Gross output. The cost of gross output in the balance sheet line

Gross output refers to general indicators of the results of an organization's economic activities. It characterizes the enterprise's production volume in monetary terms. The cost of gross output is calculated as follows.

You will need

  • Accounting data for the period under review (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement).


Determine the cost of products produced by all departments of the enterprise for the analyzed period (gross product turnover). For calculations, use the accounting data. Find the cost of manufactured and sold products for the period on line 020 “Product cost” of the Profit and Loss Statement.

Find, according to the financial statements, the value of work in progress balances at the beginning and end of the analyzed period. In the Balance Sheet, these figures are entered in lines 130 “Construction in progress” and 213 “Costs in work in progress.” Determine on line 214 of the Balance Sheet “Finished products and goods for resale” the value of the balances of finished products at the beginning and end of the reporting period.

Calculate the gross turnover of products produced by all departments during the period (VO). To the sum of balances of finished goods and work in progress at the end of the period, add the cost of goods sold and subtract the sum of balances of finished goods and work in progress at the beginning of the period. The calculation algorithm follows from the formula for calculating the balance of active accounts at the end of the period: Balance at the beginning + Income for the period - Expense for the period = Balance at the end of the period.

Determine, based on accounting data, the cost of products produced by divisions of the enterprise for their own needs (BC). Review receipt documents or acts of work performed from auxiliary areas for the reporting period. For its own needs, an enterprise, for example, can produce containers or carry out major and current repairs of buildings.

Calculate the cost of the enterprise's gross output for the period using the formula: VP = VO - VS, where VP is the estimated value of the gross output, VO is the gross turnover of all products of the enterprise for the reporting period, BC is the cost of products produced by the enterprise for its own needs. Calculate this figure for the same period last year. Conduct a comparative analysis, draw conclusions about trends in the enterprise’s production volumes.

To determine price gross products, it is necessary to apply the factory calculation method. It consists in taking into account only that part products, which participated in the production once. This allows you to avoid double counting, because the company produces intermediate products, which are then recycled.


There are several calculated values ​​that determine the volume of production products at the enterprise. Most fully reflects this characteristic price gross products. Mathematically, it can be found in the form of the difference between two values ​​of trade turnover: gross turnover and intra-factory (intermediate) consumption: VP = VO - VZP, where: VP - price gross products-VO – gross turnover; VZP – intra-factory consumption.

Gross turnover represents the total price final products of all workshops of the enterprise. It does not matter whether these products were sent directly to the market or transferred to other workshops as an intermediate material or semi-finished product.

Intraplant turnover is the total price semi-finished products or materials produced at the enterprise itself and intended for processing in another workshop. For example, intermediate spare parts or mechanisms for assembling a car or other equipment.

In size gross products may include data on the following elements for the reporting period: Finished products - Semi-finished products and products manufactured for final consumption, for example, spare parts intended for sale, and not for further assembly of the vehicle - Work on major repairs of equipment, since they are included in the concept of depreciation deductions, and those, in turn, are material costs associated with the main production process - Work in progress balances.

IN price gross products financial results are not included for: Defective products, including those sold at reduced prices - Industrial waste - Maintenance work, since these expenses relate to intra-factory turnover - Payment of non-production expenses: transport, telephone, building repairs, household needs, etc. .- Costs of materials for painting, tinting, nickel plating, etc. (while these works themselves are taken into account).


In the food industry, calculations usually use the gross turnover method to account for processed semi-finished products. For example, raw sugar can be duplicated in the cost of refined sugar.

Gross output is the cost of the overall result of the enterprise’s production activities for a certain period of time. Gross output differs from marketable output by the amount of change in work in progress balances at the beginning and end of the planning period.

Changes in work in progress balances are taken into account only at enterprises with a long (at least two months) production cycle and at enterprises where work in progress is large in volume and can change sharply over time. In mechanical engineering, changes in the remains of tools and devices are also taken into account.

Gross output (GP) is calculated using the factory method in two ways.

Firstly, how is the difference between gross and intra-factory turnover:

VP = V O -V N,

where В о – gross turnover; V n – intra-factory turnover.

