Sleep nylon tights. Nylon tights according to the dream book

Seeing tights in a dream means that you will have long shopping trips in search of the necessary goods. Old or torn tights indicate that you will be confronted by hypocritical bigots who themselves would not mind being in your position.

If in a dream you put on tights of some terrible color because you don’t have any others, it means that men will be crazy about your new outfit, dispelling all your doubts about whether it suits you or not.

White tights in a dream mean the approach of illness and sad events in the family. Children's tights - if you have a lot of household troubles to wash them - you will have a stormy explanation with your husband, who will suspect you (and not without reason) of adultery; darning children's tights - to disappointment in married life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Buy and sell

Buying in a dream is always better than selling. But to dream that you are giving away money or a wallet for something means losses and damages, especially in your personal life. Buying something in a dream means a small profit.

Seeing goods at the bazaar is a warning about the need to be careful because of the danger of deception. Buying them means gossip. To see a lot of purchases in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive a significant amount of money that you will spend on necessary things.

Buying cheap in a dream is a sign of an imminent love victory or an unsuccessful deal that you enter into due to greed. Selling a lot and successfully in a dream is a sign of success in business and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows new opportunities. Unsuccessful sales in a dream are a sign of failure in business in reality. See interpretation: seller, gifts.

If you dream that your friend’s things are being sold, then you will soon have to go through a lot because someone will betray this person. Selling in a dream often means betrayal.

A conversation with a seller in a dream often foreshadows a trial, a quarrel, or a division. Managing trade in a dream is a harbinger of ill-gotten profits. Underground trading in a dream means that you are not pretending to be who you really are, or other people are not thinking about you the way you would like. See interpretation: smuggling.

Profiting from something in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. Shopping in a dream is a harbinger that fate will favor you if you bought essential items.

Making some valuable acquisition in a dream foreshadows changes for you. More precisely about the meaning of sleep, look at the names of what you bought. Planning large (expensive) purchases in a dream means that you will soon have to pay dearly for the mistakes you have made.

If you dream that someone is talking to you about acquiring (purchasing) expensive (large) things, then soon someone will make an important decision that concerns you, and will not hesitate to inform you of his decision.

Interpretation of dreams from

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

If you see a dream in which you put on tights, it means that you need to prepare for some tests or competitions. Perhaps we are talking about exams. Seeing thin nylon tights on someone is a sign that you feel the fragility of your hopes for something. Well, when you dream that your tights are torn, this is a clear signal that your hopes will not come true, you will experience disappointment, what you planned will not happen, or nothing will come of it. Think about this in advance, it might be better if you prepare some kind of backup plan in case of failure. Or you will completely change your plans in the most radical way.

Why do you dream about Tights, how to understand the dream (Dream Book of the 21st Century)

When a man sees a dream with tights, it is a pleasant dream for him, predicting a romantic date and subsequent love joys. If a woman dreams of tights, everything turns out to be much more complicated. When a woman sees that she is putting on tights, she carefully pulls them on - this predicts affection and tenderness for her. Often, in women's dreams, tights turn out to be a symbol of your good name. If you see that you have torn or stained your tights, or lost them, the dream warns that your reputation may be hopelessly damaged. If you dream that you are buying thin tights, this means that you will soon acquire new, expensive, exquisite clothes.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Kapronki (according to the Everyday Dream Book)

Seeing tights is a warning that you will soon meet frivolous people on your life path and may fall under their influence.

Tights - If a young woman dreamed of white tights or stockings on her legs, then in reality she should be wary of disappointment. You should also pay attention to your health and undergo a medical examination - it is quite possible that you will have to undergo long-term treatment.

Tights - If a woman dreams of tights that she puts on her legs, then in reality she is trying to create her own original image, but it cannot be said that she succeeds. It’s worth stopping with experiments and switching to classics, otherwise you risk becoming a laughing stock.

If a woman dreams of torn tights, then in reality some unforeseen circumstance will prevent her from implementing her plans. There is a great risk that this woman will soon become an object of gossip.

Tights - You are rummaging through a large pile of different women's tights, then in reality you have to do small but necessary things, and this stresses you out somewhat, since you think that you are already ready for the feat.

Pantyhose worn out or torn is an accusation of frivolity; rejection of one's own sexuality.

