Essay on the theme of the story "Dubrovsky". Creation. school essays What pushed Dubrovsky to the criminal path



The image of Dubrovsky in the novel by A.S. Pushkin

For many years, the image of Dubrovsky has occupied the imagination of a thinking and feeling reader. It is always not easy to create a psychological portrait of a person, and especially a literary character, especially when it is ambiguous and contradictory. The main character of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" is just that.
The image of Dubrovsky should be considered not only taking into account one’s own opinion, but also based on the author’s vision of the character, taking into account the historical period.

The first impression of the main character of the novel "Dubrovsky" by the great Russian poet and writer A.S. Pushkin is a romantic hero, a noble avenger, a Russian Robin Hood. It is difficult to resist Vladimir’s charm, because he is young, handsome, artistic, has a brilliant and versatile education (he knows French perfectly, dances beautifully, plays the piano), a loving son, desperately brave (coolly deals with a bear, feels free in the camp his sworn enemy Troekurov) and, equally, desperately in love. He is an organizer and leader among peasant robbers. Oddly enough, Dubrovsky arouses sympathy even among the district landowners, and all the young ladies are in love with him in absentia. Only those who are involved in the “raider” seizure of the property of the Dubrovsky family experience fear. Revenge for the untimely death of the priest from Vladimir threatens only bribe-taking officials and corrupt judges. Dubrovsky’s noble act (returning the landowner Globova’s money intended for her officer son) testifies to his selflessness and desire for the triumph of justice. Vladimir’s reverent feeling for Masha evokes admiration; his words addressed to his beloved, “... not a single creature connected with you by blood ties is subject to my curse...”, confirm his boundless love.
Dubrovsky communicates with the peasants as equals, without demanding from them any particularly respectful attitude towards him.

However, the ending of the novel is unhappy. And here the question arises, why the author did not provide his heroes with a bright future, as in “The Young Peasant Lady” or “The Captain’s Daughter”.
The work you read needs to be thought through more critically, carefully studying the author’s text.

Let's try to put aside emotions and look at our hero more dispassionately, taking into account the historical context and the author's characteristics.
Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky, a young man 23 years old, a representative of the noble class (a poor family with only 70 serfs), a guards officer serving in St. Petersburg.
Vladimir spent his happy, cloudless childhood years on the estate of his parents, who doted on their only son. He was surrounded by the care and love of not only his parents, but also the entire household (he even had his own little horse). He lost his mother early, and for his father, whom he hardly knew, he was the most important joy in life. Having given his son an excellent education - upbringing in the cadet corps, Andrei Gavrilovich continues to take care of his son (already a cornet of the guards) with the same passion: "... did not spare anything for his decent maintenance, and the young man received from home more than he should have expected."
Dubrovsky's education, obtained through the care of his parent, was not unique in the secular society of the early 19th century, especially for officers who made up the elite of society. The ability to dance, play musical instruments and, especially, speak French was considered the norm.
Having received an education, and due to the prestigious position of an officer, Vladimir was completely obliged to the cares of his father, whom he hardly knew, but “... with all that... he was romantically attached to him and loved family life the more, the less he had time to enjoy its quiet joys.”
Having received the news of his father’s illness, Vladimir was very excited, “... the thought of losing his father painfully tormented his heart... Vladimir reproached himself for criminal neglect. For a long time he did not receive letters from his father and did not think about inquiring about him... He decided to go to him and even go out resign if his father's illness requires his presence."
Vladimir “corrects” his vacation (which is not difficult) and goes to the village.
And here a fair question arises: why didn’t Vladimir, who loves his father so much, take a vacation and go to the village earlier, on his own initiative, without urgent need? It seems that sentimental love at a distance completely satisfies the young man, which speaks of Vladimir’s superficial attitude towards life and a certain amount of selfishness inherent in him.
Pushkin writes: “Being wasteful and ambitious, he allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future and envisioning a rich bride for himself sooner or later...”.
From his youth, Dubrovsky was accustomed to living in grand style, without thinking about the origin of his material well-being. Note that Vladimir’s income consists of his officer’s salary (which he never remembers) and mostly from money sent by his father. Dubrovsky does not know how to support himself at his own expense and does not think about how his father lives and whether he needs anything.
Unlike the selfish Vladimir, Deforge, when he gets a job with Troekurov, plans to help his elderly mother financially.

