Pirogov's triangle and its practical significance. Topographic anatomy of the submandibular triangle. Pirogov's triangle and its applied meaning See the meaning of Pirogov's Triangle in other dictionaries

PIROGOV TRIANGLE, trigonum lingua-1e, a small triangular space in the lateral part of the suprahyoid region of the neck, formed from below (behind) by the tendon of the digastric muscle (m. digastricus), the superior hypoglossal nerve (n. hypoglossus), passing obliquely and together with the lingual vein, and inside (front) - the outer (posterior) edge of the maxillary-hyoid muscle (m. mylo-hyoideus). The bottom of the triangle is occupied by the hypoglossus muscle (m. hyo-glossus). This triangle is the surest path to the lingual artery (a. lingualis; Pirogov) (see figure). It is possible to accurately on-i determine the stroke of the tongue. arteries and lies the practical significance. t. Pirogov's triangle is part of the medial wall of the submandibular region; To achieve it surgically, the patient must be placed with his head thrown back strongly and turned in the opposite direction. With an incision starting at the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastial muscle in the middle of the distance between the lower jaw and the hyoid bone, the skin and subcutaneous tissue with superficial fascia, the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (m. platysma myoides) and the first aponeurosis of the neck, which forms here the anterolateral wall of the bed (capsule) of the submandibular salivary gland; to penetrate deep into the gland, it is separated and tilted upward, the thin fascial medial wall of its bed is exposed, the edges are easily separated by blunt means, after which a small layer of fiber lining the gland is exposed. Upon removal of the fiber, the intermediate tendon of the digastric muscle, attached here to the small horns of the hyoid bone, and both bellies of the muscle are visible, with the posterior belly partially covered by the stylohyoid muscle (m. stylohyoideus), attached to the large horn of the hyoid bone. of the hyoid bone there is 1 obliquely upward and inwardly a thin hyoglossus muscle (m. hyo-glossus), along its lateral surface the hypoglossal nerve passes in the form of a white, shiny, round formation in cross-section and below it is the lingual vein (v. lingualis). If you cut across or push apart bluntly along the fibers of the hyoglossus muscle immediately above the hyoid bone, then the Pirogov’s Triangle is found and isolated in the tissue behind the muscle; 1 -sh. stylo-hyoideus; 2-posterior abdomen m. digastrici; 3-m. hyo-glossus; 4-p. hypoglossus; 5- anterior abdomen of t. digastrici; V- t. mylo-hyoideus; 7 -a. maxillaris ext. ■strongly pulsating lingual artery and, if necessary, is immediately ligated. The described relationship between the artery and the named formations is so precise that tying it in this place is relatively easy. But there may be cases of either a significant reduction in the size of the already small triangle or even its complete absence, which makes it very difficult to find the lingual artery. The base of the P. t. is directed upwards towards the hypoglossal nerve, and the apex downwards towards the hyoid bone._ Dimensions of the triangle? 1 are small, its height—the distance from the hypoglossal nerve to the hyoid bone—is on average about one centimeter. P. t. is very small in the case when the hypoglossal nerve and hyoid bone come close to each other; then the hypoglossal nerve passes too close to the tendon of the digastric muscle. P. t. may be completely absent if the tendon of the named muscle is held at the hyoid bone by a wide and longer tendon loop than usual; as a result of this, the tendon of the digastric muscle will rise upward, and the hyoid bone will move away by 3-4 eat and will pass either over the hypoglossal nerve or above it. When approaching the lingual artery, in this case it is necessary to artificially create a Pirogov triangle by pulling the tendon of the digastric muscle down.A. Sirotkin.
  • 1. Venous outflow in the face, connection with the veins - sinuses of the dura mater and neck, significance in inflammatory processes.
  • Ticket 64
  • 1. Deep lateral area of ​​the face: boundaries, external landmarks, layers, fascia and cellular spaces of the deep area of ​​the face, vessels and nerves. 2. Topography of the maxillary artery, its sections and branches.
  • 2. Topography of the maxillary artery, its sections and branches.
  • Ticket 65
