Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak. Favorites (collection) Text Winter Oak read summary

Yu. M. Nagibin


3rd grade student "A"

Berezhnaya Sofia

Presentation plan:

  • Some facts from the life and work of the writer.
  • Contents of the story. Description of nature.
  • Love for nature and tolerance -

rare qualities that need to be cultivated in people.

  • A participant in the Great Patriotic War, he spoke German, was a correspondent, and wrote about the war.
  • Author of the stories “The Man from the Front”, “Big Heart”, “Winter Oak” and others.
  • Films based on the scripts of Yu. Nagibin: “Chairman”, “Chistye Prudy”, “Girl Echo”, etc.
  • He wrote books dedicated to children.

  • put on, pull the hat low on the forehead
  • a little condescending
  • soft, as if made of matter
  • storm-fallen forest
  • unfrozen place on the icy surface of a river, lake
  • Punch
  • Condescendingly
  • Cloth hands
  • Windfall
  • Polynya

The teacher, Anna Vasilievna, was outraged by the constant tardiness and inattention of the student Savushkin.

She decides to visit his mother. They walk together along a short path through the forest. The extraordinary beauty of the winter forest completely changes the teacher’s mood; she suddenly saw the world around her and her student differently.

Having walked the same path as her student, she realized that every person is a mystery, like the secret of the forest, which must be guessed.

Image of student Savushkin

from the film "Winter Oak"

  • "Just an oak - what! Winter oak - that's a noun!"
  • It is said about the winter oak “the mighty, generous guardian of the forest” - it is huge, mighty, and stands like a guard.
  • the snow had packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark; the trunk seemed stitched with silver threads; the leaves of the oak tree have not fallen off in the fall, and each leaf is covered with snow, like a “cover.”

If only Anna Vasilievna had listened!

How interesting Savushkin would probably tell about the winter oak!

Everyone would run to look at him!

You could even organize an excursion to the forest and then write an essay. But this is what an experienced teacher would do.

But Anna Vasilyevna simply decided to complain about Savushkin to his mother.

Meeting the new world turned my life upside down

Anna Vasilievna,

her views on herself,

on students

she discovered another world for herself,

taught me to see the unusual in the ordinary.

Thank you

Lesson topic “Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak”

Goals of the teacher:continue working on the content of the work, identifying the main idea of ​​the story; develop sensitivity to the author's means of artistic expression; develop the ability to understand imagery, expressiveness of words, and analyze a work; draw up a story plan and highlight micro-themes; consolidate the skills of expressive reading and role-based reading.

Planned results of studying the topic:

Subject Skills:include the creative imagination of students: in words, details, be able to speak out in accordance with the task, select and use expressive means of language in accordance with the communicative task.

Metasubject UUD:

Personal: expresses value judgments and his point of view about the text read; participates in dialogue when discussing what has been read; formulates simple conclusions based on the text.

Regulatory: evaluates one’s achievements, recognizes emerging difficulties, looks for their causes and ways to overcome them.

Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions; carries out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, makes generalizations, and conclusions.

Communicative: constructs small monologue statements, carries out joint activities in pairs and work groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, in groups.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Formed UUD

Setting the lesson goal. Working with text: searching for information and reading comprehension

So, what was the homework assignment?

You have read the work to the end, and now let’s try to understand its content.


Goal setting.

Personal: to form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

Task 1: determine the topic of parts of the text

1. The story “Winter Oak” is divided into 4 parts.

You have cards on your desk with the theme of each part written on them. Determine the order of the themes in this story.I suggest working in pairs.

Name the topic of part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.

Let's check the work done.

Who agrees? Pick up the signal cards.

(The correct location of topics is on the board)

That is, what have we compiled?

(That's right, well done)

2.Now let’s draw up a picture plan.

Let's check!

(Students work in pairs.Determine the sequence of topics for each part)

Theme of part 1: the path to school (or “a January day filled with light”)

Topic of part 2: Russian language lesson in 5th grade.

Topic of part 3: conversation between teacher and student

Theme of part 4: the beauty of the winter forest (or “the enchanted world of peace and soundlessness”)

Students check (raise signal cards.)

Story plan.

1 student correlates the topic and the picture on the board and draws a conclusion.

The class evaluates.


develop skills: independently determine the sequence of micro-themes of each part of the work


plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, observe the rules of speech behavior


accept and maintain the educational goal and task, supplement, clarify the opinions expressed on the essence of the assigned task

Task 2: find specific arguments, information, facts in the text.

1. Let’s check how carefully you read the story. Briefly answer the questions in your workbooks.


What was the name of the young teacher-heroine of the story?

How old was she?

How many years did she work at the school?

What subject did you teach?

How did the students and their parents treat the young teacher?

The teacher was in a hurry to see the students of which class on a frosty morning?

What topic did the students study?

Give the name of the student who was late for class.

What example of a noun did the hero of the story give?

What was the reason for calling the boy to the staff room?

2. Swap notebooks with your neighbor. (Correct answers are indicated on the slide)

Let's check.

Whose neighbor completed the task without errors?

3. Work on the imagination.

What time of year does the story take place?

What miracles happen in winter? Close your eyes and imagine winter pictures. Who saw what?

(On the board there are pictures of a winter forest, winter trees)

What do winter trees look like?

4.What tree am I going to talk about now?

Strong, slender and strong,

After all, he is the lord of the forest,

He is a living witness for us

In the oblivion of centuries gone by,

It's a good log frame,

Did you guess it? This is…….A picture of an oak tree on a board.

So what tree are we going to talk about in class today? What do you know about oak?

What is the topic of our lesson?

Formulate the purpose and objectives of our lesson.

Students write down answers to questions. (Individual work).

Anna Vasilievna

24 years

Two years

Russian language


5 "a"



Winter oak

Savushkin was constantly late for 1 lesson.

Peer review.

Raise the signal cards.

In winter.

The snowdrifts turn silver in the sun. The snow sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. Trees sleep under white snow caps...

