Working conditions and health of coal industry workers. Occupational diseases of miners. Reference. Types of occupational diseases

Kemerovo region. - a highly developed industrial region, in which virtually all types of industrial production are represented, having factors whose actions can cause occupational diseases

In the Kemerovo region. remains one of the highest in the Russian Federation, almost 7-8 times higher than the level for the country as a whole; in 2005 it amounted to 10.8 cases (Russian Federation - 1.6) per 10 thousand workers (Table 1) , 1102 newly identified occupational patients were registered.

Table 1

The highest occupational morbidity is recorded in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Osinniki and Prokopyevsk.

Until 2005 in the structure occupational pathology the first place was occupied by dust respiratory diseases (31,5 %), professional hearing loss was 24.4%, vibration disease - 17,2 %, joint and muscle diseases- 20.9%. In 2005, changes occurred in the nosological structure of occupational pathology. The first place is occupied by diseases of the joints, tendons and muscles (27.9%), vibration disease accounts for 23%. Compared to 2001-2003, the proportion of respiratory diseases (21.2%) and occupational hearing loss (17.6%) decreased; occupational infectious diseases accounted for 1.5%.

The structure of morbidity with temporary disability is dominated by three nosological groups: diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and injuries (up to 55% of all causes of temporary disability).

Analysis of the distribution of occupational diseases by industry in the Kemerovo region. showed that for 2003-2005. 77.8% of occupational patients are from the coal industry. Basically, these are people employed in underground mining. In non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy - 5.7% of professional patients, in mechanical engineering, metalworking and electrical industry - 4.7%, in construction - 2%, the share of the agro-industrial complex is 1.9%, in healthcare - 1.4%. This structure has essentially remained unchanged over the past 5-6 years. Thus, it is confirmed that the coal industry of Kuzbass has the highest occupational morbidity rate (Table 2).

table 2

Types of economic activities Morbidity in the Kemerovo region. per 10 thousand employed population by year, %
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Coal mining 113,3 125,2 91,7 83,6 56,0
Production of machinery and equipment, electrical machines and electrical equipment 15,2 22,5 16,5 14,2 13,6
Metallurgical production 17,2 15,6 10,1 9,1 13,6
Agriculture 5,2 5,7 6,1 6,0 4,7
Others 1,9 2,2 1,9 1,8 1,7

Occupational morbidity- a generally accepted criterion of the harmful effects of unfavorable working conditions on the health of workers. In 2005 in the Kemerovo region. Unfavorable working conditions remained in most sectors of the economy. The most unfavorable sanitary conditions (group III) include 72.4% of all enterprises and organizations, which employ 44.5% of workers. In the coal industry, 67.9% of workers work in unfavorable conditions.

The main reasons contributing to the creation of such working conditions are: obsolete production technologies; lack of collective protective equipment; failure by employers to comply with legislative and regulatory documents in the field of occupational health. At enterprises, as a rule, work is not carried out on reconstruction and technical re-equipment, introduction of new technologies, mechanization and automation of production processes, replacement of worn-out and modernization of outdated equipment; Certification of workplaces is carried out at a low pace; understaffing and insufficient work in sanitary-industrial laboratories are often discovered. Some enterprises still work on a 12-hour schedule. At a number of coal enterprises, there have been no positive changes in the field of medical prevention of occupational diseases (fotaria and inhalations are absent or ineffectively used, vitamin prophylaxis is not carried out).

As before, gross violations of the requirements of sanitary legislation in the field of labor protection are detected at small and medium-sized businesses, which often open independently without conclusions from the sanitary service on the compliance of such facilities with the requirements of sanitary legislation. The absence in the country of a legal and economic mechanism that encourages employers to take effective measures to ensure healthy and safe working conditions contributes to the creation of conditions for many enterprises to ignore the implementation of these requirements.

Employers skimp on occupational hygiene and safety, while workers risk their lives and health. Thus, employees with confirmed occupational diseases are identified every year. However, the unsatisfactory quality of preventive medical examinations casts doubt on the reliability of data on suitability for work in the profession and prevents the timely detection of occupational diseases. Untimely diagnosis of the initial signs of occupational diseases leads to the development of disability; rehabilitation of occupational patients is rarely carried out on time, and, thus, the reserves for preserving the working capacity of workers are not used. The basis of the economy of Kuzbass is the coal mining industry and the majority of the region's population are workers in the coal industry and its supporting industries. Indicators of occupational morbidity among personnel at coal enterprises in Kuzbass in 2001-2005 exceeded the data on occupational pathology for workers in the Kemerovo region. in general (see Table 1) and industry averages for the country. Thus, in 2005, the incidence of occupational diseases among workers at coal enterprises in Kuzbass was 56 cases per 10 thousand workers, with an industry average of 37.5 cases. At the same time, the share of occupational diseases at enterprises with underground coal mining is 89.9%, at coal mines - 9.3%, at processing plants - 0.8%.

A comparative analysis of occupational diseases among Russian coal miners revealed regions with higher rates of occupational pathology than in Kuzbass. So, in the Rostov region. in 2005, the occupational morbidity rate at coal enterprises was 213.9 cases per 10 thousand workers, with the regional average being 5.9 cases. In Kuzbass these figures were 56 and 10.8 cases per 10 thousand workers, respectively. The reason is in Kuzbass in 2005-2006. 53.2% of coal was mined by open-pit mining, which has higher productivity, lower cost and is characterized by lower occupational morbidity. With this method of coal mining, working conditions are safer. Nevertheless, open-pit coal mining in Kuzbass has its own specifics: working conditions differ significantly from working conditions in the mines. This is due to the fact that those working at coal mines in Kuzbass are exposed to a sharply continental climate with significant temperature differences in the cold and warm periods of the year. Such conditions to a certain extent make it difficult to create an optimal microclimate in workplaces in the cabins of excavators, bulldozers and other equipment, technological automobile and railway transport.

From the factors of the production environment the most significant occupational risks are: noise, vibration, coal-rock aerosols, toxic substances (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide). The impact of noise and vibration on workers is due to the imperfection of mining equipment. Thus, according to the results of measurements at coal mines in Novokuznetsk, noise levels at the workplaces of excavator drivers exceed the maximum limit by 4 dB, general vibration - by 4 dB, local vibration levels are higher than the required values ​​- by 1-2 dB.

When operating mining and transport equipment, in addition to noise and vibration, workers are adversely affected by the severity and intensity of the labor process, characterized by physical overstrain of the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, and body, as a result of which pathology of the musculoskeletal system develops. An aggravating factor in the development of occupational diseases is a 12-hour work shift. The risk group for the development of occupational pathology includes such professions as excavator and bulldozer operators, drilling rig operators, and heavy truck drivers. The working conditions of these professions are characterized as hazardous, class 3.

