Green tea: a storehouse of nutrients. Green tea

Popular green tea, whose benefits and harms are described below, has varieties that differ both in the types of leaves and the place of their collection, and in the type of preparation (semi-fermentation or its absence) and the presence of additional components (ginseng, jasmine, mint, lemon balm).

Depending on a person’s taste preferences, tea is consumed with honey, lemon, milk, mint, ginseng, jasmine, hibiscus, hot or cold. This drink is available for sale in different forms - in bags or in bulk. There is a widespread belief among buyers that the best tea is loose leaf tea, and small fragments of leaves, stems and other waste from the production of loose leaf tea are packaged in bags. However, this is not always true, since the quality of the product depends on the variety, additional components (jasmine, hibiscus, rose) and processing, regardless of the form in which it is sold.


Due to its composition, tea is able to normalize blood pressure and has a positive effect on the kidneys. Green tea also contains a complex of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the liver.

  1. B1 (19 mg) is involved in the processing and synthesis of fats, promotes their rapid dissolution and excretion from the liver;
  2. B2 (1) stimulates the production of bile and accelerates its flow, preventing harmful substances from stagnating in the organ;
  3. C (250) normalizes metabolism between liver cells by increasing vascular permeability and promotes restoration of the organ during cholecystitis and hepatitis.

The presence of catechins in the composition can affect the health of this organ negatively. Scientists from the American College of Gastroenterology have found that a safe dosage for the liver is daily consumption of up to 500 mg of catechins for men and 450–470 mg for women. Exceeding this dosage leads to inhibition of liver function.

This is especially dangerous due to the spread of dietary supplements, in which the catechin content exceeds 700 mg. Daily use of this dosage can lead to the destruction of liver tissue.

Tea also has a beneficial effect on high blood pressure (hypertension). Theophylline (3–4%) is an alkaloid that relaxes muscles and eliminates spasms, promotes the expansion of blood vessels by relaxing their walls and increasing the gaps through which blood flows.

As a result, blood circulation is normalized and blood pressure is reduced. The positive effect on blood pressure is felt immediately after drinking the drink, which helps relieve an attack. With its daily consumption of 1-2 cups per day by hypertensive patients, the severity of the disease may decrease, and pressure surges will stop. Tannin also has a positive effect on pressure, which increases vascular tone.

Caffeine has a diuretic effect. This eliminates swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. It also has a positive effect on the kidneys, as it helps to “wash” them of sand (if any) and resists stagnation of urine. But if you abuse this drink (consuming more than 600 ml per day), the content of salts and acids in the kidneys may increase, which provokes the formation of stones. This happens because when you become dehydrated, your urine becomes more concentrated and the salts it contains accumulate and form sediment.

With milk

Perhaps the healthiest drink for tooth enamel is green tea, either in tea bags or brewed from leaves. Due to its high calcium content (495 mg), it effectively strengthens tooth enamel and prevents its thinning. In addition, when consumed with milk, tea does not stain teeth (unlike black tea, the pigment of which is not always neutralized even by milk).

Another property that is beneficial for green tea in bags with milk is that it has an alkaline environment (thanks to milk), which means it can neutralize the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, the benefits of green tea and milk in any form are obvious for people suffering from heartburn, gastritis, and high acidity. When ingested, this drink, due to its alkaline environment, reduces the acidity of gastric juice. As a result, the severity of attacks of gastritis and heartburn decreases. To improve the taste, it can be consumed with honey, jasmine, mint, lemon balm and other additives.

With lemon

One of the important aspects of why green tea is beneficial is its high content of vitamin C (250 mg, while lemon 40 mg, and black tea does not have it at all), which can increase immunity and the body’s resistance to bacteria, viruses and infections . You can significantly increase the content of this substance if you drink the drink with lemon. On average, 1 cup of tea contains about 10 mg of vitamin C. Adding one slice of lemon, which contains about 4 mg of this vitamin, can increase its content per cup to 14-15 mg. The vitamin goes into tea when brewed correctly (tea leaves should not be poured with water at a temperature above 90 degrees). The drink is also good for the liver due to its vitamin C content, which normalizes intercellular metabolism in it.

