Telephone interview in English example. How does a job interview work? Killer Questions and telling yourself about yourself during an interview

Multilingualism in the labor market is becoming increasingly popular.

Maybe you are just looking for a field to apply your skills and a foreign company is perfect for this purpose.

Perhaps you already work in the national office of a multinational corporation and are looking for a promotion and transfer to the main office, which is located in an English-speaking country.

In any case, an invitation to an interview in English means that your resume has been assessed and they want to personally see your abilities, including the ability to demonstrate that you can adapt to work in an international environment. How is a job interview conducted in English?

Your resume written in perfect English is no longer enough at this stage.. Often, an employer wants to test your communication skills in a language that is foreign to you.

And also make sure that you will not have problems understanding tasks formulated in English and are able to convey your opinion to another person. If a future employer is located in another country, but is interested in you as a specialist, you may be offered or.

The invitation letter usually includes the names of the people who will be interviewing you. This can be a traditional one-on-one interview or a group interview (Panel interview), when several people are present from the company. As a rule, this is a personnel manager, a future employer and the head of the department in which the vacant position is presented.

It's great if you have an English-speaking friend (whether in your neighborhood or online), ask him to help you prepare for possible questions and answers.

He will be able to correct your speech, and you will practice listening and speaking in English.

Interview questions in English and answers to them can be found below and in other materials on our website.

The interview begins with the name introduction of everyone present, handshakes with the applicant (regardless of gender) and a standard greeting phrase such as “Nice to meet you.”

After passing the interview

The success of an interview depends on several factors: your language proficiency.

And also the ability to demonstrate your abilities in a short period of time and at the same time remain collected and not get confused when answering questions during an interview in English.

Collect information about the vacant position, company and field of activity in English- this way you will be confident in the correct use of professional terminology. Go to the website of the company of the prospective employer, read the annual report, press releases and the site's news feed. Find staff information and see who will talk to you.

Since English is not your first language, you need to carefully control everything you say. It is not necessary to master the art of oratory to speak correctly. Just slow down your speech, pronounce all sounds and don't use slang.

Watch your intonation. Raising your tone at the end of each sentence will make it seem like you are asking a question instead of a narrative speech. Lower your intonation at the end of sentences to avoid misunderstandings.

Grammar errors and jargon.

Your interlocutors may doubt your ability to communicate effectively if you use expressions such as she don’t, ain’t, so I goes to him.

Speak in complete sentences with correct tenses. Review your weak areas in English and work on them before the interview.

Fluency vs. Speed. Many English language learners think that fluency and speed are the same thing. To improve the perception of your speech, speak slowly. Your interlocutor will prefer to hear slow but clear speech than to wade through the jungle of swallowed endings and reduced sounds.

There are sounds in English that are not used in Russian, for example, the sound th. Make a list of words that are most often pronounced incorrectly and practice them before the interview, recording them on a voice recorder or computer.

Weak speech. Using words like hopefully, perhaps, kind of, sort of in your report weakens your position and introduces uncertainty into what you are saying. Use ultimatum statements, for example, I’m confident that, my track record shows, I recommend, my goal is.

For the interview

Print out the applicant's resume and supporting documents and review them in advance. If you are in doubt about the correct pronunciation of a candidate's name, ask him to clarify and write down the transcription. Use a scale on which you can rank candidates based on their rating.

According to research, people evaluate each other using the Three Vs concept: visual (appearance), vocal (voice), verbal (what is said).

Pay attention to the applicant's vocabulary. The ability to use vocabulary correctly will show communication skills and the ability to interact with people.

If the position requires knowledge of certain terminology (technical or business English), the candidate must be fluent in it and understand the meaning from the context, so as not to, for example, confuse ion with iron, which sound the same in English.

What questions are asked and how to answer them?

When preparing for an interview, use a list of questions and answers that are most often asked.

The Russian version can be found.

Take the time to prepare and think about what exactly you would answer to the question posed, what your interlocutor expects to hear and what will present you as the most promising candidate for the position being applied for. Prepare phrases in English for the interview. It would also be a good idea to write a sample text in English for the interview.

Tell us about yourself. Assess your weaknesses and strengths, but be brief in your answer. Tell us where you see yourself currently on the career ladder and what experience you gained at your previous job. should not go beyond professional activity: You don’t need to talk about your personal life or your childhood.

Why do you want this job? Explain why this vacancy attracted you, what specific opportunity do you want to receive? A future employer will want to find out whether you came here for a salary or whether you really want to become part of the company and grow with it.

Why should we hire you? The answer to this question can set you apart from the crowd of applicants. Tell us how you can help the company. If you have previously collected information about the company, you have an idea of ​​why the company is looking for a candidate for this vacancy and what issues he will solve. Describe how you would handle the problem.

Why did you leave your last job? If you left your last job voluntarily, be prepared to explain why. For example, I wanted a different challenge, offered by the company and position I’m interviewing for.

What is your greatest achievement? Talk about an achievement that shows that you have the qualities necessary to fill the vacant position, such that you can say: “I am punctual, dependable and can be counted upon to finish what I start.”

Where do you see yourself in five years? Show how ambitious you are, but at the same time you need to demonstrate that you are not with your head in the clouds, but focused on the job at hand. For example, I intend to learn (name of area or skills) very well so that I can be promoted to a higher position in (name skill or department).

Do you have any questions for us? About 75% of applicants answer: “Nope, I think that’s everything,” which is a mistake.

