Urologist, stylist, singer: who were the stars of the “Battle of Psychics” before the show. Battle of psychics (season 18) (2017) Battle of psychics season 18 young participant

At the end of July, the casting of one of the most popular and anticipated shows in the country, “Battle of Psychics,” took place. Despite the fact that the program has not yet aired, many participants have already managed to attract media attention and acquire fans.

Due to the huge number of people wishing to demonstrate their abilities and compete for the Blue Hand in 2017, the organizers decided to extend the acceptance of applications. In the last days of July, many psychics, magicians and sorcerers from all over the country gathered for three entrance tests. Three traditional tests have already been passed: a screen, searching for a person in the trunk and “Mr. X”. Each of the casting participants showed themselves in their own way, but some of them attracted special attention.

The StarHit publication has identified several of the most prominent potential participants in the project. As the producer of “Battle” told the publication, this year among the applicants were those who had already come to the casting more than once, and those in whose lives the show played a special role, causing an interest in esotericism. Participants from the last season also came: Ivan Vlasov, Violetta Polyakova - a witch who showed herself well at the beginning of the 17th season, but lost ground at the end, and Margarita Bakhtiyarova. This practice is no longer new - for example, Marilyn Kerro, not satisfied with second place, appeared on the show two more times. There were rumors that Alexander Sheps’s younger brother, Oleg, was going to try his hand at the show. However, the exact list of participants will be known only in September, when the 18th season of the show airs.

Elena Sinilova

The girl who came arm in arm with Alexander Sheps attracted many glances. Elena is a theater and film actress who has played several roles in popular projects of the TNT channel. Sheps positions Elena as his student and ward in the world of esotericism, but many fans of the show suspected a romantic connection between them.

Nikita Turchin

Nikita Turchin is the youngest applicant to participate in the show, having previously starred in several television series. Many spectators who visited the “clearing” noted the young man’s external resemblance to Alexander Sheps.

Nika Lirovskaya

Nika is a famous tarot reader from St. Petersburg. According to her, she studied with various psychics, including Natalya Banteeva, familiar to all viewers.

Marina Zueva

The witch, who looks very much like Natalya Banteeva, discovered her gift in childhood, and a few years later she learned to see things hidden from other people. It was then that she decided to connect her life with magic.

Rafael Zamanov

Raphael is a healer who can heal with his hands. He has been practicing in this field for two decades. It all started in childhood: Rafael lived in an orphanage and already at a young age helped teachers get rid of health problems.

Marina Grechishnikova

Marina is a hereditary gypsy who provides a wide range of magical services: she searches for missing people, removes negative influences, and helps improve her personal life. In the past, Marina has already taken part in other esoteric television projects.

We will find out in September whether the fans' expectations will be met and who will be given the opportunity to compete for the title of the strongest psychic. In the meantime, all that remains is to root for your favorite participants. We wish you well and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2017 03:10

The battle continues. The psychics have already suffered losses, so the most interesting things are yet to come. It is already known that...

September 2017 will delight us with the new season of the “Battle of Psychics.” For the 18th time, sorcerers, witches, clairvoyants, and shamans will compete for the cup and the honorary title of the best magician in the country.

Yesterday, September 23, the first episode of the season started, thanks to this, you can now find out the names of the participants.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photos: Briefly about the project participants

It is planned to select 12 people per season, but it is not known for sure whether the project administration will decide to add new participants, as, for example, in the last season. The psychics involved in the project were selected from all over Russia, although it is possible that some of the participants will come from abroad; many show a desire to become the strongest magician. Many viewers expect to see the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro again, but there is no need to hope, the clairvoyant herself stated that she will not take part.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Nikita Turchin

Perhaps we should start getting acquainted with the candidates with the youngest participant - Nikita Turchin. At the time of participation, his age is 17 years old, he is interested in acting, is engaged in journalism, acts in various television shows, claims that he recently discovered a magical gift in himself, how true this is will become clear during the tests. Nikita was born in Ufa, wants to express himself in the project.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Sofya Egorova