Advice! To maximize the benefits of green tea for the body, pour it not with boiling water, but with water at a temperature of 80–90 degrees and leave for about five minutes. Caffeine from the leaves is extracted into the drink at a water temperature of 85–90 degrees. And at a higher temperature, tannins begin to be extracted into the drink, which give it bitterness.

For one cup you need to use 1 sachet or 1 teaspoon of leaves per 200–300 ml of water. After this, lemon is added. It is better to sweeten this tea with honey rather than sugar, because honey also contains vitamin C. To improve the taste, you can add lemon balm or mint during brewing, which best reveal the taste together with lemon.

With honey

Speaking about the benefits of green tea for the human body, it is worth mentioning the presence of vitamin C (250 mg) in its composition. Thanks to it, the drink helps improve the body's immunity. Imed is also characterized by its vitamin C content (0.5 mg). Regular consumption of a hot drink with honey is suitable for those who need to strengthen their immunity during epidemics of viral infections and cold weather.

Honey is equally effective regardless of whether it is added directly to the drink or consumed simultaneously with it. When adding honey to a drink, it must be dissolved in an amount of at least 1 teaspoon per cup. In this case, 1 tea bag or one teaspoon of leaves is used for 300 ml of water. To improve the taste, honey tea can be consumed with crushed lemon balm, lemon balm. In addition, honey tea is used by women and men for weight loss, as it satisfies the need for sweets and gives a feeling of fullness.

With lemon balm

Mint and lemon balm can only significantly improve the taste, but also enhance the beneficial properties of green tea, regardless of whether it is in bags or in the form of whole leaves. Mint and lemon balm, as well as tea leaves themselves, contain potassium (569, 458 and 6.4 mg, respectively). Potassium has a positive effect on the body, normalizing muscle function and relaxing muscles.

Therefore, the benefits of green tea with lemon balm and mint are obvious for those who need to get rid of cramps and spasms. Drinking one cup of this drink hot has an antispasmodic and relaxing effect. To prepare one cup of lemon balm or mint drink, you will need a spoonful of tea leaves and one medium sprig of the plant. All this needs to be put in a cup and filled with hot, but not boiling water. Leave for 5–7 minutes.

Weight loss

Green tea with lemon, honey, jasmine and mint is an effective way to lose weight for men and women. Tea acts in several ways:

  1. caffeine and catechin in the composition of such a drink with honey significantly speed up metabolism when consumed daily and are responsible for faster burning of fat deposits and cleansing the liver of fats;
  2. catechins also make tea with honey an effective diuretic, as a result, swelling in men and women is reduced, therefore, body weight and volume are reduced (the same property has a positive effect on the condition of the kidney and blood pressure level);
  3. polyphenols in the drink with honey enhance heat exchange, as a result, more energy is spent on warming the body, obtained by burning fat deposits, and weight loss is stimulated;
  4. the presence of honey reduces the need for sweets and saturates with energy.

In order for both men and women to actively lose weight, tea with honey must be brewed correctly. It is necessary to pour the leaf into the teapot at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 200–300 ml of water. Fill the tea leaves with water at a temperature of 80–90 degrees and let it brew. For morning use – 5 minutes during which time the caffeine will have time to be extracted into the drink and this tea will give you energy for the whole day. For lunch and evening - 2-3 minutes, but no more, to reduce the excessive invigorating effect of caffeine, which can cause insomnia.

After brewing, pour the tea into a glass and dissolve two spoons of honey in it. Take 200 ml three times a day for women and 250 - 300 ml for men. Continue taking until the desired weight is reached. 

Sometimes, when losing weight, the drink is drunk with tar and honey once a day in the morning, 250 ml. The calorie content of such a portion is about 90 kcal. At the same time, it gives a fairly long feeling of satiety.


