Humorous birthday greetings for a man. Funny Comic and funny congratulations on the man's anniversary

An anniversary is a big holiday. Many are trying to celebrate it on a grand scale. This implies a wide feast and many guests. There are not only relatives here, but also friends of the hero of the day with their children and spouses, his colleagues, co-workers, and superiors. It turns out to be a very diverse company - in terms of age, hobbies, interests. To prevent guests from getting bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment you can offer them. The best options for this are scenes that will periodically “dilute” the feast, amuse the guests and delight the hero of the day. Scenes can be very different - costumed and not, short and long, with one “actor” and larger-scale ones. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot will be suitable, from existing books, films and mini-productions that we spied somewhere, to those invented independently. However, they all must have one thing in common - be funny.

Costume performances

The main difference between them and the rest will be only the costumes in which the participating actors are dressed for believability. Usually the guests themselves are the actors. Their participation is agreed upon in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to give an additional gift.

Traffic police inspector and hunters

Three men are participating. You need to choose the appropriate costumes - a traffic police uniform for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. “Hunters” can be exchanged for fishermen, fans or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Progress of the scene

Two hunter friends, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they violated traffic rules and were stopped by an inspector. We explained the situation to him - well, it’s impossible not to congratulate a good man! Of course, the inspector agreed to take them to the celebration site. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and himself joins in the congratulations. He reads out and then hands the wife of the hero of the day a certificate of technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday boy himself (his last and first name is announced) on the occasion of his 50th birthday (the number can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.

Technical inspection

Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. The condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle can still be driven and driven.
  1. Refuel only with high-quality fuel - octane number not less than 40. If the octane number is lower, more fuel is needed.
  2. Regular lubrication of the filler part is recommended: on vacation, after hunting and bathing, on birthdays, etc.
  3. Using a vehicle by proxy is not permitted.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation the vehicle needs affection, love and regular lubrication.
  5. The next technical inspection is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This skit also requires three participants - two men who will be Italian guests, and a female translator. The costumes are quite simple; you don’t even have to completely change the actors’ clothes, but simply choose the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, brimmed hats. For the translator - visual glasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. At the height of the fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head towards the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday boy, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest: Nashente zdravizhilento yubelento e druzente – lubente alcoholento pipento! Translator: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends. 2nd guest: Come to the devil in the middle of nowhere and tell me at least something! Translator: We came to your wonderful city to join everyone’s congratulations. 1st guest: Pozhelanto ne glotanto tabletanto and not znanto vrachevanto! Translator: We would like to wish you the best health. 2nd guest: There was a lot of money in my wallet and my belly was always full! Translator: May financial well-being and lasting happiness accompany you throughout life. 1st guest: Puskaento druzilento nikogdento na krysento! Translator: Let there be reliable friends nearby. 2nd guest: We wantetto handed over figinetto and jurundento! Translator: These wonderful gifts from sunny Italy are for you. 1st guest: Not obzhirante and not blivante, pusento not lopnento. Translator: Eat healthy and enjoy. 2nd guest: Posminente nascente priezdante – italiano podarente. Translator: Remember us, always your Italians.

Strange salaries

A small costume scene that should accompany, and possibly open, the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is advisable that they be women - thin, short and tall:

  • The small one is “weighed” with a small amount of money - this can be either coins or small denomination bills. You can simply draw them on large sheets of paper so that they are clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed more richly - there are no coins at all, but there are a lot of large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him.

Congratulations to Little Salary

Don’t look, dear birthday boy, that I’m still so little. I wish you all the most beautiful things in the world. May, with my help, you be able to provide yourself with a life worthy of the king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. I hope that together we can please you.

Congratulations to a Big Salary

Maybe I don’t look very much like a lucky lottery winner, but together with my younger sister, we are the best gift that will be useful to you in any situation, will take you on vacation and will bring you many pleasant minutes! Congratulations! After this speech, all guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift present it to the birthday person. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and put the entire amount into it at once.