Having lost his estate, Dubrovsky for the first time thinks about a “piece of bread”, realizes the impossibility of his usual life, but he cannot even imagine a more modest existence on his salary.
Having become a robber, our hero (in material and everyday terms) does not deny himself anything. However, it is impossible to say that money is an end in itself for him; he is generous and still wasteful.
Living for today, Dubrovsky punishes everyone involved in the death of his father. But noble revenge looks somehow unfinished: after all, the main culprit of all troubles, Troekurov, remains unpunished.

At the same time, Dubrovsky’s anger does not extend to the corrupt justice system as a whole, but only to its individual representatives. So, it’s impossible to classify our hero as a fighter for justice;
he pursues only personal goals.
Dubrovsky's relationship with the peasants evokes an ambivalent impression.
On the one hand, he is not arrogant, he behaves with them in a friendly manner, but being a leader, he does not realize his responsibility for directing them to the path of robbery. In the last chapter of the novel, we see that Dubrovsky does not have a high opinion of his comrades: “...But you are all swindlers and probably will not want to leave your craft,” he washes his hands, not caring much about the future fate of the peasants.

To understand Dubrovsky’s character, it is indicative of his attitude towards the nanny, whom he, albeit in a state of excitement, calls “a stupid old woman.” Alexander Sergeevich himself, who was unusually kind to his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who became the prototype of Egorovna, writes about Dubrovsky’s nanny with love and tenderness, emphasizing in every possible way her loyalty and devotion to her pupil.
The only thing in which Dubrovsky is consistent from beginning to end is his love for Masha. For the sake of his beloved, Vladimir is ready to forget about revenge, ambitions and even his own happiness. However, his feelings are not mutual and the romance is untenable.
The last chapter completely erases the image of the noble avenger, turning Dubrovsky into a cold-blooded killer (execution of soldiers and officers), not worthy of sympathy, much less a happy future.
The study of the image of Dubrovsky will be incomplete without considering what fate the author prepared for him.
Pushkin intended to write a third volume, as evidenced by the poet’s handwritten plans:
"The life of Marya Kirillovna. The death of Prince Vereisky. The widow. The Englishman. The date. The players. The police chief. The denouement"

"Moscow, doctor, solitude. Tavern, news. Suspicions, police chief." 17

Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" immerses us in the historical events taking place in the post-war years, the end of the Napoleonic invasion of Russia. The author of the work accurately describes the way of life in Russian villages of that time, ordinary people and the fun of landowners.

The work bears the name of its main character Dubrovsky. The plot of the novel is based on the story of a young landowner, his fate and worldview changing throughout the work. Vladimir Dubrovsky is a typical representative of the nobility. His life was measured and leisurely. The only heir to the estate, the future master, after training in the cadet corps, served in an infantry regiment in the glorious city of St. Petersburg, did not think for a moment about the hardships of life as serfs. Dubrovsky led a simple lifestyle, did not bother himself with thoughts about the future and lost his father’s money, which was regularly sent to him in the required quantity, at cards.

Like a bolt from the blue there was a letter informing about the illness of the protagonist’s father. After this news, troubles fell on Vladimir one after another, this was the death of his father, whom the main character undoubtedly loved, and the loss of his estate, not without the help of the betrayal of Kirill Troekurov, his father’s friend. This left an imprint on the future life of the young man. The events that took place forced Vladimir to look at life in a new way; he was no longer an irresponsible young man, but a man in whose hands was the fate of those under his command - the peasants.

The desire to take revenge, not only for himself, but also for the forced people, leads Dubrovsky to the robber path. He becomes a robber, but a noble robber. Vladimir strikes fear into people throughout the province. No one could feel calm either in the villages or outside them. Having robbed the landowner's house, he simply burned it down. The main character took money, like the famous robber Robinhood, only from the rich, without resorting to murder.

