The second of August is one of the most revered holidays - Elijah's Day. The main prohibition of this day is swimming in open water. Birthday of the mailbox.


Elijah the prophet belongs to the beloved and revered saints among the people. Prophet Elijah in the Slavic folk tradition is the lord of thunder and lightning, heavenly fire, rain, patron of the harvest and fertility. The Christian Elijah the Prophet replaced the pagan Perun the Thunderer.

August, according to the church calendar, is a holiday - the day of remembrance of the prophet Elijah of God - one of the most beloved and revered saints among our people and among many Slavs. As always, church and folk traditions are closely intertwined on Elijah’s Day. Find out what signs exist for Elijah the prophet, what you can and cannot do on the holiday.

What church holiday is today August 2: who is the prophet Elijah

Among the Russian people, Elijah enjoys special respect and honor; in Slavic culture he is considered the lord of thunder, heavenly fire, rain, harvest and fertility. So, in order to preserve the harvest and increase the fertility of livestock, in Russia they organized a joint meal with a sacrifice. The sacrifice was a ram or a bull. The peasants drove their cattle to the church, and the priest held a prayer service and sprinkled it with sacred water. After this, they sacrificed an animal, bought with common money, and arranged a feast, which usually lasted until the morning.

As the Bible tells us, Elijah was an Old Testament prophet who worshiped Yahweh God. The inhabitants of Israel abandoned their Lord and turned to the pagan cult of Baal, angry with their people, through Elijah God sends drought and famine to Israel. Later, the worshipers of Yahweh and Baal met on Mount Carmel, where each side had to call on their God to confirm the truth by casting fire from heaven. However, no sign came from Baal, but fire was cast down on the altar of God Yahweh, and the Israelites fell shouting: “Yahweh is God.” It began to rain immediately, reviving the parched earth. This is how the holiday called Elijah’s Day appeared.

As the Old Testament tells us, when God wanted to take Elijah to himself, a fiery chariot appeared in the sky, in front of which the waters of the Jordan River parted. Elijah placed himself in the chariot, and it disappeared from the sight of Elisha, Elijah's disciple, who was observing this situation.

What church holiday is today August 2: traditions and signs of this day

The lord of thunder and lightning, Elijah was depicted in folk scriptures as galloping through the heavens on a fiery chariot drawn by four white horses. The sound of hooves is the sound of thunder. And Elijah himself is the messenger of the law of God, a formidable, but fair and generous patron of agriculture and cattle breeding, who punishes the lazy and unrighteous with a lightning strike, and hits fields and harvests with hail, but protects the hardworking and righteous and takes them under his protection, watering the crops with blessed rain.

Elijah was taken alive to heaven, ascended on a fiery chariot, so that before the second coming of Christ he would return to earth and travel around the world three times, warning people about the Last Judgment.

Signs and traditions of Elijah the prophet

Believers on Elijah go to church and ask in prayers for well-being in the family, peace, the health of loved ones, and bring seeds for consecration for the future harvest.

Previously, it was customary to organize fairs on Elijah, as well as fraternity - community dinners, to which they brought food and drinks from each house, treated themselves, treated travelers, the wandering, the poor, and the needy. Such meals ended with festivities, games, round dances, and songs.

People believed that on the day of Elijah, all evil spirits were saved from the fiery punishment of the saint and turned into various animals and fish, including pets. Therefore, people on Elijah did not let their pet dogs and cats leave the house, so that an evil spirit would not enter them.

The Day of the Prophet Elijah is one of the holidays revered by the people, but no special significant rituals were performed on this day, despite the fact that many beliefs, mythological legends, calendar and economic signs and prohibitions are associated with Elijah.

They prepared for the holiday several days in advance - they protected their homes from evil spirits and evil spirits, baked special ritual cookies and bread - koloboks, stopped any work in the field and around the house.

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The question of what holiday is celebrated today continues to remain in the center of attention of a large number of people. In Russia, it is customary to celebrate a huge number of holidays, which are often almost impossible to keep track of.

Today is a busy day in this aspect, since several holidays fall on the second of August. In particular, we can talk about the Day of the Russian Airborne Forces. In the church calendar the day is called Ilyin, which is also reflected in popular beliefs. We will talk about this in the latest material on our website.

Every year on August 2, our country celebrates a glorious date - Airborne Forces Day (Airborne Forces Day), established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” as a memorable day dedicated to to contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, increasing the prestige of military service and established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.
The airborne troops - “winged infantry”, “blue berets” - whatever epithets were awarded to the guards-paratroopers, but always, at all times and under any circumstances, the strength, courage and reliability of people living by the principle: “No one, except us!". And today, more than a million Russians who once wore blue berets, as well as those currently serving in the Airborne Forces, will celebrate their holiday - Airborne Forces Day.

The history of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) dates back to August 2, 1930 - then, during the exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, a paratrooper unit consisting of 12 people was parachuted for the first time to perform a tactical mission. This experiment allowed military theorists to see the prospect of the advantages of parachute units, their enormous capabilities associated with the rapid coverage of the enemy by air.

The formation of airborne units, which marked the beginning of the massive deployment of this type of troops, began in 1932. Already at the beginning of 1933, special-purpose aviation battalions were formed in the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Moscow and Volga military districts. By the summer of 1941, the manning of five airborne corps, each numbering 10 thousand people, had ended. Paratroopers were always at the forefront in the battles of the Great Patriotic War and more than once showed mass heroism.
Since February 1988, Russian paratroopers have taken part in operations in “hot spots” both in the country and abroad, the Ros-Register website reports. One of the heaviest losses in the history of modern airborne forces was the death of the 6th company of the 104th regiment of the 76th Pskov Airborne Division in March 2000, when the unit prevented the breakthrough of 2.5 thousand militants, destroying over 700 bandits.

Today, the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is a means of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces and is intended to cover the enemy by air and carry out tasks in his rear to disrupt troop control, capture and destroy ground elements of high-precision weapons, disrupt advances and deployments reserves, disrupting the work of the rear and communications, as well as covering (defense) certain directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destroying landed airborne troops, broken through enemy groups and performing other tasks.

The second of August is one of the most revered holidays - Elijah's Day, in honor of the prophet Elijah.

Traditions say that he lived in the 9th century. BC, the people of the kingdom of Israel knew Elijah as a faithful defender of Judaism, who did not hesitate to crush idolatry and expose wicked acts, no matter who committed them. The ruler of the city of Elijah was then Ahab, for whom, due to the gentleness of his character, his wife, Jezebel, actually ruled.

When she began to create the cult of the pagan god Baal, Ilya opposed this and made every effort to preserve Jewish shrines and change the decision of the rulers. Among his deeds, the most well known is the famine that spread over the entire country for three years and the execution of pagan priests for making sacrifices on Mount Carmel.

But Jezebel did not accept defeat from the prophet and decided to destroy Elijah. Then Elijah went into the desert, but upon his return he again pacified Ahab, thereby stopping the queen’s machinations. According to the lines of legend: “suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared,” Elijah was ascended to heaven during his lifetime.

From this legend, which ends the life of Ilya, his popular nickname came - the Thunderer. They believed that he sometimes rushes in the heavens, driving a fiery chariot and swords of lightning and thunder at his enemy - the unclean serpent.

On this day, they offered prayers to the saint that the weather would be as needed for the needs of the peasants - clear or rainy, supporting their requests with processions of the cross. When it rained on Elijah, water was collected to heal eye diseases and the evil eye.

Although August had only just begun, Ilya welcomed autumn, foreshadowed by nightly chills at night, frosts in the mornings, and the fact that the August days were still summer, but no longer hot.
The bathing ended: “For Ilya, it’s summer before lunch, and after lunch it’s autumn,” “Ilya the Prophet threw an ice cube into the water,” “Before Ilya, the man swims, and says goodbye to the river from Ilya,” “From Ilya’s day, the night is long, and the water is cold.” .

The women were upset because their washed clothes took a long time to dry: “Before Ilya’s day it dries under the bush, but after Ilya’s day it doesn’t even dry on the bush.”

Fine days gave way to prolonged downpours: “Before Ilya, the priest will not pray for rain, after Ilya, even a woman will catch up with an apron.”

The nights lengthened: “Peter and Paul reduced the hour, and Elijah the Prophet dragged away two”; this, however, is not bad: “Since Elijah’s day the night has been long: the worker gets enough sleep, the horses get enough to eat.”

