Joint program between the Malakhs and the Korchevnikovs. Boris Korchevnikov returns to “Live. Live broadcast - Boris Korchevnikov returns to “Live broadcast”

The main character of the first episode of the “Live Broadcast” program with host Andrei Malakhov on the Rossiya 1 TV channel was his colleague Boris Korchevnikov, who shared the story of his fight against a brain tumor.

This story moved Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva to tears.

The guest of the program also spoke about filming the series “Kadetstvo,” FAN reports. As it turned out, his life story is very similar to the story of the hero he played - both grew up without fathers and met them in adulthood.

According to Malakhov, two years ago Korchevnikov underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor. He told the story of his struggle with the disease to Andrei Malakhov and the guests of the studio “ Live broadcast" The words of the former host of this program brought Malakhov’s pregnant wife to tears. Korchevnikov gave her a bouquet of flowers, hugged her and kissed her.

As Korchevnikov himself recalls, he was visited by thoughts of death as soon as he learned about the diagnosis.

“I didn’t yet know what kind of tumor it was, whether it was growing quickly or slowly. But my very first feeling: this is how many days I have left, they need to be devoted to preparing for death,” recalls Korchevnikov.

The stunning news made Boris look at his life differently. He realized that he was spending a lot of time on urgent matters, forgetting about the most important things. As the TV presenter admits to journalists, at that time he had a lot of unfinished business, and he decided to hurry up with their implementation. “I thought that now I can live a full life. Because just when we think we might die, we begin to live life to the fullest“, Andrei Malakhov’s Starhit magazine quotes Korchevnikov.

But after a thorough examination, it turned out that the tumor on the TV presenter’s auditory nerve was benign. And in order to cope with the disease, he needs surgery. In the middle of summer, Boris had to lie on the operating table.%

“Any person who has ever had a craniotomy knows what it is like when, for several days after the operation, your vestibular system is impaired and it is impossible to walk,” recalls the actor. “But this state of powerlessness, monstrous weakness - it is very useful for understanding the main things in life.”

Now Korchevnikov feels well. He continues to be monitored at the clinic and believes that for a complete recovery, a little time just needs to pass.

In addition, it turned out that Malakhov will appear on the air of “Russia 1” and on August 26 in the “Saturday Evening” program.

Previously, Maxim Galkin ridiculed the open letter of his colleague Andrei Malakhov to to CEO Channel One to Konstantin Ernst, which was published on the website of his magazine StarHit. The corresponding video was posted on Galkin’s Instagram page.

"Let them talk! Special issue - 2. Yesterday Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter in which he generously said goodbye to all Ostankino employees,” the comedian wrote in the description of the video.

In this video, Galkin appeared in two images - himself and the old woman. The characters are having a discussion about Malakhov’s open letter and his transition from Channel One to Rossiya 1.

Galkin tells the old woman that the filming of the “Live Broadcast” program is taking place at the Gorky Film Studio, which is located a ten-minute walk from the Ostankino television center, and if Malakhov is so bored, then during the breaks he can “go kiss them at least every day, with ordinary workers."

“You have to tell Andryusha, he doesn’t know,” the old woman replies. This ends the sketch.

Information that talk show host“Let them talk” Andrei Malakhov will soon leave Channel One, appeared about a month ago.

Some time later, Maxim Galkin jokingly commented on the rumors about the then supposed transfer of Malakhov from Channel One to VGTRK, comparing him with one of the characters in Leonid Gaidai’s film “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures.”

“Well, they paid more money - go for it! He reminds me of the hero Vitsin in “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. Remember how he was torn between Morgunov and Nikulin?” Galkin wrote on his Instagram account.

Then Galkin suggested that the reason for Malakhov’s transition was not the decision to go to maternity leave, as reported by the media, but financial gain.

Malakhov responded to this statement to his colleague in his open letter.

“Max, everyone says that I am repeating your television fate. I will say more, in adolescence I, a novice fan of Alla Borisovna, also dreamed of repeating your personal fate... And one more thing. I didn’t comment on your recent video with the castle in the background, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you guessed, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted.

The TV presenter also addressed words of gratitude to his former boss - general producer Channel One to Konstantin Ernst.

“45 years is an important milestone in a man’s life, I gave 25 of them to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA and I remember every minute you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything you did, for the experience you shared with me, for amazing trip along the television road of life that we walked together,” the text of the address says.

He also remembered his successor, news anchor Dmitry Borisov, who will now become the new face of the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

“Dima, all my hope is in you! The other day I saw fragments of “Let Them Talk” with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” - Malakhov encouraged Borisov.

The TV presenter thanked all his colleagues from other TV shows and departments of the channel, and also turned to Elena Malysheva, who was the first to call him after learning the news about Malakhov’s departure from the First.

“You need to develop, you, as a producer of your own program, understand this better than others. And if at the same time I pushed you into new topic broadcast called “The first manifestations of male menopause” is also not bad,” Malakhov joked.

Malakhov remembered that he came to the First in the “pre-digital era”, and said that he would host new program on "Russia 1". In an interview with the website, he said that it would be called “Andrey Malakhov. Live". By the way, in his video, Galkin also drew attention to the fact that a program with that name “is being recorded.”

August 25, 2017

Colleagues interviewed each other.

Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov met on “Live” / Photo: Instagram

Last week, Andrei Malakhov finally revealed the intrigue and, where he worked for 25 years, and begins work on the Russia 1 TV channel. Today the first episode of the “Live Broadcast” program with Andrei Malakhov was aired. His guest was Boris Korchevnikov. The TV presenters talked about the future and remembered the past.

“I decided that the program should be about Boris, Boris decided that the program should be about me, so today we are having a “Frank conversation” between Korchevnikov and Malakhov,” Andrey said at the beginning of the broadcast. In the next episode, Boris Korchevnikov asked his colleague to show him the things he had left over while working on Channel One. Photo of his father, the first glasses that Malakhov got thanks to the presenter morning broadcast Elena Mironova, a painting dear to her heart—that’s all that Korchevnikov found in Andrei’s box.

Boris Korchevnikov examines the personal belongings of Andrei Malakhov/Photo: frame from the program

From memories of the past, TV presenters moved on to recent events. Andrey and Boris told the stories that they remembered most from the filming of the “Live” and “Let Them Talk” programs. Korchevnikov shared his memories of a woman who lost her entire family, and Malakhov recalled the story of Zhanna Friske.

"Behind long years work, I feel that we are responsible for our heroes. I see Olya Orlova in the hall, thank you for coming... The story of Zhanna and her dad, who does not see his grandson, is an unhealed wound on my heart,” Andrei Malakhov continued the conversation.

Andrei Malakhov admitted that the most painful story for him was the story of Zhanna Friske/Photo: frame from the program

“Borya and Andrey, we love you very, very much. “Bon voyage,” Olga Orlova wished the TV presenters to deafening applause from the audience. Malakhov was also supported by his wife Natalya Shkuleva. We will add in the near future. Korchevnikov congratulated his colleague and admitted with regret that he does not have his own children yet. “My mother would dream of being at my wedding and saying some words, she would dream of seeing her grandchildren... Well, now I can set you as an example to her. I’m 35 years old, and Andrei got married at 39. So all is not lost,” the presenter noted. Korchevnikov also told about how he came to God. According to him, several years ago a colleague suggested that he go to the relics of Matrona. This trip changed his whole life.

Tonight on the program "Live" An unprecedented meeting between the two kings of the airwaves took place. In one studio there are two presenters at once - Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov. This has never happened in the history of television... Boris Korchevnikov, who every evening discussed the most pressing and dramatic issues with the whole country, laughed and cried along with the heroes of the program, said goodbye to his audience! He passed the baton to Andrei Malakhov, the legendary presenter, who this summer made a decision and changed his destiny. Now he is the presenter of “Live Broadcast” on the “Russia” channel. This time Malakhov and Korchevnikov acted as heroes of a talk show and told the whole truth about themselves. A touching meeting is a topic that worries television viewers throughout the country. Tonight on the air - a sensational, frank, touching episode of "Live"!

Before the first broadcast, Andrei Malakhov does not hide his excitement: “I feel like a designer who came to a fashion house and had to give him some new interesting life. Or a surgeon who must now confirm his qualifications in a new country and prove that he can perform operations no worse than the most famous doctors."

The theme of the first program was the presenters' memories of themselves, their childhood, their parents, and their first steps on television. So, Andrey brought a box to the studio in which all his things fit when moving from one channel to another. There is a photograph of Nikolai Dmitrievich’s father, a picture of a Hedgehog in the fog, glasses for the very first broadcast, an invitation to Philip Kirkorov’s 45th birthday and many other items that are significant for the presenter. Malakhov, with tears in his eyes, remembered his father, who passed away at the age of 56. Boris Korchevnikov also spoke frankly about his father. He met him only at the age of 13, because his father left his mother pregnant and did not participate in his son’s life for a long time. “But there is no resentment,” the presenter admits. There was only a greedy desire to hear his opinion about me, about my work - after all, in the first years I thought that I couldn’t do anything, that I didn’t have leadership qualities necessary for the presenter."

The showmen also remembered their first steps on television. It turns out that already in the 90s Boris Korchevnikov hosted “There-There News”, the “Tower” program and interviewed Luzhkov himself. And in his youth he played one of the main roles in the serial television film “Kadetstvo”.

And Andrei Malakhov recalls his first years at Ostankino: “I was 21 years old, and I was practically the son of the regiment. I came for a summer internship in the Vremya program and there I started by making coffee for everyone. And then “I made coffee on Good Morning and sometimes at night I ran to the tent for something stronger for the masters of television.”

The presenters also remembered their first meeting. Boris Korchevnikov talks about it like this: “I worked as a reporter and, on instructions from the editors, I went to the show “Big Wash.” In the empty spectator seats I asked Andrei something, and he said: “You are doing well, come to us!” And Andrei Malakhov still remembers another meeting, a later one, when he met Boris, “bright, spectacular with sparkling eyes,” together with Shnur, with whom they once co-hosted a program about Russian show business.

Years have passed since the first meeting, and now Boris Korchevnikov passes the baton to Andrei Malakhov on the Rossiya channel. "I'm in new studio"Live" program. This is our meeting place, we will again take care of ourselves and our loved ones,” Malakhov promises. What else did Andrei and Boris talk about, who they met in the studio, how Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya supports him, and why Boris Korchevnikov is still single , you can find out in the “Live Broadcast” program.