Anton Shastun's wife from improvisation. Anton Shastun: “If I owe money to the person reading this interview, then I will give it back.” Young comedians listen to the instructions of Pavel Volya

There are only four people left on television who can joke without a script - and this is the Improvisation team: Anton Shastun, Arseny Popov, Dima Pozov and Sergey Matvienko. The highest participant in the project, Anton Shastun, answers our questions.

website: How did you get into the show “Improvisation”? Was it a casting for a sense of humor or did you just need to please Pavel Volya?

Anton Shastun: There was no casting. For a very long time, Dima Pozov and I did a humorous show in Voronezh called “Controversial Issue.” It was improvisational and somewhat reminiscent of “Improvisation”. So the producer noticed us and invited us to Moscow “ Comedy Club production" Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov. In Moscow we met guys from another improvisational theater - Arseny and Seryozha. The show took two years to prepare for release, and three pilot episodes were filmed. And finally, “Improvisation” went on air on TNT.

- Did you often “improvise” like this as a child? Did you have to invent it?

I haven’t mastered humorous improvisation since childhood. Like the lion's share of comedians in our country, I played in KVN. But without achieving success there, at the age of 18 I began to study improvisation.

- Are you preparing for the show?

Of course, we are preparing for the transfer. Many people ask if we have rehearsals? We call this training. We do not have prepared text. We're just preparing schematically various competitions, bringing them to automaticity.

- Do you think a sense of humor can be trained?

- I think you can develop a sense of humor. The main thing is that the person has it in him.

- In the Shockers improvisation, do they really shock you? It hurts?

They hit for real. Does it hurt? This can be checked very easily. Just go to a store that sells dog training shockers and try it out for yourself. It hurts me, even a lot.

- Often you have to immerse yourself in the image of a girl. Do you understand women better?

- This was not specifically planned. It’s just that a couple of times on the set Pasha (Pavel Volya - host of the show “Improvisation” - approx.) decided to give the role of the woman to me, and the other guys liked it. And so it happened. Do I understand women better? No. I still don't understand girls very well.

- Many episodes of Improvisation have already been released. Which guest was the most difficult and why?

- I can’t say that it was difficult with anyone. All guests are interesting in their own way. They are not required to joke. Their task is to laugh and react vividly to what is happening, which they do very well.

- Does Pavel Volya give you instructions?

Pavel has extensive experience in filming television programs. Therefore, at first he helped us, suggesting some points regarding the filming. We communicate well and exchange our experiences.

- Which competition is the most difficult for you?

Hmmm... Let me think... Let it be “Mousetraps” (smiles).

- Are you friends in real life? Do you often get together?

- The guys and I communicate well and are friends. We have known Dima for a very long time, so perhaps we know each other better. Although we communicate well with both Arseny and Seryozha.

- Who comes up with competitions?

- Humorous improvisation is very developed in the world and appeared long before the release of our show. Most of The games we play on the show are classic improv games. They are played all over the world. But there is another part of the improvisations that we came up with together with our creative group. For example: “Interview” and “Shockers”.

- Will people recognize you on the street?

- How do you deal with the abundance of female attention?

Oh, I don't even fight. I like it! (laughs).

- Do people tell you that you look down on everyone? How tall are you? And are there any problems with the bed?

Oh, they’ve been telling me this all my life! My height is 197 centimeters. I was always above everyone else in any company. The only problem is with the bed in hotels.

We starred in advertising, but it was not a television project. It could only be seen on the Internet. Nobody has offered me to act in a movie yet. If they were offered, I would agree. This new experience. And this is incredibly interesting.

- You are visible all the time. Do you care about your image?

I really love bracelets, but it doesn't mean anything. I just collect them. But I prefer comfortable clothes. I don’t particularly pay attention to style.

- What would you wish for the readers?

- Look at everything with humor, and life will become more fun!

Watch the show “Improvisation” every Friday at 20:00 only on TNT!

