Touching and sincere congratulations on graduation evening. Original congratulations to teachers on graduation evening

Dear teachers, today is our children’s graduation and this is an exciting day not only for them, but also for us. And for successes, and for defeats, and for great achievements, and even for small victories, we are proud of our children. And you would like to say “thank you very much” from the bottom of my heart for the fact that despite incidents and stupid incidents, disobedience and despondency, you still remained at your post and continued to teach our children, for helping them understand what they want in life. this life, for simply supporting them and believing in each of their students. On behalf of all parents, we would like to wish you many more generations to learn, continue to glorify this wonderful school and never know disappointment. I wish you health, dear teachers, prosperity in life, patience in work and harmony in the soul.

Are you ready to implement
Pupils again.
Perhaps you will become sad.
But you are the basis for them!

The one who led them by the hand,
I could always help with everything,
Believe me, we are grateful to you
For everything the school gave them!

You deserve respect
And the warmest, kindest words.
For being patient.
They put all their love into the children.

You will accept from your parents
Mega congratulations today.
We are grateful for your concern,
Support, right decisions.

We wish you on your graduation
Goodness, health and success,
Let the students be happy
Always with your cheerful laughter.

You have been entrusted with children.
These mischievous people.
You definitely won't get bored with them!
Because of their continuous undertakings!
But today is graduation!
They elect - each their own
Amazing route.
Making everyone sad.
Thank you for everything -
We promise you good health.
So that you always bloom,
Met new kids
They taught with kindness.

Dear teachers, thank you for bringing our children to their graduation day! Today you deserve special applause! We sincerely wish you health and nerves of steel to educate educated people!

We want to tell you, teachers,
Your contribution to our children is invaluable!
We just want to wish you success,
Now give knowledge to others!

There are no better teachers in the world,
Only you can teach like this!
There will certainly be our children
Remember you, love you always and honor you!

Teachers relatives, educators,
Congratulations on this graduation!
You were harsh and strict with children,
And sometimes you radiated peace.

Only with you our children learned
Everything they know today and now.
They just opened up with you
The gate of all knowledge, and the door of a new life.

School years
They flew by like a bird,
Our children have grown up
The children have grown up.

At the graduation “Thank you!”
We'll tell the teachers
Because the knowledge is strong
You gave to our children.

Thanks for the love,
For kind hearts,
With children all the way through school
You made it to the end.

Happy Graduation, teachers!
Our children are leaving you.
You were kind to them, and sometimes strict,
They took care of the kids, they took care of the whole class.

Now let me congratulate you,
I wish you happiness, peace and goodness,
Well, and add health to this
And everything that the soul wants.

We say to all teachers
Thank you so much for the children
You always gave them knowledge,
Attention, what could be more important?

We wish you success and goodness
And only productive work!
What a pity that it's time for us to say goodbye,
We will love and honor you always!

Being a teacher is a calling.
Keep your patience!
May for all your efforts
Fate will reward you generously!

And boundless health,
Happiness to prosper
You can live only “excellently”,
You don’t know troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,
To be enveloped by love.
Everything is fine at work
Obedient students to you!

Thank you for your kindness
Children, you are an example for them.
May you live like in a fairy tale,
Without sadness and loss.

Thank you, teachers,
Because we were family.
They saved us bravely in difficult times,
They cared and always loved.

Today we'll go out the door
A wonderful and dear school to us.
Your wise lesson was important,
Even though you were sometimes harsh.

For understanding, kindness,
Our dear ones, thank you.
We wish you health,
Let work give you wings.

Our dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and our kind companions, on our graduation we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted luck, gallant activity and sincere respect. We will always remember you and come to our native school now as guests, and we wish you to remain here as irreplaceable people and wonderful teachers.

How much they did for us,
It’s impossible to put it all into words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compares with mother's love,
Which you rewarded us with.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that your relatives are nearby!

