw how the seedling became strong, strong and tall? In reality, your efforts will bring excellent results, and things will be completed with the intended result.

Instead of a vine, did you dream of a grape tree on which berries grow in clusters? This is a harbinger of excellent health and mutual love. The dream also promises good luck and successful activities, despite the problems that arise.

In many dream books, a tree symbolizes development and growth. But this is far from the only explanation for why such a plot is dreamed. It is very important what breed you saw in your dream, how lush the foliage was, and what exactly happened to the trunk. Read all the explanations listed below similar dream. Surely, you will find what you saw in your night dreams.

Tree species and fruits

If you dreamed of an apricot tree, then you will soon have to change your place of residence. The move will most likely be a necessary measure. Large ripe apricots for new sexual adventures. Eastern dream book promises new experience and receiving previously unknown pleasure.

Seeing a lemon tree in a dream means severe mental suffering, which will be caused by unreasonable jealousy. Stop wasting your time on your partner. Trust will only strengthen your difficult relationship, but constant quarrels, on the contrary, will destroy. Another option for why you dream about lemon is finding yourself in a humiliating situation.

Did you dream that there were pears hanging on the branches? Modern dream book warns of hypocrisy and falsehood in the environment. Enemies try to dampen your vigilance with sweet speeches in order to get what they want through deception and cunning.

To see cherries in a dream means to face unfulfilled hopes and bitter disappointments in reality. The larger and riper the berries you saw in your night dreams, the deeper your sadness will be.

The Universal Dream Book contains an explanation of why an apple tree is dreamed of. Picking apples means achieving your plans. You will finally get what you have dreamed of for so long. You can celebrate your long-awaited victory! Apples can also dream of fun and joy.

A dream about a cherry promises wealth and all kinds of material profit. There is another explanation for why you dream of a cherry tree. Miller's dream book believes that cherry blossoms are a sign of happy changes in life.

Finding a nut in a dream means fragile happiness in real life. Yes, now you are experiencing strong joyful feelings, but any unpleasant event can destroy this bliss.

The plum tree predicts a successful development of events. Plums can also appear in the night dreams of a restless and hard-working housewife. Seeing a tall and thick plum tree with fruits in a dream is a sign that you will be able to achieve the heights in life that you dream of.


Why do you dream about a flowering tree? Miller explains. If you dreamed of a tall tree strewn with flowers, then life will be incredibly happy. Relationships with your loved one will develop harmoniously, colleagues will respect you, and your superiors will reward you with cash bonuses.

If in a dream the branches are strewn with white flowers, exercise maximum caution when communicating with your old friend. Grishina's dream book warns of betrayal that will come precisely from a faithful comrade.

Did you dream of a large garden and trees in bloom? An explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is available in the Spring Interpreter. It is believed that flowers on branches seen in a dream predict happiness in your personal life. Singles will meet their other half, and married people will enjoy communication with their spouse.

Falling, cutting and landing

Seeing a falling tree in a dream is not a good sign. If the trunk falls, then soon a misfortune will happen in your life. Esoteric dream book advises not to get upset ahead of time. The problem that arises can be dealt with promptly.

Dreaming of a tree being cut down is a symbol of the collapse of hopes. Cutting a trunk yourself in a dream means personally being guilty of own troubles. Universal dream book recommends discussing all important decisions and actions with an experienced person. This measure will minimize the risk of making a mistake.

In your dream, cutting down a tree means financial difficulties. Prepare for the impending need in advance. Save at least a small amount of money.

Cutting the trunks of dry trees means in reality getting rid of an unnecessary burden of things and memories. Having gotten rid of the past, you will immediately feel incredible relief.

Planting a money tree in a dream means finding new sources of income in reality. If in your night dreams you planted not one, but several plants at once, then your upcoming earnings will be impressive.

Various interpretations

Did you dream about thick green trees? Luck will be incredibly favorable to you in the coming months. Climbing to the very crowns of majestic giants means great luck. It is possible to win both the lottery and trial, and gaining a strong patron.