About many participants, nothing is still known or not much is known; details will be revealed during the course of the project. Sonya Egorova is a young fashion model, born in 1989. How she discovered her magical gift is unknown. Zodiac sign: Leo, lives in Moscow.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Konstantin Getsati

He considers himself a descendant of the ancient Alan magicians. The real name of the seer is Taimuraz. In ordinary life, he is a urologist, the family business continues, which began with his great-grandfather, who treated with prayers and herbs. As Konstantin himself reports, he discovered his abilities in pathological anatomy classes, when the spirits of dissected people shared the stories of their deaths with him. Getsati learned his abilities from his descendants, who taught him to communicate with the souls of the dead.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Zhan Alibekov

Psychic - who participated in other projects, but always wanted to get to the “Battle of Psychics”. Formerly a lawyer. Even as a child, he discovered his abilities, saw the future of people, and warned many about death. At first they were afraid of him, they called him “the son of the devil,” but then the opinion of Jean changed for the better.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Marina Zueva

Marina Zueva was born in Volgograd, she felt her psychic abilities at the age of 10, when the next day after a decade her sister Tanya died and her spirit often came to Marina. During tests, he causes a furor among spectators, whispers words that no one can understand in a strange voice, and actively receives visitors.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Dana Baidosova

Nothing is known about this clairvoyant yet except her name. It is known that she and Zhan Alibekov are brother and sister, Zhan hears the voices of the dead, and Dana communicates with unborn children, they work together.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Alexander Kinzhinov

This participant comes from the Saratov region, the village of Naumovka, where he currently lives. Alexander does not believe in spirits and brownies; he got into the battle of psychics thanks to his mother, who sent an application in his place and has been a fan of the show since the first season. The young man does not take money for sessions, considers it his hobby, and can predict what has happened and what will come true.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photos: Rustam Zartdinov

Rustam is not very willing, but calls himself a witcher, since childhood he was different from other children, they teased him as a witcher and therefore he has negative memories. The abilities of this psychic, like many others, manifested themselves in childhood. He simply told his relatives his versions of the future, and such details that you could not tell without the gift of clairvoyance. The child’s words came true; they feared him until he learned to control his emotions. He is the author of a technique for working with karma, and also helps people who suffer from gossip. Rustam came to the casting of the project twice - but both times were unsuccessful. It has not yet been confirmed, but the young man showed himself to be a powerful magician and clairvoyant during the casting.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Irina Maklakova

She has long been known as a witch, according to Irina - she is the fourth witch in the eighth female generation of her family. The witch interprets dreams; she received a notebook with notes about dreams from her grandmother. Even as a child, as a girl, Irina remembers how people came to her grandmother for help, and she treated them and helped them, and also taught her granddaughter herbalism. Before her death, the grandmother told her granddaughter that all the women in the family have unusual abilities.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Olesya Molchanova

A young girl lives in Khakassia, came and stayed here in the village of Cheryomushki in 2012. In addition to the magical gift, he also has the talent of an artist. Claims to have x-ray vision, helps in difficult situations and searches for missing people.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Ivan Shabanov

A 40-year-old clairvoyant from Baku was born right in the waves of the Caspian Sea. Ivan considers himself a hereditary magician, and claims that he can get in touch with the other world with the help of shamanic tambourines, which he has been collecting for a long time, tarot cards and a wolfhound skull, and the numerous tattoos with Scandinavian runes on his body help him.

Participants of the 18th battle of psychics list with photo: Maxim Nikitin

He takes pride of place as the most scandalous psychic of the season. Calls himself "Cyprian". He often starts fights with other psychics, sends curses and appears on filming in a drunken state. Cyprian appeared in the clearing in a monastic robe, which caused discontent among the believing spectators, since a cassock cannot be worn without being ordained. The magician claims that he is capable of everything, from curses to protection, even to cure any disease. He has repeatedly stated that he is an exorcist and received the appropriate education in the Vatican, but many know that in order to learn exorcism you need to profess Catholicism, and Maxim himself claimed to be Orthodox.