Teachers, we say thank you to you,
After all, you put your soul and love into us,
We thank you for everything, for everything,
For knowledge, for everything that was taught!

May every student be grateful
To have a great mood!
Each of you is truly great
We wish you well and inspiration!

At graduation, thank you
We want to tell you
Dearest, most beloved,
To my teachers.

You have us year after year
Led the road of knowledge
And now the time has come
We must part with you.

At graduation we wish
Good luck and love to you,
Sorry we're nervous
You weren't taken care of.

We open life
New page
And we promise: by us
You will be proud.

Thank you, low bow to you,
Because you taught us this way.
For kindness, knowledge wagon,
For everything they got at school.

So that you always have enough strength,
More obedient schoolchildren.
We will answer, no matter who asks:
You are always with us, in our souls!

You are the builders of the universe,
You are the assemblers of the soul,
Servants of the incorruptible truth,
Unfortunately, for pennies.

We wish you forever
All big and small blessings,
What is available to a person
Not on credit, but just like that.

May Providence reward you
For hard military work,
And the younger generations
Respected, loved, honored.

I want to congratulate you on your graduation
I you, teachers,
Thank you for so many years
They taught us for a reason.

You taught me to go forward
And achieve goals
Don’t give in to difficulties
Coping with tasks.

We want you at your graduation
Wish you good luck,
And every year on a big flight
Release new birds.

Teachers, thank you
During the school years,
How quickly time flew by,
We've been given a good start.

And today is graduation,
We would like to wish you:
Mental strength, goodness and happiness,
And don't forget us.

Congratulations, teachers,
To the sounds of the graduation waltz,
Let's say thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let's cry a little on your special day.

We wish you well
Health, strength and inspiration,
May you always be at work
It takes endurance and patience.

Let the students always
They only make you proud
It was a great honor for us
I can learn everything from you.


Write a script for your congratulations. It should not be too long so as not to tire everyone present, but it should also not be too short. 10-15 minutes is enough. Choose those who will represent your class at prom. Usually this is the class leader and his assistant. For a more harmonious perception, a boy and a girl are chosen, but this is not a rule, rather a recommendation.

The script for your congratulations can consist of several poems or one. You can also sing a song to congratulate teachers. It is advisable that the poems and songs be of your own composition. If there are no such talents in your class, then you can turn to the help of poets or, in a completely hopeless situation, download congratulations from the Internet. As for songs, choose suitable music and simply “put” poetry on it. Both representatives of your class and all graduates can sing the song. To make the song sound truly beautiful, it is advisable to use the help of a professional choreographer.

Composing a separate text of congratulations for each teacher separately is a rather labor-intensive task. However, it is necessary to note each subject of the school curriculum and, accordingly, its teacher. But you can come up with a special congratulation for the class teacher and school administration.

At graduation, it is customary to give teachers small souvenirs and gifts. Order postcards from the printing house with the text of congratulations that you will read. Instead of a picture on a postcard, you can use a general photograph of your class - such congratulations will remain in the teachers’ memory for a long time. You can give your souvenirs at the moment when you mention the corresponding person in your congratulations.

Agree with the prom organizers about when exactly you will deliver your congratulations. This can be done at the formal part after the presentation of certificates, or it can be done during the unofficial part, during the entertainment program. In the second case, the congratulations script may be longer.

A wonderful idea for congratulating teachers, invented by graduates, full of cheerful and kind humor and love for their school and teachers. Original congratulations from teachers at graduation or last bell“Live Roulette” gives teachers the opportunity to show their talents, give them prepared gifts and express gratitude in a light and unusual way. Similar with the award of the nomination you can watch b in the script "Golden Bell"

The congratulations are organized in such a way that the presenters call the teachers one by one and offer to “start” the roulette. Next, the teacher is seated on a chair, the tape measure stops in the desired position, and the “sector” (graduate), who happens to be opposite the teacher, hands him an envelope with the text of the assignment in his teeth. After reading his text, the teacher is awarded a valuable gift (a box with the “hearts” of all students in the class) and is taken to his place by the presenters.
In total, there are 8 texts for “playing” teachers, one “musical break” (short dance) and one ZERO - a prize, which is the text of a “complaint” (read by the head teacher).