Occupational morbidity for 1999-2003 in the main production and occupational groups at Kuzbass coal mines averaged 12.9 cases per 10 thousand workers, which corresponds to the average level of occupational risk in Russia (5.1-15 cases) and significantly lower than occupational morbidity (5.3 times) in the coal mines of the region as a whole. In the structure of occupational diseases of workers, in first place are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system (48%) - deforming osteoarthritis of the elbow joints, vegetosensory poleneuropathy of the upper extremities, in second place - sensorineural hearing loss (22.2%), in third - vibration disease (16.2%); the proportion of pneumoconiosis is 7%.

In the structure of general morbidity in all groups of workers, the leading places are occupied by respiratory diseases (42.1%); work-related injuries and poisonings (12.2%); diseases of the nervous (11.8%), musculoskeletal (10.1%) system; circulatory organs (5.3%). An analysis of morbidity with temporary disability showed that until 2000, the first place was occupied by acute respiratory infections, the second - diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, and the third - injuries. Since 2001, the leading place in morbidity with temporary disability in coal mines has been occupied by diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, and acute respiratory infections - the second place. Studies have shown that the critical length of service, during which with a 10% probability one should expect the occurrence of noise occupational pathology among coal mine workers, ranges from 39.3 to 41 years; The critical period after which the risk of diseases of dust etiology appears is 11.1-36.5 years.

When working in mines, the miner's body is exposed to numerous adverse factors. These include: contact with coal dust; changes in the gas composition of the air (decrease in oxygen content, increase in carbon dioxide concentration, release of methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, explosive gases, etc. into the mine atmosphere); noise and vibration; poor lighting and ventilation; forced body position; neuropsychic, visual, auditory stress; heavy physical labor, as well as an increased risk of injury. And the longer the underground experience, the higher the likelihood of health problems as a result of illness or injury. In the mines, the incidence of illness with temporary disability is 1.5 times higher, and in some mines this figure exceeds the regional average by 2-2.5 times. In the structure of temporary disability, labor losses due to injuries account for 30%, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - 21%, and diseases of the respiratory system - 13%. There are 1.4 fatal injuries per 1,000 underground workers. At coal enterprises in Kuzbass this figure in 2006 was 0.424, and in the Kemerovo region as a whole - 0.272.

The basis for the high level of industrial injuries at coal enterprises is the imperfection of technological processes, violation of technological and labor discipline, low efficiency of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements, unsatisfactory technical condition of equipment, and high wear and tear of fixed assets.

An analysis of the incidence of Kuzbass miners showed that occupational pathology is formed mainly in mines with poor mechanization of cleaning and preparatory work. The incidence rates in them are 1.63 times higher than those in mines with a medium and high degree of mechanization of mining operations. In mines with poor mechanization of mining operations, vibration disease and dust diseases of the respiratory system are prevalent. They account for 63.1% of all sick miners in Kuzbass. This is due to the widespread use of hand-held electric drills in mines and the high dust load on workers due to the significant severity of labor and the associated hyperventilation of the lungs.

In mechanized mines, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system, as well as sensorineural hearing loss, are most common - 63.5% of all sick miners. This structure of occupational morbidity is due to the presence of physical overload in numerous auxiliary jobs; intense noise from machinery (mining machines, conveyors, loading machines).

It should be noted that in mining towns, a significant percentage of the employed population of which works at enterprises in the coal industry, workers are exposed to harmful factors not only in the workplace. The prevalence of diseases and inter-shift rehabilitation among miners can be influenced by environmental pollution in mining towns and sanitary conditions. Coal enterprises, located almost throughout the region, represent a complex source of negative impact on the environment. They pollute the air, water resources, and disturb the land. The specific impact of a particular mining enterprise on the environment is determined by the geological and geochemical characteristics of the deposit, the equipment and technology used for its development.

Air pollution in the process of open-pit and underground coal mining is caused by drilling and blasting operations, the operation of engines of mining transport equipment, dust from coal warehouses, rock dumps and other sources. At the same time, the dominant emissions from enterprises mining coal underground are emissions of gaseous substances, mainly methane, and in open-pit coal mining - emissions of solid substances, mainly inorganic dust, as well as coal dust, coal ash and soot. And, as a result, atmospheric air pollution with sulfur and nitrogen dioxides, suspended substances, formaldehyde and phenol; drinking water - lead, cadmium, phenol and arsenic; soil - cadmium, mercury, arsenic, zinc.

In addition, mining towns have a low level of sanitary and technical improvement of the housing stock, and the material base for attracting the population to physical education and mass active recreation is poorly developed. The poor supply of sanatoriums and day hospitals, their low capacity make it difficult to prevent occupational and work-related diseases, rehabilitation and inter-shift recovery of workers at coal industry enterprises.

The sanitary and epidemiological situation in mining towns is also affected by the restructuring of the coal industry with the closure of coal mines. It is accompanied by a decline in the living standards of the population, underemployment, deterioration of the environmental situation, aggravation of issues of water, heat and energy supply to the housing stock, and relocation from dilapidated housing. In mining towns, compared to other cities in the region, there was a significant increase in the incidence of diseases of the circulatory system, endocrine system, congenital anomalies, most socially determined infections, and especially occupational diseases. Thus, the level of occupational morbidity during the period of restructuring of the coal industry increased by 4.2 times, in other cities of the region - by 1.9 times.

To solve sanitary and hygienic issues during the closure of coal mines, differentiated, targeted implementation of protective measures in relation to processes and objects, a “Sanitary and hygienic standard for carrying out measures to protect the environment and public health during the closure of coal mines in the Kemerovo region” was developed, which became regional hygienic standards.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce occupational morbidity in our country. In the Kemerovo region. indicators of occupational illness among workers have also changed, especially at coal enterprises (see Table 1). Thus, until 2002, there was an increase in occupational morbidity to 125.2 cases per 10 thousand workers, and then from 2002 to 2005, a decrease in this indicator to 56.

However, statistical indicators do not reflect the true state of affairs due to the extremely low detection of occupational pathology. At the same time, the number of workers employed in harmful and dangerous working conditions and their proportion among the working population are simultaneously growing in the country. It is obvious that the main part of occupational diseases is masked in the structure of general morbidity; as a result, there is an increase in the severity of the initially identified occupational pathology. Accordingly, the disability rate of patients with newly diagnosed occupational diseases is increasing. So, in the Kemerovo region. the number of professional patients first recognized as disabled in 2002 was 0.4 per 10 thousand people, and in 2006 - 2.1, i.e. increased 5 times.

The decrease in the level of occupational diseases among Kuzbass miners may be due, to some extent, to the restructuring of the coal industry, during which mines with poor mechanization of mining operations and particularly difficult, harmful and dangerous working conditions were closed and new deposits were developed, mines with a high level of mechanization were opened .