  • 1. Topography of the trigeminal nerve, its branches, zone of innervation. 2. Projection of the branches of the trigeminal nerve onto the skin.
  • 1. Topography of the trigeminal nerve, its branches, zone of innervation.
  • 2. Projection of the branches of the trigeminal nerve onto the skin.
  • Ticket 66
  • 2. Resection and osteoplastic craniotomy according to Wagner-Wolf and Olivecron.
  • 3. Plastic surgery of the skull defect.
  • 4. Types of brain surgery, principles according to N.N. Burdenko.
  • 5. The concept of stereotactic operations, intracranial navigation.
  • Ticket 67
  • Ticket 68
  • 2. Dividing the neck into triangles.
  • 3. Fascia of the neck according to Shevkunenko
  • 4. Incisions for neck phlegmon.
  • Ticket 69
  • 2. Submandibular triangle: boundaries, external landmarks, layers, fascia and cellular spaces, vessels and nerves.
  • 5. Pirogov's triangle.
  • Ticket 70
  • 1. Sterno-clavicular-mastoid region: boundaries, external landmarks, layers, fascia and cellular spaces, vessels and nerves.
  • 2. Topography of the main vascular-nervous bundle of the neck (course, depth, relative position of vascular-nervous elements, projection onto the skin of the carotid artery).
  • 3. Rapid access to the carotid artery.
  • Ticket 71
  • 1. Neck area.
  • 2. Carotid triangle, boundaries, external landmarks, layers, fascia, vessels and nerves.
  • 3. Topography of the carotid artery (course, depth, relationship with neighboring neurovascular formations).
  • 4. Sino-carotid reflexogenic zone.
  • 5. Branches of the external carotid artery.
  • 6. Topography of the hypoglossal nerve, superior laryngeal nerve, sympathetic trunk, its nodes and cardiac nerves.
  • 7. Sections of the internal carotid artery.
  • Ticket 72
  • 1. Sublingual area of ​​the neck: borders, fascia and cellular spaces, pretracheal muscles.
  • 2. Topography of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, trachea, larynx, pharynx and esophagus in the neck.
  • Ticket 73
  • 1. Deep intermuscular spaces of the neck. 2. Staircase-vertebral triangle: boundaries, contents.
  • 1. Deep intermuscular spaces of the neck.
  • 2. Staircase-vertebral triangle: boundaries, contents.
  • Ticket 74
  • 1. Topography of the subclavian artery and its branches: sections, course, depth, relative position, projection onto the skin of the artery, surgical access. 2. The course of the vertebral artery, its sections.
  • 1. Topography of the subclavian artery and its branches: sections, course, depth, relative position, projection onto the skin of the artery, surgical access.
  • 2. The course of the vertebral artery, its sections.
  • Ticket 75
  • 1. Prescalene space of the neck: boundaries, contents.
  • 2. Topography of the subclavian vein (course, depth, relative position of vascular-nervous elements, projection onto the skin of the vein), Pirogov’s venous angle.
  • Ticket 76
  • 1. Puncture catheterization of the subclavian vein, anatomical basis, puncture points (Aubanyac, Ioffe, Wilson), Seldinger puncture catheterization technique. 2. Possible complications.
  • 1. Puncture catheterization of the subclavian vein, anatomical basis, puncture points (Aubanyac, Ioffe, Wilson), Seldinger puncture catheterization technique.
  • 2. Possible complications.
  • Ticket 77
  • 1. Interscalene space of the neck: boundaries, contents. 2. Subclavian artery and its branches, brachial plexus.
  • 2. Subclavian artery and its branches.
  • Ticket 78
  • 1. Topography of the outer triangle of the neck: boundaries, external landmarks, layers, fascia and cellular spaces, vessels and nerves.
  • 2. Scapular-clavicular triangle (trigonum omoclaviculare). 3. Vascular-nerve bundle of the outer triangle.
  • 4. Scapular-trapezoidal triangle (trigonum omotrapezoideum)
  • 6. Projection onto the skin of the subclavian artery, surgical access to the artery according to Petrovsky.
  • Ticket 79
  • 1. Topography of the sympathetic trunk in the neck: course, depth, relationship with neighboring vascular-nervous formations.
  • 2. Vagosympathetic blockade according to A.V. Vishnevsky: topographical and anatomical rationale, indications, technique, complications.
  • Ticket 80
  • 1. Tracheostomy surgery: determining the types of indications. 2 Instrumentation technique. 3. Possible complications.
  • 1. Tracheostomy surgery: determining the types of indications.
  • 2 Instrumentation technique.
  • 3. Possible complications.
  • Veins in the neck
  • 5. Pirogov's triangle.