Gross turnover this is the cost of the entire volume of products produced over a certain period by all workshops of the enterprise, regardless of whether these products were used within the enterprise for further processing or were sold externally.

Intra-factory turnover This is the cost of products produced by some and consumed by other workshops during the same period of time.

Secondly, gross output is determined) as the sum of marketable output (TP) and the difference in the balances of work in progress (tools, fixtures) at the beginning and end of the planning period:

VP = TP + (N n - N k),

where N n and N k is the value of work in progress balances at the beginning and end of a given period.

Unfinished production unfinished products: blanks, parts, semi-finished products located at workplaces, control, transportation, in workshop storerooms in the form of stocks, as well as products not accepted by the quality control department and not delivered to the warehouse of finished products.

Work in progress is accounted for at cost. To convert work in progress balances into wholesale prices, two methods are used: I) according to the degree of readiness of work in progress based on the ratio of the labor intensity of work already completed and the labor intensity of the finished product; 2) according to coefficients characterizing the ratio of the cost of finished products in wholesale prices and the actual cost of the same products.

The expected balances of work in progress at the beginning of the planning year in the shops are determined from reporting data based on inventory.

At the end of the planning year, the standard for the balance of work in progress (N k) is calculated using the formula

N k = N day ´ C ´ T c ´ K r ,

Where N day – daily production output in physical terms;

T c – duration of the production cycle, days;

C – production cost, rub.;

Кг – readiness factor of work in progress.

The readiness ratio of work in progress is determined according to the methodology outlined above - by labor intensity or cost.

Gross output is calculated in current comparable prices, i.e. enterprise prices that are unchanged on a certain date. Using this indicator, the dynamics of total production volume, the dynamics of capital productivity and other indicators of production efficiency are determined.

Products sold characterizes the cost of the volume of products supplied to the market in a given period and subject to payment by consumers.

The cost of products sold is defined as the cost of finished products intended for delivery and payable in the planning period, semi-finished products of own production and industrial work intended for external sales (including major “repairs of one’s own equipment and vehicles, carried out by industrial production personnel), as well as the cost of selling products and performing work for its capital construction and other non-industrial enterprises on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Cash receipts associated with the disposal of fixed assets, tangible current and intangible assets, the sale value of foreign currency assets, securities are not included in the proceeds from the sale of products, but are considered as income or losses and are taken into account when determining the total (balance sheet) profit.

The volume of products sold is calculated based on current prices without value added tax, excise taxes, trade and sales discounts (for exported products - without export tariffs). Products sold for industrial works and services, semi-finished products of own production are determined on the basis of factory contract prices and tariffs.

The volume of products sold (RP) according to the plan is determined by the formula

RP = O n + TP – O k,

where TP is the volume of marketable products according to the plan;

O N and O K – balances of unsold products at the beginning and end of the planning period.

The balance of unsold products at the beginning of the year includes:

Finished products in the warehouse, including shipped goods, the documents for which have not been transferred to the bank;

Shipped goods for which payment is not due;

Shipped goods not paid for on time by the buyer;

Goods are in safe custody of the buyer.

At the end of the year, the balance of unsold products is taken into account only for finished products in the warehouse and shipped goods for which payment has not yet arrived.

All components of sold products are calculated in selling prices: balances at the beginning of the year - in current prices of the period preceding the planned one; marketable products and balances of unsold products at the end of the period - in prices of the planned year.

In accounting it is highlighted products shipped and delivered locally by the customer and products sold, in this case, the moment of sale is considered to be the receipt of funds into the supplier’s bank account. An enterprise can choose one of the accounting policy options: determine profit either by the difference between the cost and the cost of shipped products (i.e., until the customer actually pays for them), or only after the customer pays for physically shipped products. The company has no right to change its accounting policy during the year.

Based on the volume of products sold, its total cost and profit from sales are calculated.

A number of enterprises plan and evaluate activities based on net production, which is determined by subtracting material costs and the amount of depreciation of fixed assets from marketable products, which in market conditions corresponds to the concept of “gross income.”