For the prevention of occupational diseases in modern socio-economic conditions, it is advisable to develop a scientifically based system of measures aimed at preserving the health of the working population, the younger generation and the general population of mining towns. It is necessary to substantiate social, hygienic, treatment and preventive measures to manage the risks of occupational diseases at coal enterprises. Methods for predicting individual risks of various types of occupational diseases should be used depending on exposure doses of production factors, taking into account working conditions and work experience. Safe work experience in leading professions must be determined on a modern scientific basis. Much can be gained from the development of methods for indicating individual resistance or predisposition to occupational diseases based on genetic, physiological and biochemical markers.

Before the introduction of technical measures to limit harmful factors and taking into account the low effectiveness of personal protective equipment, all forms of time protection are recommended (rational work and rest schedules, shortened working hours, additional leave) with mandatory monitoring of workers. Currently, not a single country in the world has managed to achieve complete normalization of working conditions and eliminate increased health risks for workers involved in production processes. However, in each country, work is being done to optimize labor in specific production conditions in order to minimize the impact of adverse factors on the body of workers.

Due to the high occupational morbidity in the Kemerovo region. The territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Kemerovo Region” has developed Concept for the prevention of occupational morbidity in the Kemerovo region. with the participation of all interested organizations: the Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund, enterprises, scientific institutions and the Kuzbass Federation of Trade Unions. The concept was presented for consideration at the board of the administration of the Kemerovo region. and approved by her decision. The concept became the basis for the development of the Regional Program for the Prevention of Occupational Diseases in Kuzbass for 2005-2008.

L.S. Khoroshilova, Ph.D. biol. sciences
L.M. Tabakaeva, Ph.D. honey. sciences
D.V. Kharin

"Occupational Safety in Industry", No. 10, 2008

On May 8, 2010, methane gas exploded at Russia's largest coal mine, Raspadskaya, in the Kemerovo region. Four hours after the first explosion, the second one occurred.

Occupational morbidity is a generally accepted criterion of the harmful effects of unfavorable working conditions on the health of workers.

In the coal industry, this is contact with coal dust; changes in the gas composition of the air (decrease in oxygen content, increase in carbon dioxide concentration, release of methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, explosive gases, etc. into the mine atmosphere); noise and vibration; poor lighting and ventilation; forced body position; neuropsychic, visual, auditory stress; heavy physical labor, as well as an increased risk of injury. And the longer the underground experience, the higher the likelihood of health problems as a result of illness or injury.

In the structure of professional morbidity among miners, according to diagnoses, the first place is occupied by diseases caused by the influence of industrial aerosols (pneumoconiosis, chronic and dust bronchitis, coniotuberculosis), the second place is occupied by diseases associated with physical overload and overload of organs and body systems (radiculopathy), the third place is diseases caused by physical factors (vibration disease, arthrosis, cataracts).

Occupational diseases are characterized by relatively long-term exposure to harmful production factors on the human body.

The main types of occupational diseases of miners are: bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, bursitis, vibration disease.

Diseases caused by dust account for the largest percentage of all occupational diseases. The second place is occupied by diseases caused by noise, vibrations and unfavorable microclimate.

Bronchitis of dust etiology is a form of occupational pathology that develops during prolonged work in conditions of increased dustiness in the atmosphere of the work area and is characterized by damage to the bronchial tree. Bronchitis of dust etiology leads to the development of emphysema and respiratory failure, which causes changes in the human cardiovascular system.

Pneumoconiosis is an occupational disease that develops from prolonged inhalation of dust and is characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue in the respiratory tract. The term “pneumoconiosis” (pneumon - lungs, konia - dust) was introduced in 1866. According to the classification developed by the Academy of Occupational Medicine (AMT) of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, six groups of pneumoconiosis are distinguished according to etiology.

1. Silicosis, which develops due to inhalation of dust containing free silicon dioxide.

2. Silicates that occur when dust from silicon dioxide salts gets into the lungs (asbestosis, talcosis, olivinosis, nephelinosis, etc.).

3. Carboconiosis caused by exposure to carbon-containing dusts from coal, coke, soot, and graphite.

4. Metalloconiosis, developing from exposure to metal dust and their oxides (aluminosis, baritosis, siderosis, manganoconiosis, etc.).

5. Pneumoconiosis developing from mixed dust with varying contents of quartz, silicates and other components.

6. Pneumoconiosis from organic dust of plant, animal and synthetic origin.

Pneumoconiosis from organic dust: flour (amylosis), tobacco (tabacosis), cane (bagasosis), cotton dust (byssinosis), plastics, sawdust are characterized by moderately pronounced diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.

Dust also affects the skin and eyes. Dust that has penetrated the skin can behave like an indifferent body, without causing any reaction on the part of the skin, or can cause inflammatory phenomena, expressed in swelling, redness and soreness of the skin. When the sebaceous glands become clogged with dust, a papular rash may occur, and if a secondary infection occurs, pyoderma may occur.

Clogging of the sweat glands with dust leads to a decrease in the sweating ability of the skin, which is the body's protective device against overheating. The effect on the skin of caustic and irritating dust (arsenic, antimony, lime, table salt, superphosphate, etc.), which can cause ulcerative dermatitis, is especially harmful.

The effect of dust on the eyes causes the disease conjunctivitis. A particularly strong irritant is coal tar pitch, which causes severe conjunctivitis, manifested by swelling of the eyelids.

Industrial dust is a very harmful production factor that requires serious solutions to such issues as standardization of dust concentration and effective reduction of its content in the atmosphere of the working area.

The occupational disease bursitis often occurs among miners and is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the joints under the influence of prolonged pressure or friction. The cause of bursitis is trauma, repeated mechanical irritations, infections, and diathesis. In acute bursitis, a rounded, limited swelling with a diameter of 8-10 cm appears in place of the mucous bursa.


The most important condition for ensuring normal hygienic conditions is the hygienic assessment of mining machines and mechanisms, which is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.2.106-86. The air composition of the working area is assessed based on maximum one-time measurements of dust concentration for a time not exceeding 30 minutes (GOST 12.1.005-76).

Control of dust content in the atmosphere of the working area in mine workings is carried out by employees of the militarized mine rescue units (VMSCh) and the ventilation and safety service (VTB) of the mines in accordance with the plan approved by the chief engineer of the mine. For periodic dust control, samplers are used. The results of measurements carried out by VGSCh are transferred to the enterprise within two days in the prescribed form.

Not only dust is released into the atmosphere of mine workings, but also a number of harmful gases and other impurities.

Air quality is determined by the volume fraction of oxygen in it, which should not be lower than 20%, and the volume fractions of various gases, which do not exceed sanitary standards. The volume fraction of low-toxic CO 2 gas should be no more than 0.5% at workplaces and in the outgoing jets of areas, 0.75% - in workings with an outgoing jet of the mine wing, the horizon as a whole, and 1% - when working on rubble.

