Soviet actors who tragically died during filming (14 photos). Actors who died during filming An actor died during filming

On July 20, 1973, while working on the film Game of Death in Hong Kong, the actor suddenly fell in the pavilion of the Golden Harvest film studio. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where he was given a disappointing diagnosis of cerebral edema. According to one version, Bruce took a headache pill containing aspirin and meprobamate, which led to death. However, no tests or examinations were carried out, which raised doubts whether the actor really died from the pill. Rumors spread that he had been killed. However, this version has not been confirmed.

2. Brandon Lee (28 years old)

Alas, the same sad fate befell Bruce Lee's son, Brandon Lee. On March 31, 1993, while filming one of the final scenes of the film The Crow, where the main character is shot with a pistol, Brandon was shot in the stomach. Actor Michael Massey, who played one of the villains, fired a .44 caliber revolver. The plug stuck in the barrel was not noticed by members of the film crew and flew out when fired with a blank cartridge. As a result, the foreign body pierced Brandon's abdomen and became lodged in his spine, causing extensive blood loss. Brandon died in hospital from persistent hemorrhage. After the actor's death, filming continued with the participation of a stunt double. He is buried next to his father in Seattle at Lake View Cemetery on the shores of Lake Washington in the place that Linda, his mother, originally reserved for herself.

3. Steve Irwin (44 years old)

During his regular filming, on September 4, 2006, the famous wildlife expert went underwater with scuba gear to film large stingrays off the Great Barrier Reef. One of the fish attacked the leader while he was above it. The stingray raised its tail with a poisonous sting at the end and slammed it straight into Steve's chest. Unfortunately, the sting hit the heart directly, causing extensive blood loss. A couple of minutes later, Irwin died. The irony of fate is that this predator is rarely truly dangerous to humans: only two cases of deaths of tourists stung by stingrays have been recorded off the coast of Australia.

4. John Eric Hexum (27 years old)

An aspiring American actor who died a stupid death at the age of 26. It was so stupid that the case was nominated for a Darwin Award (an award given annually to people who die in the most stupid way). On October 2, 1984, during the filming of The Hidden Fact, Hexam's character was required to fire a .44 Magnum. During breaks, the actor played with a revolver and suddenly, deciding that the Magnum was loaded with blanks, he put it to his temple and pulled the trigger. The shot destroyed part of the actor's skull, causing extensive bleeding. After 6 days, the actor died without ever regaining consciousness.

5. Sergei Bodrov Jr. (31 years old)

A terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of a large number of people occurred during the filming of the film “The Messenger”. On that day, September 20, 2002, the Kolka glacier collapsed in the Karmadon Gorge, causing a rock avalanche that killed 130 people, 23 of whom were members of the film crew. Sergei Bodrov was among them. The actor’s body was never found, which is why many for a long time thought that he had survived.

6. Evgeny Urbansky (33 years old)

The actor died in 1965 while filming the film “The Director.” According to the script, Urbansky’s hero’s car was supposed to make a jump from one of the dunes. The first take was shot successfully, but the director decided to complicate the shot so that the car would jump higher. During the second take, the car overturned. As a result of his injuries, Urbanski died on the way to the hospital.

7. Vic Morrow (53 years old), Mick Dean Lee (7 years old), Rene Chen (6 years old)

One of the worst tragedies in the history of cinema occurred in 1983 on the set of the film “The Twilight Zone.” In one scene, Vic Morrow had to run across a lake with his children, Mick Dean Lee and Renee Chen. Explosions thundered in the background and a helicopter circled over the lake. According to the scenario, the helicopter was supposed to fly at an altitude of eight meters, which, as it turned out, was too low to dodge pyrotechnic explosions. As a result of one of the explosions, the tail rotor blades were damaged, and the car crashed to the ground, taking the lives of Vic and two children. Everyone who was in the helicopter itself at that time survived, receiving only minor injuries.

8. Roy Kinnear (54 years old)

On September 20, 1988, while filming The Return of the Musketeers in Madrid, actor Roy Kinnear fell from his horse. As a result of the fall, he broke his pelvis, which led to profuse bleeding and death.

9. Inna Burduchenko (22 years old)

The actress died during the filming of the film “Nobody Loved Like That” (or “Flower on the Stone”) during a fire. According to the script, the girl had to save the banner from a burning house. At the director's request, Inna entered the burning house again and again. And while filming the third take, the house collapsed. The actress did not have time to run out. 78% of her body was burned, and, unfortunately, the actress could not be saved.