Every enterprise faces the inevitability of planning production volumes and sales of products. Calculation of product output is a mandatory element not only in production planning, but also in the work of sales and supply departments. In addition, the company's management needs to present production capacities calculated in natural and monetary equivalents. Let's talk about the meaning of production volume and its calculation.


In essence, the volume of output is the summed amount of goods produced over a certain period and expressed in various indicators. The significance of this indicator is due to two points of view:

  • financial, since it is the main volumetric value characterizing the scale of the company’s production activities. The company is obliged to provide such information to higher organizations, founders, investors and other users;
  • strategic, since it positions the enterprise and provides conditions for concluding contracts and promoting in the market.

The units of measurement of production volume and product sales are the following indicators:

  • Natural (pieces, m, tons, kg);
  • Cost (in rubles or other currency);
  • Conditionally natural (in generalizing the assessment of the volume of output of heterogeneous products).

Output volume: formula

The main indicators characterizing the volume of production are the gross and commodity value of the product. Gross value is the monetary value of all company products and services provided during the reporting period. It takes into account the total cost of manufactured products, semi-finished products, services provided, changes in work in progress balances and intra-system turnover.

Commodity value refers to the cost of products produced by an enterprise and intended for sale. Fluctuations in the values ​​of “work in progress” and intra-farm turnover are not included in the commodity value. In many enterprises, the values ​​of gross and marketable output are identical if there are no indicators of internal turnover and work in progress.

Gross production volume is calculated using the formula:

VP = TP + (NP k/g – NP n/g), where

VP and TP – gross and marketable products,

NP k/y and NP n/y – work in progress at the end and beginning of the year.

Equally important is the expression of production volume using natural values. This method is used when analyzing production volumes and sales of products by types and categories of homogeneous products. Production volume is calculated using the formula:

O pr = K x C, where K is the number of units of goods produced, C is the price of the product.

For example, if during the period under review 100 parts were produced at a price of 200 rubles. and 500 parts at a price of 300 rubles, then the total production volume will be 170,000 rubles. (100 x 200 + 500 x 300).

How to find product sales volume: formula

Product sales volume is calculated based on the size of products shipped or revenue received. It is important for the analyst to know how the product is being sold, whether demand for it is falling and whether to increase production volume. The indicator of the volume of products sold (in dynamics) answers these questions. It is calculated using the formula:

O rp = VP + O gpng - O gpkg, where

VP – gross product,

О gpng and О gpkg – GP balances at the beginning and end of the year.

For example, the volume of production for the year amounted to 300,000 rubles, the balance of the state enterprise in warehouses amounted to: 20,000 rubles. at the beginning of the year, 35,000 rubles. - finally. The volume of products sold was:

O rp = 300,000 + 20,000 – 35,000 = 285,000 rub.

Optimal output volume

The optimal production volume is one that ensures the fulfillment of the terms of the concluded agreements within the agreed time frame with minimal costs and maximum efficiency. The optimal volume is determined by comparing gross or maximum indicators.

By comparing gross values, profit is calculated for different volumes of production and sales of products in the following sequence:

Determine the size of the output volume at which profit is equal to 0;

Calculate the volume of production with maximum profit.

Let us demonstrate the calculation of optimal values ​​using an example:

volume of sales



gross costs

profit (revenue – gross costs)



The essence of the calculations is to identify the sales indicator with zero and marginal profit. The table shows that the company will be able to achieve zero profit by producing from 15 to 20 parts. The profit will reach its maximum value when producing 50 pieces. In this example (with given cost parameters), a sales volume of 50 units will be the optimal indicator, and when concluding supply contracts, one should proceed from the optimal production size.

By comparing the marginal indicators, it is determined to what point an increase in production volume will be appropriate. Here the economist's attention is drawn to costs and income. There is a rule - if the maximum income per unit of product is higher than the maximum cost, then you can further increase production volumes.

When calculating the optimal values, it is necessary to take into account factors affecting the volume of product sales. These include:

  • factors indicating the company’s provision with material and raw materials resources, specialists, the use of new technologies and techniques, etc.;
  • factors that depend on market indicators, for example, product prices, market saturation with competitive goods, purchasing power, etc.

