Jazz styles musical examples. Interesting Facts. Therefore, if in a conversation you mention a white jazz player, you should not say something like “how great he swings” - after all, he swings either normally or not at all, such is reverse racism

Jazz– a unique phenomenon in world musical culture. This multifaceted art form originated at the turn of the century (XIX and XX) in the USA. Jazz music has become the brainchild of the cultures of Europe and Africa, a unique fusion of trends and forms from two regions of the world. Subsequently, jazz spread beyond the United States and became popular almost everywhere. This music takes its basis in African folk songs, rhythms and styles. In the history of the development of this direction of jazz, many forms and types are known that appeared as new models of rhythms and harmonics were mastered.

Characteristics of Jazz

The synthesis of two musical cultures made jazz a radically new phenomenon in world art. The specific features of this new music were:

  • Syncopated rhythms giving rise to polyrhythms.
  • The rhythmic pulsation of music is the beat.
  • Complex deviation from the beat - swing.
  • Constant improvisation in compositions.
  • A wealth of harmonics, rhythms and timbres.

The basis of jazz, especially in the first stages of development, was improvisation combined with a thoughtful form (at the same time, the form of the composition was not necessarily fixed somewhere). And from African music this new style took the following characteristic features:

  • Understanding each instrument as a percussion instrument.
  • Popular conversational intonations when performing compositions.
  • Similar imitation of conversation when playing instruments.

In general, all directions of jazz are distinguished by their own local characteristics, and therefore it is logical to consider them in the context of historical development.

The emergence of jazz, ragtime (1880-1910s)

It is believed that jazz originated among black slaves brought from Africa to the United States of America in the 18th century. Since the captive Africans were not represented by a single tribe, they had to seek a common language with their relatives in the New World. Such consolidation led to the emergence of a unified African culture in America, which included musical culture. It was not until the 1880s and 1890s that the first jazz music emerged as a result. This style was driven by global demand for popular dance music. Since African musical art abounded in such rhythmic dances, it was on its basis that a new direction was born. Thousands of middle-class Americans, unable to learn the aristocratic classical dances, began dancing to ragtime pianos. Ragtime introduced several future bases of jazz into music. Thus, the main representative of this style, Scott Joplin, is the author of the “3 versus 4” element (cross-sounding rhythmic patterns with 3 and 4 units, respectively).

New Orleans (1910–1920s)

Classic jazz appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in the southern states of America, and specifically in New Orleans (which is logical, because the slave trade was widespread in the south).

African and Creole orchestras played here, creating their music under the influence of ragtime, blues and songs of black workers. After the appearance in the city of many musical instruments from military bands, amateur groups began to appear. The legendary New Orleans musician, creator of his own orchestra, King Oliver, was also self-taught. An important date in the history of jazz was February 26, 1917, when the Original Dixieland Jazz Band released its first gramophone record. The main features of the style were laid down in New Orleans: the beat of percussion instruments, masterful soloing, vocal improvisation with syllables - scat.

Chicago (1910–1920s)

In the 1920s, called the “Roaring Twenties” by classicists, jazz music gradually entered mass culture, losing the titles “shameful” and “indecent.” Orchestras begin to perform in restaurants and move from the southern states to other parts of the United States. Chicago becomes the center of jazz in the north of the country, where free nightly performances by musicians become popular (during such shows there were frequent improvisations and outside soloists). More complex arrangements appear in the style of music. The jazz icon of this time was Louis Armstrong, who moved to Chicago from New Orleans. Subsequently, the styles of the two cities began to be combined into one genre of jazz music - Dixieland. The main feature of this style was collective mass improvisation, which elevated the main idea of ​​jazz to the absolute.

Swing and big bands (1930s–1940s)

The continued rise in popularity of jazz created a demand for large orchestras to play dance tunes. This is how swing appeared, representing characteristic deviations in both directions from the rhythm. Swing became the main style direction of that time, manifesting itself in the work of orchestras. The performance of harmonious dance compositions required a more coordinated playing of the orchestra. Jazz musicians were expected to participate evenly, without much improvisation (except for the soloist), so the collective improvisation of Dixieland became a thing of the past. In the 1930s, similar groups flourished, which were called big bands. A characteristic feature of orchestras of that time was competition between groups of instruments and sections. Traditionally, there were three of them: saxophones, trumpets, drums. The most famous jazz musicians and their orchestras are Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington. The last musician is famous for his commitment to black folklore.