But they baked loaves of bread from this year’s grain. The farmers again thanked Elijah for the abundance of the harvest, adding to the words a bowl of grains with oats and rye, which was usually placed at the gate, and asked the priest to “magnify Elijah for the fertility of the bread.”

Ilya’s big holiday did not involve work, working for it is a sin, because Ilya himself is capable of punishing for such a violation: “They don’t throw haystacks at Ilya - Ilya will burn it with a thunderstorm.”

The grasses were already losing their juiciness, beginning to wither, the preparation of hay should have been dealt with, as they used to say: “Before Ilya’s day, throw the hay - put a pound of honey in it.” But it is appropriate to collect hay to refill the mattresses: “Ilyinsky straw is a village featherbed.”

It was believed that on this day all the forest inhabitants - from reptiles to animals - were wandering around the area, not only in the forests, but in the meadows, and therefore the cattle were not taken out for grazing, so as not to get caught by the wolf and receive snake bites.

Moreover, they were afraid of evil spirits that could inhabit the animals, and only thunder from the hand of Ilya could deal with them. Even the cats and dogs had the door to the hut closed that day so that lightning would not be attracted to it.

The modern mailbox has become a familiar attribute of our lives. This is where we look every day, expecting to receive our favorite magazine or greeting card.

It will be interesting to know that he has his own story. It is believed that the first mailbox was installed in the capital of France, Paris, and this significant event took place in 1653.

Russia is somewhat behind in this innovation and can boast of the first wooden miracle for correspondence since 1848, when the first collection for letters, dark blue, made of simple boards and covered with sheet iron, was installed in Moscow.

The high point in the development of delivery of newspapers, magazines and letters can be called the rapid 20th century. Currently, postal services are still in demand, and August 2, the birthday of the mailbox, is celebrated by the public with undisguised pleasure.

Objectively, it should be said that the modern type of device that stores our personal mail has recently changed significantly - there is even a whole movement of creative enthusiasts who have turned an ordinary street mailbox into a unique art object.

This is what the resourceful residents of a small Californian town did, who seriously compete with each other for the honorary title of “whose mail drive is more original.” Against the backdrop of bright lawns near private houses, sometimes the most unexpected structures are installed, for example, bright fire engines, sharp-nosed sharks, copies of ancient cathedrals, figures of turtles, cute kittens, penguins and dogs, and you can also see a whole family of fur seals on the lawn. There are probably very kind people living in this city who love to write and receive letters, of course, only with good news.

Leonty, Kuzma, Ilya, Konstantin, Alexey, Alexander, Efim, Ivan, Georgy, Afanasy, Tikhon, Fedor, Peter, Nikolay, Sergey.

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We present the holidays of August 2 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, festive events and memorable dates of the second August day of the last month of summer. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on August 2, what they are associated with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this summer day.

Also, at the end of the page you can learn (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of the month of August, customs, traditions, folk signs, etc. But first, find out what a holiday is and its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone, having a sacred (mythical, non-everyday) meaning and directly related to a cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other, similar meanings, such as:

A holiday is the opposite of weekdays - it is an official day of rest established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun way to spend free time, entertaining events (massive), the day of some personal or public joyful event;

General state of elation (high spirits), (occurs in phrases: “celebration of life”, etc.).

Holidays August 2 - dates and events

Elijah's day

Memorial Day of Saint Orthodox John of Kronstadt

Day of the Russian Airborne Forces (VDV)

Soft Pillow Day

Name days - at Daniel, John, Ignatius

Holidays August 2 - Airborne Forces Day

Airborne Forces Day is known to almost every person living in Russia or the territory of the former USSR. Airborne troops are often called “blue berets”, “winged infantry”, they are considered courageous and reliable.

The principle “Nobody but us” even became a kind of calling card of the Airborne Forces. It is known that the history of the Airborne Forces began on August 2, 1930. It was then that the Moscow Military District Air Force exercises were held, and a 12-man paratrooper unit was parachuted out near Voronezh.

This experiment made it possible to understand the prospects for the development of parachute units that would be able to capture the enemy in airspace conditions. From that moment on, Airborne Forces Day began to be celebrated.

It must be said that the airborne troops entered the history of the Armed Forces thanks to their courage, valor, and selfless devotion to the Motherland. Today, paratroopers command admiration and respect from both veterans and those who are just preparing to begin military service.

It is the “blue berets” who take part in both peacekeeping and anti-terrorist actions and always guard the safety of the population.

Holidays August 2 - church (Orthodox) Ilya

Holidays August 2- Ilya’s day. Day of Prophet Elijah. Ilya the Thunderer.

Day of the Holy Prophet Elijah (IX century BC) - one of the greatest prophets - an ardent zealot of true faith and piety, possessed the gift of prophecy. For his fiery zeal for the glory of God, he was taken to heaven alive in a chariot of fire.

Ilya the Prophet is as popular among the people as Nikolai Ugodnik. One of the most revered church holidays. This is the last summer holiday. Considered "angry", even dangerous.

The formidable white-bearded elder Ilya is the lord of rain, thunder and lightning, riding on a thundering chariot and punishing the unrighteous. He sends fertility to the earth. Elijah the Prophet helps the harvest: “he gives bread.”

On Elijah's Day, kolob and crumpets from the new harvest are baked.

In the popular imagination, Ilya is a formidable, stern, punishing saint, but at the same time generous, bestowing: a powerful manager of the most terrible and beneficial forces of nature. He controls rain, thunder, lightning, and sends fertility to the earth.

On Elijah's Day, all the evil spirits, fleeing from the fiery arrows of the prophet, turn into various animals - hares, foxes, cats, dogs, wolves, etc. In connection with this belief, a custom was established on the day of Elijah not to allow dogs and cats into the house, so as not to bring thunderstorms and lightning to the hut.

People believe that from Ilyin’s day there is a turn to autumn, although the hot summer can last for a long time.

There is one legend associated with the history of the holiday. So, people involved in idolatry decided to build an altar for Baal and began to pray to him. And to make sure that their god existed, they began to ask him to send fire from heaven. But there was no answer.

And then the prophet Elijah made his altar, laid out the wood, poured water on it and began to pray. Suddenly fire fell from heaven and engulfed the altar. And then people believed in the real God.

It is known that for his faith and love for God, Elijah was taken to heaven alive, and the prophet Elisha witnessed this phenomenon. At the Transfiguration of the Lord, together with Moses, Elijah appeared before Jesus Christ, talking with him on Mount Tabor.

According to existing tradition, the prophet Elijah will be the forerunner of the Terrible Second Coming of Christ to earth and will suffer bodily death during his sermon.

Today, the prophet Elijah is prayed for rain during a period of drought. As for the holiday, it was believed that after August 2 it was forbidden to swim in the river. If anyone violates this prohibition, he will die. In any case, that’s what the people in Rus' said.

August holidays - folk signs, sayings, superstitions...

Macrin's day. Macrids. Look at autumn according to Macrids. Macrida is wet - and autumn is wet, dry - and autumn too. Summer work ends, autumn work begins. "Makrid equips autumn, and Anna (August 7) ​​- winter."

Macrida Day is also considered important for the coming year. “If it rains on Macrina, rye will grow next year.”

Elijah the Prophet. Elijah's day. For Ilya it’s summer before lunch, autumn after lunch. Note: if it’s dry on Elijah’s day, then it will be dry for six weeks; if it rains on that day, it will be dry for six weeks.

They stop swimming in the river. From Ilya's day there is a turn to autumn, although summer with its heat will still last a long time. Haymaking ends, harvest begins.

Day of Onesimus. Day of Semyon the Summer Guide. It was the day when they gradually began to say goodbye to summer. On August 3, peasants sowed winter crops and picked apples in their orchards. There were also signs characteristic of this day!

Thunderstorm on Semyon - the autumn will be long Magpies scream loudly. August 3 – there will be very warm weather in winter. Large piles on anthills – expect a cold winter.

Heavy dew on August 3 - there will be a poor flax harvest.
If a person was born on August 3, then his talisman is a sunflower.
They say that such people, according to signs, always strive to walk on the sun in the same way as the indicated flower.

Mary Magdalene. “If there is strong dew on Marya, the flax will be gray and braids.” "Flower bulbs are taken out for Mary." This day has another name - Maria Yagodnitsa: black and red currants and blueberries are being collected in the forests.

Day of Trofim-Insomniac. They said: “Even a day is short for a good owner.” It was not customary to sleep late that day. Moreover, the nights were already getting longer by August 5 - it was important to have time to complete all the work before dusk.

It was on August 5 that the harvest usually began - the peasants had more than enough work. In addition, by August 5, the berries were ripe in the forest, and they went to pick them.

