Women whom heroes, fathers and children, love. The attitude of the heroes to love for a woman in general in the novel is fathers and sons. Quotes explaining the attitude towards love of the heroes of the novel Fathers and Sons

The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is revealed through the example of the relationships of the following four couples: Bazarov and Odintsova, Pavel Petrovich and Princess R., Arkady and Katya, Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka. In this article we will briefly describe the feelings of these heroes. The theme of love in the novel "Fathers and Sons" helps to understand the character of the characters. The experience of this feeling reveals the personality traits of each of them.

The most striking character of the work is Bazarov. The author puts this hero at the center of the story, and the history of his relationship with Anna Sergeevna is given significant space. Therefore, we will start with it.

Bazarov's feelings for Odintsova

Statements about Bazarov’s love and his feelings for Odintsova reveal contradictions in Evgeny’s nature. Perhaps, to some extent, the author’s irony is the depiction of the victory over nihilism of the flared romantic feeling. However, the real meaning of this situation seems to be the opposite. The fact is that for Turgenev, true love has always been the criterion of a high personality. The author did not at all seek to humiliate Eugene; on the contrary, he wanted to elevate him. Turgenev tried to show that in callous and dry nihilists there is hidden a powerful force of feeling, one that Arkady is not capable of in his relationship with Katya.

However, love in the fate of common democrats rarely played a fatal role, as, for example, in the life of Pavel Petrovich. What happened to Evgeniy is rather an exception. That is why Turgenev in his work assigns a secondary role to the love plot.

At the beginning of the novel, Bazarov treats this feeling as romantic nonsense. He believes that this is "emptiness" and "licentiousness." The story about the feeling that R. Pavel Petrovich had for Princess R. was introduced by Turgenev as a warning to Bazarov, this arrogant young man. Love in the life of the heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" becomes fatal.

The image of Anna Sergeevna

Anna Sergeevna is the culprit of the big changes that happened to the main character. She is a beauty, an aristocrat, a young widow of 28 years old. Odintsova experienced and felt a lot. She is a proud, independent and intelligent woman who has a decisive and free character. Of course, Eugene struck her imagination. And Anna Sergeevna interested the hero with freedom of judgment, serene calm, erudition, originality, and democracy. However, Odintsova cannot respond to Bazarov with the same strong feeling. Of course, in the eyes of the reader she loses to Evgeniy, who turns out to be taller than her.

We can say that thanks to her, a turning point occurred in the soul of Evgeny Bazarov. Love for her is the beginning of tragic retribution for Bazarov. This feeling seems to split his soul into two halves.

A turning point in the soul of Evgeniy Bazarov

From this moment on, two people live in the hero. The first one is the enemy of romantic feelings. The spiritual nature of love is denied by him. The second is a spiritually and passionately loving person who has encountered the mystery of this feeling. Evgeny usually does not pay much attention to a person’s appearance, but he was struck by Odintsova’s beauty and became fascinated by her. The hero, who previously denied beauty, now becomes captured by it. Bazarov, who rejected love, begins to experience this feeling. Evgeniy himself realizes that fighting oneself is a hopeless task!

Bazarov's loneliness in love

Bazarov is lonely in love. The hero reveals himself in a bitter feeling for Anna Sergeevna as a deep, passionate and strong nature. The author shows how love broke Eugene. At the end of the work, he is no longer the same person he was at the beginning. Bazarov is experiencing a severe mental crisis. Everything starts to fall out of his hands. Even the infection seems to be no accident: a depressed person becomes careless. However, Bazarov still does not give up the fight and does not humiliate himself in front of Anna Sergeevna. He tries with all his might to overcome despair and pain.

