Emotional intelligence tests - what they are, examples, recommendations for solutions. Emotional Intelligence Test (EQ Test) Hall Emotional Intelligence Test

Scales: emotional awareness, emotion management, self-motivation, empathy, recognizing other people's emotions

Purpose of the test

The technique is proposed to identify the ability to understand personality relationships, represented in emotions, and to manage the emotional sphere based on decision-making. It consists of 30 statements and contains 5 scales:

1. emotional awareness;
2. managing your emotions (more likely emotional responsiveness, emotional non-rigidity);
3. self-motivation (rather just voluntary control of one’s emotions, excluding point 14);
4. empathy;
5. recognition of the emotions of other people (rather, the ability to influence the emotional state of other people).

Test instructions

Below you will be offered statements that in one way or another reflect various aspects of your life. Please write a number to the right of each statement based on your rating of your answers:

Completely disagree (-3 points).
. Mostly disagree (-2 points).
. Partially disagree (-1 point).
. Partially agree (+1 point).
. Mostly agree (+2 points).
. Completely agree (+3 points).


1. For me, both negative and positive emotions serve as a source of knowledge about how to act in life.
2. Negative emotions help me understand what I need to change in my life.
3. I am calm when I feel pressure from others.
4. I am able to observe changes in my feelings.
5. When necessary, I can be calm and focused in order to act in accordance with life's demands.
6. When necessary, I can evoke a wide range of positive emotions, such as fun, joy, inner excitement and humor.
7. I pay attention to how I feel.
8. After something upsets me, I can easily cope with my feelings.
9. I am able to listen to other people's problems.
10. I don't dwell on negative emotions.
11. I am sensitive to the emotional needs of others.
12. I can have a calming effect on other people.
13. I can force myself to face obstacles again and again.
14. I try to approach life's problems creatively.
15. I respond adequately to the moods, motives and desires of other people.
16. I can easily enter a state of calm, alertness and focus.
17. When time allows, I address my negative feelings and figure out what the problem is.
18. I am able to quickly calm down after unexpected upset.
19. Knowing my true feelings is important for staying in “good shape.”
20. I understand other people's emotions well, even if they are not expressed openly.
21. I can recognize emotions well from facial expressions.
22. I can easily put aside negative feelings when action is necessary.
23. I am good at picking up signs in communication that indicate what others need.
24. People consider me to be a good judge of other people's experiences.
25. People who are aware of their true feelings manage their lives better.
26. I am able to improve other people's moods.
27. You can consult me ​​on issues of relationships between people.
28. I am good at tuning into other people's emotions.
29. I help others use their motivations to achieve personal goals.
30. I can easily disconnect from experiencing troubles.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Scales Questions
Emotional awareness 1, 2, 4, 17, 19, 25
Managing your emotions 3, 7, 8, 10, 18, 30
Self-motivation 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 22
Empathy 9, 11, 20, 21, 23, 28
Recognizing other people's emotions 12, 15, 24, 26, 27, 29

Levels of partial emotional intelligence according to the sign of the results:

14 or more - tall;
. 8-13 - average;
. 7 or less - low.

The integrative level of emotional intelligence, taking into account the dominant sign, is determined by the following quantitative indicators:

70 or more - high;
. 40-69 - average;
. 39 or less is low.


Diagnosis of “emotional intelligence” (N. Hall) / Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuylov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. – M., Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy. 2002. P.57-59

In the 20th century the focus was on IQ, not on EQ. The concept of IQ was conceived at the end of the 19th century and was initially used as a predictor of academic success. As the concept of IQ became popularized it was more and more used as a predictor not only of academic success but also of work success.

While it is true that people with a high IQ are more likely to be “successful” at work than people with low IQ, there is a large gap in the correlation between IQ and success. Many people with low IQ are successful, while many people with a high IQ are unsuccessful. If you look at success at work and also success in private life, it is even more obvious that IQ alone does not determine success.

In everyday life, you can see examples of people with high IQ who are not able to achieve success in their work despite their superior academic abilities:

  • A highly intelligent manager in a manufacturing company is unable to control his anger when faced with mistakes made by his team. He yells at people, his team fears him and both he and his team are unproductive.
  • A highly intelligent teenager is not able to get himself motivated to study for school.
  • Even though he has superior learning abilities, he sits all day in front of his computer playing video games. Eventually, he has no academic success and drops out.
  • A highly intelligent computer programmer is required to work with other programmers on a large project. Even though he has exceptional programming skills, he is unable to communicate effectively with other team members. His work is inferior despite his programming skills and superior IQ.

A highly intelligent researcher is promoted to a management position within her research facility.