If a person was born on August 5, then poplar protects him. They said that in difficult times you need to go to your talisman tree and hug it. This will help you calm down and find the right solution to a specific problem. You can’t sleep for a long time today - a sign that you won’t have time to finish all the work.

Boris and Gleb Summer. "Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe."

What will the weather be like on August 6 if the day falls on a Full Moon? According to signs, this is what it will be like throughout the second half of August.

Seagulls often land on the water - wait for rain.

You can’t go to the field on August 6th - signs say there will be a fire. They said that there was a lot of lightning on this day, and they could set the haystacks on fire.

Anna Kholodnitsa, winter guide. If the matinee is cold, and the winter is cold. What is the weather before lunch, such is winter until December; what is the weather after lunch, such is winter after December.

Light and warm on August 7th is a sign that the winter will be without a lot of snowfall, and vice versa.

Yermolai Day. On August 8, the peasants began early picking of apples, but they could not be eaten yet, since it was customary to wait for the Apple Savior.

In addition, by August 8, early potatoes were ripe, from which they prepared pancakes, cutlets, vinaigrette, okroshka - such dishes decorated the peasant table on a hot day. On August 8, they served potatoes with beef and even herring with breadcrumbs. Flies on August 8 bite and become annoying - you need to wait for rain.

Panteleimon the Healer. Panteleimon Zazhnivny, pre-autumn collection of medicinal herbs. Nikola Kochansky - forks curl into a head of cabbage.

Memorial Day of Prokhor, Nikanor, Timon and Parmen deacons. Day of the Apostle Prokhor. Prokhors and Parmens - don’t start bartering. Dig up tulip bulbs. Potato tops begin to fade.

Kalinnik. Peasants in the northern provinces say: “Lord, sweep away Kalinnik with darkness (fog), not frost.” Gloomy, foggy times are not good for bees. The beekeepers note: “The bee has no choice in trouble.”

Day of Strength and Siluyan. The best time for sowing winter crops is that rye sown on Sila and Siluyan will be born strongly. "Holy Strength will add strength to a man." “The powerless hero lives on Strength (from hearty food, new bread).”

Evdokim. Evdokimov’s prayer before the Assumption Fast, about which people say: “The Assumption Fast is not a hungry one.” There is a lot of everything at this time: new bread, vegetables, fruits, berries.

First Savior. First farewell to summer. Honey Spas - they break (cut) the honeycombs. Roses are fading, good dew is falling. Swallows and swifts begin to fly away to warmer climes."

On the first Spas, even a beggar will try the medic." "Swallows fly off at three Spas (August 14, 19 and 29)." "The first Spas is Honey, the second is Apple, the third is Spozhinki."

Stepan Senoval. By this time, in the meadows, the aftergrowth is the “second hay.” They begin mowing: “And there will be more hay.” "Otava is autumn hay, summer hay will be saved." “Like Stepan Senoval, so is September.” Based on the days of August 15-19, the weather for September-January was determined.

Isaac and Anton Vikhrovey. As is Vikhrovei, so is October. If the wind is whirlwind, expect a snowy winter. It will swirl from all sides - it will be a furious winter with thick snow on the houses. “As is Isaac, so is St. Nicholas the Winter (December 19).”

Evdokia. Avdotya Malinovka. Avdotya Cucumber. Wild raspberries are ripening. Last harvest of cucumbers. Avdotya Senognoika - rains destroy hay. "Seven youths bring seven rains."

Day of Dorotheus. People noted that at this time fescue and dream grass, which was also called lumbago, began to bloom. Good weather on Dorotheus Day means there will be a good grain harvest. The wind blows on this day in August from the east - summer will be windy and rainy.

Transfiguration. Second Savior. Great peasant holiday. Apple Spas - mass ripening of apples. Autumn - meeting autumn. A dry day foreshadows a dry autumn, a wet day foretells a wet one, and a clear day foretells a harsh winter. “As is the day on the Second Savior, so is the Intercession (October 14).”

Marina-Pimena Day. After Maria Pimena, people no longer go to the forest to pick raspberries. On August 20, people celebrated the onset of autumn and the gradual end of summer. On August 20, there were always pies with raspberry filling on the table - this marked the end of summer.

The storks are already preparing to fly away for the winter - autumn, according to signs, will be cold. The morning fog after sunrise on August 20 dissipates quite quickly.

Myron Vetrogon. There are strong winds on this day. “The carminative winds drove dust across the wide world, and wept over the red summer.” “Like Myron Vetrogon, so is January.”

Matthew's Day (Matthias). They said that on Matvey the water in rivers and lakes cools down - autumn is already beginning to be felt in the air. You need to look at the water at noon on August 22. If it is quiet, then autumn will also be calm, and in winter there will be practically no blizzards.

Lawrence Day. The waters are getting cold. At noon they look at the water in rivers and lakes: if it is quiet, then the autumn will be quiet, and the winter will be without blizzards and evil blizzards. If there is intense heat or heavy rain, then it will last for a long time - all autumn.

Eupla Day. Evpatiya Kolovrata. We noticed that on this day the leaves gradually began to fall off the trees. Among the people, the day of Eupla, August 24, was considered one of the most terrible. People said that on this day a horse gallops through the swamps, trying to find its rider, who died and fell out of the saddle.

Day of Remembrance of Martyrs Photius, Anicetas and others. It was a day of cleaning in poveti - this is a room under a canopy in a peasant yard for storing household equipment.

On this day they said: “Fotya the Povetenny does not give his owner peace - he calls him to tell him,” - and there all the master’s treasure is hidden. It was necessary to sort things out so that there would be somewhere to put away the summer harness, plow, and harrow; it was impossible to allow “the devil to break his leg in the villages.”

Memorial Day of St. Tikhon. On this day, the barns and cellars were cleaned - everything should be ready for storing the new harvest. It was believed that Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, the patron saint of this day, was an assistant in getting rid of “all despondency.”

On this day, they walked around the house with the icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” also called “Passionate.”

Micah. Average time for leaf fall to begin. If the cranes fly, then there will be frost by mid-October, but if not, then winter will come later. Known for its winds, the strength of which is used to judge the upcoming weather.

“Micah’s day echoes the Indian summer with storm and wind.” "Micah with the storm - to the stormy September." “Calm winds blow on Micah - towards a rainy autumn.”

Dormition, an important holiday of the end of summer - beginning of autumn. The peasants dedicated this holiday to the end of the harvest and the welcoming of autumn.

The day of farewell to summer and the end of harvesting - dozhinki. End of the Assumption Fast. "Say goodbye to the Assumption, welcome autumn."

Third Savior. Spozhinki. Bread day - the first loaf of new bread was baked. After the third Savior, the last swallows fly away. “The third Spas is good - in winter there will be kvass.”

Myron's Memorial Day. At this time, leaves begin to fall, and birds fly away to warmer climes. On August 30, leaves fall from birch, elm, bird cherry, and linden. The last crane flew away on August 30, which means it will be quite cold on the Feast of the Intercession.

Day of Frol and Laurus, patrons of horses. Autumn matinees begin, and frosts occur. If you don’t drop out before Frol, Frols will be born (flowers). We looked at the roots of wormwood: if the roots are thick, the year will be fruitful.

"On Frol and Lavra there is a horse festival." “I begged Frol and Lavr - expect good things for the horses.” Last date for winter sowing. Evening "stays" begin (women's work in huts by fire).

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The Old Testament prophet Elijah (Jews - Elijah, Muslims - Ilyas), a zealous fighter for the purity of faith and denouncer of idolatry and wickedness, who, according to the biblical narrative (Third and Fourth Books of Kings), 900 years before Jesus Christ, turned out to be surprisingly close precisely Christians.

The first virgin anchorite in the Old Testament, he dedicated himself to God before God called him to prophetic ministry. And the Lord appeared to him not in thunder, storm or fire, but in a “quiet breath of the wind.” Sent by God to King Ahab to warn that if he and his people did not stop worshiping Baal and Astrata, the kingdom of Israel would suffer famine, he himself then went hungry along with everyone else, being content with the little that the raven brought him into the desert. He was haunted by the wrath of the pagan queen Jezebel, he was tired of the burden of the rogue prophet that was not placed on him, he despaired, and asked for death. And then, in front of the whole people, by the power of prayer he brought fire down from heaven onto the altar of the true God.

