Mind as understood by Famusov. The image of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov: the character and life of the hero (Alexander Andreevich Chatsky). Young generation in comedy

Griboedov's comedy “Woe from Wit” is an invaluable masterpiece in Russian literature. This work describes the noble society of the 19th century. The main character of this comedy is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - an intelligent, free-thinking young man. The author in the work contrasts Famus’s society with him, thereby showing us the contradictions between the “Century of the Present” and the “Century of the Past.”

The most prominent representative of the Famusov society is Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov. This is a person who does not like service and works only for rewards. Famus society included people who lived according to established customs. The main task in their life was to gain a high rank and a high position in society in order to “win awards and live a fun life.” These people are ardent serf owners, capable of killing and robbing people and controlling their fate. Chatsky furiously unleashes his anger on these people. He does not accept their beliefs and does not believe in the laws of old Moscow. Chatsky responds to Famusov’s story about his late uncle Maxim Petrovich with a remark characterizing Catherine’s age as “the age of obedience and fear.” Chatsky advocates the abolition of serfdom. He is very outraged that peasants are not considered people, that they can be exchanged for some things or sold. He indignantly talks about how one landowner sold the serf ballet for debts, and another exchanged his best servants for greyhounds. I am also greatly outraged by the nobles’ imitation of the West. Chatsky noticed that the doors of noble houses are always open to foreign guests. Thus, a Frenchman from Bordeaux, who was going to the country of barbarians, received the warmest welcome in Russia and did not find here “neither the sound of a Russian nor a Russian face.” But Chatsky could not change the people around him, because he was opposed not by individuals, but by the entire noble life.

In his work, Griboyedov managed to create the image of a hero who fights for people's rights. Although the author describes only Moscow and Famusov’s house, the readers are presented with a picture of all of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. And I am very sorry that at that time there were few people like Chatsky.

There are many different people in the world: some, like Chatsky, are educated and interesting, others, like the Famus society, are mean, envious, thinking only about wealth and nobility. Such people were compared in his comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov. The whole conflict takes place in the house of the nobleman Famusov.

Famusov is one of the main characters of the work. He is a rich uneducated man. Famusov does not care at all about the future of his country, his people. He hates books: “I would like to take all the books and burn them.” Famusov has created a society around himself in which people spread gossip against each other, doing it behind their backs. Famusov says about Chatsky: “A dangerous man,” “He wants to preach freedom.” Sofia about Chatsky: “I’m ready to pour bile on everyone.” Chatsky about Molchalin: “Why not a husband? There’s just not enough intelligence in him.” Platon Mikhailovich about Zagoretsky: “An out-and-out swindler, a rogue.” Khlestova considers Zagoretsky “a liar, a gambler and a thief.” Famus society scolds everything new and advanced, but no one looks at themselves from the outside, “not noticing about themselves.” All these people live in the world only for intrigues that look like madness. Chatsky, the main character of the comedy, opposes their views. He is a preacher of a new life, a defender of advanced ideas. Alexander Andreevich is an intelligent, sincere, noble person. He is also very courageous and determined. This is confirmed by Chatsky’s monologue “Who are the judges?..”. Remember how he criticized high society with its old views on life, talked about the injustice that reigns between rich and poor, how he wanted to serve the Fatherland, but “it’s sickening to be served”? Witty, eloquent, Chatsky angrily ridicules the vile vices of Famus society: servility to superiors, servility and servility. His mind, rich and figurative language find abundant material for this:

Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers

The times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of Crimea...

Chatsky despises braggarts who receive their “liras” not by serving the Motherland, but by flattering some individual person. Griboyedov wanted to show how

It is difficult for a person whose thoughts and behavior differ from the opinions of the majority.

It is likely that Famus society will exist all the time, because there will always be people who will be commanded by the upper classes. The comedy “Woe from Wit” made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature and became an immortal treasure of people. We can say that Russian drama was born with this work.

Very often in life we ​​come across people who can be compared to Famus society. They are vile, stupid and untalented. What is the mind for them? And what does it really mean? These questions are resolved in the great work of Russian literature by A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”.

This grief was for the main character of the comedy, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, an intelligent, noble, honest and brave man. He hates and despises Famus society, in which the main theme in life is servility. He can be compared to a lone hero who fights an entire regiment. But his superiority was that he was unusually intelligent. Chatsky wanted to honestly serve his Motherland, but he did not want to serve higher ranks: “I would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served.” These words of his indicate that before us is a proud, witty and eloquent man. In this work A.S. Griboyedov shows the conflict between two opposing sides - Chatsky and Famusov society. Alexander Andreevich is a victim of his wit.

The people with whom he was surrounded did not understand him and did not even strive to do so. They are accustomed to living in eternal “slavery”; the concept of freedom is alien to them. It seems to me that Chatsky is not the only positive hero in this comedy; there are characters that Griboyedov only mentions in his work. This is Skalozub’s cousin, who left the service and went to the village, the nephew of Princess Tugoukhovskaya, Prince Fyodor, a chemist and botanist. They can be considered Chatsky's allies. It is simply unbearable for the main character to be in the company of people like Famusov, Skalozub, Molchalin. They considered themselves very smart, having earned their position by sycophancy. So Famusov confirms this in his own words: “Whether he’s honest or not, it’s all right for us, dinner is ready for everyone.” And also, talking about his late uncle, who knew when to help himself, he was proud that it was his relative who was so “smart.” People from Famus society did not notice how stupid their morals were. These people lived a fictitious life, without reflecting on the main thing - its meaning. Chatsky loved Sofia very much and admitted this to her at their first meeting after a long separation, and she answered him: “Why do I need you?” The main character begins to think that she has become the same as her father and those around him. Chatsky leaves Moscow, realizing that he has no place there. But Famus society cannot be considered a winner, since Chatsky did not lose this battle, he did not become like these people, he did not sink to their level. It seems to me that this man was born a little earlier than the time in which it would have been easier for him to live. I believe that the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov’s “Woe from Wit” is a great work of Russian literature that is immortal.

I read the magnificent comedy by A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”. It was created by the author over eight years. “Woe from Wit” is a comedy about how a crowd of fools do not understand one sane person. The events of the comedy develop in one Moscow aristocratic house over the course of one day. The main characters of this work are Chatsky, Famusov, his daughter Sofia and Famusov's secretary Molchalin.