What does it mean to see Tights (according to the Christian dream book)

For a woman, tights are a symbol of honor. For a man, tights dream of love pleasures. For a woman, tights are a sign of purchasing new and expensive clothes. For a woman, seeing tights is an experience of tenderness. Losing tights means losing your good name. Wearing tights means desperate fun awaits you in dubious company. If the tights are new, everything will end well. If the stockings are old and torn, your adventures may cost you too much. Tearing tights means a genital disease. Buying tights means you are creating problems for yourself, literally out of nothing. Giving pantyhose means offending a friend. If they give you tights, you will quarrel with a friend, and the fault will not be yours. Hiding anything (money or onions) in tights means you will miss out on benefits.

How to understand why Tights were dreamed of in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

Seeing tights in a dream means that you will have long shopping trips in search of the necessary goods. Old or torn tights indicate that you will be confronted by hypocritical bigots who themselves would not mind being in your position. If you put on tights of some terrible color because you don’t have any others, men will be crazy about your new outfit, dispelling all your doubts about whether it suits you or not. White tights mean the approach of illness and sad events in the family. Children's tights - you will have a lot of household chores. Washing them in a dream means there will be a stormy explanation with your husband, who will suspect you (and not without reason) of adultery. Darning children's tights is a sign of disappointment in married life.

I dreamed about Tights - sexuality. Wearing elegant tights is a positive perception of your feminine image.

The items of clothing that a person sees in a dream are an indicator of events that depend on the person’s personality and his inclinations. When you dream of tights, you can draw a conclusion about whether the goal will be achieved. They also mean the characteristics and inclinations of the dreamer that improve or complicate his life.

General meaning of sleep

Tights in a dream are often interpreted as the success of some important business.

An item of clothing seen on oneself in a dream speaks of the individual’s desire to open up to someone and earn trust.

Seeing it on others means meeting infantile people who like to express complaints and receive consolation.

Interpretation in different dream books

  • Miller's dream book speaks of the beginning of a new life period, which will bring pleasant troubles and happiness.
  • According to Freud, a dream in which any type of clothing is involved expresses a craving for exhibitionism.
  • The children's dream book associates a dream about tights with future problems and difficulties that can be overcome by paying attention to one's own actions.

Interpretation by appearance

Depending on its external characteristics, a piece of clothing can express a positive or negative future. Such details help you figure out what you are preparing for and what to change in yourself in order to achieve success. You can see tights worn by the dreamer himself or observed as a separate object of the plot.


The color scheme helps in the interpretation of dreams. It expresses the internal state of a person, and also gives signals about important events.

Dream book on the color of tights:

  1. Blacks are the embodiment of dreams of dissatisfaction with one’s own personal life. Relationships don't turn out the way they look in dreams. At the same time, the dreamer is prone to connections that are often condemned by society.
  2. Red - associated with pleasant and solemn events, celebrations are possible in the near future. The implementation of plans will have to be postponed; there are insufficient resources for this. In your personal life, a renewal of passion and love is expected.
  3. White tights in a dream - to the emergence of problems and troubles. Unpleasant thoughts, doubts, and possible depression will appear. It's time to turn to your loved ones or a specialist for support.
  4. White with black patterns - predict an original solution to a complex issue. A person will find an interesting idea and implement it with brilliant success. This could happen again if we develop further in the same area.
  5. Green or blue - dream of an exciting journey. The trip will take place in the near future and will bring many pleasant experiences. An evening in the company of good friends is also possible.
  6. Bright colors - a person will be endowed with increased attention from representatives of the opposite sex. You will receive compliments from others who will appreciate your pleasant appearance and sophisticated style. Dream books advise not to pay attention to complexes.
  7. Beige tights mean that others will not accept the dreamer’s appearance. Possible problems with the opposite sex.


If you dream of cotton tights at night, the dreamer is surrounded by an honest and truthful person. He allows himself to be himself and adheres to his own views on life. His sincerity encourages him to respond in kind in communication.

Warm woolen ones are a sign that a person lacks warm feelings and emotions, he is tired of loneliness. The interpretation of dreams also notes that such an item of clothing means the risk of serious illness. The person has already observed the symptoms, it’s time to see a doctor.

When you dream of nylon or fishnet tights, the Women's Dream Book recommends working on self-confidence and determination. The human mind is rich in ideas, plans and fantasies, but due to personal differences, he cannot bring them to life. The prediction about a precarious situation is especially true if the clothes were torn.

Silk tights or stockings are dreamed of as a sign of success that will not last long. It will amaze the dreamer and those around him, causing some to spread rumors.