Bebop (1940s)

Swing's departure from the traditions of early jazz and, in particular, classical African melodies and styles, caused discontent among history experts. Big bands and swing performers, who increasingly worked for the public, began to be opposed by the jazz music of small ensembles of black musicians. Experimenters introduced super-fast melodies, brought back long improvisation, complex rhythms, and virtuoso control of the solo instrument. The new style, which positioned itself as exclusive, began to be called bebop. The icons of this period were outrageous jazz musicians: Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. The revolt of black Americans against the commercialization of jazz, the desire to return intimacy and uniqueness to this music became a key point. From this moment and from this style, the history of modern jazz begins. At the same time, big band leaders also come to small orchestras, wanting to take a break from the big halls. In ensembles called combos, such musicians adhered to a swing style, but were given freedom to improvise.

Cool jazz, hard bop, soul jazz and jazz-funk (1940s–1960s)

In the 1950s, the genre of music such as jazz began to develop in two opposite directions. Supporters of classical music “cooled down” bebop, bringing academic music, polyphony, and arrangement back into fashion. Cool jazz became known for its restraint, dryness and melancholy. The main representatives of this direction of jazz were: Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Dave Brubeck. But the second direction, on the contrary, began to develop the ideas of bebop. The hard bop style preached the idea of ​​returning to the roots of black music. Traditional folklore melodies, bright and aggressive rhythms, explosive soloing and improvisation have returned to fashion. Known in the hard bop style are: Art Blakey, Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane. This style developed organically along with soul jazz and jazz-funk. These styles moved closer to the blues, making rhythm a key aspect of performance. Jazz-funk in particular was introduced by Richard Holmes and Shirley Scott.

Jazz is a direction in music characterized by a combination of rhythmicity and melody. A separate feature of jazz is improvisation. The musical direction gained its popularity due to its unusual sound and the combination of several completely different cultures.

The history of jazz began at the beginning of the 20th century in the USA. Traditional jazz was formed in New Orleans. Subsequently, new varieties of jazz began to emerge in many other cities. Despite all the variety of sounds of different styles, jazz music can be immediately distinguished from another genre due to its characteristic features.


Musical improvisation is one of the main features of jazz, which is present in all its varieties. Performers create music spontaneously, never thinking ahead or rehearsing. Playing jazz and improvising requires experience and skill in this area of ​​music-making. In addition, a jazz player must remember rhythm and tonality. The relationship between the musicians in the group is of no small importance, because the success of the resulting melody depends on understanding each other’s mood.

Improvisation in jazz allows you to create something new every time. The sound of music depends only on the inspiration of the musician at the moment of playing.

It cannot be said that if there is no improvisation in a performance, then it is no longer jazz. This type of music-making was inherited from African peoples. Since Africans had no concept of notes and rehearsal, music was passed on to each other only by memorizing its melody and theme. And each new musician could already play the same music in a new way.

Rhythm and melody

The second important feature of the jazz style is rhythm. Musicians have the opportunity to spontaneously create sound, as the constant pulsation creates the effect of liveliness, play, and excitement. Rhythm also limits improvisation, requiring sounds to be produced according to a given rhythm.

Like improvisation, rhythm came to jazz from African cultures. But it is precisely this feature that is the main characteristic of the musical movement. The first free jazz artists abandoned rhythm completely in order to be completely free to create music. Because of this, the new direction in jazz was not recognized for a long time. Rhythm is provided by percussion instruments.

Jazz inherited the melody of music from European culture. It is the combination of rhythm and improvisation with harmonious and soft music that gives jazz its unusual sound.

Jazz as a form of musical art appeared in the United States at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries, incorporating the musical traditions of European settlers and African folklore melodic patterns.

