Turgenev's sparrow analysis of the work. Analysis of Turgenev’s work “Sparrow. The ideological meaning of the poem

Among the peaks of poetic mastery, undoubtedly, is the cycle of poems in prose by I. S. Turgenev - miniatures touching on various aspects of human life. A brief analysis of “Sparrow” can serve as proof of this.

In this short poem, Turgenev resorts to describing a scene from the life of nature, but fills what is happening with a special philosophical meaning, which allows everything that happens to be transferred to the sphere of human relations.

The plot of the work

It is simple and unpretentious. The hero walked through the garden with his dog. Suddenly Trezor's attention was attracted by a small, defenseless sparrow - the yellow-throated chick fell out of the nest and lay helplessly on the ground. Obeying instinct, the dog began to approach the bird. And then something extraordinary happened: an old sparrow, wanting to protect its own child, fell in front of the dog’s grinning mouth. Trezor, to the author's surprise, stopped and then backed away. The behavior of the dog explains the description and behavior - this is important for analysis - of the sparrow. Turgenev emphasizes that the bird’s voice was hoarse, it was trembling with horror, but still could not sit on a safe branch. An unknown force, causing surprise and delight, made the sparrow forget about her own life and “fall like a stone” in front of the dog’s mouth.

The denouement of the story about the sparrow is quite simple. Turgenev - the analysis of the bird's behavior has already led to this - notes that the hero called away the embarrassed dog and moved on.

Artistic techniques

The described scene evoked a lively response in the writer’s soul. Means of expression help to understand the author’s excitement and admiration for the sparrow’s behavior. First of all, this is a series of adjectives and verbs that accurately convey the state of all the heroes in the miniature. A desperate, disheveled, distorted sparrow trembles and freezes in front of a huge dog-monster. But he cannot do otherwise: after all, the child’s life is more valuable to him than his own.

The details are very important, helping to imagine the contrast between the dog and the birds and, therefore, the tragedy of what is happening: a large dog with a toothy open mouth, a helpless chick with yellow fluff on its head, and a small but “heroic” sparrow.

The intensity of feelings also conveys the confusion of the narrative; the narrator's speech - the narrative is told in the first person - is characterized by an abundance of ellipses and intermittent phrases. Their analysis - Turgenev's "Sparrow" in this sense can be considered the perfection of all the writer's creations - helps to understand the state of a person observing what is happening. He reveres the little bird, in which the great power of maternal love is embodied, and shares his thoughts with the reader, who, in his conviction, is capable of understanding everything that happened in the same way as he himself understands - hence the direct appeal “don’t laugh” and an indication of the secrecy of thoughts (“I thought”)

The ideological meaning of the poem

What conclusion can be drawn from what was read and why did the scene he saw so excite the writer?

Trezor in the work, which only obeys instinct, personifies not so much an evil force as an evil fate, fate. Such an allegory helps to understand the essence of what is happening. As the analysis shows, Turgenev's sparrow is a symbol of selfless love and willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of someone who is truly dear.

But not everyone is capable of this. The author's task is to draw the reader's attention to the fact that true love can become a truly all-conquering force.

What is the immortality of a work?

Concluding the analysis of “The Sparrow” by I. S. Turgenev, it should be noted that, unlike other prose poems, this work is optimistic and evokes faith in the great power of love, not necessarily maternal. This is the reason that the poem “Sparrow” has been included in the school curriculum for more than a century - through it, little readers learn humanity and kindness, without which the continuation of life on earth is impossible.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is known as the greatest writer, from whose pen many wonderful stories and essays, novels and prose poems came out. More than one generation became acquainted with his work, and not only in our country.

The greatest master of words, Turgenev easily and skillfully touches different strings of the soul, trying to awaken the best qualities and aspirations of everyone. Turgenev's works are so deep and good that they help a person discover love, kindness, and compassion within himself. That is why the author’s works remain relevant and continue to enjoy great success and popularity.

The history of the creation of a prose poem

Ivan Sergeevich turned to prose poems only in the last years of his life. This is a philosophy of thoughts and feelings, this is a summing up of the work done throughout life, this is working on mistakes, this is an appeal to descendants.

As soon as the author had the right moment, he immediately wrote down such unusual poems. Moreover, he wrote on anything, on any piece of paper, as soon as inspiration came. Most of the prose poems were written on small pieces of paper, which he then neatly and carefully folded in his dark briefcase. This is how materials were collected.

