Tragedy in Karelia on June 18. Tragedy in the Rome metro. an eyewitness account - a CSKA fan (video). Sorry for not saving you

The defendant in the high-profile criminal case, after which Natalia Lvova first lost her child and then died, paid a huge amount of fines accumulated since December 2017 only after the fatal accident. Information about this, along with photographs indicating that the driver Mikhail Isakhanov paid for 62 orders, was published on his Facebook by the husband of the deceased, Evgeniy Lvov. This data was most likely obtained from open sources using the PTS number of a BMW 525 owned by Isakhanov.

According to the documents, Isakhanov violated the rules for vehicle registration, and very often did not comply with the requirements of marking signs; the driver also often drove in dedicated lanes for public transport; violations such as parking and stopping the vehicle on the roadway were committed.

Quite often, documents show speeding by 20-40 km/h and, less frequently, by 40-60 km/h - such a fine, for example, was given to Isakhanov for driving on May 13, 2018.

Photo report: Fines for Mikhail Isakhanov

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The amount of many unpaid fines, according to Art. 20.25 Code of Administrative Offenses “Evasion of administrative punishment” began to double closer to summer. On the eve of the tragedy, on June 17, the driver, according to relatives of the deceased, at least twice exceeded the speed limit by 20-40 km/h and did not comply with the requirements of signs and markings.

Most fines have one payment date - June 20, 2018, while the hit-and-run on two women, 28-year-old pregnant Natalia Lvova and 44-year-old Varvara Boyko, occurred on June 18.

Let us note that the presence of unpaid traffic fines can play an important role in the courts when considering cases of road accidents or traffic violations. For example, the scandalous street racer, who had accumulated a much larger number of fines, paid the orders issued for her car right on the days of the meetings.

Earlier, during a court hearing where the issue of choosing a preventive measure for Isakhanov was decided, the young man stated that his friends were using his car and “any of them” could receive these fines.

Let us remind you that a terrible car accident occurred in Moscow near house 21 on Verkhnyaya Maslovka Street on the afternoon of June 18. Lvov’s wife did not even cross the road, but together with other pedestrians waited for the green traffic light, standing on the sidewalk. For some reason, a black BMW 525 sedan flew onto the sidewalk at full speed, where it first demolished a pole with road signs and then hit two women. Eyewitnesses said that the car was driving at a speed limit, and had allegedly already jumped one traffic light to red before the collision. The impact slammed the car into an iron fence, and the women were pinned between the bumper and the fence. Passers-by helped the driver move the car before the ambulance arrived and free the victims.

Photo report: A pregnant girl died after being hit by a BMW driver

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Lvov announced the death of his wife, who never regained consciousness, on his Facebook on the morning of June 25. The second victim regained consciousness - at first she was in a coma in a stable serious condition in intensive care - she had a broken lower jaw and a concussion. She has now been transferred to a regular ward.

Evgeniy Lvov’s lawyer, Andrey, is confident that Isakhanov violated the rules provided for in clauses 8.1, clauses 9.9, 10.1, 10.2 of the traffic rules, which resulted in a collision with pedestrians on the sidewalk.

“When Mikhail approached the intersection the prohibitory yellow light was on, that’s why he accelerated because he wanted to get through. When he was closer to the second pedestrian crossing, the red light was already on.

The “yellow” light is on for three seconds, then the “red” light is on for another three seconds, and then the “green” light turns on for pedestrians. That is, for three seconds of a red signal for cars, pedestrians are still prohibited from crossing. Mikhail chose an unsafe speed, exceeded the speed limit, deliberately chose an unsafe maneuver and flew onto the sidewalk because of it.

By the way, there could have been more victims; someone managed to jump away.

My opinion was confirmed by specialists, everything was examined and recorded. Now we need to appoint and conduct an examination,” the lawyer noted in his instagram.

Meanwhile, the young man’s friends and supporters insist on the version that Isakhanov was framed and wants to make him the last one in this situation. They believe that the real culprit of the accident may be the driver of the gray Toyota, who, according to them, is a police officer. They insist that this car somehow hit Isakhanov's car, which caused him to fly onto the sidewalk.

