Creative group Fotiya. Hieromonk Photius biography, photo, personal life. Monk Photius after a burst of fame

Hieromonk Photius is the only Russian clergyman who managed to become famous thanks to television project. Despite all his devotion to his monastery, music and the love of singing occupied a huge place in his soul from childhood.

Chorister of the Holy Paphnute Monastery, Hieromonk Photius (Mochalov)

That is why, having enlisted the support of his brothers, he risked trying his hand at the vocal television project “The Voice”. The singer's sincerity and sincerity so sank into the souls of the judges and television viewers that, based on the results of the final voting, he managed to gain a record number of votes and become the winner of the fourth season.

The childhood of Hieromonk Photius

Vitaly Mochalov (future Hieromonk Photius) was born on November 11, 1985 in a city called Gorky, which over time was renamed Nizhny Novgorod. WITH early age the boy was fond of music and deep in his soul knew that his life would be connected with creativity.

At the age of 7, the young man could boast of playing the piano quite well and good voice. He received basic skills at a local music school, which long time I didn’t want to teach the talented young man, citing the fact that he had unsuitable fingers. Having coped with all the difficulties, he still managed to graduate from school in piano.

Vitaly Mochalov (Fotiy) in childhood

To improve his skills, the guy joined the school choir, and also sang along with his mother at every opportunity. By the way, she once finished the same music school. While doing what he loved, Vitaly did not even suspect that very soon his voice would begin to “break.”

As soon as this happened, he decided to attend church school and continue singing in the choir. Days flew by, the boy grew up and moved further and further away from his classmates. Having completed 9 classes, Vitaly submitted documents to School of Music, where he hoped to gain new knowledge.

Hieromonk Photius in his youth

After studying for only 1 year, the parents decided to move to the German city of Kaiserslautern. In order not to lose what he had learned, the guy continued to study music and singing, but this time instead of the piano he chose the organ.

At this time, Photius began to actively perform at concerts, and also often took part in church services, thus earning your first money. Years passed, but the young man could not get used to a foreign country, so in 2005 he decided to return to his homeland.

Hieromonk Photius and the church

In 2005, when the young man turned 20 years old, he returned to Russia and entered service at the St. Pafnutevsky Monastery in the Kaluga region. It was during this period of his life ordinary guy, whom his parents named Vitaly, turned into Hieromonk Photius. He made the decision on his own, so his family didn’t even try to convince their son.

Father Photius

Once in the church, the guy continued to study music and even more, he put a lot of effort into improving his voice. In this he was helped by the honored teacher Viktor Tvardovsky, who spoke very flatteringly about the guy. He considered him a kind, bright and intelligent young man with a strong character.

In addition to music, Photius is also interested in photography and studying various foreign languages. In a relatively short time he managed to master English perfectly and German language. In addition to this, he is able to perform almost any song in Japanese, Italian and Georgian.

Hieromonk Photius plays a role in the production “Our Fatherland - Holy Rus'”

After completing his studies with Tvardovsky, Photius studied vocals for a long time, using special exercises, which were developed by a respected teacher. And only in 2010 the guy took monastic vows, and 3 years later he officially became a hieromonk.

Hieromonk Photius and the show “The Voice”

Hieromonk Photius was supposed to participate in the “Voice” project back in 2013, he was even invited to the casting, but at that time he was not ready to go for a blessing. In fact, he did not immediately dare to send an application, since he believed that a worshiper had no place on such a show.

After some time, the guy rethought everything and realized that “The Voice” is, first of all, a talent competition, and only then a TV show. Having gathered his thoughts, he went to have a serious conversation with confessors and metropolitans to convince them to let him go to the competition. In general, it took him 2 years, because he only dared to apply again in 2015.

Once on the show, Photius tried in every possible way not to tarnish the honor of the monastery and the dignity of the entire church. Perhaps faith helped him cope with all the difficulties, or maybe numerous prayers abbots and spiritual fathers. In fact, when he came to the show, the guy did not want fame and universal recognition, but rather to push and encourage all people to self-improvement through music.

Finding yourself for the first time big stage, the hieromonk was not at a loss and brilliantly performed an aria from Eugene Onegin. Unfortunately, his work impressed only Grigory Leps, because it was he who turned to the participant.

Hieromonk Photius (in the world - Vitaly Vladimirovich Mochalov, born November 11, 1985) - monk of the St. Paphnutyev Borovsky Monastery, regent of the monastery choir. In 2015, he won the television project “The Voice”.

Father Fotiy (Mochalov) today is perhaps the most known to the country hieromonk. His voice and manner of performance truly sank into the soul not only of the viewers of one of the television shows in which he became the winner. The Internet audience also fell in love with the modest and quiet young monk. Father Photius is currently on a concert tour throughout Russia. We talked to him on the day of his concert in Krasnoyarsk.