    Pirogov's triangle is used as an internal landmark when accessing the lingual artery (a. lingualis). It is bounded by the hypoglossal nerve above, the tendon of the digastric muscle below and behind, and the free posterior edge of m. mylohyoideus - in front. The bottom of the Pirogov triangle is formed by m. hyoglossus, along the upper (deep) surface of which there is a lingual artery, and along the lower surface there is a vein. To access the lingual artery for the purpose of ligating it, for example, with a deep cut of the tongue, it is necessary to dissect the deep layer of the 2nd fascia and separate the fibers of the hyoglossus muscle. Lingual artery , a. lingualis arises from the external carotid artery at the level of the hyoid bone, 1-1.5 cm above the superior thyroid artery.

    Rice. 2. Schematic representation of the areas and triangles of the neck: 1 - scapuloclavicular triangle; 2 - scapular-trapezoidal triangle; 3 - sleepy triangle; 4 - scapular-tracheal triangle; 5 - submandibular triangle; 6 - retromandibular fossa; 7 - sternocleidomastoid muscle; 8 - omohyoid muscle; 9 - digastric muscle; 10 - trapezius muscle.

    Ticket 70

    1. Sterno-clavicular-mastoid region: boundaries, external landmarks, layers, fascia and cellular spaces, vessels and nerves. 2. Topography of the main vascular-nervous bundle of the neck (course, depth, relative position of vascular-nervous elements, projection onto the skin of the carotid artery). 3. Rapid access to the carotid artery.

    1. Sterno-clavicular-mastoid region: boundaries, external landmarks, layers, fascia and cellular spaces, vessels and nerves.

    Borders: The sternocleidomastoid region corresponds to the position of the muscle of the same name and reaches the mastoid process at the top, and the clavicle and manubrium of the sternum at the bottom.

    External landmarks: The main external landmark is the sternocleidomastoid muscle itself, which covers the medial neurovascular bundle of the neck (common carotid artery, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve).

    Layers: The skin of this area is thin and easily folded together with the subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia. Near the mastoid process it is dense, the subcutaneous one is moderately developed. Between the superficial fascia (1st) and the superficial plate of the fascia of the sternocleidomastoid region of the neck (2nd) are the external jugular vein, superficial cervical lymph nodes and cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus of spinal nerves.

    Vessels and nerves: Common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve.

    At the middle of the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the exit site of the sensory branches of the cervical plexus is projected. The Pirogov venous angle, as well as the vagus (medially) and phrenic (lateral) nerves are projected between the legs of this muscle.

    2. Topography of the main vascular-nervous bundle of the neck (course, depth, relative position of vascular-nervous elements, projection onto the skin of the carotid artery).

    There are two large vascular-nerve bundles in the neck: the main and subclavian.

    The main neurovascular bundle of the neck consists of the common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve. It is located in the neck in the area of ​​the sternocleidomastoid (sternocleidomastoid) muscle and the carotid triangle. Thus, the main vascular-nerve bundle along the carotid artery has two sections: the 1st section in the area of ​​the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the 2nd section in the carotid triangle. In the area of ​​the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the neurovascular bundle lies quite deep, covered by the muscle, the 2nd and 3rd fascia. The sheath of the bundle is formed by the parietal leaf of the 4th fascia and, in accordance with Pirogov’s laws, has a prismatic shape, with spurs the sheath is fixed to the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae.

    Higher up, the main neurovascular bundle is located in the carotid triangle. The depth of the neurovascular bundle differs in that it is not covered by muscle and third fascia. With the head thrown back, the pulsation of the carotid artery is clearly visible on the neck, and with palpation the pulse here can be determined even with a significant decrease in blood pressure.

    The relative position of the neurovascular elements: A vein lies in front and outward of the artery, and the vagus nerve is located between the vein and artery and posteriorly.

    Projection onto the skin of the carotid artery (a. carotiscommunis)

    The head is turned in the opposite direction and pulled up:

    Left common carotid artery is projected from the middle of the distance between the apex of the mastoid process and the angle of the lower jaw to the middle of the distance between the legs of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

    Right common carotid artery is projected from the middle of the distance between the apex of the mastoid process and the angle of the lower jaw to the sternocleidomastoid joint.

    Pirogov triangle (trigonum linguale; N.I. Pirogov)

    a section of the superolateral part of the neck, bounded below and behind by the digastric tendon, above by the hypoglossal nerve and lingual vein, in front by the outer (posterior) edge of the mylohyoid muscle; site of choice for the lingual artery throughout.

    1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

    See what a “Pirogov triangle” is in other dictionaries:

      PIROGOV TRIANGLE- PIROGOV TRIANGLE, trigonum lingua 1e, a small triangular space in the lateral part of the suprahyoid region of the neck, formed from below (behind) by the tendon of the digastric muscle (m. digastricus), from above by the hypoglossal nerve (n. hypoglossus), passing ...