The similarities between the stories of Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov

Love in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" is shown both in opposition (Arkady's feeling for Katya and Bazarov's for Odintsova) and in similarity. You may notice that the stories of Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov are very similar. Both of them meet their lovers at the ball. Both Bazarov and Kirsanov are unhappy in their feelings. Both of them used to be “hunters of women,” but suddenly they changed, having fallen in love. Pavel Petrovich, accustomed to victories, soon achieved his goal in relation to Princess R. However, this victory did not cool him. Evgeny soon realized that Anna Sergeevna “wouldn’t get any sense,” but he couldn’t help but think about her. For both Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, love is not a simple attraction. It becomes a real torment for them. Over time, Kirsanov not only did not lose interest in the princess, but also became “even more painfully” attached to her. This love story in the novel "Fathers and Sons" runs through his entire life. Bazarov was also “tormented and enraged” by love, from which only death saved him. And here you can find similarities in the stories of the two heroes. In both cases, love is associated with death. Pavel Petrovich could not stop loving the princess even after she died. And Kirsanov lost everything. The author notes that Pavel Petrovich’s “emaciated head” lay on the pillow like a dead man’s head. Having fallen in love with Anna Sergeevna, Bazarov also dies. Not like Pavel Petrovich, but physically.

Love in the life of Nikolai Petrovich

How is the theme of love revealed in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" in relation to the next hero, Nikolai Petrovich? For him, this feeling is a driving force and support. The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev receives new coverage when it comes to Nikolai Petrovich or his son. For them, this is not a fatal feeling, as for Pavel Petrovich or Bazarov. This is tender affection, a natural need of the soul, which they do not try to fight.

At first, Nikolai Petrovich felt a deep, tender and touching feeling for his wife Masha. The couple practically never separated. So 10 years passed, and then Kirsanov’s wife died. Nikolai Petrovich could barely bear this blow. 10 years passed before his heart could accommodate new love.

Fenechka is not equal either in social status or age to Nikolai Petrovich. However, this did not stop Kirsanov. The heroine gave birth to his second son. This daughter of Nikolai Petrovich’s former housekeeper was able to fill the house with joy and illuminate Kirsanov’s life in his declining years.

Relationship between Arkady and Katya

The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is also represented by the relationship between the son Nikolai Petrovich and Katya. In relation to Arkady, it must be said that before his eyes there was an example of the deep and tender love of his parents. He had a completely different idea of ​​this feeling than Bazarov. Therefore, this hero was indignant when Eugene ridiculed the secret of the relationship between a man and a woman. As soon as Arkady moved away from his friend, the need for a loving and close person began to prevail in him. Unnoticed, Katya entered his life. In the relationship between Katya and Arkady, the author exposes nihilism, which is unusual in the nature of the son Nikolai Petrovich. Katya directly declares that she undertakes to remake it. And the girl manages to put these words into practice. After some time, Arkady abandons the nihilistic ideology and becomes an exemplary family man.


The theme of love is very widely represented in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev. It is not difficult to write an essay on this work. To explore the theme of love, you can choose the relationship between two characters or present a general overview, as in our article. The pages of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" are literally permeated with the spirit of this eternal feeling. The character of the heroes is most fully revealed during the test of love. Of course, the theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is one of the key ones in this work.