As a true prophet, Elijah left behind a disciple, Elisha, so that the cause he served would not die with him. And when the teacher, already ascended into the sky by a fiery chariot, threw his cloak to the student (in Slavic “milot”), and he hit the water with it, and the water parted, Elisha realized that he had inherited not only the clothes, but also the spirit of the prophet. Almost a thousand years will pass and the apostles will experience a similar feeling on the day of Pentecost and pass on this spirit to all the people of God, so that they pass it on from generation to generation.

Elijah's Day is celebrated by all Orthodox peoples, as well as Christians, Jews and Muslims living in the vicinity of Mount Carmel, on which, according to the biblical narrative, he hid, prayed and defeated the priests of Baal. The Prophet Elijah is also revered by Catholics, but unlike the Orthodox, they do not have a separate celebration for him.

The places of the prophet's earthly life have long attracted pilgrims. In the Greek monastery of St. George the Chozebite, founded around 480 in the vicinity of Jericho in the Wadi Kelt gorge, in a large cave where, according to legend, the prophet Elijah hid and prayed in the first year of a three-year drought, a temple was built in the name of the prophet Elijah. On Mount Carmel, the mother of St. Constantine the Great, Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena, founded the Elias Monastery. Now this is the Stella Maris Catholic monastery, and not far from it is an Orthodox Russian church in the name of Elijah the Prophet, consecrated in 1913. One of the caves where, according to legend, he escaped from his pursuers, is located on the territory of the Greek monastery of Mar Elias, built in the 6th century. There is a cave temple of the prophet Elijah on Mount Horeb, on the slope leading to the Valley of Jethro.
In Kyiv, the first Elias Church was built under Prince Igor, long before the baptism of Rus'. And in Moscow, the name of Ilyinka Street was given by the oldest church in the name of the Prophet Elijah - the Cathedral of the Ilyinsky Monastery, as archaeologists believe, from the 14th century.

Elijah's Day in Rus' was always celebrated with a religious procession and prayer service. In Moscow, it was celebrated at Lobnoye Mesto on Red Square, and then the clergy, led by the patriarch, and the people went to Ilyinka, to the oldest Ilyinsky Church in the city, where they served the liturgy.

The veneration of the prophet Elijah as the intercessor of the Russian land in the Time of Troubles especially intensified: all historians mention the alarm that sounded from the bell tower of this temple on May 17, 1606 and marked the beginning of the uprising against False Dmitry I. And the people, sensitive to such signs, immediately attributed the expulsion of foreigners from Moscow to the intercession of the prophet Elijah.

The tradition of Ilyinsky religious processions lasted in Moscow until the revolution and was revived in 2003. Now the ancient Ilyinsky Church of the capital is the central temple of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation, which consider the Prophet Elijah their heavenly patron and celebrate their professional holiday on the day of his memory.

And in the villages, where before the 20th century there were many Elijah churches and chapels, on Elijah’s day they went in procession to the fields to serve a prayer service there, and they always organized a bratchina - a festive feast together. Moreover, unlike other holiday fraternities, men prepared the food.

This information is needed by those who observe the laws of the Christian religion - and there are the majority of them in our country. Orthodox holidays for August 2019 will indicate all the important events of life: when to observe fasts, when to remember older relatives, when you can or cannot get married, etc.

Orthodox holidays each year help determine the date of any important Orthodox event. Also, the calendar will tell you when everyone’s favorite Apple Savior, Honey Savior and Nut Savior and other important church holidays will take place.

Holidays of the first ten days of August

  • Seraphim of Sarov
  • Venerable Macrina, sister of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa - Macrinin's day (Makrida, Mokrina, Macrina, Macrida, Macrida's day, autumn sign). On this day, the “mokrin” ritual was performed, when the peasants turned to rain if the summer was dry and the day itself was clear. The main figure of this day was the woman born on this day - Mokrina.

Signs of the day:

Look at autumn according to Makrid. The fluff has flown from the aspen - collect the boletus. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow below, winter sowing will be good. If it rains on Mokrina, rye will grow next year. Macrida is wet - and autumn is wet,

Macrida is dry - and so is autumn. Macrida equips autumn, and Anna (August 7) ​​- winter. Gadflies have been biting for the last day. If at sunrise the sun slowly emerges from behind the clouds, it will be a good day. If, in clear weather, the wind blows from the east for several days, and intensifies in the evening, bad weather is approaching.

The moon is pale and foggy - for rain. The frog does not come out of the water - this means dry weather. Ants are hastily sealing the entrances to the anthill in the middle of the day - it will rain. Spiders make nests - to the cold. The web spreads over the plants - for warmth and clear autumn.
On Ilya’s Day, sick teeth start talking: “Father Ilya, will you come tomorrow?” - You will come. – Will you take away your toothache? - You'll take...

On this day you cannot:

Put kvass, ferment cabbage and cucumbers. Slaughter cattle, poultry and generally shed blood so that it does not pass on to your children and grandchildren. Sell ​​horse meat, otherwise the rest of the horses on the farm will get sick.

Finding the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker.

  • Ilyin's Day. The Glorious Prophet of God Elijah (IX BC) - Day of Elijah the Prophet (St. Elijah, Holy Elijah, Elijah the Prophet, Elijah the Terrible, Thunderbreaker, holder of thunderstorms, Thunderer, Elijah's day, angry day).

The people represented Elijah as the bearer of water in heaven. A menacing white-bearded old man rushed along in his fiery chariot drawn by four horses and sometimes splashed water.

This water rained down on the ground. The sound of his horses' hooves on the azure sky pavement echoed like thunder in the sky. And the saint strikes evil spirits with lightning. After all, not only did Ilya carry spring water, but he could also chase a serpent or an unclean spirit in his chariot.

On the day of Elijah, the cabbage is covered with a pot so that it is white. Good owners will remove the hay before Elijah's day and thereby save their hay from the rain.

If a fire happens on Elijah’s Day, then milk is poured into the fire before the water so that it does not spread further. Rain and thunder were expected that day. Rains on Mokriny, Elijah's Day and Exaltation foretell a good rye harvest next year. Rain collected on Elijah's day eliminates all enemy power.

Before Ilya’s day there is a pound of honey in the hay, after a pound of manure. Ilyinskaya Friday without rain - there are many fires. Elijah the Prophet was dragged away for two hours. On Ilya, before lunch it’s summer, after lunch it’s autumn. After Ilya's day, mosquitoes stop biting. The fly bites before Ilya, then stores up.

On Elijah's Day, dogs and cats are not allowed into the huts. From Ilya's day, the leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow. Before Ilya it dries under the bush, but after Ilya it doesn’t dry on the bush. Since Ilya's day the water has been getting cold. The man bathes before Ilya, and says goodbye to the river from Ilya.

If it rains with thunder on Ilya, he will have a headache. Dull thunder means peace, loud thunder means quarrel. Long and continuous thunder means heaviness in the chest. Thunder rumbles loudly, but not sharply - to bad weather. Thunder rumbles abruptly - a short rain. Anyone who gets caught in the rain on Elijah’s day will be healthy all year. As Ilya is, so is the Exaltation.

On Elijah's day you can't

Throw haystacks, haul hay, rake manure, clean outhouses, send matchmakers (they will swear loudly). You can’t wash or get a haircut after sunset, otherwise you’ll wash away all your health. On Elijah’s day they don’t work in the fields, otherwise a thunderstorm will kill you. Whoever counts the hay on Ilya will lose all his goods.

  • Prophet Ezekiel (VI BC) - The holy prophet was endowed with the gift of miracles.

Because of his prayer, the waters of the Chebar River parted, and the Jews were saved from the persecution of the Chaldeans. During a famine, the prophet begged God to send food to the suffering.

Two visions of the prophet are especially important: the vision of the future temple of the Lord, symbolizing the establishment of the Christian Church through the feat of the Son of God, and the vision of dry bones in the field - a prototype of the general resurrection from the dead.

  • Venerable Simeon, Christ for the Fool's sake, and John, his fellow-faster.
  • Venerable Onuphrius the Silent, Onuphrius the Recluse - Semenov Day, Onuphrius the Silent (Semyon, Onuphrius, the Silent One, Onuphrius Day). Elijah the Prophet - with thunder, Onuphrius - with bows to the ground. Elijah the Prophet walks across the field, counts the suslons (left on the stubble for drying the sheaves) individually, the Monk Onuphrius lifts the cornfield, directs the plow.

On this day they repaired the barns and mended the bins, dried them out, replaced them with rotten boards, and re-laid the floors.