The maximum permissible content of toxic gases in the air of the working area is given in table. 2.1 (psstSSBT GOST 12.1.005-76).

Table 2.1

When people are allowed into the face after blasting, the volume fraction of toxic gases should not exceed 0.008% when converted to conventional carbon monoxide. Such liquefaction should be achieved no more than 30 minutes after the explosion.

The concentration of harmful gases is monitored at mines by VTB service and engineering and technical personnel within the time limits established by the chief engineer of the mine. The measurement results are recorded in a special journal. To measure gas concentrations, mine interferometers, SMP and SSh devices, as well as GC are used.


All dust control measures are divided into the following groups: prevention and reduction of dust formation(the use of machines and equipment with a working body for large chips, the use of simultaneous mechanical and hydraulic methods of destruction of the massif, preliminary moistening of the massifs); deposition of airborne dust(irrigation, foam application); dust extraction and dust deposition in special devices; appropriate ventilation mode, including effective reduction of dust concentration and reduction of dust removal from places of its formation.

The use of machines with a large-chip working body can reduce dust formation by 30 - 40%.

One of the effective ways to prevent dust formation during coal mining is to pre-wet the coal mass. When liquid is injected into the massif, its humidity increases, which contributes to the growth of adhesive-cohesive forces between the surfaces of dust-like particles formed during the destruction of coal, the formation of large aggregates from them, which quickly settle out of the air under the influence of gravity; the mechanical strength of the massif decreases, which causes a decrease in the specific energy consumption for its destruction; the wettability of fine “sliding” dust in the cracks of the coal mass increases.

It has been established that with an increase in the humidity of a coal mass by 1 - 3%, the efficiency of reducing dust formation reaches 75 - 80%. The increase in moisture depends on the filtration and collection properties of the massif, pressure, rate and time of liquid injection.

To improve the wettability of the massif by pre-wetting it, surfactants (surfactants) can be used. Surfactant molecules are adsorbed on the surface of liquid films and thereby reduce the surface tension of water and increase its wetting ability due to the adsorption of surfactant molecules on the surface of dust particles.

Depending on the filtration properties of the coal mass pre-humidification can be high-pressure and low-pressure.

High-pressure pre-humidification is carried out using pumping units that provide a pressure of several tens of megapascals. It can be carried out through wells drilled from the development workings, boundary workings or from the working face. When pre-wetting the massif through wells drilled from the preparatory workings or delineating workings.

Low pressure moistening of the coal mass is carried out according to the same schemes under pressure created in the mine mainline due to the difference in geodetic elevations of the mine surface and the place of water injection. Low-pressure moistening is effective at high permeability of the massif due to its capillary saturation and filling of small cracks with liquid.

Widely used way dust deposition is irrigation. The essence of this method is that when a drop of liquid interacts with a dust particle, it is wetted, captured by the drop, and the resulting aggregate is deposited on the soil or walls of the excavation. It may occur in both static and dynamic conditions. In practice, hydrodust removal of air flows in mine workings is carried out mainly under dynamic conditions.

Irrigation divided into low-pressure, high-pressure, pneumohydroirrigation, hydroacoustic, fogging, water-air ejection.

Low-pressure irrigation is carried out at liquid pressures up to 2 MPa. At low-pressure irrigation and pneumatic hydroirrigation, dust is wetted in places of its formation and deposition from air flow.

Application water-air ejectors and foggers ensures effective sedimentation of dust from the air flow.

When there is energy compressed air, pneumatic hydroirrigation is used, the essence of which is that when liquid and compressed air are simultaneously supplied to the nozzle, a fine dispersion of the liquid occurs.

At high-pressure irrigation fine dispersion of the liquid occurs, due to which the number of droplets per unit volume of air increases, the irrigation torch becomes more saturated with liquid droplets, the flight speed of the droplets increases, which contributes to the effective use of inertial and gravitational dust deposition.

Hydroacoustic irrigation lies in the fact that the dust aerosol is simultaneously affected by drops of liquid and acoustic vibrations created by the jet of liquid as it exits the sprinkler until it disintegrates. In this case, it is possible to select such an oscillation frequency that the dust in the acoustic field will aggregate, and the dispersed liquid will wet it and settle. The hydroacoustic method is recommended for capturing floating dust.

Pneumohydraulic ejectors are used to collect dust during the operation of tunneling and mining machines. The essence of dust collection is that the air coming out of a special device creates a vacuum in a certain area, where dusty air is sucked in; the latter is exposed to finely dispersed liquid.

To settle dust suspended in the air, fog is also used, created by special installations - foggers.. Dust deposition occurs as a result of condensation of water vapor on the surface of dust particles and the collision of tiny droplets with dust particles, their coagulation and weighting.

Effective dust suppression is carried out using chemical foam. The essence of the method is that when supplied to dust-forming areas, the foam spreads over the surface of the rock mass, mixes with it and is intensively destroyed. The resulting liquid wets the rock mass and prevents dust from becoming suspended. Foam creates a large surface area for interaction between the liquid and the rock mass, effectively suppressing fine dust fractions and shielding dust formation sites.

A set of anti-dust measures based on the use of liquid, along with its positive aspects, has a number of disadvantages. Thus, hydrodust removal leads to an increase in the humidity of the rock mass, which is not always acceptable, an increase in air humidity and watering of the faces. In some cases, water dramatically worsens the condition of rocks.

The following dust collection methods are used in coal mines:

Suction of dust-laden air from the place of dust formation, removal and release of it without cleaning away from workplaces;

Suction of dust-laden air from under the shelters of dust generation sources, followed by cleaning it in special devices;

Suction of dust-laden air using high-performance units and cleaning it in special chambers.

Rice. 2.3. Layout diagram of the PPU-2 dust collection unit in combination with the 4PP-2m combine:

1 - roadheader; 2 - section pipeline; 3 - conveyor; 4 - loader; 5 - flexible ventilation pipeline; 6 - dust collection unit

To prevent dust formation during blasting operations, an internal water stop is used, which makes it possible to reduce dust formation after an explosion by 80% or more.

Significant efficiency in reducing dust formation is achieved by using an external water stopper. At the same time, water is poured into polyethylene bags with a capacity of up to 20 liters (at the rate of 15 - 20 liters per 1 m 2 of face area) and an explosive charge with an electric detonator is placed, then they are suspended in the face. The bags explode simultaneously with the explosion of the rock mass.

When drilling holes and wells, the main method of combating dust formation is flushing, carried out by supplying water or aqueous solutions of surfactants into the bottom or well.

When harvesting rock mass, moistening of the blasted mass is used, and when operating loading equipment, irrigation is used.

Dust control when overloading the rock mass at dumps and crushing it is carried out using irrigation and dust extraction.

