Funny short poems about names. Laughing poems about names

If you have visited this page - "Poems about names girls« , it means your daughter, sister or niece has a birthday or name day, or maybe you are a teacher kindergarten and Do you need poems about girls' names for the design of a wall newspaper or for .

I won't guess. I want to say one thing - you came to us for a reason and I think you will find here a poem about the name of your girl. And here you can find it. Enjoy your viewing.


Alina, even though she’s still small,
She's already a mistress
After all, I cleaned the whole apartment,
Keep up with her!
All the toys sat in a row,
And that's the end of the garbage.
Everyone is happy to praise Alina.
Alina - well done!


Anyuta has a friend
Black little puppy.
He jumps and barks,
Everything is desperately gnawing,
Wags his thin tail
And she doesn’t let her get bored.
Anya plays with the puppy,
He forgets everything in the world.


Lera, our Lerochka -
Smart girl.
Only friends will come to the yard,
Everyone calls Valeria.


There is a girl in the world
They're really looking forward to it.
Our Faith, Verochka
Everyone calls her.
Faith will help everyone
In words or deeds.
IN Hard time
She will be with us.
Vera will smile
Affectionate, light.
And faith will come to us,
That evil will disappear.


Collected by Veronica
Forget-me-nots in the meadow.
And weaved wreaths from them,
And she threw them into the river.
"You float, forget-me-nots,
Along a wide river.
Tell everyone in the world
About my heart!


Veronica's older brother
I’m happy today and not happy,
The school announced a competition
My brother was invited too!
- I'm worried, I'm afraid,
I'll lose, I'll fail!
But Veronica said:
- Take me with you!
Brother took his sister with him,
I planted them in the first row.
He won the competition
Then he asked his sister:
- What's the trick here, tell me?
How did this happen, tell me!
Veronica knows something
But the secret does not reveal...


Victoria passed through here!
This is her territory!
If she's ahead
It's better not to go forward.
If you came close to her,
This is Love! Or straight away kirdyk.


Daria knows a primer
And a red briefcase,
Notebooks and diary
With marks! Let's check:
In that diary there are fives in a row
They look at us smilingly.
Eh, all the children would want
To take possession of such wealth!


Like our Dashutka
Eyes like forget-me-nots
The lips are small, but scarlet,
Little white hands,
The legs are frisky,
And the hairs are like this


Lena's sea is knee-deep,
Lena has mountains up to her shoulder.
Lena is like sea foam
He doesn't regret anything.
Doesn't talk about anything
Doesn't bother anyone.
She yawns all day
And he snores quietly.


Where the sun shines,
Seagulls and sand
Someone is carrying a bucket
Spatula and scoop.
Where the waves splash
It's warm early in the morning,
Someone is building a mill
And a beautiful castle.
What kind of girl is this
In a white Panama hat,
All glowing with tan,
Are there two dimples on the cheeks?
The face is so shining
It's better for you to close your eyes
This is our Lenochka
The sun is shining!


Zhanna looks at the moon:
-I won't sleep today
Because tomorrow is the ball:
Jokes, dancing, carnival.


Zina explains to the dolls
Where to put things in order,
Zina helps the hare
Wash and sweep the floor.
Zina sends a bear
Go to the store for flour,
So he commands skillfully!
Why? There is only one answer:
Once upon a time he lived in this world
Chief God and Mr.
He commanded the gods
He threw lightning bolts with his hands,
The master's name was Zeus,
The name comes from him - Zina!


In apartment number twenty-five
Terrible noise and din -
Irochka went for a walk
And then she returned... To us
Irina is simply unrecognizable -
With a spear in one hand
And with feathers on his head.
“Calm down,” Ira says,
And waves his hand at us,
“I am the chief of the Indians, my motto is
Peace, joy and tranquility!”


Katya, Katenka, Katyusha,
Okay, baby, eat!
You will grow up to be Catherine
The smartest and most beautiful.


Lydia's parents love her
They cherish their daughter
And little Lydia likes it,
How they rush happy Days.
And the girl Lydia will grow up,
And with dad and mom then
She will go on a trip
Now we will tell you where:
To the country that was once called Lydia,
Where day and night are magical
Where loving parents
They named their daughter Lida.