Father Photius, you often come into contact with the world of pop music, which many ordinary people, especially young people, find attractive and ideal. What really lies behind the spotlights and bright decorations?

When there is bread, you also want spectacles. Then people go to concert hall and get what they want. Music is different, as are artists. And behind the scenes goes with that time everyday life, full of work.

Some people focus on the show, on dancing, on appearance, and someone “gets out” in a shocking way. And there are people like me. Here the stage image is not at all important, because I never had a goal to be an artist, a public person. I have never been attracted to the world of show business, especially in the form that is imposed on us on TV.

- But now you are a media person, largely thanks to TV.

What I'm doing now is not Mass culture. I have a very unique repertoire. It is based on the classics, on original works that are a borderline genre. These are crossover, rock ballads. There are also various surprises - sometimes I perform songs in Norwegian, Armenian, Serbian.

When I see the uniqueness of a piece, when I am amazed by the beauty of the melody, I want to take it into my repertoire and make my own cover. I want people to touch these beautiful creations that they otherwise won’t hear anywhere. I try to popularize unusual music.

- Do you meet truly religious people in the pop world? Is this a practice or an exception?

It happened that I crossed paths with people whom I had previously only seen on TV. I was once again convinced that they are the same people as the others - they have usual life, but at the same time there is a stage image. When you see “stars” in an informal setting, hear what they are talking about, what ideas are in their heads, you meet people among them who are far from stupid, even wise. Spirituality can also be found there. Probably like everywhere else.

Taking this opportunity, I will ask a question from one hieromonk from the Krasnoyarsk Assumption Monastery: “Do you experience spiritual joy from your creativity?”

I would not say that my creativity directly influences spiritual life. It's just my business, my hobby. This is art. On the contrary, art can be influenced by spiritual life, the ministry that I have had for eleven years in the monastery. It is spirituality that allows creativity to be honest and open; it brings words to the hearts. I don't think there is a reverse effect.

We hear dissatisfied reviews from believers towards monastics engaged in creative work. Especially if it can be called “worldly”...

People who go to a monastery are a priori not lazy people. They are not in the mood to lie on the sofa in their cell for days. They are already prepared for the fact that they will have to get up very early every morning, go to prayer, bow down, and perform obediences. I think that every monk has a thirst for achievement. And everyone finds some kind of sublimation in the form of some kind of craft, some kind of creativity. Everyone is doing something. Not necessarily art. He could be a carpenter or a cook. And he will do it well, so that everyone is happy.

Now I have thoughts that my concert tour is some kind of feat. After all, this is very difficult, especially considering that I am not a public person, but I need to stand on stage. And this process is not mechanical, we always vary the program. I always personally care about the quality of performance, I always give my best. Constant moving... It's not even physically easy. The main thing is to try to do a little more than you can. That's why I don't see anything criminal in my work.

- Is it probably especially difficult to tour during Lent?

During fasting days the number of concerts will be reduced. And in the first week, of course, there will be no performances. You need to pray in a monastery. The program will also change, there will be more spiritual texts.

In general, with God, fasting is not so difficult. The most important thing is love. The Lord did not come to earth to forbid us to eat cottage cheese. He did not bring us rituals, not even canons. Christ was crucified so that we would understand what love is. Loving our neighbors more during Lent will be much better than worrying about the ingredients in the soup. So the main feat at this time is not physical, but spiritual.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill in one of his interviews said: “Many people, through Father Photius, discover for themselves Orthodox faith" This is a very high assessment of your creativity and service. Do you consider yourself a missionary?

To some extent, I am a missionary. Only my mission is not verbal. Although there are texts that make a person think and lead him to repentance. This, of course, does not mean that he will immediately run to church for confession after the concert. No, I am not trying to achieve this effect. For me, the main thing is that a person’s soul opens up, so that he listens to what’s in his this moment is happening in the soul. This is probably my missionary activity. This is my ministry.

Yuri Paskhalsky specially for the newspaper “Orthodox Word of Siberia” and the website of “Kasyanovsky House”

Hieromonk Photius is the only Russian clergyman who managed to become famous thanks to a television project. Despite all his devotion to his monastery, music and the love of singing occupied a huge place in his soul from childhood.

That is why, having enlisted the support of his brothers, he risked trying his hand at the vocal television project “The Voice”. The singer's sincerity and sincerity so sank into the souls of the judges and television viewers that, based on the results of the final voting, he managed to gain a record number of votes and become the winner of the fourth season.

