Thomas Theodore Merlin born in 1782. Strange creatures from the Thomas Merlyn collection - the incredible mysteries of the world. Mummified Vampire Child

About 50 years ago, land was being cleared in London for the construction of a new quarter. Then several old mansions were demolished, including the house that once belonged to Thomas Theodore Merlin. Several thousand old sealed wooden boxes were discovered in the basement of this building...

Having opened these chests, the builders were horrified, because inside lay the skeletons of various mythical creatures(fairies, vampires, lycanthropes, horned hares, werewolves, and so on). People heard about some of them from fairy tales, others seemed completely unfamiliar and strange to them. In this material we will try to slightly reveal the secret of these creatures and tell you more about Thomas Theodore Merlin.

In general, the personality of this man is shrouded in various legends. It is known that he was born back in 1782. Merlin's mother died in childbirth. The boy was raised by his father, whose name was Edward. It was he who influenced the boy’s worldview, since he himself was very interested in esotericism.

Edward and his son traveled a lot around the world, collecting various artifacts. Thomas experienced the death of his father very difficult, but still he found the strength to return to scientific world. Thomas worked hard on the collected artifacts and regularly communicated with representatives of the then scientific elite.

Thomas Merlin even tried to show his collection in the USA, but the local conservative public did not react well to this idea, and the tour had to be interrupted.

Over time, Merlin's mansion was given to the Tunbridge Children's Home, ostensibly on the condition that the basement not be opened. But in the 1960s it was opened... Now the Merlin Museum is located here.

It is interesting that, besides the link to the website of this museum, there are no other sources telling about this unique collection. From this we can conclude that the story about Merlin is just a nice joke or, perhaps, a good marketing ploy, because any exhibit of this museum can be purchased...

A few days ago in London, builders began demolishing an old mansion that previously belonged to a gentleman named Thomas Theodore Merlin(Thomas Theodore Merlin). As soon as this house is demolished, they plan to build a new modern residential quarter in its place. But when the workers went down to the basement of the mansion, they found there a creepy collection of skeletons of many unknown creatures. Experts have already recognized it as the strangest and most unusual private collection V modern history London.

A collection of creepy monsters was found in the basement of a house in London.

Thomas Theodore Merlin was born into an aristocratic family in London in 1782. He later became a highly respected scientist - naturalist, zoologist and archaeologist. Hidden in his dusty basement were several thousand small wooden boxes, each tightly closed. When they began to open the boxes, they found in them the remains of some bodies that, it seemed, could exist only in the darkest fairy tales.

During Merlin's lifetime, his main passion was the study of esoteric natural history. He constantly traveled to the most unusual and strange corners of the world in search of mystical artifacts and plants. Perhaps the result of these trips was this monster collection in the basement of his house.

In London in 1960, quite by accident, while renovating the building of an orphanage, builders discovered an entrance to a dungeon, which was carefully walled up so that not a single soul could enter it.

This underground storage facility contained thousands of artifacts and cryptids that defy any reasonable explanation other than the assumption that our world is not structured at all as it is presented to us by pundits of all stripes, from historians to biologists.

In the basement there were creepy skeletons of some fantastic creatures, strange devices and unique ancient manuscripts. Researchers have suggested that all these things once belonged to Thomas Theodore Merlin. And there were certain reasons for this.

Professor and Lord Thomas Theodore Merlin

Thomas Merlyn was born into an aristocratic British family in 1782. Since his mother died during childbirth, the boy was raised by his father Edward, who devoted the rest of his life to this. Being a military man, he soon retired, and since he was not a poor man, he went with his son to travel, along the way collecting and collecting rare plants and various artifacts. This was facilitated by the fact that Edward was interested in esotericism, as well as natural history.

So father and son traveled long years, until Merlin Sr. died. Thomas, having barely survived the death of his father, turned into practically a hermit, who was only interested in collecting rare exhibits of plants and animals, artifacts and ancient manuscripts.

However, on the other hand, all this made him a fairly famous scientist in certain circles in England. He traveled the world many times (with his father and after him), visited its most isolated corners, met with a wide variety of people, thanks to which he expanded and deepened his esoteric knowledge received from his parent.

Merlin had to cancel his tour before he even reached California. And although he had plenty of money, he abandoned his plans to “enlighten humanity.” By the way, he was already one hundred and seventeen years old at that time...

The Riddle of Thomas Merlin

Sir Merlin, according to the descriptions of his contemporaries, was a surprisingly ageless man. Already at an advanced age (to say the least), he remained in excellent physical fitness, while no one gave him more than forty years. There were rumors that this eternal youth and his occult practices brought him health. They began to fear and shun Merlin, after which he realized that it was time to disappear from the circle of people he knew. And he disappeared...

It was not until the spring of 1942 that rumors leaked out that someone claiming to be Thomas Merlin had produced (unquestionably authentic) documents confirming his ownership of a house in London. This gentleman, no more than forty years old, wished to transfer the property to the Tunbridge Children's Home, stipulating that the house would never be put up for sale.

Some researchers who knew a little about Thomas Merlin immediately became interested in this strange person, since the owner of the house being sold at that time would have to be one hundred and sixty years old. However mysterious Merlin disappeared again, and now, it seems, forever...

The house, given over to an orphanage, was not actually for sale, but in 1960, as was said at the beginning of the article, it was producing major renovation, during which a basement was discovered with numerous fantastic cryptids and artifacts that Sir Merlin had been collecting for many years all over the world...

In the 1960s in London, while clearing a site for the construction of a new residential area, an old, long-abandoned mansion that had previously belonged to a certain Thomas Theodore Merlin was sent for demolition.