“Battle of Psychics Season 18” is a continuation of the top-rated Russian show “Battle of Psychics,” which has been airing since 2007 on the TNT channel. In the 18th season, the creators of the project again prepared for TV viewers meetings with amazing people with unique abilities. They can read minds, guess what is hidden behind the black screen, learn the secrets of the past and talk to the dead.

Since the eighth season (2009), the permanent host of “Battle” has been actor Marat Basharov. The role of skeptics in the project is played by the illusionists Safronov brothers. Actress Vera Sotnikova also takes part in the show as a test host.

About the show Battle of Psychics Season 18

As in previous seasons, the show “Battle of Psychics Season 18” began with castings, which started in the spring of 2017. During the careful selection of candidates for participation in the project, they were tested for paranormal abilities. As a result of the qualifying casting

According to the current situation, up to 40 people are allowed to participate in the first round. They have to pass two tests: name as accurately as possible what or who the show organizers hid either in a box or behind an impenetrable screen; find a person in the trunk of one of the cars in the parking lot. The second test is also traditionally carried out by the skeptic Safronov brothers.

Based on the results of the first two tests, the names of the participants in the “Battle” are announced on air, who will have to demonstrate their abilities in front of skeptics and spectators.

A month before the start of the 18th season of the country’s main mystical show, three special episodes of the show “Psychics Are Investigating. Battle of the strongest." One of the programs (broadcast on September 16, 2017) was dedicated to Ilona Novoselova by the channel’s management. A participant in the project died in Moscow on June 13, 2017, falling from the window of an apartment on the sixth floor of the building where she lived. Filming in the program “Psychics are investigating. “The Battle of the Strongest” was the last in Ilona’s life.

Battle of psychics season 18: participants

15 magicians, clairvoyants, mediums and sorcerers took part in the show “Battle of Psychics Season 18”.
Long before the start of the 18th season, rumors appeared in the press that the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro had decided to reappear in the project. After Mary took second place in the 17th season of “Battle”, she said that she did not rule out the possibility of competing for victory again, because three times she was one step away from getting the coveted “Blue Hand”.

In 2014 she lost to Aleksandr Sheps, in 2015 to Victoria Radois, and in 2016 to the mystic Swami Dashi. Information about Kerro’s participation in the “Battle of Psychics Season 18” has not been confirmed.

In October 2016, information was leaked to the media that the younger brother of the famous medium Alexander Sheps (winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics) took part in the casting for the 18th season of “The Battle”. Oleg Sheps, like his older brother, inherited the gift of clairvoyance from his mother. Oleg Sheps successfully passed the casting for the “Battle of Psychics” and became a participant in the 18th season.

The new season of the “Battle of Psychics” will be opened by a clairvoyant from Iskitim

27-year-old clairvoyant from Iskitim Natalia Bogdanova returned from filming the first episode of the 18th season of “Battle of Psychics.” She passed all three test rounds, finishing among the top 12. According to Natalia, special abilities and the ghost of her deceased brother helped her cope with the trials.

Back in March, the clairvoyant passed a casting for the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” which took place in Barnaul. And in July she was called to Moscow to film the qualifying stage.

About 900 people gathered for the first test of “Shirma,” Natalia told a VN.ru correspondent. – The people are all different, interesting, many with undoubted abilities, but there were also quite strange ones, in different outfits, attracting attention with their outrageousness. But, by the way, they didn’t go any further.

Natalia’s deceased brother, whose ghost she constantly sees, helped Natalia cope with the second test—the search for a person hidden in the trunk of a car. In addition, as Natalia says, she feels the warmth of a living person.

On the third test, they had to tell everything about the invited guest without seeing him. And, according to the girl, she handled it well. As a result, out of 900 people, real psychic abilities were discovered only in a couple of dozen. Only ten people will be selected for the show.