But like many heroes of Pushkin A.S. The image of Vladimir is quite contradictory. Is it noble to be a robber, taking property by force? Robbery and violence are mortal sins. Could the main character have chosen a different path? He could serve in the army, earning a comfortable living. But Dubrovsky did not pay attention to all this and acted according to the dictates of his heart.

To implement the revenge plan, the main character, like a teacher from France, enters Troekurov’s house. But the love boiling in Vladimir’s heart for Masha calms his “thirst for blood.” Dubrovsky no longer wants to take revenge on his sworn enemy.

The author first describes the appearance of the “villain” in Troekurov’s house. Pushkin goes into detail, describing his features: average height, brown eyes, light brown hair and age twenty-three. But the author paid more attention to the composure and courage of the main character, who was not afraid of the hungry bear.
Pushkin presented the hero of the novel as an adventurous knight who finds himself in unusual situations and gets out of them in an unconventional way. Like a romantic young man using a hollow oak tree as a mailbox to send notes to his beloved. This image makes the character unrealistic, but very interesting and unusual.

Even more essays on the topic: “Why Dubrovsky became a robber”:

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" tells us about an honest, noble man, a young nobleman Vladimir Dubrovsky. Throughout the entire work, we see his life path, and the question inevitably arises: why did an officer of the guards regiment suddenly become a robber?

Vladimir’s father, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, stupidly quarreled with his neighbor Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. Both friends loved to hunt. But Andrei Petrovich could not afford to maintain such a beautiful kennel as his neighbor had. And somehow Dubrovsky enviously dropped: “... it’s a wonderful kennel, it’s unlikely that your people will live as well as your dogs.” Troekurov's huntsman was offended by this phrase. He replied that there were nobles who could envy the life of his master’s dogs. Because of this, a serious quarrel arose. After that, the trial began. Because of this legal battle, Andrei Gavrilovich became seriously ill. It was decided to inform his son Vladimir, who at that moment was serving in a guards regiment in St. Petersburg, about this.

Vladimir can be called a spoiled young man; his father did not deny him anything, he supplied him with all possible means as best he could. The young man was not used to denying himself anything; he led a riotous lifestyle, caroused and dreamed of a rich bride. His life flowed easily and cheerfully until news arrived about his father’s poor health and the deplorable state of the entire estate, which was about to pass into the hands of a neighbor. We must pay tribute to Vladimir, despite the fact that at first he resembles a simple rake, a reveler, in fact he turned out to be a kind, sympathetic person. He immediately leaves for his native Kistenevka.

When Vladimir arrived in Kistenevka, he saw that his father was getting worse and worse. After one of the meetings with Kirila Petrovich, Dubrovsky Sr. cannot stand it, he has a stroke and dies.

After this moment, Vladimir begins to consider Troekurov his blood enemy. Kirila Petrovich was not stopped by the death of his neighbor (and once his friend), and he continues his legal battle. In addition, Troekurov has a bad attitude towards the son of Dubrovsky Sr. As a result, Kistenevka and all the people are given into the possession of Troyekurov.

Dubrovsky spends his last evening on what was once his estate. He is very sad. He is sad and lonely from the death of his parent, from the loss of his family estate. The author often says that young Dubrovsky lacked home warmth and comfort. On the last evening at home, he began to sort through his father's papers. This is how letters from his late mother fell into his hands. Vladimir reads them, it’s as if he is immersed in that atmosphere of tenderness and warmth that he has lacked for many years. He is so carried away by these letters, by his feelings, that he forgets about everything in the world.

Vladimir becomes unbearable at the thought that the house of his ancestors could fall to his enemy. He decides to burn the house so that Troekurov does not get anything. Vladimir is not an evil person, so he does not want victims. He wants to leave all the doors open so people can escape from the burning building. But the serf Arkhip violates the will of the master, and the clerks burn in the fire.

As a result, Dubrovsky takes the faithful serfs and goes with them into the forest. It is important to note that the young man has a fatherly attitude towards his people, he feels responsible for them.

Finding no protection from the law, Dubrovsky becomes a cruel but noble robber. It is interesting that he never attacked the estate of his enemy Troekurov. Then it turns out that already at that time he was in love with his daughter Masha.