In the basement of the house, builders discovered several thousand small wooden boxes that were tightly sealed. Imagine their surprise when inside they began to find the corpses of strange mythical creatures that, it seemed, should only live in fairy tales.

Lord and Professor Thomas Theodore Merlin.

Sir Merlin was born into an aristocratic London family in 1782. His mother died during childbirth and the boy was left to be raised by his father Edward. His father was a military general, but soon after the birth of his son he retired and began to become seriously interested in esoteric natural history. Good investment in profitable commercial companies allowed him to travel around the world in search of various artifacts and unknown species of animals and plants.

They traveled together for many years until Edward passed away. Thomas took the death of his father very hard. Seeking solace in his work, he became practically a hermit, collecting at home an impressive library and specimens of unseen creatures. However, he found the strength to return to the scientific world. During his long career, Thomas Merlin traveled all over the world many times. Earth, he was friends and corresponded with many famous scientists of that time. And, of course, he continued to collect his collection.

Once in 1899, he even made an attempt to show it to the world, going on tour overseas to America with a small part of his impressive collection. But the local conservative public reacted sharply negatively to the creatures that Merlin showed them. The tour had to be canceled before he could reach California. Surprisingly, even at his advanced age, Sir Merlin maintained amazing physical shape. He rarely looked older than 40 years old. It even got to the point that some began to accuse him of occult practices that supposedly gave him eternal life.

These doubts were only strengthened in the spring of 1942, when someone posing as Thomas Merlin presented the deeds to the house and stated that he wished to transfer ownership of it to the Tunbridge Children's Home on the condition that the house would never be sold and the basement would never be opened. People who followed the work of Thomas Merlin naturally assumed that he had been dead for a long time, since in 1942 he would have been over 160 years old. But this man quickly disappeared and it was no longer possible to find him. The orphanage kept its promises; they never opened the mansion's basement. But in the 1960s they had to move out, and the house was demolished. Only after destroying it almost to the ground did the builders manage to find Merlin’s secret collection. And what was there is simply amazing.


Newborn dragon Draco Magnus

Homo Vampyrus

Complete skeleton of Draco Alatus

Homomimus Aquaticus, or Icthyosapien - a distant ancestor of jumping fish,

which evolved into some kind of mermaid

Draco Alatus

Homo Vampyrus (Vampire) Homo Lupus (Lycanthrope)

Homo Lupus (Lycanthrope Cub)

Devil child

Adult male lycanthrope

Homomimus Dentata (Tooth Fairy)

Homunculi (Goblin)

Homunculi (Dwarf)


Succubi (Succubus)

Lepus temperamentalus (Horned hare)

Sea monsters

Ceratopsid Dinosaur

Draco Fluminis

Mummified Vampire Child

Lycanthrope head

Important addition.

In order to avoid all sorts of misunderstandings, it is still necessary to make a separate clarification (although this is already obvious) that this entire collection is just a set of interesting miniatures created by artists that are in no way connected with reality. And the story about Sir Thomas Merlyn is nothing more than beautiful legend. In our pragmatic everyday world, sometimes you want a little secrets and riddles. Take it easy.

In London in 1960, quite by accident, while renovating the building of an orphanage, builders discovered an entrance to a dungeon, which was carefully walled up so that not a single soul could enter it.

This underground storage facility contained thousands of artifacts and cryptids that defy any reasonable explanation other than the assumption that our world is not structured at all as it is presented to us by pundits of all stripes, from historians to biologists.

In the basement there were creepy skeletons of some fantastic creatures, strange devices and unique ancient manuscripts. Researchers have suggested that all these things once belonged to Thomas Theodore Merlin. And there were certain reasons for this.

Thomas Merlyn was born into an aristocratic British family in 1782. Since his mother died during childbirth, the boy was raised by his father Edward, who devoted the rest of his life to this. Being a military man, he soon retired, and since he was not a poor man, he went with his son to travel, along the way collecting and collecting rare plants and various artifacts. This was facilitated by the fact that Edward was interested in esotericism, as well as natural history.

So father and son traveled for many years until Merlin Sr. died. Thomas, having barely survived the death of his father, turned into practically a hermit, who was only interested in collecting rare exhibits of plants and animals, artifacts and ancient manuscripts. However, on the other hand, all this made him a fairly famous scientist in certain circles in England. He traveled the world many times (with his father and after him), visited its most isolated corners, met with a wide variety of people, thanks to which he expanded and deepened his esoteric knowledge received from his parent.

The Riddle of Thomas Merlin

Sir Merlin, according to the descriptions of his contemporaries, was a surprisingly ageless man. Already at an advanced age (to say the least), he remained in excellent physical shape, and no one gave him more than forty years. There were rumors that his occult practices brought him this eternal youth and health. They began to fear and shun Merlin, after which he realized that it was time to disappear from the circle of people he knew. And he disappeared...

It was not until the spring of 1942 that rumors leaked out that someone claiming to be Thomas Merlin had produced (unquestionably authentic) documents confirming his ownership of a house in London. This gentleman, no more than forty years old, wished to transfer the property to the Tunbridge Children's Home, stipulating that the house would never be put up for sale.

Some researchers who knew a little about Thomas Merlin immediately became interested in this strange person, since the owner of the house being sold at that time would have to be one hundred and sixty years old. However, the mysterious Merlin disappeared again, and now, it seems, forever...

The house, given over to an orphanage, was not actually for sale, but in 1960, as was said at the beginning of the article, a major renovation was carried out in it, during which a basement was discovered with numerous fantastic cryptids and artifacts that Sir Merlin had collected for many years to the whole world...