Test work in the discipline Literature. Theme "Garnet Bracelet" by A.I. Kuprin. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”: genre of the work How many guests were at the festive table

Option I

a) Looking at the late Zheltkov, Vera Nikolaevna remembered that “she saw the same peaceful expression on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and ______________.”
a) Kutuzov b) Lermontov c) Napoleon d) Dantes

b) General Anosov’s words about love are especially important in the story: “Love must be ______________. The greatest secret in the world!”
a) tragedy b) art c) love d) closed

c) From the description of Vera Nikolaevna at the beginning of the story: “she was strictly simple, cold with everyone and a little patronizingly kind, independent and royally ______________.”
a) beautiful b) stately c) happy d) calm

d) “Exactly___________!” - Vera Nikolaevna thought with unexpected anxiety, looking at the bracelet given to her.
a) blood b) pomegranate c) wound d) death

e) After dinner at the Sheins’ they “usually played ___________, since both sisters were ridiculously fond of gambling”.
a) solitaire b) fool c) drunkard d) poker

a) “he lifted the red case from the table and immediately threw it in its place with disgust”

b) “Her face is of a strongly Mongolian type with quite noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which she also squinted due to myopia, with an arrogant expression in her small, sensual mouth, especially in her full face slightly pushed forward lower lip, - this face, however, captivated with some elusive and incomprehensible charm, which consisted, perhaps, in a smile, perhaps in the deep femininity of all features, perhaps in a piquant, perky, flirtatious facial expression.”

c) “sang in a low voice, to the accompaniment of Jenny Reiter, Italian folk canzonettas and Rubinstein’s oriental songs. His voice was small, but of a pleasant timbre, obedient and faithful.”

d) “despite his prominent position in society, and perhaps thanks to it, he barely made ends meet. The huge family estate was almost completely destroyed by his ancestors, and he had to live beyond his means.”

c) Zheltkov d) Vasyuchok

e) “His eyes sparkled and were deep, as if filled with unshed tears. And it was clear that he completely forgot about social decency, about who should sit where, and stopped behaving like a gentleman.”
a) Nikolai Nikolaevich b) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein
c) Zheltkov d) Gustav Ivanovich Friesse

a) “I feel sorry for this man. And not only do I feel sorry, but I also feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul, and I cannot clown around here.”
c) Zheltkov d) General Anosov

b) “It so happened that nothing in life interests me: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people.”
a) Zheltkov b) General Anosov

c) “Men are to blame; at twenty years old, jaded, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, to heroic deeds, to tenderness and adoration before love.”
a) Lieutenant Bakhtinsky b) Zheltkov
c) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein d) General Anosov

d) “Tomorrow he sends a ring with diamonds, the day after tomorrow a pearl necklace, and then, lo and behold, he will sit in the dock for embezzlement or forgery, and the princes of Shein will be called as witnesses. Nice situation!”

e) “When I look from such a height, I always have a sweet and disgusting tickling in my chest and a tingling sensation on my toes. And yet it tugs and tugs.”

Garnet bracelet"A.I.Kuprina
Option II

1) Choose the missing word:

a) Vera Nikolaevna, looking at the bracelet, “could not take her eyes off the five scarlet ______________ lights trembling inside the five garnets.”
a) beautiful b) hellish c) bloody d) burning

b) At the end of the story, the words “______________________” from Zheltkov’s letter are used as a kind of refrain.
a) “Love your neighbor as yourself” b) “Thou shalt not kill”
c) "Hallowed be it" your name" d) "Do not create an idol for yourself"

c) Vera Nikolaevna regarding her sister’s gift: “But you know, Anna, only you could have come up with the crazy idea of ​​​​turning ___________ into a ladies’ carnet.”
a) dictionary b) book c) brochure d) prayer book

d) The action in the story takes place on Vera Nikolaevna’s name day - _____________ (date).
a) September 17 b) October 19 c) September 2 d) December 31

e) Zheltkov, when meeting with Prince Shein and Vera Nikolaevna’s brother, spoke “with just his jaws, his lips were white and did not move, like __________’s.”
a) paralyzed b) dead c) inanimate d) sick

2) Which of the characters is described (characterized) this way?