However, Mishonov’s lawyer denied this version. “If there were traces of a collision changing the trajectory, then this would be reflected in the diagram and eyewitnesses would see it, in addition, there would be traces on both cars and scree on the roadway. There is no evidence of such a collision yet. Traces of contact between cars, one of which is light and the other dark, are difficult to hide in the presence of a bunch of eyewitnesses and himself, especially since he was rushing at a speed clearly higher than the established one and the collision of the car would have been severe,” the lawyer believes.

The criminal investigation continues. Isakhanov was charged under Part 3. Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of a person through negligence”, the maximum penalty for which is up to five years in prison. But the position of the accused may change. Thus, at the court hearing, the investigator confirmed that Isakhanov actually refused a drug test, explaining this by the shock of the news of the death of the unborn child, and only passed the alcohol test.

Now additional examinations have been ordered in the case, including biological ones. It is she who must accurately confirm whether the driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If intoxication is nevertheless confirmed, then the case may once again be reclassified to Part 4. Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Violation of traffic rules by a person in a state of intoxication, resulting in the death of a person through negligence,” which is punishable by imprisonment from two to seven years.

Currently, both the injured party and the accused are looking for witnesses to the accident who could tell what happened. Many call the driver of the white Opel - it is he who can be seen in one of the recordings that hit the Internet - in the video this car is standing on the roadway, and a BMW is rushing past.


The Russian Ministry of Defense Tu-154 aircraft began its route from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow, and landed in Sochi for refueling and technical inspection. The plane disappeared from radar at 05:40 Moscow time, December 25, 20 minutes after taking off from Sochi airport. The wreckage of the liner was found several hours later in the Black Sea.

According to the latest data, there were 92 people on board, including 8 crew members, nine journalists and 68 musicians of the Alexandrov Ensemble, among them the head of the People's Artist of Russia, Lieutenant General Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov.

The version of the terrorist attack has already been excluded from the list of main ones. The probability of piloting error, as well as technical malfunction, is considered.

Terrorist attack in Berlin

The European Union was shocked by tragedy on December 19. A Pakistani refugee drove a truck into a crowd of people attending the Breitscheidplatz Christmas market in central Berlin. More than a dozen people became victims of the terrorist attack. About 50 more were hospitalized in serious condition.

A tractor-trailer crashed into a crowd of Christmas market visitors late in the evening, when the market was at its busiest. The truck drove through the fairgrounds for about 80 meters. The tractor had Polish license plates. The driver tried to escape, but was captured. The second person who was in the cabin at the time of the collision was found dead.

It turned out that when investigating the terrorist attack, Berlin law enforcement agencies made a terrible mistake. Investigators admitted that they had caught the wrong man: the real criminal is still at large. Investigators reported this to local intelligence agencies. All Berlin police forces joined in the search for the real criminal.

Terrorist attacks in Turkey

In the past year, Turkey has been rocked by a series of terrorist attacks. Thus, on the evening of March 13, in the center of Istanbul, at a bus stop near one of the Prime Minister’s offices, during a large crowd of people, a car bomb, located between two buses, exploded. 37 people were killed and 125 injured.

Another terrorist attack took place on May 25 in the city of Dargechit, Mardin province. When Kurdish rebels targeted a military camp with a car bomb, 20 Turkish soldiers were killed and 15 were injured.

On the evening of June 28, three explosions occurred at the entrance, exit and parking lot of the international terminal of Istanbul Ataturk Airport. As a result of the terrorist attack, 44 people were killed, including 19 foreigners, and 239 people were injured.

Belgian terrorist attacks

A series of terrorist attacks occurred on March 22 in the Belgian capital Brussels. Two explosions occurred in the departure hall of Brussels airport, and two more in the metro. The terrorist group ISIS*, banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The explosion at the airport killed 14 people, 20 died in the metro, and 230 people were injured. After the tragedy, three days of mourning were declared in Belgium.

Belgian police have announced the names of two suicide bombers. They were named brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, natives of Belgium. The first carried out a terrorist attack at the airport, the second - in the subway. After some time, a second kamikaze from the airport was also identified - it turned out to be Moroccan Najim Laachraoui. The third of the suspects captured by the airport surveillance camera, Faisal Shefu, was also detained.

Police said a Kalashnikov assault rifle was found near one of the dead suspected terrorists. In addition, a third, undetonated explosive device was found at the airport.