This question provides a good opportunity to stand out among other candidates and show your knowledge of the company. Prepare a couple of questions about the company in advance, but these should not be questions with obvious answers.

For example, you can ask about the availability of certain software: “Does the company have a license for (name of software)?”

Below are interview questions and answers in English.

Phrases that will help

During the interview, you will be asked many different questions.

Make sure you really understand what is being asked.

Feel free to ask again or ask to repeat the question: “So you would like to know ... is that correct?”

Focus on the part of the question that you understand, the rest of the meaning is usually clear from the context.

Even if your interlocutor is a native speaker, you should not use complex English structures in your speech to make a good impression.

Use Simple Past Tense when talking about your past experience and qualifications - this way you are less likely to make the mistake: “I worked in a customer support service desk in Xerox.”

Use the Present Continuous Tense to describe your current activities, even if the standard rules say that the Present Simple should be used: “I’m entering data such as new customer profiles and sales orders.”

IN colloquial speech This is not an error and will help you avoid confusion with tenses. The Present Continuous is also suitable for describing future plans: “I’m going to do...”

Minimize the amount of time you take and don't be afraid that your future employer will mock your language skills. English-speaking people also use simple sentences in their speech and make mistakes in them when they are excited.

How to successfully complete?

So, the interview was completed in English, questions and answers were asked and received. What's next?

Don't forget to thank your interlocutors for the invitation and decide on the next steps. This is another chance to demonstrate your practicality and interest in the vacant position.

Ask if there will be a second round of interviews for the most promising candidates and how soon a hiring decision will be made: “I’m really interested in this position. Do you know what the next steps are in the interview process, or when I should expect to hear from you?”

In some cases, at the end of the interview you may be offered a short tour of the company. Thank employers for the additional opportunity to learn more about the organization.

Following simple rules will help you successfully pass an interview in any language. Be open and confident, speak in a firm voice and listen carefully when spoken to.

Prepare your speech and interview questions in English in advance, at the stage of collecting information about the company.

The people who invite you for an interview usually know whether your native language is English or not. Show them that you are not afraid to use a foreign language and are ready to develop communication skills.

Well, now you know how an interview is conducted in English, examples of questions and answers that can be asked.

How are you today? Did you have any trouble finding us?
How are you? Was it difficult to find us?

I'm fine! Thank you, and you?
Thank you! I'm fine. And you?

How would you describe yourself as a person?
How would you describe yourself?

I'm a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right.
I'm a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details and like to make sure everything goes according to plan.

I'm efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible on the job.
I am productive and disciplined. This helps you achieve the best results at work.

I'm a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best.
I'm creative. I like to find alternative, more effective solutions to problems.

I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely manner.
I enjoy solving problems and coming up with solutions.

What is the type of position are you looking for?
What type of position are you looking for?

I’m interested in an entry level (beginning) position.
I am interested in an entry level position.

I’m looking for a position in which I can use my experience.
I am looking for a position where I can use my experience.

I would like any position for which I qualify.
Any position that matches my qualifications is suitable for me.

Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
Are you interested in full-time or part-time work?

I am interested more in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a part-time position.
I'm more interested in working full time. However, I would consider working part-time as well.

Could you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?
Please tell us about your responsibilities at your last place of work.

I customers advised on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and cataloged the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.
I advised clients on financial matters. After consultations, I filled out the client survey form and cataloged the information in our database. Then, together with my colleagues, I prepared the best possible package for the client. Clients were then presented with a summary report of their financial transactions, which I prepared quarterly.

What is your greatest strength?
What are your strongest qualities?

I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline, I can focus on the task at hand (current project) and structure my work schedule well. I remember one week when I had to get 6 new customer reports out by Friday at 5. I finished all the reports ahead of time without having to work overtime.
I work well in stressful situations (under pressure). If there is a deadline for completing a task, I organize my work plan well. I remember one week when I had to issue 6 reports on new clients by 5:00 pm on Friday. I finished all the reports ahead of schedule and didn't have to work overtime.

I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome (difficult) customer who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.
I get along well with people. People trust me and come for advice. One afternoon, a colleague of mine encountered a problematic (difficult) customer who felt he had been poorly served. I made the client a cup of coffee, and invited the client and colleague to my table, where we solved the problem together.

I am a trouble shooter. When there was a problem at my last job, the manager would always ask me to solve it. Last summer, the server at work crashed. The manager was desperate and called me in (requested my help) to get the server back online. After taking a look at the daily backup, I detected the problem and the server was up and running (working) within the hour.
I know how to solve problems. When there were problems at my previous job, the manager always asked me to solve them. Last summer there was a server failure. The manager was desperate and called me (asked for my help) to restore the server. After reviewing the 24-hour backup, I discovered the problem and the server was back up and running within an hour.

My time management skills are excellent. I'm organized and efficient.
I have excellent time management skills. I am disciplined and efficient.

I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.
I take pride in my customer service skills and my ability to resolve difficult situations.

What is your greatest weakness?
What are your biggest weaknesses (shortcomings)?

I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied. However, I began setting time-limits for myself If I noticed this happening.
I have a tendency to spend too much time trying to satisfy a client. However, I have started setting time limits for myself if I notice this happening.

When I’m working on a project, I don’t want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.
When working on a project, it's not enough for me to just meet the deadline. I prefer to complete the task ahead of schedule.

Being organized wasn’t my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills.
I wasn't always that great of an organizer, so I learned a time management system that really helped me with my discipline.