a) “He transferred all his hidden tenderness of soul and the need for heartfelt love to these children, especially to girls. He himself was once married, but so long ago that he even forgot about it.”
a) Vasyuchok b) Nikolai Nikolaevich c) General Anosov d) Zheltkov

b) “She denied herself a lot and, as far as possible, saved in the household.”
a) wife of General Anosov b) Vera Nikolaevna c) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

c) “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old.”
a) Zheltkov b) Lieutenant Bakhtinsky c) Vasyuchok d) Nikolai Nikolaevich

d) “She had a rare beauty of back, chest, and shoulders. Going to big balls, she exposed herself much more than the limits allowed by decency and fashion, but they said that under her low neckline she always wore a hair shirt.”
a) wife of General Anosov b) Vera Nikolaevna
c) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

e) “Motovka, actress, slob, greedy. And the eyes are always deceitful and deceitful"
a) wife of General Anosov b) Vera Nikolaevna c) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

3) To which character do these words belong?

a) “When I see the sea for the first time, after a long time, it excites me, and makes me happy, and amazes me. It’s as if I’m seeing a huge, solemn miracle for the first time. But then, when I get used to it, it begins to crush me with its flat emptiness. I miss looking at him, and I’m trying not to look anymore. It gets boring.”
a) wife of General Anosov b) Vera Nikolaevna c) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

b) “And I want to say that people nowadays have forgotten how to love. I do not see true love. I didn’t even see it in my time!”
a) Zheltkov b) General Anosov
c) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein d) Nikolai Nikolaevich

c) “But just look, what beauty, what joy - the eye just can’t get enough of it. If you only knew how grateful I am to God for all the miracles he has done for us!”
a) wife of General Anosov b) Vera Nikolaevna c) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

d) “It seemed to me that I was present at the enormous suffering from which people die, and I even almost realized that in front of me dead man”.
a) General Anosov b) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein
c) Vasyuchok d) Gustav Ivanovich Friesse

e) “Instead of doing business, we are making some kind of melodic declamation. The question is very short”
a) Nikolai Nikolaevich b) Gustav Ivanovich Friesse
c) General Anosov d) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein

TEST “Garnet Bracelet” by A.I. Kuprin
Option III

1) Choose the missing word:

a) “Where is love? Is love unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward? The one about which it is said - “___________________”?
a) “strong as a warrior” b) “strong as death”
c) “strong as life” d) “strong as love”

b) From the description of the evening in the house of the Shein princes: “Before getting up from the table, Vera Nikolaevna mechanically counted the guests. It turned out - ______".
a) 13 b) 7 c) 12 d) 6

c) At the end of the story, pianist Jenny Reiter plays the second sonata ___________ (composer), which Zheltkov talks about in his note.
a) Bach b) Mussorgsky c) Tchaikovsky d) Beethoven

d) Vera Nikolaevna, after the news of Zheltkova’s suicide, thought to herself: “Why did I have a presentiment of this? Is it this tragic outcome? And what was it: love or ________________?”
a) illness b) attachment c) madness d) insanity

e) From the description of the bracelet: “Vera lifted the lid, lined with pale blue silk, and saw an oval _________ bracelet squeezed into black velvet.”
a) tin b) garnet c) silver d) gold

2) Which of the characters is described (characterized) this way?

a) “He had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to narrate. He based the story on a true episode, where the main actor one of those present or a mutual acquaintance appears, but he exaggerates his colors so much and at the same time speaks with such a serious face and such a businesslike tone that the listeners burst out laughing.”
a) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein b) Lieutenant Bakhtinsky
c) Vasyuchok d) Nikolai Nikolaevich

b) “he laughed loudly and enthusiastically, and his thin, smooth, shiny skin face, with slicked, thin, blond hair, with sunken eye orbits, looked like a skull, revealing very nasty teeth in laughter.”
a) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein b) Gustav Ivanovich Friesse
c) Vasyuchok d) Nikolai Nikolaevich

c) “famous in St. Petersburg as the best dancer and incomparable ball manager.”
a) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein b) Lieutenant Bakhtinsky
c) Vasyuchok d) Nikolai Nikolaevich

d) “According to modern customs, this fragment of antiquity seemed to be a gigantic and unusually picturesque figure. He combined precisely those simple, but touching and deep features that even in his time were much more common in privates than in officers, those purely Russian, peasant features that, when combined, give a sublime image that sometimes made our soldier not only invincible , but also a great martyr, almost a saint”
a) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein b) General Anosov
c) Zheltkov d) Vasyuchok

e) “took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather big hands and that charming sloping shoulders that can be seen in ancient miniatures.”
a) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse b) Vera Nikolaevna c) wife of General Anosov

