An essay on the topic “Taras Bulba is a national hero and defender of the faith. Read an essay on the topic Taras Bulba - a folk hero in the story Taras Bulba, Gogol for free

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Taras Bulba, the main character of the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol, believes that the meaning of his life is to serve his faith and homeland. Bulba is ready to die for his friends, Ukraine and Orthodoxy. Bulba treats the Poles very badly and fights with them to the last drop of blood for their faith, honor and Cossacks. Bulba had not taken part in hostilities for a long time. Therefore, after the arrival of his sons from Bursa, Taras decided to go with them to Sich - a stronghold of the Cossacks near the borders themselves. There he will live in grand style. He went there because he was bored with life at home with his wife.
But before his departure to the Sich, Taras receives his sons. He laughs at their clothes as if jokingly, but in fact he has strict requirements for his sons: “You must boldly stand for your faith and all the Cossacks,” “If you sell out and betray your homeland, then it’s better that you perish to hell.” But at the same time, Taras treats his sons as comrades.
Before the battle with the Poles, Bulba inspires the Cossacks to fight, giving them “good” wine and making a speech. By this, Bulba prepares the Cossacks to fight so that they are not killed and they stand up for comradeship. Taras believes that there are no stronger bonds in the world than the bonds of camaraderie, and Russian camaraderie is the best in the world.
When Bulba dies, he cares not about himself, but about his comrades. Taras is glad that his friends are safely sailing away from the enemy. He “sacrifices” himself for the sake of faith, his native land and comrades.
The image of Taras is dear to Gogol; the author makes it clear that people like the old Cossack Bulba can be counted on one hand. Gogol praises this image, the image of a fearless colonel who fights for his honor, faith and fatherland.

The events described by N.V. Gogol, take place at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century. Life was very difficult for the Ukrainian people in those years. They experienced double oppression from the Tatars, Poles and their own landowners. Because of this, they fled to the south and formed communities, and this is how the Cossacks and the Zaporozhye Sich appeared. There were their own kurens and koshes, who together attacked the Tatars and Poles.

The Poles forced them to renounce the Orthodox faith and accept Catholicism. What true Ukrainians did not want to submit to.

There were many heroes in Ukraine who opposed this. One of them was Taras Bulba. He never betrayed his fatherland, and even in last minutes helped a detachment of Cossacks escape their lives.

Main character was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character. Bulba had a very stubborn character - one of those characters that can only be found in Ukraine. He belonged to the group of old, native colonels, whose whole meaning of life was constant readiness for battle. Taras did not like the fact that many people accepted Polish customs and got used to luxury.

He loved the free Cossack life and did not forgive traitors and cowards. “Eternally restless, he considered himself a legitimate defender of Orthodoxy and arbitrarily dealt with those who betrayed their homeland and went over to the side of the Poles.” Taras had his own laws regarding the saber. That’s when you can take up the saber, in his opinion: “When the commissars did not respect the elders in any way and stood in front of them with their hats on, when they mocked the Orthodox and did not respect the law of their ancestors.” He considered, in any case, permissible, “to raise arms for the glory of Christianity.”

The main character admired his sons. When they returned from school, he told everyone: “Look, how well done they are!” Ostap fought honestly for Ukraine, beat both Tatars and Poles, and followed the example of his father. For his courage he became a kuren. Even before his death, he thought about his father, and with the words: “Father! Where are you? Do you hear?" was executed.

Andriy, at first, also rushed to defend his homeland, but the charms of the beautiful Polish woman broke his military spirit. In one of the battles, he came face to face with his father. But he, without flinching, shot him with his own hand. Even his own blood did not stop him, because he himself said: “Comradeship is not by blood, but by spirit.”

In the wide expanses of the steppe, Cossack courage and bravery, daring and thirst for mortal exploits found application. Taras Bulba was like that. The hero embodied national character, all people's Ukraine. Stern and unyielding, he leads a life full of dangers and hardships. He was not created for a family hearth and peaceful existence. A faithful horse and an open field are what he needs to be happy. Having met his sons after a long separation, Taras, without delay, hurries with them to the Cossacks in Sich. This is where his true element and life are. A man of enormous will and a unique natural mind, sincerely tender and sympathetic towards his comrades, but merciless towards his enemies, he destroys rich Poles and helps poor and disadvantaged Ukrainians. The main character embodies all the daring and riotousness of Ukraine. This is a Personality with capital letters! A man of great feelings and passions, noble thoughts. He devoted himself entirely to serving his fatherland. And in those around him he valued, first of all, devotion to the fatherland, courage and perseverance. But, paradoxically, he had to sacrifice his life because of his cradle.