Presenters - 2 people;
"Live" roulette - 10 people with envelopes in their teeth;
"Roulette launch lever" - 1 person;
Cheerleaders and awards team - everyone else.

Congratulation script "Live Roulette":

Sector 1 (to the director) "Repentance"

Dear children! At this solemn moment, I want to tell you one terrible truth: I was not always right!
Today I publicly ask for forgiveness from all those who suffered, fell under my hot hand, were offended, humiliated, trampled, crucified and turned to dust.
It's time to admit that I set inhuman tasks, constantly frightened and terrorized children with bad grades.
I assure you that all this was out of good intentions and for your own good. But what can you do if I didn’t always balance my demands with your unprepared, weakened heads.
Forgive me, good people!
Yours sincerely.... (Name Patronymic name).

Sector 2 (to the writer) “Declaration of love”

I love you, what more?
You have now broken free...
Why now words, sobs,
And the pain of the moment of parting.
Let's just smile
Let's believe that we will return here.
I love you... So what in the end? -
Spacious roads await you.
And may love shine on you along the way,
I wish you happiness, children!

Sector 3 (historian) "Statement"

I, (Full Name), I responsibly declare my disagreement regarding the departure... of the class from the walls........ of School N... I demand that the decision of the teachers' council on universal admission of students of this class to the final exams be reconsidered. Attached is a list of arguments.
1. At the moment, no worthy replacement for the above-mentioned class has been found.
2. The absence of... class will disrupt the general biorhythm of school life.
3. As a result of the departure of... the class, the cultural and intellectual level of the school will sharply decline.
4. We will all be terribly bored and sad, and we will all cry...
(Wipe away a stingy tear!)

Sector ZERO (head teacher) "Complaint"

Collective from... class of graduation... g.

We, the undersigned students... of the class, protest against the intention of the administration... of school N... to “push” us out of the walls of our native school, thereby completely depriving us of our childhood.
We demand that you keep us for a second year and provide the traditionally warm atmosphere, kind attitude and great love.
We hope that our complaint will be resolved. We tearfully ask, we beg, we believe, we love, we kiss...
Always yours, students... of the class.

Sector 4 (to the chemist) "Oath"

(read solemnly)
I, (last name, first name, patronymic), in front of my colleagues, solemnly swear that I will never forget either you or the lessons held in your class, after which my hair stood on end. I will forever remember your incomparable written works, inimitable oral answers, unique (no matter how hard you try) experiments.
I promise that all the canons of my science, so carefully crammed into your heads, will not change in the next 10 years and will not let you down in difficult times.
I swear that I conducted my lessons sincerely, selflessly, putting all my soul, heart and other organs into them.

Sector 5 (for foreigners) "A little ditty"

(provocatively, in chorus)
Here we are sitting in class,
We explain the rules.
Raise your hands -
Need forced you.

We taught you for 7 years
Different languages.
What do we have in response? -
Indecent phrases!

Das ist alles, veri gud!
They sang a ditty for you.
We taught as best we could
They gave - that they had time...

Sector 6 (to the geographer) "Fairy Tale"

(read sweetly)
Hello, dear friend.
Today I will tell you a little fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a school. And then one day little stupid kids came into it. Why small and stupid? Because they came to school! Well, once they arrived, they began to study. They studied, studied, and completed their studies to the point that they became big and smart.
And everything would be fine, but suddenly, out of nowhere, it was time for them to leave this school. But they just didn’t want to leave. Because smart kids understand that school is good.
Well, that's the end of my little fairy tale. Don't rush out of school, kid.