Why do you want to work for us?
Why do you want to work with us?

After following your firm’s progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that you are becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be part of the team.
Having observed the progress of your company over the past 3 years, I have come to the opinion that you are becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to become part of your team.

I am impressed by the quality of your products. I am sure that I would be a convincing salesman because I truly believe that the ABC is the best product on the market today.
I was impressed by the quality of your products. I am confident that I will be a persuasive salesperson because I truly believe that ABS is the best product on the market today.

Why Should We Hire You?
Why should we hire you?

You should hire me because I’m not only qualified for this job due to my experiences, but also because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me.
You should hire me not only because I have the necessary qualifications and experience, but also because I have a positive work ethic that helps me complete the assignments I receive.

I am very motivated to do this job- it’s my dream. If you hire me, I will do my best to exceed your highest expectations.
I am very motivated to do this job as it is my dream job. If you hire me, I will spare no effort to meet your highest expectations.

You should hire me because I have the ability to develop my skills. I can handle myself and my responsibilities. If you hire me, I will do my best to exceed your highest expectations.
You should hire me because I have the ability to develop my skills. I can handle my responsibilities. If you hire me, I will spare no effort to meet your highest expectations.

Three reasons: I meet deadlines, I deliver on what I promised, and as a result I always make my managers to be proud of me.
You should hire me for three reasons: I always meet deadlines, deliver what I promise, and make my manager proud.

I can’t speak for the other candidates because I don’t know their qualifications, but I can tell you this: I would never put myself in a position where I think I would fail. I know I can do this job and succeed.
I cannot speak for other candidates, since I do not know the level of qualifications, but I can say that I would never apply for a position that I deserve. I know that I can handle this job and succeed.

I think I should be hired because I’m a hardworking, well-organized and responsible. I'm also effective.
I believe that I deserve to be accepted because I am hardworking, well organized and responsible.

How Can You Contribute to the Company?
What will be your contribution to the company?

I’m a hard worker with the experience to get things done efficiently.
I am a workaholic with experience and a habit of completing tasks with maximum efficiency.

I can contribute my organizational skills and my ability to work well in a group.
I am ready to bring my organizational skills and my ability to work well in a team to the company.

I have the experience, contacts, and knowledge to contribute to the rapid growth of this business.
I have the experience, contacts and knowledge to ensure the rapid growth of this business/company.

I am experienced in the areas this company needs to grow, and my ability to plan ahead will help facilitate that growth.
I have the expertise in the areas that matter to the company's growth and the ability to plan ahead to support that growth.

Why did you leave your previous job?
For what reason did you leave? previous work?

I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my technical skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the past.
I am interested in new challenges and the opportunity to use my technical skills and experience in a different way.

I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.
I am interested in working with a larger area of ​​responsibility, and I am ready for new challenges and tasks.

This position seemed like an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am not able to fully utilize them in my present job.
This position is ideal for the full use of my skills and experience, in contrast to my current job.

Why did you move to this country?
Why did you move to this country?

We always wanted to settle here, and are now doing so.
We've always wanted to move here, and we finally decided to.

I moved here for the employment opportunities.
I moved here because of the career opportunities.

What motivates you most at work?
What motivates/inspires you at work?

I’ve always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I’m in.
I have always been motivated by the desire to do a good job, no matter what position I was in.

I want to excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer.
I want to succeed and be successful in my work, both for my own internal satisfaction and for my employer's.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

My goal right now is to find a position at a company where I can grow and take on new challenges over time. Ultimately, I’d like to assume more management responsibilities and get involved in product strategy. But most importantly, I want to work for an organization where I can build a career.
At the moment, my goal is to find exactly the position and company where I could grow and constantly take on new challenges. Ultimately, I would like more responsibility for leading people, as well as being more involved in product strategy. But most importantly, I would like to work for an organization where I could make a career.

Where, I can take the decisions for the improvement of the organization. Where I should be proud off my achievements and where my peer and sub-ordinates gave example of my talent and hard work to motivate others.
Where I can make decisions for the improvement and well-being of the organization. Where I can be proud of my achievements, and my colleagues and subordinates could cite my talent and hard work as an example to others.

After the five year I want to get a respectable position in organization. After getting more experience I want to take part to making important decision for organization.
In 5 years I would like to be in a respected position in this company. After I gain the necessary experience. I would like to make important decisions in this company.

Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
Do you prefer to work independently or in a team?

I would like to work in an environment where there is a blend of both. It’s great working in teams while sharing and learning ideas with each other, but it’s also great to sit at my own desk and work hard productively.
I would like to work in an environment where there is a combination of both. It's great to be able to work as a team and share ideas with others. At the same time, I like to sit at my desk and be productive.

I like working myself. But I love working in a team because one thing is for sure -gaining and sharing knowledge through experience. It is always said “Two heads are better than one.” Working as an individual, I can apply all that I have learned throughout the career. So I believe both have their importance and both are required to be successful in any field.
I like to work independently, but I also prefer teamwork, as I can share knowledge and experience. As they say, two heads are better than one. By working individually, I will be able to apply the acquired skills in the future. Therefore, both types of work are important and require successful execution.

Are you waiting for an interview with an employer in English? The interview itself is stressful., and even more so in a language that is not your native one. Many questions immediately arise:

  • What are the most frequently asked questions in English?
  • What to answer?
  • What phrases should you use to convince an employer to hire you?
  • What to do in a situation when you don’t understand a question or don’t know how to answer?