Such scenes usually do not take much time. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. Very rarely more is needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day and his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man fully dressed as a doctor enters the hall. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, and shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small “medical case”. Doctor: Allow me, let me! Before congratulations can be heard, I am forced to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins an examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope and performs other medical procedures. During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: “So, sir,” “let’s see what we have here,” “yeah, yeah,” “that’s what I thought,” and the like. After this he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have conducted a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Jubilee (last name, first name, patronymic).
  • Age - in the prime of life, that is, blooming.
  • The pulse is a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • Blood type - only red cells, sometimes white ones are also found (in strictly measured quantities). This is real “blood and milk”!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on your own anniversary - either jumps or freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • The vitality is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. This way you can notice any little thing.
  • Hearing is truly universal, which is very rare.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a probability of error of 3% it can determine with whom the spouse communicated today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic diseases are an inexplicable hibernation after a delicious lunch, a lovingly prepared dinner. More often this occurs next to a working TV.
  • The daily routine is mixed: walking, sitting, lying down.
  • The general conclusion is that this is only the beginning of the life of a given organism. It is recommended to take from life everything you want and what you didn’t get.

Urgent telegram

A man with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued-on mustache enters the hall. He portrays a well-known character - postman Pechkin. Hello! It's me, postman Pechkin. I brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I definitely need to wet my throat. He demands a filled glass, drinks it, then reads the telegram. It can be written down on this form.

Telegram text

I dreamed of coming dot I couldn’t tour dot I cordially congratulate you dot I wish you hello dot I dream of being there dot yours Alla Pugacheva This sketch can be staged instead of the next toast. And in conclusion, a cool fairy tale scene awaits you about forest animals, a hunter and dragonflies in love - watch the video:

Happy Birthday man!
Be as you are used to:
Strong, angry, slightly unshaven,
Insolent, sharp, but not beaten.

Let your dreams come true
Let your friends admire
Whatever you think, it will come
And it will lead to success!

May there be time in your life
For sports, fishing and football.
May your friends all love you,
Let him adore the weaker sex.

You are a prominent and strong man.
Don't be bad on your birthday,
Have fun to the fullest
But don’t mix vodka with beer!

Happy birthday, charming man, cool little guy and just a super person! I wish you great success in life, wherever you may be, may it be good and rosy everywhere. Big Babosiks for you, which you can count for years and won’t be able to count, this is of course a fairy tale, but I wish to at least have such a plan and bring it to life. I wish you health, so that the years do not cripple you, do not knock down your impulses and goals, always achieve sharp turns and you will become an even cooler pepper.

On a wonderful birthday holiday
What can a man wish for?
Success, joy, luck,
A BMW X5 car.

Let the fun flow like a river,
There are too many friends to count,
And at night to sleep with you
Model with bust “number 5”.

In the morning to leave the bungalow
To the Mediterranean coast,
And the sun said kindly:
“Let everything in life be ok!”

You are a man at the dawn of your strength,
And there is no reason for sadness
But there is a reason
A toast to us in your honor
And wish without interruption
Money, a new car,
Respect, success,
Several cars of laughter
And another cart of happiness,
So that life is according to suit!

To a real man
Supermacho (unvarnished)
We wish you on your birthday
So that everything is just class:

Money so that it flows like a raging river
They flowed into the accounts themselves,
May your house be five stories high
It grew out of the ground itself.

So that the wife is obedient:
Words across - no, no,
So that you while away with her
Years of happiness and love.

Let them not penetrate your soul
No melancholy, God forbid stress,
But it will always be with you
A burning interest in life.

We congratulate you personally,
Let everything be fine:
Home is a cozy corner,
The dacha is a complete mess,
The car is a black Mercedes,
Brighter sex, less stress.
So that friends don't forget,
Visited more often with beer,
And the wife wouldn't grumble,
She greeted them with a smile.
Live many great years,
Don't get bored and don't bother.
Be healthy, little man,
Have a strong spine!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
Love and a sea of ​​earthly blessings,
And the mood is groovy,
Smiles bright and colorful!

More money, strength, luck,
Let there be a villa, a Mercedes
And everything that means a lot in life
I wish you sales miracles!

Let any peak conquer,
Let the car in the garage be updated,
There will be no obstacles to the cherished goal,
Dig up the treasure along with the potatoes.

The beauties themselves will hang on their necks,
Vodka will be prescribed as a vitamin,
Fortune keeps pace with you.
Health and strength - for years to come!

