Find out the subscriber's location by mobile phone number. How to find out where a person is by phone number - find mobile location online for free. Geolocation services on MTS

A huge number of people are interested in how to find out where another person is now by phone number, they want to find out his location using his mobile phone.

As a rule, a similar question is asked by spouses who suspect their “possibly not better” half of cheating. Or caring mothers who spy on their child. But also the need to determine where a person is by mobile phone number may arise if the owner has disappeared and needs to be found.

How, knowing a person’s phone number, can you determine geolocation on a map via satellite (GPS)?

How to determine where a person is by mobile phone number

In the world of total information surveillance, tracking a person is not so difficult, shops and streets are covered with cameras, and high, high above our heads there are sharp, all-seeing observers - satellites. And of course, one of the simplest and most accessible ways to track a person and find out his exact location is by mobile phone number.

Ways to find out (track) a person’s location by phone number

  1. Contact law enforcement agencies. If a person goes missing, the first thing you need to do is contact the police. The police, in turn, send a request to the mobile operator about the person’s location and, after receiving this information, search for the person.
    It is worth noting that an ordinary citizen cannot submit a request to provide data on a person’s location by mobile phone number to a mobile operator. He may be refused, since this is personal information and it can only be transferred to the relevant authorities.
  2. The main mobile operators in Russia Megafon, MTS and Beeline provide information about where a person is located by mobile phone number without any problems. It’s true that you won’t be able to find out where the subscriber is by phone number without the person’s consent, since when you activate the service, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the phone of the person you want to monitor.
    Of course, you can activate a surveillance service without a person’s knowledge or consent, for example, when he left his mobile phone unattended. But it is worth noting that if a person contacts the police, there may be consequences. Our authorities treat the spy “topic” strictly. For example, recently one woman ordered a flash drive-dictaphone on Chinese Aliexpress, as a result it was confiscated, and the unlucky buyer was fined 7 thousand rubles. Therefore, before you commit rash actions, think about them carefully :)
    And here are links to services for determining location by phone number for popular mobile operators in Russia:
    — MTS “Locator” and “Child under supervision”
    — Beeline “Coordinates”
    — Megaphone “Radar+”
    — Tele2 “Geosearch Web”

How to track a person by phone: finding a mobile phone in Google maps

Not everyone knows yet, but Google Maps recently introduced a “Show where I am” option that can search for a person by their mobile phone and provide data about their location in real time. That is, if you have access to the phone of the person you need to monitor, then simply activate this option and add yourself to the contacts who are allowed to track the person’s location on the map.

It is worth noting that in order to find out where a person is by phone number using the “Show where I am” service, you must have a registered Google account on the phone of the person being tracked. Otherwise, the search will not be possible.

And again, it is not recommended to enable the option to determine a person’s location using a mobile phone without the consent of that person.

Programs and applications for tracking a person by his phone

Owners of phones with the Android operating system can install applications to track a person by his phone from the Google Play Market:

But Yandex will help you find direction finder programs to track a person’s location using his cell phone: finder%20numbers&lr=35&clid=9582

Website for determining where a person is by mobile phone number

Digging deeper into this topic, I found one interesting site on the Internet for determining where a person is by mobile phone number:

At first I thought: “Scam,” but no, he was able to determine that my mobile operator was Tele2 and that I was in Krasnodar.

But he refused to show a more precise location in the free plan, demanding 500 rubles, which I squeezed.

I would be very grateful if someone could check whether pinpointing a person's location works in a paid plan and share the information in the comments below this article.

I hope the article " How to find out the address where a person is located by phone number - find mobile location online for free"was useful to you.

This article will be useful for those who want to track the location of a person on a map who has a smartphone or tablet on Android. A complete set of features and applications has been collected with which you can monitor a person.

For what?

There can be many options for finding out where a person is, from the banal finding out where the child is now, to where is my husband? This article is not intended to find out the motive, but only to provide tools with which to perform surveillance on Android.

How it works?

Almost all modern Android smartphones and tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile communications. If GPS is directly related to finding out your exact location, then Wi-Fi and GSM/3G/LTE can also indirectly indicate your position. Now our task is to force this information to be transmitted to us in order to track a person on the map exactly from a few meters to a couple of kilometers.

Ways to track a person's location on Android

Google offers 3 ways to find out the location on the map, for two of them you need to know someone else's account and password.