We will consider these and other questions in today's article. In addition, you will learn:

  • How to prepare for telephone interview in English
  • What are most common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Answering Questions Effectively who work for you

Initial preparation for an interview in English

Preparation for an interview in English begins even before you send your resume to a potential employer. This does not mean learning English itself (although this is certainly important).

First, there is the resume itself. If you expect to work using English, then make sure that you have resume in English. This will expand the range of offers. Of course, most often the initial search and selection of resumes is carried out by an HR specialist, secretary or assistant manager, who, if necessary, translates the resume for the manager. Often you can get by with just the Russian version of your resume. However, foreign companies may search for candidates on their own, in which case a resume in English will help you get more offers.

Secondly, pay attention to how it is written on your resume.

Always write your actual level of English proficiency!

There is no need to overestimate, because... the employer can easily check this. 2-3 questions on his part will be enough to understand that you are misleading the employer about your language skills.

If you studied English at school and subsequently did not have any practice of communicating in English, then indicate a basic level of. True, in this case you are unlikely to be offered an interview in English.

If you can express yourself in simple phrases on everyday topics, you can, even if primitively, ask and understand what they are answering you, then you can indicate speaking level. The conversational level differs from the basic level in the absence of fear of speaking. You have a small vocabulary, but there is no language barrier. This is already better than the basic level, and for some positions this level may be sufficient.

Often, applicants who can communicate with and understand non-native English speakers indicate free level language proficiency. But the free level means that you can just as easily communicate with a native speaker, including on professional topics. Therefore, to avoid embarrassment, think carefully before specifying a free level.

Most specialists with working English level Intermediate And Upper-Intermediate. Both are sufficient levels to pass an interview.

If you are applying for a job using English, it is important that the level of language proficiency in your CV is easy to grasp. Look at which part of your resume lists language skills. Are they immediately visible to the employer? How long does it take for the employer to see this?

Interview in English: questions and answers, examples

What questions will you hear in 98% of cases during an interview?

Tell me about yourself. (Tell us about yourself)

This is an open question, giving you the opportunity to tell the employer about yourself what you consider important and necessary. The answer to this question must be prepared in advance. Let it be a mini-presentation for 2-3 minutes. The employer wants to understand how much you correspond to what he is looking for, and how capable you will be of solving his problems.

As a basis for answering this question, take job requirements. If you didn’t approach drawing up the requirements formally, but really tried to formulate the most significant professional competencies and experience for a given vacancy, then you can go straight through the list. Highlight those aspects of your professional biography that best meet the employer’s needs and focus on them.

What the employer wants to hear:

  • What experience do you have in the field of interest?
  • What were your most important professional achievements?
  • How do you compare favorably with other candidates?

If the answer to the question “Tell me about yourself” makes it clear to the employer that you are a suitable candidate, he will want to get to know you better.

Possible answer:

I have been in the event-management for the past five years. My most recent experience was organization of professional workshops for HVAC market. One reason I particularly enjoy this kind of job, and the challenges that go along with it, is the opportunity to help engineers with professional networking. In my last job, I managed to organize a workshop with over 200 participants from over 150 companies. I would like to continue my career in event management.

Other questions you may hear:

Where would you like to be in your career in 5 years from now?(Where do you see yourself in 5 years?)

Why should we hire you?(Why should we hire you?)

Why do you want to work here?(Why do you want to work with us?)

These questions are aimed at understanding your motivation, your ambitions, your confidence in your skills. These are open questions that do not require a specific answer. It can help you answer the first question. When answering the other two questions, try to base your answer on the employer's needs. Talk about what is important to the employer and how you can be useful to him.

Questions to test stress resistance and reactions

This group of questions is aimed at seeing how you would act in an unusual situation, or when something went wrong.

For example:

Give me an example of a time you did something wrong. How did you handle it?(Give an example of a situation where you did something wrong. How did you correct the situation?)

The employer wants to know how you act in a situation where you made a mistake. This is a question that asks you to give an example of a case study. This is an open question, there is no ready answer to it.

What not to say:

  • Don't say you've never made mistakes. This is an unrealistic situation, and the employer will perceive such an answer as avoiding the question and trying to make a favorable impression.
  • Don't blame others. Instead of talking about who was to blame for what happened and how the circumstances developed, talk about the conclusions that you drew from this incident.

Sample answer:

As soon as I realized I was going to miss the deadline, I contacted all the stakeholders in the project to smooth things over, and we all put in the extra hours needed to get it completed quickly.

Other questions - interview in English

Could you describe your ideal work environment?(Could you describe your ideal job?)

When an employer asks you about an ideal job, he wants to understand whether the company's working style will suit you and whether you can fit into it. Your answers must be consistent with what is accepted within the company. Try to focus on the points that unite you and the employer. Also keep in mind that a reasoned answer always sounds more convincing. Tell us what you would like to see in your future job and why.

Sample answer:

I want to work for a small company because you get exposed to more things faster.

Common mistakes in interviews in English

You already have an idea of ​​what questions you can expect in an interview in English and how to respond to them. But this does not guarantee you a successful interview. What mistakes do applicants make when undergoing an interview in English:

Switch to Russian

Even if you forgot a word, try to explain yourself in English. Try to say in other words, but do not switch to Russian. If the interview is conducted in English, then the employer must initiate the transition to Russian.

You forgot a word in English and can’t even find a synonym.