The work was done in silence, in memory of Saint Onuphrius. Violation of the ban on silence was severely punished: muteness, illness, etc. During important household work, one was also supposed to remain silent so as not to jinx the work. Silence was expected when the peasant went out into the field for the first time of the year, when the housewives were kneading dough for bread, etc.

The thunder is continuous - there will be hail. Good weather will continue if ground fog forms in low areas in the evening and at night, dissipating after sunrise.

  • Myrrh-Bearing Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene. Saint Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Christ.

Since childhood, Mary Magdalene suffered from demons, but the Son of God cast out demons from her, and she faithfully followed him along with other cured wives. She did not leave the Lord after his captivity, when doubts began to arise in the hearts of His most devoted disciples. She stood at the Cross together with the Most Holy Theotokos and the Apostle John. She accompanied the body of Christ to the burial place.

Having resurrected, Christ sent Mary Magdalene with joyful news to His disciples. After the Ascension, Saint Mary Magdalene set out to wander and bring God’s will to the pagans. Having visited Rome, she presented the cruel emperor Tiberius with a red egg with the words: “Christ is risen.”

This is where the Easter custom of painting eggs came from. (The egg is a symbol of life, expressing faith in the future Resurrection) - Marya the berry (Marya, Marya - good day, Marya - strong dew, Marya the artificer, myrrh-bearer, day of Mary Magdalene, thunder day).

Thunder against Mary Magdalene was considered a bad omen in the old days.

If they heard what rumbled in the sky, they crossed themselves and said: “Send, Lord, still water and warm dew.” Our ancestors would put a clove of garlic under their pillow in the morning and place a shovel in the yard.

There was a belief that such simple actions would take trouble away from home. They were afraid to hear thunder that day not only in reality, but also in their dreams. Such a dream foreshadowed bad news and all kinds of troubles.

People called Saint Mary Magdalene the berry bear because these days, more than ever, there are a lot of berries in the forest. On Maria the Berry, it’s time to pick blueberries and black currants.

  • Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus and with them 13 martyrs. The holy martyrs were thrown into the fire, but remained unharmed. Then their tormentors beheaded them - Trofimov's day (Trofim, Trofim the insomniac, Trofim's day, Kalinniki-Malinniki, suffering).

Trofim the insomniac owns a supply of bread. The time has come for intensive field work. “If there is work going on, there is no desire to sleep.” Hence the nickname of this day, Trofim the Insomniac. It was believed that Trofim worked tirelessly together with the men in the field. Even if it rains, Trofim remains in the field. “I thought about mowing, but it’s not raining; I was getting ready to go home, but Trofim didn’t tell me to.”

Kalinniki-Malinniki - from Trofim to Silantiev day. The raspberry bushes celebrated in the villages - they baked the first pies with viburnum and raspberries, saying: “The raspberry basts are small, but the berries are sweet; but you’ll tear the bast off the rosewood, but you won’t be able to put the berries in your mouth.”

Among the people, viburnum and raspberry berries were considered difficult: they believed that if you taste viburnum, you will be tormented by love, if you bite into a raspberry, you will become intoxicated with love. From this day on, the midday women began to conduct their round dances in the fields. If the cheerful spirits came across a guy, they would start hugging him, kissing him, and disappear in the evening. Such a person began to feel sad, waste away, and sooner or later died.

The appearance of fog in the evening, which spreads along the ground, portends good weather. The stars twinkle brightly at dawn - it will start raining in a couple of days. The owl screams - to the cold. The morning dawn will soon fade - there will be a strong wind.

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

  • Martyrs of the noble princes Boris and Gleb, in holy baptism Roman and David. The first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Orthodox Churches.

They were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. After the death of Vladimir, the throne in Kyiv was taken by his eldest son Svyatopolk. The treacherous prince was afraid that he might be overthrown by Boris, on whose side were the people and the squad.

Then he decided to send assassins to him. Boris was informed of the impending conspiracy, but he decided not to hide and take revenge on his brother, but to face his fate. The killers overtook him while Boris was praying. After this, Svyatopolk also killed his second brother, Gleb. In Rus', Saints Boris and Gleb were considered the patrons of the family, so they were approached with requests to reconcile warring relatives.

Day of Boris and Gleb (Boris and Gleb are summer, insomniacs). Boris and Gleb - ripen the bread. On this day, our ancestors turned to the holy brothers Boris and Gleb, asking them for help in harvesting grain. But despite the fact that the suffering was in full swing, the peasants did not go out into the fields that day - they were afraid that the saints, as punishment for disrespecting their memory, would burn the harvest with lightning. Don't rely on Boris and Gleb for bread.

And if anyone had any complaints against Boris and Gleb, they did not cover the roof with such thatch: they were afraid that it might fly off from the wind or burn from lightning. On this day, there could be either heat and the grain would spill out, or heavy rain and it would sprout, therefore, the compressed bread cannot yet be considered yours until this day. Boris and Gleb create the harvest, manage the stacks of grain. If the grain is still sticky and unripe for Boris and Gleb, it is necessary to postpone the harvest until Silin Day. Fight against Saint Boris yourself.

There are often thunderstorms on this day. The fluff has flown from the aspen tree - go get the boletus. It started raining in the morning - the weather was fine in the afternoon. Night dew does not dry out - a thunderstorm. Flies wake up early and begin to buzz - before dry weather, sit quietly - before rain.

Bad weather most often occurs with a high (south) wind. If ducks and geese lubricate their feathers with fat, and the chickens do not leave the hen, prolonged bad weather will soon break out.

In August they collect: viburnum (bark, fruits), nettle (leaves), burdock (roots), dandelion (grass, roots), shepherd's purse (grass), plantain (leaves), wormwood (grass), celandine (grass).

  • Dormition of Righteous Anna, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. According to legend, Saint Anna died peacefully at the age of 79 in the city of Jerusalem, before the Dormition of the Mother of God

Anna the winter indicator (Anna the cold, Anna the cold one, Anna the warm one, Anna the summer one, Anna the winter indicator, cold matinees, cold one).

What is the weather on Anna before lunch, such is winter until December; what is the weather after lunch, what is the weather after December. If there is a cold morning on this day, winter will be early and cold.

If ants enlarge anthills, wait for a cold winter. A lot of acorns on an oak tree - for a warm winter. Light and warm weather foreshadows a cold winter, but if it rains, the winter is snowy and warm.

Memory of the V Ecumenical Council.

  • Hieromartyrs Hermolai, Hermippos and Hermocrates, priests of Nicomedia

Day of Ermolai (Moses, Ermolai). Ermolai - tidy up the bread. There is no end to the harvest, there is God's light on four sides. The harvest was usually completed on Yermolai. If anyone did not have time, he called more efficient neighbors and did not leave the field until nightfall.

To prevent lower back pain, it was forbidden to pass the sickle from hand to hand; if someone needed to be given a sickle, it was simply placed on the ground.

  • Venerable Martyr Paraskeva - Day of Paraxeva the Virgin.

Signs of the day

In the morning there is cold dew, and in the afternoon the skies thunder.
It is believed that healing dew falls on this day. In the morning, such dew will nourish the leaves and flowers and wash away the dust. And at noon you can go to the field, perform rituals and collect medicinal herbs.

  • Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Panteleimon mastered the art of healing.

The saint was introduced to Emperor Maximian, and he wished to see him as his doctor. Gradually Panteleimon began to turn to the Christian faith. One day the saint saw a child bitten by a snake. The healer prayed to God. At that same second, the child opened his eyes, and the snake scattered into pieces.

Following the denunciation of one of the envious people, Panteleimon was captured. The saint was brought to the circus and thrown into the arena among the lions. But the animals began to lick the healer’s feet. Then it was decided to behead Panteleimon.

The executioners tied the saint to an olive tree. The healer began to pray, one of the tormentors hit him with a sword, but the steel turned into wax.

Seeing such a miracle, the executioners refused to continue the execution. Saint Panteleimon asked his tormentors to carry out the order of the emperor. The executioners obeyed with tears. As soon as the saint’s head flew off his shoulders, blood mixed with milk spurted out from the wound, and the olive tree blossomed.

Panteleimon's Day (Panteleimon, Paley the Living, Panteley the Healer, Panteley, Paley, Paley - fallen shocks, Palikops, day of Panteleimon the Healer, Healer). Anyone born on this day became a good doctor. People turn to Saint Panteleimon when treating diseases of the thyroid gland.

  • Blessed Nikolai Kochanov, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Novgorod - Day of Nikolai Kochanov (Nikolai Kochanov, Nikolai Kochansky, Nikola Kochanov, Kochanov day, cabbage, Kochansky, konchannik, cabbage soup, zhnivny day).