  • Green tea, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in the material, cannot be taken by everyone.
  • There is some harm to green tea when consumed with lemon. Since lemon does not contain organic acids, its addition significantly increases the acidity of the drink. Acids have a negative effect on teeth and destroy the tooth enamel of men, women, especially children, since they have thinner enamel. However, this harm from green tea can be reduced if you rinse your mouth or brush your teeth immediately after drinking it. The best way to remove acidity is to drink milk, since its alkaline environment neutralizes acids;
  • The potential harm of green tea also exists for allergy sufferers. Although green tea is one of the most non-allergic teas, sometimes intolerance is caused by flavors and additives with which it can be enriched (ginseng, hibiscus, jasmine, rose). Quite rarely, a natural flower is used as a flavoring agent, for example, “Jasmine,” because it does not give a strong aroma, and the production of such tea is more expensive, so manufacturers replace it with a chemical analogue. It is to this that the reaction can begin. Regardless of what kind of tea is purchased, in bags or loose leaves, it is important for allergy sufferers to find out what the composition of the product is in order to be sure that it does not contain flavorings;
  • The ability to lower blood pressure explains the contraindications of green tea for use by hypotensive people. It can greatly dilate blood vessels, causing a drop in blood pressure. This may cause dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and even fainting. If a man or woman is suspected of having a tendency to hypotension (low blood pressure), then it is better to refuse the drink;
  • The diuretic effect of the drink is undesirable for kidney stones. Active urine flow can cause stone movement and blockage of ducts in men and women;
  • The choleretic effect, beneficial for the liver, causes the displacement of stones in the ducts and gall bladder (if present). This can lead to blockage of the ducts;
  • Catechins in the composition can have a negative effect on the liver;
  • The controversial issue is whether green tea is harmful during pregnancy. Since it relieves swelling, it is useful for expectant mothers. However, potassium and calcium are washed out of the body along with urine. But this happens in small quantities.

If there are no contraindications, the drink can be consumed by men and women in any quantity. But even with contraindications, a person can sometimes treat himself to one cup of this drink.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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Green tea, the benefits of tea, as well as the properties of tea, tea recipes, tea for beauty - all this in the article about the benefits of this miracle drink

Such a warm and tart word “tea”, this product accompanies us all our lives, from childhood to old age. Very often we do not pay attention to much that surrounds us and could be beneficial. Yes and green tea , it is uniquely useful, properties of tea endowed him with the power of nature, which can make our health stronger and our beauty more durable. In this article we will look at this particular type of green tea, but we cannot neglect white tea, red tea and all other varieties, they also have a whole bunch of advantages, but we will talk about them in the next issues

Green tea - an excellent and effective assistant in the fight against waste and toxins that constantly attack our body, it has an effective effect on the manifestation of cellulite. Green tea helps remove excess moisture from the body, removing water, it kills fat cells that burst from lack of moisture, thereby improving the metabolic process. You've probably already noticed that a number of weight loss products, both for external and internal use, contain an extract of this miracle plant. And this is quite natural, since green tea - naturally affects the improvement of metabolism, restoration of hormonal levels, some types of green tea balance insulin surges - all these actions naturally reduce appetite.

In order to achieve the maximum effect from tea, it must be prepared correctly. Please note that the tea leaves can be filled with water whose temperature is not higher than 90 degrees, otherwise boiling water will kill most of the beneficial substances. And these are the most important sources of usefulness of any tea. Despite its light and transparent form, over 300 substances can be found in green tea. These include proteins, vitamins C and B, carbohydrates, iron, sodium, zinc, calcium and many other compounds.

But what about green tea affects beauty if applied for external use. The benefits of tea are undeniable, because after analyzing many skin, hair, and nail care products, you can see green tea extract in the composition. Large amounts of antioxidants have been released green tea to a leading position and allowed it to become one of the main ingredients. You don't have to buy expensive beauty products to reap the benefits of tea because green tea This is an affordable product that can be used at home and will be a worthy substitute for expensive procedures in salons.

For example, you can prepare a regenerating face mask to restore a healthy appearance and remove toxins. Take three spoons of sour cream and one spoon of green tea, stir, leave for half an hour, and then spread on the face and neck, leave the mask for 20 minutes, after which, rinse with warm water.