Method #1 from Google. Friends on the map

Method number 2 from Google. Remote control

  • You must know the account and password of the account of the person you are trying to track.
  • Download the application " Remote control "or go from your computer in your browser to the page " Remote control "
  • Log in with the account of the person you want to track, after which you will be able to see the location of the device on the map

Method No. 3 from Google. Chronology

You must know the account and password of the account of the person you are trying to track.

Unlike “Remote control”, the chronology method does not show the current location at the current minute, but you can track a person’s movement over the course of a day, week, month.

  • Go to the page " Chronology "
  • Select the date you are interested in, after which you will be able to move the “object” for the entire specified time

Now let's look at other applications that allow you to find out a person's location.

Application WhereMy.Tracker

In order to find out where a person is, you will need to install a special application “WhereMy.Tracker”.

The application does not work in “hidden mode” or “spy mode”, that is, it notifies the user that you are trying to find out where he is.

The application works for 3 days in trial mode, then 99 r/month. In order for everything to work as it should, you need to install the application on Android, register, and use the “Where are My” application to track. Monitor" or web service.

GPS Tracking App Pro

The tracking method is as follows:

  1. Install the application
  2. Enter your phone number for registration
  3. Invite other users, they install the application
  4. Add to the list of necessary people
  5. Follow the movement

That's all! At the moment, these are the most popular ways to track a person’s position on a map.

The Megafon company provides the opportunity to find out where a person is based on signals received from his phone. This article provides information that explains how to enable or disable this option. The review also contains information about the cost of providing such a service and options for tracking a person in real time.

Finding the location of a person if he uses the services of an operator is not at all difficult. In order to be able to check and track a location, Megafon requires the subscriber to be added to its access list. To do this, do one of the following:

  • dial the combination *148*[number of the person whose coordinates need to be determined]# on your mobile phone and press the call button;
  • send an SMS to the short number 000888 indicating the subscriber’s phone number in the format +79ХХХХХХХХ;
  • contact support and ask the operator to help find the owner of the required number.

At the same time, you should initially understand that it is impossible to connect and find out the geolocation of a Megafon subscriber without his consent - the person is always notified after sending the request. To do this, the subscriber who is supposed to be monitored will receive an SMS notifying that someone wants to determine his location. And only if he agrees, the counterparty will have the opportunity to conduct surveillance.

To enable the control function for one specific subscriber, it is enough to go through the approval procedure only once - in the future, no confirmation of consent from the other party is required. After receiving confirmation, each time the searching subscriber will receive an SMS with a description of the object closest to the person they are looking for, for example, a cinema or an intersection.

The cost of sending one request is 5 rubles.

A person's coordinates in large cities are determined down to the street level. The lowest accuracy is in small towns where operator base stations are located quite rarely. Many users of modern smartphones often want to install and use the Megafon Locator service in order to be able to monitor their friends and loved ones in real time through the application. Unfortunately, this function is not provided by the operator. Regardless of the gadget model, you will have to send paid SMS requests every time to determine your location at a specific moment.

At the same time, tracking a person on a map using this service is very simple, both through a smartphone and using a computer. Moreover, there is no need to install any additional program. Currently, the ability to search for a location for free in real time is performed by the Megafon operator’s “Radar” service, available at

Today, the “Locator” service on via online is no longer available. Now the tracking opportunity is provided through the above-mentioned website of the Radar service, which replaced the previous version. Moreover, the ability to determine the location is available only to MegaFon subscribers. The service provides users with the opportunity not only to determine the location of up to 5 other subscribers on interactive maps, via MMS and SMS, but also to track their entry into and exit from specified geographic zones, and travel routes.

What do you need to find a person by phone number for free and without much difficulty? In fact, there are no easy ways, since information about the ownership of numbers is protected by operators and is not subject to disclosure. That is, you cannot call the operator and find out who owns this or that number. But we can still make some attempts. We can also determine the location of some subscribers using geolocation services.

In this review you will learn:

  • How to find a person by phone number and find out his first and last name;
  • How to find a person's location;
  • How legal.

The review will also touch on some other issues related to searching for subscriber data.

It would be nice to have a service at hand in which you could find a person by phone number - enter the number, and after a few seconds the service shows the subscriber’s last name and first name, as well as his residential address. Unfortunately, the existence of such services is illegal, since the distribution of subscriber databases and personal data is punishable by law - for this you can get a significant prison sentence.

How can we find a person if we know his phone number? For this we have completely open sources:

  • Social networks and communities;
  • Notice boards;
  • Forums and discussion platforms.

Search for a person by phone number

In order to, try specifying it in the search form of one of the search engines. If a person often leaves his traces on the Internet, you can quickly get a lot of information about him - region of residence, first name, last name, and in some cases, address. We often leave such data on social networks, on bulletin boards and on many other resources.

