The girl’s feelings are not mutual, what should I do? You love her, but she doesn't reciprocate. Why

It would be stupid if a girl doesn’t respond and you text her nonstop. As a rule, you need to wait a day and write more. If there is no answer, wait another 2 days and try again. If not again, 3 days. But you can always answer her one of:

Sorry, I forgot about you, I was X!

Note: X is something very valuable, fun, noisy. For example, a festival or a legendary party. A text like this shows that you're not going crazy because she's not responding. You have other interesting things to do.

You failed the reaction speed test =P
You are the worst texter, I give you the thumbs up probation
Oh my God! Were you kidnapped, enslaved, or what?
What's happened? Damn it, am I going to have to bail you out in jail again?)

Note: see other SMS messages that can be sent in such cases in the bonus section “Cold Numbers”.

How to go from text to sex in three days?

Now that you have a bunch of work SMS examples in your arsenal, you’re probably thinking, how can I use them all?

Below is a simple step-by-step guide on how to get a number and set up a date with a girl in three days or less.

DAY 1: take a number

Most guys are afraid to take numbers from girls. And completely in vain. Giving a girl a number means absolutely nothing. This is not a promise of sex. The first thing you need is to naturally approach beautiful girl and attract attention. Then confidently take the number. Forget about asking girls for numbers before. You don't need to ask for a number, you need to TAKE it. So the phrase “can I have your number?” is obviously a losing option. Instead, just tell the girl to give it to you.

Example: let's exchange numbers, and if we like each other in communication, then perhaps we will meet again and go somewhere.

This phrase is usually easier and faster to interest a girl during the day (especially if this does not happen in a bar or nightclub), because you don’t have to worry about other guys who can take her away from you, or her friends, there are no others irritants.

If you are having problems meeting people on the street, in a club or at an institute, write to me or call 8-913-01-01-003. You have the opportunity to use a bonus 30-minute consultation, during which I will teach you the “attracting in 2 minutes” method. Using this method, you will reduce the time it takes to get to know a girl and arrange a date with her.

After you have received the girl's number, write to her within 5 minutes:

Hey cutie, such a random acquaintance. Are you always so nice to strangers?

Most likely, she will answer you “no, not often, you just seemed very nice.”

Now is the time to check it out. Girls love men who challenge them. It's human nature, we always like things that are hard to get. So challenge her in a fun way by sending her something like:

Let's check, what would you prefer - pillow fights or a bedtime story?

After sending the answer, she will be tormented as to whether she answered correctly. I wait a while before I answer. That’s why I’m writing to her that I’ll call you back later. Like this:

I'll call you later

So she's waiting for my call. I call on the same day if there was little interest on her part, or the next day if she was very seduced.

DAY 2: Tease or call her

If the girl is very driven, then you can safely call and make an appointment with her. If not, then it's time to show all your resourcefulness, let her know that you are not one of the boring guys who mostly surround her.

All SMS with humor, flirting, role reversal, etc. work here. After her response to your cool SMS, when she answered you in the same spirit, it’s time to create a situation after which she simply cannot help but answer your call.

Me: Hey, beautiful red princess. What's up with you this week?
She: very busy, except Thursday
Me too. I'll have time on Thursday. Have you been to St. Patrick's Cafe?
She: I don’t remember, probably not
Me: What, really?! Yes, they have the coolest drinks, and they even have a fire show!
She: really? Must visit)
Me: It’s certainly surprising that you weren’t there, but I’ll tell you what. Let's meet there and sit for coffee. But just promise that you will behave decently :)
She: I think I can try)
Me: Are you recording our meeting with a pen or pencil?
Me: I need to know if I need to prepare a backup plan for this day!
She: pen, you don’t need a plan
I: good girl, see you later:)

DAY 3: Create more attraction and get a date

If she doesn't pick up the phone or call you back on the second day, then you can either ignore her day or create more attraction in your communication and still set up a date.

To do this you need to show her how creative and cheerful you are, play games with her role-playing games. All this will show that you are fun and unpredictable.