10. Andrey Rostotsky (45 years old)

In 2002, the filming of the film “My Border” was supposed to take place in the mountainous part of the outskirts of the city of Sochi. When Andrei Rostotsky was choosing locations for filming, he fell from a 30-meter height from a cliff at the Maiden's Tears waterfall.

They are interrogating in connection with an accident on the set of the TV series “Smersh”. The tragedy occurred on Friday, September 14, in Tutaev, Yaroslavl region, during the staging of a mass brawl scene.

During the action, one of the extras hit one of his colleagues too hard in the temple. A 50-year-old man was sent to the hospital by ambulance, but doctors were unable to save the victim’s life.

Valery Shuvalov turned out to have died on the set; he was supposed to receive 500 rubles for filming the episode.

Russia has opened a criminal case and is now interrogating witnesses, one of whom is Makarov.

“On the evening of September 14, 2018, a man, born in 1967, was taken to a medical facility after suffering a head injury while filming a film that took place in the city of Tutaev,” it says in a message from the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl region. “Despite resuscitation measures, the victim died. Based on the fact of the incident, the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, resulting in the death of the victim through negligence).”

The deceased was not a professional actor, but only took part in filming as an extra.

“According to the investigation, a resident of the city of Tutaev, involved in filming a scene of a mass fight, was hit in the temple during a rehearsal,” the Investigative Committee reports.

— Currently, investigative actions are being carried out aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base. The person involved in the crime is being identified.”

Filming of the series “Smersh” began in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, in June of this year. Having filmed all the material in the city, the film crew moved several hundred kilometers to Tutaev, where they continued their work.

“Smersh” was directed by the famous director and actor Oleg. The action of "Smersh" takes place during the Great Patriotic War.

“The whole picture is such a drive, an action movie with two heroes in the center,” told Fomin in an interview with local TV channel R40.

46-year-old Alexei Makarov made his screen debut in 1995 in a small role in the detective mini-series “On the Corner, at the Patriarch’s.” Four years later, he starred in the film “The Voroshilov Shooter,” where he played one of the key roles - the negative character of businessman Boris Chukhanov.

Makarov played more than 80 roles in films and TV series, including “In August 1944”, “What Men Talk About”, “Tsar”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Turkish March”, “Kamenskaya”, “Particle of the Universe”.

Valery Matytsin/TASS

The actor was awarded the prize for his role as a department officer in the 2004 film “Personal Number,” based on the tragic events of 2002 in Moscow, when terrorists took hostages at the musical “Nord-Ost.”

Oleg Fomin began his acting career in the mid-80s in the films “Toll”, “My name is Harlequin” and “The Glass Labyrinth”. In the 90s, Fomin starred in several important films of the era, including “The Publican,” “Country of the Deaf,” and “Contract with Death.” In recent years, the actor has starred mainly in TV series.

Fomin sat in the director’s chair in 1991 on the set of the film “Dear Ep.”

Fomin also works closely with TV series. He was the director of the popular project of the early 2000s “Next. Next" with Alexander Abdulov in the title role. All three seasons of the series were released.

In the near future, Fomin’s new feature film “Redheads” should be released on big screens, and the series “Aliens” is also expected. The release date of “Smersh” on television has not yet been announced.

While watching films, audiences are often amazed by the masterful stunts that actors perform. In the most dangerous moments, the main actors are often replaced by professional stuntmen, but sometimes the actors insist on working independently in all scenes without exception. But sometimes actors have to pay the highest price for the opportunity to film without stunt doubles. In our review, domestic actors who died on the set.

Andrey Rostotsky

The son of Stanislav Rostotsky and Nina Menshikova was not only an actor, but also a stuntman and stunt director. He was very talented and always worked carefully, calculated possible dangers in advance, and was collected and focused while working. And he died during the filming of the film “My Border,” in which he acted as a director.

Andrei Rostotsky, when choosing a location for filming the next scene of the film, fell off a cliff at the “Maiden Tears” waterfall in the area of ​​the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort. The 30-meter cliff left no chance of survival. The actor and director received many injuries, including a traumatic brain injury. Andrei Rostotsky died on the operating table.

Evgeny Urbansky

The actor’s creative biography was very bright. Evgeny Urbansky, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, was accepted into the troupe of the Stanislavsky Theater. On the theater stage he sometimes played 28 performances a month. The actor’s film debut was also successful. He made his debut in Yuri Raizman's film "Communist" and instantly became one of the most popular and recognizable actors in the country. Later, Evgeny Urbansky starred with Grigory Chukhrai, Andrei Konchalovsky, Vasily Ordynsky and other directors.