Name: Anton Shastun
Date of Birth: April 19, 1989
28 years
Place of Birth: Voronezh, Russia
Height: 197
Activity: comedian, showman
Family status: not married

Anton Shastun: biography

Anton Shastun is a young Russian comedian and showman, a participant in the new entertainment show “Improvisation”.
He comes from the capital of the Black Earth Region - Voronezh, where he graduated from high school and entered the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Peter the Great State Agrarian University.

Comedian Anton Shastun

Anton began writing his own jokes back in school years, and when he became a student, he decided to realize himself in the humorous game of KVN and became a member of the university team “BV”, eventually leading it as captain. For several years the guys played in the city student league, and then quickly broke into the Start League of the Russian Center. In their first season, "BV" entered the finals of the competition, and next year became League champions.

Anton Shastun on stage

Anton Shastun independently tried to gain a foothold on the Comedy Club stage. He came to the program twice " Comedy Battle", in which the participants, competing with each other, try to cheer up the audience in the hall, and most importantly, the jury consisting of honored comedians of the country Sergei Svetlakov, Semyon Slepakova and Garik Martirosyan. The first time, Anton did not make much of an impression, and his performance was not even shown on television, but in 2013 he did much better, passed several difficult rounds, although he still could not get into the final stage.

Anton Shastun in the show "Comedy Battle"

Returning to his native Voronezh, the young man began performing as a showman in various Stand-up show. The artist went on stage and spoke in a rather comical manner auditorium about what worries him. Anton's monologues were successful and attracted attention to him.

Improv show

For about 6 years, Anton Shastun participated in the improvisational show “Controversial Issue,” in which actors, together with the host, act out stories suggested by the audience. For example, they sing invented songs on the go, comment on events, answer unexpected questions in a humorous manner, and so on. In total, seven artists participate in the program, of which Anton is not only the youngest, but also the tallest.
For Russian stage this show was truly unique, since previously domestic comedians did not dare to let fans in so closely creative process. Anton Shastun says that the difficulty of this genre lies in the fact that the artist does not have the opportunity to rehearse the scene in advance, since the main idea of ​​improvisation lies in feedback with the audience.
In February 2016, the TNT channel launched new transmission“Improvisation” within the framework of the multidisciplinary production company “Comedy Club”. Anton Shastun, together with his colleagues on the “Controversial Issue” Dmitry Pozov and Stas Sheminov, was invited to become the stars of this show. "Improv" is the only television program in which there is no pre-scripted script. As in the Voronezh program, Shastun and other comedians do not use pre-conceived jokes and have no idea where the story unfolding in the sketch will turn in the next second. Everything that the viewer sees is invented right on stage and is never repeated.

Personal life

Anton Shastun is completely devoted to his creative profession because he loves it very much live communication with people. But he uses social networks only to announce his humorous programs, practically without revealing aspects of his personal life.

Why are you the most followed Improv actor on social media?

Hard to tell. It seems to me because I look younger than everyone else. And just younger and fresher than these three old men. But seriously, I don’t know. Somehow it happened that way. I didn't do anything specifically for this. Maybe it really is due to age. After all, the audience is such social networks, like Instagram and VKontakte, are young and very young people. So we decided that it was better to subscribe to a guy who always feels 18.

If you hadn't become a comedian, what would you have been?

I probably wouldn't be able to work in an office. Sedentary work is definitely not for me. My diploma says “manager”. But I would make a very bad manager. I enjoy performing in front of people. Perhaps I would try my hand at something other than humor. I also like football. I love this sport. I would love to be a football player. But as the coach told me at the first and last training session of my life: “Football is too much for you. quick view sport".

Who is the most funny man in Russia right now? In the world?

It's difficult to single out just one. There are many people who can be equaled in humor: Pavel Volya, Garik Martirosyan, Ivan Urgant, Ruslan Bely. Two more people stand out for me - Misha Galustyan and Garik Kharlamov. It’s difficult for me to adequately evaluate them, because everything they do is funny to me. As for the whole world, I have always had one idol. This is Jim Carrey. He's the funniest!

The secret of success for girls?