The date of writing Turgenev’s prose poem “Sparrow” is 1878, and the first listener is Mikhail Matveevich Stasyulevich, editor of the journal “Bulletin of Europe” and a friend of the author. After listening to an interesting sketch, Mikhail Matveevich was surprised by the depth of the plot of such a small poem, its expressiveness and deep meaning. Then a friend suggested that the already famous author publish his creations. But the writer was against it, because he believed that many of his prose poems were still of a personal and even intimate nature.

Later, Stasyulevich was able to convince Ivan Sergeevich to put his notes in order and submit them for publication, to print. Therefore, very soon, in 1882, in the New Year’s Eve issue of one of the popular and in-demand magazines at that time, “Bulletin of Europe,” the poem “Sparrow” was published along with other essays. In total, Turgenev selected 51 works for publication.

The rest of the part, which revealed some moments from the life of the author himself, was published a little later. The date of their publication is said to be approximately 1930-1931. Thus, thirty-one more of Turgenev’s prose poems became known to the reading world. These poetic miniatures were greeted with great enthusiasm and were so loved by the reader that they were translated into other languages.

I was returning from hunting and walking along the garden alley. The dog ran ahead of me.

Suddenly she slowed down her steps and began to sneak around, as if sensing game in front of her.

I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellowness around its beak and down on its head. He fell from the nest (the wind strongly shook the birch trees of the alley) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouted wings.

My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly, falling from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, he jumped a couple of times in the direction of the toothy open mouth.

He rushed to save, he shielded his brainchild... but his whole small body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

My Trezor stopped, backed away... Apparently, he recognized this power.

I hastened to call the embarrassed dog away - and left in awe.

Yes; do not laugh. I was in awe of that little heroic bird, of her loving impulse.

Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.

Turgenev's plot is quite simple and ordinary. The main character returns home from hunting. He walks along a small and neat alley, where his dog discovers a small, just tiny chick lying right on the path. It becomes clear that this bird fell out of its nest, and since the chick is very stupid, then, accordingly, he himself cannot return to his nest.

The hero begins to examine this chick, which has barely fledged. But for a dog driven by instinct, this chick is game. And her hunting habits require her to react accordingly. And here the author witnesses a real heroic act. An adult sparrow, which had previously been sitting on a branch and simply watching, rushes at the dog bravely and courageously, risking its life.

An adult bird protects its baby from an attacking hunting dog. He squeaks desperately, pitifully, with no intention of giving up. Of course, his size is completely small compared to the dog, but his desire to save his own child was so strong that the sparrow wins this unequal fight. And the dog, sensing the strength and will of the little bird, begins to retreat embarrassed and guilty. Apparently, the dog nevertheless sensed from the sparrow his enormous desire to live on his own and save his young, which is why it was not physical strength that won, but moral strength.

The ending of Turgenev's poem is not sad or tragic, as one might expect. The hero of the work calls the dog back and leaves with it in a good mood. He is convinced that love can conquer everything in the world and overcome any barriers and obstacles.

Characteristics of the characters in the prose poem “Sparrow”

In Turgenev's prose poem, a special role is played by heroes, whose actions and feelings complement the plot. According to the plot, there are only four characters:

➥ Dog.
➥ Man.
➥ Adult sparrow.
➥ Small and defenseless chick.

It is no coincidence that each character appears in Turgenev’s plot, since he carries his own value for understanding the content. A person is a hunter who seems to have no pity for the birds and animals that he kills almost every day. But still, when he sees a sparrow fighting with a huge dog, he is moved by this scene. He is not at all upset that his dog did not emerge victorious in this fight; on the contrary, he is delighted that the power of love was able to win.

In the image of a dog, the author showed not just the instincts of the animal world. This is a real fateful fate that poses a huge threat. Since the person’s dog is a hunting dog, it immediately heard the smell of game and was ready to grab it. An animal cannot be interested in the fact that the creature in front of it is small and defenseless. The author tells the reader that the chick sees the dog as a monster of enormous size.

Perceiving the dog through the eyes of a chick, the reader understands for a moment that this fate cannot be defeated, but it turns out that love can still do anything. And this is clearly visible in the scene when the dog begins to move away from the chick. Moreover, he was very embarrassed about his defeat.

