Classroom theme. Class hour "clothing culture" Class hour scenario aesthetic education

Conversation on the topic “Aesthetics of behavior and etiquette”

Tasks : to identify the content of students’ ideas about the beautiful aspects of human behavior, to introduce the concepts of “aesthetics of behavior”, “etiquette”, to form an aesthetic taste in behavior, the desire to perform beautiful deeds, guided by highly moral motives, to fight manifestations of rude, disrespectful attitude towards people.

Progress of preparation.

1. Offer students the following tasks:

Remember and describe two situations in which you approved or condemned people's behavior;

Remember the cases from your own life when knowledge of the rules of behavior was not enough to do what is right and good;

Continue the following sentences (in writing): “Politeness is...”, “A tactful person is one who...”, “I adhere to established rules of behavior at school, in public places, if...”, “A cultured person is one who ..."

2. Write and hang in the classroom corner the rules of behavior and communication at school, at home, and in public places.

3. Posters:

A personality is characterized not only by what it does, but also by how it does it (F. Engels).

Plan - summary of the conversation.

1. Do we know the rules of conduct? Conversation with students on the following questions: what rules of behavior on the street in everyday life do you know? In what cases did you not know what to do? What does it mean to be a polite, cultured person? Can a person who strictly adheres to the rules of behavior always be considered cultured? What are the requirements for a culture of behavior in our society based on? During the discussion of questions, students' written work and interview materials are used.

2. Discussion of life situations(based on newspaper materials).

1) The incident at the station.There is a huge queue at the railway station ticket office. It was cramped and stuffy. Some old woman, asking for mercy on her tired legs, began to explain to the queue that it was hard for her to stand and that if there were no objections, she would take a ticket without the queue. And she added, barely audibly, that she was a participant in the war, but, unfortunately, in a hurry while getting ready, she put the ID at the bottom of a huge bag.” (The teacher interrupts reading.)

Students are asked questions: what do you think will be the reaction of the people standing in line to the old lady’s request? What would you do if you heard such a request?

After the discussion, the teacher continues the story.

“There was a dissatisfied murmur in the queue: “You should have stayed at home, grandma!”, “Just think, the war - but when it happened, it’s time to forget!” The voices were young, irritably impudent. “If you have an ID, take it out and show it,” the burly guy in the company shouted from head to toe.

... Suddenly a voice was heard from the queue: “Let me through. I have my ID." And a tall young man with blond hair moved towards the cash register window. In his hand he held a red book. The top button of his jacket was undone. And the people standing nearby saw the Hero’s Star.” “Which station is your mother?” he asked the woman sympathetically. And a minute later he handed her the ticket.”

Questions for students:How do you evaluate the behavior of people in line? What is the reason for such a reaction to the request of an elderly woman from a guy in the “company”? What dictated the action of the young man who offered to help the old woman get a ticket? Why didn’t he himself exercise his right to receive a ticket out of turn? How will people in line behave after what happened?

After the discussion, the end of the situation is read: “When the old woman left, this young man returned to his place in the queue. Everyone was silent. No one at that moment dared to look each other in the eyes..."

Questions for students:1. What lesson did the young man teach the people? What is the beauty of his act? 2. Why did others suddenly feel ashamed in front of each other? 3. Have you encountered manifestations of people’s disrespectful attitude towards each other? Give examples of noble actions of people.

2) Case of “Good Deed”.When the old neighbor asked the boy to take milk bottles to the store. He agreed, but said that he would take one bottle for himself.

3) “I tried, I tried.”During the waste paper collection, the student brought more paper than the others, but he was not noted in the school order. He declares: “I won’t do anything else. You tried and tried, but what do you get for it? Nothing!"

Issues for discussion:1. Can the good deeds of children be called beautiful? For what reasons were good deeds performed: 2. Can one be considered a cultured person who is familiar with the rules of good manners, knows how to behave, does not like to work, is indifferent to people, is selfish, selfish? 3. And if a person in himself is good, sensitive, hardworking, but does not know the rules of behavior, does not know how to behave in society, does not know how to dress tastefully - can we say that he is a cultured person?