Individual protection means. In cases where a set of anti-dust measures does not reduce the dust concentration at miners' workplaces to the maximum permissible concentration (MAC), personal protective equipment (PPE) for respiratory organs against dust is used. The most widely used respirators are F-62Sh, Astra-2, U-2K and Lepestok.


To ensure normal climatic conditions in mine workings, where people are constantly present, permissible air temperature limits are established depending on its relative humidity and movement speed.

According to the Safety Rules in Coal and Shale Mines, the air temperature in operating mine workings near places where people work should not exceed 26 ° C with a relative humidity of up to 90% and a temperature of 25 ° C with a relative humidity of over 90%.

In operating mine workings, where people are constantly present (during the shift), the air speed and temperature must comply with the standards given in Table. 2.4.

Table 2.4

Permissible norms of air speed and temperature in existing mine workings

When working at great depths, when the ambient temperature at the workplace exceeds the permissible norm, the air supplied to the face should be cooled.

Ensuring normal climatic working conditions in mine workings is carried out by improving ventilation - increasing the amount of air supplied to the mine, shortening the path of its movement from the air supply shaft to the working faces, using downward ventilation of the working faces, ventilating the working faces of development workings with increased air speeds; reducing relative air humidity, which improves heat removal from the human body due to the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body; placement of equipment that generates heat (transformers, pumping and battery stations) on horizons and in excavations through which the outgoing air stream is directed; air conditioning supplied to mine workings; compliance with the recommended rational drinking regime; mining the working faces in reverse, which avoids air loss.

Temperature changes in air cooling areas should not exceed the permissible norms for temperature changes during the descent and ascent of people indicated in Table. 2.7.

Table 2.7 Standard parameters of air in shafts

The following requirements apply to surface refrigeration units:

1) refrigeration machine buildings must be located at a distance of at least 100 m from the air intake point for shaft ventilation;

2) between the refrigerant boiling in the evaporator of a cold machine and the coolant directed into the shaft or coming into contact with the ventilation stream, there must be an intermediate coolant - water or brine;

3) the use of ammonia refrigeration machines is not allowed in underground conditions;

4) in ammonia installations, continuous monitoring of the ammonia content in the coolant and condenser water must be carried out, providing an alarm and automatic shutdown of the refrigeration unit when ammonia appears in these environments;

5) in the buildings of an ammonia refrigeration plant, automatic devices must be provided to provide sound and light signals when ammonia vapor appears in the air in a concentration exceeding the sanitary norm, and to turn off all current collectors of the refrigeration plant, with the exception of emergency ventilation and lighting, when the maximum permissible level is reached ammonia concentration.

Requirements for underground refrigeration units.

1. Electric motors of compressors and pumps must be explosion-proof.

2. The composition of the refrigerant must be such that it excludes the possibility of the formation of a mixture with air, methane or coal dust, which is dangerous in terms of explosion or fire.

3. Brine, purified mine or drinking water can be used as a coolant.

4. The chambers where refrigeration machines are located must have separate ventilation.

5. The chambers of refrigeration machines must have automatic control of the concentration of methane in the air.

To prevent cooling of the human body, the air supplied to the shaft is heated using steam or electric heaters to a temperature of 60 - 70 ° C. The heater device must ensure that the air temperature is maintained at least 2 °C five meters from the interface between the heater channel and the barrel.

When sinking mine shafts, temporary heater installations are used, heated by steam coming from the boiler room.

The thermal regime in mines located in permafrost areas differs from the regime in conventional mines. Heating the air supplied to the mine under these conditions can lead to the unfreezing of the rocks around the workings, which will cause an increase in the amount of work to maintain them. Based on the work of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the North, Yaroslavl Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the following parameters of the thermal regime in underground workings can be recommended.

1. When developing fields with a water cut of more than 8%, it is necessary to maintain a negative temperature of the host rocks and incoming air.

2. The development of deposits containing effective and dense sedimentary rocks must be carried out by heating the air supplied to the mine to positive temperatures.

3. In coal mines developing seams with roof rock moisture content of no more than 2%, the air should be heated to 3 °C in winter and be sure to cool it to 3 °C in summer.

It is also recommended that in winter all the air entering the mine be heated, and in summer it is completely cooled so that the air temperature is always slightly lower than the temperature of the frozen rocks.

In underground chambers, where people are engaged in sedentary work, the supplied air through thermally insulated air ducts is heated by local electric heaters and infrared lamps.

Measurement of climatic parameters. To control the thermal regime in mine workings, the temperature, humidity and speed of air movement are measured.


Manifestations of noise pathology can be conditionally divided into specific, occurring in the auditory analyzer, and nonspecific, occurring in the body as a whole.

Noise acts as a stress factor, causes a change in the reactivity of the central nervous system, resulting in disorders of the regulatory functions of human organs and systems, which leads to a decrease in labor productivity by 10 - 20% and an increase in morbidity.

Intense noise irreversibly affects the hearing organ and leads to the development of hearing loss.

The effect of noise on the cardiovascular system is reflected in an increase in blood pressure, which increases the risk of hypertension. Under the influence of noise, vitamin metabolism in the body can change. “Noise disease” is a general disease of the body with primary damage to the organ of hearing, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

Continuous exposure to noise increases the risk of accidents. In a mine, noise makes it difficult to recognize in time the sounds that precede roof collapses, emissions of coal, rock, and gas. Noise drowns out signals during operation and maintenance of machines and mechanisms and interferes with their correct perception, which can lead to dangerous situations.

Sources of noise in mines are all technological processes.

Calculation of the expected noise level in mine workings is carried out in the following order:

Draw up a site plan indicating working areas and design points, all noise sources that influence the noise environment;

Set the distances from noise sources to design points and the duration of action of each noise source on a worker during a shift;

The area, perimeter and cross-sectional shape, the condition of the mine support at the locations of noise sources and design points are determined;

Determine the noise characteristics of sources according to technical documentation or measurement results using standard methods or accept those that are technically achievable for a given type of machine;

The calculated noise levels are compared with those acceptable for a given workplace and the required noise reduction is determined; if necessary, an assessment of the noise situation in the workplace is carried out.

Permissible noise levels of mining equipment are in the range of 90 - 100 dB.

Measures to reduce noise. To reduce mechanical noise, parts made of noise-free materials, vibration-absorbing gaskets and elastic couplings are used. To localize noise at its source, the latter is enclosed in casings. Felt, mineral wool, asbestos, asbosilicate, wood concrete, porous plaster, foam rubber, rubber, polyurethane foam, etc. are used as absorbent materials.

The sound absorption coefficient of the above materials at a sound frequency of 1000 Hz is 0.3 - 0.9, and for concrete and brick - 0.01 and 0.03, respectively.

If it is necessary to reduce significant noise, the unit is enclosed in two independent casings with an air gap between them equal to 8-12 mm.