Despite the fact that Dubrovsky lived according to the cruel rules of force, he still remained precisely a “noble” robber. One could even say that his moral character was much higher than that of those guardians of the law who allowed such injustice as the transfer of property into someone else's possession to happen.

As a result, feeling the inevitability of his sad fate, Vladimir disbands the people loyal to him. He wants them to live a new life, more peaceful and righteous. The hero himself disappears.

It is a pity that the life of a kind, sympathetic, decent person turned out this way. After all, now, in order to survive, he will be forced to hide all his life, most likely, he will never see his beloved girl again. I think that Dubrovsky’s path is not the answer. He decided to administer justice on his own, without having any rights to do so. Robbery, no matter how noble it may seem, is not a solution. It seems to me that Vladimir forgot about the Supreme Court, which really does not make mistakes, and which will reward everyone for their actions.


The image of a noble robber with a romantic soul is well known in world literature. Most often, these were nobles who experienced betrayal by close friends or who felt the full injustice of the law.

One of these knights who appears under the cover of darkness is the hero of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Vladimir Dubrovsky. True, he did not immediately become a robber.

At the beginning of the work, we see Vladimir undergoing military service in a guards regiment after training in the Cadet Corps. He leads an easy life, not burdened by problems and worries - he plays cards, gets into debt, dreams of marrying a rich bride. Vladimir does not experience any shortage of funds; his father will send as much as is needed.

Only behind this outer shell is hidden a soul, deprived of maternal affection and warm, confidential communication with the father. The young man respected and revered his parent, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, and with sadness and longing remembered his native village and the houses where he spent his carefree childhood years.

The elder Dubrovsky dies, unable to survive the loss of the family estate, which was untruthfully taken away by Kiril's former friend and colleague Petrovich Troekurov. Having learned about what happened, Vladimir burns the estate in which the whole Dubrovsky family lived, and together with his devoted servants he sets off to rob. It is easy to find an explanation for this seemingly monstrous act: under no circumstances should you leave the memory of your closest people or letters to your dearly beloved mother to the enemy’s ridicule.

Vladimir Dubrovsky, who suddenly lost his father and home, understood what future lay ahead for him. Hopelessness and poverty push him onto the wrong path, the path of robbery and robbery. A gang of people loyal to him burns rich estates, robs people on the roads, only Troekurov’s estate is not attacked, because his beloved Masha lives there. It was precisely the feelings for this kind girl that extinguished the anger in Vladimir’s soul and forced him to abandon his long-nurtured revenge. It’s just that there’s no way to end the robbery.

Attacks are becoming more frequent. And although, continuing to show nobility, Vladimir does not take revenge on Troekurov, does not kill Prince Vereisky, who has become the unloved husband of Masha’s dear and dear heart, but he continues to follow this path, continues to hunt, and more and more boldly and cruelly.

But everything comes to an end. The nobility of the robber also ends. From the category of defender of the poor and innocent, he turns into a murderer. The officer's death can no longer be justified. Vladimir understands this perfectly and disbands the gang. Robberies and robberies stop. The epic of the noble avenger Dubrovsky ends.

It is probably possible to find words, to understand and explain the behavior of Vladimir Dubrovsky, to analyze all the circumstances that pushed him to commit robbery. But it will not be possible to justify the young man. He crossed the line between good and evil, he became a criminal. And this is a fact that cannot be canceled or forgotten.


I consider Dubrovsky a victim, he is not a robber, because he stole only from the rich, he wanted to restore justice and prove to the rich that money is not the greatest value, that it does not give power. If you have power and great powers and opportunities, you need to remain human, treat people humanely, see them as equals, and not elevate yourself above them, and not allow yourself to treat a person as a thing, as Troekurov does. For his own amusement, he sent a living person to be torn to pieces by a ferocious animal and laughed at it. Dubrovsky would never do this.

From dinner at Troekurov’s we understand that he never robbed the poor and honest; one woman says that Dubrovsky wanted to steal money from the landowner whom she sent to send money to her son. Having read the letter and learned that this money was for her son, he did not commit the theft, but the landowner took the money for himself and blamed Dubrovsky for everything, then he came to this lady, under the guise of a stranger, and told the whole truth in order to restore justice. Vladimir stole money not for himself, but for his people, because he had no other choice. By his actions he shows that he does not resign himself to fate and is not going to depend on Troekurov, his decision is correct for the current situation. If he gave everything to Troekurov, it would be unfair to his people.