Analysis of production volume and product sales

Analytical work begins with a study of production volumes and growth rates. Therefore, the primary tasks of analyzing production volume and product sales are:

  • assessment of the dynamics of production volume;
  • identifying conditions that influence changes in these values;
  • disclosure of reserves for increasing output and sales.

The essence of gross output in the agro-industrial complex system.

Gross agricultural production represents the value of the total product created as a result of the production of agricultural raw materials, its processing and bringing it to its final consumer form. In the agricultural sector of the agro-industrial complexunder gross output refers to the cost of products obtained as a result of growing plants, animals and their economic use for a certain period of time (day, month, quarter, season, calendar year, etc.).

The value of gross agricultural output consists of:

1. the cost of means of production consumed in the production process during a given period (year), that is, from the value transferred to the product, created by past labor (the cost of material production costs, that is, the cost of seeds, feed, fuel and other material resources spent in the production process);

2. newly created value by the labor of workers during a given period (year), or net agricultural products.

Gross agricultural output consists of gross output of crop production and livestock production.

Gross crop production includes:

1. the cost of gross harvest of agricultural crops;

2. the cost of growing perennial crops for agricultural purposes;

3. the value of the increase in work in progress (usually winter crops) from the beginning to the end of the year.

Gross livestock production includes the cost of animal rearing products, i.e. offspring, gain and live weight gain, as well as products obtained from the economic use of animals (milk, wool, eggs, etc.).

The volume of agricultural production can be determined for a calendar, agricultural year and other periods. For this, two indicators are used:

1. gross output determined using the gross turnover method, i.e., as a simple sum of raw crop and livestock products (characterizes the size of agricultural production);

2. gross output without recounting or final output(more accurately reflects the volume of products produced that can be used for non-productive consumption and accumulation within the enterprise and outside it).

Final products agriculture is calculated by subtracting from the gross output the cost of crop and livestock products consumed in the process of agricultural production in a given year.

The value of gross agricultural output is divided into:

1. the cost of material production costs, i.e.

Enterprise products: concept, cost indicators, competitiveness

the cost of seeds, feed, fuel and other materials used in the production process;

2. newly created value, or net agricultural products.

Clean products agriculture is defined as the difference between the gross output of a given period (year) and the cost of material production costs in the production process of these products. It is part of the country's national income.

Based on the nature of use, gross output is divided into two parts:

1. commodity (that part of the gross output that is sold by agricultural organizations to the outside (sold, given in exchange, for services, etc.));

2. non-commodity (used for on-farm needs, and in personal subsidiary plots of workers and employees - also for personal consumption (food)).

Main types It is customary to consider those products for which production is organized and operates (grain, flax products, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables, milk, live weight gain of cattle, pigs, eggs). They play a leading role.

Many crops and animal groups produce two or more types of products at the same time, which are called conjugated . Conjugate types are those products that can be obtained in parallel with the main ones. When growing flax, the main product is flax straw, associated - flaxseeds. In dairy production milk - main products, animal offspring - conjugated.

Products that are obtained simultaneously with the main products and which are not the purpose of production are called side .In crop farming, by-products include straw, green fodder, tops, etc., and in livestock farming - manure, bird droppings, fluff, feathers, etc.

Gross output of auxiliary sphere- the cost of the entire volume of work and services intended for the normal functioning of the agricultural sector of the agro-industrial complex during a certain period.

Gross output of the processing sector- the total cost of all types of final products produced by processing organizations of the agro-industrial complex during a certain period of time.

Gross output of trade and sales sector represents the cost of work performed and services for the preparation, delivery, sale of agricultural products and food and consumer goods created in the agro-industrial complex system.

Add to favoritesSend by email Gross profit is one of the main indicators characterizing the results of a company’s economic activities. Calculating gross profit - the formula is presented in our article - allows you to highlight promising areas of business activity and redistribute financial flows to obtain a more effective result. What does "gross profit" mean? Gross profit is the difference between revenue and costs. How to calculate gross profit (by what formula)? What items are used in the gross profit formula? Results What does the concept of “gross profit” mean? Gross profit is one of the intermediate types of profit shown in the statement of financial results (clause 23 of PBU 4/99, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 1999 No. 43n).