In cases where sound-absorbing enclosures cannot be installed, soundproof cabins and chambers are installed to protect personnel from noise exposure.

To protect against the effects of high-frequency noise, screens made of plywood, sheet metal, glass, and plastics are used. The screen reflects sound waves, and behind it an area of ​​sound shadow is formed.

Aerodynamic noise is reduced using attached or built-in mufflers, which are divided into active, reactive and combined.

If a set of technical, organizational, architectural planning and other measures does not ensure normal working conditions in terms of noise, various personal protective equipment (antiphons, earplugs, noise-protective headphones and helmets) made of plastic (neoprene, wax) and hard (rubber, ebonite) materials are used .

Vibration - mechanical vibrations of bodies.

Local vibration is characterized by vibrations of tools and equipment transmitted to individual parts of the body (for example, to the hands when working with impact and rotary tools).

With general vibration, vibrations are transmitted to the entire body from working mechanisms in the workplace through the floor, seat or work platform.

Vibration is characterized by the frequency of oscillation of a body (point) or the number of oscillation periods per second (Hz), the amplitude of oscillations (mm) and the oscillatory speed (cm/s) - the maximum speed of the oscillatory movement of the point at the end of the half-cycle of oscillation, when the displacement of the point is zero.

When working with hand-held vibrating tools, vibrations affect the central nervous system and can cause vibration disease (angioneurosis). Signs of this disease are vascular spasms and accompanying pain. With vascular spasms, thermoregulation is disrupted and the fingers react sharply to changes in temperature. Vascular spasms are observed during vibrations with a frequency of 30 - 200 Hz.

When working with a heavy percussion instrument with a frequency below 30 Hz, a disease characterized by osteoarticular changes and a drop in vascular tone is observed. A sign of the disease is limited joint mobility.

General vibrations affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the human body, as well as the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

To reduce the impact of local vibrations, it is necessary to implement effective measures to reduce the intensity of vibrations at the source of their formation. For these purposes, special vibration-damping handles made of elastic material, vibration-damping spring carriages, and special pneumatic supports are used to prevent constant human contact with a vibrating tool.

To reduce the recoil of a hand tool, its weight with full equipment should not exceed 10 kg. When the weight is more than 10 kg, supporting devices or core machines are used.

Vibration damping during the operation of jackhammers is achieved due to the fact that spring-loaded rods, overcoming the resistance of the spring, move along the bushings.

When working with hand tools, the time of contact with vibrating surfaces should not exceed 2/3 of the working day. To do this, you need to take breaks after every hour of work. To prevent vibration disease, it is recommended to carry out a set of physical preventive measures (water procedures, massage, therapeutic exercises, ultraviolet irradiation, fortification of food, etc.).

A good effect is achieved by using gloves with polyvinyl chloride liners, which protect hands from vibrations and from cooling by compressed air.


With unsatisfactory lighting, a person strains the visual apparatus, which leads to fatigue of vision and the body as a whole. In this case, a person loses orientation among machines and equipment, and inadequately perceives the changed working conditions in the work area, which increases the risk of injury. Proper lighting reduces fatigue by up to 3%, the number of accidents by up to 5 - 10% and increases productivity by up to 15%. Good lighting prevents the appearance of headaches and the eye disease nystagmus, the signs of which are convulsive movement of the eyeball, head trembling and weakened vision. The cause of nystagmus is the frequent alternation of light and shadow under weak artificial lighting.

The effectiveness of vision is characterized by acuity - the ability of the eye to distinguish between two points at a minimally short distance from each other, equal to 0.04 mm. Visual acuity depends on health status, professional experience, working and rest conditions. In people aged 20 years it is maximum - 100%, at the age of 40 years - 90%, at the age of 60 years - 74%.

The normal field of vision of the eye has the following dimensions: 80° to the right and left; 60° - up; 90° - down.

Types of industrial lighting. Industrial lighting is divided into natural and artificial.

Natural lighting of industrial premises is economical and beneficial for humans. Light comfort under these conditions is ensured by diffuse light from the sky - repeatedly reflected direct sunlight from numerous clouds and solid and liquid particles contained in the atmosphere. As a result of such disintegration, light is diffusely distributed in the atmosphere, acquiring new optical properties and the ability to penetrate through window openings and lanterns into industrial premises.

Light conditions are standardized according to the natural lighting coefficient (NLC). The KEO value is taken from the tables.

Artificial lighting of workplaces and mine workings is produced by stationary lamps with incandescent or fluorescent lamps, powered by a 36 V electrical network, and portable lamps, powered by a voltage of 36 V; Individual lamps of various types are also used. All combines, rock loading machines, and shields are equipped with independent local lamps that provide illumination of workplaces or working parts.

For lighting with incandescent lamps from the network, lamps in the normal version RN-60, RN-100, RN-200 and increased reliability - RP-60, RP-200 are used. To illuminate the main haulage workings, loading points, human walkways, and machine chambers, fluorescent lamps of the DS (daylight), BS (white light) and TB (warm white light) types are used.

To eliminate the glare of incandescent lamps, lamp caps with diffused glass are used.

In extended excavations, it is advisable to place lamps along the axis of the excavations, since this increases the visibility of objects. In the shaft faces, the lamps are installed directly on the shelf or suspended under it on cables.

Head battery mine lamps of the "Ukraine-4" (SGU-4), "Kuzbass" type serve as an individual source of lighting in mines.

The most advanced lamps are those with sealed batteries SGG-3 and SGG-Ik. Due to the sealed nature of the battery, there is no need to add electrolyte during operation, which eliminates the release of gases and the creation of an explosive atmosphere.

Charging occurs through the headlight and lamp cable, which makes self-service possible in lamps. A double-filament lamp makes it possible to switch the battery from a working filament to an emergency one, which allows you to extend the continuous burning time. The luminous flux of the head lamps is 30 lm, the duration of normal burning is at least 10 hours.

The lighting standards for workplaces and mine workings are determined by the relevant safety rules.

The illumination standard of 10 lux (lx) is established for workplaces and workings on the basis that it does not cause worker fatigue.

In places where people stay for a short time, only during their movement to the place of work (haulage workings, human walks, etc.), the minimum illumination level is allowed 1 lux.

During the construction of tunnels and other underground structures, all workings are illuminated by lamps powered by an electrical network, with a voltage not exceeding 36 V for raw workings and tunnels with uncaulked metal lining; 12 V - on mobile metal scaffolds, formwork, drilling trolleys, panels, prefabricated lining stackers; not higher than 127 V - for dry workings; not higher than 220 V - for completed dry tunnels when the lamp is suspended at least 2.5 m.

The voltage for all portable lamps must be 12 V.

Emergency lighting should be installed in the shaft, in the yard near the shaft, in the main drainage chamber, electrical chambers, VM warehouses, as well as at the intersections of workings, tunnels and in long workings.