It is believed that on this day cabbage is rolled into cabbage. Housewives went out into the garden and prayed to Nikolai Kochanov. And in order to appease the saint, on this day they baked the first pies with cabbage and distributed them to small children and old wanderers. There is cabbage - the table is not empty. What is not ripe, the sickle does not take.

  • Venerable Anfisa Abbess and her 90 sisters.
  • Apostles from 70: Prokhor, Nikanor, Timon and Parmen, deacons - Day of Prokhor and Parmen (Prokhor, Prokhor-Parmen, Prokhor and Parmen, day of Prokhor, Prokhorov day).

On this day, blacksmiths, very respected people in the village, were revered. More than once the peasants had to go to bow to them, because the blacksmiths were repairing sickles, fixing scythes, and shoeing horses. This is where the saying came from: “Prokhor gets along with the plow and the harrow.” The blacksmith's fist is not made for fighting. To whom God has not given intelligence, the blacksmith will not chain him.

On August 10, it is not customary to change anything or borrow anything. “Don’t barter for Prokhor and Parmena,” people said, and they knew that the thing exchanged that day would definitely break. “You won’t get a thing, but a hassle.” In the old days, this rule was strictly followed; even merchants on Prokhor did not open their shops.

Orthodox holidays of the second ten days of August

  • Martyr Seraphim, suffered during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Hadrian.
    Seraphim. Seraphim collects lightning in the field, and the reapers collect rye and wheat.
  • Martyr Theodotia and her three daughters - Fedotya.
  • Martyr Kallinik - Kalinniki (Kalina, Kallinik, Komelnik, Kalinin day). Around this day there are frosts that are harmful to bread.

Frosts were especially feared in the northern regions, which is where the saying came from: “Lord, sweep away Callinicus with darkness (fog), not frost.” In some regions of Russia, housewives began baking viburnum pies from that day on. From St. Callinicus, birds gather in flocks, preparing to fly to warmer climes.

If it hardens, i.e. As it gets colder, matinees will be cold at the beginning of September. If there are fogs in Kallinika, save your scythes (or bin) for oats and barley.

If ripe oats turn green for the second time, autumn will be stormy. On Kallinika, fog means a good grain harvest. If there are a lot of berries and nuts, but few mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

  • Apostles from 70: Silas, Silouan, Criscentus, Epenetus and Andronicus.
  • Day of Strength (Strength, Silin day, Siluyan, Siluan). During the harvest, our ancestors needed truly heroic strength in order to cope with all matters on time. Rye sown on Strength will be born stronger - the best time to sow winter rye.

It was believed that Saint Silas also invests power in medicinal herbs and roots. Burdock was especially valued by peasants. Its leaves healed many diseases, and its thorns, placed underground on potatoes, repelled mice and rats.

On this day, burdock leaves are collected, three from each bush, no more. Dried on the stove, they relieve aching bones and knees. They must be applied three times for three Spas.

If there are a lot of rowan berries, the autumn will be rainy and the winter will be harsh. If the rowan berries are red, next summer will be rainy. Wind gusts - to calm weather. Frequent thunderstorms in August mean a long autumn.

  • Martyr John the Warrior. Saint John the Warrior is considered the comforter of all the offended and mourning. They pray to him, asking for help in “life circumstances.” It is believed that thieves are afraid of this saint, so if someone robs you, you should contact John the Warrior. They pray to the same saint for protection “from all those who hate and offend, from all enemies, visible and invisible.”
  • Saint Joseph of Arimathea. Saint Joseph was a member of the Sanhedrin, but did not participate in the sentencing of Christ, since he was his secret supporter. After the death of the Savior, he went to Pilate and begged him to give up the body of Christ. Joseph, with the help of Saint Nicodemus, removed the Savior from the cross and buried him in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  • Martyr Julitta - Julitta. In order to properly fence the field, they prayed to Saint Julitta. The snail-harrow will completely pull out all the roots. If you don’t talk to the harrow, you won’t please the horse. On August 13, the grain growers bowed to the harrow, thanking it for its help.

It was believed that she should be spoken to tenderly, wiped dry and placed under a canopy. Throughout the year, the peasants tried to keep their tools clean and repair them in a timely manner - the success of all work in the field depended on this. The harrow was also honored on this day because it was time to prepare the land for winter crops.

  • Prayer for the Assumption Fast.
  • Righteous Evdokim the Cappadocian - Evdokim's commandment (Evdokim, Evdokim's day, Evdokimov's day). Prepare the threshing floor and barns - the bread will be threshed soon. Sow a rye field on Evdokim. By August 13, the first turnips appeared. They ate it fresh, dried and steamed, baked turnip pies, made turnip kvass, and cooked turnip porridge.

If the fog quickly dissipates in the rays of the rising sun, good weather will remain for a long time. If the web has flown, the sunny weather will last for a long time. If there is a steamy (thick, white) fog over the forest, go pick some mushrooms.

  • 7 Maccabee martyrs: Abima, Antonina, Guria, Elizar, Evsimon, Alim and Markel,
    their mother Solomonia and their teacher Eleazar (166 BC) - Macobey (Maccabeus, Maccaeus, Maccabean day, Maccabean day, Maccabees)
  • Origin (wear) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.
  • Baptism of Rus' (988)
  • Celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The celebration was established on the occasion of signs from the icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos during the battle of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Volga Bulgars in 1164.
  • First Spas, Honey Spas (Spas on the water, Wet Spas, Lakomka. Honey holiday).

The first Savior was called wet, because on this day they went to lakes and rivers to bless water. On the First Savior there are religious processions on the water everywhere. After the blessing of water, the peasants bathed in the river for the last time.

“The first hundred is for orphans, widows, and the sick.” Only from this day onwards it is allowed to eat honey. Pies are baked with millet porridge and honey.

“Spasovka is a gourmand, and Petrovka is a hunger striker.” Vegetables from the first harvest and seeds were blessed along with honey. Despite the fact that all the Spas fell during Lent, they were celebrated easily. On the Lenten table there were honey gingerbreads, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, pies, buns, buns with poppy seeds.

On this day there was a custom to help widows and orphans harvest grain from the fields.

The Savior has everything in stock: rain, wind, buckets, and different weather conditions. Rain on Makovei - there will be no fires.

Roses are fading, cold dew is falling. On the first day of the Savior, holy the wells. Whatever the Macabees, break the fast (August 28). Rooks and starlings gather in flocks. Swallows and swifts fly away three times, three times of the Savior (August 14, 19 and 29). First flight of cranes.

  • The beginning of the Assumption Fast - The Assumption Fast is established in memory of the Dormition of the Mother of God and lasts two weeks - until August 28. In its severity, it is similar to Lent: it is forbidden to consume all products of animal origin, including fish. On Wednesday and Friday they don’t even eat vegetable oil. But a true faster is considered to be one who has gotten rid of evil in his soul.
  • Hieromartyr Stephen, Pope of Rome, and others like him.
  • Transfer of the relics of the First Martyr Archdeacon Stephen

Day of Stepan-Hayloft (Stepan, Stepanov's day, Stefan-hayloft, hay in stacks, hayloft). Saint Stephen was revered as the patron saint of horses. Oats and hay were dedicated to the holy saint, and the animals themselves were given water passed through a silver sieve. They believed that such a ritual would give them strength and beauty, make them kinder and more obedient, and protect them from the machinations of evil spirits.

For the same purpose, on this day the horses were given blessed water. In some places, a silver coin was placed in the bucket from which the horse drinks, and then placed under the manger. Such a coin was treasured and passed down from father to son.

They began to mow the new grass, the regrowth - the second hay.

As is Stepanov's day, so is September. If it rains on Stepanov’s day, there will be few fires, and the potatoes will grow well. If a cold north-east wind blows on Stepanov's day, there will be a poor supply of bread.

If it’s dry on Stepan, it will be dry for six weeks, and if it rains, it will be dry for six weeks. If the month is born and washed by the rains, then there will be no rain, but when the month becomes horns again and is washed by the rains, then the mushrooms will grow. If spiders reduce the size of the net traps, it may be windy weather.

Blessed Basil, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Moscow wonderworker. Saint Basil was born on the porch of the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov, where his mother came for a prayer service. Over time, the youth Vasily was apprenticed to a shoemaker. Once he predicted the imminent death of a merchant who ordered boots from his workshop.

At the age of sixteen, the saint took the path of foolishness. In any weather, he walked around Moscow naked and barefoot. In 1547 he predicted a great fire in Moscow.