Another version of the explanation of why you dream of climbing trees can be found in Vanga. Vanga’s dream book says that such a plot foreshadows a rise in the ranks, moreover, due to one’s own hard work.

Seeing roots in a dream big trees- to trouble. To avoid it, the Modern Dream Book advises paying more attention to the material side of your life.

If you dreamed of a burning tree, be prepared to suffer losses. The stronger the flame seen in the dream blazed, the greater the upcoming losses will be.

Sitting on a broken trunk means coming to terms with the failures you have experienced. Thoughts of defeat will no longer torment your soul.

A tree in a dream is most often a symbol of a person ; families ; hierarchical structure (team, enterprise, etc.) ( ; - a sign of separation of interpretation options).

A beautiful healthy tree with green branches in a dream - possible symbols: spiritually and physically healthy person; the correctness of the chosen life path ; strong and prosperous family ; symbol of a healthy mind ; life success; prosperity and the right path of a certain collective. Feel free to consider this a good dream.

Become a tree in a dream, take root - possible display rooting process life position, affirmations in life. This is usually a good dream.

Planting a tree in a dream - most likely a tree in such a dream will be a symbol of creating a family, or a symbol of starting an important project ; sometimes as the likely creation or joining of a business project with a clear hierarchy ; maybe it's time to think about family and procreation ; perhaps as a sign of a quick relationship and starting a family ; may be a harbinger of life changes for the better. This is a very good dream.

Watering a tree in a dream is likely to give you something vital in the near future. important matter; give some person the meaning of life or what is vitally necessary for him ; to patronize and promote something important and right. This is a very good dream.

In a dream, a tree bends or sways under the force of the wind - life fluctuations, worries, events that will bring trials or unrest are likely (difficulties act as the wind).

Leaves falling from a tree in a dream represent minor losses and worries (but perhaps so that new young and beautiful leaves will grow).

Pulling or breaking a tree branch in a dream is likely to bring mental pain or trouble to someone, perhaps to relatives ; harm something right.

Chopping or breaking a tree in a dream - the one who chopped in a dream can cause mental pain, problems or worries to someone in the near future in a dream ; think about the bad and negative ; take steps that gradually ruin your life ; want to “cross out” another person from life ; want to destroy something important ; wanting to end all contact with another person. Remember who cut or broke the tree and draw conclusions.

Breaking a frail, dry tree in a dream is a possibility of cutting off contacts with an old person, a person of outdated views. If such a tree fell on its own in a dream, it is likely that the life of an old person will cease, or the likelihood of learning about the termination of the activities of a team that no longer had any prospects.

A healthy green tree falls in a dream or has dried up - such dreams can sometimes mean not very pleasant things, for example, the cessation of work of a team ; stopping communication with very a good man, for one reason or another. How is that the best option such a dream.

A falling tree in a dream means the cessation of the life of a group ; person ; important matter.
If there are several falling or breaking trees, this may mean the cessation of communication or an important matter with a certain team ; the end of the activities of a team or enterprise.

If in a dream animals eat branches and leaves from a tree, such a dream may mean that someone will learn, gain the experience of wisdom, or receive the necessary information from the one who personified the tree in the dream.

If you have any difficulties in interpreting your dream, describe it briefly in the comments to the page and we will try to help.


Trees with luxurious green crowns promise the embodiment of desires and hopes. Withered trees are a sign of sadness and loss.

Climbing a tree means rapid rise and promotion.

If in a dream you cut down a tree or pull it out with its roots, then you will waste your energy and money.

Seeing freshly cut trees is a sign of misfortune that will break out unexpectedly during a period of prosperity and pleasure.

Seeing an evergreen tree - this dream means an inexhaustible source of wealth, happiness and knowledge. It is interpreted the same way, no matter what class the sleeper belongs to.

Seeing trees and bushes in bloom in a dream means that times of prosperity are approaching for you.