4) Playing out situations. Students are encouraged to act out scenes that reflect both beautiful behavior and violations of etiquette and aesthetic behavior requirements.


1. “It’s your birthday. Your guests have arrived a little earlier than the scheduled time, the table has not yet been set. Keep your guests occupied. You will receive two identical gifts. Your reaction"

2. “You call a friend to ask him what his math assignment is. Grandma answered the phone. What will your conversation be like with her?

3. “A boy and a girl meet at the door of a department store. The boy gives way to the girl. And behind him there was a large crowd of people leaving the department store with purchases.”

4. “The boy asks his classmate for a book. “What will you give me for this?” he asks. After much persuasion and promises to give a stamp to the owner of the book, the boy receives consent.”

Discussion of lost situations based on the following questions: 1. In what cases can the behavior of participants in situations be considered beautiful? 2. What behavior do you disapprove of?

Teacher's explanations.

Respect is earned by the person who does not forget about what he does, but also how, in what form. The concept of a culture of behavior includes responsiveness, nobility, honesty and selflessness.

5) Acquaintance with the “Most Important Norms of Morality” (based on the book by V. A. Sukhomlinsky “The Birth of a Citizen”)

You live among people. Your every action, your every desire is reflected in people. Know that there is a boundary between what you want and what you can... Check your actions with your consciousness: are you not causing harm or trouble to people. Make the people around you feel good.

You use goods created by other people. People give you the happiness of childhood, adolescence, youth. Pay them for it in kind. This moral norm is the most important source of feelings of civic duty.

Be kind and sensitive to people. Help the weak and defenseless. Don't do harm to people. Respect and honor your mother and father: they gave you life. They raise you.

Do not be indifferent to people who try to live at the expense of their father and mother. Show intolerance towards those who do not care about the public interest. Hate the one who creates waste and robs society.


1.Aharonyan A.S. Culture of behavior.

2.Dorokhov A. This is worth remembering.

3. Rules of good manners.

4. Matveev, Panov. In the world of politeness.

5. Ovchinnikov, Sakura. Impressions and thoughts about the Japanese and the British.

6. Panov. If we are polite.

7. Khodakov. How not to behave.

8. Model rules for students.


Goals: formation of an active aesthetic attitude towards

reality, communication skills with art through working with reproductions, slides, the ability to comprehend one’s own emotions; developing the ability to sensitively respond to the beauty in life.

Preliminary preparation:

1) The class is divided into two teams (at the request of the students).

2) Teams choose captains, names, prepare emblems and business cards.

3) Both teams prepare a 6-word crossword puzzle on the topic.

Move classes

Teacher. Russian open spaces, rivers and lakes shining with silver, the gold of the evening sky and sunrises have always excited Russian artists, inspiring them to create beautiful landscapes.

Why do you like looking at an artist’s painting or listening to beautiful music? What do you feel?

So today we will go to the magical world of beauty, the world of colors, lines, light and shadow, the world of music and the poetic word, the world of beauty. We will conduct our journey in the form of a game-competition. Two teams will meet in front of the guests and the jury. The competition will be judged by the council.

The composition of the council is called.

Teacher. And now it’s time to meet the teams participating in the game.

Teams present their business cards.

Teacher. The teams showed us that they are completely ready to play. And while the jury evaluates the business cards, we continue our class hour, the topic of which will be defined as follows: “The world will be saved by beauty if...”.

Competition "Warm-up".

Teacher . The words of the Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky “Beauty will save the world” are well known. Think about these words, how do you understand their meaning? What is beauty?

Let's look up the meaning of the words "beauty" and "charm" in the dictionary. As the game progresses, we will need the meanings of the words “culture” and “ecology”.

So, we found out that in the dictionary the concept of “beauty” is interpreted as a set of qualities that bring pleasure to the eyes, ears, everything beautiful, beautiful. Indeed, man lives not only in the biosphere, but also in a sphere created by himself as a result of his cultural (or anticultural) activities. Man not only masters nature, changes the soil and vegetation, he also creates his own culture. Generations of people created language, writing, literature, all types of arts, sciences, and customs. From the moment of his birth, every person finds himself in an atmosphere created by thousands of generations of people.