Characteristic improvisation, melodic polyrhythm and expressive performance became the hallmark of the first New Orleans jazz ensembles (jazz-bands) in the first decades of the last century.

Over time, jazz went through periods of development and formation, changing its rhythmic pattern and stylistic direction: from the improvisational style of ragtime, to the danceable orchestral swing and leisurely soft blues.

The period from the early 20s until the 1940s was associated with the rise of jazz orchestras (big bands), consisting of several orchestral sections of saxophones, trombones, trumpets and a rhythm section. The peak of big band popularity occurred in the mid-1930s. Music performed by the jazz orchestras of Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Benny Goodman was heard on dance floors and on the radio.

Rich orchestral sound, bright intonations and improvisation of great soloists Coleman Hawkins, Teddy Wilson, Benny Carter and others - created a recognizable and unique big band sound, which is a classic of jazz music.

In the 40-50s. of the last century, the time has come for modern jazz; such jazz styles, like furious bebop, lyrical cool jazz, soft west coast jazz, rhythmic hard bop, soulful soul jazz have captured the hearts of jazz music lovers.

In the mid-1960s, a new jazz direction appeared - jazz-rock, a peculiar combination of the energy inherent in rock music and jazz improvisation. Founders jazz style- Miles Davis, Larry Coryell, Billy Cobham are considered rock. In the 70s, jazz-rock became extremely popular. The use of the rhythmic pattern and harmony of rock music, shades of traditional oriental melodic and blues harmony, the use of electric instruments and synthesizers - over time led to the emergence of the term jazz fusion, emphasizing by its name the combination of several musical traditions and influences.

In the 70-80s, jazz music, while maintaining an emphasis on melody and improvisation, acquired features of pop music, funk, rhythm and blues (R&B) and crossover jazz, significantly expanding the audience of listeners and becoming commercially successful.

Modern jazz music, emphasizing clarity, melody and beauty of sound, is usually characterized as smooth jazz or contemporary jazz. The rhythmic and melodic lines of guitar and bass guitar, saxophone and trumpet, keyboard instruments, in the sound frame of synthesizers and samplers create a luxurious, easily recognizable colorful smooth jazz sound.

Despite the fact that smooth jazz and contemporary jazz both have a similar musical style, they are still different jazz styles. As a rule, it is stated that smooth jazz is “background” music, while contemporary jazz is more individual jazz style and requires the listener's close attention. Further development of smooth jazz led to the emergence of lyrical directions of modern jazz– adult contemporary and more rhythmic urban jazz with shades of R&B, funk, hip-hop.

In addition, the emerging trend towards combining smooth jazz and electronic sound has led to the emergence of such popular trends in modern music as nu jazz, as well as lounge, chill and lo-fi.

Jazz is a music direction that emerged at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries in the USA. The characteristic features of jazz are improvisation, polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythms, and a unique set of techniques for performing rhythmic texture - swing.

Jazz is a type of music that emerged from the blues and spirituals of African-Americans, as well as African folk rhythms, enriched with elements of European harmony and melody. The defining features of jazz are:
- sharp and flexible rhythm, based on the principle of syncopation;
-wide use of percussion instruments;
-highly developed improvisational ability;
- an expressive manner of performance, characterized by great expression, dynamic and sound tension, reaching the point of ecstasy.

Origin of the name jazz

The origin of the name is not completely clear. Its modern spelling - jazz - was established in the 1920s. Before this, other options were known: chas, jasm, gism, jas, jass, jaz. There are many versions of the origin of the word “jazz”, including the following:
- from the French jaser (to chat, to speak quickly);
- from the English chase (chase, pursue);
- from the African jaiza (the name of a certain type of drum sound);
- from Arabic jazib (seducer); from the names of legendary jazz musicians - chas (from Charles), jas (from Jasper);
- from the onomatopoeia jass, imitating the sound of African copper cymbals, etc.

There is reason to believe that the word "jazz" was used as early as the mid-19th century as a name for an ecstatic, encouraging cry among blacks. According to some sources, in the 1880s it was in use among New Orleans Creoles, who used it to mean “to speed up,” “to speed up,” in reference to fast, syncopated music.