Little girl
On daddy's knees
Little girl
She's called Mashenka.
Everyone caresses the girl
Everyone is playing with the girl -
It's not just that a child
The name is given!
Mashenka is desirable,
Mashenka is my favorite,
Your name ancient
And true for us!


Like our Mashenka
Long eyelashes.
Mashenka braids
Bows in braids.
Mashenka's voice
Joyful and loud.
Everyone knows: Mashenka -
Nice girl!


How good Marina is:
Walks importantly, slowly,
Holds the sun umbrella straight
Like a lady from Paris.


I'm my mother's daughter
My name is Nastya.
Mom told me
That I am her happiness!


Natasha sang a song
Very smartly, very boldly!
Nata likes to perform:
Songs to sing and dance.


Nina with a thread in a needle
I sewed a star on the Christmas tree.
And now under the ceiling
Nina's work decorated the house.

Nina, stop dressing up,
The main thing is to remain yourself!


Olga learned a song
And he sings with his girlfriend together.
Matinee will come soon -
Olya will perform there solo.


Our fidget Sveta
He's been jumping around in the yard all summer.
Only now winter is coming,
Sveta already skis.


Our fidget Sveta
He's been jumping around in the yard all summer.
Only now winter is coming,
Sveta already skis.


They gave Sonya a ball,
Suddenly there was a loud cry.
The ball won't fit into my mouth -
Here the child is roaring!


Tamara dreams of living under a palm tree,
Build a house there and live without bothering!
A beautiful canopy made from palm leaves.
And a staircase from a palm tree to the very heavens!
Parrots all around, monkeys all around
They bring her nuts, flowers and bananas.
Warm and cozy, completely exotic!
Place a hippopotamus in the pool at home...
Let someone guess
Why does Tamara dream so much?


Tanya sang a song to the children
About magical land,
Where is the boat at dawn
Hit the wave;
Where the animals roamed
They were not afraid of anyone;
Where in the world everything was appreciated
Friendship more than anything.
She sang so wonderfully
Tanya her song,
What all the children wanted
To be in that region.


Tanyusha has a lot to do,
Tanyusha has a lot to do -
In the morning I helped my brother,
He ate candy in the morning.

She promised to wash the spoons,
Spilled wood glue
I opened the door to the cat,
Helped her meow.

Tanya has so much to do!
Tanya ate, drank tea,
I sat down and sat with my mother,
She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't.
I'll help you tomorrow!


Tanya sang a song to the children
About a magical land
Where is the boat at dawn
Hit the wave;
Where the animals roamed
They were not afraid of anyone;
Where in the world everything was appreciated
Friendship more than anything.
She sang so wonderfully
Tanya her song,
What all the children wanted
To be in that region.


Our Tanya passed by
Subtraction with kids.
How to understand subtraction?
Something needs to be taken away.
Arishka has nuts,
Marishka has a Matryoshka doll,
Andryushka has a new ball,
There is howling and crying in the yard.
The answer was:
There are toys - no girlfriends


Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha
He likes to listen to himself.
We will tell our Tanya,
Who was she named after:
In honor of the Sabine king
Everyone calls you!
You will become our queen -
We will be proud of you


In the beautiful month of July
Little Julia was born.
She is tender like a spring day,
As good as an angel of God.
And loves every moment
Her innocent soul.


You see, Yulenka, curls -
Are there clouds in the sky?
Lambs gallop through the meadows -
White River.
Look at the sun across the sea
How the wave flows
Like curls in the open
Tenderly cheerful.
Look, Yulenka,
Radiant in the mirror
You'll see, honey,
Golden curls!

Alla is the goddess of sky and rain among the ancient Arabs. So Alla grew up. I’ve been where I wanted, I’ve seen what I wanted, But that’s not enough. She became a beauty, Like a model from a magazine, She lost all the weight, And she still doesn’t have enough. And wise and strong, Like a bear, like a koala. Always full of plans - She never has enough.

Anna - merciful, gracious (Hebrew) Anki can rob banks, They can ride in a cart. They can build a house. They could cause a pogrom. They can chew granite. They can pretend. They can do it all. They can! But they don't want to.