Even though her research skills are excellent, she is very shy and afraid to speak in front of a group. With her lack of confidence, she is unable to lead the group and the overall result of the research facility is disappointing.

In all of these cases, you see individuals with superior IQ who are not successful because of problems related to their emotions: lack of emotional control, lack of motivation, lack of communication skills and lack of leadership skills.

The concept of EQ developed in the 1990s. Before that time, the sole focus was on IQ.

The concept of IQ was developed around 1900. It was in 1900 that Alfred Binet, one of the founding fathers of the IQ concept, began administering IQ tests to school children.

In 1918, the US army started testing all their recruits for IQ. In the following decades, IQ became more and more popularized, so much so that it is now a household word.

  1. From 1900 to 1990, the only focus was on IQ and not on EQ. Around 1990, people came to realize that IQ was not the only predictor of success. There were other important components influencing success in private life and business life that were not captured by IQ.
  2. However, there was no unified concept for other components that influenced success.
  3. The first attempt to include emotional factors into the IQ was "Success Intelligence", a concept developed by Howard Gardner. According to Gardner, the IQ could predict success only if it included components in addition to the traditional “verbal,” “mathematical” and “visual” intelligence. The "Success Intelligence", according to Gardner, has seven components:
  4. Verbal/Linguistic
  5. Logical/Mathematical
  6. Visual/Spatial
  7. Musical




The first three components (verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial) are included in the traditional concept of IQ. The musical and bodily/kinesthetic components reflect a general skill level in important activities of music and sport. The last two components, interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence, relate to emotions and are predecessors of the current definition of EQ.

For more than 100 years, psychologists have measured IQ. For even longer, psychologists have measured human personality. IQ and personality were thought to describe the complete human psychology.

Personality tests measured the inherent personality traits and IQ tests measured the intellectual skills.

This was thought to be a complete measure of human psychology.

However, before the introduction of the EQ concept, there was a “gap”: there were some kinds of skills that were neither part of the set of IQ skills nor part of the personality. Also, it was noticeable that the IQ did not correlate well with success. It was long known that there were factors other than IQ that could explain success and that many of these factors had to do with emotions.

However, these factors were often seen as part of the personality.

For example, persons of low intelligence might be successful because they were “people persons” or because they were highly motivated. On the other hand, persons of high intelligence may be unsuccessful because theye were shy or lacked initiative.

However, the above traits are not personality traits but rather “personality skills”.

A person might have a personality trait of being introverted but still have a personality skill of being a “people person”. While IQ and EQ describe a skill level, personality does not.

The EQ measures your emotional skill level. It measures your ability to understand your emotions, to control your emotional reactions, to motivate yourself, to understand social situations and to communicate well with others. It is a good predictor of success in your private life but not good, in itself, at predicting success at school or work. However, the combination of EQ and IQ is an excellent predictor of success at school, work and in private life.

The three circles in the diagram above overlap. This is to show that while EQ, IQ and personality are independent, there are some correlations. People who have a “thinking oriented” personality tend to have a higher IQ but lower EQ than people who have a “feeling oriented” personality.

This is not to say that every person who is “feeling oriented” will have a high EQ and a low IQ, but there is some correlation between the two. Also, people who are introverted tend to have a higher IQ but lower EQ than people who are extroverted.

People with a low IQ tend to have a low EQ; as the IQ increases, EQ generally increases also.

However, as the IQ becomes very high, the EQ generally decreases. This is not to say that there are no low IQ people who have a high EQ or that there are no IQ geniuses who also have a high EQ, but worldwide research indicates these trends.

  1. Emotional Competencies
  2. No single competence defines your EQ.
  3. In fact, the EQ Test consists of five components:
  4. Self Awareness
  5. Self Management

Auto Motivation

Social Awareness

Relationship Management

What is emotional intelligence?

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), describes the ability to perceive, and manage the emotion of one's self, of others, and of groups.
  • Defining Emotional Intelligence
  • There are a lot of arguments about the definition of EI. Up to the present day, there are three main models of EI:

Ability Based EI Models

Mixed Models of EI

The ability based model views emotions as useful sources of information that help one to make sense of and navigate the social environment.

The model explains that individuals vary in their ability to process information of an emotional nature and in their ability to relate emotional processing to a wider cognition. This ability is seen to manifest itself in certain adaptive behaviors.

    The model proposes that EI includes 4 types of abilities:

    Perceiving Emotions: the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural artifacts- including the ability to identify one’s own emotions. Perceiving emotions represents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it makes all other processing of emotional information possible.

    Using Emotions: the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand.

    Understanding Emotions: the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve over time.

Defining Emotional Intelligence

Managing Emotions: the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals.