The helpless sparrow chick is the personification of a creature that needs protection and that cannot fend for itself. Therefore, while the adult sparrow is fighting with the dog, he sits motionless and scared. But his protector, an adult sparrow, carries within himself the unusual power of love, which can conquer everything in the world. Despite the fact that the threat in the form of a dog is strong and huge, he loves his baby so much that he is ready to die himself fighting for him.

Analysis of the poem

The plot of the work begins at the moment when the dog sensed game and stopped in the middle of the alley, not far from the chick. When it begins to creep up, the author leads the reader to the fact that something is about to happen. The culmination of the entire work is the scene of a fight between an adult sparrow and a huge dog.

The denouement comes at the moment when the hunter calls the embarrassed and still not fully understanding dog away in order to leave with it, recognizing the victory of the adult sparrow.

The small scene that the author described is a lyrical and emotional work. This miniature contains the idea of ​​life and true love. After all, the life of any creature can be interrupted every minute. And love is a feeling that is higher than the fear of death.

I. S. Turgenev is a famous Russian realist writer, playwright and lyricist. He is known not only for his immortal novel “Fathers and Sons,” but also for his collection “Poems in Prose” (1877-1882), which also touches on socio-political and moral issues. One of the components of the collection is the lyrical miniature “Sparrow” (1878).

“Sparrow” was written in 1878, becoming one of the final works of the famous Russian writer. It is worth mentioning that Turgenev wrote such “poems” when inspiration came to him: he had to write on scraps of paper and collect individual materials to assemble a general plot.

Mikhail Matveevich Stasyulevich, editor of the magazine “Bulletin of Europe”, where the work was subsequently published in 1882, became the first listener of “Sparrow”, prophesying the way for him to universal recognition and love of readers. We, together with the Literaguru team, will contribute to understanding the depth of meaning contained in the lines of Turgenev’s late literary creation.

Genre, direction

“Sparrow” belongs to the lyrical genre of literature, which, in addition to the poem, includes an ode, an elegy, an epitaph, a message and an epigram. The lyrics use expressive means to describe the feelings and emotional state of the main characters, showing the inner world of the characters in the work. The direction within which “Sparrow” is assessed is realism.

I.S. To best convey lyrical experiences, Turgenev uses such a genre in literature as a prose poem. This is a special literary form with which the writer briefly describes a special meaning and heightened emotionality, without resorting to rhyme and rhythmic organization of the text. Folding text without rhyme helps the reader understand not only the idea of ​​the work, but also penetrate into the “secrets” contained in the writer’s creation.

Main characters and their characteristics

  • A special feature of “The Sparrow” is the presence in the work of the main characters in the role of animals who find themselves in a big life drama. Dog Trezor, who is trying to take possession of the game in the person of a small defenseless chick, personifies not so much evil itself as the vicissitudes of fate and the difficulties of life. After all, it is precisely the fact that he yields his “prey” to the brave sparrow that suggests that Trezor only follows the “call of the animal world” and not personal motives, which cannot be said about the main character...
  • Adult sparrow selfless and courageous in the face of danger, but it is the love for his “chick” that makes him risk his own life. Turgenev writes about such “love”, which is characteristic of every living being; it is sacrificial and selfless, which distinguishes it from ordinary natural instinct. And if a little sparrow needs care and is afraid to confront the impending threat, then an adult sparrow does not think about the consequences of death; the fate of his “child” is important to him.
  • Myself hunter, lyrical hero, appears before us as an honest and principled person, devoid of cruelty and aggression. He hunts, but at the same time plays by the rules: he takes only what he could achieve on equal terms. He does not need a beast, deprived of the ability to resist and beat people. He tries to take care of nature and use its resources sparingly. His heart is kind, so the hunter leaves the sparrow family alone, admiring the courage of the brave bird.
  • Themes

  1. Main theme - mother's love- a feeling inherent in every living creature, distinguishing it from insensitive stone or metal. It was the sparrow who demonstrated his craving for his child and care for him, neglecting his life to save the chick. Here it should be said that Turgenev, in a condensed literary form, was able to convey to the reader the full severity of this feeling, which is felt by all the inhabitants of our planet. Therefore, a person should not become arrogant and consider himself superior to his lesser brothers, because we all live by the same values, for which we can die.
  2. Another theme of the work is concept of "responsibility". Responsibility for one’s own “child”, for maintaining his safety and for sheltering him from all sorts of life difficulties and problems, in Turgenev’s understanding, distinguishes “real”, one might say, “human feeling”, which comes from animal instinct.
  3. The author also raises theme of respect for nature. By his behavior he shows that a person should be a modest and economical owner. You need to limit your possibilities by considerations of ethics, morality and frugality, because we are given one land, and we do not have the right to mindlessly plunder it, killing easy prey - animals that cannot even stand up for themselves.
  4. Problems