Terrorist attack on the Nice waterfront

The celebration of Bastille Day on July 14 in Nice turned into a terrible tragedy. On this day, at about 22:30 local time, a truck rammed into the crowd gathered on the Promenade des Anglais. People came there to watch the fireworks.

According to eyewitnesses, the truck, without stopping, making zigzags, crushed people along almost two kilometers of the embankment. In addition, the attacker opened fire. According to one of the witnesses, the truck driver deliberately drove the car in such a way as to run over as many people as possible.

The truck driver drove about two kilometers and stopped, opening fire on passers-by and police officers, who rushed across him and began shooting at the truck. Several dozen shots were fired into the driver's cabin, and he was shot dead. In the cabin, law enforcement officers found a pistol, as well as a dummy firearm and a grenade.

As it turned out later, the criminal Mohamed Lauege-Boulel, a native of Tunisia, rented a truck with a refrigeration unit two days before the terrorist attack. Upon entering the city, he deceived the police by posing as an ice cream delivery man. The police believed him and let him through without searching the truck. After the attack in Nice, dozens of people were killed and more than a hundred were injured. The driver was eliminated.

Boeing 737-800 crash in Rostov

A FlyDubai Boeing 737-800 with 55 passengers and seven crew members crashed at Rostov-on-Don airport on March 19, 2016. The disaster was accompanied by difficult weather conditions - strong side winds and rain. All 62 people on board were killed.

The airliner crashed during its second landing, with more than two hours passing between attempts to land. According to the captain's friends, this flight was supposed to be one of his last, and before departure he complained of fatigue.

The collision with the ground occurred at a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour with a dive pitch angle of more than 50 degrees. An analysis of the information from the flight recorders showed that the aircraft crew carried out the landing approach in manual piloting mode (the autopilot was turned off).

Death of children on Syamozero in Karelia

A holiday at the Karelian park hotel "Syamozero" turned into a terrible tragedy for the children. The tragedy occurred on June 18. That day, schoolchildren who were relaxing at the park hotel went on a boat trip, but got caught in a storm. 47 children and four instructors took part in the rafting.

Due to strong waves, three boats capsized and sank. Schoolchildren and adults tried to swim to the shore, but not everyone succeeded. As a result, 14 children died. The tragedy occurred at approximately 16:30 Moscow time. The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case. Organizers of children's holidays were accused of providing services that did not meet safety requirements.

At the preliminary stage of the investigation, the ill-fated camp was closed and its leadership was detained. Among those arrested were the director of the health institution, Elena Reshetova, her deputy Vadim Vinogradov, as well as instructors Larisa Vasilyeva, Regina Ivanova and Valery Krupoderschikov. For numerous violations, the State Labor Inspectorate in Karelia fined the park hotel 505 thousand rubles.

Earthquakes in Italy

A series of earthquakes occurred this year in Italy. On August 25, earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0 began in the center of the country. It was followed by a series of powerful aftershocks. The earthquake caused significant destruction in small towns. As a result of the cataclysm, almost 300 people were killed and more than 400 were injured. Over two thousand people lost their homes.

The next earthquake of magnitude 5.5 hit the Italian capital on October 26. As a result, such architectural monuments as the Colosseum and the Pantheon were damaged. The city of Ascoli Piceno was also affected by the disaster. The outbreak lay at a depth of two kilometers. The epicenter is located 134 kilometers from Rome in the Valnerina valley in the Umbrian mountains.

Powerful tremors shook Italian cities and towns on the morning of October 30. The epicenter lay between the cities of Perugia and Macerata. After the strongest shock with a magnitude of 6.5 points, two more followed - with magnitudes of 4.6 and 4.1 points. At the same time, earth vibrations were felt throughout Italy, including Rome and Florence. The disaster destroyed many residential buildings and two churches.

* The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation

Just two weeks ago in the Syamozero camp you could hear the joyful laughter of schoolchildren, their summer holidays had just begun, there were weeks of happiness ahead... now there is deafening silence there. On June 18, a tragedy occurred in Karelia that shocked the entire country. Four counselors and 47 students went on a trip on a raft and two canoes. We planned to swim only about ten kilometers. But a storm began, the boats capsized, and people ended up in the water.