According to M. Stearns, in the 1910s this word was used in Chicago and had “not quite a decent meaning.” The word jazz appeared in print for the first time in 1913 (in one of the San Francisco newspapers). In 1915, it became part of the name of T. Brown's jazz orchestra - TORN BROWN'S DIXIELAND JASS BAND, which performed in Chicago, and in 1917 it appeared on a gramophone record recorded by the famous New Orleans orchestra ORIGINAL DIXIELAND JAZZ (JASS) BAND.

Jazz styles

Archaic jazz (early jazz, early jazz, German archaischer jazz)
Archaic jazz is a set of the oldest, traditional types of jazz, created by small ensembles in the process of collective improvisation on the themes of blues, ragtime, as well as European songs and dances.

Blues (blues, from English blue devils)
Blues is a type of black folk song whose melody is based on a clear 12-bar pattern.
The blues sing about deceived love, about need, and the blues are characterized by a self-pitying attitude. At the same time, blues lyrics are imbued with stoicism, gentle mockery and humor.
In jazz music, the blues developed as an instrumental dance piece.

Boogie-woogie (boogie-woogie)
Boogie-woogie is a piano blues style characterized by a repeating bass figure that defines the rhythmic and melodic possibilities of improvisation.

Gospels (from the English Gospel - Gospel)
Gospel music is the religious tunes of North American blacks with lyrics based on the New Testament.

Ragtime is piano music based on the “beating” of two non-coinciding rhythmic lines:
-as if torn (sharply syncopated) melody;
- clear accompaniment, sustained in the style of a rapid step.

Soul is black music associated with the blues tradition.
Soul is a style of vocal black music that arose after the Second World War on the basis of rhythm and blues and gospel traditions.

Soul jazz is a type of hard bop, which is characterized by an orientation towards the traditions of the blues and African-American folklore.
Spiritual - an archaic spiritual genre of choral singing of North American blacks; religious tunes with lyrics based on the Old Testament.

Street edge is an archaic folk genre; a type of urban solo work song of street peddlers, represented by many varieties.

Dixieland, dixie (dixieland, dixie)
Dixieland is a modernized New Orleans style characterized by collective improvisation.
Dixieland is a jazz group of (white) musicians who adopted the style of performing black jazz.

Zong (from English song - song)
Zong - in B. Brecht's theater - a ballad performed in the form of an interlude or an author's (parody) commentary of a grotesque nature with a plebeian vagabond theme, close to a jazz rhythm.

Improvisation - in music - is the art of spontaneously creating or interpreting music.

Cadenza (Italian: cadenza, from Latin: Cado - ending)
Cadenza is a free improvisation of a virtuoso nature, performed in an instrumental concert for a soloist and orchestra. Sometimes cadenzas were composed by composers, but often they were left to the discretion of the performer.

Scat - in jazz - a type of vocal improvisation in which the voice is equated to an instrument.
Scat - instrumental singing - a technique of syllabic (textless) singing, based on the articulation of unrelated syllables or sound combinations.

Hot - in jazz - a characteristic of a musician performing improvisation with maximum energy.

New Orleans style of jazz
New Orleans style of jazz is music characterized by a clear two-beat rhythm; the presence of three independent melodic lines, which are performed simultaneously on the cornet (trumpet), trombone and clarinet, accompanied by a rhythmic group: piano, banjo or guitar, double bass or tuba.
In the works of New Orleans jazz, the main musical theme is repeated many times in various variations.

Sound is a stylistic category of jazz that characterizes the individual sound quality of an instrument or voice.
The sound is determined by the method of sound production, the type of sound attack, the manner of intonation and the interpretation of timbre; sound is an individualized form of manifestation of the sound ideal in jazz.

Swing, classic swing (swing; classic swing)
Swing is jazz, arranged for expanded pop and dance orchestras (big bands).
Swing is characterized by a roll call of three groups of wind instruments: saxophones, trumpets and trombones, creating the effect of rhythmic swing. Swing performers refuse collective improvisation; musicians accompany the soloist’s improvisation with a pre-written accompaniment.
Swing reached its peak in 1938-1942.