  • I.S. Turgenev, describing the above topics, adds another, quite important, one to his work, problem - recognition of love. After all, it is this feeling that makes the embarrassed hunting dog Trezor retreat from his intended goal: capturing prey. The author himself also recalls the dog in order to finally rid the bird of fear. He, like his pet, recognizes that the power of a parent’s love for a child should only inspire awe, and not provoke aggression. Alas, people do not always consider the feelings of animals, mistakenly believing that an animal is not capable of loving its family.
  • The reader can also see problem of moral choice, which is solved very simply by the sparrow, thanks to instinct and the harmony of the natural world where it lives. Unfortunately, people cannot always follow his example, because their world is filled with complexities, contradictions and falsehoods that distort the natural nature of man. That is why the author draws the reader’s attention to this hunting incident: it teaches us to uncompromisingly protect the main thing that we have.
  • Meaning

    The author of the work shows the real power of love, which is stronger than the fear of death and death itself. This is his main idea. In Turgenev’s understanding, every living creature has this kind of quality, and only a fool will not be able to understand that even the smallest “God’s creation” contains more love and maternal care than some people. This work is a kind of parable about how to love.

    The writer also teaches us to respect love wherever we find it. There is no need to laugh at it, even if its manifestations at times seem ridiculous to us. One must revere it, for this quality is the great value of all living beings.

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Methodological development of the lesson.

8th grade. Russian language. Textbook “Russian language. 8th grade" M.M. Razumovskaya. Ed. Moscow. Bustard. 2008

Nizhny Novgorod

MBOU secondary school No. 45,

N.M. Podkovyrina

teacher of the highest category


Complex analysis of the text (I.S. Turgenev “Sparrow”).


Consolidating the topic “Types of predicates.”

Repetition of basic speech science concepts (main idea, style, type of speech, text structure).

Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the text from the point of view of its main features and structure, belonging to certain functional varieties of language, features of linguistic design, and the use of expressive means (pay special attention to ANTITHESIS).

Work on moral concepts: love, duty, respect, heroism.

Development of creative abilities in constructing your own text.

Ability to independently find material on a given topic.

During the classes.

$11. Working with the text of exercise No. 59

$12. Expressive reading of text. Phonochrestomathy.

$13. Teacher's word.

So, before us is the prose poem “Sparrow”. This lyrical miniature, a wonderful “study from life,” is an integral part of small poems included in the cycle of “Poems in Prose” by the wonderful Russian writer I.S. Turgenev.

Joyful and sad memories of the past, reflections on life and death, love and truth, kindness, honor and honesty, conscience and faith merge here in the writer in a polyphony of sincere human feelings, instilling deep hope for the best of his homeland.

$14. Working with the class.

What is a prose poem?

(A small prose work of a lyrical nature, graphically presented as prose. Repetitions of rhythmically similar syntactic structures and sound echoes are noticeable (i.e. those means of expressiveness that are used in poetic speech).

Spelling work. Explain spellings in words:

Along the alley, along the alley, dropped, motionless, helpless, slowly, splayed, sprouting, still, as if, disheveled, distorted, desperate, embarrassed, close, yellowness.

Punctuation work. Find sentences with adverbial phrases. Parse one of them.

Write down the grammatical bases of all sentences. Determine the types of predicates.

5. Text analysis:

- What style of speech does this text belong to?

(This is an artistic style, the main task of which is to draw, depict an event, convey one’s perception. Such stylistic features as concreteness, imagery, emotionality, expressiveness are obvious.)

Determine the type of speech.

(This is a narrative with elements of description. In the center of the image is a picture of successive actions. A young sparrow and an old sparrow are described).

Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

Write down the adverbs and determine their role in the text.

6. Let's observe how the actions are described in this text:

- Was returning and walked– homogeneous predicates. Verbs of the imperfect past tense joined by a conjunction AND, indicate a leisurely action, and these are synonyms denoting the same action.