Light control of workplaces and mine workings is usually carried out using objective lux meters.


In order to preserve the health of miners, our country has a scientifically based comprehensive system for the prevention of occupational diseases, which includes the following types of protective measures.

1. Technical:

Control of dust formation (pre-moistening of the mountain range, irrigation, dry dust collection);

The use of personal protective equipment (valve-type anti-dust respirators with replaceable reusable filters, valveless and valved, in which the mask itself serves as the filter);

Dust removal and washing of work clothes;

Normalization of thermal conditions (increasing the speed of air movement in mines and workplaces, individual means of cooling the body, air cooling with mobile and stationary refrigeration units);

Reducing humidity in mine workings (fighting drip, blocking drainage grooves);

The use of protective clothing to reduce the cooling effect of air and protection against dripping:

The use of silencers to reduce noise levels during the operation of noise-producing equipment (for example, for local ventilation fans);

The use of personal anti-noise equipment (special headphones, anti-noise chambers in compressor buildings, anti-noise earplugs).

2. Regulatory (maximum permissible concentration of dust and toxic gases, sanitary standards for microclimate in mine workings, permissible levels of sound pressure and vibration).

3. Medical and preventive (medical examination upon hiring, annual medical examination with x-rays, preventive ultraviolet irradiation, inhalation of the respiratory system, inpatient treatment in dispensaries and specialized sanatoriums).

4. Organizational and legal (reducing the length of the working week to 35 hours, increasing the duration of leave for workers in silica-hazardous mines to 36 days, transferring to another job in case of detection of signs of an occupational disease while maintaining the same salary, transferring to pension provision on preferential terms if 10 years of underground work experience and reaching 50 years of age).

The given protective measures are scientifically substantiated, are of a legislative nature and are regulated, depending on the conditions, by safety rules, sanitary rules for the design and maintenance of coal industry enterprises and other documents.

A timely medical examination with an x-ray and a visit to a doctor allows you to detect the first signs of the disease in the body and take the necessary measures at the earliest stage.

All workers engaged in production work are provided with special clothing taking into account the specifics of the workplace, for which standards have been developed for the type and timing of its use. Overalls include a suit, shoes, and headgear that serve to protect the body from mechanical, thermal and chemical influences of the external environment and must be made of appropriate fabrics and materials. The fabric should be durable, air- and vapor-permeable, and the design of the clothing should not restrict movement.

The design standards for administrative and utility complexes for mines provide for premises that, as a whole, make up the production line for preparing the descent of miners into the mine and after leaving the mine. When descending into the mine, personal clothing is accepted in the “clean” compartment, which is stored in individual cabinets or other similar devices. Then the miner receives dust-free, dried protective clothing and goes into the mine. In the saturation room, he fills a flask with carbonated fashion or other special drinks, receives a theomos with hot food, which is accompanied by a bag of bread and cold snacks. Further, along the way, he receives lamps, a self-rescuer, a dust respirator and tokens, which, as a rule, he hands over or puts into special boxes on the shaft when descending into the mine and when leaving it.

When leaving the mine, personal equipment, equipment and protective clothing are handed over. In the washing department, miners receive rubber slippers and wash themselves in the shower. At the exit from the shower, feet are disinfected in baths with a weak formaldehyde solution to avoid fungal diseases. Persons with similar diseases hand over their shoes for disinfection and drying. Then the miners undergo inhalation and ultraviolet irradiation.

Each mine must have a health center, the staff of which is determined depending on the number of workers on the payroll and may consist of one to four medical workers. If the number of workers exceeds 500 people, then an underground health center with medical personnel on duty around the clock is set up.

At health centers they provide first aid for injuries, sudden illnesses and poisonings, record all types of injuries, train workers in first aid techniques and carry out preventive work.


Kislitsyna Vera Viktorovna
Research Institute of Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of Human Ecology

Working conditions for coal industry workers are characterized by the complex effects of coal dust, noise, vibration, and unfavorable microclimate. The article presents the results of calculating the index of occupational diseases of workers at coal enterprises based on the results of medical examinations. The working conditions of open-pit workers should be considered as particularly harmful, the working conditions of miners as extreme and associated with a high probability of occupational etiology of the studied nosological forms.


Kislitsyna Vera Viktorovna
Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases SB RAMS
Candidate of Medical Sciences Leading Scientific Worker of the Department of Human Ecology

The complex effects of the coal and rock dust, noise, vibration, microclimate characterize the working conditions of the workers in the coal industry. The paper presents the results of the calculation of the index of occupational diseases of the workers in the coal enterprises by the results of medical examinations. The working conditions of the workers in the coal pits should be considered as particularly harmful working conditions for the miners, i.e. as extreme and associated with a high probability of occupational etiology of the nosological forms studied.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Kislitsyna V.V. Comparative assessment of the health status of workers at coal enterprises based on the results of medical examinations // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. No. 7 [Electronic resource]..03.2019).

Russia ranks fifth in the world in terms of coal production. The Kuznetsk coal basin, located in the south of Western Siberia in the Kemerovo region, is the main coal base of the country and provides half of the total Russian coal production. High quality coal occurs here, including coking coal. Coal is mined using both underground and more advanced open-pit methods. There are 58 mines and 36 open-pit mines in operation in Kuzbass.

At the same time, occupational morbidity in the Kemerovo region remains one of the highest in Russia, 7-8 times higher than the level in the country as a whole. The main reasons contributing to the creation of unfavorable working conditions: outdated production technologies, lack of collective protective equipment, failure of employers to comply with legislative and regulatory documents in the field of occupational health. At enterprises, as a rule, work is not carried out on reconstruction and technical re-equipment, introduction of new technologies, mechanization and automation of production processes, replacement of worn-out and modernization of outdated equipment, certification of workplaces is carried out at a low pace, understaffing and insufficient volume of sanitary-industrial work are often found laboratories. At a number of coal enterprises there have been no positive changes in the field of medical prevention of occupational diseases.

When working at coal enterprises, the employee’s body is exposed to numerous adverse factors. These include: contact with coal dust, changes in the gas composition of the air (decrease in oxygen content, increase in carbon dioxide concentration, release of methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, explosive gases, etc. into the mine atmosphere) , noise and vibration, irrational lighting and ventilation, forced body position, neuropsychic, visual, auditory strain, heavy physical labor, as well as an increased risk of injury.

Research methods

This study was carried out at coal industry enterprises (mine and open pit) in the south of Kuzbass, developing one deposit.

To assess and predict the occupational risk of health problems based on the results of medical examinations using the methodology of the Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, an integral index of occupational diseases was calculated, which included ranked categories of risk and severity and made it possible to simultaneously evaluate different nosological forms of diseases. Table 1 shows the categories of risk of occupational diseases according to their posterior probabilities with gradations according to identified cases of occupational diseases and early signs of their subclinical forms, while the risk is assessed for the average period of development of an occupational disease or its early signs.