But harmony with yourself and the outside world, as well as following your dreams, will make a person successful.


The plot of dreams may include new tights, signifying an acquaintance with a melancholic person who is capable of persecution in the future. Old stockings are dreamed of as a warning about the dangers of engaging in adventurous activities; they can create serious problems with the law. When interpreting this symbol, the condition of the clothing must be taken into account:

  1. If you dreamed of torn tights with large holes, then a person is destined to live in little prosperity. Wealth is beyond his reach, no matter how hard he tries. This is also a sign of the appearance of judgment in frivolity and accessibility. Products with holes that you had to buy or wear carry the meaning of unforeseen difficulties and barriers to achieving what you want.
  2. An arrow on a nylon item of clothing indicates growing problems in your personal life. Conflicts constantly occur in the family, and understanding with your loved one weakens. You need to gain patience and try to change the situation.
  3. Dreaming about tights that are dirty and have holes in your legs indicates the accumulation of small household chores. Every day there will be more and more of them. But the dreamer will be pleased with the result of working on them, especially if he waits for help from household members.

Analysis of actions with tights

In a dream, a person often performs various everyday actions with an item of clothing. Features of the interpretation of details indicate a person’s need to change something in life.

He tries to do everything for his own benefit, or does not know what the next step will be.

The dreamer's actions are interpreted as follows:

  1. Buying while rummaging through a heap of clothes means looking for options to get out of a series of boring everyday life. Rather, it will be a successful purchase of something that has long been dreamed of. The purchase will be a successful addition to the style, people will pay attention and praise the choice. Buying white children's tights means accumulating routine household chores.
  2. Receive or give as a gift from a friend or stranger - means receiving an interesting offer. It can increase your chances of career growth or personal happiness. You need to think through all the details before accepting the offer.
  3. Losing women's new tights is a sign of loss of reputation. What was happening was caused by the dreamer’s personal behavior or his stupid act. It will be possible to return an honest name, but not soon. I dreamed that I had to look for items of clothing and finding them meant getting a way out of a difficult situation, good news.
  4. Taking off clothes on your own means that obstacles will appear on the way to your goal. With hard work you can overcome them. The result will exceed all expectations in a positive sense.
  5. Putting them on someone in your dream is a sign of establishing a relationship that is beneficial for work. Be lucky enough to convince investors and conclude a lucrative contract. As a reward, a person will receive a good bonus and a promotion at work.
  6. Choosing and putting on torn tights is a sign of gossip and unkind rumors. Sometimes the dreamer himself provokes such an attitude by trusting secrets to unreliable people. You need to endure this difficult period in life and not pay attention to the offenders.
  7. Dreaming of sewing up torn children's tights symbolizes an attempt to settle family relationships. Washing sewn-up children's clothes means conflicts based on jealousy and betrayal, which can lead to divorce. If you dreamed of darning torn pink stockings, an old love relationship will soon be resumed.

Characteristics by gender

According to the dream book, tights have different meanings in the dreams of men and women.

If a representative of the stronger sex dreams of bright red stockings, then one can expect a stormy romantic relationship. The chosen one will seem to be an ideal candidate for a love relationship, because the fate of their development depends on the man’s decision. Seeing yourself wearing tights promises improved working conditions and higher salaries.

If a woman sees them in a dream, she will get a chance for a useful acquaintance. The person will help you climb the career ladder and ensure good attitude from your employees.

The symbol also speaks of the feelings of tenderness and comfort that a woman will experience with her chosen one in the near future.


There comes a moment of analyzing your own thoughts and goals when you dream of tights. When interpreting all the details of a dream, you can take into account the days of the week and the days of the month to get a more specific prediction. In the light of any development of events, only a calm and balanced attitude towards business will lead to happiness and good luck for the dreamer.

Why do you dream about tights? This wardrobe item promises an interesting pastime in the company of family and friends. The dream book also promises long shopping trips that will result in profitable, valuable purchases. True, sometimes dreamed stockings warn of conflicts and difficulties in the service. This is likely especially if they were torn and dirty.

Did you dream that you were trying on tights of a nondescript shade? Then the dream book prophesies hostility from representatives of the opposite sex. Many people think your style of clothing is strange and ridiculous. Well, there is probably actually a reason to adjust your preferences, or buy something new, more fashionable.

If you dreamed of white tights, then, unfortunately, you need to be prepared for sorrows and troubles that will happen to people dear to you.