Taras was brutally executed, tied with chains to a tree on a hill. That's how he died folk hero- Taras Bulba!

Updated: 2017-07-11

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In literature, there are many types that readers associate with one or another character. For example, with the phrase “ small man", the image of Akkaky Akkakievich from the "overcoat" appears in my memory, but " extra person"is strongly associated with the character of the novel "Hero of Our Time" Pechorin. There are also certain established roles: if Othello, then a jealous person, if Don Quixote, then an unfortunate dreamer. In this regard, what can be said about Taras Bulba, the hero of the work of the same name by Nikolai Gogol? Readers remember that this is the one who killed his son, but they completely forget about another aspect of perception. One has only to look at this image from a different angle, and it will become clear that Taras Bulba is a folk hero.

The events mentioned in the story take place around the 17th century. This is indicated by Bulba’s addiction to tobacco, which in the 15th century, although this time is mentioned in the text of the work, had not yet been brought to the territory of Russia and Ukraine. In the 17th century, the socio-political situation in Ukraine was tense: on the one hand, pressure from the Moscow princes was felt, on the other, oppression from the Polish gentry. This is what became the main plot of the story. The work talks about Poles who oppress ordinary peasants by harnessing them to carts, about Catholics who “sew skirts from the priest’s robes,” and about Cossacks who try to be like the Polish lords in everything.

It is in this environment that the character of Taras Bulba is formed. Kozak proved himself to be an experienced warrior and a sane leader. He is no longer young, but still cannot imagine his life without battles and Sich. After all, it is Bulba who starts the conversation that the Cossacks “have been sitting too long,” and it’s time to stretch their bones in some battle.

The issue of faith becomes incredibly important for Taras’s worldview. The author himself says that Bulba “considered himself a true defender of Orthodoxy”: he personally dealt with those who oppressed Christian believers. Bulba did not like to deal with such things for a long time - he immediately took up the sword. The military campaign against Poland was also motivated by religious considerations: as soon as the Cossacks heard rumors about the oppression of Christians, “both old and young,” everyone expressed a desire to deal with the Poles as quickly as possible.

The Sich in the work becomes a symbol of freedom and that original independent Ukraine that every Cossack dreamed of. The Cossacks raise toasts to the Sich and their faith; they fight to the death for freedom and independence. Taras Bulba was like that. He is a born Cossack who gave his life to voluntary service to the Fatherland. Bulba was quite stubborn, but at the same time purposeful. He did not always achieve his goal in a direct way; sometimes he had to act unconventionally (for example, in the election of the Koschevo at the beginning of the work, or when talking with Yankel about a trip to Poland). He never took unjustified risks, lived according to the laws established in the Sich, and sincerely loved his native land.

Bulba loved his sons and raised in them everything that he himself embodied: religiosity and courage. He hoped that they would be the best Cossacks, and his sons truly deserved it. Seeing how Ostap commands the Cossacks, and Andriy fearlessly rushes into battle, Bulba rejoices and is proud of his sons: he raised in them true warriors, devoted to their native land. Andria's betrayal turns out to be for Bulba double tragedy: firstly, this is a blow to the relationship between father and son, and secondly, it is an insult to his personal views on life. After all, Andriy renounces the Fatherland, for which his father shed his blood, from the faith, for which his father carried out reprisals against renegades, and from all the Cossacks, which Bulba valued above all else. And for what? For the sake of the beautiful Polish woman! Taras shoots at Andriy, accusing and bitterly ironizing: “Well, what are we going to do now? What, son, did your Poles help you?”

Taras also loses his second son. Ostap was captured in Dubno. Bulba saw the execution of his eldest son: Ostap behaved courageously and unshakably. He faced death with dignity.

Taras Bulba was a real Cossack. Although family ties turn out to be insignificant compared to personal ideals, Bulba still takes revenge for the death of both sons, for the death of his comrades, for the mockery of ordinary people. It was not for nothing that Bulba was elected ataman. The fate of his homeland is still important to him. He became even more cruel and inhuman. But by chance he ends up with the Poles, who execute him on the spot. Last words Bulba is full of hope and faith in justice: “The time will come, the time will come, you, Poles, will know what the Orthodox Russian faith is! Even now, distant and close peoples sense: a tsar will rise from his Russian land, and there will be no power in the world that would not submit to him!