Someone managed to swim to the island and waited there for almost 12 hours in the cold in wet clothes for help. One girl reached the nearest village herself, walking barefoot for four hours. When rescuers arrived, many teenagers were very cold and unconscious. 14 children died.

"Forgive us"

Worn clothes, old textbooks, a couple of transforming robots and Legos - these are all the treasures that were kept in the boarding school bedside table of the deceased 13-year-old Vasya Dodurov.

“In March, he was robbed, the most expensive construction set and a tablet were stolen - gifts from his mother,” admits classmate Ilya G. “For her it was a lot of money.” She has no parental rights. She rarely visited Vasya. After the theft, Vasya became very embittered, withdrew into himself, and was sad all the time.

The boy faced many trials - his father left the family when he was only three years old. Due to a serious illness, his mother was unable to raise her son and placed him under the care of a boarding school at the Yuri Nikulin Circus.

“He and his mother rarely spoke on the phone, but Vasya continued to love her,” shares Ilya. – I believed that someday she would take him, maybe that’s why he refused a good family - not so long ago good people wanted to take him. And he didn't agree. But this could have saved him.”

Vasya had few friends. His peers did not understand the strange boy - he was not a hooligan, but was reading the biography of his beloved Nikulin.

– He led tours at the Circus Museum. We went there, he showed the exhibits, explained,” says Yulia K. “He was a magician at all the concerts. They predicted an artistic future for him. Last year, performers from Cirque Du Soleil came to our boarding school; they noticed Vasya, praised him, and even performed a routine together. He also always lacked sweets, and he begged on the street - passersby gave 5-10 rubles. We sometimes shared with him, but he was ashamed to take something from his peers who made fun of him.

Vasya loved inventing and making things, he even started his own blog on YouTube, posting video tutorials - for example, how to build a cannon out of foil.

– Vasya was an inventor and at the same time quiet. Therefore, some believed that they could make fun of him: they were sarcastic, and once they even threw things out of the window, - recalls Rita S. - Vasya endured it until the last, but sometimes he lost his temper. When they once again said something in his direction in class, he stood up and gave the offender a good whack, and he himself had tears in his eyes.

To help the boy cope with the situation and not become withdrawn, the teachers took him to a child psychologist. And when they reported that there were several budget places in the Syamozero camp and children from the boarding school would go there, Vasya was happy.

...He was able to gather his strength and swim several kilometers to the shore after the crash. He died on the shore from hypothermia.

“We wanted to tell you that during his lifetime many people humiliated Vasya and cursed at him,” classmates wrote to StarHit. “But now we are very worried. It’s a pity that we only realized our mistakes now, when there is no one left to accept the apology... Vasya, forgive us, you will always be in our hearts. We hope you see everything and understand that we love you and will remember you.”

"Hold my hand"

Classmate Nikita Kalinin was vacationing with Vasya. He turned 14 on the day of mourning for the victims. Of course, there could be no talk of any celebration.

“We learned about what happened in Karelia from Nikita, who wrote to us in our class group on VKontakte: “Vasya died. I almost died myself. 14 people died. My girlfriend was there. “I’m so sad right now” (spelling preserved. - Note from StarHit), - shared Rita S. - We were in shock, couldn’t believe it, of course. And then all the news started circulating information and lists...

A blonde with big brown eyes, 13-year-old Masha Makarova was engaged in dancing and painting. The family is not rich, three children, mother is a cleaner, and father is unemployed. There was no money for vacation, but this year the social security department gave them the coveted voucher! Masha came to the Syamozero camp for extreme sports... and found love. He and the blue-eyed handsome Nikita immediately drew attention to each other. We chatted a lot, laughed, sat next to each other in the dining room. And, of course, when the counselors announced the hike, they went together.

When the canoe capsized, Nikita hit the rocks hard,” says Yulia K. “He even lost consciousness for a while, and then, when he came to his senses, he swam to the shore. I was taken to the hospital with hypothermia, but miraculously my bones were not broken.

On the way to the doctors, the boy asked about his friend Vasya and his beloved girl Masha. I learned about their fate from employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Not believing and hoping to the last, I cried all night. And in the morning his father came for him.