Sweet is a characteristic of entertaining and dance commercial music of a sentimental, melodious and lyrical nature, as well as related forms of commercialized jazz and “jazzed” popular music.

Symphonic jazz
Symphonic jazz is a jazz style that combines the features of symphonic music with elements of jazz.

Modern jazz
Modern jazz is a set of styles and trends of jazz that have emerged since the late 1930s after the end of the classical style period and the “swing era.”

Afro-Cuban jazz (German: afrokubanischer jazz)
Afro-Cuban jazz is a style of jazz that developed towards the end of the 1940s from the combination of bebop elements with Cuban rhythms.

Bebop, bop (bebop; bop)
Bebop is the first style of modern jazz that emerged in the early 1930s.
Bebop is a direction of black jazz of small ensembles, which is characterized by:
-free solo improvisation based on a complex sequence of chords;
-use of instrumental singing;
-modernization of old hot jazz;
-a spasmodic, unstable melody with broken syllables and a feverishly nervous rhythm.

Combo is a small modern jazz orchestra in which all instruments are soloists.

Cool jazz (cool jazz; cool jazz)
Cool jazz is a style of modern jazz that emerged in the early 50s, updating and complicating the harmony of bop;
Polyphony is widely used in cool jazz.

Progressive is a style direction in jazz that emerged in the early 1940s based on the traditions of classical swing and bop, associated with the practice of big bands and large symphonic orchestras. Widely using Latin American melodies and rhythms.

Free jazz
Free jazz is a style of modern jazz associated with radical experiments in the field of harmony, form, rhythm and improvisation techniques.
Free jazz is characterized by:
-free individual and group improvisation;
-use of polymetry and polyrhythm, polytonality and atonality, serial and dodecaphonic technique, free forms, modal technique, etc.

Hard bob
Hard bop is a style of jazz that evolved from bebop in the early 1950s. Hard bop is different:
- gloomy, rough coloring;
-expressive, rigid rhythm;
-strengthening blues elements in harmony.

Chicago style of jazz (chicago-still)
The Chicago style of jazz is a variant of the New Orleans jazz style, which is characterized by:
-more strict compositional organization;
-strengthening solo improvisation (virtuoso episodes performed by various instruments).

Variety orchestra
A pop orchestra is a type of jazz orchestra;
instrumental ensemble performing entertainment and dance music and pieces from the jazz repertoire,
accompanying performers of popular songs and other masters of the pop genre.
Typically, a pop orchestra includes a group of reed and brass instruments, piano, guitar, double bass and a set of drums.

Historical background on jazz

It is believed that Jazz, as an independent movement, arose in New Orleans between 1900 and 1917. A well-known legend says that from New Orleans, jazz spread along the Mississippi to Memphis, St. Louis and finally to Chicago. The validity of this legend has recently been questioned by a number of jazz historians, and today it is believed that jazz originated in the black subculture simultaneously in different places in America, primarily in New York, Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louis. And yet the old legend, apparently, is not far from the truth.

Firstly, it is supported by the testimonies of old musicians who lived during the period when jazz was leaving the black ghettos. All of them confirm that New Orleans musicians played very special music, which other performers readily copied. The fact that New Orleans is the cradle of jazz is also confirmed by recordings. Jazz records recorded before 1924 were made by musicians from New Orleans.

The classical period of jazz lasted from 1890 to 1929 and ended with the beginning of the “swing era.” Classical jazz usually includes: New Orleans style (represented by Negro and Creole styles), New Orleans-Chicago style (which arose in Chicago after 1917 in connection with the move here of most of the leading Negro jazzmen of New Orleans), Dixieland (in its New Orleans and Chicago varieties ), a number of varieties of piano jazz (barrel house, boogie-woogie, etc.), as well as styles of jazz related to the same period that arose in some other cities in the South and Midwest of the United States. Classical jazz, together with certain archaic stylistic forms, is sometimes referred to as traditional jazz.