Victoria - victory (Latin) Victoria was held here! This is her territory! If she's ahead, it's better not to go forward. If you come face to face with her, it's love! Or just a mess.

Irina - peace, tranquility (Greek) Pour me some kefir, Give me a piano. I’ll sing about the maiden Ira, And how she doesn’t feel sorry for me. I’ll conquer the Pamir ridge, and at the top I’ll go on a binge. I learned that the name Ira means peace and quiet. I'm a big supporter of peace! I'm a guy without flaws! What do you want, Maiden Ira? Eh...Give me the button accordion.

Catherine - pure, immaculate (ancient Greek) I don’t care about apple trees and pears, I don’t care about fogs over the river, I don’t care about all the seas and lands and the whole world, tell me, why? I don't need any constellations, or comets. I'm a simple person. I would be glad to fly with Katyusha alone through the quiet and empty Universe.

Larisa - seagull (Latin) Larisa flies proudly over the ground-based prose of life. She, Larisa, has no time for prose - Give her poets! Give her Homer, give her Mandelstam. And all around there are only Zibrovs, and all around is Poplavsky. So Larisa proudly runs around. Somewhere very high.

Elena - light (ancient Greek) What kind of legs Elena has! You won't make it to your knees. The above is just - ah! Lost in the clouds. To cling to their chest, You have to try hard: With what you have, wave it like a bird, Jump coolly, And fall in love.

Lydia - from the name of the city of Lydia in Asia Minor Of course, this is Lida Walking by itself. “Tavrida” wine in hand, Readiness for battle in the eyes. Her love is bullfighting, especially in the spring. She has libido inside her. Run. I'll cover.

Elizabeth - vow to God (Hebrew) I would have a visa into Lisa’s heart, I would fall all over there. It's closer to Simeiz, it's further than Nepal. You can’t buy a ticket there, If you don’t get through right away, There’s nothing more hopeless - There’s face control at the entrance.

NADIA Beautiful Hope - Eclipses the light of heaven. She's good when she's wearing clothes and beautiful when she's not. If you meet Nadezhda, then you fly up there (up)! And between the Earth and the sky you are stuck forever!

Natasha - natural (Latin) Character and gait from a cat, Jumping-vitality from a flea, Prickliness and softness from a rose, From a penguin - don’t care about frost. There is also a lot from Mowgli, The name comes from the magazine, From the light bulb, in general, the actions, From Claudia Schiffer - the sponges. The figure and nose are from Versace. Eyes from Chanel, no less. From Zaitsev, don’t paw. The rest comes from mom and dad.

Nina is a queen (Assyrian), gentle (Georgian) I can handle any kid, When Nina is next to me. I can watch Indian cinema when Nina is next to me. What is war and Palestine to me, When I’m alive and Nina is nearby. Oh, give me, give me some aspirin! I haven't seen Nina for half an hour!!!

Oksana - wanderer (ancient Greek) Children do not love Piggy as much as men love Ksyusha. More than getting to nirvana, men want Oksana. And Oksana is a wanderer. Few people like her. In general, she is strange. And she has only one love.

Olga - Volga, moisture, water (Slavic) Libido torments Olya - The heart will say goodbye to freedom. She manages to dream about three or four princes during the night, D'Artagnan without boots and Nikita Mikhalkov. It's not good to sleep so much! Open your eyelashes, wipe your eye sockets - There are living princes nearby.

Svetlana - light (Slavic-Greek) If you saw Sveta, then summer will come in your soul. If you met 10 Light, Then your soul is completely warmed. If it's 20, it's better to run away - You can get heavily irradiated. If the Light is not less than a thousand, That's it. Hana. You are ashes.

Tatyana is the organizer (ancient Greek). So, she was called Tatyana, she loved everyone and Kharatyana. Loved Rimbaud and Rimbo. She was not weak in love. When he was silent, Pavel Zibrov, Butusov, but young. And Jackie Chan was burning in his chest, And the hare from “Well, wait a minute!” Tanya fell in love once, And Jackie Chan went out in her chest. There was a reason for her love - Alive. And warm. And a man.