(Monster, fountain, snow globe, Baba Yaga)

The ability to see the unusual in the ordinary...


About winter oak.

Yu. Nagibin.

Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak.”


develop the ability to build reasoning based on established cause-and-effect relationships in the process of analyzing and interpreting a literary work


carry out mutual control and self-control of the result, determine the degree of success of the work


Task 2: find examples in the text that prove the above statement

Task 3:

Comparative characteristics

1. Find a description of the winter oak in the text,read expressively.

2.-Find the means of expression that the author uses in this passage.

Why did the writer use these comparisons?

Why is the oak called the “generous guardian” of the forest?

Reading by chain

Selective reading:

Whom did the winter oak shelter? Support with words from the text.

Answer questions about the passage you read.

How does Savushkin behave in the winter forest, how does he communicate with the tree?

What feelings did Anna Vasilievna experience?

What did we do at this stage of the lesson?

Well done, you did a good job with these tasks.

Physical education minute

Savushkin showed the teacher a fabulously beautiful winter oak tree, A.V. I saw the beauty of this guardian of the forest in my own way; Director M. Kozhin made a feature film based on this work, look how he imagined the oak tree.

Work in groups.

- Do you have the same opinion as the author Yu. Nagibin and the director Mikhail Kozhin? How did you imagine the winter forest, the winter oak?

Well done!

They read p. 103 expressively.

Find comparisons in the text, read:

(like a cathedral, its lower branches spread out like a tent)…

To better show the beauty of the winter forest, winter oak.

Because he is huge, powerful, stands for many years as a guard; it protects the sleep of living creatures: hedgehogs, frogs, beetles, boogers

Read pp. 103-104

Find and read the text:

Hedgehog.1learning “he pushed the block away with effort...”

Frog.2uch-xia “then he dug up the snow at another root...”

Bugs, lizards, boogers. 3students. “the foot of the oak tree sheltered...”.

“So much strength and living warmth emanated from the tree that it could not help but touch the boy’s sensitive soul.”

“like with an old friend”

"I timidly stepped towards him"

“fascinated by the winter forest, she forgot that she had to hurry to the student’s mother. She is completely at the mercy of nature's charm

They read expressively, read selectively, found means of expression, made a plan for the story, found correspondence between the points of the plan and the pictures, found examples in the text that prove the given statement.

Viewing of the feature film “Winter Oak” directed by M. Kozhin (2.5 min)

1.Describe the winter forest in this passage.

3.Tell about the inhabitants of oak. The boy's old acquaintances.

4. How do you imagine Savushkin, what lesson did he teach the teacher?

5. How did Anna Vasilievna change after a walk in the forest?

6. Why is the story called “Winter Oak”?

Nagibin talks about oak as a living being

Cognitive: draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the class and the teacher,


be able to express and justify your point of view, listen and hear others, be ready to adjust your point of view


accept and maintain the educational goal and task, supplement, clarify the opinions expressed on the essence of the assigned task



be able to express and justify your point of view, listen and hear others, be ready to adjust your point of view


accept and maintain the educational goal and task, supplement, clarify the opinions expressed on the essence of the assigned task

Lesson summary.


What's your mood now?

The most interesting part of the lesson for me was...

The most difficult part of the lesson for me was...

The lesson made me think...

The winter oak is also a hero of the story, and the main one, because the text is titled.

The meeting with him changed A.V., she discovered a different world for herself, learned to see the unusual in the ordinary.

Nature changes a person, makes him better, kinder, helps him think that a person is a grain of sand in the entire Universe. Our task is to preserve and protect this beauty, our native nature.

Learn the answers.

About the beauty of our native nature, that it needs to be loved and protected, to be attentive, to see the unusual in the ordinary, in the winter forest I will be attentive to its inhabitants.

Each person has his own world, it needs to be understood and appreciated as if it were his own.


Cognitive: draw conclusions as a result of joint work between the class and the teacher.


be able to express and justify your point of view, listen and hear others, be ready to adjust your point of view


accept and maintain the educational goal and task, supplement, clarify the opinions expressed on the essence of the assigned task


The teacher gives grades for work in class.


What do you think needs to be done at home to prepare for the next lesson?

Yu. Nagibin describes the winter oak like this, the film director presented his version. And at home, after carefully re-reading the passage, draw your own winter oak tree.

Optional, multi-level d.z.

Draw how I imagine a winter oak.

  • bring to the consciousness of students the lessons of morality and tolerance embedded in the ideological content of the work;
  • make everyone think about responsibility for their deeds and actions.


  • text of the story "Winter Oak";
  • portrait of Yu. Nagibin;
  • drawing of a winter oak - on the board.

Vocabulary work: there is a word on the board tolerance and its lexical meaning.

During the classes

I. Teacher's opening speech.

The writer Nagibin passed away in 1994, but his wonderful books are with us. How long? Time will tell. But one thing is obvious - they are interesting to us, we read them with pleasure. And an example of this is the story “Winter Oak”, which will be discussed today. You have read this work at home, and now let’s try to understand its ideological content.

II. Work with text.

Teacher activities

Student activities

1.Formulate the theme of the story. Sample student answers.

I think the main theme is the relationship between teacher and student, which changes during the course of the story.

2.Where does the conflict begin? Since Savushkin was late for his Russian language lesson.
This latest student being late infuriates the young teacher. She decides to talk to Savushkin’s mother. 3. What does the author tell us about Anna Vasilievna?

She's 24. She has been working for only two years, but has already gained fame as an experienced teacher. She is known, appreciated, respected.

