Spells, prayers and rituals for the growing moon on coins, bills, wallet, candle, water, salt: white magic. What conspiracies and prayers for the growing moon should be read on Wednesday, Thursday, the first day? How to use magic to attract money to the waxing moon

It often happens that there is always not enough money, and not because you don’t work or spend thoughtlessly, but it simply doesn’t come to you and that’s it. Money magic, which is simple and effective, can help with this.

Money magic on the waxing moon

The ritual of counting money for the new month helps not only to save money, but also to turn cash flows in your direction if they are not coming to you.

To do this, on the evening of the appearance of the new month, take out all the money you have, including small change. Sit on the windowsill so that the month can “see” your money and count it. Then put them where you usually keep your savings. There, to your money, money will be attracted.

This method is extremely simple, but at the same time you can really see that it works.

Waxing moon spell for wealth

During the waxing moon, choose a day of an even number. On a banknote of any denomination, say the following words: “Just as there is a lot of dirt in the swamp, there is a lot of fish in the water, so there is a lot of money for me. Grow a month, give me wealth to the servant of God (name). Amen (3 times).” Then place the bill for the week in the corner of the room. This money should then be spent.

The ritual is repeated three times.

For income and rapid growth of money

Unlike other rituals that are performed on the new moon, this ritual is full moon money magic.

1. To carry out the ritual, a night is chosen when there is a full moon in the sky and there are no clouds at all.

2. Take some banknotes and coins. Dignity doesn't matter.

3. Place the money on the windowsill so that the light of the full moon falls directly on it.

4. Read the spell three times: “Money drinks the light of the Moon, grows all the time, gains strength, fills my House.”

5. Leave the charmed money in the same place until the morning; you cannot look at it all this time.

In the morning, put the money in your wallet and don’t touch it for a month. Exactly a month later, the charmed money can be spent and the ritual repeated again.

Such money will always attract additional profit to your wallet.

Ritual to attract money to yourself

This ritual, also called the money tree, is also performed on the even day of the full moon. You need to find a young aspen tree, take a patch, ask over it, so that as this tree grows, so will the money grow and multiply. Dig a hole under the tree and bury the charmed money there.

Wallet for attracting money

The magic of a money wallet is very important, because what kind of wallet you have will determine whether money wants to come to you or not.

You should buy a wallet in the first quarter of the moon and under no circumstances bargain, it’s even better if you overpay. You need to immediately put money in it, even a small bill, with the words: how many stars there are in the sky, how much water there is in the ocean, so in my wallet there will be a lot of money and always enough.

In addition, the wallet should contain irredeemable money from a happy day. It could be a banknote from a successful trade, a gift from a good person, or something else. The main thing is that the money is charged with positive emotions of happiness.

The color of the wallet also plays a certain role. Good money colors are green, red, brown, gold.

All these rituals belong to white magic, and can be used in everyday life without harming the person himself. Black magic should not be used by incompetent people, because you can unintentionally bring trouble to yourself and your loved ones.

You should also remember that there are certain secrets of money, ignorance of which can forever turn away your cash flows.

So money does not like stingy people who, for example, are greedy to pay a well-deserved reward to a person for work done, or envious people who think more about other people’s money than about how to earn money themselves. Also, money does not go to someone who says that money is not important and has no meaning for him.

Follow these simple rules and money will love your wallet.

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The problem of lack or lack of money is now familiar to almost every person. And only a small percentage of the population has never faced financial difficulties. Almost every one of us thought where to get funds to survive until the next paycheck or just buy something to eat. And the crisis in the country has shaken the situation even more.

Surely many of you have noticed that your neighbor or acquaintance was counting rubles before payday in the same way, and suddenly something in their life changed. As they say, “fortune began”, this man’s money appeared as if out of nowhere, like magic.

And few people thought that such a “lucky” person could actually resort to the help of magic.

Magic for attracting money

Since ancient times in Rus' they believed in the magical power of words- incantations and spells were in use much more often than now. Fortune tellers, sorcerers and witches were considered very respected people - after all, they were the ones who possessed the knowledge of how this or that ritual or conspiracy can help a person ward off misfortune, attract love, get rich.

This knowledge was passed down in written and oral form from generation to generation, reaching unchanged to this day.

Over time, secret knowledge ceased to be so, and many conspiracies and spells became available to an ordinary person ignorant of the secret arts of divination and sorcery. But they did not lose their strength because of this. And now, these days, when a person is in despair and sees no other way out, he resorts to the help of higher powers.