Predictions from the Everyday Dream Book

This collection describes in great detail everything that hosiery can mean in dreams. Very often this results from contacts with people who are frivolous and unpredictable. But the main thing is that these people will not try to influence you in a positive way. To minimize such consequences, try to communicate with them as little as possible.

Why does a woman dream of tights while trying on? An everyday dream book promises her disappointment, both in love and in work, and in communicating with friends. Such a dream is also advice to pay more attention to your own health. There is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis in order to identify a dangerous disease at an early stage.

Another such plot is often seen in dreams by ladies who love to experiment with their appearance. In an effort to create a unique, original image, they sometimes go too far and unwittingly become the subject of gossip and ridicule.

An everyday dream book explains why you dream of tights with holes. It turns out that this warns the dreamer about the emergence of obstacles in the path of the goal. This is fraught with additional difficulties, but if you show patience and perseverance, then everything is completely surmountable.

Such a dream is a reason to be wary. Because sometimes this is a hint - ill-wishers spread dirty gossip that defames honor and dignity. The problem is that these slander will seriously complicate the dreamer’s life and negatively affect her career.

The dream that you are choosing tights while rummaging through a whole pile of hosiery foreshadows many small troubles in reality. But these concerns cannot be neglected, otherwise they will later turn into major problems.

Interpretations of the Danish dream book

The dream book used by the Danes indicates that by putting on tights while sleeping, a person should be prepared for difficult life trials. Stress caused by negative emotions will be inevitable. Be strong, and remember that this dark streak of fate will certainly be followed by a happy, bright one.

Why dream of nylon tights worn by another person? According to the Danish dream book, this is a symbol of the illusory nature of hopes.

It's not good if you tore your tights while you were dozing. Alas, difficult trials lie ahead, associated with deep disappointments: the people closest to you will betray you, or misunderstandings, suspicions, and mutual reproaches will arise in communication with them. Don't lose heart, just analyze what caused it and admit the mistakes you made. Reflecting on the current situation, you will find a very unexpected reason that will surprise you a lot.

The wildest erotic fantasies will come true, that’s why a man dreams of red tights. But for a woman, such a picture in a dream promises the tenderness and warmth of loved ones. Another interpretation of this vision is the acquisition of fashionable, luxurious new things. Most likely, these will be expensive clothes.

If you lost your tights in a dream, then according to the dream book, your good name, honor, and reputation will be at risk. Someone insidious and vindictive, with evil intent, will skillfully spread false, nasty information about you. It won't be easy. But don't despair. Behave with dignity, and prove by deeds that you have been slandered by unworthy rivals. Only in this way will you be able to regain your good name and the respect of others.

Versions from the collection of Phelomen

One of the most popular interpreters of visions today, the dream book of Felomena, interprets the vision of tights as a sign of a meeting with people who are extremely dependent and lack initiative. If in a dream this accessory happens to be torn, then in reality some interested person will start a war against the dreamer. It will try to do harm, first of all, in professional matters. Therefore, the dream book advises not to share with anyone information that is known due to duty. Keep it a secret for your own good.

Felomena's dream book explains why tights with ornaments or openwork (lace) are dreamed of. This is a sign that the dreamer will have no end to her gentlemen in the near future. Her main task is to choose the most worthy and reliable among admirers, because it is quite possible. That she would connect her destiny with him - she would marry.

The vision in which the tights had to be sewn and darned has a different interpretation. Unfortunately, it is dreamed of on the eve of troubles between spouses. Quarrels, mutual claims and reproaches lead to divorce. To prevent such developments, try and make an appointment with a psychologist who specializes in family problems. Only he has the power to preserve your social unit.

There is a mention in Felomena’s dream book of why a child’s tights are dreamed of. It is predicted that in the coming months it will be necessary to resolve a lot of everyday issues. This could be, for example, in an apartment. If in a dream you buy this accessory, then soon after waking up you may encounter a boorish, rude guy. And here the main thing is not to succumb to his provocative behavior, but to remain calm. Otherwise, if you get involved in a squabble, you will greatly fray your nerves and ruin your mood.

I must admit that you haven’t added new things to your wardrobe for a long time, and are completely behind fashion, which is why you dream that you are putting on new tights. The dream book recommends looking through glossy magazines and taking a closer look at how your peers, who are considered successful and prominent ladies, are dressed. Don’t be greedy, don’t skimp on your loved one, buy it for yourself, you won’t regret it, the dream book predicts.