Currently, the question arises not only about what kind of person to be, but also about whether he should be at all. “Ecology of culture” - such a concept appeared after the concept of “ecology of nature”. Without preserving culture, we will not preserve either nature or ourselves. Imagine human life without music, theater, cinema, architecture, decorative art, that is, a naked person on bare earth. Yes, it is impossible to imagine this without returning a person to the most ancient times.

Competition for the gaping history and art of the Ancient World.

Participants are asked to depict rock paintings within 5 minutes and prepare a short speech on the topic “Beauty will save the world.” Each team receives a “piece of rock” (a sheet of Whatman paper is painted black and brown) and colored crayons.

Carrying out protection of the team's work 1.

From those very times when man lived in caves, wore skins and gradually formed his own, human, and not animal, attitude towards life, from these times people learned to pass on their attitude to subsequent generations through artistic creativity. Even then, differences emerged among our ancestors.

Zainers who decorated the interior of their caves. Centuries have passed, but their work has survived to this day.

Art connects the past and the future into an unbreakable chain.

Beauty makes people happy, does not allow them to become bitter, beauty saves the world from war and cruelty.

Protecting the team's work 2.

Beauty is the joy of our life. A man became a man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the crimson sunset before the oncoming day, the fluttering haze over the horizon... Beauty is not only in works of art, but in nature, in the environment world, next to people.

Beauty is also in the actions of people. People saved the most valuable works of art during wars and natural disasters and protected them as museum objects so that everyone could see these beautiful treasures.

People must protect the beauty of nature, their city, their country, their home. It depends only on the people themselves whether there will be beauty around them. Now all together we will add the theme of our game:

Beauty will save the world

if people save beauty.

Team captains competition.

Teacher . The next competition is the captains competition. The team captains also prepared and did not come here empty-handed. They prepared a crossword puzzle for the opposing team.

The captains present and exchange artistic crossword puzzles.

Teams within 10 minutes. You need to solve the crossword puzzle and enter the answers. In addition, from the letters highlighted in the crossword puzzle, you need to create 2 keywords on the topic of the game.

Teacher. 2 representatives from each team will participate in the next competition.

Competition for experts and connoisseurs of beauty.

We all have the opportunity to study masterpieces of painting and architecture using the media library. Assignment to the teams: sort all the slides into types and genres of art: still life, landscape, graphics, architecture.

Competition based on homework results.

Teacher . The last competition is called the “Tour Guide Competition”. This is a decisive and most difficult competition. The teams present the following albums to the jury and all guests as a result of their search work:

Team album 1: “The beauty and value of life is the eternal theme of art.”

Team 2 album: “The beauty of my hometown.”

Guides conduct a tour on selected topics, accompanying the stories with slides and showing a video about their hometown,

Summing up results competition.

The floor is given to the jury members to award the winning team.

The teacher gives a brief analysis of the teams’ performances, a qualitative assessment of the prepared materials, and sums up the results of the extracurricular activities. Thanks to the participants of the game for their good preparation. The jury is thanked for its assistance.

Teacher . Our class hour is coming to an end. In conclusion, listen to the heartfelt lines of the poem

Alexandra Plotnikova.

One of the students reads a poem by A. Plotnikov:

We worship the eternal shrines,

And our love for the world is pure.

The Russian heart still believes:

The world is cruel,” beauty will save.

But let's not be naive,

Confessing that truth:

Beauty will save the world if people

If people save beauty.

Teacher . The joy of life was revealed to man because he heard the whisper of leaves, the murmuring of a spring stream, the rustling of snowflakes and the groan of a blizzard, the gentle splashing of waves and the triumphant silence of the night, he heard and, holding his breath, listens for hundreds and thousands of years to the wonderful music of life. Know how to listen to this music too. Cherish beauty, take care of it.

Conducting an excursion to nature.

Etiquette and us

Target: to learn the basic ethical requirements in behavior and communication with people, to master the skills of cultural behavior, to give an idea of ​​​​what should be the approach to people depending on the situation.

Behavior form: a game.

Progress of the game.