Try to describe in English what you mean. For example, you forgot the word achievements(achievements). Say it differently using simple phrases:

The things that I am most proud of…

The best things I have done…

You didn't understand a word, which is why you don’t understand the whole question.

For example:

What perks would you expect after your trial period?(What social package do you expect after completing the probationary period?)

You didn't understand the word perks. Instead of switching to Russian and saying “I don’t understand,” or worse, answering a completely different question, ask in English:

Excuse me, I am not sure if I understood your question. Could you rephrase it, please?

The employer will appreciate your reaction, control over the situation and the fact that you do not give in when difficulties arise. These are valuable qualities for any employee.

You got nervous and you can't say anything in English.

The employer asked you a question, but you have a blank slate in your head and complete confusion. Tell your employer about this. Psychologists have long noticed that when we voice our feelings, we calm down and can control them. Say in English:

Excuse me, I am feeling really stressed because this job interview is very important to me. Would you mind repeating this question once again, please?

Question How are you?

Be sure that if you are interviewed in English, then in 99% of cases you will hear the question How are you? If translated into Russian, it will be How are you? In the usual form of an interview, a Russian-speaking interviewer is unlikely to ask this question, but a foreigner may well ask this question.

The main mistake in answering this question is is to start telling how you are doing. This question does not require a detailed answer. The expected response will be:

I am fine, thank you. And you?

Even if you communicate in English with non-native speakers, you do not need to give detailed answers. You need to be especially careful if the position you are applying for requires frequent communication with foreigners. Such a blunder may be unforgivable.

Words that are not in English

There are a number of words that sound like they came to us from the English language, but it is a mistake to use them in speech. They simply won't understand you.

What words are we talking about and what alternatives can be used:

  • CV- comes from lat. curicculum vitae, it is a mistake to use resume
  • billion billion- billion, which one would like to call milliard
  • gross/net— in Russian we use gross/netto, but saying brutto/netto would be incorrect

Useful phrases for an interview in English

As we noted above, there are no universal answers to questions. But there are useful expressions that you can use to vary your speech. Here are some of them:

  • in the range of…- within
  • I am convinced that...- I am convinced that...
  • to set goals- set goals
  • strengths- strengths
  • weaknessesweak sides
  • problem-solving- problem solving
  • competencies- competencies
  • to develop skills- develop skills
  • customer-oriented— customer-oriented
  • can-do attitude- “if I have to, then I’ll do it”
  • results driven- result-oriented
  • to liaise with other departments- interact with other departments
  • in line with my qualifications- according to my qualifications
  • What sets me apart from other candidates is…— What distinguishes me from other candidates is...
  • I’m very attentive to detail— I am very attentive to details

In addition to the phrases above, you may find the terminology used in your professional industry useful. Before the interview, prepare a list of words that will help you describe your experience and achievements.

A few more examples of phrases in English for an interview in the field of Internet marketing:

  • conversion rate— conversion rate
  • backlinks— back/external links
  • anchor- anchor
  • ROI(return on investment) - profit on invested capital
  • behavioral targeting— behavioral targeting
  • bounce rate— bounce rate
  • click through rate— CTR, ratio of clicks to impressions

Telephone interview in English

Interviewing by telephone or is becoming an increasingly common practice. This interview format allows you to significantly save both your time and the employer’s time, because A face-to-face interview can take 1-1.5 hours, and even more if traveling.

How does a telephone interview differ from a standard face-to-face interview in the office?

  1. It's shorter. The telephone interview lasts 15-20 minutes.
  2. The questions are more general in nature. The interviewer will most likely evaluate not the content of the answers, but how fluently and competently you communicate in English, what mistakes you make, and how you react in an unusual situation.

The main difficulty of a telephone interview is that you cannot see the interlocutor. It will be more difficult for you to understand what he is saying. Plus, the quality of communication may not be the best, as well as extraneous noise.

What can you do to successfully pass a telephone interview in English?

  • Choose a quiet, peaceful place where no one will disturb you. Make sure there is a strong cellular signal in the room. If your employer’s call finds you in transport or on the street, tell the caller that you are not very comfortable talking and that you are ready to call back later.
  • Free your hands. Use a headset - this way you will have your hands free to take notes. Plus, you can usually hear better with a headset.
  • Make sure your phone has enough charge for a conversation. Charge your phone in advance so you don't have to look for a charger during a call.


  1. Make a list of your achievements and successes in past jobs.
  2. Practice the interview situation with family or friends. Try recording the interview on video.
  3. Watch videos of interviews in English on YouTube.
  4. Learn useful phrases in English.
  5. Make a list of professional terms that will be useful to you during an interview.
  6. Before the interview, try to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the English language - practice speaking English, watch films without translation, read literature.
  7. Learn a few colloquial expressions that will make your speech more relaxed.

Example phrases:

  • frankly speaking- Honestly
  • anyway- Anyway
  • well, as a matter of fact- In fact
  • firstly- Firstly
  • secondly- Secondly
  • after all- in the end
  • as far as I am concerned- as for me
  • actually- In fact

All international companies conduct interviews in English when recruiting new personnel. And since the use of English is very common (“fashionable”) in our country, then when applying for a job in any serious Russian company, for a good position, you will also be asked to undergo an interview in English. Of course, so that you don’t have any problems passing this simple test, it is advisable to prepare for it in advance, know the possible questions and the answers to them.