Secrets of dreams in the East

In the Eastern Dream Book, night visions about tights are interpreted somewhat differently. If you purchase them, you risk actually losing loyal friends. Not only will your relationship with them begin to deteriorate at a catastrophic rate, but in the end your comrades will insidiously deceive you and set you up. Hence the conclusion: the less your friends know about you, the better. Now you can’t share your most intimate things with them.

Interpreters from the East believed that torn tights in a dream were a bad omen. This is a dream on the eve of numerous ailments. In part, they may be side effects of prolonged depression in which the sleeper finds himself. It will be difficult for him to understand and forgive the indifference, injustice, and callousness of the people with whom he communicates. This happens and there is no need to be ashamed if you are unable to cope with the flow of negative emotions and weakness alone. There is a proven way - make an appointment with a psychotherapist. It will help you look at many things objectively, and you will get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and pessimistic thoughts.

A young girl’s dream that she was wearing tights with a hole predicts deceit on the part of her boyfriend. He is lying or unfaithful to her. And he will not hesitate to betray his beloved and initiate separation from her. But there is no reason for serious disappointment: let this young man go his way, the young lady will be luckier, she will actually meet a decent, kind man. He will treat her reverently, affectionately, and arrange unforgettable romantic dates.

But seeing a man dressed in tights in a dream is not good. Such a plot predicts a loss of respect from colleagues and acquaintances. Why would this happen? The dreamer probably knows the answer. The culprit will be or even the use of narcotic drugs. Sooner or later, the secret of addiction to such substances and drinks will become known. Moreover, they negatively affect your character, making you angry and quarrelsome. So, before it’s too late, start fighting these weaknesses.

Even more interesting explanations

In most dream books, torn tights in a dream are a signal of disagreements between household members. Relatives will begin to constantly quarrel and create scandals. If one of them does not show wisdom and restraint, then the family boat will definitely sink. And then the division of property and other unpleasant events begin.

Sometimes holes in hosiery in dreams are symbols of the collapse of hopes and unfulfilled plans. Everything planned, alas, is unlikely to come true. In addition, additional troubles, obstacles, and difficulties will arise on the dreamer’s path. So, you need to be patient and courageously endure all the blows of fate.

Blue or greenish tights are seen in dreams by lucky people who will soon have a very good rest! If this is a vacation, then the sleeper will go to nature, or to a great place. A wonderful vacation will not only give you wonderful memories, but will also give you a boost of vivacity and energy!

Black tights in a dream symbolize a streak of upcoming failures. And if you also notice the “arrow”, then unpleasant surprises await you at work. You will not receive the promised promotion, and of course, the salary will remain the same - without an increase.

And the famous Miller is sure that tights in a dream foreshadow a new wonderful period in life. It will be filled with events that will cause a lot of pleasant emotions and unforgettable impressions. The dreamer has victories, discoveries, and interesting acquaintances ahead of him. Miller believed that washing children's tights in a dream prophesies a lot of worries, but the sleeper will cope with them effortlessly. By giving hosiery to someone as a gift while you are in the power of morphea, you will wake up and make new acquaintances. They will make life brighter, expand your horizons and sphere of communication.

Miller's vision of sewn-in pink tights is interesting. He is sure that this object is a signal to the sleeper that it is time to make peace with his lover. Relationships will resume with new passion.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/03/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Tights and leggings are indispensable wardrobe items for women of any age. And their appearance in a dream is completely inexplicable. Dream books and interpretations of fortune tellers will help you decipher a non-standard dream. This item of clothing most often foreshadows pleasant, inspiring moments. But if you dream of torn tights, then you should think about it.

Before you start solving a dream, you need to remember everything you dreamed about. Every detail, even the smallest one, is important.

Try to remember the following nuances:

Your role in the dream is also important. For more successful interpretation, psychologists advise transferring dreams to paper. When they are written down, you can, with the help of dream books and oracles, begin to decipher what holey tights mean in dreams.

Had a dream cotton tights or leggings- this sign indicates that next to the dreamer there is a “friend” person. Real, dear, sincere. You just need to take a closer look at the people around you to understand this. It is quite possible that this person can make a huge difference in your life.

In addition to the fabric, the color of the product is also very important:

It’s very unusual what you dream about torn tights. This promises disruption of planned plans, the emergence of specific situations for which you are not prepared. After such dreams, it is better to postpone planned important tasks and responsible assignments. There is a clear risk that you can only harm yourself.