The categories of severity of occupational diseases given in Table 2 were developed by authors from the USA and Finland based on materials from compensated cases of occupational diseases according to the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Helsinki.

Determination of severity category based on medical prognosis of the disease and the type of disability it causes
Disability that progresses even in the absence of further exposure and causes a change in occupation
Permanent disability or need to change profession
Permanent moderate disability
Severe temporary disability or sick leave for more than 3 weeks
Moderate temporary disability or sick leave for less than 3 weeks

This classification is based on the International Classification of Impairments, Causes of Disability and Disability, as well as the International Classification of Diseases.

The logical stage in the development of the concept of assessing occupational diseases by risk and severity was the complementary combination of rating systems through the reciprocal of their product in the form of a single-numeric indicator - the index of risk and severity of occupational disease (Iz):

where the values ​​of K p and K t are given in the corresponding tables. The value of the integral indicator for one occupational disease is within 0.06 and 1.0. If there is a probability of developing several occupational diseases simultaneously, the indices are summed up:

And sum = , (2)

Research results

Based on clinical data from medical examinations, the risk and severity of occupational diseases were assessed. Occupational diseases of subclinical forms, which are causally associated with production factors, and general somatic diseases, which can probabilistically be associated with a complex of occupational and production factors and partially with one or another specific factor, were identified. For example, vegetative-vascular dystonia and chronic gastritis in the literature are usually associated with occupational stress (noise, vibration, infrasound, night shifts) and quite often with intense noise. In the literature, diseases of the female genital area are often associated with exposure to general vibration.
Tables 3, 4 show the results of calculations of risk categories and severity of occupational diseases.

Nosological forms


noise, infrasound

Chronical bronchitis coal dust
Vegetovascular dystonia work stress
Chronic cholecystitis
Chronic gastritis work stress

*From those surveyed

Nosological forms


A. Occupational diseases of subclinical forms Causal connection with factors:
Signs of noise impact on hearing

noise, infrasound

Chronical bronchitis coal dust
B. General somatic diseases Probabilistic relationship with factors:
Vegetovascular dystonia work stress
Neurological syndromes of cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis general vibration, physical stress
Chronic cholecystitis set of production factors
Chronic gastritis work stress

*From those surveyed

Based on the specific influence of factors (high probability of dust bronchitis and hearing loss), the occupational disease index was 0.23 for open-pit workers and 0.58 for mine workers. For general somatic diseases comparable to a complex of production factors, the sum of the indices was 0.5 for open-pit workers and 0.92 for mine workers. The total sum of indices for all nosologies is 0.73 for open-pit workers and 1.5 for mine workers.

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  • Kislitsyna V.V., Korsakova T.G., Motuz I.Yu. Features of working conditions and professional risk of workers employed in open-pit coal mining // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. 2013. No. 4. P. 52-55.
  • Oleshchenko A.M., Zakharenkov V.V., Surzhikov D.V., Panaiotti E.A., Tsai L.V.
  • Assessment of the risk of morbidity among workers in coal mines in Kuzbass // Occupational Medicine and Industrial Ecology. 2006. No. 6. P. 13-16.
  • Izmerov N.F., Kaptsov V.A., Ovakimov V.G. The concept of assessing occupational diseases by categories of their risk and severity // Occupational Medicine and Industrial Ecology. 1993. No. 9-10. pp. 1-3.
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    Oleg Eduardovich(08.12.2014 at 16:43:49)

    Good afternoon. It’s a difficult question, there’s no short answer to it. This issue is resolved by specialists. Occupational diseases are a group of diseases that arise exclusively or predominantly as a result of exposure of the body to unfavorable working conditions and occupational hazards. There is no uniform classification of occupational diseases. After a preliminary diagnosis has been established, the administration of the medical institution must send an emergency message to the employer and also to the Rospotrebnadzor center about the employee’s occupational disease. If the disease is acute, the notification must be sent within 24 hours, and if it is chronic, within three days. Next, Rospotrebnadzor begins to find out under what reasons and circumstances an employee of the enterprise could develop an occupational disease. Information regarding an acute disease must be collected within one day from the date of receipt of notification from the medical institution, and information regarding a chronic disease must be collected within two weeks. Usually, in cases of acute illness, all deadlines are adhered to in practice. In case of a chronic disease, the victim has the right in cases where the established deadlines are not met. Then the sanitary doctor, who is an employee of the Rospotrebnadzor service, begins to compile a sanitary and hygienic description of working conditions, using the documentation provided by the employer. The doctor agrees on this characteristic with the employer. In cases where the employer does not agree with the sanitary and hygienic characteristics, he has the right to write an objection, which must be attached to his characteristics along with a package of necessary documents, which includes: the employee, his job description, workplace certification card working conditions, a certificate from the personnel department confirming that the employee was provided for work under unfavorable and harmful working conditions, statements about the employee receiving various compensations, for example, in the form of special meals, employee instructions, technological instructions, a card for issuing individual means to the employee of the enterprise protection, protocols for measuring the values ​​of hazardous and harmful factors of production, as well as the conclusion of an examination of the employee’s working conditions. Then the sanitary doctor sends the sanitary and hygienic characteristics compiled by him to the medical institution. After which the doctor from the medical institution, who made a preliminary diagnosis for the patient, must establish a final diagnosis and also draw up a medical report. A report on a patient’s chronic illness must be made within one month. After the medical report is ready, the patient is sent for a medical examination to the occupational pathology center. He must have the following documents with him - an extract from the medical record, all information about the results of preliminary and periodic medical examinations, a copy, as well as a sanitary and hygienic description of working conditions. Within three days, the administration of the medical institution must send a notice of the patient’s final diagnosis to his employer, to the territorial service of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as to the territorial branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation. After completing the examination at the center of occupational pathology, the center administration sends a medical report on the presence of an occupational disease to the medical institution where the diagnosis was made, to the territorial office of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia, and also to the employee against signature. Based on the examination and the results of additional studies, an early diagnosis can be changed at the occupational pathology center or even cancelled. An interested party in revising the diagnosis may most often be the employer, who wishes to avoid liability. Also, the employee often becomes dissatisfied in the event of loss of ability to work or acquisition of a disability group. The most difficult situations are considered at the Center for Occupational Pathology of the Ministry of the Russian Federation. Within seven days from the date of the decision, a notice of change or cancellation of the diagnosis must be sent to the Rospotrebnadzor service, the employer, and also to the territorial office of the Social Insurance Fund. In this case, all responsibility for timely notification rests with the head of the medical institution where the diagnosis was established, changed or canceled. The fine that can be imposed on an official can range from 500 to 1000 Russian rubles, according to Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.