What is gross profit and how is it calculated

A balance sheet is a document about the financial position compiled as of a specific date. The profit and loss statement reflects the financial results accumulated over a period of time (month, quarter, year), divided according to the principle of the type of costs incurred and income generated.

How to calculate gross profit (calculation formula)?

Let us describe the calculation algorithm according to the lines of the balance sheet:

  1. Net profit is listed on line 2400, and the amount of revenue is listed on line 2110.
  2. Compute the result of the private string 2400 and 2110.
  3. Multiply the resulting number by 100%.
  4. The result of the actions performed is the net profit rate.

In addition to, the value of net profit margin is used in financial analysis. Profitability is an indicator of the effectiveness of economic activity.

In the case under consideration, it characterizes the amount of profitability of sales. The formula for calculating net profit margin or net profitability ratio looks like the ratio of net profit to the amount of revenue: Kch.r.


Pch ÷ V. The coefficient shows how much net income is generated per ruble of work, services or goods sold. Using the balance, you can calculate the value using the ratio of lines 2400 to 2110.

Which line shows gross profit on the balance sheet?

Most often, to determine sales efficiency, the net profitability indicator is calculated:

  • NPM = Net Profit: Revenue.

These formulas are used to determine the share of different types of profit in revenue. By analyzing the value of the coefficient over time, you can determine what changes have occurred in the organization’s activities.

Important Explanations for reporting Each type of financial report is accompanied by an explanatory note. It contains information:

  • about the chosen method of accounting for fixed assets, inventory items;
  • description of some balance sheet items (terms of debt repayment, rent payments, etc.)
  • information about shareholders, capital structure;
  • data on mergers, acquisitions, liquidations;
  • off-balance sheet items.
  • Often an explanatory note provides more information about the financial position than statements. According to data from the balance sheet and f.

    How to correctly calculate the net profit of an organization?

    Formulas for calculating operating and gross profit Gross profit characterizes the efficiency of a business. The indicator is used to analyze any type of enterprise.

    AttentionGross profit is determined by the formula: Pv = B – Seb, where:

    • B – total amount of sales revenue;
    • Seb – cost of goods sold (work, services).

    As can be seen from the formula, gross profit shows the amount of income received from sales, not including other income/expenses and income tax. The gross profit value fully reflects the results of the sales process.

    Operating profit allows you to see the financial result of the enterprise. The calculation formula consists of the difference between total income and expenses, production costs, and depreciation charges.

    Sales profit: formula

    Analytical accounting for the subaccount should ensure that each type of cost is broken down into separate accounts in such a way that it is possible to isolate the amounts for commercial expenses (packaging, storage, transportation and sales) of each type of product and administrative expenses (maintenance of the administrative and managerial apparatus).

    Calculation of the cost of gross output at current sales prices in the Tundutovo agricultural enterprise in 2011.

    Where is sales profit used in mandatory reporting forms? In mandatory reporting forms, the indicator is reflected as follows:

    • profit from sales in the balance sheet - there is no line with this name;
    • profit from sales in the income statement - line 2200.

    The absence of a separate line (indicator) of sales profit in the balance sheet is due to the fact that the task of the balance sheet is to group the liabilities and assets of the organization according to the principle of their urgency.

    Net sales in the balance sheet: line. sales volume on the balance sheet: how to calculate?

    Because in these calculations it is necessary to calculate income from the markup for each item of goods. The formula for gross income is as follows: VD = N n + N p – N in – N to N n – markup on goods at the beginning of the month; N p – markup on goods that were received during the reporting period; N in – trade margin on disposed goods; Nk - markup on goods that remained at the end of the reporting period.

    Net profit: formula for calculating the balance sheet

    Often the company incurs fixed costs, so the gross profit will be less than the marginal profit. Fixed costs include rent, depreciation and utilities. Gross profit is important for a manufacturing enterprise, because it allows you to assess the size and significance of the technological cost. The indicator must be taken into account when planning for a period of 1-3 years. Video - what is the difference between profit and gross income: (12 votes, average: 4.70 out of 5) Loading…

    Gross output formula

    The concept of gross output

    Gross output can be distinguished from marketable output by the amount of change in the balances of work in progress (the beginning and end of the planning period), which is the only evaluative indicator of the company's activities.

