Learn to draw girls step by step. Drawing a full-length girl with a pencil: master class with photo and video materials

For some reason, when it comes to boys and girls, I just want to remember one mischievous song in which the author talks about what these indigenous inhabitants of the country of Childhood are like. Remember how it says that girls are made of bells and flowers? But how to draw a girl if she is a sweet, airy, almost unearthly creature?

In fact, there are several ways to draw a little girl. For example, she can be depicted with photographic precision in the form of a portrait, or as a doll. Or, even a fairy-tale, cartoon character. And even for novice artists, this process of choosing a model’s image will be interesting. In it they will be able to express themselves as a creative person.

Having chosen a photo or picture to sketch, we get to work. Just first let’s look at how to draw a girl step by step with a pencil. Our model will look like a character from a children's book. And we will try to portray her as funny and sweet as possible.


  1. Head and neck;
  2. Torso (dress);
  3. Legs;
  4. Pens;
  5. Detailing: face and hairstyle, arms and legs;
  6. Coloring a picture.
Working step by step, we will easily accomplish everything. Working on the image together with our kids, we will teach them how to draw a girl and have an interesting time with our little ones.

Another condition is that we depict a girl with long hair that is styled in an updo. In our case, these are ponytails, beloved by many girls. Now the preparation for work is completely completed: we know what and how we will depict, we have the approximate nature and purpose of the picture, we have thought about some of the nuances. Its time to begin!

Head and neck

There is no need to invent anything extra about how to draw a girl with a pencil. You can learn the easiest way. Let's make a circle. This will be the head. There are two coming down from her parallel lines- neck. From the “neck” there are two lines in opposite directions. We make them at an angle. This is how we show the fragility of the girl’s sloping shoulders.

Torso (dress)

How to draw a girl in a dress? It's simple! You need to come up with an outfit and transfer your thoughts to paper. I got it like this:

I wanted the dress to be lush, lush and elegant. And that is why waves pass along its bottom.


Since our girl is visible to us in full height, then the next step is to draw the legs of the model.

So far the whole picture bears little resemblance to our final goal. This is just a sketch, devoid of detailed details. In the future, all drawings will be edited. Completed with details, they seem to come to life. And a cute little girl will appear.


We don’t want our model to just stand there and not have any zest in it. It’s worth thinking about how to draw a cute girl so that any decorative element gave her naivety and warmth. Therefore, we boldly hand a balloon into her hands. To do this, one hand is lowered along the body, and the second, which holds the ball by the string, is raised.

Detail: face and hairstyle, arms and legs

In order for the girl drawn in the picture to “come to life”, you need to pay attention to details. So, for example, hairstyle.

Eyes, lips and nose. Perhaps an inexperienced child will not be able to immediately cope with this point, so a parent can help him. He will explain how a portrait is made. And yet, our little girl’s lips are stretched into a smile.

The arms and legs of the model also need to be completed. There should be shoes on the legs, and fingers should be added on the arms.

Coloring pictures

We did not copy from photos or pictures. But they just understood the principle of how to draw a beautiful girl, in what order.

But in order for our work to look complete, we should pay attention to coloring. First, we did everything with colored pencils.

Now let's fully paint all the details.

We got a cute picture, which depicts a full-length smiling girl with balloon in hand.

Below are a few more step-by-step drawing options.

Children are a real joy in life, and painted children are a doubly joy, because if an artist manages to capture such moments on paper, then the memory remains for a lifetime.

How to draw a girl. Step-by-step instruction:

1. We start traditionally with the oval of the head

2. The next step is to designate the torso and the points of the shoulders and arms

3. Using ovals we draw shoulders and forearms

4. Our child sits on his knees, marking the round line of the hip

5. Draw a pretty face for the girl: large closed eyes, a small nose and mouth. It is important to know, how to draw a human face (female) .

6. Painted children are no different from real ones. Girls love to wear long hair, using smooth lines we indicate the contour of the hair and bangs

7. Let's start with the outfit - it will be summer dress short sleeves, lace trim

8. The next step is to draw chubby children's hands

9. Our girl is sitting on summer meadow, there is a lot of tall, lush grass around, so there is no need for shoes - a bare heel peeks out from under a long dress

10. It turns out that the girl really admires beautiful flower, which grows on the lawn, she pulls her hands towards him

11. How to draw a girl so that she doesn’t look flat, you need to very carefully add volume and realism using shading. How to draw a Snow Maiden- be sure to try to master this lesson on the eve of the New Year holidays.

12. There is a lot of grass in the meadow, shade it in a darker tone

13. To give the grass volume, lightly shade the surface and draw individual blades of grass with separate clear lines

14. Using an eraser, highlight certain areas of the body, arms and face

15. Pencil white we draw highlights on the hair, dress, grass and flower. The work is done

Knowing how to draw a girl as realistically as possible, you will be able to draw different children. To do this, it is recommended to observe more, make sketches and be patient.