Julia is curly-haired (ancient Greek). Love overtakes Julia - Julia takes a pan, fills it with water and makes a liter of food. It’s hard to pave the way to a man’s heart with food. Be straightforward - Open up your curls.

Anastasia - resurrected (ancient Greek) Give me anesthesia, Take me to the doctor. I love Anastasia, I want to calm down. Right now I’m going to go pay my taxes, I haven’t had a face for two days. My legs and heart muscles are failing. Eh, passions are raging inside me Because of this very Nastya!

Zhanna - God-given (Hebrew) I know that somewhere there is a young lady Zhanna. So beautiful it's even strange. It feels like a big feather bed, it tastes like pineapple, sometimes sturgeon. And the smell! And the smell is like a rose flower bed, And the look is like the hero Patrice Lumumba. And everything else is something you never dreamed of. And how did all this fit into it?

Alexandra - protector of people (ancient Greek)

One two three four five,
Sasha goes to save everyone.
Right now he will find problems for everyone
And he will tell you how to decide.

He has big ears -
I need to run in the morning.
And he should eat less,
I would be like the actor Van Damme.

You have a difficult case.
It’s not clear who you are at all.
He is unshaven and prickly.
And she is neither this nor that!

This is not a game of hide and seek.
Who said everything is okay?
There are many problems in life,
Honestly, there's enough for everyone!

One two three four five,
Let's look for them together.
And thank you to the defender -
It will be all up to you to decide.

Daria is a feminine version of the name of the Persian king Darius.
Translated from ancient Persian: winner.

What is the use of this Dasha,
You won't even understand right away.
You can't cook porridge from it,
You can't even sew a cap.

Try it without Dasha.
If you don't die right away,
Life will be such a mess!
You won't find any meaning in crap.

Eugene is the feminine form of the name Eugene: noble (Greek).

If you met Evgenia -
Be patient right away
Immediately pretend to be a plant,
Listen and watch:

How did neighbor Kolya live?
How to ride a gondola,
What to feed a collie dog
How do elephants live in the wild?

Who was Elvis in rock and roll,
How many blacks are there in basketball?
How much is beer on Podil,
How much salt is in Kit-i-Ket?

And about the hard lot of women,
And about songs
in Moomin Troll...
Do you remember everything? Repeat!

Zinaida - daughter of Zeus (ancient Greek)

Kitchen Zins -
Pork goddesses!
They go to the markets
They go to the shops.

Among industries
Gastronomy and sausages
They have no strangers
There is nothing beyond their control!

Lesya is a less common form of the name Olesya. Originally a derivative of the name Alexander, female form named Alexander
(Greek alexo - “to protect”, aner - “man”).
Now it is an independent name. Belarusian uniform - Alesya.

Motor Lesya
Here and there.
The energy in her
At least get yourself up to your ears.

She's a help
For girls and boys.
There is a lot of it everywhere.
So much, too much.

Love is love. Borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, where it appeared as a tracing paper from Greek
words meaning: love.

To bring joy to Lyuba,
I'm ready to light up the moon
Revolution in Cuba
Or star war.

I can brush my teeth
Dress up smartly.
This is not enough for Lyuba,
I don’t understand what is needed.

Lyudmila - dear to people (Slavic)
There is such a miracle in the world
Under the name Miracle Luda.

The one who has not seen Luda,
I've lost a lot in my life.

Marina is the feminine form of the name Marin, derived from the Latin word
"marinus": marine.

What eyes Marina has!
Not like women made of rubber.
They don't know how to dive
They don't care at all.

Mary - lady (Hebrew)

If you want to fall in love
So that immediately - into euphoria,
We need to find the girl
And not just, but Maria!

Guys, I feel really bad
Arkady says to friends
Friends shake their heads
And they poke a stick at him.

If your boyfriend is Vova, urgently look for someone else.
Everyone knows where Elena is - there are parties and betrayals.
If your name is Olya, there is no alcohol involved.
If your name is Zhenya, we will be on the horns of a deer.

Everyone knows that Vadim is slow-witted and unsociable.
Without a doubt, every Tolik is a 100% alcoholic.
According to statistics, Andrey is either a non-Jew or a Jew.
And every Seryozha has stupidity written all over his face.

