The most interesting women in the world. The most famous mistresses and lustful women in history. The most fatal women in history

We believe that this is indeed the case. And it also seems to us that for great achievements a woman sometimes doesn’t need a man at all. One way or another, greatness suits ladies, and let’s see this together.


She, on a par with Homer, can be called the founder of Western literature. Just read these lines:

"He is equal to the gods in bliss,
Who sits next to you, listening
To your enchanting speeches,
And he sees how she melts in languor,
From these lips to his lips
A young smile flies."

After a short struggle, more than 200,000 army men were defeated and, as the Celts blocked their retreat, they were also killed. Her name, Roxelan, was only a Turkish nickname, in fact her name is Anastasia Lisovska. Thanks to her dexterity, the girl was able to work on the best concubine in the harem in order to get Sultan Suleiman Neotya, who fell in love with her. The men were not only Turkish society itself, but also other concubines. However, Roxelana managed to scroll through the chest and capture the intrigue, and she had several hussar pieces.

To the Mistress, Sappho, translation by V.V. Krestovsky

Joan of Arc

She led the army, saved the lives of thousands of people, accepted death with dignity, and was rightly canonized.

Queen Elizabeth I

The Sultan accepted this formally for his wife, which may seem normal, but it was unheard of for a Sultan in Ottoman Empire. Being former slave, he only succeeded in his history of the Ottoman Empire. Of course, before the wedding she converted to Islam, and after the wedding she took the name Hurrem Sultan. Being the only woman of the Sultan, she had a special privilege and she could give birth to more than one child. She excelled not only in Harem affairs, but also in art, diplomacy, and had enormous power and influence.

This is not a slum called the Sultanate of Women. The eldest son of another prominent concubine, Mustafa, was convicted and executed for several crimes. But Sultan Mustafa's boredom was just the result of Roxelan's intrigue and attention to him and his mother Mahidrevan, her life coach. Roxalana died in her sleep as a 53-year-old. Ethnicity is still ongoing.

She managed to rally an entire nation around herself, saved the people, ruled wisely and fairly, and is considered one of the most worthy monarchs in the entire history of mankind.

Maud Gonne

Maud Gonne McBride was an Anglo-Irish revolutionary, feminist and actress, muse of the poet William Butler Yeats. His lines are dedicated to her:

Most historians believe that they were from Ukraine, but they also think of Polish or Ruthenian origin. Being barren, she was abandoned by two husbands and eventually converted to Christianity. Alice showed strong signs of schizophrenia, and although her parents tried everything to cure it, it was unsuccessful. As the woman stated, the spirit of the Italian soldier Lakwen, who was a captain and died in the First World War in the Nile, entered her. After spending 40 days alone in the desert, she, with her incredible charisma, tried to place herself in the vanguard of the rebels.

May I have the skies
Embroidered with gold and silver
And blue and pale and dark covers
Shining in the morning, midnight silver.
I would lay them at your feet.

But I am a poor man and I have only dreams;
I spread dreams at your feet;
Walk lightly, you trample on my dreams.

Maria Skłodowska-Curie

But the guilty and poorly armed rebel army ignored her, and Alice began to wander the land and build her army. As Alice claimed, more spirits were settled in it: a certain Franco Zaira and several Koreans and Arabs. She often spoke with unknown words and inspired many natives who considered her to be a saint. Gradually the army received only 15,000 soldiers, but they were ruthlessly armed, but they had an incredible victory. She called her army the Army of the Holy Spirit and imposed strict rules - no alcohol or tobacco, and the army had to live in celibacy.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie is a French experimental scientist of Polish origin, teacher, public figure. She was awarded the Nobel Prize twice: in physics and chemistry.

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange is an American photographer and photojournalist. She became famous thanks to her works reflecting the period of the Great Depression in the USA, and made a huge contribution to the development of the direction of documentary photography. The most famous work- "Migrant mother."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, American public figure, wife of US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Billie Holiday

Billie Holiday, real name Eleanor Fagan - American singer, who largely influenced the development of jazz vocals with her original singing style. If you haven't heard her songs "Don`t explain", which will make you feel all the pain and sadness of this world, and "Lover Man", which will restore your faith in life, do it immediately.