Teacher. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not want to behave confidently, relaxed, freely in any society and company. Everyone dreams of being liked, of attracting others with their manners, appearance, and the ability to feel free in the most difficult situation. How to achieve this? It’s very simple to master the art of communication etiquette.

    Quiz “Ethics of Behavior”.


    How can you greet each other and in what cases?

(A nod, a gesture, a handshake, a word, a hug. Most often - “Hello”; a nod and a gesture - when meeting in transport, on the street at a relatively large distance; a hug - when meeting relatives or close old friends; an elderly man can greet by tilting his head sitting).

    Who greets you first when entering a room?

(The person entering is always greeted first, regardless of gender or age).

    Finish the phrase: “When meeting older family members at a party, the hostess (host) first introduces...”

( acquaintances, if they are younger than their parents).

    Who should greet first: the person standing or passing?

    A man and a woman enter the room. Who is first?

(The lady always enters first).

    In the theater or cinema hall, go to the seat. Who goes first?

(A man searches and leads to the place).

    They go down the stairs. Who goes first?

(Up the stairs - a man, down - a lady).

    When entering public transport, who is given priority?

(The lady enters (sits down) first, then the man, exits - vice versa).

    When talking on the phone, who says hello first?

(Caller introducing himself)

    While talking on the phone, the connection was suddenly interrupted, who should

call back?


    What gift is considered valuable?

(the one that is made by hand).

    What will you do when you are given sweets and cakes?

(you need to treat the guests).

    What should you always have in your pocket?


    How do you understand the word “punctuality”?

    "Table setting"

In one minute you must correctly position the cutlery on the table:

plate, fork, knife, spoon, glass, glass, napkin.

(The dishes are placed in a straight line, 4-5 cm away from the edge of the table, to the right of

plates place a knife with the blade facing the plate, a spoon, and on the left - a fork with the convex side down. In front of the plate, place a glass for strong drinks on the left, and a wine glass on the right. Linen napkins are placed colorfully decorated or placed on a plate).

    "Flower of Politeness"

The teacher brings out a chamomile, on the petals of which it is written: greetings, farewells, gratitude, apologies.

Each team takes a petal and completes the task: “remember figures of speech that would be appropriate in given situations.” The team that remembers the most turns like this wins.

    “YOU” and “YOU” in communication.

Teacher. “You” and “You” are pronouns that are used instead of a name. Personal pronouns have a direct bearing on etiquette. They are connected with the self-awareness and names of the interlocutor, what is “decent” and what is “indecent” in such a name.

You have probably often heard: “I am not your “you”! tell me “You” or “Don’t poke me, please!”

So when is it proper, according to the rules of etiquette, to say “You”, and when is it “you”?

1st team. To whom and under what circumstances do we say “You”?

2nd team. To whom and under what circumstances do we say “You”?

    "Behavior rules".

    In the theatre.

    At the exhibition.

    "Discussion of situations."

    The girl drinks tea and stirs the tea without touching the walls. Why?

(so as not to disturb others).

    Guests bring unwrapped gifts to the birthday boy. What should the birthday boy do? Thank everyone, although maybe you don’t like the thing? Yes, he thanks. Why?

(the guests wanted to do something nice, and the birthday boy should not upset them).

    A passerby dropped an object. Whoever is closer will lift it. Why does such a rule exist?

(to help a person. It is not known whether he can bend over, and whether he even noticed?).

    As you know, the rule of walking ahead of your companion, going up and down the stairs, arose in the days of candle lighting, when a man walked ahead with a candle in his hand to illuminate the lady’s path. Currently the lighting is electric. This need has disappeared, but the rule still remains. Why?

(if you follow this rule, you can help your companion).

    "Table manners"

    How should you eat bread and sandwiches?

(Take the bread with your hands and place it on a napkin or a special plate and eat it, breaking it off in small pieces).

    You have grapes, an apple, an orange on your plate. How should you eat them? (Grapes are eaten one berry at a time. It is advisable to peel the apple with a fruit knife, cut it into slices, cut out the middle, eat in small slices. The orange is cut into slices or rings, cutting them, in turn, in half).

    What is a buffet?