Natalia met and became friends with the winner of one of the previous “Battles”, Alexander Sheps. Now the girl is corresponding with him on the Internet. Such communication is very helpful in developing abilities. They appeared in her childhood and were passed on from her grandmother. Once in the third grade, Natalia fainted. According to her, for about seven minutes she was on the verge of life and death.

I saw some pictures and a big red door... I remembered it for the rest of my life. Then there was another dream in which the grandfather warned that she would know everything, but for the time being she should remain silent about it. Since then, the girl's life has changed. She saw ghosts, she says there are a lot of them around. And at the age of 17 I told my mother everything.

After this, the girl began to use her abilities on relatives and friends, talking about their future. Now Natalia helps many people, but this is not enough. And for further growth we need to go beyond Iskitim.

There is speculation around Marilyn Kerro's personal life - has she broken up with Sheps?

28-year-old witch Marilyn Kerro was tired of reading fans’ speculations about her personal life and romance with 30-year-old colleague Alexander Sheps and decided to openly tell on her Instagram how she feels about her “new-old” boyfriend.
It turned out that the finalist of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Marilyn Kerro has not been dating Alexander Sheps for a long time, but they managed to remain friends and see each other often. The Estonian witch informed fans about this on her Instagram, reports rsute.ru.
“Everything comes to an end. Sasha, thank you for everything! We broke up. I have already spoken about this on camera several times, but apparently an official statement is required. Here it is: Sasha and I are not a couple and now I have nothing to do with the Magic Workshop in Samara. I'm upset. But in China, men are happy,”
Jun 9 2017 at 2:25 PDT
The former lover, apparently, is having a hard time parting with Marilyn. In response, Sheps published two lyrical poems dedicated to the Estonian witch on his Instagram.
Aug 10 2017 at 2:25 PDT

Kerro and Sheps - each has their own life?

Sheps did not comment on the breakup with Kerro, but recently photographs in the company of a blonde, which the psychic accompanies with poetry, began to appear on his Instagram more and more often. Fans are at a loss as to who this girl is. Some suggest that she is Alexander's student, others are sure that the blonde is his new lover.
Jul 22, 2017 at 2:05 PDT
Meanwhile, photographs of Marilyn in the company of a mysterious stranger appeared on the Internet. Fans of the Estonian witch suspected that they were having an affair.

Some managed to find out the man's name - he turned out to be a certain Mark Alexander Hansen. Some claim that Mark is married and has a little daughter, others said that he has already separated from his wife. Kerro herself has not yet commented on the rumors, as well as the rumors that she will return to the show “Battle of Psychics” for her well-deserved reward.

18th season of the TNT channel project The fight of extrasensories You can watch it online on this page. All episodes are accompanied by brief descriptions. You can also see the list of participants for the new season here.

In the eighteenth season, the main contender for victory was announced from the very beginning - Konstantin Getsati, the first in the history of “battles” to complete the “trunk” task three times. Alexei Pokhabov's serious student Sonya, the modest map fortuneteller Kinzhinov, and a colorful couple from Kazakhstan tried unsuccessfully to compete with him. Rustam, a well-known participant on social networks, showed himself interestingly, but the aspiring media star Turchin failed to cope with the task of sparking some kind of bright scandal.

All series and special issues added:

Series selection:
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18

The following participants advanced to the eighteenth season of the battle:

  • A doctor originally from North Ossetia, today living in Moscow. Previously known as Taimuraz Getsayev. Born 07/10/1987.
    Instagram of Konstantin.

  • Sonya is a graduate of the GITIS production department; she is positioned as a telepath during the battle; her date of birth is 08/17/1989.
    Sony's Instagram.

  • Tarot reader from Balakovo, Saratov region. Birthday: 05/13/1990.
    Alexandra's VKontakte page.
  • Zhan Alibekov with his sister Dana
    Famous Kazakh showman, presenter and participant in many mystical television projects. His last name is correctly spelled "Auelbekov", but he prefers the spelling that is more familiar to the Russian language. Born 10/29/1982. He participates in the 18th season of the battle together with his sister Dana (05/02/1988).
    Zhan's VKontakte pages: old, new.
    Dana VKontakte.