Happy birthday,
We will wish you everything you want.
Steamboat, apartment, car,
An airplane and a wad of money,
May I always love my grandmother,
Never sawed.
To clean the apartment,
She served tea and coffee.
So that she doesn’t go to the left,
Money to carry into the house.
She sewed, washed, cooked...
So that everything is in order, in general.

You are a very distinguished man.
The guy is just anywhere.
And they add charisma
All the years we've lived.

Like cognac, you are only better
Every year it becomes more and more valuable.
May health, joy, happiness
They will be stronger and stronger.

Let the girls adore
Success accompanies business,
The money is just coming.
You are the best, my friend!

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The best humorous birthday greetings for a man

Let the vodka flow over the edge
And the tables are bursting!
Celebrate your birthday
Like the best balls!

Let the girls always come to you
They fly to the light,
We wish you happiness and goodness,
So that I can do everything in the world!

Happy birthday greetings funny

I wish you on your birthday
Don't fall head first into the salad
Drink exclusively with friends
So as not to look for problems while drunk.

Having drunk, lie quietly in bed
(It is uncomfortable to sleep under a chair).
Causing shock to loved ones...
Accept this poem as a gift!

Cool funny birthday greetings from a friend

My friend, I wish you cool parties
Merry beautiful Ol, Mash and Irinok
Fun winter, awesome summer
I wish to be fashionably and stylishly dressed
Happy tickets always and everywhere
And for friends to help out in trouble.

Funny birthday greetings for a woman

Let there be fewer critical days,
And more – cloudless, passionate!
Let there be plenty of money in your bag,
And fewer dangerous connections!
Hope, health, luck and strength,
Love - without problem problems,
And so that Abramovich asks for his hand,
And life's joyful ups!

Funny birthday greetings to a friend

The year flew by as usual
Birthday has arrived.
I hasten to congratulate you personally,
Let everythnig will be alright.

Let them shine with a smile
Your tender lips.
Never leaves
Unearthly beauty!

Funny birthday poem

Birthday is a HIT
The birthday boy won't sleep
The bell rings in the morning,
Let him read the poem.

I wish you everything you want,
Vodka Whiskey or Tea,
Lamborghini and Ferrari
Even a Stradivarius violin!

Oil, gas and diamonds,
And a couple of Swarovski rhinestones.
This is such a funny nonsense,
Live more than a hundred years!

Original humorous birthday greetings

Be slim like a Poplar, be strong like an Oak,
And bright - like Maple on autumn days!
All Birches and Rowans will bow to you,
But... as long as they don’t steal it!

Funny birthday greetings to the birthday boy

My sweet chocolate bunny!
My sweet gummy bunny!
Accept gifts today!
I love you - just to the point of colic!
Let it be just chocolate
All your life and don’t listen to anyone!
Marshmallow, gently marmalade -
Well, just so that no one eats it!

Funny birthday greetings in prose

Happy Birthday! Here you are 18! They are probably already coming to you from the military registration and enlistment office... You can hide with me - quickly run to me!

Funny happy birthday poem

Like man to man
I want to wish
Let it dispel the melancholy
Everything is within your reach!
To stand... on the table
You have a whole feast!
So that everything I wanted
In life you got it!

Funny short birthday greetings

Health, happiness, money, buddy,
We wish! May your soul be full!
And remember: you can't argue with this,
Whatever the buddies want.

Happy Birthday greetings humorous in verse

Today is your birthday!
You can get drunk "into the pig"
You can play tricks without looking back,
You can go shopping, go to clubs, go crazy.

Have fun, walk, dance,
Relax to the fullest, from the heart,
Send everyone into culture shock!…
And turn all the “arrows” into rhyme!

Funny Happy Birthday greeting in verse

Let the house become a palace from a fairy tale,
Sable fur coat,
And your kitchen is a throne room,
In the corner there is caviar with balyk!
Let the queen enter with a knock,
And let the servants bow to you,
There were so many drinks,
Sweet honey would flow down your mustache!

Happy birthday!
Boy, you're already big.
I don’t know what to wish for you...
Always be yourself!

Everyone wishes you happiness
Long life and not to get sick,
They avoided bad weather.
You are handsome - keep it up!

