Dream Interpretation mother was looking for her son in the army. Why do you dream about a son who doesn’t exist yet?

In dreams it is often possible to meet someone. These could be relatives, acquaintances, enemies or friends, those you thought about or have long forgotten.

Sometimes you dream of someone who has died, and sometimes you see the death of a living relative. Relatives in dreams always appear for something important, promise some significant changes, warn about something.

Such dreams should be interpreted carefully and not miss their hidden meaning. One of the most interesting symbols for analysis and interpretation in a dream is a son.

Note that the son may dream of his own mother, or maybe not. Even a young girl can dream that she has given birth to a boy, or a woman who does not have a son in reality can dream of herself as the mother of a son.

Understanding why your son dreams is not as difficult as it might seem at first. You just have to take your time, remember that there can be a lot of meanings for such a dream, and that nothing can be confused due to inattention.

First, consider the basic facts - your loved one dreamed of a boy in a dream, or you had a chance to give birth to him in your dreams. What exactly did you dream about – the birth of a son, his death, or other circumstances and incidents. What was the boy like - small or adult?

The dream book divides dream plots into the following:

  • The native boy dreams of his mother.
  • The son dreams of being happy and cheerful.
  • He suffers or is sick in his sleep.
  • An unmarried lady dreams of the birth of a son.
  • A mother dreams of her little son as an adult.
  • I dreamed about the death of my son.
  • I dream that the boy died at birth.
  • A child who died in reality dreams as if he is alive.
  • The dead son is alive in his dreams and says something.
  • You don’t have a son in reality, but you dream about his birth and death.
  • In a dream, an adult woman gives birth to a boy.
  • A young (nulliparous) girl dreams of the birth of a son.
  • Long and painful childbirth in a dream.

These dreams are very unusual and rare. They have different meanings, and can not only foreshadow something specifically related to one’s own son.

Moreover, if a young girl suddenly gave birth in a dream, such things have a deep meaning. Know for sure that there is no reason for fear and anxiety. These dreams are often favorable.

Why is this dream?

The dream book is generous in interpreting such dreams, because our great-grandmothers dreamed of them, and they were also curious and wanted to know what it was about. Remember the details and find out what awaits you in reality!

1. As the dream book says, a son who dreams of his mother promises prosperity and a quiet life. Such a dream is a reason not to worry about the boy’s fate; everything will be fine for him in the near future. So try not to worry too much, as loving mothers often tend to do.

2. If a mother dreams of her boy being healthy, happy, smiling, in reality you can safely count on his health and success in everything. This vision is a sure sign of complete well-being and protection of higher powers.

3. A little son who suffers or is sick in dreams is a warning symbol. There is no reason to panic, but you should prepare for some troubles.

There may be some difficulties in studying or other matters related to the child. But don’t stress yourself out, treat everything wisely and calmly, this way you will be able to correct difficulties faster and better.

4. The birth of a son in the dreams of an unmarried young lady is, as even ancient dream books say, a symbol of a happy marriage and strong love in the future. And there is no reason not to believe dream books - believing in this will bring happiness closer, and the love you dreamed of will overtake you!

5. If you saw a boy in a dream as an adult, even though in reality he is still a baby, then the interpreter promises that you should be proud of the child. He will delight you, and in the future he will become a source of great maternal pride and happiness.

6. Of course, for any mother such a terrible dream in which her son died is an incredible shock. But there’s nothing really scary about it, calm down.

A dream may portend worry about him, troubles or conflicts, but nothing more. Be wise, let only love for your child guide you, and this will help you cope with difficulties, avoid quarrels, and improve relationships.

7. If you dream of your son dying during childbirth, this promises some kind of unsuccessful project. This warning may help you avoid disaster.

Think, maybe you are working on a hopeless idea, trying to implement an unsuccessful plan? If it’s not too late, rethink your plans, adjust them and change them, or abandon the unsuccessful project altogether.

8. A child who died in reality, but dreams that he is alive? This only speaks of the connection with him, and the eternal memory of him. Let it be light and not torment you.