  • Participant from Portugal, exorcist, birthday 06/18/1966.
    Marina VKontakte.

  • A famous Moscow modernist artist, who also tried himself as an actor and TV presenter. He took part in the project "Dom-2" as Vilen Shabanyan. Date of birth: 03/19/1976.
    Ivan VKontakte.

  • A participant who received the nickname “lady with a dog” on the project. Birthday: 02/26/1975.
    Irina VKontakte.

  • A young participant from Ufa with acting experience, positioned as a “key holder” in the new season. Date of birth: 05/13/2000.
    Nikita's VKontakte page.

  • Irina is already known to viewers of Channel One as the witch from the 1st season of the Black and White project. Date of birth: 03/28/1956.
    Irina VKontakte.

  • A participant from Tashkent, who was pushed to come to the battle of psychics by heated discussions on social networks. Born 04/10/1991.
    Rustam's VKontakte page.

  • Artist from Khakassia, born 05/26/1984.
    Olesya VKontakte (under a pseudonym).

  • Formerly a representative of the black team in "Black and White", Maxim now took part in the battle of psychics in the guise of an evil sorcerer in a priest's cassock. He was born on March 26, 1972.
    Maxim's VKontakte page.

Series 1 (issue 290)

09/23/2017. In the first episode, viewers saw how the casting of candidates for participation in the 18th season of the battle of psychics took place. The traditional “screen”, this time with a pig’s head on a tray, then the “trunk”, which Konstantin Getsati handled best of all, and Nikita, Ivan and Rustam also successfully completed it. And after the "trunk" - the "Mr. X" test, played by singer Yulia Samoilova.

Series 2 (issue 291)

09/30/2017. In the second issue there was one voluminous task - searching for a person in a seven-story hospital using a test tube with his blood, which only Sonya Egorova and Kostya Getsati can fully cope with. And at the end - a small test from the host Marat Basharov, where the participants had to determine what was happening using a muffled recording of an exorcism session with the participation of Anneliese Michel (Anna-Elizabeth Michel). In this task, the most accurate answers were given by Sonya, Konstantin and Marina; Alexander, Nikita and Maxim also gave good answers. As always, there were no eliminations in the second series.

Series 3 (issue 292)

10/07/2017. In the first part - the search for the child of the project guest among six possible candidates. Four of them are coping - Konstantin, Ivan, Marina and Sonya. And the second task is the now traditional “bad apartment”, in which its Muscovite owner Tatyana Aleksakhina constantly encounters manifestations of ghosts. The best answers were given by Sophia and Kostya. Following the results of the third issue, the first black envelope was presented to Maxim Nikitin, and Konstantin Getsati in white.

Episode 4 (issue 293)

10/14/2017. In the new series, we were faced with one and only task - the investigation of three mysterious deaths in the Bocharov family, a father and his two sons, in a private house in the city of Orel. Konstantin, Sonya and Marina Zueva give excellent answers, Shabanov and brother and sister Alibekov also give an interesting answer. At the end of the series there is another elimination on the project, this time Olesya leaves the battle. And Kostya Getsati is again chosen as the best.

Episode 5 (issue 294)

10/21/2017. The first task is three guests, and each of them has violated one biblical commandment in her life. Participants determine which of them violated what. Sonya Egorova turned out to be the best in this task. And then a story with mysterious deaths in a Tula family. The psychics were offered photographs of the sisters and the boy, and first they had to determine who was alive and who was not alive. Konstantin Getzati shined in this part of the series. The main candidate for second place, Sonya, gets into the white envelope, and the weak link this time is Rustam, he leaves the battle with nothing.

Episode 6 (issue 295)

10/28/2017. Search for a "terrorist" with an explosive simulator on a bus. Dana Alibekova, Sasha Kinzhinov and Kostya Getsati are coping successfully. Additional task from presenter Marat Basharov: to understand what is written in the 1956 newspaper hidden in an envelope - about the so-called “Zoin's Standing”. Here again Kinzhinov shines brightest of all. He, along with Getsati, ends up in a white envelope, and another participant in “Black and White” - Maklakova - ends up in a black one.