In the comedy there is a Famus society that opposes Chatsky. It lives with the opposite worldview, honoring and defending veneration and hypocrisy. Chatsky himself appears in Famus’s world like a cleansing thunderstorm. He is in every way the opposite of typical representatives of Famus society. If Molchalin, Famusov, Skalozub see the meaning of life in their well-being, then Chatsky dreams of selflessly serving his homeland, of bringing benefit to the people, whom he respects and considers “smart and cheerful.” So, in a conversation with Famusov, Skalozub utters the following phrase:

Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels.

These people are deeply indifferent to the fate of their homeland and people. Their cultural and moral level can be judged by the following remarks from Famusov: “They should take all the books and burn them,” because “learning is the reason” that “there are crazy people, both in their deeds and in their opinions.” Chatsky has a different opinion - a man of extraordinary intelligence, brave, honest, sincere. He values ​​people who are ready to “put their minds hungry for knowledge into science.” This is the only character that reflects many important personality traits of the author. Chatsky is a person to whom the author trusts his thoughts and views. Griboedov's hero has a lot of strength, he is eager to take action and is ready to prove his point. So, in a conversation with Famusov, Chatsky says:

Chatsky is a representative of that part of the noble youth who rebels against the society of the Famusovs, the rock-toothed, silent ones. There are still a few such people, they are not yet able to fight the existing system, but they are appearing. That is why Chatsky can rightfully be called a hero of his time. It was they who had to carry out the first stage of the revolutionary liberation movement, shake up the country, and bring closer the time when the people would free themselves from the chains of slavery.

If I were asked why I liked the comedy “Woe from Wit,” I would answer this way: “An interesting plot, bright characters, unique thoughts and statements had an emotional impact on me.” This work is one of those that, once you read it, you leave in your memory for a long time. The comedy “Woe from Wit” cannot be imagined without the author himself. Griboyedov and “Woe from Wit” - this is something without which neither one nor the other could exist alone.

The very name of the comedy “Woe from Wit” suggests that the main character was not understood by the people around him. This hero, to whom the author paid more attention, is Chatsky. He is an intelligent, smart, honest, kind, sincere, brave, selfless, cheerful, progressive person. He is not afraid to express his point of view. He soberly assesses the situation and position of Famus society, not being afraid to express his opinion. Boldly entering into a conversation, he expresses his thoughts to the faces of his interlocutors. For example, the quote “The houses are new, but the prejudices are old” speaks of this person’s modern view of life in Russia. Chatsky's subtle and insightful mind does not accept Famus society, which he criticizes. The main character is disgusted to humiliate himself in front of people who are higher in the service and, perhaps, undeservedly occupy military posts, for example, Colonel Skalozub.

Comparing Chatsky with the colonel, we can say that he is superior in mental development, thinking, and courage, which Skalozub does not have. I think that Skalozub, who holds such a position in the state, is not worthy to manage and command the regiments that were under his command. He would not be able to cope with his duty to the Fatherland, because he does not have the same merits as Chatsky.

The person completely opposite to Chatsky is Molchalin. I have a special opinion about him. Even his last name speaks of meanness and flattery. He always takes advantage of the situation for himself. Molchalin is capable of betraying, deceiving, setting up, but at what cost?! Just to get a new position! Chatsky exposes Molchalin’s character and expresses his opinion: “But by the way, he will reach the well-known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb.”

Speaking about the main representative of the Famusov society, Famusov himself, we can say that this man has a very high opinion of himself: “He is known for his monastic behavior.” In fact, he is an egoist; there is nothing interesting about him as a person. Even contrasting Chatsky with Famusov is impossible. Chatsky stands much higher and much more worthy than him.

Chatsky is the winner, despite the fact that he was mistaken for a madman. He was forced to leave Moscow: “Get out of Moscow! I don’t go here anymore.” As a result, he was never able to achieve Famusov’s recognition and Sofia’s reciprocal love.

Chatsky is an exponent of new ideas, and therefore society could not correctly understand him and accept him for who he is. His image in literature will live until the mind of mankind understands what ideas need to be fought for and defended.

I read a wonderful comedy by A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”. This comedy makes fun of a stupid, stupid and vile society. It was written in 1824. In the comedy, the author depicts a true picture of the life of the Moscow nobility, which was in need of renewal. I would like to begin my essay with a quote characterizing the lifestyle of these nobles:

In the love of traitors, in the tireless enmity,

Indomitable storytellers,

Clumsy smart people, crafty simpletons,

Sinister old women, old men,

Decrepit over inventions, nonsense...

Griboedov describes the Moscow nobility, consisting of the Famusovs, Zagoretskys, and Skalozubs. They do not belong to high society. These are people who have never served at court. These are various talkers and swindlers like Zagoretsky, who are ready to humiliate themselves before the rich in order to get into their favor. This is Famus society. Wealth and nobility are the main requirement in it. The representative of this society is Famusov, who already has an adult daughter. Famusov’s ideal is his uncle:

He fell painfully, but got up healthy.

And he says this about his attitude to the matter:

Signed, off your shoulders.

Molchalin does not dare to object to his boss. He is quiet, timid, deceitful. Molchalin does not love Sofia, who does not know this. He cares because she likes it. Molchalin has no opinion. He pleases those on whom he depends.

Skalozub is Famusov’s friend:

And a golden bag, and aims to become a general.

He seeks awards, waits for the moment when someone resigns or is killed in the war.

In the third act we get to know Famusov's other friends. This is Zagoretsky - a liar and a pleaser, Khlestova - an ignorant and grumpy old woman, the all-knowing Repetilov, Prince Tugoukhovsky, who is looking for rich and famous husbands for his daughters. The circle of concern of these people is lunches, dinners, searches for connections that will help them advance in their careers. For them, promotion can be obtained without any special merit:

Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels...

For the sake of rewards, they are ready to humiliate themselves and be buffoons. Relationships in the Famusov world are based on fear and submission to superiors. It doesn't matter to them whether someone is smart or stupid:

Honor between father and son.