Anna Vasilievna herself is a good person, but she is a little self-confident. 4. Read the passage. “Lesson on studying nouns” He is interrupted by Savushkin, who is late. He then gives an unsuccessful, in the teacher’s opinion, example of a noun - “winter oak”.
Talking about the teacher's irritation, the guys come to the conclusion that the conflict that had begun could be easily extinguished by asking the boy to talk about his example. Why "winter oak"?
5. We turn to the lexical meaning of “tolerance” written on the board. We read its meaning, talk about the importance of tolerance in our lives.
6. We find in the text how Nagibin conveyed the boy’s state at that moment. These words contained “a happy secret that an overflowing heart cannot contain.” If only Anna Vasilievna had listened! How interesting Savushkin would probably tell about the winter oak! Everyone would run to look at him!
You could even organize an excursion to the forest and then write an essay. But this is what a truly experienced teacher would do. But Anna Vasilievna simply decided to complain about Savushkin to his mother. 7. Read the dialogue between teacher and student.
Savushkin himself is going to take the teacher to his home. And chooses a familiar path 8. A lesson that the author of the story very subtly teaches to his characters and to us, the readers.“How difficult it is to find the truth in the most trifling matter!”
III. Feature of the composition

The story is that it is easily divided into two parts.

1. Find the sentence with which the second part begins and analyze it.

2. Time in this world moves at an unusual speed. At the same time, it seems to blur the sense of time itself. It simply doesn't exist! What is there? The beauty of the surrounding nature, which captivates you and makes you forget. Now Anna Vasilievna, enchanted by the winter forest, forgot that she needed to hurry to the student’s mother. She is completely at the mercy of nature's charm.
3. The main surprise that the author is preparing is winter oak. We read the description of the road to it, paying attention to the artistic means of description (epithets, metaphors, personifications). Reading the description of the oak tree, we pay attention to its drawing made by a group of students.
We listen to artists tell us what exactly they wanted to convey. 4. How did Savushkin talk about this tree in his Russian language lesson?
"Just an oak - what! Winter oak - that's a noun!" 1. What feelings did Anna Vasilievna experience when she saw this fabulous tree?
“she timidly stepped” towards him, and the “guardian of the forest” quietly swung a branch towards her. 2. Secrets of oak roots.
Let's read.

5. The oak is like the guardian of the forest, the owner. And man is the guardian of nature. Only kind, caring owners will nature give its riches and secrets.

That is why Anna Vasilievna at that moment saw in her student a “wonderful and mysterious person.” People like him can preserve peace on earth and protect all living things.

We read the teacher’s internal monologue, in which she says with pain: “Is it possible to admit your powerlessness more clearly?”

Students conclude that Anna Vasilievna will now definitely change, she will not be condescending as before, but truly attentive, kind, and sensitive. She will definitely be a very good teacher! This day made Anna Vasilievna wiser and seemingly older. Telling Savushkin that “the shortcut is not the right one”, that now he will have to walk along the highway, she draws conclusions for herself. Anna Vasilyevna realized that early on she considered herself an experienced teacher, that “perhaps she hasn’t taken even one step on that path for which a whole human life is not enough. And where does it lie, this path? It’s not easy or simple to find it.” . Students discuss their understanding of these words by Nagibin and give examples from life. IV. Lesson conclusion

Literary reading lesson
4th grade
Elkonin-Davydov program
The author of the textbook is Matveeva E.I.
Lesson series topic:
The topic of understanding in relationships between adults and children
in the story by Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak”
- text analysis - the reader's mastery of a literary work, the creation of its reader's interpretation;
-include the creative imagination of students: by word, detail, other condensed text information;
-help students independently conduct a dialogue with the author during the initial reading.
-express value judgments and your point of view about the text read;
- participate in dialogue when discussing a text read or listened to
- transform and interpret information: correlate facts with the general idea of ​​the text, establish simple connections not directly shown in the text; formulate simple conclusions based on the text
Lesson 1
Teacher activities
Student activity

Stage 1. Preparation for initial perception. Working with text before reading.
Goal: predicting text content

Guys, today we have to get acquainted with Yuri Nagibin’s story “Winter Oak”.
- Have any of you already encountered the work of this writer?
- What do you think this story will be about? Why is the work dedicated to the winter oak tree?
- Can we find out from the title where and when the action takes place?
-Can we guess who the main character of the story will be?
- We have listened to all the assumptions, do you want to check who is right?

The children's answers are listened to.

Stage 2. Setting the lesson goal.

But before enjoying reading, let's formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson.
For what purpose will we get acquainted with the story of Yu. Nagibin?
Let's read the text, have a dialogue with the author, check our assumptions

Stage 3. Commented reading of part 1 of the story and dialogue with the author through the text

The teacher reads the first part of the story.
Questions while reading
“The frost was strong, and besides, the wind blew in and, tearing off a young snowball from the crust, showered her from head to toe. But the twenty-four-year-old teacher liked it all. I liked that the frost bit my nose and cheeks, that the wind, blowing under my fur coat, chilled my body. Turning away from the wind, she saw behind her the frequent trail of her pointy boots, similar to the trail of some animal, and she liked that too.”
-Why did the young teacher like the frost?

“It was Frolov, the trainer from the stud farm.” Who is the trainer?

“Frolov raised the kubanka over his strong, well-cropped head.” What is a “kubanka”?

Listen to the teacher reading.

The frost was invigorating, there was fabulous beauty all around, and the young teacher could not help but like it.

Dressage specialist.

Kubanka is a men's headdress.

Stage 4. Working with text: searching for information and reading comprehension

Task: find several examples in the text that prove the above statement

How does the meeting in the field characterize the heroine?
-The description of winter nature helps us understand the teacher’s mood. Anna Vasilievna admires the beauty of a frosty winter morning and the snow that fell overnight. This picture of life makes her feel joyful (“A fresh, light-filled January day awakened joyful thoughts about life, about herself”), cheerful (“I liked that the frost bit my nose and cheeks, that the wind, blowing under my fur coat, coldly whipped my body”) , playful mood (“The teacher carefully placed her foot in a small, fur-trimmed boot, ready to pull it back if the snow deceived”).