Episode 7 (issue 296)

04.11.2017. In the first task, participants understood the biography of the war criminal Antonina Makarova, known as Tonka the Machine Gunner. And then they investigated the death using spiritualistic methods. This time there were four people in the white envelope - Jean, Dana, Sonya and Kostya. And two dropped out - Volkova of her own free will and Nikita Turchin by decision of the jury.

Episode 8 (issue 297)

11.11.2017. Psychics at the grave of Djuna Davitashvili. Most of the participants gave wonderful answers, so no one was placed in the white envelope, but Ivan Shabanov was kicked out in this episode.

Episode 9 (issue 298)

11/18/2017. Blindfolded participants, led by Alexander Makarov, undergo a test at Stalin's dacha in Sochi. Sasha Kinzhinov answers worst of all, but the jury unanimously decides to give him a second chance, and no one drops out. And Konstantin turns out to be in the white envelope.

Episode 10 (issue 299)

November 25, 2017. Psychics talk about the amulets of the project guests. In the second part - an investigation into the death of rapper Yanis Angelov from Mineralnye Vody. The best are brother and sister Alibekov, and for elimination they announce a competition for two candidates - Sasha and Marina, but Marina chooses to leave herself.

Episode 11 (issue 300)

02.12.2017. First, a test with Elena Golunova in the role of Mr. X. And then the participants try to understand the story of the deceased girl from Makhachkala, Alina Guseinova, using her video. Here Sasha Kinzhinov gives the worst answer, but the jury again unanimously decides to give him a second chance, and no one drops out. And Kostya Getsati is again chosen as the best.

Episode 12 (issue 301)

09.12.2017. The only test of the semi-final: the investigation of mysterious suicides - the hangings of men on the Evseevsky farm. The jury decides to let all five into the final - Konstantin Getsati, Sonya Egorova, Alexander Kinzhinov, Zhan and Dana Alibekov. Marat announced the final vote, which lasted until 22:00 on December 16.

Episode 13 (issue 302)

12/16/2017. The finale of the 18th season of the battle of psychics. As usual, we were faced with a task to search for a person in a large area (an abandoned factory), which all the finalists except Kinzhinov completed, and then an investigation into the mysterious death of a teenage girl, Angela Timergalieva, from the Bashkir city of Dyurtyuli.

After the broadcast of the final episode, the awards ceremony took place.

Episode 14 (issue 303)

12/23/2017. Stories about the finalists and announcement of the results of the audience voting.

Results in percentage:
Konstantin Getsati - 53.17%
Sonya Egorova - 20.71%
Alexander Kinzhinov - 17.86%
Zhan and Dana Alibekov - 8.26%

Episode 15 (1st special, or issue 304)

12/30/2017. Season 18 Digest - an expanded version of some of the challenges. Namely, Kinzhinov’s passage of Mr. X, Kostya Getsati’s passage of the trunk and the task in Evseevsky, Sonya’s passage of the search at the factory, the Alibekovs’ passage of tasks with Juna and the spiritualistic seance.

Who were magicians and mediums before they “discovered” their paranormal abilities? Yes, quite ordinary people: doctors, stylists, event hosts. Express Gazeta talks about the earthly past of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics”.

On September 28, the 20th anniversary season starts on the TNT channel. The creators are already intriguing the public with announcements on the Internet: they say that during the “Trunk” test, the entire film crew left the set, and “something” happened to Mr. X in the person of Anastasia Volochkova. “Oh, how exciting!” - the fans freeze. “These mummers again,” sigh the skeptics.

Who will appear on the screen is still a mystery: maybe we are waiting for witches in the 10th generation, or maybe cleaners who discovered their gift after the tragedy - by the way, there were quite a few of them on the show. Express Gazeta tells how the stars of “Battle” turned from people of ordinary professions into psychics.