(A reception, visitors who can repeatedly approach the tables on which dishes are displayed and, if desired, choose the one they like best. Having filled the plate, the guests move away and give others the opportunity to approach the table. Then they sit on chairs, armchairs, sofas).

    How to eat sponge cakes?

(Pieces of biscuit are eaten by breaking off small portions with a teaspoon).

    How do you eat puff pastries and pies?

(Puff pastries and pies are eaten holding them in the hands)

    How to say without words that you have finished eating?

(Knife and fork crosswise - a pause in food, in parallel - the end of the meal).

    From which end should you break an egg to eat it?

(It doesn’t matter, it’s just more convenient with a blunt one).

    How do they eat poultry when visiting?

(using a knife and fork).

    What to do with broth or soup served in cups?

(we drink without using a spoon).

    What to do with soup if there is only a small amount left in the plate?

(a small amount of soup remains in the bowl).

    If you want to try a dish that is far from you. What are your actions?

(ask for it to be passed on).

    You were served the second meat course. How should you eat it?

(gradually separate small pieces from the whole).


Cultivating the aesthetic taste of students;

Fostering a moral culture of behavior among students;

Fostering tolerant relationships between children;

Development of children's creative abilities and oratory skills;

Studying the genres of folklore and folk applied art;

The connection between folk art and modern life.

  • Development of collective creativity skills in group work.


Chalk, board;

Fragment of the cartoon “The Frog Princess” and a fragment of the film “Koschei the Immortal” (video clip) + projector with screen + computer;

Examples of boring fairy tales (folk and children's);

Audio recording of children's folk ditties + backing track of ditties;

Matryoshka dolls;

Player with headphones (backing track of ditties recorded);

Basket with Chupa Chups.

Chairs in the classroom can be placed in a semicircle for introductory conversations, tables in the center of the classroom are prepared for group work (3 groups).


Plates for tables with the names and symbols of artists, musicians and writers;

Sheets of paper and pens (simple pencils) for writing down fairy tales;

Sheets of paper with rhymes for ditties and simple pencils;

Sheets of paper with silhouettes of nesting dolls (wooden blank of matryoshka);

Pens, simple and colored pencils, erasers, felt-tip pens;

Progress of the class hour

1. Organizational moment (1 min.).

Students sit on chairs. On the board the topic of the class hour is: “Into our world along the folk path.”

Motivation for activity.

Good afternoon guys! Today I want to invite you on a journey through time, into the past of our homeland to the origins of folk art. And our guiding star on this journey will be a candle. Now I will light this candle, and we will be transported to ancient times. And our guide in the past will be none other than Vasilisa the Beautiful herself.

2. Introductory conversation (2 min.).

So, we are back in ancient times. In those days when there were no televisions, no computers, no electricity, and there were no books either. And our country was a small state. And the people in that state lived as artisans and singers, and their speeches were melodic and unhurried, like the flow of deep lowland rivers. And they were all called Ivanushka and Maryushka.

Today in class we will walk the folk path from ancient times to the modern world and check whether we, the inhabitants of modern Russia, have not wasted the skills of our ancestors.

Where is our tour guide?

A fragment of the cartoon “The Frog Princess” is projected onto the screen (1st fragment 0:00 – 1:10).

3. Updating knowledge and conversation about oral folk art and applied arts(ditties, boring fairy tales and Russian nesting dolls) (12 min.).

1. Updating knowledge about oral folk art.

Well, we didn’t even have time to say hello when we immediately parted ways. It’s a pity for Vasilisa, she needs to be saved from Koshchei the Immortal. And where can we find the death of Koshchei, aka the Immortal?

Children give an answer to the question posed by quoting Russian folk tales (“...Kashchei’s death at the end of a needle, a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a hare, a hare in a chest, a chest on an oak tree, an oak tree...”)

That's right, guys, but let Vasilisa the Beautiful's fiancé, Ivan Tsarevich, do this, and you and I will go on a journey on our own. After all, we didn’t find ourselves in ancient times for long, only while the candle was burning.

Guys, what type of folk art did we remember? That's right, about a fairy tale. People composed different fairy tales: magical ones, about animals and everyday ones. But there were also fairy tales - boring ones. Do you know these?