Seeing a tree means profit.
Climbing a tree means loss, failure.
Fruity and picking fruit is a long-term success.
Cutting down a tree is a loss.
Planting a tree is wealth.
A tree with fruits means well-being.
A flowering tree means success in business;
A tree cut off or uprooted means death, mourning.
A burning tree means losses.
Sitting on a tree is a high reward and position.
Sitting under a tree is good news.
Falling from a tree means ridicule.
fruit tree- a faithful friend.


A tree in a dream represents a person, his life and health; man as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person; in men's dreams, a tree can symbolize a woman's body and desires directed towards it.

Most often, what you do with a tree affects your loved ones.

What someone else does to a tree concerns you.

Green tree - your well-being, happiness in marriage; a man in the prime of his life; the visible in man - as opposed to the spiritual - invisible.
A flowering tree means your happy days; a person preparing for life's journey; bride is a girl of marriageable age.
Before our eyes it became without leaves, it was easily pulled out - the husband and beloved died.
A tree with fruits is your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life; a woman in the prime of life and beauty.
A leafy dry tree means misfortune, a difficult time in your life, a broken life, despair.
Withered tree - labors and sorrows; spiritually passive person.
Yellow autumn tree - sad old age; a young elderly woman; ancient wisdom of extinct races.
The red autumn tree is a drunkard; a self-absorbed person; vigorous happy old age.
A tree in the snow means variable happiness; a man who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times.

Broken tree - illness, quarrels.
A tree broken by lightning is misfortune generated by pride.
A tree torn out by a storm is irrevocable misfortune for a person’s fate.

What happens to the tree:
Before our eyes, a tree becomes covered with leaves and flowers - unexpected joy; experience a second youth.
A storm tears off all the leaves from a tree - temporary misfortunes.
Before our eyes, a tree instantly withers and flies away - sadness.
A tree easily pulls out of the ground - you will lose a friend.
The tree itself unexpectedly falls - misfortune, someone’s unexpected death, unjustified fear for one’s health.
A tree falls, washed away by water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness.
A tree falls, undermined by an animal - misfortune from unbridled passions and licentiousness.
A flaming tree means health that perishes in labor.
A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes; feel angry towards another person.
To cut down a dry tree means to say goodbye to someone in your life with whom it is high time to part ways; to acquire illness; the memory of a dead person cannot be touched.
Relocating the tree means loss.
To tear a green tree out of the ground means to nourish vengeful feelings; your angry feelings towards a certain person needlessly spread to others.
A cut down tree means your fate does not depend on your will; foregone conclusion; missing or seriously ill person.
A fallen dry tree means someone who has died; death of the spiritual principle in man
Seeing a rotten trunk on the ground means oblivion of your work.
To see a log on the road means you will have to remember a deceased or long-forgotten person.
Planting a tree is wealth.
Grafting a rootstock means wealth.
To cut branches from a standing tree means to unfairly slander or think badly of a person; health benefits.
Cutting branches from a felled tree is a sad duty; work that goes against your conscience and sense of duty.
Sitting under a tree means protecting your happiness, fearing for it.
Climbing a tree is an honor.

Climb high and feel fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future.
Sitting on a tall tree is good news.
Climbing to the top of a tree is melancholy; to be burdened by gray everyday life.
To climb down from a tree upside down is to mentally penetrate into a certain world.
Falling from a tree is a danger to the life of a wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.
A hollow in a tree is a symbol of a “big heart” and kindness.
The tree is all in hollows - the kindest person.
Climbing into a hollow means taking advantage of someone’s kindness.
And to spoil there is ingratitude towards you.
And to pick at the walls there is to do cruelty to the human heart.

Seeing green foliage means the fulfillment of small desires.
Droopy foliage – malaise, painful condition.
Tree buds are swollen or blossoming - love, happiness, long-awaited joy.
Leaf fall means losses.
Collecting dry leaves means poverty.

The bark is a certain truth. There is a bark - to know the truth.
Stripping bark from a tree means ruining someone else’s happiness; separate loved ones; the desire to do without the truth; erotic attraction.

To dig up the roots of a tree - a thorough investigation will lead to paradoxical discoveries.
Climbing under the roots means the secrets of birth, the secrets of yours or another person’s distant past.
Exposed roots - revealing the secret.
Digging up roots means digging through someone else's dirty laundry.
To look under the roots - to extract benefits from other people's secrets.
Roots can also be a symbol of the male organ of love.