I wish you a yacht, a dacha,
The suitcase comes with some extra money.
Be patient a little longer
You'll buy an island soon.

I wish you a beautiful life:
Fishing, relaxation, lots of beer!
Go to the bathhouse on weekends,
Live to the fullest!
And so that the wife is obedient,
Indifferent to mink coats,
To feed you deliciously,
So that she is skillful in bed!
In general, more all sorts of benefits,
What is in your men's dreams!

Happy birthday, man! I wish you to always remain strong, lively, cheerful, confident, brave and cool, like a lion among animals, like an eagle in the sky, like a cornflower in an open field, like a basil in a garden bed. Let every day be lucky, let happiness and luck come not at retail, but wholesale!

Let it be in your hut
There's money and girls
And outside the window a faithful horse awaits:
Iron, fashionable - wow, fire.

And let at your porch
Three faithful soldiers are on duty:
Love, reliability and peace,
And happiness follows you.

In luck - eternal unlimited,
In bed - personal Aibolit,
In a career - growth to the skies,
Let there be progress in everything.

Well, a little more will,
A little sugar without salt,
A little serious personal matters,
So that chaos does not happen.

Happy Birthday
And I wish you all the best:
Lots of joy and money
In reality, not in dreams!

In every business, endeavor,
Only success - to the skies,
Inspiration, prosperity,
And any other miracles!

Happy Birthday! Don't get drunk
And moderately “accept”!
In the bullpen, prison, hospital
Never hit.

Keep your mind clear and sober,
The heart is burning fieryly.
Prostatitis, enuresis
You'll never know.

So that your nerves are steel,
So that I can achieve everything.
To dollars and euros
Didn't fit in the wallet.

In the Maldives and Hawaii
Drink sweet juice on a sun lounger.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart:
Let everything come true in due time!

You were born, and it doesn't matter
How many years ago?
On this day I wish
May there always be harmony in the family!

So that your wife meets you at home
In a mini-dress up to the elbows,
And the children's loud laughter
Made everyday life more fun.

So that friends with a keg of beer
We came sometimes
And today, on my birthday,
And with a bottle of cognac!

Today is your birthday!
Let's drink while standing. Where's the mug?
For your love, luck,
House, wife, apartment, dacha,
So that the car doesn't break down,
Mother-in-law often admired
Father-in-law loved and respected
Even the cat would adore it.
Live to be 100 healthy
Cheerful, cheerful,
So that on the hundredth anniversary
I was able to dance without crutches.

On a man's birthday
Somehow it’s common to wish
Build a house, make a son
And plant trees.

This is all important, of course:
And the heirs and the forest,
And the cottage is multi-storey...
Better with a sauna... Or without.

The main thing is that in this house,
Just step over the threshold,
The heart was filled with light,
There were no quarrels or squabbles.

To make children happy.
And it doesn’t matter: daughter or son.
Be, dear, in the world
All the happiest men!

Such a prominent man
I want to wish you victories
May you be in all your glory and strength
He lived for decades more.

I want to wish you success
I want to wish love
To have reasons to laugh,
Don't let your finances fail you.

So that in this swamp of life
There was a reliable island.
And so, as they say in the navy,
Caught a fair breeze!

Happy Birthday!
Let them rush at full speed
Happiness, miracle, inspiration
And luck is just a click away.

Let everything work out, grow together,
Magic will happen
The sun shines daily
And it will only bring joy!

You shine with courage and honor,
You are proud, handsome, smart, strong,
Your powerful figure does not ask for flattery,
That's how you are! The world is in love with you.
You're like an athlete, you can do it
Break any chains,
Russia is proud of you,
My own mother is proud too.
Like Apollo you are full of passion,
You are every woman's dream.
Misfortunes are not scary with you -
Beauty saves the world!

Dear, accept me on your birthday
Congratulations and congratulations.
Well-being to your family,
Always be on top of everything,
Good luck in your business, reach the top!
Be a model for all men!

Happy birthday, my dear.
Let everything work out.
Crumpled ruble or small penny
Let there always be.

Let adversity not touch you,
Sadness will bypass.
Let all talents wake up,
So that you don't get bored.