Adverb all of a sudden as if a signal for a sharp turn of events, for the beginning of action. Let's pay attention to the explosive sound side of this word: 4 voiced consonants and 1 vowel sound. Lack of harmony, euphony.

- shrank and began to sneak around, as if sensing... - this is the beginning of the action. Sharply decreased and slowly began to sneak (slowness is shown at the lexical and morphological level);

- looked and saw... instantaneous action is indicated by the suffix WELL. So, the action and its result.

- fell and sat with his arms outstretched… sequencing. The additional action expressed by the adverbial phrase helps to create the image of a little sparrow.

How is the little sparrow's helplessness shown?

(On the lexical and morphemic levels. Adverbs STILL, HELPLESS, participial turnover WINGS BARELY SPREADED; suffix – YSHK- diminutive. The wings are not just small, they BARELY sprouted.

Why are there so many homogeneous predicates?

(Specification, fragmentation of action helps to paint a figurative picture).

Again, events are developing smoothly, unhurriedly - this is indicated by the adverb SLOWLY

And again the adverb ALL OF A SUDDEN changes the situation dramatically.


Let's try to replace the gerund with a verb. What will change?

(How suddenly an old black-breasted sparrow fell from a nearby tree and fell like a stone in front of her face). The dynamics are lost, the action slows down. With an adverbial phrase, actions are performed simultaneously, with lightning speed

Let's return to the description.

How is the young sparrow described? And the old sparrow?

Is the dog described?

(there are only signs of the object whose actions are narrated... TOOTHED OPEN MOUTH, HUGE MONSTER).

What is the basis for the description?


At what linguistic level is the contrast given?

(First of all, lexical).

Who is opposed to whom?

(Young sparrow with yellowness near the beakold black chested sparrow.)

Antonyms: young – old. Colors: yellow – black. Chest – near the beak (small breast)

- SMALL BODY IS A HUGE MONSTER(the difference is too obvious. Not just small - big, but small - huge, i.e. polar points). – Highlight the suffixes and determine their meaning.

- ENK- diminutive.

- SEARCH-magnifying-dismissive (but there is no connotation of disdain here). This means that the opposition is given not only at the lexical, but also at the morphemic level.

So, from behind BABY, and ahead MONSTER. Why the monster is understandable, but why the brainchild? (A sparrow is equally dear to its offspring and a monster is terrible)

Is there any other antithesis in the text? (Muzzle, toothy open mouth - a desperate pathetic squeak).

- MUZZLE and MOUTH. What is the stylistic connotation of these words? (Colloquial, rude. But in this text it is appropriate).

- FELL AS A STONE. What picture does this metaphor help paint?

(The metaphor is based on a comparison that helps paint a picture of a rapid decline.)

Find words in the text that vividly describe the behavior of the “little heroic bird.” The author uses emotionally expressive vocabulary (... all disheveled, distorted, with despair and a pitiful squeak, he jumped twice). The sparrow not only protects, but also attacks.

How is it shown that the old sparrow sacrificed itself? ( HE ROUGHED TO SAVE, HE SHADED HIS CHILD WITH HIMSELF... BUT HIS ENTIRE SMALL BODY WAS TREMBLING WITH HORROR, MY VOICE WAS WILD AND HOASED, HE WAS FREEZING, HE SACRIFICED YOURSELF!) The role of verbs is especially expressive here. They convey accurately and figuratively all the smallest shades of action. Syntax is also a means of expression here. (Repetition of rhythmically similar syntactic constructions).

What kind of intonation sentence is this? (Exclamation).

What is the function of the ellipsis here? (The figure of silence makes it possible to complete the picture, to imagine all the unspeakable horror that the “heroic bird” experienced.)

What is the role of the adversarial union BUT? (Despite all the heroism, the sacrifice is obvious, the forces were too unequal. Shows hopelessness, despair, the fear of a small bird before a huge monster).


What is the sentence's intonation? Pay attention to the word order in the sentence. (Here the expressive means is inversion.)

Why couldn't the sparrow sit on a high, safe branch? (He didn’t fall himself, but some force threw him out of there).

What kind of power is this? ( LOVE THAT IS STRONGER THAN DEATH).

What does it mean to be reverent?

In what time is the story told? Pay attention to the verbs.

(These are perfect past tense verbs.)


