Thematic music lesson “Musical instruments. Thematic music lesson “Musical instruments” He is a great musician, he has great talent

Elena Shadrina
Thematic music lesson « Musical instruments»

Target: develop timbre hearing


Teach children to guess riddles about musical instruments;

React to changing parts music game , in accordance with perform movements;

Distinguish tones by ear musical instruments: harp, cello, double bass, violin, trumpet, organ, guitar, accordion, musical triangle, metallophone, drum, pipe, tambourine;

Introduce the sound of castanets and how to play them;

Perform the song expressively, conveying a cheerful, joyful character;

Convey rhythmic patterns using musical triangle and drum;

Learn to voice Russian folk nursery rhyme on children's musical instruments(harp, pipe, whistle, drum, rattle, cymbals, etc.)

Perform a Russian folk melody with an orchestra.

Aesthetic methods education:

Training, exercises in practical actions;

Beliefs in the process of formation of initial manifestations of taste

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Musical director: Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments.

Everyone on earth

There is a home.

Good and fun

And it’s cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel,

The fox has a hole,

The robin has a nest,

The owl has a hollow.

Guess a riddle,

My little friend

Where do you think he lives?

Musical sound?

Maybe in the cry of a seagull,

In an eagle's cage?

Or in a trumpet call

Good elephant?

Children: Musical sound lives in musical instruments.

Musical director: Right, musical sounds live in musical instruments. And sound musical instruments begin then when they are played musicians.

Guys, I have magic box, which contains riddles about musical instruments. Do you want to guess them?

Children: Yes!

Musical director: Approach one at a time and pull out the riddle.

1. If you want to play,

You need to take it in your hands

And blow into it lightly -

Will music can be heard.

Think a minute...

What is this?

Children: Dudochka!

2. He has a pleated shirt,

He loves to dance in a squat position,

He dances and sings -

If you get your hands on it.

Forty buttons on it

With mother-of-pearl fire.

Children: Bayan!

3. He sits under his cap,

Don't disturb him - he's silent.

You just have to take it in your hands

And rock it a little,

Heard, there will be a chime:

"Dili-don, dili-don."

Children: Bell!

4. Tool- like a huge violin.

The sound is thick like a baritone.

Musician playing while sitting.

What, tell me, is he called?

Children: Cello!

The fraction is beating,

Walking helps.

Children: Drum!

6. They took the hammers into their hands

The records were pounding.

Heard musical ringing,

That's what it sounds like...

Children: Metallophone!

7. There are bells on it,

We hit it loudly.

We will play with him now,

Give me a sonorous...

Children: Tambourine!

There are pictures on the table in front of the children. musical instruments. Children guess the riddle, find an image of this musical instrument and hang it on a magnetic board.

Musical director: And now I suggest you play with a tambourine musical game"Who will hit the tambourine faster"

A game "Who will hit the tambourine faster" Ukrainian folk melody

Musical director: Now I suggest you listen to the timbres musical instruments and identify them.

"Define tool»

Voices recorded on the tape recorder musical instruments: harp, cello, double bass, violin, trumpet, organ, guitar, accordion.

1. The harp sounds

2. The cello sounds

3. Double bass sounds

4. Violin sounds

Anya Elkina performs a piece on the violin

5. The trumpet sounds

6. The organ sounds

Children watch a video of playing the organ on the screen.

7. Guitar sounds

8. Accordion sounds

Nurse Tatyana Fedorovna performs the piece “

Musical director: How well do you identify timbres? musical instruments. And now I suggest you identify the timbres of children. Let's play a game "Recognize by voice"

Musical director: And now we will come to this unusual screen where they are waiting for you musical riddles.

Musical and didactic game"Merry tools»

1. The pipe sounds

2. The drum sounds

3. Sounds musical triangle

Now let's sing a song "Triangle and Drum"

4. The metallophone sounds

5. The tambourine sounds

6. Castanets sound

Musical director: Castanets - Spanish folk instrument with voiced, clicking sound. There is a clear rhythm on the castanets.

Children watch a video about techniques for playing castanets.

Musical director: And now I suggest you try playing the castanets yourself.

Experimenting with castanets.

Musical director: Guys, tell me, what is the sound of castanets like?

Children: At the sound of hooves, a woodpecker knocks on a tree.

Musical director: Children, please tell me with which ones musical instruments can we depict rain?

Children: Bell, musical triangle, metallophone.

Musical director: Rolling thunder?

Children: Drum, castanets.

Musical director: And now I suggest you voice a Russian folk nursery rhyme at children's musical instruments.

Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun:

Ducks - to the pipes,

Geese - in harp,

Sheep - to the Donets,

Cockroaches - drums.

Tap dances - into rattles,

Waxwings - in the flute,

Cuckoos in beaters

Starlings with bells,

Two titmouse crumbs

We played spoons.

They play, they play

Everyone is amused

Strikes on musical triangle in the rhythm of the verse.






Wooden spoons

Tutti on everyone instruments

Musical director: And at the end of our musical living room let's play in the orchestra.

Orchestra "Quadrille" Russian folk melody

These cute, delicate flowers are shaped like bells, but since they are very small, they are affectionately called bells. And they come in different colors: white, dark purple, blue and even pale pink. Their heads almost always point down. What are they looking at under their stems? Will your kids be able to solve this riddle and other bell riddles...

Lilac bells bloomed in the forest

Riddles about a bell for children 3-4 years old are short and easy to remember. Most likely, your kids will quickly give the correct answer. And, probably, the easiest riddle for them will be: “Which bell does not ring?”

Eh, bells, Blue colour,
With a tongue, but no ringing.

