How long does it take to learn how to dance oriental tan? How long does it take to learn oriental dances? How long does it take to learn to dance?

What do you think unites all those who want to learn to dance or have already started learning?

That's right, this desire to find out How long does it take to learn to dance?

Our educational article about dancing will help you understand this issue.

Most beginners want to know the exact number of months, days and hours they will need to study.

This desire is quite logical, since it is known that Time is the most valuable and irreplaceable resource. It always works against us, it is always small and insufficient. Therefore, the question of how long it takes to learn to dance is quite natural and extremely relevant. How can you start doing something if you don’t know when you can get results???

And here I have to slightly disappoint you, so that in your spiritual simplicity you do not fall for the tales of newly-minted teachers who promise to make a star out of you in just one lesson. Although this can be achieved in 2 seconds by simply standing in the “Star” pose, but nothing more...

So, again about timing...
When starting your dance training, you WILL NOT know exactly how long it will take you to learn to dance.

Although this sounds too shocking and your brain will simply refuse to believe it, the reality is that NO ONE CAN EXACTLY say in what period of time you can learn to dance.

Now let’s talk in more detail about the reasons for this “phenomenon” so that my statement is not left unfounded.

Each person has a certain set of skills that will initially influence the speed of his learning through the quality of perception of material, coordination of movements, physical endurance and the ability to concentrate.

They can be either Congenital or Acquired.

Congenital data that is initially inherent in a person from birth. It could be good flexibility, stretching, motor memory...

Purchased, are developed throughout life.

They are developed differently in each person. There are no two people with the same data. Therefore, when starting your dance training, it would simply be wrong to try to answer the question: “In what period of time can you learn to dance?”

If one person needs one repetition to memorize, then another may need a dozen... Some have good plasticity and coordination, which can be congenital or acquired in certain life conditions. Others have “logs” of plastic and they still need to go through the stage of transformation through “Pinocchio” into a Human...
That’s why the time required will be different for everyone, but this is the case if by the word “dance” we really mean the ability to dance, and not just learn the pattern of a dance composition.

Don't forget about character traits. Some people will immediately break down at the first difficulties, while others will work hard until the last moment until they get results.

Of particular importance is how seriously and systematically a person will study. No matter how talented a person is, if he misses a lesson or treats learning lightly, the result will be very, very modest. Therefore, in my opinion, these are some of the most important points in training that need to be given maximum attention.

"Everything is gone Chief... Everything is gone!!!"
The fact that it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take to learn to dance is not a reason to give up dancing.
The main thing is that you will learn to dance, although this will take some time.

Are you upset?
Okay, so be it...
I will give hope to those who want to know how long it takes to learn to dance.
If you desperately need to know how long it will take to dance, then professional teachers with many years of experience can give approximate dates. These are the dates you can use as a guide.

In order to stay within these deadlines, you can use all kinds of “accelerators” that the YURIS School of Contemporary Dance uses in training, which can significantly reduce the period of dance training. You can read a separate article about them soon. But in short, this is:

Individual sessions;

Dance form;

Educational dance video;

Proper preparation for classes;

The length of time during which you can learn to dance depends entirely on you and your desire to learn to dance. The more and better you work, the faster you can learn to dance.

We wish you that you never have anything that prevents a bad dancer from dancing and let your dance give the audience joy and pleasure.

After six years of dancing, Masha Botvinina found out whether it is possible to lose weight by dancing, and which part of the body usually hinders the dancer the most. Her advice to beginners is priceless.
A few years ago I enrolled in a dance school. Just. Quite by accident I saw an ad in the LiveJournal feed. I didn’t have global goals like “lose weight here” or “pump up there.” I needed a non-boring physical activity - and I suddenly decided that dancing was what I needed.

And recently it suddenly dawned on me: I’ve been training for six years now. I mentally went over the last few years: I changed 3 jobs and 4 boyfriends, but dancing has not gone away!

Therefore, if you are also starting to dance or are thinking about it, here are some practical tips, tested from personal experience.

1. By working out 1-2 times a week, you can completely tone up your muscles, pump up some muscles, and even pump up some of them very well. But not all. Systems that are not used in dancing (for example, biceps-triceps) will stand out pitifully against the background of those that are involved.

2. Lose a little weight - yes, you can. But radically - it’s impossible. Dancing is not a gym, so, hurray, you will have excellent muscles, and on top, alas, your own fat.

3. All beginners are usually worried about the question “will I be able to dance cool at a disco later?” It all depends on you and the dance. If you learn to dance hip-hop and go to a hip-hop club, yes. But my Irish dancing will only help in the pub)))

4. Anyone can learn to dance. You too. If your teacher says that dancing is not for you, you can safely glare at him: “This is not your teacher, and not a teacher at all.”