We have prepared especially for you:

Interview in English questions and answers

1. Tell me about yourself - Tell me about yourself.
A typical question asked of all candidates at the beginning of an interview. Your answer should be to the point, tell us how you can be useful to the company.

Sample answer:
I’m a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employer’s name) during the past 11 years.

2. What Are You Passionate About? - What do you like? This question should be followed by an enthusiastic story about your hobby, which is very interesting and does not take up much of your time.

Sample answer:
I’m an avid skier and I like to spend weekends and vacations on the ski slopes.

3. Why do you want this job? - Why do you want to get this job? Talk about the company you are joining as the company of your dreams, about interesting projects and development.

Sample answer:
The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. The buzz on this company is that it rewards people who deliver solutions to substantial problems.

4. Why are you leaving your job? - Why did you leave your last job? The best answer to this question is staff reduction or other reasons beyond your control.

Sample answer:
I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.

5. How do you handle stress/pressure? - How do you overcome stress and anxiety? This issue is about stress at work. When answering this question, be sure to provide an example from a previous job where you brilliantly overcame stress and benefited the company.

Sample answer:
I find a past pace to be invigorating, and thrive when the pressure is on.

6. What is your greatest strength? - what are your strengths? You shouldn’t praise yourself too much, but it wouldn’t be right to underestimate your strengths either. Tell everything as it is, but only in relation to the company where you want to get a job.

Sample answer:
When I’m working on a project, I don’t want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and I’ve earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer. My time management skills are excellent and I’m organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work. I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

7. What is your greatest weakness? - What are your weaknesses? When answering this question, choose your weakness, which will relate to your future work only indirectly and be sure to tell us how you combat this weakness.

Sample answer:
When I’m working on a project, I don’t want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.

8. How do you evaluate success? - How do you evaluate success? Be sure to tell them that success for you is the success of your business and your company and don’t focus on money.

Sample answer:
I evaluate success in different ways. At work, it is meeting the goals set by my supervisors and my fellow workers. It is my understanding, from talking to other employees, that the GGR company is recognized for not only rewarding success, but giving employees the opportunity to grow as well.

9. What Are Your Goals for the Future? - What are your goals in the future? A very important question and this question lies precisely in the plane of your future work. Talk about a career in this company, that you see great prospects for yourself when working in it.

Sample answer:
Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management.

By the way, to be 100% sure that you will pass the interview in English, take English language courses in Chelyabinsk. Qualified teachers will help you significantly improve your level of English.

Example of an interview in English with translation

Example of an interview in English: Translation of the interview into Russian:
- Good afternoon! My name is Olga and I am a human manager. Good afternoon My name is Olga, I am a HR manager.
- Good afternoon! I am Sergey and I"m currently applying for a position of a visa manager with your company. - Good afternoon. My name is Sergey, I am a candidate for the position of visa manager in your company.
- Why do you want to work in our company? - Why do you want to work in our company?
- I have a considerable experience in this area; I have worked so far in several travel agencies on similar positions. So, working for your company won't be challenging. I like my job. - I have significant experience in this field. I worked in several travel agencies in similar positions (areas). Therefore, working in your company will not be difficult. I like my job.
- I see. What was your last work place? - I see. What was your work experience like?
- I worked at Xtur travel agency, which offered tourist voyages over Europe. - I worked at the travel agency Xtur, which sold tours around Europe.
- Why did you leave your job? - Why did you leave your previous job?
- The company cut jobs and finally went bancrupt. - The company cut jobs and then went bankrupt.
- Tell me, please, about your educational background. - Please tell me about your education.
- Well. I graduated from State University in 2011, Faculty of Economics; subsequently I joined a post-graduate course and received a PhD. The thesis was public relations in the sphere of tourism. I also did a management training for the travel agency managers in 2012, for which I"ve got a certificate. - Fine. I finished the state. University in 2011, Faculty of Economics, then completed graduate school and received a doctorate. The topic was: Public attitude in the field of tourism. I also completed training at a management school for tour managers. agencies in 2012 and received a certificate.
- You received good education. But why this position? Wouldn't you like to work as a university teacher? - You received a good education. Why do you want this position? Why don't you want to work as a teacher at a university?
- Yes, I wanted to try this sphere, but the salary is too low there. Therefore I chose a career in the commercial sector. - Yes, I wanted to try this field, but the salaries are too low. That's why I chose the commercial sector.
- I see. How do you understand your responsibilities? - I see. How do you understand your responsibilities?
- Well. I"m supposed to be in charge of consulting clients on visa regulations in different countries and assisting them in preparing the necessary set of documents. I will also be responsible for visiting embassies, submitting documents and getting visas for the clients or arranging on interview dates for them if needed. - Fine. I should be responsible for advising clients on visa issues in different countries and provide assistance in preparing the necessary documents. I will also be responsible for visiting the embassy, ​​providing documents, obtaining visas for clients or clarifying dates for their receipt.
- All these require good knowledge of English. As I can see, you know the language very well. But where did you learn it? - All this requires good knowledge of English. I see that you know the language well. Where did you teach him?
- I graduated from a specialized language school, I also studied English at the university and subsequently I passed a candidate exam of English, had got an excellent mark and did an English course to raise my language level. - I graduated from specialized English school, I studied English at the university and passed the exam with an excellent grade and took courses to improve my language level.
- Thank you. What can you tell me about your character? Everybody has their strong and weak points, how can you describe yourself? - Thank you. What can you tell me about your character? Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, how would you describe yourself?
- Well. I have excellent communication skills. I have good people skills. I"m very helpful. As fro my weak points, I don’t like to get up early. But it doesn"t mean that I"m not punctual. I"m always on time for work, take my word for that. - Fine. I have excellent communication skills. I communicate well with people. I'm very helpful. What about my weak points - I don’t like to get up early. But that doesn't mean I'm not punctual. I always come to work on time, take my word for it.
- Tell me, please, about your family. - Please tell me about your family.
- Well. I am single, I have no children. I live in my own flat alone. - Okay, I'm not married, I don't have children. I live alone in my apartment.
- So, Sergey, it was very nice talking to you. I"m sure you will make a good candidate for this position. But as you might understand to know English means not only to be able to speak fluently, but to write and to understand English. Therefore I must be sure that you have these skills . I"d like you to take a number of tests. When are ready with those, please, give the papers to the office manager. I’ll check them later today, and if everything is fine, I’ll be in touch soon. - So, Sergey, it was very pleasant to communicate with you. I'm sure you are a good candidate for this this position. But as you already understand, knowing English means not only free communication, but also free writing in the English language. I need to make sure you have these skills. I would like you to take a series of tests. When you are finished with them, please give the documents to the office manager. I'll check them later and if everything is okay, I'll contact you.
- Thank you for your time. Hope to hear from you. - Thank you for your time. Hope to hear from you again.
- OK. Have a nice day! Good bye. - OK. Have a good day! Goodbye.
- Good bye. - Goodbye.