The childhood of Hieromonk Photius

Vitaly Mochalov (future Hieromonk Photius) was born on November 11, 1985 in a city called Gorky, which over time was renamed Nizhny Novgorod. From an early age, the boy was interested in music and deep in his soul knew that his life would be connected with creativity.

At the age of 7, the young man could boast of good piano playing and a good voice. He received basic skills at a local music school, which for a long time did not want to teach the talented young man, citing the fact that he had unsuitable fingers. Having coped with all the difficulties, he still managed to graduate from school in piano.

To improve his skills, the guy joined the school choir, and also sang along with his mother at every opportunity. By the way, she graduated from the same music school at one time. While doing what he loved, Vitaly did not even suspect that very soon his voice would begin to “break.”

As soon as this happened, he decided to attend church school and continue singing in the choir. Days flew by, the boy grew up and moved further and further away from his classmates. After finishing 9 grades, Vitaly applied to a music school, where he hoped to gain new knowledge.

After studying for only 1 year, he was forced to leave his studies and move with his parents to the German city of Kaiserslautern. In order not to lose what he had learned, the guy continued to study music and singing, but this time instead of the piano he chose the organ.

At this time, Photius began to actively perform at concerts, and also often took part in church services, thus earning his first money. Years passed, but the young man could not get used to a foreign country, so in 2005 he decided to return to his homeland.

Hieromonk Photius and the church

In 2005, when the young man was 20 years old, he returned to Russia and entered service at the St. Pafnutevsky Monastery in the Kaluga region. It was during this period of his life that an ordinary guy, whom his parents named Vitaly, turned into hieromonk Photius. He made the decision on his own, so his family didn’t even try to convince their son.

Once in the church, the guy continued to study music and even more, he put a lot of effort into improving his voice. In this he was helped by the honored teacher Viktor Tvardovsky, who spoke very flatteringly about the guy. He considered him a kind, bright and intelligent young man with a strong character.

In addition to music, Photius is also interested in photography and studying various foreign languages. In a relatively short time, he managed to perfectly master English and German. In addition to this, he is able to perform almost any song in Japanese, Italian and Georgian.

Hieromonk Photius plays a role in the production “Our Fatherland - Holy Rus'”

After completing his studies with Tvardovsky, Photius studied vocals for a long time, using special exercises that the respected teacher developed. And only in 2010 the guy took monastic vows, and 3 years later he officially became a hieromonk.

Hieromonk Photius and the show “The Voice”

Hieromonk Photius was supposed to participate in the “Voice” project back in 2013, he was even invited to the casting, but at that time he was not ready to go for a blessing. In fact, he did not immediately dare to send an application, since he believed that a worshiper had no place on such a show.

After some time, the guy rethought everything and realized that “The Voice” is, first of all, a talent competition, and only then a TV show. Having gathered his thoughts, he went to have a serious conversation with confessors and metropolitans to convince them to let him go to the competition. In general, it took him 2 years, because he only dared to apply again in 2015.

Once on the show, Photius tried in every possible way not to tarnish the honor of the monastery and the dignity of the entire church. Perhaps faith helped him cope with all the difficulties, and perhaps numerous prayers of abbots and spiritual fathers. In fact, when he came to the show, the guy did not want fame and universal recognition, but rather to push and encourage all people to self-improvement through music.

Finding himself on the big stage for the first time, the hieromonk was not at a loss and brilliantly performed an aria from Eugene Onegin. Unfortunately, his work impressed only Grigory Leps, because it was he who turned to the participant.

Hieromonk Photius " Good night", gentlemen" (Final - Voice)

As Photius himself later admitted, he dreamed of getting into the team of Alexander Gradsky, but fate decreed otherwise. Despite this, his idol still paid attention to him and even agreed to perform Lensky’s aria from the opera “Eugene Onegin” with him.

At first, the jury members did not even realize that the clergyman would be able to reach the finals, but deep in their hearts they were glad of this. At the end of the project, Grigory Leps was very proud of his ward, as he managed to meet all his expectations. fight for Grand Prize The show “The Voice” was lucky for four contestants: Era Kann (Basta’s team), Mikhail Ozerov (Alexander Gradsky’s team), Olga Zadonskaya (Polina Gagarina’s team) and Hieromonk Photius (Grigory Leps’ team).

In December 2015, the clergyman sang the song Per te (“For you”) and captivated all television viewers with it. During live broadcast More than 900,000 viewers voted for him. As a result, he won a phenomenal victory, receiving 75% of all votes. Having officially become the winner, he was given the keys to a brand new car. Monk Photius serves in the St. Pafnutevsky Monastery

At one time, already a clergyman, the guy dreamed of giving back to his homeland and becoming a military man. Unfortunately, doctors discovered problems with his vision and rejected him. Since then everything free time he devoted himself to music and the church.