This method allows you to find out the affiliation of telephone numbers to certain companies engaged in mass or targeted telephone calls. Enter the number into a search engine, and if it really belongs to one of the companies, you can quickly find out all its data.

It will not work through the help desks of mobile operators - they do not provide such information, protecting the personal data of each subscriber. Only law enforcement agencies will be able to obtain complete information about a particular subscriber.

If you are being harassed by calls and telephone threats, file a police report. They will find out the identity of the phone number and take measures to suppress telephone hooliganism.

Should you trust databases distributed on the Internet that can be used to find a person by mobile phone number? Such databases do exist, but they are most often quite outdated. Often, scammers provide those in need with decoy databases that contain anything but phone numbers. Remember that it is impossible to obtain current and complete information about subscribers through such databases.

We are looking for the owner of the number through Sberbank

We have before us a completely working way to find out the owner of a number through Sberbank Online. It is used by tens of millions of people, which allows you to count on successful searches. Our task is to generate a transfer to a Sberbank client. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to Sberbank Online, in the “Transfers and Payments” section;
  • Select the item “Transfer to Sberbank client”;
  • Specify the recipient by phone number.

Now we indicate the amount - 1 ruble.

The next page will display the owner's first and middle name. For security reasons, the last name is hidden, but the method works - sometimes the first and middle names are quite enough to identify a person. If the person you are looking for is not a Sberbank client, the transfer will be interrupted.

How to find a person's location by phone number

Several years ago, literally on every website and on every fence, advertisements were distributed for an application that allowed you to quickly calculate the location of a particular subscriber. In fact, users received, for their own money, humorous programs that determined the fake location of subscribers in quite interesting places - in clubs, strip bars, world resorts and other unusual places.

MTS Search service from MTS

Naturally, it is impossible to find the real location of another subscriber without his consent. Geolocation works only with consent and mainly using the appropriate services from cellular operators. For example, in the network of the MTS operator there is a single service “MTS Search” - with its help we can quickly determine the position of our friends and relatives who are subscribers of MegaFon, MTS and Beeline.

The service is provided with a subscription fee, its size depends on the number of people being tracked and additional functions:

  • “Basic” – 3 rubles/day or 90 rubles/month, up to 3 contacts, recording movement history for 7 days;
  • “Optimal” – 5 rubles/day or 120 rubles/month, up to 7 contacts, recording movement history for 7 days;
  • “Premium” – 7 rubles/day or 190 rubles/month, up to 15 contacts, recording of movement history for 90 days plus invisible mode.

Additional functions:

It also supports sending an SOS signal.

"Beeline.Coordinates" service from Beeline

Geolocation from Beeline is represented by the Beeline.Coordinates service. Its disadvantage is that it only works for Beeline subscribers. It will not be possible to determine the location of subscribers of other networks. As in the case of MTS, the service is provided with a subscription fee and requires permission from the desired subscribers. Connection is free, subscription fee is 1.7 rubles/day, the first 7 days are free.

Radar service from the MegaFon operator

The Radar service from MegaFon will allow you to quickly find the location of a particular subscriber, but only with his consent. It allows you to determine the location of MegaFon, Beeline and MTS subscribers. Tracking is carried out on the service website, in the Radar mobile application for Android and iOS, as well as in the form of SMS and MMS.

Service parameters:

  • Connection is free;
  • Subscription fee – 7 rubles/day;
  • The maximum number of tracked subscribers is 5;
  • The number of definitions is not limited;
  • Control of routes and geofences.

The service also provides for determining your location.

Geosearch service from Tele2

This service allows you to determine the location of Tele2 subscribers - other operators are not supported, which is a definite disadvantage. Another feature of the service is that the desired subscriber must be located only in the home service area. Geolocation from Tele2 requires a subscription fee of 3 rubles/day. The first 3 days are free.

It should be noted that geolocation from mobile operators allows you to find a person’s location by phone number with limited accuracy. In urban areas, the location accuracy is plus/minus a few meters (in large cities, the accuracy drops due to the large number of tall buildings that interfere with determining the location of subscribers). In suburban areas, accuracy drops to several hundred meters and even up to a kilometer.

Situations constantly arise when it is necessary to accurately and quickly determine the location of a person. In everyday life, people worry about their loved ones, the elderly, and children. In business, it is necessary to organize and control the work of employees. Previously, only employees of the FSB, police, and militia enjoyed such a prerogative. You can calculate a person’s location by phone number in several ways, which will be discussed below. You can try a ready-made service for identifying a person over the phone at

Is it possible to find a person's location using a mobile phone number?