The subject of conversation is gossip. The main task for parents is to successfully marry off their children. And in this insignificant society the noble, honest, educated, brave and witty Chatsky appears. Chatsky is the only positive hero in this comedy. He once lived in Famusov’s house and was friends with Sofia. Gradually his friendship grew into love, but then he left to wander. Now, three years later, he returns, full of hope. But Sofia no longer loves Chatsky and gives him a cold shoulder. She became completely different. She is cold and arrogant. Chatsky, trying to find out who Sofia’s chosen one is, comes into conflict with the entire Famus society. This society is afraid of Chatsky because he brings with him new views on life, new orders. But the Moscow nobility does not want to change anything and declares Chatsky crazy. Famusov is also afraid of Chatsky, because the main character is smart and sharp. He is distinguished by his independence of judgment and boldness of statements. He accuses Famus society of lies, slander, helpfulness, pretense, hypocrisy, stupidity, ignorance, for which society rejects him. At the end, Chatsky leaves. But who is he - the defeated or the winner? Chatsky is a winner because he is not alone! Somewhere there are others like him, and there are more of them every day.

I really liked Griboedov’s comedy, because the author, speaking in the role of Chatsky, is not afraid to accuse the Moscow nobility of lies and slander. I would like there to be no “woe from mind” in our society.

Who is Chatsky and what kind of Famus society is this? The author compares and contrasts two categories of people who, even in our time, meet and conflict with each other.

Griboedov's comedy, like the globe, has two poles. On one of them is Chatsky - an intelligent, brave, determined man. The author values ​​intelligence in people and wants to show his main character as a person of the highest moral principles. Arriving in Moscow after a long absence, Alexander Andreevich is disappointed. He hopes to meet Sofia, whom he has loved since childhood. But when he comes to her house, he realizes that he is not welcome here. It is in this house that Chatsky encounters Famusov’s society: Famusov himself, Skalozub, Molchalin and other equally stupid, mediocre and insignificant people. Their main goal was to “earn” a high rank and have a place in high society. I'm not saying that Chatsky did not belong to high society, but he did not stoop to the level of Famusov and others like him. Alexander Andreevich remained a man of honor, he did not lose his dignity. Chatsky is trying to understand why he is worse than Molchalin, because he is a deceitful and vile person. Why did Sofia choose Molchalin over him? What did this vile man do to deserve her attention? The main character is afraid to even think that Sofia has become the same as her father. The entire Famus society is trying to destroy a person who is smarter than them. They spread gossip about Chatsky's madness. By this act, the entire Famus society showed its stupidity. Not a single person has refuted this claim. Chatsky understands very well that there is no place for him in Moscow, and he leaves. But this does not indicate that Famus’s society managed to break his pride and honor. On the contrary, Chatsky still remained superior to Famusov and his entourage.

It seems to me that Chatsky is the most striking example for readers, that is, for you and me. By reading the comedy, we absorb into ourselves what the author wanted to teach, namely: honor, intelligence and human dignity.

In the comedy “Woe from Wit” all the characters are divided into positive ones - Chatsky - and negative ones - Famusov and Famusov’s society. Griboyedov called Chatsky an advanced person, that is, a person whose image will live forever, and Famusov’s society - the face of all the nobles of that century (“the century of the past”). In the comedy, Famus society opposes Chatsky. After all, in this society, education and science cause special hatred. Griboyedov not only ridicules this society, but mercilessly condemns it. Famusov, as the main representative of this society, is an undeveloped person. Consequently, ignorance reigns in his house. Chatsky is the absolute opposite of Famusov. He is a thinking and feeling person. His actions speak about this. Chatsky, it seems to me, is very trusting of people. When he returns to Moscow, he, without going home, runs to his beloved. But he was late. Sofia, Famusov’s daughter, has changed, she doesn’t have that old love - that’s how Famusov’s upbringing worked. By this, Griboedov shows Famusov’s selfishness. But as soon as Chatsky arrives, Famusov cordially welcomes him as a person of his own circle. He says:

Well, you threw it away!

I haven’t written two words for three years!

And it suddenly burst out as if from the clouds.

Famusov seems to want to show his friendship, which remains. However, it is not. Chatsky immediately runs to Sofia, but she is no longer the same. Despite this, Chatsky still loves her and immediately talks about her beauty. But in the end he finds out everything about her. For Griboedov, knowledge is above all, and ignorance is below everything. And it is not for nothing that Griboedov shows the role of Chatsky and compares his intelligence with the ignorance of Famus society. There is a lot of negative things in Famusov, and his ignorance is confirmed by the words in a conversation with Lisa about reading Sophia:

Tell me that it’s not good to spoil her eyes,

And reading is not of much use...

The Famus society calls Chatsky bad and says that he has gone crazy. But what struck Chatsky? This is what it was Sofia who started the gossip about Chatsky’s madness, and the whole society picked up:

And you'll really go crazy from these, from some

From boarding houses, schools, lyceums...

And Chatsky needs to leave Famusov’s house. He is defeated, since Famus society turned out to be stronger than Chatsky. But in turn, he gave a good rebuff to the “past century.”

The significance of the comedy “Woe from Wit” lies in the fact that the comedy vividly reflected the time when the struggle of the Decembrists against the oppressive landowners was intensifying.

“Woe from Wit” is a realistic comedy. Griboyedov gave in it a true picture of Russian life. The comedy raised the topical social problems of those times: education, contempt for everything popular, worship of foreigners, education, service, ignorance of society.

The main character of the comedy is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. Witty, eloquent, he angrily ridicules the vices of the society that surrounds him. He differs sharply from those around him in his intelligence, abilities, and independence of judgment. The image of Chatsky is something new, bringing change. This hero is an exponent of the progressive ideas of his time. Famus society is traditional. His life positions are such that “one must learn by looking at one’s elders,” one must destroy free-thinking thoughts, serve with obedience to those who are one step higher, one must be rich. Famusov's only passion is the passion for rank and money.

The beliefs of Chatsky and Famus society are different. Chatsky condemns serfdom, imitation of foreign goods, and people’s lack of desire for education and their own opinion. The dialogues between Chatsky and Famusov are a struggle. At the beginning of the comedy it is not so acute. Famusov is even ready to give up Sofia’s hand, but sets conditions:

I would say, firstly: don’t be a whim,

Brother, don’t mismanage your property,

And, most importantly, go ahead and serve.