There is no secret. Moreover, I don't think I'm using any incredible success from the opposite sex. Sometimes someone writes something, someone says something. But no more than my colleagues, for example.

Our funniest editor is also from Voronezh. Why does Voronezh give the world funny people?

I don’t know this. And I’m surprised by this too. Maybe because Voronezh is a very student city. We have many universities, and they also love humor very much. There are two official KVN leagues in our city. Wherein for a long time There were few comedians from Voronezh who became widely known. Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely became the first. And then somehow it burst. Nowadays, a lot of people from Voronezh not only perform on stage, but also work behind the scenes. Including the project “Improvisation”.

The hardest part about coming up with jokes?

For me, as a participant in the Improvisation show, the main thing is to have time to come up with and tell a joke before my partner suggests something new and it’s too late. If we talk about pre-prepared humor, the most difficult thing for me and my colleagues has always been to come up with the idea for a miniature. Or Stand Up, for example. This took a huge amount of time. And when the idea is thought up, and it’s good, then jokes will be written into it quickly and easily.

Who do you test jokes on?

We test our jokes on the audience who came to our concert or filming. This is the beauty of such a genre as improvisation. There are no “material checks” or “edits.” You're standing on stage in front of a crowd of people, your partner said something to you, and you need to make a joke. Right here and now. You joke and get an instant reaction, an assessment of your joke. Funny - well done! It's not funny - keep working!

By the way:

Thanks to the project, the genre of improvisational comedy in just a few years has grown into a whole movement that has captured the entire country, and its regular participants - Anton Shastun, Arseny Popov, Sergey Matvienko and Dmitry Pozov- upgraded your skills to the highest level. Nowadays, guys can make a witty joke on any given topic without hesitation, because they are the best in their business.

Anton Shastun is an open and cheerful guy from Voronezh, who became famous thanks to entertainment program“Improvisation” on the TNT channel.

Childhood of a little joker

Anton was born in the spring of 1989 in Voronezh, raised in a simple family that had nothing to do with art or television. WITH early childhood was open and cheerful child, loved to communicate, to be the center of attention. Shastun’s idol was the American comedian Jim Carrey, whose talent delighted the young man in legendary comedy"Mask".

Anton in childhood

After graduating from school, Anton entered a local institute, where he studied the basics of economics and management. At the same time, the guy began to play for the KVN student team “BV”, and later took the place of captain. Under the strict leadership of Shastun, the comedians took part in the Start Central League, where they took first place.

Anton Shastun in the KVN student team

First steps to success

Having received his diploma, Anton did not want to work in his profession, but went to the capital to audition for the top project “Comedy Club”. The first pancake turned out to be lumpy, the footage was never broadcast live on the entertainment show. A month later, Shastun finally became a participant comedy show « Comedy Battle" The talented guy shone in the 20th episode of the first season, where the judges were: S. Slepakov, S. Svetlakov, G. Martirosyan.

During the Comedy Club battle

Having stopped several stages before the final, Anton left the project and returned to hometown. Here the guy began to actively perform in nightclubs with his own stand-up style program. Shastun also managed to organize a team of like-minded people called “Controversial Issue”. The group of seven participants was remembered by Voronezh television viewers, who enjoyed the sparkling jokes invented on the fly.

“Controversial issue”: Anton is able to come up with any joke on the fly

In February 2016, Shastun and his project colleagues: Dmitry Pozov and Stas Sheminov became participants in the first season of the reality show “Improvisation”. The program was filmed by analogy with “ Controversial issue", broadcast in Voronezh. The host was the eccentric comedian Pavel Volya.

Anton Shastun participated in the reality show "Improvisation"

Young comedians listen to the instructions of Pavel Volya

In parallel with this, Anton performs in another television project– “Don’t Sleep”, where comedians are ready for the title best comedian lose all your earned money. Other participants are invited to act as strict judges entertainment shows TNT channel - Ekaterina Varnava, Vadim Galygin, Timur Bartrudinov.