Sector "Musical break"(concert number - )

Sector 7 (physical education teachers) "Instructions"

(read in duet)
Instructions for use... class.
Clause 1: Exploitation of... the class is prohibited.
Point 2: If you really want to exploit... a class, see point 1.
Clause 3: In an emergency situation, the operation of... the class should not exceed the norm specified in clause 1.
Clause 4: In peacetime, operation of... the class is permitted in accordance with clause 1 of these instructions.
Point 5: Look at point 1 again and wish... the class a bon voyage!

Sector 8 (to the biologist) "Report on the experiment"

(read businesslike)
As a result of a survey carried out in the period from... to... it was established that there was an organic form of life in... the school in the form of... a class.
A series of experiments conducted by school teachers showed the high viability and adaptability of the mentioned community of organisms. Positive reflexes and reactions to external stimuli suggest that this species is suitable for existence in the external environment and can be released within the next month.
Head laboratory (last name, first name, patronymic).

At the end of the performance, students take turns giving flowers to their teachers to the music of “The Little Prince.”

If school is a second home for a child, then teachers, of course, are a second family. They, like parents, are there in difficult times, they teach and instruct, give instructions. And the contribution of each teacher to the fate of students is undeniably great. Teachers are those people whom a graduate will remember throughout his life, no matter how it turns out. And on my graduation, I would like to pick up the warmest and most sincere words of gratitude to these people, congratulate them and wish them patience with the next generations of students. No words? We will help! The most beautiful and touching congratulations and speeches of gratitude to subject teachers.

Thank you speech for chemistry teacher

Graduation evening is a great opportunity not only to say goodbye to our beloved school walls, but also an occasion to thank our beloved teachers for the invaluable contribution that they were able to invest in us, for the necessary knowledge that will help chart the right course for our future. One of these teachers is undoubtedly our dear chemistry teacher. It was you who revealed to us the structure of the world around us, who taught us how to create real magic by mixing different substances and liquids, who laid the foundation for us. Thank you very much for your work and professional attitude to work. We hope that the knowledge gained will forever remain in our minds and serve us well.

Congratulations to the physics teacher

Today, on this holiday, I really want to personally congratulate each teacher, choose the right words and try to fit into them all the great gratitude that we feel for them. One of such teachers, undoubtedly, is our dear physics teacher. It was you who explained to us that we stand firmly on our feet not only thanks to stubbornness and fortitude, but also thanks to the power of gravity, instilled a love for studying the structure of the world around us and opened for us the veil of laws thanks to which everything around us exists. Thank you very much for your patience, kindness, sensitivity and attention. We promise that your hard work will not pass without a trace and will become an excellent springboard for new knowledge.

Physical education teacher

It is always sad to part with people dear to our hearts, especially those who, like our respected teachers, have put their souls into us, so graduation evening is not only a joyful, but also a little sad holiday. Today we look confidently into the future, largely thanks to our mentors and teachers. I would especially like to mention our beloved physical education teacher. Thanks to your persistence, responsible attitude to the subject taught and professionalism, we realized that full mental development is impossible without proper physical training. You taught us to rely on our own strength, always strive for victory and never give up. We are confident that thanks to you, sport will become our constant companion and will lead us to the heights of success.

Wishes to the life safety teacher

Today, on this festive graduation evening, I really want to congratulate our dear life safety teacher. It is thanks to you that we know how to act in any, even very dangerous, situation, we know how to adapt to changing circumstances and can easily navigate not only the forest, but also the concrete jungle. Thank you very much for making this dangerous world easier for us and teaching us never to lose self-confidence, and, most importantly, helping us find our core in life. We wish you that your immeasurably important profession will always be in demand and respected, that your students will delight you with their successes and will not forget to thank you.