After role-playing (or any other) game, you can either go to the call or send SMS again. If she didn’t pick up the phone or call you back on the second day, then use one of the SMS options from the “Inviting a Date” section, or the following 2-step method:

Step 1: Find out about her plans

Most guys will ask “what are you doing on Friday, I want to meet you”, to which she will answer “I have plans” or something similar, to which you will have nothing to answer.

Instead, if you ask about her schedule first to find out what days she is free. Then she will not be able to answer you that she has her own plans on the day you propose.

Hey fidget, what's up with your schedule this week?
What evening do you say you are free this week?

Step 2: Tell us about your plans

Before you make an appointment with her, tell her what you will be doing on the day she is free. It must be something interesting and fun, so that she cannot miss it and avoid the meeting. The trick is that you can embellish your current plans a little, but don't lie to her, just tell her how cool it is!

I decided to go to (cafe name), they have the coolest cocktails and the bartenders let fire out of their mouths!

She will most likely respond that it sounds great. This will show her interest in meeting you. She will expect you to call her for a meeting. But don't show that you really want it. Let him suffer.

Hmm, you seem like the perfect partner in crime. It’s decided, be ready at seven, I’ll pick you up, but promise me you’ll take something to eat with you)

Notice that I did a little trick. I shifted my focus from telling her that I would pick her up to telling her to take her with her for a snack. This is a cool trick, your proposal is simply “swallowed”. You can use this in different situations - when you take her number, invite her to go somewhere, for example, to your bedroom). This disarms her and you are in control.

Now be sure to call and verbally confirm the time and place of your meeting. For a more productive call, see the bonus materials.

DAY 4: Date

Write to her 15 minutes before the meeting that you will be late for 5 minutes. This will help you know if she will resist and resent you. If yes, then send her SMS options from the “Checks” section to put her in her place.

That's it, the girl comes on a date interested in you as much as possible. Then just don't spoil anything.

It's not uncommon for a guy to be unable to get a girl's attention. How to win a girl's attention? There are many ways to get a girl's attention. This is exactly what we will talk about.

You need to understand that very often girls like to torment a potential guy. She is curious about how interested you are in her. She also evaluates your attempts to gain attention. Sometimes a girl gets so carried away by a guy’s attempts that they begin to manipulate him. So it’s worth soberly assessing the girl’s actions. It may not be quite right for you. If it suits you, then you need to look for an approach to the girl. After all, the wrong approach can push a girl away.

Let's look at methods on how to get a girl's attention:

1. Be unpredictable. Girls love intrigue and sudden surprises. Do something unusual. Just give flowers or invite them to a restaurant. Or write her a romantic letter and throw it in her purse. and see what the girl’s reaction will be.

2. The fewer girls we love... Indeed, the less we love a girl, the easier it is for her to like us. Don't be annoying. Girls really don't like it when... Try to cool down and unwind a little. Then do a good deed for the girl and step aside. Then the girl will start to get bored and will let you know that she wants your attention.

3. Girls love with their ears. Therefore, you need to communicate beautifully. Perhaps you don't know how to flirt? Then it's worth learning. There are many . Girls also love it when a man speaks confidently and decisively. After all, you future husband, which means they must be the owner and protector.

4. A person is colored by his actions. Words are certainly good, but what about in reality? Words alone cannot achieve reciprocity from a girl. You need to surprise her with your actions. Give her something nice. Or do something she's only dreamed of. Take action.

5. Ingenuity. If a girl is tense and turns away or avoids you, then you should think about it. Perhaps you took the wrong path to her heart. Love is like a battlefield. But war is war, and the main thing here is maneuvers. Look for other ways. Perhaps you are not knocking on the door of her heart, but on a blank wall and she cannot hear it.

I advise you not to be upset if there is no reciprocity from the girl. You have thousands of options to experiment and get her attention. And try not to bother the girl. They really don't like it. As they say, knock and it will be opened to you.

There are times in life when you fall deeply in love. A super alpha male, a strong middle man, and the last suffocating one can fall in love. And most importantly, they will behave absolutely the same. But, man, even when you're in love, you should use your head. You're a cool guy, other women love you, you really have undeniable advantages, but she doesn't pay any attention to you. Absolutely none! I mean in a sexual way. Our article is not even about the friend zone, although the friend zone will also appear in it, and more than once. You love her, you try, but she, bitch, does not reciprocate. Why?