9. If a boy who died in reality said something in his dreams, it’s worth remembering what exactly and listening. Maybe he protected you from something, warned you or hinted at something? The dead in dreams never just speak like that; their speech should always be taken carefully.

10. If a mother dreams of the death of her son, this promises him not only happiness, but also a long life. So your fear is natural, but has no basis - on the contrary, rejoice at this sign, and be calm - the offspring will live a happy, fulfilling and healthy life.

11. Giving birth in a dream is an extremely favorable and successful dream for a woman. Each dream book predicts in this case great happiness in life, both in the family sphere and in all other aspects. Fate will soon take a turn for the better!

12. If in your dreams you had to endure a long and even, perhaps, painful birth of your son into the world, this is a very important message from higher powers. Now is a very favorable time to begin active self-realization. Take advantage of the moment!

To miss it, to be inactive or to doubt is now extremely unwise. You will be lucky, you will achieve even more from any project than you think. Take action!

Dreams of this kind, where a son appeared, are difficult to interpret, they are deep and unusual. Listen to yourself. You will be able to find the right path, and dreams will be your faithful helpers in this! Author: Vasilina Serova

In our dreams, each of us sometimes dreams of loved ones. If a mother or father dreamed of a son, what could this mean? To understand correctly and reliably, and not erroneously, you need to trust the dream book. Because it is impossible to be impartial in such matters, especially if in the dreams a loved one was sick or drunk or even died, and intuition can lie here. So we will find out for sure what the son is dreaming about - from the interpreter!

Just a disclaimer: don’t be afraid if the dream was scary and unpleasant, even if your child died or suffered in the dream. This does not bode well, absolutely nothing bad, and quite the contrary! In general, a son is a positive and kind sign, and very rarely this dream can indicate something unfavorable. It all depends on the details, and they are like this:

  • Little son in a dream.
  • An adult child is dreaming.
  • He was happy, cheerful, laughing.
  • On the contrary, he was sick or suffering, he was drunk.
  • Cuddling with a child.
  • Swear, quarrel with him.
  • I dreamed of a son whom I don’t have in reality.
  • He was born in a dream.
  • In the dream, the little son appeared at a different age, already older.
  • A dead child appeared alive, or died in a dream.

Some of these dreams are scary, some are strange, but remember that all these are just symbols and metaphors. This is how the Universe sends us signs that we need to decipher and apply in life.

Mom dreamed about the baby...

Hugging him is a warning. Dream books indicate the possibility of conflicts and advise you to be wiser, because we often do not fully understand children, and often quarrels occur in vain, without reason. Take care of peaceful, good relationships in the family, restrain yourself sometimes.

If in your dreams he was born into your world, then expect happiness and prosperity. Also, a boy who was born in a dream symbolizes self-realization, the birth of a great idea and project that will bring great success. Do you dream of your dead son alive and healthy? Good sign. You are protected and can always know that you will be helped. You are not alone and not defenseless!

If in your dreams your child gets married, you should be wary of difficulties and troubles. There may be a period of problems in his life, but they are necessary for his personal growth and experience. Remember, in your life and youth there were also problems and obstacles, and they strengthened you, made you stronger and wiser! Don’t leave your son alone in problems, but don’t put pressure on him with your concern - give him a chance to find his own solution.

If in a terrible vision your son died or was killed, do not be afraid! This is a reverse dream, and it means only one thing: absolutely everything will be fine with your child! Happiness, the strongest good health and new prospects in life await him.

Such interpretations are given to us by wise dream books, and we should believe them, especially in dreams that simply cannot be interpreted on our own. Be patient and wise, give your loved ones only love and trust the Universe, it will always give what you and your family need!

Sometimes in a dream you can see children, your own or strangers, acquaintances or not. Why do you dream about a boy, a small child or a teenager? Such a dream most often evokes positive emotions. Most of us have our own children and they bring us joy and happiness. Therefore, if you had to give birth to a boy in a dream or see a beautiful, healthy and cheerful child, you will wake up in a good mood in the morning. But don’t forget about the details; there are also not very positive interpretations of what the boy dreams about. So let's take a closer look at everything.

If in a dream you dreamed of a boy, your own or someone else’s, small or adult, most often this is a good sign.