Taras Bulba was a patriot of the Russian land and a defender of the faith, he devoted his whole life to defending native people and the Fatherland. Strong-willed, decisive and courageous - this is how Taras Bulba appears before the reader, and this is how he will remain for centuries.

The given description of Taras Bulba as a folk hero will be useful to read for students in grades 6-7 before writing an essay on the topic “Taras Bulba - a folk hero.”

Work test

In literature, there are many types that readers associate with one or another character. For example, with the phrase “little man”, the image of Akkaky Akkakievich from the “overcoat” appears in memory, but the “extra man” is strongly associated with the character of the novel “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin. There are also certain established roles: if Othello, then a jealous person, if Don Quixote, then an unfortunate dreamer. In this regard, what can be said about Taras Bulba, the hero of the work of the same name by Nikolai Gogol? Readers remember that this is the one who killed his son, but they completely forget about another aspect of perception. One has only to look at this image from a different angle, and it will become clear that Taras Bulba is a folk hero.

The events mentioned in the story take place around the 17th century. This is indicated by Bulba’s addiction to tobacco, which in the 15th century, although this time is mentioned in the text of the work, had not yet been brought to the territory of Russia and Ukraine. In the 17th century, the socio-political situation in Ukraine was tense: on the one hand, pressure from the Moscow princes was felt, on the other, oppression from the Polish gentry. This is what became the main plot of the story. The work talks about Poles who oppress ordinary peasants by harnessing them to carts, about Catholics who “sew skirts from the priest’s robes,” and about Cossacks who try to be like the Polish lords in everything.

It is in this environment that the character of Taras Bulba is formed. Kozak proved himself to be an experienced warrior and a sane leader. He is no longer young, but still cannot imagine his life without battles and Sich. After all, it is Bulba who starts the conversation that the Cossacks “have been sitting too long,” and it’s time to stretch their bones in some battle.

The issue of faith becomes incredibly important for Taras’s worldview. The author himself says that Bulba “considered himself a true defender of Orthodoxy”: he personally dealt with those who oppressed Christian believers. Bulba did not like to deal with such things for a long time - he immediately took up the sword. The military campaign against Poland was also motivated by religious considerations: as soon as the Cossacks heard rumors about the oppression of Christians, “both old and young,” everyone expressed a desire to deal with the Poles as quickly as possible.

The Sich in the work becomes a symbol of freedom and that original independent Ukraine that every Cossack dreamed of. The Cossacks raise toasts to the Sich and their faith; they fight to the death for freedom and independence. Taras Bulba was like that. He is a born Cossack who gave his life to voluntary service to the Fatherland. Bulba was quite stubborn, but at the same time purposeful. He did not always achieve his goal in a direct way; sometimes he had to act unconventionally (for example, in the election of the Koschevo at the beginning of the work, or when talking with Yankel about a trip to Poland). He never took unjustified risks, lived according to the laws established in the Sich, and sincerely loved his native land.

Bulba loved his sons and raised in them everything that he himself embodied: religiosity and courage. He hoped that they would be the best Cossacks, and his sons truly deserved it. Seeing how Ostap commands the Cossacks, and Andriy fearlessly rushes into battle, Bulba rejoices and is proud of his sons: he raised in them true warriors, devoted to their native land. Andriy's betrayal turns out to be a double tragedy for Bulba: firstly, it is a blow to the relationship between father and son, and secondly, it is an insult to his personal views on life. After all, Andriy renounces the Fatherland, for which his father shed his blood, from the faith, for which his father carried out reprisals against renegades, and from all the Cossacks, which Bulba valued above all else. And for what? For the sake of the beautiful Polish woman! Taras shoots at Andriy, accusing and bitterly ironizing: “Well, what are we going to do now? What, son, did your Poles help you?”

Taras also loses his second son. Ostap was captured in Dubno. Bulba saw the execution of his eldest son: Ostap behaved courageously and unshakably. He faced death with dignity.

Taras Bulba was a real Cossack. Although family ties turn out to be insignificant compared to personal ideals, Bulba still takes revenge for the death of both sons, for the death of his comrades, for the mockery of ordinary people. It was not for nothing that Bulba was elected ataman. The fate of his homeland is still important to him. He became even more cruel and inhuman. But by chance he ends up with the Poles, who execute him on the spot. Bulba’s last words are full of hope and faith in justice: “The time will come, the time will come, you, Poles, will learn what the Orthodox Russian faith is! Even now, distant and close peoples sense: a tsar will rise from his Russian land, and there will be no power in the world that would not submit to him!