  • Saints Isaac, Dalmata and Favsta - Isaac's Day (Isaky, Isaac, raspberry tree). People called Isakiy the raspberry plant, believing that on this day the best raspberries ripened.
  • St. Anthony the Roman, Novgorod miracle worker - Day of Anton Vikhrovey (Anton, Anton-vikhrevey, vortex, Isaac and Anton, vortex, vortex). The people called Anthony the whirlwind, remembering the saint’s wonderful journey from Rome to Novgorod.

According to legend, the huge stone on which the saint lived was carried out to sea. On the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the stone stopped not far from Novgorod on the banks of the Volkhov River near the village of Volkhovskoye.

In addition, at this time in Rus' there were often strong winds, which foreshadowed a snowy winter.

Like Anton the Whirlwind, so is October. As Isaac is, so is St. Nicholas in winter (December 19). If the wind blows from the south and dust storms swirl along the road, expect a winter of heavy snow. If poultry begins to change feathers early, the cold will come early.

  • Dormition post
  • The Seven Youths of Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine) and Antonina - Day of the Seven Youths (Seven Youths of Ephesus). Seven youths bring seven rains.
  • Venerable Martyr Evdokia - Day of Avdotya Malinukha (Avdotya-senognoyki, Avdotya day, Avdotya, Evdokia, the berry-bush, Evdokia-the-cucumber-planter, the sweet-catcher, raspberry, robin). At this time, it often rained in many regions of Russia, which is why they called Avdotya the hay fever.

It will drop a light rain on Avdotya and then it can sprinkle for a whole week. In many regions of Russia, raspberries continued to be collected.

As is Avdotya, so is November. If there is a thunderstorm on Avdotya, there will be hay for your eyes. If there is heavy dew on Avdotya, the flax will be sulfur and braids.

  • Dormition post
  • Martyr Eusignius (Eustignia).

Day of Evsigney Zhitnik (Evstigney, Evstigney-zhitnik, insomnia, Kalinniki, raspberry, onion day). Everywhere they finished harvesting on this day. They worked in silence, because it was believed that when removing sheaves one should not chat or swear - the cattle would get sick in the winter.

On Evstigney they began to remove the onions. If you eat raw onions with bread, salt and kvass at Evstigney's granary, you will be healthy and have a bright face. Onion and bath rule everything. When livestock died, bundles of onions and garlic were hung around the necks of horses and cows.

As is Evstigney, so is December.

  • Holy righteous Nonna, mother of Gregory the Theologian.
  • Dormition post
  • Transfiguration of the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ

According to legend, Christ ascended Mount Tabor, accompanied by the apostles Peter, James and John. Suddenly his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became whiter than snow. The holy prophets Moses and Elijah appeared before Christ. Then on

A bright cloud descended on the Lord, hiding him from the sight of the apostles, and a voice came from heaven proclaiming that He was the Son of God.

  • Second Spas, Apple Spas, autumn, Transfiguration

By this time, many “fruits of the earth” have already ripened. Therefore, the peasants brought vegetables and fruits to the church. The blessed apples were then carried to the cemetery and placed on the graves of relatives. Ears and grains of new bread were added to vegetables and fruits. They were sprinkled with holy water and a prayer service was performed over them.

The peasants saved such consecrated “firstfruits” until the next sowing. On this day, the ritual of “sowing fields” was performed. At the invitation of the owners, a priest came to the field with icons, sprinkled it with holy water, and one of the honored guests present during the ceremony threw new grains onto the field.

In the old days, it was customary to distribute vegetables and fruits to the poor, children and old people on this day. This custom was strictly observed. If someone was greedy, then such a person was considered unworthy. Since then, even the saying has been preserved: “On the Second Savior, a beggar will give an apple to a beggar.”

It was believed among the people that the more beggars a person treated on this day, the richer his harvest would be for the next year.

This day was called Osenins because on August 19 they celebrated the ceremony of welcoming autumn. The whole village went out into the field in the evening and said goodbye to the setting sun with songs. The girls, biting into the first apple on August 9, made wishes for their grooms.

As is the Second Savior, so is January. Second Savior - take mittens in reserve, summer has left us.

What is the day on the Second Savior - such is the Intercession (October 14). A dry day foretells a dry autumn, a wet day foretells a wet one, and a clear day foretells a harsh one. Since the Transfiguration of the Savior, the weather has changed. After the Second Savior - hay rain.

  • Dormition post
  • Post-celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
  • The martyrs Marinus, a warrior, and Asterius, suffered under the emperor Gallienus.

Pymnei-Marina (Marina, Pimen). Pimeny-Marina - don’t look for raspberries in the forest. After the summer they don’t walk on raspberries. In the old days this day was famous for good deeds.

According to custom, on August 20, they washed the sick and treated them to fresh vegetables and fruits, helped widows and orphans remove unharvested bread, baked pies with apples and berries and took them to orphanages, visited the poor and sick, taking with them apples, pies, berries and honey .

If storks are preparing to fly away, autumn will be cold. If spiders leave the web and hide in nearby shelters, wait for the weather to worsen. If the water in the river foams, it will rain. Red dawn at sunrise means rain.

Red clouds before sunrise mean wind, clouds mean rain. There are a lot of acorns on the oak tree - for a cold winter. Clouds in August are sparse - a sign of clear, cool weather; clouds are located in stripes - a sign of rain. The roosters crow together until the sun sets and the first stars - the weather will be good the next day.

  • Dormition post

Holidays of the third ten days of August

  • Saint Myron the Wonderworker, Bishop of Crete.

Myrons-carminatives (Gregory, Myron's day, Mironov's day, Miron, Miron-carminatives, carminatives). The carminatives drove the dust across the world and began to cry through the red summer (soon it will be autumn). As a rule, this day turned out to be windy, which is why Miron was called “carminative.”

Winds in Rus' had different names, depending on the area. For example, in the North the north wind was called siverok, siverik, siver, stolbisch;

  • southern – poludennik, letnik, rebrovsky, teplyak;
  • eastern - east;
  • western – middle;
  • northwestern - deep-dish, golomennik, coast;
  • southwestern - pauzhnik, mezhennik, shalonnik;
  • northeastern - night owl, frostbite, recostav,
  • and the southeastern one is a luncher.

The wind, which blew against its usual direction, was called an enemy in Rus'.

As is Miron, so is January. Intense heat or heavy rains - throughout the fall. At noon they look at the water in rivers and lakes: if it is calm, autumn will be quiet, and winter will be without blizzards and angry snowstorms. The river will rustle, the frog will scream - it will rain soon. An abundance of berries foreshadows a cold winter. Rowan is formidable (many bright red berries) - winter is frosty.

  • Venerable Gregory, icon painter of Pechersk
    Dormition post
  • Holy Apostle from the 12 Matthew (Matthias). Matthew was one of the 70 disciples of Christ chosen by the Lord himself. After the Ascension of the Savior, the Apostle Matthew was chosen by lot to be one of the twelve apostles instead of Judas Iscariot. According to church tradition, Matthew could heal the sick and cast out demons.

Matvey (Matvey the rainy one). Saint Matthew, or Matthew, was especially revered by merchants and wealthy peasants due to the fact that from August 22 they began to prepare for fairs everywhere. People believed that Matvey gave guidance in trading and cooled haste and vanity, which only harmed the conclusion of transactions.

It was believed that from this day the summer warmth would end. Hence Matvey’s nickname – rainy. Matvey is rainy - labor in the field is in vain.

Summer rain and autumn rain begin to argue. South wind with whirlwinds - for a snowy winter. Steep whirlwinds mean a cool winter. Ripe oats are ringing - the nuts are ripe.

  • Martyr Anthony of Alexandria - Antonov Day (Anton).
  • Venerable Dog of Egypt.
  • Cathedral of Solovetsky Saints.
  • Dormition post
  • Martyrs of Rome: Lawrence, archdeacon, Sixtus, pope, Felixsimus and Agapitus, deacons, Romanus. Saint Lawrence had the gift of healing. According to legend, he more than once restored sight to people who were blind from birth. Therefore, they pray to him, asking him to heal eye diseases or restore vision.
  • Blessed Lawrence, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Kaluga miracle worker.
    Laurentian day (Laurel, Laurentian day, zorechnik).

The Zorechnik looks into the water, spreading scarlet dawns across it. Dawns - candles to God.

Even before sunrise, the girls went to the springs and washed themselves with clean water, believing that this would make them even more beautiful. The dew falling on Lawrence was considered healing. This day saves you from eye diseases.