The bell is swaying
But the ringing is not heard.

The little blue bell is hanging,
It never rings.

Looks like a musical instrument
But there is no musical sound in it.

On a walk I saw
Purple flower.
It grew by a gentle stream...

It grows everywhere in the summer -
In the field and near the hummocks.
He is graceful, purple,

Bloomed in the forest
Purple bells.

What bell doesn't ring?

Your little one will love this adorable "Bell Song". The little girl sings very beautifully.

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue, he met you at the edge of the forest

Riddles about a bell for children 5-6 years old.

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue,
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he can hardly just ring.

Doesn't call for recess
And back to class,
Because it's simple
Blue forest flower.

Look, this name fits
But we never hear the ringing
From a blue forest bouquet.

The winter cold is over,
Summer has come.
And the flower blossomed
Violet colors.

What a strange hum and ringing
Is it heard outside the window?
Laughs so loudly
White and blue...

Ring the flowers, ring, and captivate with your music...

Riddles about the bell for children 7 years old

Named blue flower
It should ring in the field.
You happened to meet him.
Can you hear the ringing?
No? And I couldn't
This means the flower is not ringing.
All we have to do is guess
How does the name sound?
Olga Kiseleva

A modest little blue flower, he bows to the grass,
It is named loudly, but we cannot hear its flowery ringing.
He sends musical greetings to the field in secret.
He is sweet, gentle and handsome, he looks like a lamp.
I hope everyone guessed what the flower was called?
Olga Oglanova

I could ring in the morning,
But my little blue handkerchief
I was completely wet from the dew.
And to ring me, by the way,
The breeze helps.
I'm singing much louder
If it's a sunny day!

With grass, baby blue
I'm leaning over the river
My stalk is thin, thin,
The voice is clear and sonorous
Just your song
I sing to the grasshoppers.

Blue, pretty.
It grows in the field.
Yes, so pretty.
Sometimes he sings.

Sings a song
Ding - ding - ding - ding - ding.
A wonderful song.
Eyes are the blue of the sky!
Evgenia Zikh

Ring the flowers, ring.
You will captivate everyone with your music.
Give freshness, give beauty,
May your silver laughter please you.

Ding-ding-ding from all sides,
There goes the crystal ringing.
Hear this music
Look and listen my baby
And look at the flowers
They seemed to glow.
What is this lilac flower?
Of course this is...

He is a great musician, he has great talent

A riddle about a bell as a musical instrument. It sounds very gentle and in this melodic chime you can hear the sounds of the forest and meadow, the sound of the wind and the flight of a bee. Tell the kids that the bell is a musical instrument in many orchestras.

You hit the plates -
We sound bright - we ring,
We speak like Elves.
We are called Campanella,
We laugh with gentle crystal.

He sits under his cap, don’t disturb him - he’s silent.
All you have to do is pick it up and swing it a little,
You can hear the chime: “Dili-don, dili-don”

Let him be a baby and a youth.
The bell is his father -
Musical instrument,
Needed by everyone at any time.

He - great musician,
Him great talent
Bringing joy to people
He might call all day.

That tool is not a flower
Has a thin voice
Rings in the orchestra all year round
And he never gets tired.

Read this fairy tale story to your children, how kind bell flowers help forest dwellers.

Fairy tale "Bells and Dwarves"

Once upon a time in deep forest under the roots of the old hollow pine there was a deep dungeon.

There, in an underground palace, lived cheerful, kind gnomes. At night they went out into a forest clearing. The breeze swayed small purple bells growing in the thick grass; they, ringing gently, told the gnomes about everything that had happened in the forest that day.

One day the bells told the kind little people that a helpless, recently fledged chick had fallen out of the robin's nest.

“Now he is sitting in the grass under a hazel bush. His feet are chilly from the cold night dew. The poor thing is very scared alone in the dark forest,” the bells rang in alarm.

The good gnomes immediately went down into the dungeon and, seizing the stairs, went to the hazel tree, under which the chick was hiding.

Fireflies lit their way, and the gnomes quickly found the baby and warmed him in their warm palms, calmed him down and carried him to a tree, in the dense branches of which the house of robins was hiding.

The most dexterous and brave gnome made it up the stairs to the nest and returned the chick to its parents.

Their joy knew no bounds! The robins thanked the kind gnomes for a long time. And the little people modestly answered: “The bells helped you, they told about the misfortune that befell your baby and helped save him.”

And here for you and your children are articles with others, no less interesting riddles about flowers:

And one more song about the bell for you and your children: positive, touching and joyful.

Riddle about the flower Bell for a child in the garden. There are only 3 riddles on the Internet. Maybe someone has books?

  1. There is.. . You first write down the ones you have. . I’ll go and look in the book then))))) there’s only one riddle in the book... there’s a little blue bell hanging
  2. The little blue bell hangs, it never rings. ----
    Eh, bells, blue, with a tongue, but no bells. ---

    Sometimes purple, sometimes blue, He met you at the edge of the forest. They gave him a very sonorous name, but he can hardly just ring. ---

    Buy it, don’t regret it, it will be more fun to drive. ---

    Why are you looking at me, Dark Blues? And what are you ringing about on a cheerful day in May, shaking your head among the unmown grass? ---

    Sorry, everything I found on the Internet (

  3. The bell sways, but the ringing is not heard.
    Looks like a musical instrument, but there is no musical sound in nm

    opened the FIRST SITE I CAME TO! Are your hands growing out of JO???or do you not know what the Internet is?? ?and study a dozen sites - there will be a lot of mysteries! Why bother bothering people if you CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM YOURSELF???