Jazz in Russia

The first jazz orchestra in Soviet Russia was created in Moscow in 1922 by the poet, translator, dancer, and theater figure Valentin Parnakh and was called “The First Eccentric Orchestra of Jazz Bands of Valentin Parnakh in the RSFSR.” The birthday of Russian jazz is traditionally considered to be October 1, 1922, when the first concert of this group took place.

The attitude of the Soviet authorities towards jazz was ambiguous. At first, domestic jazz performers were not banned, but harsh criticism of jazz and Western culture was widespread. In the late 40s, during the fight against cosmopolitanism, jazz groups performing “Western” music were persecuted. With the onset of the Thaw, repressions against musicians ceased, but criticism continued.

The first book about jazz in the USSR was published by the Leningrad publishing house Academia in 1926. It was compiled by musicologist Semyon Ginzburg from translations of articles by Western composers and music critics, as well as his own materials, and was called “Jazz Band and Modern Music.” The next book about jazz was published in the USSR only in the early 1960s. It was written by Valery Mysovsky and Vladimir Feyertag, called “Jazz” and was essentially a compilation of information that could be obtained from various sources at that time.

In 2001, the St. Petersburg publishing house “Skifia” published the encyclopedia “Jazz. XX century Encyclopedic reference book."

After jazz itself was formed, a continuous process of its development and modification began, which led to the emergence of various directions. Currently there are about thirty of them.

New Orleans (traditional) jazz.

This style usually means exactly the jazz that was performed between 1900 and 1917. It can be said that its emergence coincided with the opening of Storyville (New Orleans' red light district), which gained its popularity due to bars and similar establishments where musicians playing syncopated music could always find work. The previously widespread street orchestras began to be replaced by the so-called “Storyville ensembles,” whose playing was increasingly acquiring individuality compared to their predecessors. These ensembles later became the founders of classical New Orleans jazz. Vivid examples of performers of this style are: Jelly Roll Morton (“His Red Hot Peppers”), Buddy Bolden (“Funky Butt”), Kid Ory. It was they who carried out the transition of African folk music into the first jazz forms.

Chicago Jazz.

In 1917, the next important stage in the development of jazz music began, marked by the appearance of immigrants from New Orleans in Chicago. New jazz orchestras are being formed, the playing of which introduces new elements into early traditional jazz. This is how an independent style of the Chicago school of performance appears, which is divided into two directions: hot jazz of black musicians and Dixieland of whites. The main features of this style: individual solo parts, changes in hot inspiration (the original free ecstatic performance became more nervous, full of tension), synthetics (the music included not only traditional elements, but also ragtime, as well as famous American hits) and changes in instrumental playing (the role of instruments and performing techniques has changed). Fundamental figures of this movement (“What Wonderful World”, “Moon Rivers”) and (“Someday Sweetheart”, “Ded Man Blues”).

Swing is an orchestral style of jazz of the 1920s and 30s that grew directly from the Chicago School and was performed by big bands (The Original Dixieland Jazz Band). It is characterized by the predominance of Western music. Separate sections of saxophones, trumpets and trombones appeared in the orchestras; The banjo is replaced by a guitar, tuba and sassophone - double bass. The music moves away from collective improvisation; the musicians play strictly adhering to pre-written scores. A characteristic technique was the interaction of the rhythm section with melodic instruments. Representatives of this direction: , (“Creole Love Call”, “The Mooche”), Fletcher Henderson (“When Buddha Smiles”), Benny Goodman And His Orchestra, .

Bebop is a modern jazz movement that began in the 40s and was an experimental, anti-commercial movement. Unlike swing, it is a more intellectual style that places a lot of emphasis on complex improvisation and places more emphasis on harmony than melody. Music of this style is also characterized by a very fast tempo. The brightest representatives are: Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk, Max Roach, Charlie Parker (“Night In Tunisia”, “Manteca”) and Bud Powell.


Includes three movements: Stride (northeastern jazz), Kansas City style and West Coast jazz. Hot stride reigned supreme in Chicago, led by such masters as Louis Armstrong, Andy Condon, and Jimmy Mac Partland. Kansas City is characterized by lyrical plays in the blues style. West Coast jazz developed in Los Angeles under the leadership of , and subsequently resulted in cool jazz.