At noon, the peasants went out to the river and looked at the water: calm, quiet water foreshadowed a clear, windless autumn, and a winter promised, although snowy, but not blizzard. But if the water was covered with ripples, and lambs were running along its surface, then for the rest of the summer, and even the beginning of autumn, it would rain and strong winds would blow.

People used to say: “Autumn and winter live well if the water is calm and there is rain on this day.” If there is extreme heat or heavy rain in Laurentia, this will happen throughout the fall. Whatever July and August don’t cook, September won’t fry either.

  • Dormition post
  • Martyr Euplus, Archdeacon
  • Venerable Martyrs Basil and Theodore of Pechersk. Saint Theodore distributed his property to the poor and retired to a monastery, where he settled with Saint Basil. For many years he led a righteous life, but then he began to regret the lost wealth.

One day the demon took the form of Basil and appeared to Saint Theodore, indicating the place where the robbers had buried treasures. Theodore was about to leave the monastery, but Saint Basil returned, and the demonic deception was exposed. Therefore, in Rus' they prayed to Saint Basil, asking to be delivered from the sin of love of money - Vasily's Day (Fedor and Vasily, Saint Basil).

On this day it is time to shear the sheep; before the big cold weather, they should have grown wool. Saint Feodor grazes the goats, Saint Basil gives wool to the sheep.

Smoke without wind hits the ground - towards rain. There are a lot of nuts, but few mushrooms - the winter will be snowy and frosty.

  • Dormition post

  • Transfer of the relics of St. Maximus the Confessor - Maxim's Day
  • Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk
  • Icons of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” - On this day they walked around the house with the icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”, also called “Passionate”
  • Dormition post
  • Forefeast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Prophet from the 12 Micah (VIII BC).

The prophet predicted the birth of the Savior: “And you, Bethlehem, the house of Euphrath, have little food to be among the thousands of Judah; From you will come forth an Elder for Me to become a Prince in Israel, so He came forth from the beginning from the days of the age” - Micah’s day. If there is a calm wind on Micah, it means a clear autumn, if there is a snowstorm, it means a stormy September.

  • Dormition post
  • Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
    Church tradition says that Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God and announced Her imminent death.

At the appointed time, all the apostles gathered in the house of John the Theologian, where Mary lived after the death of Christ. They were transported from different places to Jerusalem on clouds. In due time, the Mother of God quietly died, and three days later she was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

Dormition, Great Most Pure (Assumption, dozhinki, Spozhinki, mistresses, ospozhin day, folding).

Signs for the Assumption

From August 28th the beginning of the young Indian summer until September 14th (NS). Old Indian summer - from September 14 to 21.

Farewell to the Assumption - welcome autumn. If the young Indian summer is dry, sunny (sunny), expect bad weather in the old one (from September 14).

On Assumption, cucumbers are salted, and on Sergius (October 8), cabbage is chopped. Since the Assumption the sun goes to sleep. The Assumption ends the dozhinki. Before Spozhinki we went to lakes and rivers to observe the water: if the water is not disturbed by the wind and the boats are calm, then the autumn will be quiet and the winter will be without snowstorms.

  • Icons of Sophia, the Wisdom of God Venerated icons of the Dormition of the Mother of God
  • Celebration of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the city of Edessa, Emperor Abgar, who was suffering from leprosy, ruled. Rumors reached him about miracles performed by the Savior. The desperate ruler wrote a letter to Christ asking him to come and cure him. With this letter, he sent the court painter Ananias to Palestine, ordering him to paint a portrait of the Savior.

Ananias arrived in Jerusalem and saw the Lord surrounded by people. Christ Himself called the painter and, having listened to the emperor’s request, ordered him to bring water and an ubrus (towel). He washed his face and wiped it with a rubbish on which the Divine face was imprinted. Ubrus was moved to Edessa. Abgar was healed by wiping his face with it.

In 630, the Arabs took possession of the city, but they did not interfere with the worship of the Image Not Made by Hands. Finally, in 944, the Icon was purchased by Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus and transferred to Constantinople.

  • Third Spas, Khlebny Spas, Nut Spas, Spas on the canvas, Small Spas (spoushniki, additional sowings).

The third Savior is a holiday for all holidays (the harvest has already been harvested and a rich table can be set). Petrovka is a fast (Peter's Fast is as strict as the Great Fast), and Spasovka is a gourmand.

The First Spas - they stand on the water, the Second Spas - they eat apples, the Third Spas - they sell canvases on the green mountains. The Third Savior saved bread. The Third Savior is good - there will be kvass in winter.

They began to prepare for the celebration of the Third Savior the day before. The housewives set up the dough in the evening in order to bake a loaf of bread from the “new” flour early in the morning of August 29th. Hence one of the names of this Savior is Bread. The name “Nut” appeared due to the fact that the nuts ripened by this day. Nuts in Rus' were considered a symbol of wealth.

We finished sowing winter crops before the Third Savior, so this day was also called additional sowing. Whole families of peasants brought prayers to God, and then the housewives accompanied their husbands to work with bread and salt. Three sheaves were usually placed on the cart in which they traveled to the field, and sacks of rye were placed on top.

In the evening, children ran to meet the sowers with pots of buckwheat porridge. Often the whole village went to sow, and then sat down at the table, laid together. August 29 was also called the Savior on the canvas, remembering the Image Not Made by Hands. In his honor, a fair was held in Nizhny Novgorod, where various fabrics were traded. We made plans on August 29 about the dates for sowing spring crops.

To do this, they took grains from three ears of the grain sheaf and buried them in the field, in three different places. After this they noted: “If the grains of the first ear sprouted earlier and better, then the sowing should be early, if the second - middle, the third - late.”

If the water is calm on the Third Spas, then the autumn will be quiet, and the winter will pass without snowstorms. If the cranes fly away to the Third Spas, there will be frosts under the Intercession (October 14); if not, then winter will be late. Swallows fly off to three Spas.

  • Martyr Myron, presbyter - Myron the carminative, Myron, carminative, widow's help. Throw at least a sliver of wood into the widow's yard. In Rus', on this day, peasants went to widows and helped them with housework: they cleaned the yard, repaired the fence, straightened the gate, patched the roof.

A thread from the world - a shirt for an orphan (beggar). They helped in any way they could. Perhaps this is why a person born on August 30 has a peaceful character. He is always ready to stand up for people or help his neighbor.

The beginning of leaf fall: the birch tree begins to drop its leaves first, followed by linden, elm and bird cherry. If there is fog and dew on Miron in the morning, the weather will be good.

You can’t weed out Myron - next year, collect only flowers. If the clouds covering the entire sky gradually thicken and darken, prolonged bad weather will soon arrive. The golden color of dawn and the violet color of the horizon mean good weather.

Early frost at the end of August means a rich harvest next year. Summer birds fly away and summer goes with them.

  • The martyrs of Thirsus, Leucius, Coronatus and their squads.
  • Venerable Alypius, icon painter of Kiev-Pechersk. The Monk Alypius painted icons for free, and if he found out that the images in some church had become dilapidated, he corrected them free of charge. According to legend, those icons that the saint did not have time to complete were completed by angels. Therefore, many of his icons did not perish in fires - Alypius the icon painter
  • Martyrs Florus and Laurus. In Rus', the martyrs Florus and Laurus (II) were revered as the patrons of livestock, especially horses - the Day of Florus and Laurus (replenishment grain day, dozhinki, horse holiday).

On this day a horse festival is celebrated. The peasants washed their huts, dressed smartly, ate and drank heavily. They did not work with horses that day for fear of causing death to them. It was not even customary to saddle horses. The horses were taken to rivers and lakes, bathed, and then their manes were braided and decorated with ribbons.

After bathing, the horses were led to the church, where a special prayer service was served, after which the horses were sprinkled with holy water and even fumigated with incense. At the same time, the owners fed the horses oats from the palm of their hand.

In gratitude for their work, the peasants presented the priest with special bread, on which signs in the form of horse hooves were imprinted. This was done in order to protect the horse - a faithful assistant in peasant labor - from illness and the machinations of evil spirits. From Flora and Laurus - evening sittings (women's work in huts by fire).

A crimson-red star - for rain and wind. If the air is clear, the weather will change for the worse. If after a clear day the sun sets behind the clouds, expect bad weather. Low clouds mean bad weather. Look at the roots of the wormwood: if the root shoots are thick, the next year will be fruitful. The beginning of autumn morning frosts.

Orthodox calendar of holidays for 2019