Listen to them:

Once upon a time there lived a crucian carp,
And so the fairy tale began.
Once upon a time there were two burbots,
That's half the story.
Once upon a time there were three geese,
That's the whole fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a crane
He put up a stack of hay -
Should I say it again from the end?

When do you think they were told? That's right, when they didn't want to tell anything.

2. Updating knowledge about folk songs.

You and I found ourselves in a village square.

What did you guys see and hear in the village square? Right. And epics, and chants, and ditties - all these are small folklore genres. Who knows what ditties are and why the Russian people performed them?

Children give an answer to the question posed.

Of course, these are small folk songs, full of fun and enthusiasm. They performed them quickly, often going over the words. This is where the name came from - ditties. And they sang them to laugh at themselves and have fun.

Listen to the ditties of our great-grandmothers:

Like in our meadow
A mosquito bit a flea.
A woodpecker sits on a birch tree
Dies laughing.

Masha loves to dress up
Yes, he doesn’t like to wash himself.
Even though she has a beautiful face,
But whiny and lazy.

3. Updating knowledge about applied arts.

On long winter evenings people loved to make crafts. What types of folk arts and crafts do you know?

Right. Lace-making, painting, wood carving, embroidery, and knitting were dear to the Russian soul. But the children were most interested in toys. And today let's remember one toy that is not so old. She is a little over 100 years old. Guess which toy I want to remember?

There are different girlfriends nearby,
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.

Show the nesting doll assembled and disassembled.

The first matryoshka was made in Moscow. She was born in the guise of a teenage girl, dressed in a green jacket and sundress. She was holding a rooster in her hands and smiling. The sketch of the nesting doll was drawn by the artist Sergei Vasilyevich Malyutin and called it Matryona. Indeed, Matryona turned out to be not such a simpleton. The doll opened, and inside it they found little sister Matryoshka. In that one - the next one.

Then came a fair-haired boy in a red shirt, he was the last to appear. There were a total of 8 dolls in the first nesting doll. Both children and adults loved the toy.

The new product was sent to the world exhibition in Paris. Guests and traders who came from different countries were also fascinated by the Russian multi-place doll.

Orders for large quantities of nesting dolls were sent to Moscow. And today the Russian nesting doll is a welcome guest in every home. The geography of her residence covered many countries of the world.

Oh, guys, look, our candle has almost burned out, which means it’s time for us to return to the modern world. How is Vasilisa doing? Did Ivan Tsarevich manage to defeat Koshchei the Immortal and find his betrothed?

A fragment of the cartoon “The Frog Princess” is projected onto the screen (3rd fragment 3:55 – 4:10).

What a problem, he found it but can’t break the spell. Let's help him.

To do this, we will try to breathe modern life into folk art and disenchant Vasilisa the Beautiful.

4. Creative workshop (15 min).

Are there any artists, poets or writers among you? Sit at the tables according to your desires.

Now each group will create their own modern masterpiece.

Writers will come up with and write down boring fairy tales (sheets of lined paper and pens are prepared on the table),

Songwriters will come up with ditties based on the given rhymes (sheets with ready-made rhymes from modern words and pens are prepared on the table),

The artists will come up with a painting for a modern nesting doll (sheets with silhouettes of nesting dolls, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens are prepared on the table).

But first, let's remember the rules of working in groups:

Students, using modern words, plots, and visual elements, work to create group works.

5. Summing up the lesson (10 min.).

Listening to invented ditties, looking at sketches of nesting dolls, reading boring fairy tales (be sure to emphasize modern elements).

Guys, were you interested in doing folk art?

Are applied arts and folklore alive in the modern world?

So let's preserve and enhance the creativity of our ancestors!

And what about Vasilisa the Beautiful?

A fragment of the cartoon “The Frog Princess” is projected onto the screen (4th fragment 4:10 – 5:13).

Look, she comes to life, and the whole kingdom of Koshcheevo comes to life.

And at the end of the class hour, according to folk tradition, you can treat the children to sweet koloboks, only in a modern version (Chupa Chups).