    The volume of gross output includes:

    • Finished products,
    • Work in progress, which is unfinished production that is subject to further processing.
    • Change of semi-finished products balances.

    The corresponding composition of gross output depends on the sectoral affiliation of the enterprise (production). For example, at machine-building enterprises, most often the gross output does not include work in progress and semi-finished products due to their small volume. In such situations, gross and marketable products are the same in composition, but may differ in price.

    Gross output formula

    The gross output formula can be calculated by summing the marketable output and the difference in the balances of work in progress (at the end and beginning of the reporting period).

    The general formula for gross output is as follows:

    VP = TP + Nnp – Nkp

    Here VP is gross output (in rubles);

    TP – volume of commercial products (rub.);

    Nnp and Nnp – the corresponding value of the balances of work in progress at the beginning and end of the period (rub.).

    Features of calculating gross output

    Accounting for changes in work in progress balances occurs at enterprises that are characterized by:

    • long production cycle (from 2 months),
    • large volume of work in progress, can change quickly over time.

    The gross output formula can only be calculated in comparable prices. It is used in the process:

    • Accounting and planning of production costs,
    • Determining the needs for material resources,
    • Calculation of the number of employees,
    • Establishing the dynamics of products, including the proportions of development of industries.

    Disadvantages of gross output

    It should be noted that assessing a company's performance in accordance with the gross output formula has several disadvantages.

    The main drawback of the formula is that the value of gross output is influenced, in addition to the balances of work in progress, by the cost of the objects of labor consumed in the production process.

    Unjustified excess of work in progress, decrease in product quality and changes in its assortment create only the appearance of successful work of the company.

    In addition, the gross output indicator does not create an incentive for organizations to reduce the material intensity of products, so it is often excluded from the number of evaluative indicators of a company’s activities.

    All indicators of production volume are determined in prices that include, together with the newly created value, the transferred cost of production assets (current and fixed assets).

    Determining the value of the gross output of the ORGANIZATION

    At the same time, the higher the material intensity of a product, the higher its price, therefore the greater the production volume in value terms. In order to eliminate this deficiency, enterprises calculate the net production indicator.

    1. Volume of commercial products
    2. Volume of commercial products for three groups of products
    3. Commodity products in the base and planning year
    4. Commercial products and outsourced work
    5. Determine commodity, gross output and material costs
    6. Determine the volume of gross and commercial output

    Task 1. Volume of marketable products

    Determine the volume of commercial output of the enterprise for the year, if it is known that the enterprise produces two types of products A and B.

    This year the company produced products A - 300 pieces. and products B - 150 pcs. The price of product A is 2000 UAH, the price of product B is 1800 UAH.


    Let's find the volume of production of goods A and B using the formula:

    V is the volume of production.

    P – product price.

    Q – number of units of production.

    VA=300*2000=600,000 UAH.

    VB=150*1800=270,000 UAH.

    To find the volume of production of commercial products, you need to add the volume of production of goods A and B

    Vtotal=600,000+270,000=870,000 UAH.

    Answer: the volume of commercial output is 870,000 UAH.

    Task 2. Volume of marketable products for three groups of products

    Determine the volume of marketable products using the following data:


    Let's find the volume of commercial products using the formula:


    P – product price

    Q – number of pieces

    V – production volume

    Vtotal= 150*5000+200*7000+100*8000=750,000+1,400,000+800,000=2,950,000 UAH.

    Answer: the volume of commercial output is UAH 2,950,000.

    Task 3. Marketable products in the base and planning year

    Determine the volume of marketable products in the base and plan years using the following data:



    P – product price

    Q – number of pieces

    V – production volume

    V b=200*6000+230*7000+380*9000=1,200,000+1,610,000+3,420,000=

    6,230,000 UAH.

    V pl=210*6000+230*7000+370*9000=1,260,000+1,610,000+3,330,000=

    6,200,000 UAH.