So, you happened to see a boy’s child in a dream. This is a very popular plot; both older people and young children dream of boys. Of course, age has a direct impact on the interpretation of sleep. But there are other factors that influence what it means to see a boy in a dream. First of all, these are various details of the plot: you saw a cheerful child or a sad one, a very young child or almost a teenager, etc. Using our tips, you can reconstruct the plot of the dream and understand why the little boy is dreaming.

Who saw the dream: girl, girl, woman, man

  • If you are a girl and you had a dream where a little boy appeared, whether you knew him or not, it means that success in your studies and creativity awaits you. Excellent grades will be the best reward for your diligence.
  • For a young attractive girl, such a dream will also be a harbinger of academic success and a successful start to a career, as well as a fun pastime. But if in a dream she sees herself as a boy, then in this case she should beware of gossip.
  • For older women, seeing a boy in a dream will mean an increase in property (perhaps you will receive an inheritance or make a large purchase), and it is also a sure sign that you will soon have more money in your pockets.
  • A man who sees a boy in a dream will experience success at work, great success in business and financial profit. But if the child you dreamed about was you as a child, such a dream is a signal that it’s time to rest. Perhaps you work too hard and have completely forgotten about yourself. It's time to fix this - meet friends, go on a trip, visit loved ones.

If in a dream you had a baby boy

Why dream of giving birth to a boy in a dream - your business will soon go uphill, and all events will develop quite rapidly. But if you gave birth to a boy, and suddenly he disappeared somewhere, got lost from sight - be careful. In real life, you may miss something very important!

If an unmarried girl dreamed that she gave birth to a boy, such a dream will help determine the choice of a partner, especially if several men are courting her at once. And if you remember the child’s facial features well and he looks like one of those caring for you, feel free to make a choice! You can't go wrong!

Why does a single man dream of a newborn boy? Such a dream will mean that he will soon meet a woman who will become his soul mate. Don't miss your destiny! But for someone who has started a family and has already become a parent, seeing the birth of a boy in a dream means that troubles related to your children await you. Perhaps they will need help. But if a man saw himself giving birth in a dream, then perhaps you are afraid to put new responsibility on your shoulders.

If in a dream you saw a newborn boy

  • When in your dream you are caring for a newborn baby, soon in reality you will find yourself drawn into other people's problems that you will have to solve;
  • If a baby died in a dream and you grieve for him, expect a deterioration in your current affairs;
  • If you saw a very large healthy newborn - get ready to make a big profit;
  • Bathing a baby in a dream is also a good sign - spiritual renewal awaits you;
  • Dreams associated with the kidnapping of a newborn will be interpreted as follows: if you kidnap - an illegal source of income will appear, if someone kidnaps you before your eyes - there will be financial losses;
  • Seeing a baby boy in a dream, reaching out to the child, holding him in your arms means that in your environment there is a devoted person who you can trust and rely on.

What was the mood of the dreaming child?

If in a dream you dreamed of a boy who laughed, this is a very good sign.

Psychologists believe that if an adult calms a baby in a dream, it means that there is some situation in his life that he does not like, but due to circumstances he is forced to put up with it. Most dream books agree that a crying and capricious child in a dream is not good.

If a woman is holding a crying boy in her arms, it means that in the near future one of her loved ones may get into trouble. Calm the baby - soon the bad streak will end and your business will finally go uphill. And it doesn’t matter whether it concerns work or personal life, everything will work out. If the child is simply sad, but does not cry, it means that something is bothering you, disappointing you, or making you angry. Try to understand your feelings and find the reason for your dissatisfaction.

Well, if you dreamed of a boy laughing joyfully, victory awaits you! A playing child dreams of pleasant chores that will bring you pleasure.

If you saw an older boy in a dream

First of all, seeing a teenage boy in a dream means unexpected profits. A schoolboy boy will be the bearer of news related to finances, which you will learn in the very near future. But, there is one very important nuance here: if this child is not your relative, then the money, alas, will not bring you any benefit, and the news will not be the most pleasant. Perhaps you are preparing to make an important transaction, so be prepared for the fact that everything will not go the way you want. And if the teenagers you dream about are completely unknown to you, alas, the plans you cherish in your head will not come true in the near future.