Avante-Garde began to develop in the 60s. This avant-garde style is based on a break from the original traditional elements and is characterized by the use of new techniques and means of expression. For the musicians of this movement, self-expression, which they carried out through music, came first. Performers of this movement include: Sun Ra (“Kosmos in Blue”, “Moon Dance”), Alice Coltrane (“Ptah The El Daoud”), Archie Shepp.

Progressive jazz arose in parallel with bebop in the 40s, but it was distinguished by its staccato saxophone technique, a complex interweaving of polytonality with rhythmic pulsation and elements of symphonic jazz. The founder of this trend can be called Stan Kenton. Prominent representatives: Gil Evans and Boyd Rayburn.

Hard bop is a type of jazz that has its roots in bebop. Detroit, New York, Philadelphia - this style was born in these cities. In its aggressiveness, it is very reminiscent of bebop, but blues elements still predominate in it. Featured performers include Zachary Breaux (“Uptown Groove”), Art Blakey and The Jass Messengers.

Soul jazz.

This term is commonly used to describe all black music. It draws on traditional blues and African-American folklore. This music is characterized by ostinato bass figures and rhythmically repeating samples, due to which it has gained wide popularity among various masses of the population. Hits in this direction include the compositions of Ramsey Lewis “The In Crowd” and Harris-McCain “Compared To What”.

Groove (aka funk) is an offshoot of soul, but is distinguished by its rhythmic focus. Basically, the music of this direction has a major coloration, and in structure it consists of clearly defined parts for each instrument. Solo performances fit harmoniously into the overall sound and are not too individualized. Performers of this style are Shirley Scott, Richard "Groove" Holmes, Gene Emmons, Leo Wright.

Creative appeared due to the widespread avant-garde and experimentalism of jazz forms. Such music is difficult to characterize in certain terms, since it is too multifaceted and combines many elements of previous movements. The first followers of this style include Lenny Tristano (“Line Up”), Gunther Schuller, Anthony Braxton, Andrew Cirilla (“The Big Time Stuff”).

Fusion combined elements of almost all musical movements existing at that time. Its most active development began in the 70s. Fusion is a systematic instrumental style characterized by complex time signatures, rhythm, elongated compositions and the absence of vocals. This style is designed for a less broad masses than soul and is its complete opposite. At the head of this trend are Larry Corall and the band Eleventh, Tony Williams and Lifetime (“Bobby Truck Tricks”).

Acid jazz (groove jazz" or "club jazz") arose in Great Britain in the late 80s (heyday 1990 - 1995) and combined funk of the 70s, hip-hop and dance music of the 90s. The emergence of this style was dictated by the widespread use of jazz-funk samples. The founder is considered to be DJ Giles Peterson. Performers in this direction include Melvin Sparks (“Dig Dis”), RAD, Smoke City (“Flying Away”), Incognito and Brand New Heavies.

Post-bop began to develop in the 50s and 60s and is similar in structure to hard bop. It is distinguished by the presence of elements of soul, funk and groove. Often, when characterizing this direction, they draw a parallel with blues rock. Hank Moblin, Horace Silver, Art Blakey (“Like Someone In Love”) and Lee Morgan (“Yesterday”), Wayne Shorter worked in this style.

Smooth jazz is a modern jazz style that arose from the fusion movement, but differs from it in the intentional polishing of its sound. A special feature of this area is the widespread use of power tools. Famous performers: Michael Franks, Chris Botti, Dee Dee Bridgewater (“All Of Me”, “God Bless The Child”), Larry Carlton (“Dont Give It Up”).

Jazz-manush (gypsy jazz) is a jazz movement specializing in guitar performance. Combines the guitar technique of the gypsy tribes of the Manush group and swing. The founders of this direction are the Ferre brothers and. The most famous performers: Andreas Oberg, Barthalo, Angelo Debarre, Bireli Largen (“Stella By Starlight”, “Fiso Place”, “Autumn Leaves”).