Dirty stockings may dream of household chores. Most likely, new work related to the house will appear: cleaning, light repairs, remodeling, rearranging furniture.

Children's torn tights in a dream they promise the dreamer quick participation in some ridiculous situation. However, it should be approached with a bit of humor. Don't get upset and angry - just smile at yourself and the situation, and then soon everyone will forget this embarrassment.

Wearing tights in a dream- such a vision promises many interesting events ahead, in which the dreamer will be directly involved. And this period of time will be remembered for bursts of positive emotions and happy memories.

If in a dream a person takes off his tights , this most likely means the end of a certain stage in life. This is a logical conclusion, not sudden. Don't get upset or try to stop the process. Everything is going as planned. You just need to analyze your actions, think about whether everything was done correctly, whether you expect the result that turned out in the end.

Why you dream of torn tights on your legs, may mean making a number of mistakes or complete disappointment in one’s strengths and aspirations. An emptiness forms inside. You shouldn’t give in to your worries, the dark streak tends to end, and this will soon pass.

You may dream of such a plot that the dreamer accidentally rips his own tights. Then such a dream will carry a warning about an awkward incident. If you happen to get into trouble, you will need to find out the reasons for the current situation and try to explain it to other participants.

Specially torn item speaks of the bad and reckless character of the dreamer. He is characterized by infantile frivolity, which is unacceptable. The dream hints that it is necessary to take all the little things that happen in life extremely seriously, so as not to miss anything important.

Trying on leggings on someone means new business obligations that will certainly bring benefits.

Enjoy the new accessory you just bought, means to feel like you're on a horse. Most likely, the reason for this is some act committed the day before, which restored the dreamer’s faith in himself and his own strength.

Sew tights- a sign that in real life a person has seriously begun to correct the mistakes he has made. However, this will only work if this spiritual impulse is honest and disinterested.

Trying on tights, but not deciding to buy them, can be interpreted as a symbol of doubt in your choice. In this case, the dream encourages and recommends being more confident in your judgments. There is no point in regretting what you have done, the wheel of life moves on.

Opinions of soothsayers and dream books

There are several generally accepted and similar interpretations in which all oracles and dream books agree.

However, this is a generalized interpretation. Dream books can provide more detailed information.

Everyday dream book

Torn tights, according to this interpretation, are a sign of the imminent appearance of unreliable and frivolous people on the dreamer’s path. The result of such a meeting will be a negative impact on the person. It is necessary to protect yourself from such acquaintances.

If a woman tries on tights and they manage to tear on it, then this is a clear sign of bitter disappointment. You can be deceived in your expectations in anything: in work, relationships, communication with friends. In addition, such a dream may signal a deterioration in mental health. Most likely, due to banal overwork or mild depression. It is better to conduct a medical examination.

For a woman to wear leggings in a dream- the desire to experiment with the old image in real life. In reality there are attempts to create your own unique look, and so far everything is working out. But it’s still better not to get carried away, as you can overdo it and become a laughing stock for everyone.

Holey leggings in a dream promise new obstacles in achieving the goal. Overcoming obstacles is difficult, but there is nothing that cannot be done. The main thing is to put in enough effort and patience. As an interpretation, this could also mean the machinations of enemies. Gossip, slander - someone is making every effort to discredit the dreamer’s honest name.

Eastern interpretations

Buying tights in a dream- to problems among the environment. Quarrels and clashes with friends are possible. The people whom the dreamer considers closest will lie and ultimately betray. Such events can be avoided. But to do this you need to become a secretive person. The less information your friends know, the greater the chances for a quiet life. In general, the eastern dream book perceives this image extremely negatively.

Pantyhose tear in my sleep- in reality you should expect serious health problems. It is possible that mental health will also suffer.

The appearance of depression due to injustice around and callousness cannot be ruled out.

The dream warns: if such conditions arise, it is better not to waste time and turn to specialists.

Miller's explanation

Tights, according to Miller, symbolize the happy beginning of a new period of life. And this life will be more pleasant, long-awaited, happy than the one that is dragging on now.

Washing children's tights in a dream- successfully solve a lot of small problems in reality. Everything will be easy and relaxed, you won’t need to spend a lot of time and effort.

The appearance of leggings in a dream promises a renewal of the circle of acquaintances and friends. Moreover, new acquaintances will be useful and pleasant. There is an opportunity to gain a lot of new information.

Pink tights portend the restoration of old love affairs.

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