Why does a teenage girl dream about the boy she likes? First of all, this, of course, is associated with frequent thoughts and dreams about him. Well, the following details will help to interpret such a dream more accurately:

  • He looks intently in your direction - he likes you;
  • If it appearance sloppy - you are not confident in your own choice;
  • He strokes your hand, waiting for you to take the first step.

You saw your adult son as a small child

Eastern dream book. Seeing adults as children, especially men, is not a good indicator. Your guardianship has probably become a burden for your son; you should communicate with him as an adult and let him now take care of you. A crying son in a dream means he doesn’t know how to communicate with you in reality.

Family dream book. Seeing someone who has already grown up as a small child means worrying about his ability to make decisions and having a desire to intervene in his life, as well as missing the period when he was a child dependent on his parents. But you shouldn’t try to return the relationship of dependence - it’s better to just establish communication.

Dream book of Artemidor. Dressing up a child means serenity and bliss in the near future. Talking to a child means asking for the protection of strong people from your environment. Someone takes your son away - envy of the happiness of others.

Other interesting interpretations of dreams about boys

The appearance of twins in a dream is considered a positive sign. A young woman who has such a dream will soon create a strong family and become pregnant. For a man to see twin boys in a dream means total success! We advise you to take advantage of the moment and take full advantage of the situation.

  • If you see boy and girl twins, it means that you will be greatly surprised, but there will be nothing bad about it. Read also: .
  • Adopting a boy in a dream - such a dream marks good luck that you are ready to let into your home. Soon you will have a chance to change your life for the better.
  • Manneken Pis - a conflict situation or dispute awaits you ahead, in which you will have to firmly defend your point of view.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in different dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Dreams are an alternative reality in which everything that we experience in ordinary life is transformed. In a dream, we can find unexpected answers to the most difficult questions that seemed unsolvable in the light of day. Also, very often, dreams can warn us against some rash actions, rash steps, and make us reconsider our view of life and environment. Yes, if you think about it, dreams carry a colossal amount of useful information, the main thing is to be able to correctly decipher it and use it profitably. And dream books help in this difficult matter. And today we will talk about dreams in which we see a boy. So, I dreamed about a boy - what is this for?

Miller's Dream Book - a white streak is coming

Seeing a boy in a dream means changing your life for the better. It is especially good if this boy is healthy, handsome and well-fed. Something significant will happen to you in the near future that will affect the path you take next. For example: you will get the highest score on the exam or you will be invited to an internship at a large company, where you will gain a lot of experience and, perhaps, get a permanent position that you could not even dream of before.

But Miller says this about a crying child: soon you will have to devote yourself to caring for your family and loved ones. And the more sincere this concern is, the better the relationships in your family will subsequently become.

For a pregnant woman, the interpretation is this: if the dream in which you saw a boy evoked positive emotions in you, then the birth will go smoothly, but if a woman was bothered by something in the dream and she woke up with a heavy heart, then labor may begin prematurely. Take care of yourself!

Vanga's dream book - your wish will come true

According to Vanga’s dream book, a boy in a dream often means an improvement in the financial situation.

If your thoughts are pure, then the appearance of a boy in your dreams will mean the fulfillment of your most cherished desire. And if you also play with it, then you will be lucky and you will find the meaning of life, which, alas, not every one of us can boast of. Such a dream can also promise an increase in income and, as a result, an improvement in financial situation.

Particular attention should be paid to the birth process itself, if there was one in your dream. A difficult but successfully completed birth indicates that you will overcome all difficulties and achieve your goals. And if the birth was easy, you will have an assistant or patron with whom things will go smoothly.

Freud's Dream Book - You may be insincere

A crying boy in your dream is a symbol of your insincerity towards your significant other. But if you see a lot of children in a dream and play with them, it means you are inclined to self-satisfaction and this absolutely suits you. Generally speaking, but according to Freud’s dream book, a boy in a dream symbolizes male genitalia.