Self-confident: “But she knew in herself that there was no person in the area who would not give way to the Uvarov teacher.”
Respected, educated, smart “It’s only been two years since she came here from her student days, and she has already gained fame as a skillful, experienced teacher of the Russian language. And in Uvarovka, and in Kuzminki, and in Cherny Yar, and in the peat town, and at the stud farm, everyone knows her, appreciates her and calls her respectfully Anna Vasilievna.”

Stage 5. Commented reading of part 2 of the story and dialogue with the author through the text

Task: information retrieval and reading comprehension

As the reading progresses, the teacher clarifies the lexical meanings of unfamiliar words and asks the author hidden questions.
“And now, along the highway from both sides, caps and scarves, jackets and caps, earflaps and bashlyks were flowing in streams to the school gates.” What common feature do all of the listed words, which are homogeneous members of a sentence, have?
Presentation slide No. 13

“And she also remembered how she was tormented by a funny fear: what if they still don’t understand?..” When can fear be called funny?
Children read the second part of the story in a chain.

These are the names of the hats.

The teacher remembers her fear with a smile, because there was no reason to worry.

Stage 6. Assessing information

Task: express value judgments and your point of view about the text read

How does AB feel about his work?

What struck the teacher in Savushkin’s answer?

Why did AV call Savushkin a “difficult boy”?

How does Savushkin appear in this episode?
-Responsibly, conscientiously: “Anna Vasilievna remembered how worried she was
before class last year and, like a schoolgirl on an exam, repeated to herself: “A noun is a part of speech... a noun is a part of speech...”
-“He said it differently from the other students. The words burst out of his soul like a confession, like a happy secret that an overflowing heart could not contain.”
- “Savushkin sat down, smiling at some of his thoughts, not at all touched by the teacher’s menacing words.”
-Good-natured, out of this world “sat down, smiling at some of his thoughts...”, funny “In the half-open door stood a small figure in worn-out felt boots, on which frosty sparks were fading as they melted. The round face, inflamed by the frost, burned as if it had been rubbed with beets, and the eyebrows were gray with frost.”

Stage 7. Lesson summary

Were we able to find confirmation of our assumptions with which we started the lesson?
Can the winter oak be called the hero of the story?
But I believe that it is the winter oak that is the main character of Yu. Nagibin’s story. But we'll talk about this in the next lesson.
In the meantime, let's discuss what homework can be.

Most likely, children will answer this question in the negative.

The children's answers are listened to. Options are possible: read the story to the end and finally find out why it is called that; find out about the author.

Lesson 2
Topic: “Characters of the heroes of the story”

Stage 1
Setting the lesson goal. Working with text: searching for information and reading comprehension

Teacher activities
Student activity

At the last lesson, we began to get acquainted with the story by Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak”. What questions were we trying to answer?
At home, you read the story to the end and now you can answer these questions with certainty.
-Why is the story called “Winter Oak”? -Can the winter oak be considered the main character of the story?
Today in class we will talk in more detail about the characters in the story, or more precisely about their relationships.
Name the heroes of Yu. Nagibin’s work.
The teacher records the answers on the board.

Why is the story called “Winter Oak”? Can the winter oak be considered the main character of the story?

I listen to the children's answers.

Anna Vasilievna and Savushkin. (If the children do not name the winter oak among the heroes, ask why they did not name it)

Task 1: determine the topic of parts of the text

The story “Winter Oak” is divided into 4 parts. Determine the theme of each part

Theme of part 1: the path to school (or “a January day filled with light”)
Topic of part 2: Russian language lesson in 5th grade.
Topic of part 3: conversation between teacher and student
Theme of part 4: the beauty of the winter forest (or “the enchanted world of peace and soundlessness”)

Task 2: find specific arguments, information, facts given explicitly in the text.
Let's check how carefully you read the beginning of the story. Answer the questions briefly.
(Reception in the form of a direct question questionnaire)
-What was the name of the young teacher-heroine of the story?
-How old was she?
-How many years did she work at the school?
-What subject did you teach?
-How did the students and their parents treat the young teacher?
-What class of students was the teacher in a hurry to see on a frosty morning?
-What topic did the students study?
-Give the name of the student who was late for class.
-What example of a noun did the hero of the story give?
-What was the reason for calling the boy to the teacher’s room?
Prepare an evaluation line. Swap notebooks with a neighbor. Support your answers with quotes. (Exploratory reading technique)

Children write down answers to questions in their notebooks.
-Anna Vasilievna

24 years
-Two years
-Russian language


Winter oak

Savushkin was constantly late for 1 lesson.

Peer review.
Confirm answers with quotes.
(For each quickly found quote, students give themselves a plus in their notebooks. Students who score the most pluses receive a “5”)

Objective 3: Understand implicit information

You now answered my questions, easily finding confirmation of your answers in the text. Now try to answer questions that cannot be answered directly in the story. And yet it is possible to answer them. I suggest breaking into groups to discuss the answer for 1 minute. (Technique in the form of clever questions)
Question 1. How much time, according to AB, should Savushkin spend on the way to school?
Question 2. What did Savushkin’s mother do?

Form groups to discuss answers.
- 45 minutes: “From the sanatorium to the highway it’s about fifteen minutes and along the highway no more than half an hour.”
- A nurse at a sanatorium: “She remembered Savushkin’s mother, the “shower nanny,” as her son called her. She worked at a sanatorium hydropathic clinic, a thin, tired woman with hands that were white and soft from the hot water, as if they were made of cloth.”

Stage 2. Working with text: assessing information

Task 1: determine the place and role of the illustrative series in the text

I suggest you continue working with the text. I will show you photographs of the winter forest, and you try to find lines from the test of the story “Winter Oak” that are suitable from your point of view (selective reading technique)
View the presentation. Reading quotes.

Physical education minute.
Task 2: find several examples in the text that prove the above statement

Now let's talk about the heroes of the story. (technique of choosing keywords from a synonymous series to characterize heroes, objects, phenomena)
Remember what character traits of these heroes we identified in the last lesson.
The answers are recorded on the board.