Ingrid Bergman

Ingrid Bergman is a Swedish and American actress. In the American Film Institute's ranking of the 100 greatest movie stars of 100 years according to AFI, he ranks 4th. In 1942, Ingrid Bergman played Ilsa Land in the film Casablanca - one of the most striking and famous roles in her fruitful acting career.

Katharine Hepburn

Katherine Haughton Hepburn is an American actress who has been nominated for an Academy Award twelve times and won four times, more than any other actor or actress in history.

The Supremes

The Supremes are an American girl group and trio. Considered the most successful American musical group 1960s and is still considered the most successful women's group. The Supremes performed in the styles of rhythm and blues, pop, soul and disco.

Gloria Steinem

American journalist, feminist, social and political activist, who is known throughout the world as the leader of the feminist movement in the 1960s and early 1970s of the 20th century. Nina Simone

Bond girl

Let it exist on cinema screens in a wide variety of guises. One thing is certain: this is the very case when behind a great man there is a great woman.

Janis Joplin

American rock singer, considered the best white blues singer and one of the greatest vocalists in the history of rock music. In 1995, Janis Joplin was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; in 2005 - awarded the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding achievements; in 2013 - received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Joplin ranks 46th on the 50 greatest performers of all time" by Rolling Stone magazine.

Julia Child

Julia Child is an American French chef, author and co-author of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and a presenter on American television. Thanks to eq, we know that French cuisine can be accessible to everyone, and the way to a man’s heart truly lies through his stomach!

Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono Lennon, known as Yoko Ono, is a Japanese avant-garde artist, singer and artist, widow of John Lennon.

Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon - American film actress, Oscar winner. The most famous roles the actress played after forty years.

Dolly Parton

Dolly Rebecca Parton is an American country singer and film actress who has written over six hundred songs and reached the top position of the country charts twenty-five times.

Golda Meir

Golda Meir - Israeli political and statesman, 5th Prime Minister of Israel, Minister of the Interior of Israel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Minister of Labor and social security Israel.

Indira Gandhi

Indian politician, Prime Minister of India in 1966-1977 and 1980-1984. Indira was able to transform India from a poor country into a rapidly growing and developing state. US President Richard Nixon called her an “old hag,” which, in our opinion, sounds more like a compliment.

Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from mother's milk - is what saturates us with love for life!

M. Gorky

In wonderful spring holiday March 8, so beloved by everyone, let's talk about famous and most worthy women oh, whom the human earth has known.

Wide popularity in history is not always commensurate with the contribution that a person made to the common good. Some ascended to the Olympus of glory simply thanks to their natural abilities, without particularly zealousness, and remain there for centuries, others have done a great many good deeds, sometimes not sparing themselves and, unfortunately, their names are forgotten over time.

Let's name here just a few of the women who, by the will of fate, became popular in history, whose names, even after centuries, and sometimes millennia, time cannot erase from human memory... Let's start in accordance with chronology.

Cleopatra(69 - 30 BC) - the last Egyptian queen from the Ptolemaic dynasty. This dynasty ruled Egypt for three centuries and 21 of them belonged to the reign of Cleopatra. This heroic woman was distinguished by extraordinary charm, natural beauty and magnificent grace, education and enlightenment, extraordinary intelligence and thinking worthy of a great ruler. She knew several languages ​​and spoke some dialects. Cleopatra has passed life path full of bright ups and downs, love affairs and romances, intrigues and adventures. For just one night spent in her arms, the man was ready to give his life. This is a woman! Cleopatra lived for 38 years and ended her life voluntarily, exposing her hand to a poisonous snake, thereby preferring to die with her beloved Anthony than to be captured by the Roman enemies. Unfortunately, the great queen did not end her life brilliantly, both for herself and for her country, and the reason for this may have been her excessive vanity and thirst for unlimited power. But who knows? However, the name of Cleopatra has not left the lips of descendants for more than two thousand years.

Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God(ca. 16-20 BC and lived about 75 years) - the mother of our God and man Jesus Christ. This amazingly modest woman who looks at us from the icons Christian churches and thins the great light of goodness and grace, she herself has become the personification of all that is holy. Turning to her with prayers, believers sometimes see the Divinity in her. And this is understandable, because she gave birth to our God, and her blood flows in him.

The entire meek appearance and life path of this unusual woman is a shining example a respectable daughter, a pious wife and a compassionate mother.