3) To which character do these words belong?

a) “Is it possible to control such a feeling as love, a feeling that has not yet found an interpreter.”
a) Lieutenant Bakhtinsky b) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein
c) Zheltkov d) General Anosov

b) “If you ask the parents if the child is a vicious child - so you can imagine - they are even offended! And now the shelter is open, consecrated, everything is ready - and not a single pupil, not a single pupil!”
a) Vera Nikolaevna b) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse c) wife of General Anosov

c) “I love the forest. Do you remember the forest in Yegorovskoye?.. Can it ever get boring? Pines!.. And what mosses!.. And fly agarics! Exactly made of red satin and embroidered with white beads. The silence is so cool.”
a) Anna Nikolaevna Friesse b) wife of General Anosov c) Vera Nikolaevna

d) “The matter, in my opinion, goes beyond those boundaries where you can laugh and draw funny pictures”
a) General Anosov b) Nikolai Nikolaevich
c) Vasyuchok d) Gustav Ivanovich Friesse

e) “Mark my words that in thirty years women will occupy unheard of power in the world. They will dress like Indian idols. They will trample on us men like despicable, groveling slaves. This will be revenge.”
a) Zheltkov b) Gustav Ivanovich Friesse
c) General Anosov d) Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein


Option I
Option II

Option III

Job No.

Job No.

Job No.
















1. What genre does the work of A.I. belong to? Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”?

2. Find out the hero by description.

“... took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands and that charming sloping shoulders that can be seen in ancient Miniatures.”

3. Recognize the hero by description.

“According to modern customs, this fragment of antiquity seemed to be a gigantic and unusually picturesque figure. He combined precisely those simple, but touching and deep features that even in his time were much more common in privates than in officers, those purely Russian, peasant features that, when combined, give a sublime image that sometimes made our soldier not only invincible , but also a great martyr, almost a saint - traits consisting of an ingenuous, naive faith, a clear, good-natured and cheerful outlook on life, cold and businesslike courage, humility in the face of death, pity for the vanquished, endless patience and amazing physical and moral endurance " .

4. Recognize the hero by description.

“He was tall, thin, with long, fluffy, soft hair.”

5. Who owns the words: “Love is unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward? The one about whom it is said “strong as death”? Do you understand, the kind of love for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to suffer torment is not work at all, but pure joy”?

6. Who owns the words: “I am eternally grateful to you just for the fact that you exist. I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love with which God wanted to reward me for something?

7. What is the name of the technique used in the passage below?

“The room was very low, but very wide and long, almost square in shape. Two round windows, quite similar to steamship portholes, barely illuminated her. And the whole place looked like the wardroom of a cargo ship. Along one wall there was a narrow bed, along the other a very large and wide sofa, covered with a frayed beautiful Tekin carpet, in the middle there was a table covered with a colored Little Russian tablecloth.”

8. What is the name of the technique used in the passage below?

“Now he became completely visible: very pale, with a gentle girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; He must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old.”

9. What is the name of the technique of comparison, correlating different objects, highlighted in the passage below?

“It was gold, low-grade, very thick, but blown and on the outside completely covered with small old, poorly polished garnets. But in the middle of the bracelet towered, surrounding some strange little green stone, five beautiful cabochon garnets, each the size of a pea. When Vera, with a random movement, successfully turned the bracelet in front of the fire of an electric light bulb, then in them, deep under their smooth egg-shaped surface, lovely, rich red living lights suddenly lit up. "EXACTLY BLOOD!" - Vera thought with unexpected alarm.”

Test based on the story “Garnet Bracelet” by A.I. Kuprin.

1. State the last name, first name and patronymic of the main character.

A. Anna Nikolaevna Sheina

B. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

V. Jenny Reiter

G. Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva

2. From what holiday did the princess expect something “happy-wonderful”?

A. from New Year

B. from Christmas

V. from the arrival of her husband

G. From name day

3. What gift did Vasily Lvovich give to his wife?

A. earrings made of pear-shaped pearls

B. garnet bracelet

V. ring with pearl

G. Necklace with garnet

4. What is the name of the general who was a comrade and friend of the late father?.

A. Anosov

B. Romashov

V. Nikolaev

G. Beck - Agamalov

5. How many guests were there? festive table?

6. Which one card game were the guests playing?

G. fool

7. What property does green pomegranate have?

A. brings happiness

B. heals from serious illnesses

B. gift of foresight

G. Protects from the evil eye

8. Which one musical instrument was the general playing?

A. on the violin

B. on guitar

V. on the flute

G. on the piano

9. What color was the case with the garnet bracelet?

A. green

B. red

V. black

G. blue

10. “We all know our city well. Everyone lives exactly in…..What object is life in the city compared to?