To which Chatsky replies:

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

But gradually the struggle turns into a battle. Chatsky argues with Famusov about the way and path of life. But the main character is alone in the fight against the views of Moscow society, in which he has no place.

Molchalin and Skalozub are not the last representatives of Famus society. They are rivals and opponents of Chatsky. Molchalin is helpful and silent. He wants to please with his humility, accuracy, and flattery. Skalozub shows himself to be someone very important, businesslike, significant. But under his uniform he hides “weakness, poverty of mind.” His thoughts are connected only with obtaining a higher rank, money, power:

Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels;

I judge them as a true philosopher:

I just wish I could become a general.

Chatsky does not tolerate lies and falsehood. This man's tongue is as sharp as a knife. Each of his characteristics is sharp and caustic:

Molchalin was so stupid before!..

Most pathetic creature!

Has he really grown wiser?.. And he -

Khripun, strangled, bassoon,

A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas!

Chatsky’s monologue “Who are the judges?..” mercilessly condemns Famus society. Each new face that appears during the development of the plot takes Famusov’s side. Gossip grows like a snowball. And Chatsky can’t stand it. He can no longer remain in the company of low, mean, arrogant and stupid people. They condemned him for his intelligence, for freedom of speech and thought, for honesty.

Before leaving, Chatsky throws out to the entire Famus society:

You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,

Who will have time to spend a day with you,

Breathe the air alone

And his sanity will survive.

Chatsky is taller than them; the best and rarest qualities are manifested in him. Those who cannot see and appreciate this are, at the very least, simply fools. Chatsky is immortal, and now this hero is relevant.

The comedy “Woe from Wit” made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature. Griboyedov's play was, is and will be a modern work until veneration for rank, thirst for profit, and gossip disappear from our lives.

The comedy was written on the eve of the Decembrist uprising in 1825. In the comedy “Woe from Wit” Griboyedov gave a true picture of Russian life after the Patriotic War of 1812. In a small work, Griboyedov depicted only one day in Famusov’s house.

In comedy we meet people who are of equal origin. These are nobles, but everyone has their own views on life. Their opinions contradict each other. A certain conflict arises between them, which is hidden from prying eyes. But in the comedy “Woe from Wit” this conflict is clearly visible and not hidden - the clash of the “Current Century”, of which Chatsky was a representative, with the “past century”, which is represented by Famusov and his entourage.

One of the most prominent figures in comedy is Famusov. Famusov is an influential person who occupies a significant position. In addition, he is a rich landowner. An important government position and a large estate create a strong position for Famusov among the Moscow nobility. He does not bother himself with work and spends his time in idleness:

Magnificently built chambers,

Where they indulge in feasts and extravagance...

He looks at public service as a path to achieving wealth and rank. He uses his official position for personal purposes. Famusov looks at enlightenment and new progressive views as a source of “depravity.” Learning considers evil:

Learning is the plague, learning is the reason,

What is worse now than before,

There were crazy people, deeds, and opinions.

However, he gives his daughter a good upbringing.

Hospitality for Famusov is a means of maintaining connections with useful people.

Famusov is one of the most prominent representatives of the Moscow nobility. Other people are also represented: Colonel Skalozub, princes Tugoukhovsky, countesses Khryumin.

Griboedov satirically draws Famus’s society. The characters are funny and disgusting, but not because the author made them that way, but because they are that way in reality.

Skalozub is a man of age and money. Service for him is not the defense of the fatherland, but the achievement of nobility and money.

Famusov's world consists not only of serf owners, but also of their servants. Molchalin is an official dependent on Famus society. Molchalin was taught to please influential people. For his diligence he received three awards. Molchalin is scary because he can take on any form: both a patriot and a lover. Despite individual differences, all members of Famus society are a single social group.

Chatsky appears in this society, a man of advanced ideas, fiery feelings and high morality. He belongs to a noble society, but in terms of his way of thinking he does not find like-minded people. In this society, Chatsky feels lonely. His views provoke resistance from others. Chatsky’s most acute denunciations are directed against serfdom. It is serfdom that makes it possible for the people of Famus society to live by robbery.

Chatsky left public service because they demanded sycophancy from him:

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

He stands for true enlightenment, art, science. Chatsky is against the education that is given to children in noble families. He fought for freedom of thought, freedom of action. It seems to me that this is the main difference between Chatsky and Famus society, which did not recognize such morals.

I think that such a great work will delight and surprise more than one generation.

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Russian writers

The logic of an intelligent person, according to Chatsky, presupposes not just the ability to use existing living conditions and even not only education (which in itself is mandatory), but the ability to freely and impartially evaluate the conditions themselves from the point of view of common sense and change these conditions if they does not correspond to common sense. So, being at the head of the academic committee, it makes no sense to shout and demand “an oath so that no one knows or learns to read and write.” How long can you hold out in such a position with such views? It was not only dishonest, but really stupid to exchange “three greyhounds” for the servants who saved the master’s “life and honor,” for who will save his life next time! It is pointless and dangerous to use material and cultural benefits without providing any access to them to the people, those same “smart, vigorous” people who just saved the monarchy from Napoleon. It is no longer possible to stay at court using the principles of Maxim Petrovich. Now it is not enough just personal loyalty and the desire to please - now it is necessary to be able to get things done, since state tasks have become much more complicated. All these examples clearly show the author’s position: a mind that only adapts, thinks in standard stereotypes, is inclined to be considered stupid by Griboyedov. But the essence of the problem is that the majority always thinks in a standard and stereotypical way. Griboyedov does not reduce the conflict only to the opposition of minds inherent in people of different generations. So, for example, Chatsky and Molchalin can be attributed to the same generation, but their views are diametrically opposed: the first is a personality type of the “present century” and even most likely the future century, and the second, despite his youth, is of the “past century”, since he is satisfied with the life principles of Famusov and the people in his circle. Both heroes - Chatsky and Molchalin - are smart in their own way. Molchalin, having made a successful career, having taken at least some place in society, understands the system that underlies it. This is quite consistent with his practical mind. But from the position of Chatsky, who fights for personal freedom, such behavior, conditioned by accepted stereotypes in society, cannot be considered smart:

I'm strange, but who isn't?

The one who is like all fools...