Emotional Competencies Model

The EI model introduced by Daniel Goleman focuses on EI as a broad array of competencies and skills that drive managerial performance, measured by multi-rater assessment and self-assessment (Bradberry and Greaves, 2005). In "Working with Emotional Intelligence" (1998), Goleman explored the function of EI on the job, and claimed EI to be the strongest predictor of success in the workplace, with more recent confirmation of these findings on a worldwide sample seen in Bradberry and Greaves, "The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book" (2005).

    Goleman's model outlines four main EI constructs:

    Self Awareness: The ability to read one's emotions and recognize their impact while using gut feelings to guide decisions.

    Social Awareness: The ability to sense, understand, and react to other's emotions while comprehending social networks.

    Relationship Management: the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while managing conflicts.

Goleman includes a set of emotional competencies within each construct of EI. Emotional competencies are not innate talents, but rather learned capabilities that must be worked on and developed to achieve outstanding performance. Goleman posits that individuals are born with a general emotional intelligence that determines their potential for learning emotional competencies.

Bar-On Model of Emotional-Social Intelligence

Psychologist Reuven Bar-On (2006) developed one of the first measures of EI that used the term "Emotion Quotient".

He defines emotional intelligence as being concerned with effectively understanding oneself and others, relating well to people, and adapting to and coping with the immediate surroundings to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands. Bar-On posits that EI develops over time and that it can be improved through training, programming, and therapy.

Bar-On hypothesizes that those individuals with higher than average EQ are in general more successful in meeting environmental demands and pressures. He also notes that a deficiency in EI can mean a lack of success and the existence of emotional problems. Problems in coping with one’s environment are thought, by Bar-On, to be especially common among those individuals lacking in the sub-scales of reality testing, problem solving, stress tolerance, and impulse control. In general, Bar-On considers emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence to contribute equally to a person’s general intelligence, which then offers an indication of one’s potential to succeed in life.

Trait EI Model

The trait EI model is general and subsumes the Goleman and Bar-On models discussed above.

Petrides is a major critic of the ability-based model and the MSCEIT arguing that they are based on "psychometrically meaningless" scoring procedures.

The conceptualization of EI as a personality trait leads to a construct that lies outside the taxonomy of human cognitive ability. This is an important distinction in as much as it bears directly on the operationalization of the construct and the theories and hypotheses that are formulated about it.EQ, Emotional Quotient, Social Intelligence) - this concept is closeIQ (), intelligence quotient

but in which the basis is not a person’s intellectual abilities, but his ability to manage his own emotions and empathy for other people. The second common name for the same concept is social intelligence.

The Emotional Intelligence Assessment measures a range of aspects of emotional intelligence to predict your ability to understand and manage your emotions and predict the emotional reactions of others. When used in testing applicants for employment EQ the test may include a wide range oftest questions, usually presented in the form of questionnaires or mini-cases - scenarios of specific work situations in the workplace. Each situation involves 2 or more parties who somehow interact in the workplace

(colleagues, manager and subordinate, employee and client, etc.). Tests emotional intelligence is widely used at work where a lot of communication is required every day - in call centers of banks and mobile operators, in the positions of operator, sales and customer support managers, as well as for managers at all levels, including in the Russian government at the federal and regional level. For managers, the ability to recognize emotions and empathize is even more important - it is part of the required skills for effective management. Social intelligence tests are a large part of the tests for managerial potential of the Leaders of Russia competition. (You can learn more about the tests of the Leaders of Russia competition in our special articles )

AndMostpopularmiand trustworthy testamion emotional intelligence isYutsyaHall, Lucin, Guilford tests and also the test( MSCEIT) Mayer-Salovey-Caruso

, which contains 144 control questions. What measures

emotional intelligence test? Because EQ tests used for assessment aspects of emotional intelligence, test questions ov vary depending on which component of emotional intelligence they measure.

Most emotional intelligence tests measure all or only some of the following components:

  • The ability to recognize emotions from facial expressions.
  • The ability to understand and use emotions to predict the behavior of others.
  • The ability to determine people's emotions by their behavior.
  • The ability to understand how certain actions contribute to emotions in ourselves and others
  • Ability to identify types of emotions
  • The ability to understand how to use emotions to facilitate interactions between people.
  • Ability to understand the nature of different emotions.

Examples of tests foremotional intellect

Let's look at the following simple test question on emotional intelligence:

Lily felt stressed and alarm hoo when I thought about everything that the work she needed to do. When her the manager appointed another extra project for her, she felt ____. (Choose the best one option .)

a) stunned

b) depression

c) shame

d) shyness (awkwardness)

d) fright (panic)

Correct answer - " depression.” Lily felt stressed before the boss assigned her a new job . Extra work, by appointment given to her when she was already stressed only intensified the feeling and made her feel depressed.