“Nikita’s dad was deprived of parental rights because he once attempted to kill his mother and was in prison,” explains Rita. – Nikita’s mother also left him, his grandmother could not take him under guardianship... so he ended up in a boarding school. But I know for sure that his dad began to improve. They constantly called each other. And as soon as he was informed that trouble had happened, he immediately dropped everything and rushed to Petrozavodsk to fetch his son. From there he took him to Moscow, now he is with him all the time, comes to his boarding school, and recently took him to the cinema to cheer him up. Look, they will return his custody..."

2016 was rich in terrorist attacks and plane crashes. As a result of these tragedies, hundreds of people died and thousands were injured. We recall the largest of them.

Plane crashes

This year, several Russian planes crashed. So, March 19 Boeing 737-800 airlines FlyDubai with 55 passengers and seven crew members fell at the Rostov-on-Don airport.

The airliner crashed during its second landing, with more than two hours passing between attempts to land. The disaster was accompanied by heavy rain and side winds. The crash killed all 62 people on board. The collision with the ground occurred at a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour. An investigation into the cause of the plane crash is still ongoing. However, an analysis of the information from the flight recorders showed that the aircraft crew made a landing approach in manual piloting mode.

On June 9, 2016, a Su-27 fighter aircraft of the aerobatic team crashed in the forest belt of the Pushkinsky district of the Moscow region "Russian Knights". The pilot steered the falling car away from residential buildings and did not have time to eject. The preliminary version was called a technical malfunction. Almost a month later, on July 1, the Il-76 of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations disappeared from the radars, carrying out the task of extinguishing forest fires in the Irkutsk region. The wreckage of the aircraft was found two days later. All 10 crew members on board were killed. The cause of the crash was limited visibility and high turbulence.

Another tragedy occurred just before the New Year. On December 25, a Russian Ministry of Defense Tu-154 plane, heading to Syria to a Russian military base, began its route from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow.

The Ministry of Defense plane landed in Sochi for refueling and technical inspection. 20 minutes after takeoff, the plane disappeared from radar. A few hours later, its fragments were found in the Black Sea. There were 92 people on board, including 8 crew members, nine journalists and 68 musicians of the Alexandrov Ensemble, among them the director, People's Artist of Russia, Lieutenant General Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov. Also traveling to Syria was the executive director of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Glinka. The causes of the tragedy are now being determined. Among the most likely, experts consider a technical malfunction of the Tu-154, a pilot error, and a terrorist attack.

Death of children in Karelia

The tragedy at the children's health camp "Park Hotel Syamozero", which occurred on June 18, came as a shock to the entire country. On this day, schoolchildren who were relaxing in the camp went on a boat trip, but along the way they got into a storm. 47 children and four instructors took part in the rafting. Strong waves capsized three boats. Schoolchildren and adults tried to get to the shore, but 14 children were unable to escape from the water.

The director of a health care facility was among those arrested. Elena Reshetova, her deputy Vadim Vinogradov, as well as instructors Larisa Vasilyeva, Regina Ivanova and Valery Krupoderschikov.

The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case. Organizers of children's holidays were accused of providing services that did not meet safety requirements. Russian President Vladimir Putin subsequently gave a number of instructions to the government and ministries on organizing children's recreation. However, a few days later, a 13-year-old boy from Kemerovo region vacationing in a private children's camp "Robinson Academy", located in the Altai region of the Altai Territory, fell into the Katun River while swinging on a swing. The teenager was swept downstream and his body was never found. A criminal case was opened under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers).

Terrorist attacks

2016 was a high-profile year for terrorist attacks. It was mainly Europeans who suffered at the hands of terrorists.

Thus, on March 22, a series of terrorist attacks occurred in the Belgian capital of Brussels. Two explosions occurred in the departure hall of Brussels airport, and two more explosions occurred in the metro. The terrorist group ISIS, banned in Russia, claimed responsibility.

The explosion at the airport killed 14 people, 20 died in the metro, and 230 people were injured. After the tragedy, three days of mourning were declared in Belgium. The suicide bombers were natives of Belgium - brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui. The first carried out a terrorist attack at the airport, the second - in the subway.

On the evening of March 13 in Istanbul, a car bomb, located between two buses, exploded at a bus stop near one of the Prime Minister’s offices during a large crowd of people. 37 people were killed and 125 more were injured.