      - (trigonum linguale; N.I. Pirogov) a section of the superolateral part of the neck, bounded below and behind by the tendon of the digastric muscle, above by the hypoglossal nerve and lingual vein, in front by the outer (posterior) edge of the mylohyoid muscle; place of choice for... ... Large medical dictionary

      I Neck (collum) Part of the body, the upper limit of which is a line passing along the lower edge of the lower jaw, the lower edge of the external auditory canal, the apex of the mastoid process, the superior nuchal line and the external occipital protrusion; lower... ... Medical encyclopedia

      PLASTINES- PLASTEINES, the name given by Zavyalov to sediments obtained in a thermostat by the action of chymosin on concentrated solutions. products of peptic protein digestion. The phenomenon itself was first described by A. Danilevsky. P.’s education takes place… Great Medical Encyclopedia

      This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted/October 27, 2012. While the process is being discussed... Wikipedia

      CAROTIS ARTERIA- CAROTIS ARTERIA. Contents: Anatomy and embryology............382 Pathological anatomy................4J9 Clinic................. ...410 Anatomy. Common carotid artery (a. ca rotis communis) (Fig. 1 and 2) with its external and internal branches... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    Table of contents of the topic "Neck triangles. Topography of neck triangles.":

    Lingual nerve. Topography of the lingual nerve. Pirogov's triangle. Topography of the Pirogov triangle. Walls of a Pirogov triangle. Submandibular lymph nodes.

    In the same space, but upward from the duct of the submandibular gland, between m. hyoglossus and m. mylohyoideus, located lingual nerve, n. lingualis, giving off branches to the submandibular salivary gland (Fig. 6.6).

    Thus, in the gap between m. hyoglossus and m. mylohyoideus pass starting from the bottom, n. hypoglossus, v. lingualis, ductus submandibularis, n. lingualis.

    Pirogov's triangle. Topography of the Pirogov triangle. Walls of a Pirogov triangle.

    Pirogov triangle used as an internal reference when accessing a. lingualis. He is limited hypoglossal nerve above, the tendon of the digastric muscle below and behind, and the free posterior edge of the m. mylohyoideus - in front.

    Bottom of the Pirogov triangle forms m. hyoglossus, along the upper (deep) surface of which there is a lingual artery, and along the lower surface there is a vein. To access the lingual artery for the purpose of ligating it, for example, with a deep cut of the tongue, it is necessary to dissect the deep layer of the 2nd fascia and separate the fibers of the hyoglossus muscle.

    Submandibular lymph nodes.

    Submandibular lymph nodes, nodi submandibulares, are located under the superficial plate of the 2nd fascia of the neck or above it. They are also present in the thickness of the gland, which makes it necessary to remove not only the lymph nodes, but also the salivary gland during metastases of cancerous tumors (for example, the lower lip).

    Lymph into the submandibular lymph nodes flows from the medial part of the eyelids, external nose, mucous membrane of the cheek, gums, lips through chains of nodes running along the facial artery. Lymph from the floor of the mouth and the middle part of the tongue also flows into the submandibular nodes.

    Connection of fiber of the submandibular triangle with the oral cavity along the gland duct, as well as the outflow of lymph from the superficial parts of the face explain the fairly frequent development of submandibular phlegmon. Further spread of the purulent-inflammatory process practically does not occur due to the isolation of the cellular space of this triangle.


    (trigonum linguale; n. i. pirogov) a section of the upper lateral part of the neck, bounded below and behind by the tendon of the digastric muscle, above by the hypoglossal nerve and lingual vein, in front by the outer (posterior) edge of the mylohyoid muscle; the site of choice for ligation of the lingual artery throughout.

    Medical terms. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what PIROGOV TRIANGLE is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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      - emergency sign...
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      or triangle - a metal percussion instrument of eastern origin with an indefinite sonority. Consists of a steel rod bent in the shape of a triangle. By …
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    • TRIANGLE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
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      , -a, m. 1. Geometric figure - a polygon with three angles, as well as any object or device of this shape. Rectangular t...
      TRIANGLE, self-sounding music. instrument - a steel rod bent in the shape of a triangle, which is struck with a stick. Used in orchestras and instruments. ensembles. ...
    • TRIANGLE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
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    • TRIANGLE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
      tool, polygon, letter, constellation, trigon, ...
    • TRIANGLE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
      1. m. 1) A geometric figure on a plane, bounded by three intersecting lines forming three internal angles.. 2) Any object of this shape. ...
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      triangle, …
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      triangle, ...
    • TRIANGLE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      The name of the sergeant and petty officer insignia of this form on the buttonholes in the Red Army (from 1919 to 1943) triangle Colloq ...
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    • TRIANGLE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      and (colloquially) trigon, triangle, m. 1. A geometric figure bounded by three mutually intersecting straight lines, forming three internal angles (mat.). Obtuse triangle. ...
    • TRIANGLE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
      triangle 1. m. 1) A geometric figure on a plane, bounded by three intersecting lines forming three internal angles.. 2) Any object such ...
    • TRIANGLE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
      I m. 1. A geometric figure on a plane, bounded by three intersecting lines forming three internal angles. 2. Any object of this shape. ...
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