Also make it a rule to wash your face every morning and every evening, or at least wipe your face with strong, warm green tea. Rubbing with a piece of ice made from green tea or hibiscus tea helps get rid of red dots and small blemishes on the skin of the face very well. With constant use of tea for cosmetic purposes, skin elasticity and tone increase, complexion improves, and minor imperfections such as rashes, redness, and peeling disappear. A large number of useful substances, biostimulants, amino acids and essential oils restore the normal balance of the skin, stimulate collagen production and nourish it with additional valuable vitamins.

Procedures based on green tea preserve youth, freshness and beauty of your skin, activate metabolic processes, and improve the overall condition of the skin at the level of the deep layers of the skin.

tell friends

Green tea, like other types of tea, is obtained from tea bush(tea or camellia sinensis), which is a plant of the genus Camellia families Teahouses. From the name “Camellia sinensis” one can correctly conclude that the tea bush was first cultivated in China. From there it came to Japan, then the Dutch brought it to the island of Java, and the British brought it to the Himalayas. After this, tea spread to India, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Indonesia, and South America.

The difference between green tea and its more popular black “brother” lies in the processing of the tea leaves. Let's talk in more detail about how green tea is obtained.

Green tea production technology

Green tea production technology consists of the following stages: fixation (steaming), curling, drying and sorting.

Fixing (steaming) is the treatment of tea leaves with steam at a temperature of 170-180 o C (Japanese method) or frying the tea leaves in braziers (hemispherical metal cauldrons), where it is heated to a temperature of 80-90 o C (Chinese method). The purpose of this stage is the inactivation (elimination of activity) of enzymes and associated chemical transformations. Thus, the main feature in the production of green tea is that they try to stop the fermentation process (oxidative reactions) in it, and not intensify it as in the case of black tea. Steaming or roasting makes the tea leaves elastic, making them easy to roll. After the moisture content of the tea leaves drops to approximately 60%, the rolling stage begins.

The purpose of twisting is to crush the leaf tissue, after which cell sap is released on its surface.

After the twisting stage, the raw material is sent to drying. There the tea acquires an olive green color, and its humidity does not exceed 5%. Drying is carried out with hot air at a temperature of 95-105 o C.

Sorting is the final stage of green tea production, which consists of grouping teas according to their uniform appearance (leaf tea or broken tea, tea leaf crumbs or seeding).

Important components of green tea


Green tea has in its chemical composition caffeine, the content of which is higher than in natural coffee. The amount of caffeine directly depends on the correct tea production technology, as well as the initial growing conditions of the tea bush. Green tea also contains theobromine And theophylline.


Up to 30% of the composition of green tea consists of polyphenols, in particular catechins, of which the greatest interest is Epigallocatechin gallate. This tea also contains tannin, the content of which is 2 times higher than in its black counterpart.

Vitamins and minerals

Green tea also contains vitamins (P, C, A, B1, B2, B3, E, etc.) and minerals (calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chromium, manganese, selenium, zinc, etc.).

Benefits of green tea

Green tea has undergone many scientific and medical studies, and to this day continues to arouse interest in its properties, as well as its effect on human health. The results of these studies often contradict each other, but in general the following can be said about green tea:

  • Catechins contained in green tea are actively absorbed by the lens and retina of the eye, resulting in oxidative stress in the eyes(the process of cell damage due to oxidation) is reduced for up to 20 hours. Hong Kong scientists have concluded that green tea may be promising in preventing glaucoma.
  • Research conducted in Slovenia has shown that green tea extract has antimicrobial activity.
  • Epigallocatechin gallate helps protect brain cells. An experiment conducted at the Israeli University of Technology on mice showed that this type of catechin fights Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Epigallocatechin gallate has been laboratory proven to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in prostate cancer. It is also combined with tamoxifen suppresses the development of breast cancer (in vivo experiment, i.e., on a living organism, was carried out on mice, in vitro experiment, i.e., in a test tube, on human cells).
  • Green tea reduces the risk of developing memory and attention disorders by 2 times. The key to this effect, which has been confirmed in vivo in humans, may lie in the ability of epigallocatechin gallate to cross the blood-brain barrier.
  • Green tea extract containing polyphenols and caffeine restores thermogenesis(heat generation by the body) and stimulates fat oxidation. As a result, the metabolic rate increases. The number of heartbeats remains the same. Due to these properties, the risk of developing heart disease when drinking green tea is reduced. And this was confirmed by in vivo experience in people who had acute myocardial infarction. When drinking green tea, the mortality rate among such people from a second heart attack decreased by almost 2 times.
  • By itself, drinking green tea does not reduce cholesterol levels in the human body (although animal experiments have shown the opposite). However, when added to green tea extract theaflavine(a pigment that gives dry tea leaves a characteristic shine) contained in black tea, cholesterol levels in the human body are reduced.
  • Green tea improves human immunity and is also an energy stimulant (due to active fat oxidation).
  • Systematic consumption of green tea leads to normalization of a person’s body weight.
  • Containing a large amount of antioxidants, green tea extract prevents skin aging and protects it from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Despite the lack of scientific evidence that green tea can reduce the risk of developing gastric diseases, as well as help with existing problems associated with them, traditional medicine uses this tea as a remedy for dysentery, indigestion, and also attributes to it the ability to eliminate colitis.
  • Science has not proven that green tea in any way affects respiratory diseases, but traditional medicine suggests that green tea can treat rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis and conjunctivitis (in the form of rinses and rinses). The results of such treatment are unknown.
  • As for dentistry, green tea contains fluoride, so rinsing your teeth and gums with green tea is a preventative against caries.
  • Thanks to the same catechins that reduce oxidative processes in muscles, green tea helps keep body muscles toned.
  • Green tea can reduce the risk of HIV infection. In addition, it is able to stop the development of the disease in the infected person. These studies are only in the early stages and they are all related to the same type of catechin, called epigallocatechin gallate.
  • Green tea lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Harm of green tea

Excessive consumption of green tea due to its high content of catechins can lead to liver disease. The daily intake of catechins is 500 mg. Many weight loss products are made based on green tea extract and contain more than 700 mg of catechins in a single dose, which poses a health hazard.

Also, excessive consumption of green tea can cause complications on the kidneys (green tea contains purines and their derivatives). In addition, since green tea somewhat complicates the process of removing uric acid from the body, it is contraindicated for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and gout, as well as various diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder.

Green tea should not be consumed by people with increased nervous excitability.

Existing myths about green tea

  • Green tea tones and calms. Green tea either tones or calms. If you brew green tea for 2 minutes, you will get a tonic drink, which will give us strength. If you brew it for 5 minutes, you will get a soothing drink, relieving stress.
  • Green tea can be stored in a teapot for a day or more. In fact any tea must be drunk in 1 tea ceremony (in 1 sitting). Within a day, brewed tea will turn into poison, because... the minerals in its composition will be completely oxidized.
  • It is harmful to drink green tea with milk. It is not true. Simply, when mixing tea with milk, the composition of the tea changes. Tannin forms chelate complexes with milk. In this case, the tea will simply become less tonic.
  • Coffee and green tea contain equal amounts of caffeine. This is wrong. Green tea contains more caffeine than any type of coffee. This is partly due to the fact that a large amount of caffeine is lost during the processing of coffee beans.
  • Green tea has hallucinogenic properties. This is pure fiction. Green tea can tone you up and can relax you. But it does not contain substances that can cause hallucinations.

Before we begin to find out all the nuances of the benefits and harms of green tea, let's remember one important detail: tea, first of all, is a drink from which one gets pleasure, and green tea has been positioned since ancient times as the most accessible source of vigor and good mood.
When you mention this drink, you immediately imagine Chinese sages peacefully discussing philosophical topics.

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Medicine from Eastern sages

The most common status of green tea is as a natural antioxidant. It tends to prolong the youth of the body, improve complexion, maintain beauty and freshness. Japanese scientists spent a decade conducting rigorous research on the properties of green tea and came to the conclusion that people who regularly drink this drink live 5-7 years longer than others.

With the help of green tea, you can more easily and quickly restore a depleted nervous system. It is used as a prophylactic in stressful situations. However, to take tea as an antidepressant, it should be brewed weakly.