Perhaps it was thanks to his perseverance and determination that he managed not only to win the show, but also to teach a lesson to all people who doubt their abilities.

Hieromonk Photius today

In February 2016, Timur Kizyakov, the host of the TV program “While Everyone is Home,” came to visit Hieromonk Photius. The meeting took place in the tea room of the St. Paphnute Monastery. During the tea party, Hieromonk Joseph, Photius and his entire support group, who helped cope with all the difficulties on the “Voice” show, were sitting at the table.

Hieromonk Photius (world name Vitaly Mochalov) was born in the city of Gorky on November 11, 1985 into a non-religious family.

Childhood of Vitaly Molchanov

The childhood of the future priest passed under the “sign of music”; he was drawn to singing, but despite this, for a long time The boy was not accepted into music school, citing the fact that he had crooked fingers. Having overcome difficulties, he was able to graduate from school in piano. At the same time, Vitaly studied solo singing and even performed in an ensemble. In his dreams he saw himself as a composer, writing music for movies. After in adolescence the voice began to break, solo performances became impossible and he began to sing in the church choir. It was from this moment that his churching began. And after completing nine classes, he entered a music school, where he studied one course music theory.

Vitaly's parents emigrated to Germany in 2002, he moved with them, which is why he stopped attending music school, but began to study playing the organ. In the city of Kaiserslautern, he began to earn money by playing at Protestant and Catholic services, and took part in concerts.

Hieromonk Photius

When Vitaly turned 20 years old, in 2005 he returned to Russia, the city of Borovsk. He decided to become a monk and went to the St. Paphnutievsky Monastery, located in the Kaluga region. The decision was personal, it did not depend on external circumstances. After taking monastic vows, he continued his music studies, improved his voice, and took vocal lessons. Photius took several lessons from V. Tvardovsky in Moscow, the teacher himself came to the monastery and taught classes. At the same time, he was interested in foreign languages, photography, computer layout, sang in the church choir.

Photius took Ionian tonsure in 2010, and three years later he was ordained to the rank of hieromonk.
While a resident, he recorded two discs and took part in performances, in particular at the Kaluga Philharmonic.

Now Photius is the regent of the Holy Paphnutev Monastery in the city of Borovsk.

Vitaly Mochalov applied for the “Voice” project in 2013 and was invited to the casting. But he did not dare to go for the blessing, so he did not participate in the competition. In general, he did not immediately decide on this event, because he believed that there was no place for a worshiper there. Over time, he gained courage and decided for himself that “The Voice” is, first of all, a competition, and only then a show. The confessor and the metropolitan, after two years of persuasion, released Photius; in 2015, he again applied and received permission.

According to the priest, his task was to win the competition without tarnishing the honor of the monastery and the dignity of the entire church. The abbot and spiritual father prayed for him while the competition lasted. Photius associates participation in the project with a mission calling on people to improve and spiritual growth with help opera music and romances. At the blind audition, he performed an aria from Eugene Onegin and was immediately liked by the judges. Having joined Leps' team, he was able to reach the finals and win the competition. The next day, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' congratulated Photius on his victory.

For some time, the hierarchy did not give the hieromonk permission for subsequent performances and participation in concerts, but more recently it became known that the blessing had been given and the finalist of the show “The Voice” Photius would go on tour with concerts in Russian cities and would record his CD in the studio.
Vitaly Mochalov intends to continue to engage in creativity, but according to him, he came into the world of music as a priest, a priest and will leave.

Hieromonk Photius "Monologue"

Hieromonk Photius "Good night, gentlemen"

Hieromonk Photius and Gregory Leps "Labyrinth"

Father Photius "Lensky's Aria"

Hieromonk Photius is a monk, regent of the monastery choir, winner of a television show and the only Russian clergyman who gained popularity after participating in a music television show. The monk is meticulous about the selection of material for performance. Photius’s repertoire includes listeners’ favorite Russian romances, classic pop hits of the last century, arias from popular operas, rock classics and recognized foreign hits.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Mochalov was born in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) on November 11, 1985 into a non-religious family. IN school age attended a local music school, where he studied vocals and piano. In addition, the boy sang in the school choir and often performed as a soloist. Since childhood, Mochalov dreamed of becoming a composer and writing music and songs. As a teenager, when his voice began to break, Vitaly attended church school, where he also sang in the choir.

On May 31, the monk spoke in Pskov. The musician performed old romances and pop hits. On June 7, 2017 took place solo concert singer in Moscow, at Crocus City Hall. Photius’s guests were his colleagues from “The Voice” - Renata Volkievich. Later in the interview, the hieromonk mentioned that it was the first time he spoke in front of such a large audience, which was exciting for him.