A. in an aquarium

B. in glass jar

V. in an iron barrel

G. in a cage

11. What was Zheltkov’s room like?

A. on the pencil case

B. on the glasses case

V. to the cabin - company

G. to the pantry

12. How did the princess know about Zheltkov’s death?

A. from the newspaper

B. from the maid

V. from sister

G. from my husband

13. What position did Zheltkov hold?

A. telegraph operator

B. control chamber official

V. Assistant Prosecutor

G. General's adjutant

14. Who owns the words: “...maybe yours life path crossed the real, selfless, true love?

A. the princess's sister

B. Zheltkov

V. to the princess's brother

G. general

15. At the concerts of which composer did Zheltkov often see the princess?

A. Beethoven

B. Mozart

V. Chopin

G. Tchaikovsky

16. On what street did Zheltkov live?

A. Lutheran

B. Nevskaya

V. German

G. Jewish

17. They (the words) coincided in her thoughts with the music, that it was like verses that ended with words...

I love you!

B. I won't forget you
Q. I will love you forever.

G. Hallowed be thy name!

Compiled by: O.S. Dyatlova, teacher of Russian language and literature MKOU Novoyarkovsk secondary school, Barabinsky district Novosibirsk region

Test for knowledge of the content of A. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”

Grade 11

1) The events described begin on the coast

A. Baltic Sea

B. Black Sea

IN. Sea of ​​Azov

G. Caspian Sea

2) The main character the story's name is

A. Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

B. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova

A. Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

B. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova

4) Identify the heroine from the description: “...inherited the Mongol blood of her father, the Tatar prince...she was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker

A. Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

B. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova

5) Princess Vera's husband's name is

A. General Anosov

B. Nikolai Nikolaevich

V. Gustav Ivanovich

G. Vasily Lvovich

6) Anna Nikolaevna's husband's name is

A. General Anosov

B. Nikolai Nikolaevich

V. Gustav Ivanovich

G. Vasily Lvovich

7) Find the continuation of the phrase: “Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband has long turned into…»

A. into the same passionate hatred

B. irresistible disgust

B. feeling of solid, faithful, true friendship

G. calm, thoughtful, faithful love

8) Her husband Anna Nikolaevna

A. hated passionately

B. madly in love

V. simply idolized

G. couldn't stand it

9) Choose what was common between the sisters Vera Nikolaevna and Anna Nikolaevna:

A. were very beautiful

B. liked to flirt with men

V. were not faithful to their husbands

G. were faithful to their husbands

D. loved gambling

A. birthday

B. name day

V. housewarming

G. angel day

11) Most of all Princess Vera loved

12) Princess Sheina's friend's name was

A. Anna Nikolaevna

B. Vera Nikolaevna

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna

13) Princess Vera received a garnet bracelet as a gift from

B. lover

V. fan

14) B bracelet among the red garnets there was one garnet

A. lilac color

B. blue-black

V. black

G. Green colour

15) Zheltkov signed his letter

A. Yours before death and after death, your humble servant. G.S.J.

B. Yours before death and after death, your humble servant. Zheltkov.

B. With love and respect to you. Your G.S.J.

G. With love and respect to you. Your Zheltkov.

16) When Princess Vera received the letter, she...

A. tore it up

B. immediately hid it

V. burned it

G. showed the letter to her husband

17) This man told Vera: “... maybe your path in life... was crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

A. brother Nikolai

B. General Anosov

V. friend

G. sister Anna

A. brother Nikolai

B. Vera's husband

V. General Anosov

G. Hussar Bakhtinsky

19) Zheltkov by occupation was

A. provincial leader of the nobility

B. assistant prosecutor

V. a small official

G. city commandant

20) At the end of the events described, Zheltkov

A. moves to another city

B. kills himself

V. gets caught by the police

G. is challenged to a duel by Vera's husband

21) In his farewell letter to Vera Zheltkov asks to remember him to the music

A. Glinka

B. Tchaikovsky

V. Mussorgsky

G. Beethoven

22) Further fate bracelet: it was

A. resold

B. thrown into the sea

V. destroyed

G. hanged on an icon

23) When saying goodbye to Zheltkov Faith

A. kissed him on the forehead

B. kissed him on the cheek

V. kissed him on the lips

G. slapped him

D. hugged him

24) Who owns the saying: “The Garnet Bracelet is one of the most fragrant, yearning and saddest stories about love”?