While working on Alexey Saltykov’s film “Director,” Evgeny Urbansky had to rush through the dunes and overtake a convoy in the frame. The first take seemed not entirely effective to the second director, and he suggested reshooting the scene. Evgeny Urbansky supported the director and got behind the wheel of the car again. This time, the peculiar “flight” by car through the dunes was unsuccessful. The car overturned, the actor received many injuries. He was not taken to the hospital. He was only 33 years old.

Alexander Chekaevsky

Alexander Chekaevsky was one of the most sought-after actors at the Leningrad Pushkin Theater. In addition to serving in the theater, the actor acted in films and, according to the recollections of his colleagues, was very talented. In 1963, during the filming of the film “Hamlet,” directed by Grigory Kozintsev, he was hit by a train and died instantly.

Inna Burduchenko

Filming in the film “Flower on a Stone” was supposed to be the second film job for the young talented actress Inna Burduchenko. Inna's heroine had to carry the banner out of the burning building. But at some point, a wooden burning barracks collapsed on the young actress. She was pulled out of the fire by a simple miner Sergei Ivanov, who himself received multiple burns.

Inna was brought to the burn center in Donetsk (filming took place in the mining region). For 15 days, doctors fought for the life of the young actress, and numerous donors donated blood and skin for the girl free of charge. It was not possible to save Inna Burduchenko, who was also in her third month of pregnancy. The director of the film “Flower on a Stone” was sentenced to two years for the death of the actress.

Mikaela Drozdovskaya

The actress, who starred in “Mimino” and “Volunteers”, “Running” and “Seven Nannies”, was popular and loved by viewers and directors. She could have played many more bright roles, but an accident on the set in Ordzhonikidze claimed the life of a talented actress.

When the entire film crew left for the city, the actress was left alone in the house where the filmmakers lived. It was November, it was already quite cold, and the house was not heated. Michaela hoped to warm up with the help of lighting fixtures, but did not think about the fact that the high temperature from the lamps could cause a fire. The actress woke up when a blanket caught fire and slid onto one of the spotlights, but she could no longer get out of the fire on her own due to carbon monoxide poisoning. When the door was opened, the fire began to spread even faster due to the draft. The actress, who received severe burns, was urgently sent to Moscow, but even the best specialists in the country were unable to save the life of Mikaela Drozdovskaya.

Yuri Gusev

The wonderful actor did not immediately find his calling. He managed to graduate from an electromechanical technical school, serve in the army and work in his specialty at various research institutes. During his student years and during his work, Yuri Gusev was an active participant in amateur performances. And then he decided to change his profession and become an actor. He has about 90 films to his credit; he starred in the films “Eternal Call” and “Long Road in the Dunes”, “Winter Evening in Gagra” and “Return of the Resident”.

An absurd accident caused the death of Yuri Gusev in 1991 while filming in Tashkent. The actor simply tripped and fell, but so unsuccessfully that he received an open head injury, from which he died on the spot.

Sergei Bodrov Jr.

The talented actor and director died in 2002 while working on the film “The Messenger” in the Karmadon Gorge. After the end of the shooting day, the whole group was heading to the city when the rapid descent of the glacier began. Ice and stones, moving at a speed of about 180 kilometers per hour, covered the entire gorge for a short time. 125 people remained buried under a 60-meter layer. Together with Sergei Bodrov, more than 40 people from his film crew died. All of them are listed as missing, the bodies of the victims have never been found.

Cinema is a small life that an actor lives on camera. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with playing a tragic role. But when this role turns out to be not played, but already lived in real life, it becomes clear

Human irresponsibility knows no bounds, for example, during the creation of “”, 27 animals died on the set of the film due to inappropriate living conditions. But sometimes human lives are at stake.

Filming is a complex thing: artists face not only a busy schedule, diets and constant business trips, but also accidents from which no one is immune.

The editors have prepared the top show business stars who died during filming.

Unfortunately, the son, Brandon, was on the list of actors who died on the set. A tragic event occurred on the set of the gothic film “The Raven,” which was released in 1994.

The actor's death occurred due to human carelessness. The fact is that he participated in the last scene with the use of firearms and refused to wear a bulletproof vest. The bullet was not a blank and pierced Brandon's stomach, hitting internal organs.

He passed away young: at the time of his death, Bodrov Jr. was only 30 years old. Bodrov was filming his second film called “The Messenger,” and the film crew was forced to go to the Karmadon Gorge, which is located in North Ossetia.