How does the conversation between AV and Savushkin characterize each of them?

What character traits do our heroes display while walking through the forest?
-How do we see Savushkin?

Possible guiding questions:
“Have you seen him? Anna Vasilyevna asked excitedly.” How do you understand the phrase “asked excitedly”?
-Why did the teacher’s question have a passionate, perky note? (She wanted to see a live elk in the forest. “Anna Vasilievna became interested in the tracks.”)

“Anna Vasilyevna bit her tongue. Perhaps, here in the forest, it’s better for her to keep quiet.” Who thought that? What technique does the author use? Why did AB think that? (That’s what AV herself thought. The author used the PTZ technique. The teacher realized that here, in the forest, she was a guest, and her student Savushkin understood the secrets of the forest better than she)

Anna Vasilievna: self-confident, flirtatious, smart, educated
Savushkin: good-natured, absent-minded
-AV does not like lies, which means she is honest and truth-loving. “She felt vague and sad, as always when she encountered children’s lies.”
Savushkin is naive, sincere, open and also honest, unsophisticated. “He just looked at her with big gray eyes, and his look seemed to say: “Now we’ve figured it all out. What else do you want from me?”
-Savushkin loves nature and animals. He discovered a special world for himself. Inquisitive “He continued to lead Anna Vasilyevna around his little world” Attentive, caring.
-AV curious “Anna Vasilievna peered with joyful interest into this secret life of the forest, unknown to her” “Anna Vasilievna became interested in the tracks and asked excitedly...” gambling, carried away “Anna Vasilievna noticed that, falling into the water, the snow did not melt, it immediately thickened, sagged in water with gelatinous greenish algae. She liked it so much that she began to knock the snow into the water with the toe of her boot, rejoicing when a particularly intricate figure was sculpted from the large lump. She got the taste” self-critical “Oh my God! After that, Anna Vasilyevna thought with pain, “Is it possible to admit my powerlessness more clearly?”

Stage 4. Lesson summary

We have done a lot of work with you. But the question remains: can the winter oak be called the hero of the story? Why did the author name the story this way? We'll talk about this in the next lesson.
What do you need to do at home to prepare for the next lesson?

The children's answers are listened to. Possible options: re-read the final part of the story, which describes the winter oak and AB’s meeting with it. Draw a winter oak tree and its inhabitants.

Lesson 3
Topic: “The role of nature in human life”

Stage 1. Setting the lesson goal.

Teacher activities
Student activity

Today we have the final lesson on studying the story by Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak”. We only have to answer the last question: can the winter oak be considered the main character of the story? Why did the author call the story that way?
How did the writer manage to convey the beauty of the tree? What role does nature play in human life? How does a word create an image?
To answer these questions, you need to learn to be attentive to the artistic word. We have a lot of work to do.

Stage 2. Working with text: searching for information and reading comprehension

At home you drew pictures. Let's see how you presented the winter oak.
The teacher asks to match quotes to classmates’ drawings.
Children's drawings are hung on the board.

Find quotes for pictures.

We re-read the description of the winter oak. What visual means did the author use when describing?

Why did the writer use these visual devices in this description?

Why is the oak called the “generous guardian of the forest”?

Let's remember how Savushkin talked about this tree in his Russian language lesson?

What feelings did Anna Vasilievna experience when she saw this fabulous tree?

Did Anna Vasilievna's opinion about Savushkin change after a walk in the forest? Why did she decide not to talk to his mother?
-Why did Anna Vasilievna, thinking about the boy, call him a wonderful and mysterious citizen of the future?
-Comparisons: like a cathedral; its lower branches spread out like a tent. (View presentation: slide No. 10, 11)
-Metaphors: snow has packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark; the trunk seemed stitched with silver threads; leaves in snowy covers.
-To better show the reader the beauty of the winter oak, visualize it.

Because huge, powerful, stands like a guard. It protects the winter sleep of living creatures: hedgehogs, frogs, beetles, lizards, boogers. The winter oak “generously” sheltered them all.
- "Just an oak - what! Winter oak - that's a noun!"

“She timidly stepped” towards him, and the “guardian of the forest” quietly swung a branch towards her.

Yes, it has changed. She thought of the boy as a "wonderful and mysterious man"

Stage 3. Summarizing conversation based on what you read.

What changed in Anna Vasilievna after a walk in the forest?
- Why do you think all her lessons seemed boring and dry to her? What do you think was missing from her lessons?
-Will Anna Vasilyevna’s lessons change after a walk in the forest?
-Can Anna Vasilievna be called a real teacher? What qualities should a real teacher have?
-Can Savushkin be called Anna Vasilievna’s teacher? What did he teach her?
-Do you think Savushkin will be late after this walk? What do you think Anna Vasilievna will say to him if he is late again?
-How do you think Savushkin will grow up?
- Why do you think Anna Vasilievna realized that the most amazing thing in the forest was a sensitive boy listening to the mysterious world of nature? Do you agree with her?
-When Anna Vasilievna visited the world of Savushkin, she discovered a lot for herself. The student knew something that the teacher did not know. In Anna Vasilievna’s soul, life is comprehended: every person is a mystery, like the secret of the forest, which must be guessed.
-This is a person who not only teaches, but is also ready to learn himself

Stage 4. Lesson Summary

Why is the story called “Winter Oak”?
-The winter oak, of course, is also the hero of the story by Yu. M. Nagibin, and the title character, that is, put by the author in the title of the work. The meeting with him turned Anna Vasilievna’s life upside down, her views on herself, on her students, opened up another world, taught her to see the unusual in the ordinary.

The snow that had fallen overnight covered the narrow path leading from Uvarovka to the school, and only by the faint intermittent shadow on the dazzling snow cover could its direction be guessed. The teacher carefully placed her foot in a small, fur-trimmed boot, ready to pull it back if the snow deceived her.