Fragment of the comedy project "Don't Sleep"

In January 2017, Shastun took part in the second season of the acclaimed project “Improvisation”. The composition of participants and judges remained the same. The changes affected the guest stars, whose staff increased to three people. New competitions have also appeared: “Item” and “First Date”, for which a minimum of time is allocated.

Anton Shastun in the project "Studio Soyuz"

In the summer of the same year, the third season of Improvisation started. The authors of the project updated the sections in which the following categories appeared: “Guess the name of the restaurant”, “Read funny news”, “Create a sketch with a living statue” - a guest celebrity. Then Anton took part in a new music project TNT channel - “Studio Soyuz”.

During breaks between performances

Single or not?

Anton’s personal life can be judged from his Instagram stories, where he adds various photos from rehearsals, filming, and performances. A large army of fans, of which there are more than half a million in the mentioned network, never ceases to wonder who Shastunov’s chosen one is. Most agreed that the heart of the comedian from Voronezh is occupied by his fellow countryman, Irina Kuznetsova, but time will tell how true this is.

Apparently, Anton's heart is free for now

Anton’s plans for now are only work, touring all cities of Russia with other participants in the “Improvisation” show, as well as preparing for filming fourth season this project. The young comedian does not think about starting a family or children, believing that everything has its time.

Participant name: Anton Shastun

Age (birthday): 19.04.1991

Voronezh city

Education: State Agrarian University named after. Peter the Great, Faculty of Economics and Management

Job: show performer Improvisation

Family: not married

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Anton Shastun was born and raised in the city of Voronezh. After graduation high school the young man went to enter the State Agrarian University named after Peter the Great, which easily submitted to him. In his interviews, the young man said that he would not have been able to sit at work in the office and if he had not started doing humor, he would have dreamed of making it in football, because he long years in love with this sport.

As a springboard for obtaining future profession Shastun chose the Faculty of Economics and Management. Since childhood, Anton was distinguished by an extraordinary sense of humor, at school he himself wrote jokes, and his idol from childhood was the actor and comedian Jim Carrey. He began to develop as a comedian at the university, in the team of the Cheerful and Resourceful “BV” Club. Very quickly the young man became the captain of the team and under his leadership it became the champions of the Russian Center League “Start”.

At the moment when Shastun finished studying and playing in KVN, he was faced with the acute question of what to do next. AND future artist I chose humor and television, and work in these areas was carried out in two cities at once! In Voronezh, Anton began performing in the improvisation show “Disputed Question”.

Anton Shastun was well remembered by the audience as its youngest participant. In Moscow, he tried several times to get into the Comedy Club through the selection process that took place in the Comedy Battle project.

The first attempt completely failed and did not even go on air, but the second, in 2013, became a breakthrough. The young man easily passed several rounds and “fell” only before the final. And here and there Shastun is known as an excellent actor of the stand-up genre. As a result, Anton’s talent as a comedian did not go unnoticed, the young man was invited to new project TNT channel "".

Together with another Voronezh colleague, the young man embarked on this unprecedented project and has now become known throughout the country. An artistic and talented team consisting of four heroes (Anton Shastun, Arseny Popov, Sergey Matvienko and Dmitry Pozov), together with host Pavel Volya and celebrity guests, regularly delights regular viewers of the TNT channel.

Also, the artists of the Improvisation show themselves take part in other shows on TNT as guests., and also delight fans from the regions with their live performances. The Improvisation tour in Russian cities is in great demand and is a huge success. So popularity allowed the artist to become the face of advertising, for example, in 2018 you can see an advertisement for Tizin with Anton Shastun.

The young man did not talk about his personal life for a long time. Anton Shastun admits that he puts too much effort on stage and does not have the strength to build relationships. But fans believe that this is temporary.

According to rumors, young man there is a girl, her name is Irina Kuznetsova and she, like Shastun, is from Voronezh. Irina works on television and does not like to publish photos with her chosen one on social networks. However, on the Internet you can find a huge amount of fan fiction about Anton Shastun and Irina Kuznetsova. Young people don’t really hide their relationship, but they don’t share photos together with your subscribers.

Photo by Anton

Anton constantly posts selfies and photos from filming on Instagram.