Those who want to get a job in a large international company often have to undergo an interview in English.

But, for example, telling a story about yourself in English may be necessary not only for an interview, but also for regular admission to a university.

In any case, you need to remember: preparation for an interview in English must be carried out thoroughly. Based on the results of this serious test, your future fate will be decided, as well as your professional skills will be assessed.

Do you want to cope with this task with dignity? Then catch useful tips and life hacks, as well as specific recommendations, questions and answers with examples that may come across during an interview in English when applying for a job.

Top 10 questions that may be asked during an interview in English

  1. Tell me about yourself. (Tell me a little about yourself)
  2. What are your strengths? (What are your strengths?)
  3. What are your weaknesses? (What are your weaknesses?)
  4. Why should we hire you? (Why should we hire you?)
  5. Why are you leaving (have left) your job? (Why did you leave your last job?)
  6. Why do you want this job? (Why do you want to work with us?)
  7. What are your goals for the future? (What goals do you set for yourself for the future?)
  8. What are your salary expectations? (What salary would you like to receive?)
  9. Tell me about an achievement you are most proud of. (Which of your achievements are you most proud of?)
  10. Do you have any questions? (Do you still have any questions?)

Answers to interview questions in English

Consider that each question is a small interview topic, just like when taking English at a university or taking courses.

You just need to have a certain vocabulary, learn standard phrases, or even better, a small piece of text that will bounce off your teeth.

How would you describe yourself?

To answer this interview question in English, it is ideal to use the following phrases:

To my mind... / I consider myself ... / I reckon ... / I believe ... / I could say, that ...

They all translate as I consider myself.

If you don’t know how to describe yourself to your advantage in a nutshell, experts recommend using the following phrases:

I always prefer paying attention to details. (I always prefer to pay attention to details)

I "m fond of challenging tasks and getting the work done. (I love challenging tasks and getting work done)

What educational background do you have? (What education do you have?)

I graduated in (the field is indicated here, for example, IT, economics, philosophy) from (the name of the university should be mentioned here) - I received a degree in...

To attend (university name) from (year) to (year) - attend... from... to...

I hold a master degree / a bachelor degree in ... from - I have a master's degree in / a bachelor's degree in ...

I took a training program at - I took professional program V...

Unfortunately, I don"t have any formal education for this work, however, I have already worked in a similar position. Furthermore, I have 15 years of experience in this sphere - Unfortunately, I do not have formal education for this position. That's all However, I have already held a similar position. Moreover, I have 15 years of experience in this field.

Don't forget to coordinate tenses in your speech. If you have already graduated from a university, you should use it in your speech Past Tenses. If you are still studying, then only Present Continuous.

Why are you leaving (have left) your job?

Here are the most suitable answers in the form of individual phrases and entire phrases that are ideal for English dialogue at an interview:

I was: laid off / fired / dismissed / discharged - I was fired...

I was made redundant - I was fired without good reason...

Because the firm / the company / the enterprise - because the firm / company / enterprise...

Had to cut / recolate costs - was forced to cut / reconsider expenses...

Became a bankrupt = was out of business - went bankrupt...

I resigned the previous work/post - I quit my previous job / left my previous post...

I made a firm decision to find a new job - I made a firm decision to find a new job...

That is closer to my home - which is closer to home...

That will represent new challenging tasks - where I will be faced with new challenging tasks...

Where I could develop my professional skills - where I could develop professional skills...

That will help to forge a successful career - to build a successful career...

Advice: don’t scold your previous employer. This may not show you at your best.

What are your weaknesses?

This question is the least favorite, and therefore the most frequently asked at interviews, not only in English. That's why it's better to use ready-made examples from life and recommendations from specialists who know exactly what to answer you.

Before communicating your real shortcoming, think carefully: won’t it directly affect your future position? Be smarter: name advantages as disadvantages.

Apparently, it might be better for me to learn how to be more understanding, especially, when things aren't going according to the plan. That"s what I"m currently working on right now. - Apparently, I should learn being more understanding, especially when things don't go as planned. This is something I'm working on now.