Green tea perfectly strengthens the circulatory system and helps veins maintain elasticity. Useful for those who like to sit at the computer - it perfectly removes salts and heavy metal waste from the body.

If you have a headache and you don’t find the necessary tablet in your medicine cabinet, brew a glass of green tea; it contains the same amount of caffeine as a headache medication capsule. If the cause of the pain is not very serious, tea should help.

Green tea is used as an auxiliary antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent.

But the most important value and benefit of green tea is that this seemingly ordinary drink is a serious obstacle and great enemy for cancer cells. He does not allow them to arise or develop in the body.

All "personnel"

On an ordinary evening in your kitchen, brewing green tea as usual, take a closer look at his hot soul. What do you see there? Nothing special? Tea for yourself - and tea... a greenish-yellowish fragrant liquid... But it is not as simple inside as it is outside.

Green tea contains almost the entire useful part of the periodic table, and this is not an exaggeration. Several hundred chemical elements and organic compounds, almost all vitamins known to modern science. If it were possible to simply take and photograph the “inner world” of green tea, the picture would appear very colorful.

We have already mentioned caffeine as a component of green tea. Another substance, titanin, gives tea a unique taste, and some medicinal properties depend on it (strengthening blood vessels, improving digestion). Without titanin, the process of removing radionuclides from the body would be impossible.

Catechins, essential substances found in high-quality varieties of green tea. They are “responsible” for the antioxidant effect of the drink. It is catechins actively work for metabolism and weight normalization when you drink green tea to lose weight.

Vitamin P can be said to lead the vitamin division in green tea. It contains a whole group of substances necessary for the human body. The general name of these substances is bioflavonoids. They cope better than others with free radicals that attack us from the outside.

In addition: vitamin C, vegetable proteins, amino acids, minerals.

Having seen many scientific and natural miracles, scientists never tire of being surprised and stating that the composition of green tea leaves never remains the same, it is constantly changing: some substances pass into others and this process does not stop, it continues even during processing.

Green tea has another amazing property, which is simply a sin to remain silent about: when brewed, it releases more beneficial substances into the boiling water, and “holds” harmful substances inside the leaf. This is truly a pro among teas.


Jasmine tea has been brewed and drunk in China for a good thousand years. And they don't complain. The taste and aroma are excellent. In addition, the special secret of the benefits of green tea with jasmine lies in the smell. Jasmine has a calming effect, its aroma stimulates brain functions and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Should I put some lemon in?

By adding a slice of lemon to green tea, which is already rich in vitamin C, we create not just a tonic drink with an incredibly fresh taste, we protect our body from diabetes. This is, firstly. Secondly, green tea with lemon will provide invaluable benefits during a diet. Thirdly, this is a high-quality medicine for low immunity and intestinal diseases. Fourthly, the cosmetic effect after such tea drinking is noticeable almost immediately - the condition of the skin improves.

What about aesthetic pleasure? After all, it’s very pleasant to contemplate a beautiful lemon slice in an exquisite cup of green tea, isn’t it?

And from sweets - only honey

Have you noticed that sugar, chocolate, and various jams are not at all suitable for green tea? Well, there you go – absolutely! They interrupt its real taste and do not correspond to the moment of tea drinking.

Only honey is fully “friendly” with green tea. Perhaps the reason for such harmony is that honey-producing flowers and grasses, or rather, their pollen?

Supporting “common tea” traditions, green tea with honey is beneficial for colds and as a preventative against eye diseases.

Green tea in a man's life

Now let's turn to boring but useful statistics for help. Of the 50 thousand men aged 40 to 69 years, 42 percent are at risk of prostate cancer. In 404 people, this disease is detected: 217 cases out of the total are at an early stage, 114 - the oncology is advanced, 19 cases - nothing can be helped, the disease was detected late.

And now let’s return again to the meticulous research of Japanese scientists, who found that men who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had prostate cancer 2 times less often than those who drank just a cup a day. Scientists attribute this anti-oncological effect of green tea to the catechins it contains (see section “All personnel”).