I see you are not happy with guests
Artem said thoughtfully
Removing from the buttock
Coarsely ground salt.

Mom gave her children:
Petya - a hatchet, Serezhenka - an awl,
Mitenka has a crowbar, and Vassenka has a knife.
The drunk neighbor no longer bothers them.

So many good girls!
So many affectionate names!
And I got it - with a disgusting face
And with a nasty name - Anton!

And always, where Vicky is -
Quarrels, fights, shouting.
Agree that Natasha
It's called "turd" for a reason.

Igor sawed the cable on the rails,
Suddenly, unexpectedly, it began to rain.
No, he won't become a sailor now,
He became an excellent guide.

The face came out of the snout
And it was not life - a melody,
Let's drink a glass to Kirill,
And the second - for Methodius!

Audio congratulations

Not all Lyudmila is loved by Igor
But just one fragment of it
However, he married foolishly
All over Lyudmila.

The boy Andreyka found three kopecks,
This was noticed by a man in a padded jacket,
The crowbar whistled like Chingachgook's spear,
No, the grandmother will not wait for her grandson.

Marina doesn't have a boyfriend
Because she's a dwarf
And this Marina
She crap all over the car.

There is no light...
Masha doesn't wave...
Lyuba doesn't love...
Katya doesn't roll...

If you met Zhanka -
So, someone's kept woman.

Long lasting toffee
Oleg played on the bus:
Either he puts it in his nose, or in his ear,
Either a horse blinds or blinds a beaver.

Alyonushka loved her brother to tears
And so that my brother does not grow up as a little goat,
The sister dripped poison into the puddle.
The only brother threw off his hooves.

It was early in the morning
Nastya didn't go to school
And this Nastyusha
At night the school was set on fire.

One night behind the wall
Something slammed loudly
This is an inflatable woman
It burst under Artyom.

Anya sings songs
And he gnaws all the nuts.
Have you decided that Anya is a squirrel?
No, believe me, Anya is a girl.

The girl Masha was looking for raspberries,
She stepped on a mine with her foot.
They will appear in my dreams for a long time
Those Blue eyes on a pine tree.

Tanka don't go to the river
Don't jam the sharks there
You'd better swim in the river
Don't upset the sharks.

Igorek, Igorek! Give us a bubble!
You are my comrade! Will you give me a bottle?

Masha eats cabbage at night
We need to stop this
Masha is enough at night
Eat cabbage in the morning.

The girl Masha rode the elevator -
The legs are gone, but the butt remains...

Little Petya went to the toilet,
He looks, but there are no toilets there.
The children laughed at Petka for a long time,
He didn't shit himself in the toilet!!!

Julia is a sweet girl
Her cassula is sticking out
Julia, put away the kazyulya
Stop drinking bastard.

Petenka was infuriated by the teacher’s appearance:
He bit Maryivanna on the nose.
Now he walks around school like a hero,
Proud of his nickname “Chekatilo second.”

I have a boy, Artem...
Fat, thick, not broad-shouldered...
At least there’s two tons of shit in it...
But he’s not a shitty soul...

Sasha didn’t feed the dog for three days,
He didn’t let me drink and didn’t take me for walks,
The school director should come to them,
He won't get away from the dog alive!

What is the use of this Dasha,
You won't even understand right away.
You can't cook porridge from it,
You can't even sew a cap.

Try it without Dasha.
If you don't die right away,
Life will be such a mess!
You won't find any meaning in crap.

If her name is Katya, you will get tired of spending money.
If her name is Polya, you are a deer! such a share.
Every person Anton meets is a simple bastard.
As Tatyana noted, they’re not stoned, they’re drunk.

The one they called Kira,
Can become a fakir's wife
If your name is Lida,
It's better not to hold grudges.
Since you are called Alice,
Your chosen one will be bald
If your name is Arina,
So you need a feather bed,
If your name is Lera,
You sing to the plywood,
If your name is Tanya,
Stop all the throwing
The one who bears the name Lada,
Bright lipstick goes.
If your name is Marianna?
You are more stubborn than a sheep.