One of the industries most interesting to people has always been considered magic aimed at raising money and wealth. These conspiracies have remained unchanged to this day, since it was and is believed that it is impossible to change the words of the conspiracy - or it will lose its power.

But, as in any section of magical art, there are limitations and rules. And you shouldn’t just read the plot and expect that financial luck will flow to you like a deep river. What rules must be followed and when? money plot can really help a person?

How to read a money plot correctly?

Knowing and following these simple rules, which may seem strange at first glance, anyone can make the art of magic work for themselves.

  • The most powerful time to read a plot to attract money is the period growth of the young moon. These days are considered the most successful for any light magic aimed at the growth of something, good luck, happiness and prosperity.
  • About the upcoming ritual or one that has already taken place you can't tell anyone. The secret arts must remain secret. If you can’t resist and boast to someone that you were able to carry out the ritual of attracting money to the family, the plot may either not work, or lose your strength.
  • Conspiracies gain the greatest power in the mouth of a woman. When reading such conspiracies, you must have pure thoughts and a sincere desire to improve your life for the better. Greed, greed, the desire to have a lot of money to provide only for one’s needs are dark thoughts, and the consequences of reading a plot with such a mood may be sad. Money will come to the family, but it will not bring happiness.
  • While reading a spell or performing a ritual to attract money to the house, the caster must be alone in the room. Preferably remove from home everyone living in it, including cats or dogs - pets can interfere with the ritual.
  • The strongest money spells read during Lent and at Christmas.
  • You should only turn to magic for help in extreme situations. If everything is bad for you, you are desperate and have no strength to cope with the situation any longer, you are constantly short of money and your family is starving - then you can perform a ritual. Just for fun try it increase wealth using conspiracies is not a good idea. If everything is fine with you and there are no problems with money, a magical ritual can turn the situation in exactly the opposite direction. It can only arrive where it is empty. Where the house is a “full cup”, magic can cause loss.

Now you have become familiar with the basic rules of fortune telling for wealth. It's time to get down to business.

Spells to attract money to the waxing moon

The most powerful magic for attracting money to the house is usually performed during the waxing moon. This section contains the most effective conspiracies that will help you attract wealth into your home.

To improve your financial situation

To carry out this ritual you will need a coin of 5 rubles or any other, but be sure to silver color. This color is considered the color of the moon and attracts its protection.

The plot is read at night, after the sky the moon appeared. Before the ceremony, it is necessary to remove all animals and strangers from the premises. It is best to carry it out at a time when your household members are already sleeping.

Take a glass of water and place it on the windowsill. Place a coin inside. The glass should be positioned so that the moonlight falls on it. Say a prayer "Our Father" and start reading the plot:

“The young month is growing, it will bring wealth to my house. I conjure you, young moon, with my word, and ask for help. Give me enough money to feed my family, not to go naked, so that my table is full, and my bins are full to the brim.. So that money flows into the family and does not flow out. Let the wealth in my house grow, just as you grow, let the bread on my table never run out, let the silver in the bins never run out. My word is strong, sealed with my lips, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted or broken by anyone. And whoever tries to do this will lose his income, and it will go to me. Amen!"

The coin is left in the glass for a week, after which it is taken out and placed in the wallet. Mark it so you don't accidentally pay. Carry it with you and it will always attract money to you.

Conspiracy “My house is a full cup”

This is a more serious conspiracy to attract serious income and strengthening the financial position of the caster. It is performed as follows.

There should be no strangers in the house. For the ritual you will need:

  • coins of different denominations - several handfuls;
  • white candle.

“The fine fellow rode to the market place, carrying with him sable furs and foamy honey. At the market, a gypsy approached him. He says - sell honey! Well done: I won’t sell! The gypsy offers him an irredeemable coin in response and tempts him with wealth. The coin is made of lunar silver, full of wealth and magic to the brim. Whoever brings that coin into his home, wealth will never leave him! Well done, he sold the honey to the gypsy and took the magic coin. She was with him until the end of his life, and was inherited by his sons. That coin was lost among mine, and I undertook to bring wealth into the house. My house is full to the brim with that coin, and gold and silver lie in the bins, while the enchanted coin guards my house! My house is a full cup, as long as the coin is ours! My word is strong, my conspiracy cannot be broken!”

Scatter the prepared coins in corners, under furniture - in the most inaccessible places where they cannot be taken away. Keep them there. As long as the coins are in place, there will always be prosperity in your home. After a year, collect them and give them alms. After a year, the ritual needs to be updated.

Candle spell

Another powerful conspiracy to attract wealth is being made on a candle.