5. It's never too late to learn to dance. In modern schools there is no age limit. Even ballet schools have groups for adults. So what do you have to lose?

It's never too late to dance!

6. If you come to the first lesson and your group is full of people, do not be alarmed: a third will not come to the second lesson, because they will not like the unusually heavy workload. In a month, another third will not come, whose desire to practice will be broken by the realization that “like in Riverdance” something didn’t work out in a month... Then from those who remained, there will be another third left - the rest will stretch something, break something, they will move to another city or simply quit. This is how natural selection occurs and groups are brought to normal numbers.

7. You will probably have a part of your body that will constantly get in the way and strive to do the wrong thing. For example, in my Irish ones these are hands. Here they are needed to tie shoelaces, but the rest of the time they are not. You may sometimes want to tear them off. At such moments, remember that tying shoelaces with your teeth is not comme il faut. There's also a chance you'll get together for a group Irish dance. There are rumors that they move their arms there too.

It's me. I think how my hands get in the way)))

8. Most likely, you will need special shoes. If, again, you go to Irish dances, which I go to, you will need at least 2 pairs of shoes: step shoes and soft leather slippers. If you bought shoes and they feel comfortable, wear them to class. If you still think they are comfortable, these are not the shoes for you. When you look at your particular shoes, you should want to wrap your feet in adhesive tape up to the knee. If these sacrifices are not for you, try dances where you dance in sneakers or even barefoot.

Boots for step, they are also “hard”, they are also step shoes

9. After six months of training, you will learn how to jump over puddles in a pretentious manner. This is one of the most important bonuses. However, in a couple of years you will carefully sidestep all the puddles, because to jump you need to warm up, be in the right shoes, and in general, this is a street, not a stage.

10. The subway is the best place to practice turning your toes. In addition, when they see your face during this activity, even pregnant grandmothers will give you their seat.

11. If you saw a colorful shiny dress at a competition and thought that you would never wear such bad taste in your life, just wait. In a year or two, you yourself will choose rhinestones for the same.

Irish dancing dresses are always "very": very bright, very shiny and very short.

Ballroom dancing also has its own fashion, very unique)

12. Dance competitions are practically the only place where adult aunts can wear crowns, tiaras and rhinestones, and even paint their faces so that mom won’t worry. After all, isn’t this a reason to participate?))

13. Judges at competitions are very insidious and can lower scores because of all sorts of bullshit. For example, if one of your socks has slipped down. Cunning Irish dancers even came up with glue for socks in order to win medals! Now you've seen everything)

Sock glue is not a fiction, but a harsh reality

14. No, that’s not all. The wig and bun are also an important detail of the costume. Have you ever wanted to dance on stage with a ponytail??

For Irish dancers there are special wigs with crazy curls

15. You will learn the taste of victories and defeats. Why not stand on the pedestal if possible? True, only you will know how hard it is to get these places.

By the way, if you one day decide to participate in competitions, you will most likely have to forget about regular rest - your entire travel schedule will be subordinated to the competition schedule. That’s why I’ve been going on vacation in April for the third year now, and I haven’t been to the warm sea for about the same amount of time! And all because in April my dance association - the World Irish Dance Association - holds a big event: the World Championships, the European Championships and the Grade Feis ("Great Competitions") - and all this pie with candles at once in 3-4 days somewhere in Europe. I’m not participating in championships yet, but with Grade Feis I have two silver medals :)

Due to scheduling conflicts, I didn’t make it to my own awards ceremony! I had to climb onto the pedestal when everyone had already left!

For all my achievements, many thanks to my teacher and founder of the “Moscow School of Irish Dance Maria Singal” - Masha Singal and all the other teachers, because over these 6 years I have managed to study with everyone, and I know for sure that they are wonderful :)

I'm sure there are many dancers among our readers. What are you dancing?