According to Chatsky, a truly smart person should not depend on others - this is exactly how he behaves in Famusov’s house, as a result of which he deserves the reputation of being insane. It turns out that the nobility, for the most part, as the force responsible for organizing life in the country, has ceased to meet the requirements of the time. But if we recognize Chatsky’s point of view, which reflects the positions of a smaller part of society, as having a right to exist, then it will be necessary to somehow respond to it. Then you must either, having realized that she is right, change in accordance with new principles - and many people do not want to do this, and most simply cannot do it. Or you need to fight Chatsky’s position, which contradicts the previous system of values, which is what happens throughout the second, third and almost the entire fourth act of the comedy. But there is a third way: to declare someone who expresses views so unusual for the majority to be crazy. Then you can safely ignore his angry words and fiery monologues. This is very convenient and fully corresponds to the general aspirations of the Famus society: to bother yourself with any worries as little as possible. It is quite possible to imagine the atmosphere of complacency and comfort that reigned here before Chatsky appeared. Having expelled him from Moscow society, Famusov and his entourage will apparently feel calm for some time. But only for a short time. After all, Chatsky is by no means a lone hero, although in the comedy he alone opposes the entire Famus society. Chatsky reflects a whole type of people who identified a new phenomenon in society and discovered all its pain points. Thus, in the comedy “Woe from Wit” various types of mind are presented - from worldly wisdom, the practical mind, to the mind that reflects the high intelligence of a free thinker who boldly enters into confrontation with that which does not meet the highest criteria of truth. It is precisely this kind of mind that is “woe”; its bearer is expelled from society and it is unlikely that success and recognition will await him somewhere else. This is the strength of Griboyedov’s genius, that by showing the events of a specific time and place, he addresses an eternal problem - not only Chatsky, who lives in the era on the eve of the “outrage on St. Isaac’s Square,” faces a sad fate. It is destined for anyone who enters into a struggle with the old system of views and tries to defend their way of thinking, their mind - the mind of a free person.

Conclusion: the views of Chatsky and Famus society on many issues are opposed, so their conflict is inevitable. In the play there is a clash of incompatible views and ideas concentrated in the characters of Chatsky and Famusov. However, there are still issues on which the positions of Chatsky and Famusov are generally close: this is the attitude towards foreignness, towards the “Frenchization” of the Russian way of life, a sense of patriotism.

5. How is the “bygone century” portrayed in the comedy? What is the author's position and how is it implemented? (“The past century” is depicted satirically.)
Teacher's word 1

The characters - representatives of the “past century” - are satirically depicted.

For example, the theme of female diktat is played out (diktat is a demand imposed for immediate fulfillment), associated with the theme of doom, exhaustion of the “past century”: degradation of will, energy, strength (men are satirically depicted as “straightforward retired chancellors - according to the mind”) .

The satirical orientation of the image of the “past century” is also realized in the language of comedy. A mixture of foreign and colloquial words, inappropriately used military terminology, incorrectly constructed phrases, the characteristic “-s” (sir), cliches, bureaucracy, the use of words whose meaning is not known to the speaking critic - all this strengthens the criticism of the “present century.”

Let us turn once again to the first epigraph of the lesson: “25 fools for one sane person...” Is it possible to agree with the author and call all representatives of Famus society “fools”? (Of course not. And first of all, you can’t say that about Famusov: his judgments are sometimes accurate, witty, his actions are thoughtful - checking the homework of the 3rd group is a characteristic of Famusov.)

In the quoted words - “25 fools for one sane person...” - there is certainly a certain amount of Griboedov’s slyness, which explains the true complexity of the play’s life conflict. This is not about the opposition between stupidity and common sense, but about different understandings of “mind”.

In Griboyedov’s work, the word “mind” appears quite often, and it is heard both in Chatsky’s speech and in the speech of representatives of the Famus society.

The concept of “mind” in comedy is ambiguous. There are two types of mind: mind in the understanding of Famusov and mind in the understanding of Chatsky, or, in Famusov’s words, “mind in our opinion” and “mind in your opinion.” What content do Griboedov’s heroes put into these concepts? (Checking the homework of the 4th group.)

Mind as understood by Famusov

Mind in the understanding of Chatsky

1. F a m u s o w s c i t e s i n g a n d i t h e r

surrounded by very smart people


A? what do you think?

In our opinion, he is smart.

He fell painfully, but got up well.

2. F a m u s o v o m d a m R o s e :

She was smart: quiet disposition, rarely rules.

One thing does not serve her well:

For an extra five hundred rubles a year

She allowed herself to be lured by others.

3. F a m u s o v C h a t k o m:

It's a pity, it's a pity, he's small in the head,

And he writes and translates well.

One cannot help but regret that with such

Scientists are the plague, learning is the

What is worse now than before,

There are crazy people and things going on,

and opinions.
Conclusion: intelligence for Famus society is the ability to make a career, achieve rank, live by the rule: “and win awards and have fun.” The mind of Famus society is a practical, worldly, resourceful mind.


g o v o r i t s i r o n i e y:

Molchalin was so stupid before!..

Most pathetic creature!

Have you really grown wiser?..
There is only little intelligence in him;

But to have children,

Who lacked intelligence?


Now let one of us

Of the young people, there will be -

enemy of quest,

Without requiring any seats,

no promotion,

He will focus his hungry mind on science


Or God himself will stir up heat in his soul

To the creative, high and

beautiful, -

They immediately: - robbery! fire!

And he will be known among them as a dreamer! dangerous!

Conclusion: Chatsky's mind is a mind associated with progressive views, with enlightenment, with aspirations to seek good not for oneself, but for the fatherland. For Famusov, this is the mind of a rebel, a “carbonari”, and Famusov evaluates not Chatsky’s actions in this way, not even his statements themselves, but precisely his mentality. That is why, in his perception, Chatsky’s mind is madness.

6. What is the main reason for the social conflict of comedy? (Opposite views, ideas of heroes, different mindsets.)

7. The title of the comedy states Griboedov’s attitude towards his hero. It is no coincidence that the playwright changed the original title of the work - “Woe to Wit.” What is the difference? (A change in the grammatical form of a word entails a radical change in meaning: woe to (who?) the mind - woe to an intelligent person, the bearer of the mind. In the original version, the name itself sounded like a sentence to every mind for all time. The final version aims us at something completely different: grief ( from what?) - what are the causes of grief? So, the philosophical orientation of the comedy is already concentrated in the title.)