Any white wax candle will do. They read the plot strictly until midnight.

Prepare a mirror and a candle. Turn off the lights in the room. Sit in front of the mirror so that you can see Waxing Crescent. Light a candle and start reading:

“As this candle burns and burns out, so poverty and misery leave my home. I attract money and luck to the house so that the coins in my wallet are never transferred, they bathed in silver and washed themselves in gold. All enemies and ill-wishers will burn in this flame, everyone to whom my wealth does not give peace. Whoever wishes me harm will take the sin upon himself. The candle protects my home and wallet, increases the wealth in it. My word is strong, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted!”

As soon as you finish reading the plot, immediately extinguish the candle. The cinder must be wrapped in a piece of clean white cloth and stored in secluded place. Periodically, the candle can be lit and the ritual repeated to increase wealth (if what has arrived is not enough for you). This is also done on the days of the waxing moon. You cannot use such a spell on a candle more often than three times in a row. After this there is a break for a year.

Spells to attract money on the waning moon

These conspiracies conventionally belong to the section dark magic. By using them, you seem to “take away” wealth from another person. Not a very honest method, but sometimes you can’t do without it. Especially if you decide to “punish” some official or bribe-taker with a ruble. In order to perform the ceremony, you will need personal item or money, received from the hands of the person you are going to magically “rob”.

For a bill or coin

In order for this plot to work, you need to get bill or coin from the hands of the person who suits you in the role of the future “breadwinner”. If this is the owner of a store, you can buy some small change from him and keep the change. If this is a rich neighbor, do not hesitate to borrow a hundred rubles from him.

CONSPIRACY read at night, in complete darkness. Stand in front of the window, pick up a bill or coin, and start reading:

“The servant of God (name) came to you, brought milk, and received a coin for her work. You are rich and stingy, greedy and stupid, you have many sins, everyone is standing next to you. The demons brought you wealth, but I will take it away from you. Just as this coin passed into my hands, all your income will go into my wallet. Just as the demons helped you before, now they will turn away, because God is behind me! I’m taking away your wealth and well-being, income and happiness, everything will go to me. You can cancel my conspiracy only if you pray away all your sins and ask forgiveness from everyone you offended. Amen!"

Place the bill in the secret compartment of your wallet and carry it with you. After 40 days, buy church candles with it and light them near the icons of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ. Pray, ask for forgiveness of your sin, and take communion. This plot will help you get a large sum of money quickly, but use it more than once it is forbidden.

Material well-being plays a significant role in the life of every person and is considered the key to happiness and family preservation. Of course, even if material wealth is not the main priority, it is simply impossible to live completely without money today.

In addition to the basic needs of housing, food, medicine and clothing, modern man also requires funds for education, entertainment and favorite little things. There are many well-known folk signs that help maintain and increase material well-being.

If you decide to change your job, then it is better to do it during the waxing Moon

To attract and increase money, you should treat finances with respect. Creating the appropriate mood should start with purchasing a beautiful wallet for banknotes, and they should be folded with the front side out.

It is undesirable for men to walk around with empty pockets or wallets, or to say that there is too much money - this can lead to a cessation of cash flows, because there is no such thing as too much money.

Everyone knows that money loves to be counted, and it is better to count it in your own wallet. Also, money loves movement, so it is better not to hide it under the pillow, but to store it in a bank.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina: “To break out of lack of money once and for all, make it a rule to wear simple..” Read the article >> http://c.twnt.ru/pbH9

Changes should be distributed to the poor on Sunday - this penny remedy will only increase wealth.

The waxing moon is the best time to improve your financial affairs. This phase favors new beginnings, especially in the monetary sphere. If you decide to change your job, open your own business, make a deposit in the bank, talk to your boss about increasing your salary - this must be done at the beginning of the lunar calendar.

As the new month grows, your income will also begin to gradually increase, and your financial situation will improve. This period is also suitable for performing rituals and magical rites to attract funds.

Simple rituals for adding money

The easiest way to increase your wealth is to show a banknote of the highest possible value to the young moon on the night of the new moon (the first day of the lunar calendar). Along with the growth of the new crescent, your income will increase proportionately.

The shown bill cannot be given away or spent - it should be put in the side compartment of the wallet and wait for the growth of material well-being until the next new moon. If you lose or spend this money, you should not expect good luck in financial terms.

It is at this time that you should ask your boss for a salary increase or a bonus.

You can also make a talisman to attract money with your own hands for the new moon. In a small bag, place a few bay leaves, seven coins and a small note indicating the amount of money you would like to receive.