On September 20, 2002, the collapse of the Kolka glacier began, which buried more than a hundred people. The search for bodies continued until 2004. Some of those killed during filming, including Sergei Bodrov, were never found.

In the spring of 2018, viewers are waiting for the second part of the film about the adventures of a superhero. But few people know that the filming of the film was not without incident: according to media reports, professional stuntman Joy Harris performed a dangerous stunt on a motorcycle.

The girl lost control and crashed into the window of the Shaw Tower. The tragedy occurred after Joy successfully performed the stunt four times, but the final take proved fatal.

There were no accidents during the filming of Furious 7, but ironically, the man was involved in a car accident outside of the director's cameras.

The car accident occurred in California, near Los Angeles. It is noteworthy that on that ill-fated day, the man went on the road to participate in a car show to raise money for typhoon victims in the Philippines. According to media reports, eyewitnesses filmed the actor's death, capturing the accident.

American actress Jean Harlow died during filming. She was considered a sex symbol of the 1930s, but, unfortunately, this blonde girl lived a short life, during which she managed to star in 14 films.

It is known that during the filming of one of the films, the actress felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, as well as weakness and dizziness. After this incident, the actress fell into a coma and died in the summer of 1937 from cerebral edema. The cause of death was the flu experienced by a 26-year-old girl, due to which the blonde developed a complication on her kidneys.

An accident on the set also happened to. Due to his own perfectionism, the actor died on the set. Urbanski refused the help of stuntmen and performed all the stunts himself. In one scene, the actor had to take off and land in a car, which happens in classic action films. The first take was shot successfully, but Evgeniy was dissatisfied with the shots. But the subsequent take turned out to be fatal for the man.

Poltergeist has been called a cursed film, with four actors associated with the franchise having died in six years. The first tragedy occurred with 22-year-old actress Dominique Dunne. On the evening of October 30, 1982, she rehearsed one of the scenes of Poltergeist 2 at her home in Los Angeles. At this time, the actress's ex-boyfriend John Sweeney knocked on the door. A squabble ensued and the girl suggested going outside. There, Sweeney attacked the girl and tried to strangle her. On November 4, the actress died without leaving a coma. The killer spent only 6 years in prison.

60-year-old Julian Beck, who played the priest, died of cancer in 1985, a few months before the end of filming of the second film. The team continued filming with the actor's double created.


In 1987, 53-year-old Will Sampson from the movie Poltergeist 2 died. The actor died a month and a half after a heart transplant operation.

Young Heather O'Rourke died in 1988 from a myocardial infarction caused by septic shock due to intestinal stenosis. The girl was only 12 years old.

During the filming of the third Poltergeist (1988), the pavilion with props caught fire. Several technical workers were hospitalized with burns of varying severity. Another dark story is connected with the third part of the franchise. While filming promotional shots for the film, actress Zelda Rubinstein felt a jolt and momentarily lost her balance. At the end of the photo shoot, Rubinstein learned of her mother’s death and flew to the funeral.

After development, it was discovered that in one frame Zelda’s face was illuminated by a strange haze. The actress was sure that the push and veil in the frame were signs of her late mother.

Brandon Lee - "The Raven" (1994)

There were many accidents on the set of The Crow, including fires, but the death of Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son, was a shocking tragedy. On March 31, 1993, work was underway on the finale of The Crow, where Brandon Lee's character is killed by his enemy Fanboy, played by Michael Massey. By fateful accident, the pistol with which Michael shot Brandon was hit by a plug, which, when fired with a blank cartridge, fatally wounded the actor in the stomach. Brandon was 28 years old.

The actor's mother sued the film company for negligence and won the case. No charges were brought against Michael Massey, but this did not save him from a prolonged depression.

Experienced stunt coordinator Mark Akerstream also died during the filming, when he was hit in the head by debris thrown by the explosion.

Jack MacGowran - The Exorcist (1973)

54-year-old actor Jack McGowran, who played in the episode, died immediately after filming was completed from a heart attack. Later, tragedy overtook the family of actress Mercedes McCambridge, who voiced the demon Pazuzu in the body of the main character. In 1987, her son killed his wife and child and then committed suicide.

Vic Morrow - The Twilight Zone (1983)

53-year-old actor Vic Morrow and two child actors (seven-year-old Micah Dean Lee and six-year-old Renee Shin-Yi Chen) died on the set. Explosions thundered in the background, and a helicopter circled over the lake as Morrow crossed with the boys in his arms. The pyrotechnics explosion damaged the helicopter's tail rotor and it began to fall into the lake. All three died on the spot from being hit by the blades.