8. How do you understand the meaning of the title of the comedy “Woe from Wit?” (Chatsky’s mind (a mind associated with progressive views, with enlightenment, with the desire to seek good not for oneself, but for the fatherland - a positive personality trait!) brings him grief, makes him suffer.)
Teacher's word 1

We have already said that the genre of “Woe from Wit” is comedy. The preposition “from” adds a touch of irony to its title, deepening the idea of ​​the work. The question latently arises: “If Chatsky is so smart, why is he so unhappy?”

Chatsky’s grief is not only that he is a stranger in the society in which he lives. The main character feels bad, first of all, with himself, because he cannot help but see what is happening to him and around him, and not think about it. It is Chatsky’s mind that makes him suffer: the hero suffers because... he thinks. Not only Griboyedov, but also Pushkin wrote about this: “I want to live in order to think and suffer.” A few decades later, Dostoevsky will say: “Suffering and pain are a sign of a great heart.” This idea of ​​the author was completely clearly and distinctly understood by I.A. Goncharov, when in the article “A Million Torments” he wrote that Chatsky’s role is “passive.”

9. Why did Griboyedov abandon the original plan to create a play in five acts? Why does his comedy have only four acts and no traditional ending?

(Griboedov could not know what specific features the struggle between the “present century” and the “past century” would acquire in the future (the comedy was created in 1824), he only believed in the coming victory of reason, goodness, and enlightenment.

That is why all this was involuntarily reflected in the very plot and compositional structure of the play - after all, its plot does not develop under the influence of the beginning or end of this struggle. In reality there was no end yet. Consequently, it could not have been in the play, which realistically reflected the specific forms of this struggle. In this sense, the play ended as if in mid-sentence. The acute, conflictual dialogue between Chatsky and Famusov was broken off. But it continues, it is projected into the future - this is a dialogue that always arises at the turn of eras, when worldviews change...) 1
V. Homework by groups- prepare for the seminar lesson on the questions given in advance on cards 14 and 15.

Card 14 (questions for group 1)

The mystery of Sofia Famusova

1. Who do you think Sofia is: a like-minded person of Chatsky or a defender of the morals of Famus society?

2. What do Sofia and Chatsky have in common towards love? Why did Sofia choose Molchalin over Chatsky?

3. Why, with all her positive qualities, does the heroine not only not love Chatsky, but becomes his persecutor, hurting him more than anyone else?

5. In the final scene of the comedy, Sofia turns to Chatsky with the words: “Don’t continue, I blame myself all around...” What do you think Sofia Famusova blames herself for?

6. Compare the three characteristics given by Sofia Famusova A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Goncharov and Yu.N. Tynyanov. Which of them seems most correct to you? Prove your opinion. Write down the quote you chose in your notebook.

A.S. Pushkin in a letter to A.A. Bestuzhev (late January 1825): “Sofia is not clearly outlined.”

I.A. Goncharov: “...Sofia Pavlovna is not at all as guilty as she seems. ...She, of course, has the hardest time of all, harder even than Chatsky, and she gets her “millions of torments.”

Yu.N. Tynyanov believed that Sofia is the “main representative” of society, with which Chatsky is “in contradiction,” the main culprit of the hero’s “millions of torments.”

Card 15 (questions for group 2)

Is Molchalin funny or scary?

1. Which of the heroes, why and whether they managed to fully unravel Molchalin?

2. What is more in the characterization given to Molchalin by Chatsky - anger, bewilderment, rejection?

3. What is Molchalin like in Sofia’s view and what is he really like?

4. What is the modernity of Molchalin’s image?

5. Can we say that even now “the silent ones are blissful in the world”?

6. Compare different statements about Molchalin. Which one is closer to you? Give reasons for your idea. Write down the quote you chose in your notebook.

DI. Pisarev: “Molchalin said to himself: “I want to make a career” and went along the road that leads to “famous degrees”; he has gone and will no longer turn either to the right or to the left; his mother dies on the side of the road, his beloved woman calls him to the neighboring grove, spit all the light in his eyes to stop his movement, he will continue to walk and get there...”

N.V. Gogol: “Molchalin...a wonderful guy. This face is aptly captured, silent, low, for now quietly making its way among people, but in which, according to Chatsky, the future Zagoretsky is being prepared.”

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin: “Oh happy, oh hundredfold blessed Molchalins! They silently, slowly, crawl from one period of history to another, without saying a word of sympathy to anyone, but without lifting anyone up on the rack... Nobody is interested in them, no one wants to know whether they are doing anything or just sitting and beating screws, no one trembles or reveres them... what a wonderful, blissful destiny!

F.M. Dostoevsky: “The special cynicism, the special devilishness of Molchalin lies in his ability to impeccably pretend to be a saint.”

IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko: “The modern age has produced a countless number of Molchalins. Almost of all the types of “Woe from Wit” this is the strongest, most tenacious, most sticky, most productive... Molchalin stayed on his feet for three quarters of a century. Chatsky could not destroy him.”



...We love you with such a soul!?.

A.S. Griboyedov
I. The teacher's word.

The heroes that will be discussed in today's lesson belong to the younger generation by age; they live in the “present century.” What are their views, ideals, aspirations? Why did they end up in the camp of the “past century”? To answer these questions, we will conduct a workshop lesson in which you will take notes on the main ideas. As a result of the lesson, you will have accumulated material for the upcoming essay.
II. Discussion of questions of group 1(“The Mystery of Sofia Famusova”).
Teacher's word 1

Sofia is perhaps the most mysterious character in the entire comedy. Her name (translated from Greek as “wisdom”) is the key to the secret of her character. The name “Sofia” (the author uses the spelling “Sofia” - high style) is traditional for Russian comedy of the 18th - early 19th centuries. (from Fonvizin to Pushkin), but Griboyedov violated the traditional positivity of the main character. This probably explains, to some extent, Pushkin’s unkind review of her. Sofia Pavlovna is depicted not “not clearly”, but unusually from the point of view of the canon (classical and even romantic): she is romantic and calculating at the same time. Pushkin, as a writer and poet, apparently was not attracted to the inconsistency in women: his positive heroines, starting with Lyudmila from the early, well-known poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and ending with the captain’s daughter Masha Mironova, are integral and noble natures. His favorite heroine from “Eugene Onegin” - Tatyana Larina - will become the poet’s “sweet ideal” precisely because of the integrity of her nature. We probably won’t find a combination of positive and negative in Pushkin’s heroines. That is why in Sofia Famusova Pushkin sees one-dimensionality, and a negative one, but this is rather a matter of writer’s taste.
III. Discussion of questions of group 2(“Is Molchalin funny or scary?”)