The magical properties of bay leaves have been known since ancient Rome; bay leaves protect against negative energy and promote the fulfillment of desires. During the waxing moon, their influence only intensifies, so you can make a wish for the treasured amount and count on your wish coming true in a few months.

To improve your financial situation on the new moon, it is recommended to place your money on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the waxing moon. This display of symbols of wealth for the growing month is the simplest ritual that attracts good luck, financial well-being and monetary gifts.

To make moving to a new apartment and related household chores easy and carefree, you should plan them for the waxing phase of the moon. New beginnings and business projects should also be planned during the new moon, then profit and success will not be long in coming.

Simoron, a money ritual to attract cash flows

To carry out such a ritual you will need the energy of water and moonlight. It is held at night, however, you need to start preparing for it in advance.

When you see the new moon, hold a coin in your hand and make your cherished wish. It will definitely come true in the near future

Prepare two glass vessels, leave one of them clean, and fill the second with melt water and a mixture of herbs (mint, marjoram, calamus, sage, basil and verbena). Place the glass container on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the light of the new moon. Water needs to be spoken. Imagine a stormy river stream or an ocean of wealth and say:

When the moon is full, my house will be full of everything I need!

After you have cast the spell, leave the water to charge for 3 hours. After the allotted time has passed, the water must be filtered using a sieve into a second container and hidden in a secret, cool place, away from prying eyes. This Simoron ritual will ensure that the money in your pocket will not be transferred throughout the year.

Other ways to increase capital

The easiest way to attract wealth can be a simple haircut. Everyone knows that you need to get your hair cut during the young waxing moon so that your hair grows healthy and thick. However, if you follow the lunar calendar, you can choose the most favorable day to increase your wealth. Haircuts on Thursday and Friday are favorable, but on Sunday it is better not to cut your hair.

If you see a month, then show him either a wallet with money in an open form, or a bill of the highest denomination, or squeeze a few coins in your fist

To double your money, before the new moon, hide different amounts of money in the hiding places of your home and leave them to charge with the power of moonlight until the morning. The next day, spend all the hidden bills on useful and pleasant household items (thus, your wealth will return and increase).

For the household, always buy more cereals, which are considered an ancient symbol of wealth. Rice is best suited for increasing capital. On the new moon, place three coins of different denominations under the door threshold - such a penny remedy will attract good luck and prosperity to your home for a long time.

Signs to losing money

During the waxing moon period, it is strictly forbidden to borrow money. Otherwise, they will not be retained by the owner and will flow away like water through one’s fingers. When the month is growing, it is preferable to borrow money, but it should be returned in the second half of the lunar calendar (as the month decreases). Also, you should not give money in the evening or at night, when the magical protection of the house weakens.

When showing money to the young Moon, say: “As Young Man grows, so let my finances grow.”

The waxing of the moon is a special time. During this phase, the night star accumulates powerful energy and shares it with all living things on earth. Magic takes advantage of this feature of the moon, extracting a lot of opportunities from it. During the period of the waxing moon, magical rituals are carried out, special conspiracies are pronounced aimed at attracting, growing and multiplying something. For example - for money and luck.

With the help of lunar energy, for example, you can attract financial well-being, because it is one of the criteria for the well-being of every person. To do this, you should use any strong money spell for the waxing moon.

There are a large number of money conspiracies carried out during the waxing of the moon. They can be very different from each other, but there is one feature that unites them - they are carried out according to certain rules.

  1. Rituals are powerful if say them on Wednesday- a day characterized by powerful monetary energy.
  2. The correct operation of the money plot and its effectiveness are ensured by strict and strictly following the instructions of the ritual. In this case, it is better not to engage in amateur activities if you do not want a negative effect and undesirable negative consequences. This rule especially applies to beginners who have no magical experience.
  3. The sacrament of the conspiracy must be carried out in a quiet and secluded place, all alone.
  4. It is not enough to simply cast a spell and expect wealth on a silver platter. Due to the chosen ritual you must believe, and also be confident in your own abilities. For the method to work, you need to make an effort yourself. Magic doesn't help idle people.
  5. Carrying out any money ritual must be kept secret. It is not at all necessary for those around you and even those closest to you to know how you managed to achieve financial success.

By reading the recommendations, choosing a strong money plot and following it according to all the rules, you can solve all your problems related to finances. Money rituals will help you acquire wealth, attract good luck and ensure that your home is always full. There should be no difficulties in performing magical rituals for material well-being, since they are relatively simple and are usually accompanied by detailed instructions.