Recommendations for solving emotional intelligence tests

Many job applicants consider the emotional/social intelligence test very difficult the following reasons:

  • Test questions may be ambiguous
  • Test questions require people to deal with situations outside their comfort zone(conflicts)

Based on our experience, the two most difficult tasks whensolving tests onEQare the ability to recognize And identify emotionsexpressed verballyand the ability to predict people's emotional reactions.Skills of this kind come only with long-term practice in communicating with people.

But you can learn how to pass EQ tests. As always, the main thing is practice and experience.

(colleagues, manager and subordinate, employee and client, etc.). on social/emotional intelligence are designed to involve you emotionally in a situation and thus elicit a spontaneous response from you based on your experience and intuition. However, the only winning strategy is to study the situation calmly and detachedly in order to understand the goals and state of the parties and weigh the available options. Think carefully about what you want to show the employer by choosing one answer option or another.

Your goal when taking EQ tests is to demonstrate that you can recognize and understand other people's emotions. Therefore, we recommend that when selecting answers, you prioritize respect for the feelings of people as demonstrated in the test script. The worst answer choice is one that ignores the other party's opinion.

In each test, not 1, but 3-4 parameters are usually studied. For example, in addition to recognizing and respecting other people's emotions, you may be required to demonstrate skills such as:

  • persuasiveness
  • persistence in achieving results
  • loyalty to the company and consideration of its interests
  • flexibility
  • effective communication skills
  • ability to find solutions
  • good faith
  • accuracy

All these skills can and should be demonstrated in such a way that the interests of all parties to the conflict, which is described in the EQ test scenario, are taken into account.

Let's look at some examples of emotional intelligence tests. In these tests, in order to successfully pass the test, you need to find a balance between taking into account the emotional state of the interlocutor and solving a specific work task.

Example of a personality test for EQ 2

The correct answer and detailed explanation of this test can be found at the end of the article. We recommend that you first try to take the test and determine the correct answer yourself.

Example of a personality test for EQ 3

The correct answer and detailed explanation of this test can be found at the end of the article. We recommend that you first try to take the test and determine the correct answer yourself. This test is more difficult because you need to score 1 instead of all 5 answer options. You have 2 minutes to solve this test.

Tests for emotional/social intelligence are included in the section of psychological or, as they are called, situational tests. Read more about the types and types of such tests in our special articles:

OnHRLiderWe have prepared for you a large section of online psychological tests, divided by profession and management level: psychological tests for managers, for sales department specialists, for office and administrative positions and for call center operators. Most of the 200 psychological tests include sections to assess emotional intelligence. If you have to take a test forEQget trained forHRLiderand in 3-4 days you will understand the basic principles and rules of such tests and learn how to quickly and correctly determine the desired answer.

Correct answers and explanation of sample tests

Emotional Intelligence Test 1

Emotional Intelligence Test 2

Emotional Intelligence Test 3

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The famous American psychologist Daniel Goleman came to the conclusion that people with high emotional intelligence (EQ) are often more successful than people with high IQ. It is EQ that improves a person’s quality of life and makes him more adaptable to life.

website has created a simple 10-question test to test your EQ level.

4. At a meeting, a friend behaves irritably: she is nervous, sarcastic, snaps. You:

5. A disgruntled conductor on the bus was rude to you or insulted you. What's your reaction?

6. You are walking in the park with a group of small children, one of them starts crying because they don’t want to play with him. Your actions?

7. Your colleague dressed strangely. You noticed it. What will you do?

8. My husband comes home late. You are sitting at home with your child. You suddenly feel irritated and it increases. What happens next?

9. You got a job as a sales manager. But for 2 months nothing has worked out for you. What will be your actions?

1. “I guess I'm just not suited for this job. I’ll work for another 2 months. If nothing changes, I’ll change jobs.”

2. “I’ll analyze why I can’t do my job effectively. I will identify the reasons for ineffectiveness. I’ll improve my sales skills and try to change my approach to work.”

10. Your friend asked you to lie to her boyfriend that she was with you last night. You lied to him. What do you feel?

1. “I just feel bad, that’s all.”

2. “On the one hand, she is my friend and I must protect and support her in everything. On the other hand, I am ashamed of my actions and my senseless lies. I feel sorry for her boyfriend. And, frankly, I’m angry at myself for doing this to him.”


If you have the majority of answers under No. 1, then you should learn to better understand other people’s emotions, control your feelings and react correctly. This will help you become happier both at work and in your personal life.

According to research by famous scientist Travis Bradberry, 90% of successful people have high emotional intelligence.

If you have the majority of answers under number 2, then your emotional intelligence is already at a high level. Then dare to conquer the world, because you already have all the cards in your hands.