You can find out a person's location using their mobile phone number. Modern mobile operators have begun to offer special geolocation services for this purpose. Such systems make it possible to determine the subscriber’s coordinates with an accuracy of several tens of meters. This is a convenient alternative to satellite positioning systems, but only functions in the area of ​​servicing cellular networks. Searching for a person is based on determining the position of the phone on an electronic map.

and the person’s location you can always, since the mobile phone constantly maintains contact, regardless of the owner’s wishes. It sends data to the cellular operator's towers. In this regard, judging by the reviews, it is possible to track a person’s location by phone number not only during a conversation, but also in standby mode.

Quickly search for a person through a cellular operator

The development of modern technology has made it possible. Technical innovations include the inclusion of a GPS search system in mobile phones, expanding the capabilities for detecting a mobile phone based on signals from antennas. The person search service is a collection of information from telecommunications companies that provide customer tracking services.

"Mobile locator" from Beeline

By connecting to this Beeline service, you will be able to determine your location, your loved ones, and friends. To use it, you need to send a blank message to number 5166 or dial 09853. You must obtain the consent of relatives and friends that you will receive their location coordinates. After this, in the service management menu, you need to select the “Find subscriber” item, enter the number of the person whose location you want to find out. Next, the client receives a request for consent.

"Navigator" at Megafon

This service from the mobile operator Megafon helps to determine a person’s location by phone number. To do this, you must obtain permission in advance from the subscriber whose coordinates you want to know. You can activate the Navigator service on the operator’s website or using the command *566#. You will receive an SMS with instructions in response. You will find out the cost of use on the website or in the operator’s showroom.

"Geosearch" from Tele2

“Geosearch” from the mobile operator Tele2 in Russia is a service that determines. It is activated by USSD request *119*01#. To connect tracking, dial the command *119*1*7хххххххххх#. To obtain information about the location of the phone, you must send a request *119*2*7хххххххххх#. Remember that the service is paid and does not work in all regions. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other big cities it is easiest to find a person.

"Locator" at MTS

To use the Locator service from MTS, in order to determine the location of a person by number, you need to send an SMS to 6677, which indicates the phone number and the name of the subscriber. If a person agrees to determine the coordinates, you receive a message about his location. This is how the service will be connected. To cancel it, send a message to 6677 with the text OFF.

Check out the methods if you forgot your password.

Other ways to locate a person by phone number

One option for tracking a person's location is to install spy software on the phone. You can download or purchase these applications on the Internet. They are not displayed in the system processes of gadgets, they are ideally disguised, while collecting information about the subscriber’s position and transferring it to a third party’s computer, tablet, phone or other device.

Mobile applications are convenient because you do not need to carry an additional device with you, because the phone is always near the person. If employees already use company phones or tablets, all you have to do is download the file and install the program. Some versions have additional features for doing business: assigning tasks, notes on completed tasks. However, when you turn on the continuous tracking mode, the battery quickly discharges, so it is optimal to use interval tracking.

Among the most common legal Russian-language programs, Sygis Family stands out. With its help, the location of friends, acquaintances, and family members is tracked in real time. In addition, the program reports the battery level of the monitored person’s smartphone. The application is suitable for Android, iOS. Information is obtained by pressing the SOS button, after which data is downloaded about where a relative or friend is. There is a built-in messaging function between family members.

Android Device Manager – tracks the location of tablets and smartphones and can block them remotely. With access to your Google account, a trusted person can see where you are on a map. To do this, you need a computer with an Internet connection. The map displays the area, the time the information was received, and the address within the radius of which the object is located. The application is downloaded for free.

Find my iPhone – determines the location of all your iOS devices, shows locations on the map, provides a route by which you can find them. The application provides information about the charge level of the iPhone you are looking for. To access the data of loved ones, you will need a password for your iCloud account. There are other applications and programs, such as GSM Direction Finder, sms spy Talklog, Hellospy, Maxxspy for tracking via Viber, VK Scanner for contact (social network VKontakte), programs for Odnoklassniki.

Another option is to use special phones with a GPS beacon function and personal GPS trackers. They carry out surveillance of a person, and therefore all the possibilities in them are optimally thought out. The devices are practical, small, operate for a long time on battery power, accurately and quickly determine position, are flexibly configured, and have additional parameters for monitoring children, personnel, and the elderly, depending on the model. You can also try it in action