It was only half a kilometer to school, and the teacher just threw a short fur coat over her shoulders and tied a light woolen scarf around her head. The frost was strong, and besides, the wind was still blowing and, tearing off a young snowball from the crust, showered her from head to toe. But the twenty-four-year-old teacher liked it all. I liked that the frost bit my nose and cheeks, that the wind, blowing under my fur coat, chilled my body. Turning away from the wind, she saw behind her the frequent trail of her pointed boots, similar to the trail of some animal, and she liked that too.

A fresh, light-filled January day awakened joyful thoughts about life and about myself. It’s only been two years since she came here from her student days, and she has already gained fame as a skillful, experienced teacher of the Russian language. And in Uvarovka, and in Kuzminki, and in Cherny Yar, and in the peat town, and at the stud farm - everywhere they know her, appreciate her and call her respectfully - Anna Vasilievna.

A man was walking towards me across the field. “What if he doesn’t want to give way?” Anna Vasilievna thought with cheerful fear. “You won’t warm up on the path, but if you take a step to the side, you’ll instantly drown in the snow.” But to herself, she knew that there was no person in the area who would not give way to the Uvarov teacher.

They drew level. It was Frolov, a trainer from a stud farm.

- Good morning, Anna Vasilievna! - Frolov raised his kubanka over his strong, well-cropped head.

- May it be for you! Put it on now, it’s so cold!

Frolov himself probably wanted to grab the kubanka as quickly as possible, but now he deliberately hesitated, wanting to show that he didn’t care about the cold.

- How is Lesha my, doesn’t he spoil you? - Frolov asked respectfully.

- Of course he’s playing around. All normal children play around. As long as it doesn’t cross the boundaries,” Anna Vasilievna answered with the consciousness of her pedagogical experience.

Frolov grinned:

- My Leshka is quiet, just like his father!

He stepped aside and, falling knee-deep into the snow, became the height of a fifth-grader. Anna Vasilyevna nodded condescendingly and went on her way...

A two-story school building with wide windows painted with frost stood near the highway behind a low fence, the snow right up to the highway was reddened by the reflection of its red walls. The school was set up on the road away from Uvarovka, because children from all over the area studied there... And now, along the highway on both sides, bonnets and scarves, jackets and caps, earflaps and caps flowed in streams to the school buildings.

— Hello, Anna Vasilievna! - it sounded every second, either loudly and clearly, or dully and barely audible from under the scarves and handkerchiefs wound up to the very eyes.

Anna Vasilyevna's first lesson was in the fifth "A". Before the shrill bell, signaling the start of classes, had died, Anna Vasilievna entered the classroom. The guys stood up together, said hello and sat down in their places. Silence did not come immediately. Desk lids slammed, benches creaked, someone sighed noisily, apparently saying goodbye to the serene mood of the morning.

— Today we will continue analyzing parts of speech...

Anna Vasilievna remembered how worried she was

before class last year and, like a schoolgirl on an exam, kept repeating to herself: “A noun is a part of speech... a noun is a part of speech...” And she also remembered how she was tormented by a funny fear: what if they still don’t understand ?..

Anna Vasilyevna smiled at the memory, straightened the hairpin in the heavy bun of her hair and in an even, calm voice, feeling her calmness like warmth throughout her whole body, began:

— A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object. A subject in grammar is anything that can be asked about, who it is or what it is...

In the half-open door stood a small figure in worn felt boots, on which frosty sparks melted and died out. The round face, inflamed by the frost, burned as if it had been rubbed with beets, and the eyebrows were gray with frost.

-Are you late again, Savushkin? “Like most young teachers, Anna Vasilyevna loved to be strict, but now her question sounded almost plaintive.

Taking the teacher’s words as permission to enter the classroom, Savushkin quickly slipped into his seat. Anna Vasilievna saw how the boy put an oilcloth bag into his desk and asked his neighbor something without turning his head - probably: what is she explaining?

Anna Vasilievna was upset by Savushkin’s lateness, like an annoying inconsistency that ruined a well-started day. The geography teacher, a small, dry old woman who looked like a moth, also complained to her that Savushkin was late. In general, she often complained - either about the noise in the class, or about the absent-mindedness of the students. "The first lessons are so difficult!" - the old woman sighed. “Yes, for those who don’t know how to hold students, who don’t know how to make their lesson interesting,” Anna Vasilievna thought self-confidently then and suggested that she change hours. Now she felt guilty before the old woman, who was insightful enough to see a challenge and reproach in Anna Vasilievna’s kind offer.

- All clear? - Anna Vasilievna addressed the class.

- It's clear! I see!..” the children answered in unison.

- Fine. Then give examples.

It became very quiet for a few seconds, then someone said hesitantly:

“That’s right,” said Anna Vasilievna, immediately remembering that last year the “cat” was also the first. And then it burst:

- Window! - Table! - House! - Road!

“That’s right,” Anna Vasilievna said.

The class erupted with joy. Anna Vasilievna was surprised

the joy with which the children named objects familiar to them, as if recognizing them in a new, somehow unusual significance. The range of examples kept expanding; for the first minutes the guys stuck to the closest, tangible objects: a wheel... a tractor... a well... a birdhouse...

And from the back desk, where fat Vasyatka was sitting, a thin and insistent voice rang out:

- Carnation... carnation... carnation...

But then someone timidly said:

- Street... Metro... Tram... Film...

“That’s enough,” said Anna Vasilievna. - I'm lowering, you understand.

- Winter oak!

The guys laughed.

- Quiet! - Anna Vasilievna slammed her palm on the table.

- Winter oak! - Savushkin repeated, not noticing either the laughter of his comrades or the shout of the teacher. He said it differently from the other students. The words burst out of his soul like a confession, like a happy secret that an overflowing heart could not contain.

Not understanding his strange agitation, Anna Vasilyevna said, barely containing her irritation:

- Why winter? Just oak.

- Just an oak - what! Winter oak is a noun!

- Sit down, Savushkin, that’s what it means to be late. “Oak” is a noun, but we haven’t covered what “winter” is yet. During the big break, be kind enough to come into the teachers' room.