A. Tolstoy A.K.

B. Gorky M.

V. Sholokhov M.

G. Paustovsky K.G.


Each correct answer is scored 1 point. Maximum amount The points you can score for the test are 27. Correct answers:

Number of points

Compiled by: O.S. Dyatlova, teacher of Russian language and literature, MKOU Novoyarkovsk secondary school, Barabinsky district, Novosibirsk region

Test for knowledge of the content of A. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”

Grade 11

1) The events described begin on the coast

A. Baltic Sea

B. Black Sea

V. Sea of ​​Azov

G. Caspian Sea

2) The main character of the story is called

A. Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

B. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova

A. Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

B. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova

4) Identify the heroine from the description: “...inherited the Mongol blood of her father, the Tatar prince...she was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker

A. Anna Nikolaevna Friesse

B. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova

5) Princess Vera's husband's name is

A. General Anosov

B. Nikolai Nikolaevich

V. Gustav Ivanovich

G. Vasily Lvovich

6) Anna Nikolaevna's husband's name is

A. General Anosov

B. Nikolai Nikolaevich

V. Gustav Ivanovich

G. Vasily Lvovich

7) Find the continuation of the phrase: “Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband has long turned into…»

A. into the same passionate hatred

B. irresistible disgust

B. a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship

G. calm, thoughtful, faithful love

8) Her husband Anna Nikolaevna

A. hated passionately

B. madly in love

V. simply idolized

G. couldn't stand it

9) Choose what was common between the sisters Vera Nikolaevna and Anna Nikolaevna:

A. were very beautiful

B. liked to flirt with men

V. were not faithful to their husbands

G. were faithful to their husbands

D. loved gambling

A. birthday

B. name day

V. housewarming

G. angel day

11) Most of all Princess Vera loved

12) Princess Sheina's friend's name was

A. Anna Nikolaevna

B. Vera Nikolaevna

V. Zhenya Reiter

G. Lyudmila Lvovna

13) Princess Vera received a garnet bracelet as a gift from

B. lover

V. fan

14) B bracelet among the red garnets there was one garnet

A. lilac color

B. blue-black

V. black

G. green

15) Zheltkov signed his letter

A. Yours before death and after death, your humble servant. G.S.J.

B. Yours before death and after death, your humble servant. Zheltkov.

B. With love and respect to you. Your G.S.J.

G. With love and respect to you. Your Zheltkov.

16) When Princess Vera received the letter, she...

A. tore it up

B. immediately hid it

V. burned it

G. showed the letter to her husband

17) This man told Vera: “... maybe your path in life... was crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

A. brother Nikolai

B. General Anosov

V. friend

G. sister Anna

A. brother Nikolai

B. Vera's husband

V. General Anosov

G. Hussar Bakhtinsky

19) Zheltkov by occupation was

A. provincial leader of the nobility

B. assistant prosecutor

V. a small official

G. city commandant

20) At the end of the events described, Zheltkov

A. moves to another city

B. kills himself

V. gets caught by the police

G. is challenged to a duel by Vera's husband

21) In his farewell letter to Vera Zheltkov asks to remember him to the music

A. Glinka

B. Tchaikovsky

V. Mussorgsky

G. Beethoven

22) The further fate of the bracelet: it was

A. resold

B. thrown into the sea

V. destroyed

G. hanged on an icon

23) When saying goodbye to Zheltkov Faith

A. kissed him on the forehead

B. kissed him on the cheek

V. kissed him on the lips

G. slapped him

D. hugged him

24) Who owns the saying: “The Garnet Bracelet is one of the most fragrant, yearning and saddest stories about love”?

A. Tolstoy A.K.

B. Gorky M.

V. Sholokhov M.

G. Paustovsky K.G.


Each correct answer is scored 1 point. The maximum number of points that can be scored for the test is 27. Correct answers:

Number of points