Happy Birthday sweetheart.
You have become completely dear to me.
Let's celebrate your holiday together,
After all, once a year he is like this!

I will be a reliable support
For all your achievements,
So that we live in harmony
And there was time for two.

I wish you a ton of good health,
Misfortunes are only a hundred grams.
Stay in love with life
And may you always be lucky in everything!

A man is a winner
Protector and successor of the clan,
He is a responsible parent
After all, that is his nature.
It's not dangerous to go into battle with him,
Will always help and support,
May the Lord protect him
He will give hope in life!
When the birthday comes,
And everyone who is close will gather,
Let the light illuminate your home,
Let it shine and give strength!

A man in his prime
I received a cake even though I didn't ask for it.
A man in his prime
Lovely to absolutely all women.
And all because our dear man
Got older today. A year has already flown by
Since his name day
The following were noted: dishes rattled,
The happy people were making noise and having fun.
And now that time is coming again,
When rivers of wine and jam flow,
And the name of this day is birthday!

It's your birthday again
Accept congratulations
Got another year older
Life keeps a strict account here.

We wish from the bottom of our hearts -
Keep yourself in shape:
Make sure your hair doesn't thin out
And my tummy didn’t get fat!

We also wish you to hurry
Get some important things done:
Conquer the heart of a beauty
And drink vodka with friends,

Don't throw words to the wind,
Make a lot of money!
In general, to always be in everything
A real man!

Well, man, today is your birthday,
I have prepared a speech for you, brother!
I hope you hear my words?
After all, after our “libations,” do you breathe strangely?
Accept congratulations from your best friend,
I wish you a lot of money for entertainment,
I wish you chicks, as for a gourmet - different:
Cute, gentle, well, cheeky heels!
Health, so that there is enough for the cute and gentle,
And after a smoke break - on the cheeky and the sinful!
Health is the most important thing for a man,
So let's complement it with a glass of cognac!

You are a man, as it should be -
Far-sighted and powerful.
And you can kill with your gaze,
And in life you are lucky.

There is no question of money,
The choice is difficult - it’s not worth it.
Well, if someone undresses,
Everything is there as it should be.

I want to drink without getting drunk,
To keep control over everything.
Sleep with your wife without sweating,
Be ready to continue.

So that life would be cool,
Fishing and everywhere else.
And in love, even if especially
You'll be doubly lucky!

Birthday boy, where have you been?
You forgot to register!
As much as possible, motherfucker,
Wait in vain?!

Where is the liver? Where is the balyk?
Where's the herring? Where is the tongue?
Where is the vodka, cognac, wine?
We've been waiting a long time!

Congratulations excite
Alcohol and food...
Now there's a different situation!
Be happy and be rich!

If you have it in your pocket
Brand new tablet
So everything's alright
There will be internet.

If there is according to plan
We will celebrate
With gusto, of course.

In clear wishes
Everything will be for you:
Beer and girls
Euro in a wallet.

Well, come on, boy,
Light it up quickly!
Always be on top
Drain the negativity.

Always and everywhere remain a man:
When driving - and without a car at all;
With a large wallet - and when without a penny,
In a suit from the Boss - and in a padded jacket;
In a sports club, on the street and in a restaurant,
In the arms of a woman - and when you are without a lady;
Both on weekdays and on noisy holidays -
Be ironic, brave and smart!
And all the women, from Tatiana to Lina
They will say dreamily: This is a man!

Happy Birthday man!
You are smart and so great!
You have hands of steel
Your mind is drawn to science!

The look flashes like lightning,
Everything underneath is on fire!
Continue to be cool
Such a big man!

May luck always follow you,
In an apartment, in a car, at work, at the dacha.
Good luck with your shopping, good luck with your sales,
In suits at a meeting and in swimming trunks on the beach.
And also to everyone we root for,
Let luck come soon!

It's not easy to be a hero
Well, please tell me,
Like character, intelligence and courage
Has everything united in you?
I don’t know what to wish for you,
Looks like it's a birthday...
Well, I wish you good health,
Just for the sake of order.
Here's something else I wish:
To be happy in life,
Meet an angel from Paradise,
In the form of a beautiful diva,
Let the love of two spin
And under the white and blue sky,
Your house will be noisy
From talkative kids.