Dubrovsky had a hopeless situation, so he became a robber, but honest and fair. Vladimir takes the side of the people, he treats them as equals, does not look at them as servants, does not mock them, but only helps. He sees in a person, first of all, a person, and not a servant like Troekurov. He understood that Masha was the daughter of his enemy, but he did not regard her that way. He examined her inner world and realized that she is an honest and decent person, she is not at all like her father, Dubrovsky appreciates this. He values ​​positive qualities in a person, he is not interested in material wealth, he himself is ready to give his last to the people.

Vladimir Dubrovsky is the main character of the novel of the same name by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It is his character that becomes key in the events unfolding in the work.

Being a young officer of 23 years old, Vladimir was devoted to military affairs from childhood, first studying in the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps, and then serving in the Guards Corps. His poor father did not deny his only son anything and provided him with a decent allowance. The young man, while in service, led a rather wasteful and free lifestyle, got into gambling debts, loved officer feasts and did not abandon his ambitious plans for a rich bride. But at the same time, Vladimir Andreevich managed to remain an intelligent, honest and highly moral person.

Having received a letter from Egorovna about the ill health of his father, Andrei Gavrilovich, Dubrovsky feels remorse because of his inattention to his parent, and immediately goes to Kistenevka. Arriving at the estate, the young man unexpectedly learns that all the property goes to the rich gentleman and neighbor Kirila Petrovich Troekurov.

The wayward master Troyekurov is accustomed to the universal respect and adulation of those around him. Kiril Troekurov, despite his friend’s poverty, treated only Andrei Gavrilovich sincerely and with respect. After a serious disagreement, master Troekurov, who flared up and wanted revenge, takes away his estate from Dubrovsky through a bribed court. Unable to withstand the adversity that befell him, Andrei Gavrilovich dies in the arms of his son. Therefore, young Dubrovsky, who has lost his father and all his property, not without reason considers Kiril Petrovich his sworn enemy.

When Troekurov’s people appear in Kistenevka, which formerly belonged to the Dubrovskys, the young man goes to collect personal belongings, but while going through letters from his early deceased mother, he decides not to leave his native nest to be desecrated by the offender, ordering the peasants to burn the estate. Dubrovsky's serfs, not wanting to go under Troekurov's heel, arbitrarily close the doors of the burning house, not allowing the clerks to get out of the fire.

Vladimir is well aware that a miserable existence awaits him, and after the fire, many years of hard labor await him. Dubrovsky has no other choice and he has to take the path of robbery. Faithful peasants readily leave with the young owner, starting to rob and burn the rich estates acquired unjustly.

A cunning plan to penetrate Troekurov’s estate under the guise of Deforge, a teacher from France, is broken by an unexpectedly arisen feeling for Kiril Petrovich’s daughter. It is his unhappy love for Masha that forces Vladimir to abandon cruel revenge on Troekurov.

Dubrovsky became a robber because he became disillusioned with the power and righteousness of the law. Realizing that honor, truth and dignity can be easily sold, Vladimir decided to live only by his own rules. It was these rules, created by him based on his moral principles, that made it possible to call him a noble and honest robber. In this, Vladimir turned out to be much cleaner and more decent than the guardians of the law, who allowed the illegal transfer of Dubrovsky’s property to Kirill Troekurov.

Essay on the topic Why Dubrovsky becomes a robber

Vladimir Dubrovsky is the main character of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky".

This young man was sent to study in the Cadet Corps from an early age. He, being a young man, was quite a spendthrift, loved to play cards and went into debt. His father spared no money for him and tried to provide for his son as best he could.

One day, Vladimir receives a letter in which his nanny reports that his father is seriously ill.