Another terrorist attack took place on May 25 in the city Dargechit, Mardin Province. A car bomb attack by Kurdish rebels targeting a military camp killed 20 Turkish soldiers. On June 28, three strong explosions rocked the parking lot of the international terminal of Istanbul Airport. Ataturk. As a result of the actions of the ISIS group, 44 people were killed, including 19 foreigners.

The celebration turned into a terrible tragedy Bastille Day July 14 in the French city Nice. At about 10:30 p.m. local time, a truck rammed into the crowd gathered on the Promenade des Anglais. People came there to watch the fireworks. According to eyewitnesses, the car was doing zigzags to run over as many people as possible. In addition, the attacker opened fire. More than 80 people became victims of the attack. The Islamic State group, banned in Russia, took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

On December 19, the Russian ambassador to Turkey was killed in Ankara Andrey Karlov. The attack took place in the center of contemporary art. Andrei Karlov spoke at the opening of the painting exhibition “Russia through the eyes of a traveler: from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka.” The man in a formal suit who stood behind Karlov was initially mistaken by eyewitnesses for a security guard. When the ambassador was making a speech from the podium, suddenly the man fired into the air and then shot Karlov eight times in the back. On December 22, the ambassador was buried with full honors in Moscow. The farewell ceremony was attended by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, as well as head of state Vladimir Putin, who postponed his annual big press conference for the sake of Karlov’s funeral. The terrorist organization Jaysh al-Fatah took responsibility for the murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.

Today marks exactly one year since the tragedy on the Karelian Syamozero. On June 18, 2016, a group of children under the guidance of instructors set off from the children’s camp “Park Hotel Syamozero” on a water trip. A storm broke out on the lake, the boats capsized, and 14 children died. The first rescuers were residents of the village of Kudama. Thanks to them, an even greater tragedy was avoided. A year later, they remember the tragic events and do everything possible to preserve the memory of the victims. The "" correspondent went to Kudama on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy and talked with the people's heroes.


Time flows calmly in Kudam: local residents dig in their gardens, children play in a puddle, sometimes someone rides a bicycle through the streets. And it’s as if that terrible tragedy didn’t happen here a year ago, as if these people didn’t take the cold bodies of children out of the water, as if they didn’t warm up those who survived the storm and swam ashore. But when you start communicating with people, you understand: the pain of June 18, 2016 is still alive, and all this regularity is just powder on top of a wound that is just beginning to heal.

Administrator of the recreation center “Quiet Lake” Tatyana Kustysheva flips through the pages in the guest book. Tatyana shows a couple of lines written a year ago:

"Thanks for the welcome! You helped us a lot, good luck in the prosperity of the cafe! With love, Karelia OPEN , 2nd squad."

This was written by children from the camp, says Tatyana. - We only noticed this modest entry after their departure.

On the morning of June 19, 2016, Tatyana, together with other base employees, literally saved children from cold and hunger. The men heated the bathhouse, the women prepared the food. The first eleven children who washed ashore were warmed up with brooms in the bathhouse and hot tea.

Someone's temperature immediately rose, one girl was simply burning with heat. Apparently, she was very cold, and after the bath the body reacted like this. After the bath, right in the administration building, we moved the sofas and armchairs together, they all lay together and... cried.

At first, Tatyana talks about last year’s events somehow easily and simply. He says that at first it was scary to think about what happened, but now it’s easier to remember. And yet, with each new detail, the pauses in Tatyana’s speech become longer.

Tatyana Kustysheva

Our forest is pine, but they walked barefoot, walking on needles. Then these needles were taken out of each other’s legs... One girl was all scratched up - she was thrown onto the island, in order not to freeze, she tore spruce branches and covered herself with them at night... Many were bruised. There were waves that day, and the shore here was rocky, it was so easy to catch on the stones, so they were pounding... And one girl, she cried the most. She told me that her parents sent her to this camp to distract her from the death of her grandfather. He drowned a month ago, and now she... It’s some kind of wild fate,” says Tatyana.

For saving children in last year's tragedy, Tatyana and four other employees of the base in Kudam received medals and certificates on June 15, 2017. The modest watchman Vladimir Dorofeev also received the medal “For saving the dead.” It was he who, on his morning walk around the base, found the children on the shore of the lake.

“I don’t like all these interviews of yours,” Vladimir begins our conversation. - Yes, and I don’t like to remember that day either.