Taras Bulba was a patriot of the Russian land and a defender of the faith; he devoted his whole life to defending his native people and the Fatherland. Strong-willed, decisive and courageous - this is how Taras Bulba appears before the reader, and this is how he will remain for centuries.

The given description of Taras Bulba as a folk hero will be useful to read for students in grades 6-7 before writing an essay on the topic “Taras Bulba - a folk hero.”

Work test

In the image of the Cossack Taras are collected best features people of that time: heroism, devotion to faith and fatherland. He was one of the old colonels, created, as the author himself says, for the fear of abuse. His character was distinguished by directness and stubbornness. This Cossack was a tireless defender of faith and fatherland.

He distinguished himself in many battles, always showed courage and was the first to rush into battle. Taras did not like the influence Poland had on the nobility and did not approve of what was adopted from them, nor did he approve of the desire to be like the Poles. Meanwhile, the Polish lords humiliated and oppressed the common people. Taras was a simple man. If any village complained about the Poles, then he and his Cossacks always provided help. Bulba even established for himself three rules under which he reserved the right to take up the saber: when they did not show due respect to the elder Cossacks, when they mocked the Orthodox faith, and to raise a saber against a busurman or a Turk was always a right thing for him in any case. case.

Taras could not stay out of battle for long. Calm family life was not for him. And having waited for the return of his sons, he immediately went with them to the Zaporozhye Sich. Taras was proud of his sons, how they grew up. Especially Ostap. And for good reason. Ostap was an exact copy father by his character. However, I had to lose both children. It was not easy for the father to bear their death. The death of one was at the hands of the enemy, the second had to be killed by him with his own hands. At that moment it was not his father's feelings that guided him, but true patriotism. Taras was so devoted to his faith and homeland that, seeing how his son was killing his own compatriots, going over to the enemy side, he saw no other way out. For him it was a shame that Andriy turned out to be a traitor, leaving his own for the sake of a woman.

Having lost his sons, he hated the enemy even more and took revenge on him to the end. Taras was also distinguished by his terrible stubbornness. He was a very persistent person, devoted not only to Orthodoxy and his fatherland, but also to his goals and beliefs.

The image of Taras is truly the image of a real hero. Before the battle, he inspires his comrades to victory with speeches, instilling in them heroism and faith in this victory over their enemies. Taras would not have given up his homeland to the enemy for anything, he would not have betrayed either his home or his faith. It was not for nothing that the Cossacks chose him as their chieftain. He knew how not only to fight, but also to lead and instill fighting spirit in people. He was the first to start talking about how they had not fought for a long time, but their people were being infringed upon and the Orthodox faith was being belittled.

And Taras’s death did not frighten him. In his last moments he turns to his comrades and speaks of the Cossack courage and strength native land. The Cossack is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of fire and torment, nothing can break his will! He is glad that his comrades were saved. And for a long time they will remember their brave, devoted ataman, who knew no mercy towards the enemy, who dedicated his life to service Orthodox faith, home side and its protection, the protection of the common people.

Essay Taras Bulba folk hero

Previously, people were different, but everyone knew their duty to their homeland and was a patriot. Gogol is a real Russian man with endless talent. It was he who wrote magnificent work Taras Bulba, which we love so much and are ready to re-read again and again.

In the image of Taras Bulba there are the most best qualities and the traits of a Cossack - patriotism, self-confidence, honesty, courage, firmness. Throughout his life, he defended his beloved fatherland, and it did not matter to him who was now in power. He believed that all people should be united by faith in God, Orthodoxy was the basis of everything, because what else could move a person, an army to feats that were performed every day, at the cost of people’s lives.

When Taras's two sons grow up, he is filled with pride. He believes and hopes that they will be just like him, decent and honest before their homeland. But after the first joint battle, where they showed themselves worthy, one of the sons betrays his father. And this happens because of a girl with whom he falls deeply in love. Then they meet at war as opponents and Taras kills Andria with his sword. There was a lot of anger and hatred in him; his son’s act dishonors his honor and name.

The second son is very similar to his father, just as courageous and always ready to go into battle. All his life Bulba defended his homeland, last battle he dies stupidly because of his pipe. His death was painful, but his life was no better. The years have passed very hard, and you spent them in the war, losing your sons. Taras Bulba lived as a hero and died as a real hero, because his exploits are priceless for the country.

Reading this work you understand a lot. How hard it is to live during war. After all, you don’t know what will happen next and how your fate will turn out. Taras lived his life with dignity, his achievements leave you in a stupor and for a long time you cannot get over the horror of what happened during the war.

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