Dubrovsky, although he was cut off from his family from an early age, still loved his father. He goes to his home

His father was a military man, an honest and fair man. He communicated closely with the arrogant, rich gentleman Kirill Petrovich Troekurov. Somehow a disagreement occurred between them, and the master decided to take revenge on his former comrade. He, by bribing judges, won the right to own the Dubrovsky estate. This made a great impression on Father Dubrovsky. He became isolated, fell into madness, fell ill and died some time later.

Dubrovsky, experiencing the death of his father, is overwhelmed by despair and anger. He does not want to give the estate to Troekurov and burns it, and he himself hides from the estate with some people.

Vladimir Dubrovsky remains without a roof over his head and without means of subsistence. These circumstances pushed him to become a robber.

However, he was not cruel; on the contrary, he was known as a very noble robber. The gang, under his leadership, attacks the rich, robs and burns estates.

Dubrovsky does not touch Troekurov's estate. He refused to take revenge on the master because of his love for his daughter Masha Troekurova.

When Dubrovsky and his gang were surrounded by soldiers, he kills the officer. Dubrovsky decides to stop, he leaves his gang and asks them to start a new, quiet life without robberies. According to rumors, he is leaving abroad, and the crime wave is ending.

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We will analyze the characteristics of the heroes and a summary with special care. We will also present a short overview of critical reviews of the work by the author’s contemporaries.

History of creation

It was based on a story that Pushkin was told by his friend P.V. Nashchokin. Thus, the novel “Dubrovsky” has realistic roots. The analysis of the work therefore needs to begin precisely with this.

So, Nashchokin met a Belarusian nobleman in the prison, who had been suing his neighbor for a long time over land, was kicked out of the estate and then, left with several peasants, began to engage in robbery. The surname of that criminal was Ostrovsky, Pushkin replaced it with Dubrovsky, and moved the action of the work to the 20s of the 19th century.

Initially, Pushkin titled the novel with the date “October 21, 1832,” which marked the beginning of work on the novel. And the well-known title of the work was already given by the editor before publication in 1841.

Even at school, children study the novel “Dubrovsky”. Analysis of the work (6th grade - the time when students get acquainted with it for the first time) is usually carried out according to the scheme. And if the first point is a description of the history of creation, then a summary of the novel should follow.

Landowner Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, a retired general-in-chief, is a classic wayward and rich gentleman, all his neighbors cater to his whims, and provincial officials tremble at the sight of him. He is friends with his neighbor and former comrade in the army service, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, a poor and independent nobleman, a former lieutenant.

Troekurov always had a bad and cruel character. More than once he mocked his guests. His favorite trick was to lock one of those who came to him in a room with a bear.

Development of action

One day Dubrovsky comes to see Troekurov, and the landowners quarrel over the insolence of the guest’s servant. Gradually the quarrel turns into a real war. Troekurov decides to take revenge, bribes the judge and, thanks to his impunity, sues Kistenevka, his estate, from Dubrovsky. Upon learning the verdict, the landowner goes crazy right in the courtroom. His son, guards cornet Vladimir, is forced to leave his service and come from St. Petersburg to his sick father. Soon the elder Dubrovsky dies.

Court officials arrive to formalize the transfer of property, they get drunk and spend the night on the estate. At night, Vladimir sets fire to the house with them. Dubrovsky, together with his loyal peasants, becomes a robber. Gradually he terrifies all the surrounding landowners. Only Troekurov's possessions remain untouched.

A teacher comes to the Troekurov family to join the service. Dubrovsky intercepts him halfway and bribes him. Now he himself, under the guise of Deforge, goes to the enemy’s estate. Gradually, love arises between him and Masha Troekurova, the daughter of a landowner.


It is best to consider the novel as a whole. But analyzing the work “Dubrovsky” chapter by chapter will be quite problematic, since they are an element of one whole and, without context, lose most of their meaning.

So, Troekurov decides to marry his daughter to Prince Vereisky. The girl is against it and does not want to marry the old man. Dubrovsky makes an unsuccessful attempt to prevent their marriage. Masha sends him a prearranged sign, he comes to save her, but it turns out to be too late.

When the wedding cortege follows from the church to the prince's estate, Dubrovsky's people surround him. Vladimir offers Masha freedom; she can leave her old husband and go with him. But the girl refuses - she has already made an oath and cannot break it.