1. You try too hard to get it.

In trying to seduce some person, we forget that we look like beggars at the subway: begging, humiliating and absolutely insignificant. If you think that girls feel pity for such dudes, then you are partly right, but most of them feel sorry for this increased attention just awkwardness. And we understand them. Once we even had an article “He who seeks will not find.” And here it is, by the way. The girl likes the effect of the chase, and also when you surround her with care, but are not ready to fall to your knees at the very first click of her fingers to kiss her legs. This is painful, man!

2. She knows she can have you easily.

Girls also don’t like accessibility, because the myth that a real man is the one who came, saw, fucked, grabbed him and dragged him away is firmly entrenched in their heads. And here she can twist you as she pleases, stop humiliating yourself! These girls are pushed into the friend zone, do you know why? Because that’s what this slut needs! The point here is not that you have to act like a complete asshole, sending her to fuck her at will. You shouldn't grovel and look like you're ready to walk her dog thirty times every day. Simply put, respect yourself, dude! And you will be happy.

3. You're not her type

I remember I had a friend who had a special obsession about beautiful hands from the guys. Precisely the hands. Another distant friend was crazy about doctors, probably because her first boyfriend was a medical student. Girls, like people in general, have strange tastes. There are girls who love a strictly certain type of guy, but guys who are somehow different from their ideas of “beautiful” do not excite them. Some people like tall brunettes, some prefer blondes, some like guys the same height as them, some have no preferences at all - they take everyone, the main thing is that there is a guy nearby. It's simple, dude!

4. She only sees you as a friend.

Dude, that's not the point here. It happens that you know a girl for a very long time and gradually fall deeply in love with her. This could be your flatmate, it could be your sister's friend, a classmate or fellow student. That's the trouble: she doesn't perceive you as a guy, but tries in every possible way to be friends with you, while the friendship is ruined by the fact that one of her subjects has a crush on the other. The chance that she will see you as an object of desire, and not “Kolka from the fifth “A”, with whom we stole a cool magazine together,” is small.

5. She's in love with someone else

If a girl is deeply in love with someone else, all the people around her cease to exist! I'm serious! The girl falls into a strange prostration and stops noticing how you are so handsome running around with a large bouquet of flowers. There's nothing you can do about it, man!

6. She's sure you're incompatible.

The stupidest reason that girls believe in, no matter what, and that can deceive you is belief in horoscopes. If you are a Leo and she is an Aquarius, then you will never be together! But this is bullshit, man! Some girls are sure that they will be incompatible with rich, poor, smart, stupid, short, people without a sense of humor and without common topics of conversation (the last two points are the honest truth). You may not have a few things that a girl is sure the guy she wants to date should have.

7. She's a lesbian

A simple and stupid reason. She plays in a different league! This is not always noticeable at first glance.

8. She has high demands on others

There is nothing worse than the condition that you somehow do not fully meet these requirements. Some bastard inspired this girl that she was almost a princess, that she was incredibly smart and devilishly beautiful, which means that she only needs a prince or some kind of oligarch. It is not necessary to have beauty, intelligence and education - you just need to convince yourself of their presence.

9. Family influence

Perhaps she even liked you, but when she told her parents about you, they unanimously said that they did not want their child to hang out with “this young man.” Perhaps you seem frivolous to them, perhaps they just want to control her completely, or perhaps for some reason they think that you are not a man. It happens, man!

10. She's not ready for a relationship.

She sees you running around her and wanting something more than just sex without strings attached. But she is not ready for this now. Perhaps she is worried about a past relationship or she simply doesn’t want to be with someone right now.

11. She has no idea that you like her.

Instead of telling her to her face: “Woman, I love you, let’s date!”, you make some kind of heresy out of hints, half-hints and winks on Facebook (what kind of gayness is that?). If you seriously think that women understand hints better than directness, then you are very mistaken. EVERYONE understands directness better and values ​​it most of all, man! So, if you have never said this to her face, she most likely does not even know about it.