The Mother of God tirelessly followed Her Son on his journeys, worrying and worrying about him, as any mother would do. Realizing who her child was, she made a lot of efforts to take care of his rest and peace, to which she always received Jesus’ disagreement. She dedicated every second of her life to serving her son, from birth to his crucifixion and ascension. And despite the severity of the grief she experienced, the pain that tore through her heart, when the ignorant crowd mocked holiness itself, and the blood froze on her son’s brow, she did not utter a word. Not a word of reproach to fate, not a single curse leaves her lips. She submits everything to God's judgment.
And after the Ascension of Christ earthly path The feast of the Mother of God was still quite long and fruitful. She carried her son’s teaching to people not with words, but with her deeds.

Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans(6 January 1412 - 30 May 1431) a national heroine and a worthy daughter of her country - France, who commanded its troops in the Hundred Years' War with the British and became a symbol of selfless service to the Fatherland and Freedom.

The world fame and glory of this modest girl from the village of Domremi broke out surprisingly early and quickly, and just as quickly burned in the fire of the inquisitorial fire.

Zhanna delighted those around her with her masterful use of weapons, her impeccable knowledge of the intricacies of the games in which the nobility dabbled, and she carried herself amazingly in the saddle. She had a natural mind, flexible thinking, extraordinary courage, determination, and could hear heavenly voices.

By uniting the popular forces of France and inspiring them to fight against the British, Jeanne managed to win the battles and free Orleans from the invaders.

The Burgundians captured Jeanne and handed her over to the British, where she was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.

Just one year of the glory of the young Jeanne-Virgin and six hundred years of memory across generations, yes, I think, and even more so, the name of this fragile French girl will live on for centuries!

Throughout her bright and unprecedentedly short life, Joan of Arc proved the existence of such things as patriotism, love for the country and its people, and readiness for self-sacrifice.

In 1920, four hundred and ninety years after the burning of Joan of Arc, the Roman Church canonized her as a saint and recognized her mission as true, in fulfilling which she saved France.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta- (real name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu 08/26/1910 - 09/05/1997) - native of Albania, Catholic nun, founder of the Order of Mercy, serving the poor and sick, all who needed protection and help.

The life credo of this woman was the words spoken to herself: “Give your hands to serve, and your heart to love.” A woman with a huge heart filled pure love and carrying it to all the most remote, most disastrous, dirtiest corners of the earth. There, where thousands of homeless, hungry, lepers, drug addicts, AIDS patients, rejected and lost themselves were waiting for her help. Her kindness and mercy were enough for everyone, her boundless love and compassion.

She spoke with kings and beggars, with popes and atheists, and was equal with everyone. Wherever they happen natural disasters, terrible disasters or natural disasters, at the call of her warm heart, Saint Teresa rushed to help the suffering. This is how it was in Chernobyl, this is how it was in Spitak...

The mission of goodness and mercy that the nuns of the Order carry today and was carried by Mother Teresa with early youth before last day in her life, she showed and continues to show the world the message that God is love and love is the meaning of all life.

Mother Teresa was awarded Nobel Prize world in 1979 .

In 2003, the nun was ranked Catholic Church to the face of the blessed.

The list of worthy women of the generous land goes on and on.

I don’t think that any of them during their lifetime thought about the degree of their popularity, or about how long his name would be in people’s memory. Of course not, every person lives and does his business in accordance with his natural gifts and inner spirituality. After all, each of us has our own purpose in life, big and small, the main thing is to understand it in time.

I think that in this list of popularity it will rightfully take its rightful place. Nefertiti- wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, Yaroslavna- wife of Prince Igor, Catherine II- Great Empress of Russia, Maria Skłodowska-Curie- physicist, first twice Nobel laureate , who discovered radioactivity with her husband, Sofia Kovalevskaya- famous mathematician Anna Pavlova- Russian ballerina, and I think Valentina Tereshkova— the first female astronaut will eventually enter it. And of course the names will not be forgotten Rosa Luxemburg and Clara Zetkin- founders of the democratic movement for women's rights, with whom light hand We celebrate March 8th.

Happy holiday to you, dear beautiful women!

Sun, music, love in the soul, joy in the heart, endless youth and health for everyone and especially our children!