Vladimir Dorofeev

According to Vladimir, when he found the first five guys and found out that there were 19 people in the group, he realized that something terrible had happened.

First, they found five children with a boy instructor, then another girl on the island, then Andrei Severikov went to other islands,” says Vladimir. - And when we found their location, it turned out that it was not a location, but something in general...

"Museum of Angels"

The tragedy at Syamozero really changed the life of quiet Kudama. The grief that the storm brought them on June 18 is still experienced by many to this day. Elena Yakunenkova did not participate in rescuing the survivors. Together with her neighbors, she pulled the bodies of the dead from the water.

The first girl we picked up had a blue rubber band in her hair, she was wearing a vest, and the rest were all without vests,” says Elena. - And one, the smallest boy, was wearing nothing but swimming trunks.

Elena remembers almost every detail on the bodies of the seven children that she pulled out of the water. He just doesn’t remember their faces. He says it was too hard to look at them. He remembers that everyone was taken out with the hope that at least someone was still breathing.

I take the first girl, and she is still tiny and warm, I shout that she might still be alive, but she’s no longer... And when the rescuers arrived, we asked why they were all swimming on the surface, even without vests, and they told us because the water did not get into their lungs, they died from the cold.

Elena Yakunenkova

Today Elena knows the names and faces of all 14 children who drowned in Syamozero. An entire “Museum of Angels” was dedicated to them in Kudam. On its walls are portraits of children, under the icon of the Mother of God are 14 figurines of angels, each with their own name. The villagers had the idea to open such a museum for a long time. But the tragedy pushed people to implement it faster. The owner of the very base where the children were warmed up, Nikolai Stolyarov, renovated the building of the former club, and people chipped in money for angel figures.

This destroyed building was there, there was nothing here, and this tragedy just happened. Since children are the same angels, it just so happened that the kids ended up here, says Nikolai Stolyarov.

We can say that we collected the exhibition of this unusual museum from the world, piece by piece. Some made free nameplates, some printed photographs, some donated frames for them. Elena Yakunenkova and her daughter were in charge of all the preparations. He says that in the future people want to set up a stand with children’s personal belongings, but this will be done with the help of the children’s parents. She communicates with many on social networks.

I think that parents will be pleased that we have such a museum where the memory of their children is preserved,” says Elena.

But it’s not just the “Museum of Angels” that reminds residents of the 2016 tragedy. Immediately after the sad events, a worship cross was erected on the shore of the lake. Again at your own expense. It’s surprising that people don’t expect any other help. To the questions - is it necessary? They say they won’t refuse, but they won’t ask either. And this despite the fact that representatives of the republican authorities themselves stated several times that on the anniversary of the tragedy a memorial sign would be installed on the shore of the lake. The new head of the region, Artur Parfenchikov, personally promised that by June 18, 2017, there will be a memorial on Syamozero. True, a few days before the memorable date it is known that there will still be no sign. Apparently there was a need to discuss the future sign with the children’s relatives. It is unknown whether the parents themselves are ready for such a discussion.

Karelia Closed

The Syamozero Park Hotel or the Karelia Open camp today does not live up to its name. On the welcome sign are posted papers with orders to close the camp. On the gate is the security guard's phone number. According to the head of the local settlement, Andrei Orekhanov, no one is allowed into the territory, it is only known that all things are gradually removed from there.

Andrei Orekhanov speaks about the fate of the camp just as emotionally as he did a year ago: he has been pushing for the closure of this place for many years.

There have been many complaints about this camp. I have already told you that in 2015 I managed to close the camp by decision of an interdepartmental commission, but the court overturned this decision. After all, they seized the territory next to the camp and built houses and toilets there. We fought with the residents of Syargelakhty, but [camp director Elena] Reshetova called the police allegedly because of illegal entry into private territory. Now they have sorted it all out, but again they left the mess on the shore,” says Andrey Orekhanov.

Andrey Orekhanov

There really is a mess. Former buildings seem to have been torn out from small foundations, and there is construction debris and dirt all around.

It’s hard to imagine that just a year ago life was in full swing here: children played “Robinson”, perhaps conquered the obstacle course put together next to the camp territory. And so abruptly this life ended. Just as the lives of fourteen children who went on a boat trip to Lake Syamozero a year ago were cut short.