Soon the provincial authorities almost manage to catch Dubrovsky's gang. After this, he dismisses his people, and he himself goes abroad.

Analysis of Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky”: theme and idea

This work is one of the most significant in the writer’s work. In it, Pushkin reflected many of the problems of his time. For example, the tyranny of landowners, the arbitrariness of officials and judges, the lack of rights of serfs and robbery as a reaction to all this of rebellious and brave people.

The theme of robbery for good purposes is not new in world and Russian literature. The image of a noble and freedom-loving robber did not leave many romantic writers indifferent. However, this is not the only thing that declares Pushkin’s interest in this topic. For many years, robbery was widespread in Russia. The robbers were former soldiers, impoverished nobles, and escaped serfs. However, the people did not blame them for the robberies, but the authorities that brought them to this. And Pushkin decided in his work to show why honest people have to take the high road.

The uniqueness of the conflict

We continue to describe the analysis of Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky”. 6th grade, which is where they study the novel, is already familiar with the concept of “conflict,” so it will definitely need to be considered.

So, in the novel there are only 2 conflicts, which are strikingly different both in nature and in social significance. The first has a strong social connotation and is associated with class inequality. In it, Andrei Dubrovsky and Kirila Troekurov collide. And as a result, it leads to the rebellion of Vladimir, who cannot come to terms with arbitrariness. This is the main conflict of the novel.

However, there is a second one, related to the theme of love and family relationships. It manifests itself in the formal marriage of Masha to the old prince. Pushkin raises the topic of women's lack of rights, talks about the impossibility of lovers to be happy because of the whims of their parents.

Both of these conflicts are united by the figure of Kirila Troekurov, who became the cause of troubles for both the Dubrovskys and their own daughter.

Image of Vladimir Dubrovsky

The main character of the novel is Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky. Analysis of the work allows us to give it a very flattering description. He is a poor nobleman, he is 23 years old, he has a majestic appearance and a loud voice. Despite his position, he did not lose his honor and pride. He, like his father, always treated serfs well and earned their love. That is why they entered into an agreement with him when he decided to burn the estate and then began to rob.

His mother died when he was only one year old. However, he knew that his parents married for love. He wanted such a future for himself. Masha Troekurova became for him that one and only love. However, her father intervened in the matter. Vladimir made a desperate attempt to save his beloved, but failed. His nobility was also manifested in the fact that he resignedly left when Masha refused to run away with him. We can say that this hero embodies the concept of noble honor.

Image of Troekurov

To expose people like Troekurov, the novel “Dubrovsky” was written. Analysis of the work makes us understand the baseness and unprincipledness of this person. Nothing is sacred to him. He brings his servants and friends into the world with equal ease. Even the death of a comrade and good friend did not stop his greed. He did not spare his daughter either. For the sake of profit, Troekurov doomed Masha to an unhappy married life and deprived her of true love. At the same time, he is confident that he is right and does not even allow the thought that he might be punished.

The novel as assessed by critics

What did critics think about the novel “Dubrovsky”? Analysis of the work helped us understand that Pushkin wrote a rather topical book. However, Belinsky, for example, called her melodramatic, and Dubrovsky a hero who does not evoke sympathy. On the other hand, the critic highly appreciated the authenticity with which Pushkin portrayed Troekurov and the landowner life of his time.

P. Annenkov noted that the novel has a romantic ending, incompatible with its content, but the characters described are particularly psychological and authentic. also emphasized the vitality of the situation described and the realism of the characters.

“Dubrovsky”: a brief analysis of the work

If necessary, make a brief analysis. Then you can write the following. The main theme of the work is robbery in Russia. The idea is to show how people take this path and who is to blame. Pushkin tried to expose the authorities and show the social injustice reigning around. There are two conflicts in the work - social and love. The first is associated with the unlimited power of those who have it, and the second with complete parental authority over their children. The main culprit is Troyekurov, who embodies the classic type of Russian master.