- Here's a winter oak for you! — someone in the back desk chuckled.

Savushkin sat down, smiling at some of his thoughts, not at all touched by the teacher’s menacing words. “Difficult boy,” thought Anna Vasilyevna.

The lesson continued.

“Sit down,” Anna Vasilievna said when Savushkin entered the teacher’s room.

The boy sat down with pleasure in a soft chair and swung several times on the springs.

— Please, explain: why are you systematically late?

“I just don’t know, Anna Vasilievna.” “He spread his arms like an adult. - I leave an hour before.

How difficult it is to find the truth in the most trifling matter! Many of the guys lived much further than Savushkin, and yet none of them spent more than an hour on the road.

— Do you live in Kuzminki?

- No, at the sanatorium.

“And aren’t you ashamed to say that you leave in an hour?” From the sanatorium to the highway it takes about fifteen minutes and along the highway no more than half an hour.

- But I don’t walk on the highway. “I’m taking a shortcut, straight through the forest,” said Savushkin, as if he himself was not a little surprised by this circumstance.

“Directly,” not “directly,” Anna Vasilievna habitually corrected.

She felt vague and sad, as always when she encountered children's lies. She was silent, hoping that Savushkin would say: “Excuse me, Anna Vasilievna, I was playing with the guys in the snow,” or something equally simple and ingenuous, but he just looked at her with big gray eyes, and his gaze seemed to say: “Now we’ve found out everything. What else do you want from me?”

- It’s sad, Savushkin, very sad! I'll have to talk to your parents.

“And I, Anna Vasilievna, only have my mother,” Savushkin smiled.

Anna Vasilyevna blushed a little. She remembered Savushkin’s mother—the “shower nanny,” as her son called her. She worked at a sanatorium hydropathic clinic, a thin, tired woman with hands that were white and soft from the hot water, as if they were made of fabric. Alone, without her husband, who died in World War II, she fed and raised, in addition to Kolya, three more children.

It’s true that Savushkina already has enough troubles.

“I’ll have to go see your mother.”

- Come, Anna Vasilievna, mom will be happy!

“Unfortunately, I have nothing to please her with.” Does mom work in the morning?

- No, she’s on the second shift, starting at three.

- Very well. I cum at two. After class you will accompany me...

The path along which Savushkin led Anna Vasilyevna began immediately at the back of the school estate. As soon as they stepped into the forest and the spruce paws, heavily loaded with snow, closed behind them, they were immediately transported to another, enchanted world of peace and soundlessness. Magpies and crows, flying from tree to tree, swayed branches, knocked down pine cones, and sometimes, touching with their wings, broke off fragile, dry twigs. But nothing gave birth to sound here.

All around is white and white. Only in the heights do the wind-blown tops of tall weeping birches turn black, and the thin branches seem to be drawn in ink on the blue surface of the sky.

The path ran along the stream - sometimes level with it, obediently following all the twists of the riverbed, sometimes rising high, winding along a sheer steep slope.

Sometimes the trees parted, revealing sunny, cheerful clearings, crossed by a hare's trail, similar to a watch chain. There were also large trefoil-shaped tracks that belonged to some large animal. The tracks went into the very thicket, into the brown forest.

- Sokhaty has passed! - Savushkin said as if about a good friend, seeing that Anna Vasilievna was interested in the tracks. “Just don’t be afraid,” he added in response to the glance cast by the teacher deep into the forest. - Elk, he’s quiet.

-Have you seen him? — Anna Vasilievna asked excitedly.

- Yourself? Alive? - Savushkin sighed. - No, it didn’t happen. I saw his nuts.

“Spools,” Savushkin explained shyly.

Slipping under the arch of a bent willow, the path ran down to the stream again. In some places the stream was covered with a thick blanket of snow, in others it was encased in a pure ice shell, and sometimes among the ice and snow living water could be seen with a dark, unkind eye.

- Why isn’t he completely frozen? - asked Anna Vasilievna.

- There are warm springs in it. Do you see the trickle there?

Leaning over the wormwood, Anna Vasilievna

I saw a thin thread stretching from the bottom; Before reaching the surface of the water, it burst into small bubbles. This thin stem with bubbles looked like a lily of the valley.

— There are so many of these keys here! — Savushkin spoke with enthusiasm. - The stream is alive even under the snow.

He swept away the snow, and tar-black and yet transparent water appeared.

Anna Vasilievna noticed that, falling into the water, the snow did not melt, but immediately thickened and sagged in the water like gelatinous greenish algae. She liked it so much that she began to knock the snow into the water with the toe of her boot, rejoicing when a particularly intricate figure was sculpted from the large lump. She got the hang of it and immediately noticed that Savushkin had gone ahead and was waiting for her, sitting high in the fork of a branch hanging over the stream. Anna Vasilievna caught up with Savushkin. Here the effect of the warm springs had already ended; the stream was covered with film-thin ice.

Quick, light shadows darted across its marble surface.

- Look how thin the ice is, you can even see the current!

- What are you talking about, Anna Vasilyevna! It was I who shook the branch, and that’s where the shadow runs.

Anna Vasilievna bit her tongue. Perhaps, here in the forest, it’s better for her to keep quiet.

Savushkin again walked ahead of the teacher, bending down slightly and carefully looking around him.

And the forest kept leading them and leading them with its complex, confusing codes. It seemed that there would be no end to these trees, snowdrifts, this silence and sun-pierced darkness.

Suddenly, a smoky blue crack appeared in the distance. The redwoods replaced the thicket, it became spacious and fresh. And now, not a gap, but a wide, sunlit opening appeared in front, there was something sparkling, sparkling, swarming with icy stars.

The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately spread out to the sides. In the middle of the clearing, in white sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. The trees seemed to respectfully part to allow the older brother to unfold in full force. Its lower branches spread out like a tent over the clearing. Snow had packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried out in the autumn, almost did not fly off; the oak tree was covered with leaves in snowy covers to the very top.