→ Draw a girl

What you will need

In order to draw a girl we may need:

  • Paper. It's better to take medium grain special paper: It will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this one.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing characters from films, cartoons and stories is much easier than drawing real people and animals. There is no need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them using special patterns, which must be repeated quite accurately. But if you want, when you try to draw a girl, you can always make the eyes a little bigger. This will give it a more cartoonish feel.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

For this lesson we need pencils HB, B, B2, B4. We draw a contour, auxiliary lines and main lines.

Draw with an HB pencil. Add details to the dress using an HB pencil. And shadow lines.

We draw the outline and caps with an HB pencil.

Shade the eyes with pencil B2. We outline the outline of the girl with a B4 pencil. Shade with an HB pencil.

Shade the hair with pencil B and use an eraser to create a highlight. Shade the ribbons with a B2 pencil.

Shade the hat with an HB pencil. The drawing is ready. =)

Now you know how to draw a girl in a dress and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

Today we will learn how to draw a girl step by step with a pencil.

The picture is not easy, beginners will need to make every effort. But if you follow this master class step by step, you shouldn’t have any problems with the image.

We will do the drawing in pencil, which will allow us to easily correct any flaws. It is important, before drawing a full-length girl, to remember about perspective and center lines.

Stages of creating a full-length drawing of a girl

For convenience, the master class is divided into understandable steps. By following the tips, you will get a great drawing.

Step 1 Construction lines

When drawing construction lines, you can rely on standing nearby people, or, as in our example, decorative elements.

IN classical theory arts there is a rule of “seven heads”. It means that the body is related to the head in a ratio of 7:1 and consists, with an ideal structure, of 7 sizes of its head.

You need to know how to draw a person, a girl in our case. Consider design features female body and its differences from the male one:

width of the hip joint;

structure of the shoulder girdle and sternum;

graceful lines of arms and legs;

thin wrists and ankles;

arching of the back, especially in the lumbar region.

Today we are drawing a girl from the back. This affects the depth and direction of the spine's curve. Hands can be used as an additional support element.

With a pencil, lightly and carefully, we begin to draw:

figure parameters;

head tilt;

body proportions.

We draw with light, fuzzy lines. So far our picture is similar to a children's poem: “stick, stick, cucumber - it turned out to be a little man.”

Step 2.Create volume

Now we will give our frame volume. It is worth dividing this step into small steps:

At the bends of the arms and legs, at the joints, draw circles. They will help create proportional limbs. The circles should not be large, since we are depicting a graceful and beautiful girl. If we go too far at this stage, we can get not a dancer, but a bodybuilder;

outline the line of the neck and collarbones;

now, on the currently invisible supporting part, draw the outlines of the palm;

the outline of the chest should only protrude slightly just below the right shoulder;

The girl's legs are crossed. Using smooth lines, highlight the outlines of the leg muscles. We are looking at the girl from below, so we lengthen her legs a little;

The final stage of the second step is the feet.

It's okay if you don't succeed the first time. The beauty of the pencil is that all mistakes can be carefully corrected.

Step 3 Railing - fulcrum

The easiest but most important step. We draw the railings on which she leans while dancing. All lines on the legs, hands and palms that cross the railings need to be removed.

Step 4.Draw the hairstyle

Now very important detail- hair. The model's hair is pulled back into a messy bun. Her hair became disheveled and fell down her neck. Drawing a hairstyle is a very painstaking task, but with due diligence you can do it perfectly. To make it easier for you, below is an enlarged image of the model’s hair. In the hair we denote the shape of the ear.

Step 5. Dress the upper part of the model

The hardest part of the job is over. The girl's hair and body are ready. Now let’s critically evaluate the result obtained. Where necessary we erase or complete the drawing.

Drawing a T-shirt with thin straps, we draw the lines of the shoulders, interscapular area and spine. On a T-shirt, do not forget about the folds of the fabric. They will give a more real look.

Step 6. Draw visible lines

We draw a clear line on all visible parts of the body and railings. Let's put the little things in order:

draw the wrist and hand right hand, draw a line of knuckles and fingers;

draw the line of the left hand and the outline of the elbow;

making the T-shirt more embossed. We outline all the folds and bends of the clothing.

Step 7. Draw the bottom of the clothing

The girl's shorts are short and follow the shape of her body. Drawing them is not difficult. We apply folds to the clothes, which should be on the lower back, between the buttocks and on the sides of the thighs. We complement the shorts with a belt; they should not fit tightly to the legs. In this way we will show the structure of their material. Finishing the line of the spine.

Step 8 Draw the feet and leg warmers

Create clear lines of the legs. And let's start with training socks. Gaiters are much bulkier than the shins and have large horizontal folds.

Step 9 Finishing Touches

Our work is coming to an end. Putting the finishing touches on. Create the texture of the gaiter material and the shape of the railing.

The final appearance of the drawing should be similar to the picture below.

You can learn more about how to draw a full-length girl by watching the video master class.