I"m used to spending much time on projects to be absolutely sure that everything is accurate. - I am used to spending a lot of time on projects to be absolutely sure that everything is correct.

Don't be afraid to share a true flaw. A person is valuable precisely because he is not ideal. But instead of mentioning major problems, focus the employer's attention on minor negative qualities. And be sure to end your speech with what you are doing to eliminate them.

I admit being a bit of a perfectionist. Sometimes when I’m working on a big project, I focus too much on the details. But I’ve learned that it’s not always possible or even practical to try to perfect your work.

Translation: I admit that I am a bit of a perfectionist. Sometimes when I'm working on a big project, I focus too much on the details. But I have already realized that this is not always useful and it is possible to try to perfect your work.

By the way! If your shortcoming is laziness, and your diploma or coursework won’t write itself, you now have a 10% discount on .

What are your strengths?

Before taking an interview in English, consider your advantages. It is by them that the employer will judge and distinguish you from other applicants.

Good vocabulary to describe your strengths:

flexible - able to quickly adapt to circumstances

hard working - hardworking

outgoing - sociable

dependable - reliable

honest - honest

organized - organized

ambitious - purposeful

a team player - I can work in a team

a seasoned specialist - experienced specialist

a dedicated professional - a professional dedicated to his work

It is better not to go into lengthy descriptions here. An employer may mistake you for a boastful and narcissistic person. Two to four qualities will be enough.

If you can’t think of a way to make yourself stand out from the crowd, use the following phrases:

I’m a proactive person, who likes to see results and be responsible for his/her decisions. - I am a person with an active lifestyle who likes to see results and be responsible for decisions made.

I always remain self disciplined and calm in tangled situations. - I always remain collected and calm during difficult situations.

As a positive side, you can mention reading or any other type of intellectual development.

Another example of a successful answer when preparing for an interview in English:

I’d describe myself as a goal-oriented and hardworking person with good organizational skills and strategic thinking. Furthermore, I’m a good speaker and even a better listener that’s why I’ve always been able to get along with different types of people. I have over six years of experience in sales. After working the past four years as a sales manager, I’ve developed a number of important skills, including decision-making and multitasking. That background will help me achieve all goals you have set for this position. In my free time I enjoy reading and bicycling. It provides me with a good balance in my life.

Translation: I would describe myself as a goal-oriented and hard-working person with good organizational skills and strategic thinking. Moreover, I am a good speaker and a great listener, so I have always been able to get along easily with different types of people. I have over six years of experience in sales. The past four years as a sales manager have developed many important qualities in me, including decision-making and multi-tasking. This experience will help me achieve all the goals you have for this position. In my free time I like to read and ride a bike. This allows me to achieve the right balance in life.

Why do you want this job?

To correctly answer this question, be sure to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the company's activities before the interview. Ideally, you need to find a company’s weakness in order to offer it your services to eliminate it.

The employer regards you as a product, the purchase of which will help solve certain problems. So give him what he wants!

Advice: do not go into details of how you are going to develop at the expense of the company. The main thing here is what benefits the company will receive, not you.

Example answer with translation:

My years of experience in this industry make me sure I can do this job and bring added value. I’ve gained a reputation as a key player when it comes to negotiations. In my last job I was able to negotiate profitable business deals. I know this business from the ground up, and you can be assured that I know what I’d be getting into as a sales manager here.

Translation: Years of experience in this industry give me the confidence that I can do this job and make a great contribution to the community. I have gained a reputation as a leader when it comes to negotiations. In my last job, I was able to negotiate good deals. I know this industry very well and I can assure you that I understand what I have to do as a sales manager.

We asked recruiters for advice on what advice they can give to those who don't know how to prepare for an interview in English. Enjoy it for your health!

  1. When revealing your strengths, give reasons. If you say that you negotiate well, give an example of a successful case.
  2. When preparing for an interview in English, be sure to write down all your planned answers and speak out loud. The best option is to learn them by heart, so that you can then tell them in front of an audience at a free pace without hesitation.
  3. Be sure to think through your answer to the question about your expected salary. Each amount will have to be supported by some reason. Determine for yourself the minimum from which you are ready to start working. If you are offered conditions that do not meet your desires and expectations, you should not unquestioningly agree to them. Especially when the employee’s qualifications are worthy of more.
  4. Try to approach the interview as a pleasant conversation, rather than a difficult exam. The more calm you are, the more the employer will like you. And this will increase the chances of acceptance, even if your English is poor.
  5. Avoid pauses in conversation. If the employer is silent, ask questions yourself.

Here is a list of questions that an applicant can ask an employer during an interview:

How many employees work for the organization? (How many employees does the organization have?)

Please tell me a little bit about the people with whom I’ll be working most closely. (Please tell me about those with whom I will work most closely.)

Will I work independently or in a team? (Will I work independently or in a team?)

Where will I be working? (Where will I work?)

How did this job become available? (How did this vacancy come about?)

Before you’re able to reach a hiring decision, how many more interviews should I expect to go through and with whom? (How many interviews will I have and who will conduct them while you decide to hire me?)

Does this job usually lead to other positions at the company? (Is career growth possible in this position?)

It is best to compose an English text for an interview, learn it well and rehearse it out loud. But a positive attitude is also important. In this case, even questionable knowledge of a foreign language will not become an obstacle to hiring for the desired position. In the meantime, it will help you to compose competent answers and write a test or coursework so that there are no problems with the session.