Modern dream book - success in business awaits you

First of all, for a pregnant woman to see a male baby in a dream means an easy, painless birth. For a woman playing with a boy in a dream, this will mean a strong family and stability, as well as peace, comfort, support and understanding of loved ones. And no troubles in the foreseeable future.

Kissing and hugging a little boy means success in business and respect from colleagues. Your efforts at work will be appreciated. If in your dream you spanked or scolded a child, don’t worry. A small misunderstanding with one of your friends or colleagues awaits you ahead, but it will quickly be resolved. If you lose a boy in a dream, it only means that your new business is empty. Don't waste your time on it.

Indian dream book - you will become active

The desire to be active. A passion for work and an active lifestyle will awaken in you, perhaps you will discover a new sport or start attending some classes. In any case, the desire to act will increase.

Islamic dream book - financial responsibility

Most likely, you will be responsible for valuable property. Holding and breastfeeding a boy is a task with material benefits for you. For a pregnant woman, the dream has the opposite meaning: apparently, she is expecting a girl.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina - joy and happiness await you

A baby is a symbol of joy. Seeing a baby boy in a dream means a favorable period will come in your life. I dreamed of a handsome boy - you will not have problems or difficulties. If a child cries in a dream - fortunately.

Chinese dream book - you are too gullible

If you dream of a sleeping baby or small child, you are by nature shy and trusting. Crawling baby - you need to think and make decisions quickly. Crying baby - you will have to solve many small problems.

Dream book of yogis - it’s time to implement plans

You are ready and you are offered the opportunity to begin implementing some plan to transform something. This endeavor will be crowned with success only if you treat it as your life’s work.

American dream book - help is expected from you

You have to take care of the man, take responsibility. This could be caring for the sick or financial support of a male friend, help with housework, care. A dream about how you are trying to hold a capricious boy in your arms is ingratitude on the part of the man you are helping.

Chinese dream book - you are very caring

Communication with a dependent man, caring for an adult man as if he were a child. A crying boy - caring for a sick, temporarily incapacitated person. Tossing the baby up, rocking him in your arms - you yourself create a situation in which you have to take care of the man.

Azar's dream book - they want to use you

A male acquaintance wants you to do something for him. A crying boy in your arms - someone wants to shift their responsibilities to you. Talking to a boy is a task, an order from a male boss.

Egyptian dream book - you are helping relatives

Holding a boy in your arms in a dream is a sure indicator of your excessive guardianship of close male relatives. Your excessive concern does not benefit them, nor you. If in a dream a child sleeps in your arms, it means that you are striving to completely control the life of a loved one or boy.

Culinary dream book - evaluate your strengths

You care about someone who you see as not being able to cope with their problems. If you find it too difficult to hold a boy in your arms, you should soberly evaluate whether you are wasting the energy you need on other people.

Dream book for lovers - take care of your health

Seeing a baby in your arms means spending on the health of loved ones. Rocking a crying child in your arms means successfully defending yourself in front of aggressive others. Protecting the baby from others means regaining your health and youth.

Newest dream book - you are too critical of yourself

A woman who holds a boy in her arms subconsciously worries about her masculine qualities and is forced to suppress them. If a man holds a boy in his arms, this is a sign that he takes himself too seriously and is self-critical.

Dream Interpretation of Veles - your sorrows will go away

The baby is crying and you are trying to calm him down - a gambling loss or a new love. To be touched by the milky smell or golden curls - all the sorrows of recent times will go away in the coming days.

Icelandic dream book - you will make a profit

The little boy smiles - you will make a profit and you will have a long-awaited meeting. If he cries, you will repent of something. Whether the boy plays with you or alone, you can finally solve your problems. If you feed a boy in a dream, it means prosperity in the house.

Mythological dream book - you dream of a son

Usually a little boy dreams of various changes in life or reflects your subconscious. For example, a woman who really wants to have a baby may have such dreams all the time. Dreams where children are present may indicate your need for care, affection, and love.


Dreams are completely unpredictable and we have no control over them. Sometimes we see completely unfamiliar children who talk to us or perform various actions towards us. But, you see, it is much more interesting to see our children in a dream, which we know or love. Friends, no matter what you see in your dreams, and no matter what the interpretation promises you, remember, this is just a possible scenario. Everything else is in your hands! Good dreams to you!