Congratulations to the teacher in the subjects Russian language and literature

The graduation party never passes without a trace and remains in the memory for many years, however, there are people whom graduates always remember - these are our teachers. It is impossible to overestimate the enormous contribution that you made to the future of your charges and the effort that you spent on it. Today I would like to thank each teacher individually and, first of all, the teacher of Russian language and literature. It was you, our dear teacher, who taught us to correctly and competently express our thoughts, showed us all the diversity and richness of the Russian language, discovered the unsurpassed beauty and depth of the book word and instilled a love for classical literary works. Thank you for the professionalism and dedication with which you treat your chosen profession, for the example you set for us and for your incredible patience.

Congratulations to the geography teacher

During the incredible and memorable school years, we learned a lot: to value knowledge, respect elders and value friendship, and, most importantly, we discovered a huge world that lives according to its own laws and customs. Our favorite geography teacher helped us with this. It was you who became our mentor and guide to the world of amazing countries and discoveries, who allowed us, without leaving the walls of the classroom, to plunge into unknown spaces far beyond our borders and introduced us to other peoples and the lands that they inhabit. We will always remember those lessons that, thanks to your love for the profession, became special and exciting for us.

Words of gratitude to the history teacher

Today, on this holiday, we want to thank our dear history teacher from the bottom of our hearts. During these school years, you have become for us not only a teacher with a capital T, but also the person who, by lifting the veil of the past, taught us to look into the future with confidence. You helped us learn not only the deep history of many countries and peoples, but also showed how incredibly intriguing the history of our huge country sounds, how many great victories it has behind it and how many talented people it has raised in its vast expanses. Thank you very much for the important knowledge that you put into our heads and for the pride in our country that you awakened in our hearts.

Congratulations to the biology teacher

Graduation evening is not only a holiday for those who have to leave the hospitable walls of the school, but also an occasion to once again thank our dear teachers, who over the past years have become real mentors, confidently guiding them to the land of knowledge and science. I especially want to thank our beloved biology teacher for your ability to make a lesson not just a way to gain knowledge, but a whole journey into the mysterious living world around us. You helped us understand how life begins and by what laws it exists, you taught us to love and respect nature. Thank you very much for your warm attitude towards your students and incredible patience.

Labor teacher

Today is graduation and soon the school doors will close behind us, thereby motivating us to move forward. Much of the knowledge we have acquired will be useful to us in the future and we have yet to appreciate its importance, however, there are skills the benefits of which we have already understood and were taught by our favorite labor teacher. You, like a patient parent, helped your students master the intricacies of everyday life and taught them how to create truly necessary and important things. Thanks to you, we have become more confident in our own abilities and learned attention and patience. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to our education, for your kindness, support and professionalism.

Graduation congratulations to the algebra and geometry teacher

In this world, everything is built on accuracy, precise action and the absence of accidents. We understood this especially well in algebra and geometry lessons. Every movement, action and movement can be calculated and anticipated, and, therefore, learned about it in advance. A dear teacher taught us this incredible opportunity. You showed us how important it is to be able to work with numbers, helped us understand the necessity of the subjects you teach and realize that it is the exact sciences that support us in the raging sea of ​​information and instability of the world around us. Thank you very much for your enormous contribution to the treasury of our knowledge and for continuing to bring the light of science despite any difficulties.

English teacher

When the long-awaited graduation party arrives and the understanding comes that the school years are over and the time has come to enter a new unknown world, many roads open up ahead and their choice remains to be made. However, today we can say with confidence that largely thanks to our dear English teacher, the choice of future professions and plans is so wide. Knowledge of one of the most widespread and popular languages ​​on Earth allows us today to freely strive to realize our dreams and not be aware of language barriers. We want you to know how grateful we are to you and we hope that you will be proud of our future achievements.

Wishes for a social studies teacher

Knowledge of the laws of society has always been the key to a person becoming a full member of it, so it is difficult to overestimate the knowledge that you, our dear teacher, invested in us lesson after lesson. It was you who taught us in many ways the concepts of honor, decency and justice, and helped us understand that building relationships with people, as well as knowing the laws of society, is an important step on the path to success. Today, on graduation evening, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invaluable contribution that you have made to our future and wish you good students, reliable colleagues and a decent salary.