That's it, gentlemen! We think that the question of the benefits of green tea for men is closed.

Drink tea - lose weight

If you simply repeat that green tea is a means of losing weight, then this is rather self-hypnosis, which can undoubtedly play a role in your noble quest for slimness. But it’s better to know for sure.

So, here are some undeniable and scientifically proven facts about the benefits of green tea for weight loss.

  1. Green tea - excellent diuretic, which means that excess fluid has no chance of staying in your body. In order to gain a slim figure, you can even commit a small gastronomic violation and start adding skim milk to green tea in an unconventional way. Diuretic effect in p3. the basics will be strengthened.
  2. Polyphenols contained in green tea increase heat exchange in the body due to the processing of stored fats. Experimentally, it was found that 3-6 cups of green tea per day can increase the burning of fat in the body by 45 percent.
  3. Green tea lowers blood sugar levels. Knowing this property of the drink, we use it in the fight against extra pounds. We will drink a cup of green tea half an hour before meals. With this simple action we suppress the feeling of hunger and will be able to eat half or even a quarter of the usual portion.

Harm. Slight, but there

As a rule, the harm of any product manifests itself when abused.

Don't overuse green tea, primarily due to the stimulants it contains. This recommendation especially applies to people suffering from tachycardia and increased excitability.

For the same reason, you should not mix green tea with alcohol. The mix may be unpredictable for your kidneys.

Many people are interested in the question of how green tea affects blood pressure, the answer is that it can increase blood pressure, therefore it is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

In addition, the drink increases the acidity of the stomach, if after drinking tea an ulcer “breaks out” - know the reason and better exclude such tea from your menu.

Left for a long time, green tea can become not only harmful, but also dangerous.. After steeping for hours, the tea activates an increase in the amount of purine compounds in caffeine and becomes unfit for consumption. In this form, it poses a particular danger for people with gout and glaucoma.

Also, don’t drink green tea on an empty stomach.

Video about the benefits and harms of green tea:

Be healthy!

Everyone is familiar with this tonic and refreshing drink, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many who consume it. Attitudes towards this gift of nature are often contradictory, but the beneficial properties of green tea cannot be denied. Some put the leaves on a par with medications, and some consider its consumption only following the newfangled trend of leading a healthy lifestyle. This debate has been going on since green tea originated in ancient China. So what are the benefits of this wonderful drink, and what harm can it cause to the human body?

Main components

This drink is considered one of the most beloved drinks by many. The leaves of the camellia tea bush, first brewed in ancient China, became known as green tea and gained recognition throughout the world. Today, the volume of consumption of this invigorating green tea is only increasing, and the scope of its application is becoming wider. This wonderful drink is useful for both men and women. Today, the benefits of green tea are highly valued in cosmetology and medicine; it is also used in pharmaceuticals. So to what does green tea owe its healing properties and are there any contraindications to its use?

The tea bush has an unusual ability to absorb substances beneficial to the human body from the soil and synthesize them. Moreover, the chemical properties of fresh tea leaves and dried ones are significantly different. Dry tea leaves have a more intricate chemical composition. To understand it, you need to consider a simple tea leaf from a scientific point of view, and find out which of its components have a good effect on the human body and which can be harmful.

What green tea is good for is the tannins it contains. Tannin occupies a special place among them; it is to this substance that this type of tea owes its unusual taste. This tasty drink is also beneficial due to the essential oils it contains. Essential oils in tea give each variety a unique taste and aroma, and have a great influence on the quality of tea.

In addition to the listed elements, the beneficial properties of this refreshing drink are increased due to the invigorating alkaloid caffeine, also known as theine, contained in its composition. This component is also found in large quantities in coffee. But in green tea, the effect has a different character, it is softer, does not excite the nervous system and has a gentle effect on the cardiovascular system.

Pectins in tea promote the breakdown of fats, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

This drink is useful in case of poisoning; it can overcome many intestinal infections. The adsorbent property of green tea can free the body from harmful toxins. This healthy tea removes toxins and salts from our kidneys, thanks to its diuretic effect, thereby reducing the possibility of stone formation in the bladder and kidneys.