Dubrovsky is a hero of the 19th century, a very brave and kind man. Ready to do anything for love and justice. Having received a letter from his father, he goes to see him. His father dies in his arms. Soon after his father's death, officials come to Dubrovsky with the news that the estate is passing into the hands of Troekurov. Dubrovsky is left with nothing. The residents of Kostenevka do not want to change hands, and Dubrovsky decides to burn down the house and orders his worker to open the doors so that the officials can leave the house while it burns. But he disobeyed him and locked the doors. The officials burned out and placed all the blame on Dubrovsky. To feed his people and restore justice, Dubrovsky becomes a robber. He has to stop rich landowners on the roads and rob them. And suddenly Dubrovsky is lucky, he intercepts by chance a Frenchman who wants to be Troekurov’s French teacher and, having paid 10,000 rubles, takes the teacher’s passport and goes there instead. Dubrovsky becomes a teacher. Troekurov decides to make fun of Dubrovsky and puts him in a cage with a bear. Dubrovsky, being a very brave and courageous man, kills the bear. Troekurov’s surprise and anger know no bounds! Dubrovsky is waiting for an opportunity for revenge, but suddenly in Troekurov’s house he meets his daughter, Masha, and falls in love with her. However, love for Masha turns out to be unsuccessful, because Masha unwillingly marries a neighbor. Dubrovsky is trying to save her. Having followed Maria, he lies in wait for her and her groom from the engagement and surrounds the carriage. Vladimir frees his beloved and at that moment they shoot at him. From a wound in the shoulder, he loses strength and faints. Dubrovsky's accomplices take him to a hut, which was located in the forest. There he comes to his senses. Suddenly soldiers attack him and his people, Dubrovsky wins.

A few days later, Dubrovsky gathers his associates and announces his intention to leave them. Dubrovsky disappears. Rumor has it that he fled abroad.

Dubrovsky is a man with a very strong character and a very subtle soul, in my opinion a “noble robber.”



Essay on the topic: “The life story of Vladimir Dubrovsky”


I. Main part. The life story of Vladimir Dubrovsky.

1. The news of his father’s illness forced Vladimir to leave military service.

2. Illness and death of father.

3. Despair and poverty pushed Dubrovsky onto a criminal path.

4. The desire to take revenge on Troekurov.

5. Love for Masha and abandonment of plans for revenge

6. Escape.

II. Conclusion. My attitude towards the main character.

Dubrovsky is a hero of the 19th century, a very brave and kind man. Ready to do anything for love and justice. Having received a letter from his father, he goes to see him. His father dies in his arms. Soon after his father's death, officials come to Dubrovsky with the news that the estate is passing into the hands of Troekurov.Dubrovsky is left with nothing. The residents of Kostenevka do not want to change hands, and Dubrovsky decides to burn down the house and orders his worker to open the doors so that the officials can leave the house while it burns. But he disobeyed him and locked the doors. The officials burned out and placed all the blame on Dubrovsky. To feed his people and restore justice, Dubrovsky becomes a robber. He has to stop rich landowners on the roads and rob them. And suddenly Dubrovsky is lucky, he intercepts by chance a Frenchman who wants to be Troekurov’s French teacher and, having paid 10,000 rubles, takes the teacher’s passport and goes there instead. Dubrovsky becomes a teacher. Troekurov decides to make fun of Dubrovsky and puts him in a cage with a bear. Dubrovsky, being a very brave and courageous man, kills the bear. Surprise and angerTroekurov has no limits! Dubrovsky is waiting for an opportunity for revenge, but suddenly in Troekurov’s house he meets his daughter, Masha, and falls in love with her. However, love for Masha turns out to be unsuccessful, because Masha unwillingly marries a neighbor. Dubrovsky is trying to save her. Having followed Maria, he lies in wait for her and her fiancé withengagement and surrounds the carriage.Vladimir frees his beloved and at that moment they shoot at him. From a wound in the shoulder, he loses strength and faints. Dubrovsky's accomplices take him to a hut, which was located in the forest. There he comes to his senses. Suddenly soldiers attack him and his people, Dubrovsky wins.

A few days later, Dubrovsky gathers his associates and announces his intention to leave them. Dubrovsky disappears. Rumor has it that he fled abroad.

Dubrovsky is a man with a very strong character and a very subtle soul, in my opinion a “noble robber.”