Timofey Rudenko, “Battle of Psychics - 19”: comedian and KVN player

The winner of the last “Battle” began to pave the way to glory through humor. As a student, Timofey played in KVN as part of the “Carrot Seeds” team, then tried his hand at Comedy Battle, but without success - as he himself says, “I made a mistake with the format.” The jokes for Rudenko ended with the death of his father - after the tragedy, the young man began to hear voices, which doctors assessed as schizophrenia, and Timofey himself - as a gift.

“I played in KVN and suddenly became a psychic. It's really startling, but it's true. It’s not my fault that I didn’t start witchcraft at the age of 5 and I’m not a witch with 40 years of experience. Things turned out differently in my life. I didn’t think about esotericism before, but life has changed,” responds to skeptical comments from the public about his “rebirth”

By the way, before receiving the “blue hand”, releasing his own book and reaping other laurels as a TV star, the young man made money with his hands for some time - in his native Novosibirsk he made monuments at the Gusinobrodsky cemetery.

Winner of the 19th season of the “Battle of Psychics”. Photo: press service

Konstantin Getsati, “Battle of Psychics - 18”: urologist

He is Taimuraz Gatsayev, he is the son of an economist and a surgeon, he is also a urologist by training. In 2011, Getsati graduated from the Medical Academy in Vladikavkaz, after which he completed graduate school in Moscow and got a job in a clinic in the capital. At work - only traditional methods, no spells or treatment by laying on of hands. Although Konstantin’s power is still connected with medicine, the man felt it in himself during a pathological anatomy lesson, “communicating” with the bodies of the dead.

Participant of the show “Battle of Psychics” Konstantin Getsati. Photo: frame from the program

Julia Wang, “Battle of Psychics - 15”: stylist

At the show, the blonde was shrouded in a dense mystical flair: breaking through the foggy “I am the spirit of chaos” or “I remember all my 150 lives” and finding out specific details of Julia’s biography seemed impossible. Katya Gordon came to the rescue: the singing human rights activist recognized her stylist.

“I personally know Julia Wang. She was my hairdresser. Believe me, she has no abilities, except that she was engaged in expelling demons with perhydrol,” Katya assured.

Now Julia herself will not argue with her. The former “spirit of chaos” became a thin young man named Thomas, threw all her energy into developing a business selling fragrances and said “goodbye” to magic.

Participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” Julia Wang. Photo: frame from the program

Alexander Litvin, “Battle of Psychics - 6”: military doctor

“Alexander Litvin’s research interest extends to patterns of inheritance and changes that can be recorded in the epigenome and influence the subsequent fate of a person,” says the official website of the winner of the sixth “Battle of Psychics.” In the past, the man’s activities were described in much simpler words: he worked as a paramedic and a military doctor, and after retirement, as a customs inspector, where he sometimes caught criminals with the help of extrasensory sense.

Winner of the show “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin. Photo: TNT

Tatyana Larina, “Battle of Psychics - 15”: singer

In 2010, the blonde received a diploma from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture and became a professional singer. The vocals, however, did not tire Tatiana for long - there was a period in her life of working as a fashion model abroad. But the scene didn’t let me go: upon returning home, Larina met the composer at a party in the capital, “sang” with him, recorded an album, then a duet with Zara. Since 2011, the public no longer applauds Tatyana - now she demonstrates not mastery of notes, but the skill of a witch and the ability to “clean” people for 20 thousand rubles.

Participant of the show “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina. Photo: frame from the program

Sergey Pakhomov “Battle of Psychics - 16”: artist, editor

Who wouldn’t challenge the cliche “It’s just an actor!” Pakhok before his enchanting and maddening appearance in the show “Battle of Psychics” starred in the films “Green Elephant”, “Five Bottles of Vodka”, “Head”. In addition to acting, Sergei Pakhomov’s track record includes the titles “artist”, “musician” and “art director of glossy publications”.

Participant of the show “Battle of Psychics” Sergei Pakhomov. Photo: frame from the program