- So here it is, the winter oak!

Anna Vasilyevna timidly stepped towards the oak tree, and the mighty, generous guardian of the forest quietly swung a branch towards her.

Not knowing at all what was going on in the teacher’s soul: Savushkin was fiddling around at the foot of the oak tree, casually treating his old acquaintance.

- Anna Vasilievna, look!

With an effort, he rolled away a block of snow that was stuck to the bottom with the remains of rotting grass. There, in the hole, lay a ball wrapped in rotted cobweb-thin leaves. Thick needle tips stuck out through the leaves, and Anna Vasilyevna guessed that it was a hedgehog.

- That's how I wrapped myself up!

Savushkin carefully covered the hedgehog with his unpretentious blanket. Then he dug up the snow at another root. A tiny grotto with a fringe of icicles on the roof opened up. In it sat a brown frog, as if made of cardboard, its skin stretched rigidly over its bones, it seemed varnished. Savushkin touched the frog, it did not move.

“Pretends,” Savushkin laughed, “as if she were dead.” And let the sun warm it up - oh-oh how it will jump!

He continued to lead Anna Vasilyevna around his little world. The foot of the oak tree sheltered many more guests: beetles, lizards, boogers. Some were buried under the roots, others hid in the cracks of the bark; emaciated, as if empty inside, they endured the winter in deep sleep. A strong tree, overflowing with life, has accumulated so much living warmth around itself that the poor animal could not have found a better apartment for itself. Anna Vasilievna was peering with joyful interest into this unknown secret life of the forest when she heard Savushkin’s alarmed exclamation:

- Oh, we won’t find mom!

Anna Vasilyevna hastily brought her watch to her eyes—a quarter past four. She felt as if she was trapped. And, mentally asking the oak tree for forgiveness for her little human cunning, she said:

- Well, Savushkin, this only means that the shortcut is not the most correct. You'll have to walk on the highway.

Savushkin didn’t answer, he just lowered his head.

My God! - Anna Vasilievna then thought with pain, “Is it possible to admit your powerlessness more clearly?” She remembered today’s lesson and all her other lessons: how poorly, dryly and coldly she spoke about the word, about language, about that without which a person is dumb before the world, powerless in feeling - about her native language, which is as fresh, beautiful and rich as life is generous and rich. And she considered herself a skillful teacher, perhaps she did not take one step on that path! which a whole human life is not enough for. And where does it lie, this path? Finding it is not easy and simple, like the key to Koscheev’s casket. But in the joy with which she did not understand, the guys called out “tractor,” “well,” “ birdhouse,” the first pole dimly appeared to her.

- Well, Savushkin, thank you for the walk. Of course, you can walk this path too.

- Thank you, Anna Vasilievna!

Savushkin blushed: he really wanted to tell the teacher that he would never be late again, but he was afraid to lie. He raised the collar of his jacket and pulled his earflaps down deeper.

- I'll take you...

“No need, Savushkin, I’ll get there alone.”

He looked at the teacher doubtfully, then picked up a stick from the ground and, breaking off its crooked end, handed it to Anna Vasilyevna.

“If the elk jumps in, hit him on the back and he’ll take off.” Better yet, just swing, he’s had enough! Otherwise he will get offended and leave the forest altogether.

- Okay, Savushkin, I won’t beat him.

Having gone far away, Anna Vasilievna for the last time

I looked back at the oak tree, white and pink in the sunset rays, and saw a small figure at its foot: Savushkin had not left, he was guarding his teacher from afar. And Anna Vasilyevna suddenly realized that the most amazing thing in this forest was not the winter oak, but a little man in worn felt boots, mended, poor clothes, the son of a soldier who died for his homeland and a “shower nanny”, a wonderful and mysterious citizen of the future.

  • . What changed in Anna Vasilievna after a walk in the forest?
  • . Why do you think all her lessons seemed boring and dry to her? What do you think was missing from her lessons?
  • . Will Anna Vasilievna's lessons change after a walk in the forest? Describe one of her future lessons.
  • . Do you think a lesson about parts of speech could be less dry and cold? How would you teach such a lesson?
  • . Why did Anna Vasilievna’s students smile joyfully when they named different nouns?
  • . What do you think, first of all, should school teach? (The art of seeing the world)
  • . If we consider the word "oak" only as a noun, will children learn to feel and see nature?
  • . Imagine that you are studying at a school where all subjects are devoted to the art of seeing the world. Describe this school; tell us what and how children are taught in it, draw it.
  • . What was Savushkin like? Can we say about him that he is a difficult child? Why are some children called difficult? (Sometimes a difficult child is called someone who is not like others, in whom individual traits are clearly manifested)
  • . Did Anna Vasilievna's opinion about Savushkin change after a walk in the forest? Why did she decide not to talk to his mother?
  • . Can Anna Vasilievna be called a real teacher? What qualities should a real teacher have? (This is a person who not only teaches, but is also ready to learn himself)
  • . Can Savushkin be called Anna Vasilievna’s teacher? What did he teach her?
  • . Do you think Savushkin will be late after this walk? What do you think Anna Vasilievna will say to him if he is late again?
  • . Draw a winter oak tree and its inhabitants. Why do you think the tree struck the boy so much?
  • (So ​​much strength and living warmth emanated from the tree that it could not help but touch the sensitive soul of a boy deprived of his father)
  • . Draw the winter forest described in this story.
  • . Do you like to walk through the winter forest? Tell us about your observations.
  • . Do you have a favorite tree? Are you talking to him? Are you observing his life?
  • . Encourage your children to keep a notebook of their favorite tree.
  • . How do you think Savushkin will grow up?
  • . Why do you think Anna Vasilievna realized that the most amazing thing in the forest was a sensitive boy, listening to the mysterious world of nature? Do you agree with her?
  • . Why did Anna Vasilievna, thinking about the boy, call him a wonderful and mysterious citizen of the future?