Drawing up a table “What is Molchalin like in Sofia’s view and what is he really like?”

What is Molchalin like in Sofia’s view?

What is Molchalin really like?

1. Respectful, timid, modest, quiet.

2. Romantic hero.

3. Selfless: “Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others...”, compliant, “enemy of insolence.”

4. “...born into poverty...”

5. “And there are no wrongdoings in my soul...”

For Sophia, the soul is important, not wealth or rank; It seems to her that his little man’s soul can be loved.

1. Cynical, hypocritical, deceitful.

2. A notorious scoundrel.

3. Molchalin does everything only for his own benefit.

4. “He will reach the famous degrees” (he has already “received” the rank of 8th class, which gives the right to hereditary nobility).

5. Mental emptiness, immorality.

Teacher's word

One of our contemporaries 2 claims that Molchalin’s words “And so I take on the appearance of a lover to please the daughter of such a man!” - it's a lie. Let's try to substantiate this idea.

The lie is that he does not act to please her, but at some stage he needs her in order to use her intercession, her location and move on for new brilliant victories, so that he can “win awards and live happily.” Molchalin is a werewolf. And in this capacity, the hero is no longer funny, but scary.
IV. Teacher's word.

The history of the stage interpretation of the role of Molchalin is interesting. The first performers of the role of Molchalin (D.T. Lensky, I.I. Samarin, I.I. Monakhov) clearly belittled this image, played it in a caricature, which contradicted Griboyedov’s statement: “I hate caricatures, you won’t find one in my picture.” In their view, Molchalin is a character with “petty passions”, a sycophant.

An outstanding event on the Russian stage was the performance of the Maly Theater in 1938. In it, the role of Molchalin was played by G.M. Terekhov. His Molchalin has endurance, will, intelligence; there is a hidden power in him; passions, greedy and harsh, secretly rage in his chest. There is a poem by the modern poet F. Krivin about such Molchalins:

Molchalin can’t bear to be silent,

Lackeying, stroking other people's dogs,

It’s hard to get along with bosses,

Bump your fist on your subordinates.

A process is secretly carried out in it,

Invisible, but long-standing and persistent,

Now he will stand up and protest,

He will challenge everything that he considered indisputable,

Where is Chatsky, the hero of loud phrases,

Which sounded enough!

But wait, listen,

The time will come

The time will come - Molchalin will speak!

No, he won't come...

He knows their futility, -

All these phrases, heroism and bravado.

Silence is unbearable for Molchalin.

But he will remain silent, bypassing all obstacles,

And tomorrow will be the same as yesterday,

Keep your rebellion banned.

When it's time to leave the stage,

The Molchalins are not given a carriage.
In the play (1962) of the Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) Bolshoi Drama Theater, staged by G.A. Tovstonogov, Chatsky was played by Sergei Yursky, Molchalin - Kirill Lavrov. Lavrov-Molchalin is clearly superior to Chatsky with his insight, thoroughness, forces his opponent to pass, is proud and self-confident: he is not in the future, but is already “blissful” in the world, triumphant in his victory over Chatsky.

These are the diverse stage solutions for this image of Griboyedov’s comedy. They talk about the possibility of its different readings and interpretations, about its versatility and inexhaustibility, about the unfading genius of Griboedov and the immortality of his creation.

Prepare a reasoned oral answer to the question “Who is Chatsky - the winner or the loser?”

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is the main character in the play "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Chatsky is one of the most famous characters in Russian plays. Griboyedov did not try to make this hero, like everyone else in this work, completely positive or negative. He put both good and bad qualities into it, approaching realism.

Chatsky in the play is young, but is no longer a boy. His parents died early, and he was raised by his father’s friend, Famusov. The young man belongs to a family of hereditary nobles. At the moment, Chatsky has three to four hundred souls. He was brought up together with Famusov’s daughter, Sophia. She was his best friend, whom Alexander fell in love with. When Chatsky grew up, he decided to live separately, explaining that he became bored in the house of his father’s friend. Later he went on a trip for three years to gain further knowledge. Before that he was in the service, but left due to the fact that he did not like serving people. He believed that a different time had come and it was necessary to destroy the old foundations.

Alexander Andreevich is an intelligent and capable person. Everyone believes that he would have achieved a lot if he remained in the service. Chatsky is also a witty person, but sometimes he can also be sarcastic. After a trip abroad, he ceased to understand the foundations of Russia (to serve people, to make a laughing stock of himself in order to please his superiors). The young man recognized service only in expressing himself precisely in work, using his abilities and knowledge. He openly laughed at Famusov and the people around him, realizing that this offended them. Chatsky condemned the stupidity of this people.

Immediately after his arrival, without stopping home, Alexander went to Sophia. At the meeting, he found out that she had long been in love with someone else - Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin - and called her former relationship with Alexander “childish pranks.” Stepan was not like Chatsky. He was not stupid, he was smart in his own way. Molchalin was the type of person who serves and achieves career success through his cunning. That's why he is "Molchalin". Because of this, Sophia chose him (she would never be with Chatsky). Sophia did not like Alexander’s mocking address to her and started a rumor that Chatsky was crazy, which quickly spread in society.

Having learned about this, the young man fled from that place. Where? One can only guess about this. Maybe he ran away to people like him, wanting a revolution. After all, Griboyedov expressed his thoughts through Chatsky, and the writer had Decembrist friends. And he himself was suspected of participating in the plans of the Decembrists.

Essay about Chatsky

Griboyedov’s work “Woe from Wit” reflects the conflict of political views of a conservative society with people of the new generation and new trends. The comedy reflected this problem brightly, bitingly with the satirical force and wit inherent in this genre.

Chatsky is the only person of the new generation who opposes the conservative majority. It is obvious that the play is devoted from start to finish to the ideas of Decembrism. Here are Chatsky’s patriotic spirit, and loud statements in defense of science and education, and critical remarks regarding serfdom, as well as the idea of ​​​​the identity of the Russian people, the peculiarities of Russian national culture.