What changed after the tragedy on Syamozero. Help "7x7"

Inspections and closure of children's camps

Immediately after the death of children on Syamozero, unscheduled inspections of children's camps began throughout the country. Several recreational places were closed at once, not only in, but also in others.

Before the start of the new summer season in Karelia, Acting Governor Artur Parfenchikov announced a “rigorous inspection” of vacation spots. As a result of inspections, the leadership of Rospotrebnadzor rejected several camps that had successfully passed inspections and had been operating for many years. Thus, in the vicinity of Petrozavodsk, three out of four municipal camps were unable to accommodate children. The Karelian Rospotrebnadzor refused to comment on what was happening, demanding that a written request be sent to the department. The editors of "" will receive and publish answers to questions about how many camps are closed, why they did not pass inspection this year and when the re-investigation will be carried out.

Personnel decisions and criminal cases against officials

Three days after the tragedy, the court of the head of the Karelian Rospotrebnadzor department, Anatoly Kovalenko. He lost his position and became a defendant in a criminal case for negligence. His former deputy Lyudmila Kotovich, who received the position of acting director after Kovalenko’s arrest, is accused under the same article. Since May 2017, she has been under recognizance not to leave. their positions as director and deputy director of the Petrozavodsk Pedagogical College, who sent students to practice at the Park-Hotel Syamozero camp.

The leadership of the republic did not make any other personnel decisions. and vacationing children demanded the resignation of the Karelian children's ombudsman Oksana Starshova, but she continues to work. Unlike her federal colleague Pavel Astakhov, who was forced to resign after a scandal related to his inappropriate behavior with injured children: while visiting the victims in the hospital, Astakhov asked one of the girls the question “Well, how was your swim?”

Information appeared in the media that deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia intended to demand the resignation of Deputy Prime Minister Valentina Ulich, who then headed the interdepartmental commission for organizing summer holidays for children, but she continued to work as part of the government of Alexander Khudilainen and resigned only after the change of the head of the region.

In the spring of 2017, Irina Shcherbakova, a paramedic at the Suojärvi District Hospital, was sentenced to three years in a penal colony with a deferred sentence for negligence. She took the call from drowning children as a joke and did not notify the rescue service about it. The father of the boy who called, who was present at the court hearing, did not consider the health worker guilty, and proposed to judge those who are responsible for the operation of emergency telephones in Karelia.

Now an investigation is underway against the management of the Park Hotel Syamozero camp - director Elena Reshetova and her deputy Vadim Vinogradov. Both were placed in pre-trial detention. One of the camp counselors, Valery Krupoderschikov, who accompanied the group of dead children, is under a written undertaking not to leave the place. He is under the same articles of the Criminal Code as Reshetova and Vinogradov - 125 (“Leaving in danger”) and 238 (“Providing services that do not meet safety requirements”).

Changes in legislation and public procurement system in the field of children's recreation

Two months after the tragedy, in August 2016, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a government order to exclude services for organizing children's recreation from the list of purchases through the electronic auction system. This means that now, when determining the company responsible for children’s recreation, not only the price is taken into account (previously, the one who offered the lowest price at an auction won it and received a government contract), but also experience in organizing children’s recreation, the qualifications of employees working with children, and real conditions for placing children.

The tragedy in Karelia showed the flaws in the electronic auction system: Syamozero LLC won government contracts not only because auctions were organized with the participation of shell companies close to the management of Syamozero, but also because it offered the lowest price. The price was reduced due to the use of free labor of student trainees, the organization of a camp “carousel” (when a group of children was taken on a hiking or boat trip, and the next batch of vacationers moved in in their place) and savings on infrastructure (not far from the camp where the children lived in brick houses, wooden temporary huts were built, which also housed groups of children).

The legislation has also changed: in the federal law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation,” Article 12 (“Ensuring the rights of children to rest and recreation”) was changed. It contained words about “improving the quality and safety of recreation” for children and about control by the authorities. A new article of the law (Article 12.1) instructs the Federal Ministry of Education and Science to develop “model regulations” and “methodological recommendations” for organizing children’s recreation. However, before the start of the 2017 summer season, the approximate regulations were not approved, nor did unified methodological recommendations appear.

Gleb and Anna Yarovoy, photo by Gleb Yarovoy, ""