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO LEARN TO DANCE ORIENTAL DANCES? ===================================================== === Or: “How long will it take me to learn to dance from you?” - a stranger asks me on the phone, wanting to make an appointment. Honestly, in the top of the stupidest questions, this is number 1. Because in order to answer it, the teacher must be at least a telepath and a clairvoyant rolled into one! And with the power of his teaching genius, he must determine by voice in half a second: whether you have dance or other physical training or not; Your age; how well do you feel tempo-rhythms; what is your motor and musical memory; and finally - what are your goals. Because only on the basis of these primary data can you predict how long it will take you to learn to dance. The point “Your goals” is special. Simply put, what does “LEARN TO DANCE” mean to you? - because dozens and hundreds of people answered this question differently. As a result, the following picture emerged: 1. “A la Jade.” You will laugh, but for half of those who regularly call me, “learning to dance” means portraying something similar to the “East”, putting on a bunch of bracelets and wrapping themselves in monists, so that, moving their hips, they can simply amuse/amaze their colleagues at a New Year’s corporate party or similar event. They can teach you this in a couple of weeks or even days, depending on how you grasp it. You can even just type “belly dance” for beginners into a search engine - and soon you will definitely be able to depict “two stomps - twist your butt.” Especially if you tie jingling scarves with monists on your butt)))) Appropriate makeup, accessories - beads, earrings, bracelets - and you are the star of the corporate dance floor. ...Only this is not “learn to dance”... 2. “A surprise for the Sultan” - or “already something”. Dance a composition that is more or less meaningful to your body as a surprise to your loved one. Effective. This will require a competent teacher and - either a group of beginners/hobbies, or individual lessons, which, of course, are more expensive - but the effectiveness also increases significantly. Because the teacher is completely focused on you. By practicing twice a week, in 2-5 months (it’s different everywhere and for everyone), it’s quite possible to master the basics of oriental dance and learn a choreography of zero degree of complexity, even if you’ve never danced in your life. 3. "Basic level". In a year and a half of group classes, you will master basic and medium difficulty elements, be able to dance 3-4 dances (again, different in each studio), and master the basics of choreography. You will begin to distinguish Arabic music from Indian, classics from pop music. When you hear the sound of a tabla anywhere, it makes you shake and your blood begins to boil)))))) You dance in the school report room. Perhaps you are participating in your first competitions. The realization dawns that “belly dancing” is not as easy as it seemed at first. Palaces, sultans, palm trees and incense from Scheherazade's fairy tales are fading - in their place, a native dance hall is increasingly stubbornly emerging))) 4. “Advanced level”: 2-3 years of group study + individual training, participation in school reporting competitions and others cultural events, sit tightly on the adrenaline rush of the stage. An obsessive desire to constantly improve technique and performance level, broadening one's horizons. Find out the top Arab classical, instrumental, and pop performers; Do you know the belly dance stars? Master classes, competitions, costumes and rhinestones are a separate expense item in your budget. Start saving for Egyptian festivals.

How long does it take to learn to dance tango?

There is no clear answer to this question. If there is a person who says that in order to learn to dance tango, you need to spend exactly this much or this much time, then he is either ignorant in this matter or is deceiving you.

Firstly, the very concept of “dancing tango” has a different meaning for everyone. Some people decide that they know how to dance after completing the basic course (usually 2-3 months of regular classes), while others, even after 5 years of classes, find something new for themselves. The fact is that, as with some other social dances, there are no clear boundaries and standards. Each country has its own tango, its own, unique. Even in different years of its existence, tango was different. At the beginning of the 20th century it was danced completely differently than it is danced now. This means that if you learn to dance according to the canons that were accepted then, you will most likely not be able to understand those who dance tango today.

It's like cooking - you can't learn to turn on the stove and decide that you've now become an excellent cook. After all, the cook uses different parameters, of which the simplest are cooking time or fire temperature. Everything comes into play - ingredients, small components, oil in which food is cooked and even the utensils used.

Or draw an analogy with a musical instrument - it is important not only to learn seven musical notes. In music, the method of extracting sound from an instrument, playing style, note duration, musical accents, syncopation and much more play a role.

It’s the same in Argentine tango - the more time you devote to studying tango, the greater opportunities and sensations it opens up for you. The music that we hear also matters here (each tango orchestra plays in its own style and at its own speed, using its own “musical tricks” and sound), the mood with which we dance plays a huge role, a hug in a couple plays an important role , the quality of the step, and even the style of dancing (some people like tango salon or tango milonguero, while others only accept tango nuevo). A common misconception among girls is that you can stop studying at a tango school after a couple of months by attending a basic course, and then you can only attend milongas and “study there.” Dear girls, this is far from true!

Open yourself to tango, let tango into you, and it itself will softly whisper, enclosing you in its gentle but strong embrace. Although there are people who enjoy simple steps on the dance floor to the rhythms of tango, believe me, the longer we practice tango, attending lessons, techniques, seminars, studying individually with a teacher, going to various tango camps and festivals, the more interesting it becomes in tango, the more varied we dance, the more friends and acquaintances we have.

Tango has existed for over a hundred years, and throughout its existence, tango has developed, changed, and improved. Currently, there are several varieties of tango and several hundred active tango orchestras. You can devote yourself completely to learning tango, researching the history of tango and orchestras, singers and dancers, learning different styles of dance, learning different movements, studying with different teachers, and once you are almost sure that “I’m about to learn everything about tango.” , but every time you will find something new for yourself, and everything will continue further, again and again. After all, tango is a mixture of many cultures. After all, tango is a huge contribution to the dance of a large number of dancers who were looking for new opportunities in dance. Tango is music that once you understand it, you can no longer erase it from your heart. Tango is not just a dance. Tango is a relationship between two people, tango is forever, tango is beautiful, it is magical, it is divine!