It is interesting that the main character of the work is, in essence, the embodiment of the author, his ideas and passions. Chatsky traveled around the world for a long time, as a result of which he was inspired by the ideas of equality, brotherhood and personal freedom. But upon returning to his homeland, the hero sees that nothing has changed around him, the people have remained the same. Famusov’s house is not happy about Chatsky’s arrival, and the main character immediately notices this. He sees that society in the country is built on hypocrisy and deception, and the main activities of the Moscow nobility are endless celebrations, dances and feasts.

Chatsky belongs to the nobility, is not rich, and at one time refused military service. He explained his action by saying that he did not see any benefit in this matter and that he would be glad to serve, and not to be served.

Chatsky confronts the residents of Famusov’s house: Skalozub, Molchalin, Repetilov and Famusov himself. In the comedy, the author ridicules and condemns these people as representatives of the secular society of that time.

The reason for the return of the main character to his homeland was his boundless love for Sophia. Once in Moscow, he immediately goes to Famusov’s house and confesses his feelings to the girl. Based on this act, Chatsky can be characterized as an ardent, passionate and romantic person. Love for him is the highest feeling, a shrine. What pain he has to experience when he finds out that Sophia loves Molchalin.

Chatsky is educated, has a subtle, sharp mind and resourcefulness. But those around her did not seem to notice all these qualities, and only the maid Lisa was able to note them in a conversation with Sophia. But she didn’t pay any attention to the girl’s words.

The main character sharply condemns serfdom, calling them a source of misfortune. He despises the Moscow “aces”, for whom wealth and career growth are their ideal in life. Chatsky notes the inability of the older generation to defend their positions and express opinions.

In a confrontation with Famus society, the hero suffers a terrible defeat: Sophia prefers him to Molchalin, society does not accept him and ridicules him. Shocked by these circumstances, Chatsky leaves the city. According to I.A. Goncharov, Chatsky was broken by the quantitative superiority of the “old force,” but he himself dealt a crushing blow to it with the quality of the force of the new generation.

Option 3

Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is dotted with various negative characters. Heroes who evoke disrespect, contempt and even anger for their actions, words and thoughts. The antagonist of all bad heroes is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.

Nowadays, American films based on comic books and various kinds of action films, where one hero fights with a dozen opponents, are very popular. Chatsky is the prototype of such a hero in Russian literature, only he fights not physically, but spiritually.

Alexander Andreevich has the best human qualities: honesty, dignity, honor, courage, intelligence, wit. When he returns to Moscow to meet the love of his life, Sophia, he comes into great shock because the girl he loves is now cold towards him, and the society that has formed around her father amazes Chatsky with its stupidity, naivety, and admiration for everything. foreign, hypocrisy and the absurdity of their thoughts. Just look at Skalozub, who claims that books have a bad effect on people.

Having seen this whole circus represented by Famusov’s society, our hero decides to fight him, to prove to Sophia that their love is still alive. He traveled for three years, but his love did not pass. He lived his entire childhood and youth in the Famusovs’ house, and he remembers very well how fun he had then. Now a golem of the absurd has risen before him, representing the society of the Famusov house.

At the ball, he never hesitates to tell everyone present to their face how ignorant they are, how petty their lives are, how pathetic their admiration for foreigners is, how unworthy they behave. People, being a huge mass, and because of this having great power of public opinion, agree that Chatsky has gone crazy, and this idea flies like a bullet throughout society.

Chatsky is a foreign body in the stomach, which is saturated with hypocrisy and depravity. The body, poisoned and drunk with the fashion of society, is trying to eject a foreign body from itself, Famusov’s society, led by the owner of the house, is trying to make Chatsky an abnormal person, because everything that contradicts their laws is abnormal, but they do not admit that it is not Chatsky who is superfluous in this organ, it is the stomach itself that should be cut out, like a festering wound, because it does not bring any benefit, but rather has a detrimental effect on the entire organism called Russia.

Sample 4

The work “Woe from Wit” shows us the struggle between the old and the new, which was widely unfolding in Russia at that time between people with the views of the Decembrists and the masters. The rich society dominated by Famusov and his other like-minded people is contrasted in the comedy by Chatsky.

We see that Chatsky’s worldview occurred during a period of growth. He grew up in Famusov's house as an inquisitive, sociable and vulnerable boy. The monotony of established life and the spiritual poverty of the Moscow aristocracy caused him melancholy and complete disgust. He was completely immersed in freedom-loving thoughts about how to reorganize the old society, and therefore did not visit the house where he grew up at all. Even Sophia noticed this. After all, Chatsky leaves in his youth, leaving his girlfriend, in order to travel and at the same time enrich his mind.

Sophia, of course, had ardent feelings for him, but could not understand how the young man risked his personal happiness for the common good. Limited worldviews do not allow her to appreciate the image of Chatsky at its true worth. But the young man did not reject Sophia’s feelings at all. He set spiritual demands wider than personal ones. Returning to Moscow, the flame of his love is full of hopes for reciprocity. However, over time the girl changed. A sensible, serious girl, having read romantic works, is looking for the same sincere love as Chatsky. She soberly assesses Skalozub’s empty phrases and limited horizons. Molchalin seems only to be a sweet and impressionable young man. And if Sophia falls in love with him, it means that she will automatically join the Famusov society.

Chatsky directly assesses Molchalin’s character, which offends the girl. But precise statements about the characters in the play and a sharp mind seem to Sophia to be the young man’s disdain for people. And when the girl evaluates Molchalin at the beginning, this gives some hope to Chatsky. But then, having learned that Sophia still chose her rival as a wife, she greatly insults him. Our hero suffers from being humiliated by being placed next to Molchalin. We see how Chatsky mercilessly tears off the masks of duplicity and meanness from representatives of secular society, which is mired in intrigue and entertainment, debauchery and corruption. Our hero is presented as a humanist. He believes that people should strive to be better. And there are heroes like him. Chatsky spoke about those progressive youth who, albeit in small numbers, began to put forward advanced ideas. And, despite the fact that the character is defeated by Famusov and his supporters, his image is perceived from a positive point of view. After all, such people always exist where there is a struggle between the old generation and the new.

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