    Answer: commodity volume in the base year is equal to 6,230,000 UAH, commodity volume in the planning year is equal to 6,200,000 UAH.

    Task 4. Commercial products and outsourced work

    The company produces three types of products: A, B, C. Determine the volume of marketable products in the base and plan years, if the indicators of output volumes in physical terms and the price of each type of product are known.

    Analyze the dynamics of the volume of commercial output by product and in the enterprise as a whole.

    Initial data:

    Base year

    Planned year

    Issue pcs.

    Product unit price UAH.

    Issue pcs.

    Product unit price UAH.

    Cost of outsourced work
    7 800


    Let's find the volume of marketable products in the base and plan years using the formula:

    Vtot b=VA+VB+VB

    Vtotal area = VA + VB + VB + Cost of work on the side

    P – product price

    Q – number of pieces

    V – production volume

    V total b=250*3000+340*5800+190*4000=750,000+1,972,000+760,000=

    3,482,000 UAH.

    265*3000+360*5800+180*4000+7800=795 000+2 088 000+720 000+7800=

    3,610,800 UAH.

    ∆v=3,610,800- 3,482,000=128,800 UAH.

    Answer: the volume of commercial products in the base year is equal to 3,482,000 UAH, the volume of commercial products in the planning year is equal to 3,610,800 UAH. The volume of commercial products in the planning year increased by UAH 128,800.

    Task 5. Determine marketable, gross output and material costs

    The company produced main products worth 325.6 thousand UAH. The cost of industrial work carried out externally amounted to 41.15 thousand UAH. Semi-finished products of our own production were produced in the amount of 23.7 thousand UAH, of which 80% were used in our production. The size of work in progress increased at the end of the year by UAH 5 thousand. Material costs account for 40% of the cost of marketable products. Determine commodity, gross output and material costs.


    We will find commercial products at the enterprise.

    Commodity products are products manufactured for sale. Commodity products include main products, industrial work performed externally, and the cost of semi-finished products of own production externally.

    Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

    It should be noted that commercial products include the cost of semi-finished products of our own production, manufactured externally. Since in our task at the enterprise 80% of semi-finished products are used for its production, we need to find 20% of their cost.

    Pf=23.7*0.2=4.74 thousand UAH.

    TP= 325.6+41.15+23.7*0.2=325.6+41.15+4.74=371.49 thousand UAH.

    Let's find the gross output of the enterprise. Gross output includes the value of marketable products and changes in the value of work in progress.

    VP = TP + NZPk - NZPn

    Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

    VP=371.49+5=376.49 thousand UAH.

    Let's find material costs. Material costs account for 40% of the cost of marketable products. Accordingly, material costs are equal:

    MZ=371.49*0.4=148.596 thousand UAH.


    TP=371.49 thousand UAH.

    VP=76.49 thousand UAH.

    MZ=148.596 thousand UAH.

    Task 6. Determine the volume of gross and marketable output

    Based on the data given in the table below, determine the volume of gross and marketable products at wholesale prices.

    Finished products, including product A:

    Wholesale price including VAT, UAH.

    Issue, pcs.

    Product B

    Wholesale price including VAT, UAH.

    Issue, pcs.

    Product B

    Wholesale price including VAT, UAH.

    Issue, pcs.

    Semi-finished products of own production, intended for sale, thousand UAH.

    Industrial services, thousand UAH.

    Remains of work in progress, thousand UAH.

    For the beginning of the year

    At the end of the year


    First, let's find the cost of the main products at the enterprise. To do this, we use the formula:


    Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

    OP=150*32000+180*21500+200*5100=4,800,000+3,870,000+1,020,000=9,690,000 UAH.

    Please note that in the conditions we are given the wholesale price of the goods including VAT. Accordingly, we need to find the cost of the main products without VAT. In Ukraine, VAT is 20%.

    Let's find the cost of the main products without VAT.

    OP=9890*0.8=7912 thousand UAH.

    Now let's find the cost of commercial products. Let's use the formula:

    TP=Main products + industrial works, outsourced + cost of semi-finished products of own production, outsourced