Seeing a big stump is a sign of concern.
To see stumps is a past that you want to forget.
Walking on a huge stump means exaggerating the significance of the past.

Strange trees, a tree that you give special attention to in a dream important- the tree of your destiny: the number of branches, height, density of the crown and everything that is on it symbolizes your life path.
An iron, gold or silver tree is someone’s bleak fate.
A tree with a head instead of fruit is a tree of evil.
A poisonous, fear-inducing tree is your eternal enemy.
A tree with arms instead of branches - a kind of collective desire.
A tree with living moving branches - the forces of motherhood.
Moaning talking tree- the tree of your family.
An incredibly thick tree - something from ancient times, invading your life.
A tree with many trunks - friendship, strong ties between people.
A continuously crying tree is a symbol of the world of your perceptions.
A luminous or flaming, but unburnt tree is something cosmic, invading your life.
The tree you are hiding behind is to seek supernatural protection.
A monstrously huge tree stretching into the sky - to be at a loss before the mysteries of existence.
It suddenly appears in front of you - some revelation is ahead.
Climbing between the branches means you will have to philosophize in an unusual environment; the path to secrets will open.
To climb between the roots of this tree is to mistake the secrets of nature for world secrets, a delusion in general.

Talking to trees means wealth awaits you.

Discussion: 135 comments

    Good afternoon Tell me please, I dreamed about how I stole trees in the park and tore them out by the roots. I planted 2 at home, but I couldn’t bring the third, a very large one with large roots. I dreamed that I met some friends and they said why are you dragging it, it won’t take root, and I break off a piece of the root, show them and say, look, they’re good, they’re alive. it was rowan and a lot of berries. I didn't tear them. I completely tore out the entire tree and very easily. the roots are big and those acquaintances sent me home and said you go, we’ll bring it to you... and I went but didn’t pick it up. I’m very worried, please tell me what it means


    1. Hello Alena. You can harm someone or something good with your rash actions. Rowan often leads to tears. It seems like you didn’t take them, but you pulled them out. Be careful with your thoughts and actions, especially regarding family and work. Don't argue too hotly.


    Good afternoon I dreamed that I wanted to climb off the roof and there was a tree nearby. I want to grab a branch, but it breaks. Then I grab another branch and it also breaks off and I fly down. Then I look around at the trees that stand nearby, and there are big oaks, but I understand that I won’t be able to make a swing on them. Then I go out onto the road, and there a herd of cows goes to graze. Then a cow (in the dream I understand that she is mine), beautiful, blue and white, comes out of the gate to join the herd. I stroked her. Please tell me what all this could mean? And if this is something bad, is it possible to somehow avoid it?


    1. Hello Lena. You will mistakenly rely on someone or something, but your expectations will not come true. You will make a mistake in your actions. Vain expectations. A little later, a pleasant and necessary acquaintance or a pleasant and beneficial interaction.


      1. Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was sitting on a very high poplar tree. At one point I realize that it’s time for me to go down. I hug the trunk. It is very thick and is slowly starting to slide down. I’m very afraid of falling off it, I’m worried that I won’t have enough strength, but I get down safely. After that I'm looking for a taller poplar tree to repeat it all

        Good afternoon Alexey. To get something new, you need to “get off” the old. But you are a little afraid... I think that you will soon start thinking about changing your activity or place of work. Changes in the vector of activity are possible. And everything should work out, despite the apparent difficulties.

    Thank you very much!


    Hello inertia, the poplar is very tall and has many trunks. I look at him from afar. I see a hurricane from which the crown bends. I myself have a feeling of calm. The hurricane doesn't concern me. Then one poplar trunk falls. The storm subsides. That's all. What is this for? The dream was like reality. And I remember this poplar from birth. He stood near the house. 7 meters tall. One trunk and a huge crown

    1. Hello Irina, my husband will make a mistake or mistake. You will be ashamed, offended, and generally upset.