The main idea, which has become an aphorism, carrying a philosophical life-affirming sound, inspiring hope, is expressed by verbs of the present tense of the imperfect form. Those. it is eternal, it is always there, at every moment and will never exhaust itself.

In what other works have we encountered a similar situation?

(L. Tolstoy “Eagle”, Ushinsky “Eagle and Cat”, Nosov “White Goose”).

Why did Turgenev call the sparrow a “heroic bird”? What do you think can be called a heroic act?

(HEROISM is an act involving a risk to life. When you are scared, you are afraid, but still sacrifice yourself, because what you sacrifice for contains much more than your life. This is what lies the harmony of life and nature.)

Do we call every act involving a risk to life heroic?


Write an essay-reasoning “Heroism...what is it?..” - option 1, “Love is stronger than death – option 2. (Give examples from fiction).


Podkovyrina Nina Mikhailovna

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The author of the stories “First Love”, “Spring Waters”, the novels “The Noble Nest”, “On the Eve” is, first of all, a singer of love and an admirer of nature, which he associates with the universe. In the life of both Turgenev himself and his central ones, his fiery feelings occupy not only a priority, but also a truly fundamental place. This will show a small work and its analysis - “Sparrow”. Turgenev depicted in it one of the faces of love.

The beginning of the poem "Sparrow"

A man returns home from hunting. He is already walking along the garden alley. The dog, as befits a cop, runs ahead - it is always and everywhere looking for prey. Suddenly (thanks to this adverb, the reader draws attention to the fact that something is about to begin) she changed the pace and began to slowly creep up on something. It turns out that a yellow-billed chick was sitting motionless not far from the alley.

He was completely helpless, only puffing up his slightly sprouted wings. Sympathy for the sparrow paralyzes the hunter - this is what the work and its analysis show readers (“Sparrow”). Turgenev wanted to demonstrate that humans react to events much more slowly than animals. The man just looks and does nothing.


And the dog, slowly moving its paws, approaches the unfortunate man. Suddenly (this adverb dramatically changes the whole situation again) a sparrow bravely falls from the tree in front of the dog’s face with a huge, toothy, grinning mouth, all its feathers spread out.

The writer uses an adverbial phrase, as if accelerating the actions of the defender. The sparrow is pitiful, helpless, squeaks hoarsely, but jumps towards the dog, protecting the chick, covering it with itself. In this part of the work, the author uses antonyms, contrasting the enormity of the dog in comparison with the small body of the bird.

The feathered creature decided to become a victim of this beast, although he was terribly afraid. All the verbs used accurately and colorfully convey those actions that helped in this desperate situation. The dog was dumbfounded, stopped and even moved back. One should never lose hope of salvation - this is the conclusion that readers make after disassembling the work in parts and analyzing it (“Sparrow”). Turgenev showed how powerful the natural instinct of protecting its cub is.


The hunter called the dog away, who was taken aback, and he himself left in awe of the behavior of the old sparrow. He wandered between the trees, thought about what had happened and involuntarily made an analysis. Sparrow... Turgenev exalted the little bird, but left the hunter puzzled. And the main character of this story, and the author, and the readers - everyone looked at the bird as if it were a hero, bowing before its selfless love.

Art style

This is a lyrical narrative in prose, which sequentially describes the entire chain of events. It makes extensive use of epithets to describe both old and young sparrows. They are the ones who convey the horror of the action taking place. The dog is brightly drawn, which is also driven by instinct. She is completely subordinated to the passion of the hunt. It is beyond her strength not to follow him. Only the owner can stop the animal, but not the game.

And then a small sparrow stood in her way, trembling with fear, but ready to protect the chick. courage stopped the dog, who had seen a lot. Turgenev's emotionality and imagery show us in every detail a seemingly insignificant event. The author rose to the highest generalizations in the work “Sparrow”. Turgenev, whose theme in the poem is connected with love and sacrifice, in other places will call it a sacred flame and a feeling that is a reflection of eternity itself.

Prose poem

This was written in April 1878. At this time, the author turned 60 years old and was haunted everywhere by the ghost of his approaching death. To distract himself from dark thoughts, to convince himself of the eternal victory of good over evil, he will create this poem in prose. It is permeated with heartfelt lines about love, on which everything rests and moves. It is on this positive note that Turgenev ends “The Sparrow,” the summary of which has been outlined.