Video “What does a boy dream about”

Dreams are different - sometimes they warn the dreamer about important milestones in life; it is advisable to find out what this or that event is about in a dream from professional astrologers who are able to make a correct forecast based on seemingly insignificant details.

What if you dream about your little son?

Soothsayers say that if the dreamer dreamed of a small son, you need to pay attention to the state of health; the mother has a strong connection with the child, even if he has already grown up. It is quite possible that in the dream the son was small because it was at that age that the relationship was most sincere; the mother was more likely to listen to the baby.

It is imperative to remember all the circumstances in which the meeting with the child took place; perhaps he gives advice on what to do in a particular case. The dreamer should immediately write down the vision, otherwise after a few minutes you can forget some little things, and these are the main ones that turn out to be decisive in deciphering the vision.

If in a dream the baby is dissatisfied with something, is capricious or cries, it means he foresees the mother’s illness and asks her to take care of her health. Such warnings should not be ignored; perhaps the woman herself does not yet know about the danger; it is best to go to the doctor and have an examination. But such a dream can also mean very serious changes in life and, not always for the better, if you consult with a specialist, he will give recommendations on how to avoid troubles.

It is believed that a mother maintains a close spiritual connection with her child, even if he has long become an adult, so it is recommended to find a good dream interpretation specialist and ask him to interpret the meaning of the dream.

It is very pleasant for an adult woman to see her son in a dream and remember how he kissed and hugged her at the beginning of her life; it is gratifying to understand that such a dream promises only good events in reality. The astrologer who solves the vision will explain that from this moment the dreamer begins a particularly favorable period - all affairs, all undertakings are certainly doomed to success.

It is quite possible that the son not only predicts success in his career, but will also give some practical advice; after waking up, you definitely need to remember all his words and write them down, each word can be decisive. No less important are the feelings with which the meeting with the child occurred in a dream; sometimes it is the sensations that give the complete picture, so that the astrologer correctly guesses what he saw and gives a useful prediction.

Another option is also possible - if the baby begins to complain that someone has offended him, or something hurts, perhaps he himself needs help; as an adult, he is unlikely to go to his mother with his troubles. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully and tactfully ask about problems and, to help, sometimes it is enough just to have a heart-to-heart talk, because a man also needs care and sympathy, despite the fact that he already has his own adult children.

What does it portend?

Astrologers warn that every dream must be taken seriously, as they can warn of problems and dangers awaiting the dreamer. A woman has a dream in which her adult son has become small again and leaves her, sometimes looking around and wiping away his tears. Such a dream can promise both an illness of the mother herself and a serious illness of her boy.

It is recommended, after such visions, to call your child and gradually ask him about the events that happened in real life; maybe he needs moral or material support. Sometimes the soothsayer says that the dreamer will have hard work, which will certainly lead to success, but serious efforts will be required.

Seeing a small son in a dream can sometimes mean that the dreamer is ready to change his occupation; perhaps it is time to think about it. However, you should think very carefully and compare desires and possibilities, not rush into action, but prepare well so that changes do not lead to catastrophic consequences.

Having seen an adult son as a small child in a dream, you need to remember the details of the events that took place and turn to a professional who, based on minor details, will make a prediction, warn of danger, or advise you to wait for pleasant changes in life.

Seeing your son handsome and healthy in a dream foretells receiving news of his happiness and well-being.

But if in a dream you see that he is sick, wounded, pale, etc., then expect bad news or troubles.

If you dream that your son killed you, then after your death he will inherit your fortune.

A dream in which you saw that your son died portends you great concern about his well-being.

Sometimes such a dream may indicate that your child is in excellent health and your worries are unfounded.

If your son calls you in a dream, then soon he will need your help.

If you dream that you have a son, although in reality you do not have children, then you will have to bravely endure future troubles or material losses.

Sometimes such a dream warns of great experiences. See interpretation: children, relatives.

The dream in which you saw that you had a son foreshadows worries and worries.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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