Today, people are everywhere exposed to the most harmful factors - solar radiation, radiation, radiation from televisions, mobile phones, and poor ecology. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid them, but helping the body cope with them is quite possible. For example, studies have shown that daily consumption of tea can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women by up to 90% and other types of cancer by 60%. For men, the benefits of regular consumption of this invigorating drink include reducing the risk of prostate cancer by almost half. The benefits of green tea for men also include a beneficial effect on potency. Green tea contains zinc, which is useful for the production of testosterone, the most important sex hormone in men. Therefore, including green tea in the daily diet is necessary for men.

This tea helps to dilate blood vessels in the brain, nourishes it with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Thanks to these properties, the invigorating drink is useful in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. It is impossible to list all the benefits of this type of tea. Moreover, the healing properties of this beloved drink have not been fully studied. This healthy tea has a comprehensive effect on the entire body, refreshes and tones, gives good health and vigor. But still doubts remain whether green tea can be harmful and whether there are contraindications to its use.


As they say, a medal has two sides. The same can be said about green tea. Let's try to find out why green tea is harmful?

The caffeine contained in tea can be detrimental. With large consumption of this tea, the invigorating properties of caffeine can cause insomnia, restless sleep, irritability, and rapid heartbeat. In addition, the harm of caffeine is that it can be addictive and the body will require its constant use. Therefore, even when consuming such a healthy product as green tea, you need to know when to stop, otherwise it will become harmful.

Green tea can be harmful when consumed by people with gastritis or stomach ulcers, since when strongly brewed it can irritate the mucous membrane and cause pain. There are contraindications to drinking strong tea for people suffering from kidney stones and rheumatoid arthritis.

Is green tea harmful for men and are there any contraindications, and what is its effect on the female body? There is an opinion that green tea is harmful to men's health, but this statement is only true if there is an overdose of tea. And when consumed in moderation, this tea is beneficial for both men and women. For the latter, it is still dear for its rejuvenating properties.

To fully enjoy the taste and valuable properties of this valuable product, you should drink it no later than 15 minutes after brewing. Stale tea is harmful for both men and women. It is contraindicated for those suffering from gout, hypertension and patients with glaucoma, since long-term infusion of tea leads to an increase in caffeine in its composition.

A few tricks that neutralize the harm of green tea and reduce contraindications to its use:

  • do not drink green tea on an empty stomach;
  • You should avoid drinking green tea before meals so as not to reduce the taste of the food;
  • There is no need to drink this drink immediately after a meal, it will slow down the digestion process and become harmful to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • You cannot drink very hot, cold or strong tea;
  • Never take medications with tea, as this can harm their structure.

Green tea is an excellent remedy for many ailments; the main thing is not to overuse it, so as not to cause harm to the body.

Proper preparation

So, having understood the useful and not so useful properties of this drink, we need to pay tribute to the rules for brewing it. In order for the result to be a high-quality and truly the most healing drink, and not harmful, when preparing it you need to take into account some nuances so that all the aroma, taste and benefits of this drink are fully revealed.

Brewing stages

  • take a dry and warm teapot (the teapot can be made of glass or porcelain);
  • add tea at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per cup;
  • fill the tea with water, but not to the edge of the teapot, leave a couple of centimeters to the top;
  • the water temperature should be between 70-85 degrees;
  • finer varieties of tea should be filled with water at a lower temperature, but the brewing time should be extended;
  • after brewing tea, you need to cover the kettle with a napkin and close the spout of the kettle so as not to lose the aroma of the tea and prevent the essential oils from evaporating;
  • After 3-6 minutes, pour the tea into cups.

Tea prepared with love, taking into account all the subtleties of its preparation, will give true pleasure and delight you with its taste and aroma.


Green tea is a drink with a centuries-old history that continues to win the hearts of admirers to this day. There will always be both supporters and opponents of this healing elixir. Yes, if used incorrectly, any product can harm the body, so you should be careful and strictly adhere to the recommended dosages. Only in this case you can not only enjoy the aromatic tea, but also absorb all the beneficial properties.