Ways to attract money using spells

For honey and table crumbs

When clearing the table, the hostess should grease her palms with honey and use them to collect all the crumbs of food, bread, grains of sugar, and other things that remain on the table surface after dinner. This process must be accompanied by a conspiracy:

“I clean up the rubbish and add good luck to myself. Just as rubbish sticks to honey, so let money stick to my hands. Just as rubbish is kept in my hands, so let money be kept in my hands. My strong word, sanctified by the new month. Amen!"

Having completed these steps, you need to rinse your hands well under running water, saying:

“I wash my palms - I get money for the house. Dirt goes away, wealth comes. The water is decreasing, but the moon is waxing and beckoning money to me. Amen!"

At the end of the ritual, you need to wash the table of honey, but there is no longer any need to pronounce any kind of conspiracy.

It is not advisable for anyone at home to see all these magical manipulations. If this does happen, the performer does not have to explain anything. It’s better to just say that it’s necessary.

For the first bill

You can use the ritual when receiving a salary or other profit coincides with the growth phase of the moon. When the entire amount of money is in your hands, you need to take the very first (top) bill from the stack and place it separately from the rest. At night, with the money put aside, you need to go to the window or go outside. Substituting it for moonlight, you should read the plot:

“You are the first money, you are the main money. Let the money follow you in a string and settle in my hands. Amen!"

The charmed money must be marked and set aside so as not to confuse it with other bills. You can't waste it. As soon as any income appears, the first bill from the stack must be placed next to the charmed one. If you make a profit with one large banknote, you will need to exchange it and put part of the money back into the charmed banknote.

Do this until a decent amount has accumulated. With all the accumulated money, except for the main enchanted money, you need to buy something for the house - so that it can stand there and not be taken out anywhere. The charmed bill is not spent: after the first major purchase, you need to start adding money to it again from each income.

Several more ways of ritual for the waxing moon can be seen in this video:

On the waxing moon, buy a ripe pumpkin, or pick one from your garden. On the day you read the plot, collect all the pumpkin seeds, and prepare some dish from the vegetable itself. Pour the seeds onto the table and read the text 3 times:

“Like the money was locked in a prison without light. And I opened the pumpkin and opened the way to the money. And for this money began to come to me and swarm around me and multiply. Let the money go to my house, and not a single one passes by. Amen!"

The enchanted seeds need to be fried in a frying pan. Then call all family members for dinner and serve the previously prepared pumpkin dish. As a dessert, under any pretext, offer pumpkin seeds. Everyone in the family should try them. The effect of magic will begin to manifest itself in about a month. Over time, the influx of money will increase.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The concept of “happiness” includes many factors: success in personal relationships, the opportunity to do what you love, good health, and many, many other things. But modern living conditions are such that it is difficult to feel happy without a stable financial situation. To purchase a new car you need money, to send your child to kindergarten you also need money. And you won’t be able to eat delicious food without money.

Work allows you to provide financially for your family. But they are not always enough. When ordinary means do not help, magic and rituals will help. Some of them are designed to attract money. We will talk about them in the article.

Effective rituals for attracting finances, which are carried out during the growth of the Moon

If you refer to the gardener's Lunar Calendar, please note that during the growth of the Moon it is recommended to carry out activities that support the rapid growth of plants. It is at this time that plantings develop most actively. The growth of the Moon is considered a period when all endeavors will be successful and goals will be achieved. To become a little richer, try the following spells and rituals:

1. At night, take money out of your wallet or pocket and lift it up so that it hits the moonlight. Next, say the key phrase: “The young month is getting longer and more beautiful, and so my money is increasing and multiplying.” Stay in this position for a few seconds. You can simply put the bills on the windowsill at home and leave them overnight. Just make sure no one steals them during this time.

2. During the new moon, do not be stingy in giving alms. There is an opinion that everything you give at such a time will come back to you, even in double the amount. The main thing is that you sincerely do good deeds, your thoughts must be pure.

3. During the first four days of the moon’s growth, place the largest denomination bill you have at home near the window at night. Place a few duplicate coins on top. So, if you put a five-thousand-dollar note, then put five-ruble notes on top. Place a mirror next to the money, facing the Moon. When the full moon comes, collect the money and say: “My money is illuminated by the Moon, just like it, it has become fuller and larger.” Put the “moon” money in your wallet and always carry it with you, don’t waste it.

4. When you are going to bake bread or a pie, hide a couple of coins in the preparation. And let a man place the baked goods in the oven, with his right hand or both.

5. Buy a new wallet during the period of lunar growth. Immediately place as much money of different denominations into it as possible.

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