Lyrical digressions in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" are the most important techniques for developing and revealing the plot. Pushkin constantly, in lyrical digressions, correlates the parodied ballad plot with his own experience - life and literary. The first makes the situations described everyday, and the second makes them fictitious, obviously unreal.
1. One of the lyrical digressions is a parody move. The author interrupts the story at the climax. The narrator returns to the moment of Lyudmila's abduction by Chernomor from the "inflamed Ruslan", giving a lyrical digression that corresponds to the theme. “From the threshold of my hut So I saw, in the middle of summer days, When the arrogant Sultan of the chicken coop followed the cowardly hen, My rooster ran across the yard And with voluptuous wings Already embraced his girlfriend; Above them, in cunning circles The old thief of the village, Taking destructive measures, The kite rushed and swam gray And fell like lightning into the yard. Soared, flies into the darkness of the safe crevices. In vain, struck by his grief and cold fear, the rooster calls his lover... He sees only flying fluff, carried by the flying wind." Comparison of heroes with the characters of this lyrical digression cannot have any other meaning than parody.
2. A lyrical digression, a kind of “commentary” about the kidnapping of Lyudmila: Ah, if the martyr of love suffers hopelessly from passion; Although it is sad to live, my friends, it is still possible to live. But after many, many years, to hug a friend in love, an object of desires, tears, longing, and suddenly lose a momentary wife forever... oh friends, Of course it would be better if I died!
3. The second song begins with a lyrical digression about rivals in matters of love. "Rivals in the art of warfare, Do not know peace among themselves; Bear tribute to the dark glory And revel in enmity! Let the world freeze before you, Marveling at the formidable triumphs: No one will regret you, No one will interfere with you. Rivals of a different kind, You, knights of the Parnassian mountains , Try not to make people laugh with the immodest noise of your quarrels; quarrel - only carefully. But you, rivals in love, live together, if possible! Pushkin calls on his rivals for peace, since “Whoever is destined by inevitable fate to have a girl’s heart will be sweet in spite of the universe; to be angry is stupid and sinful.”
4. The fourth song begins with a lyrical digression about “wizards”, open enemies, bride kidnappers, and about “friends” who do the same, but only secretly: Every day, rising from sleep, I sincerely thank God For the fact that in our times Wizards not so much. Besides, honor and glory to them! Our marriages are safe.... Their plans are not so terrible for husbands and young girls. But there are other wizards, Whom I hate: Smile, blue eyes And dear voice, oh friends! Don't believe them: they are deceitful! Fear, imitating me, Their intoxicating poison, And rest in silence.

The main character of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is EvgeniyBazarov. Attitude towards lovethis young and daring nihilist, as many remember, was not entirely respectful. For him, such feelings are nonsense and nonsense. Let's see how much this character changes by the end of the work.

The influence of nihilism on Bazarov’s personality

Eugene cannot take love as something serious, because he is a nihilist, which means he is obliged to deny it, since the feeling cannot bring practical benefit. The main character loses his temper when he learns that Arkady, whom he considered his follower, wants to get married.

To quote in textBazarov quotesabout love, it is enough to remember that he evaluates the relationship between a man and a woman only from the point of view of physiology: one must “get some sense” out of a woman.

Bazarov and Kirsanov

The novel “Fathers and Sons” is built on an antithesis; the entire work is permeated by disputes between two generations. Eugene's progressive views are contrasted with the position of a middle-aged aristocrat, Pavel Petrovich.He and the main character have different ideas about life, art, and nature. Throughout the entire work we observe an argument between Bazarov and Kirsanov. These two people also have different ideas about love.

Pavel Petrovich belongs to a generation that elevates feelings and treats women with trepidation and reverence. Evgeny, as we remember, is a pragmatist and treats Kirsanov’s romantic views with caustic irony. However, changes are destined to occur in his life that will force the protagonist to experience love.


Meeting Anna Odintsova significantly changes Bazarov's idea of ​​human relationships. Surprisingly, what Turgenev’s hero feels for her completely contradicts all his life principles.This beautiful woman attracts Eugene’s attention, he involuntarily admires her at the governor’s ball, but evaluates her only for her physical attractiveness, rudely noting that she has a “rich body” and “she doesn’t look like other women.”

These are Bazarov's statements. About loveour hero does not say a word then. During this period of his life, he is still sincerely surprised: “And what is this mystery of the relationship between a man and a woman?” He is sure that he is a physiologist, therefore he is well versed in this.

Relationship between Evgeny and Anna Odintsova

Bazarov is certainly a charismatic person, and Anna could not help but become interested in him. She even decides to invite him to visit her, and Evgeniy comes to her. In Nikolskoye, he and Bazarov spend a lot of time walking, talking, arguing. Odintsova appreciates Evgeniy’s extraordinary mind.

So what? Bazarov? Attitude towards loveThe main character changes completely, for him this feeling ceases to be nonsense and art, now he really loves. He does not dream of reciprocity, but only waits for some favor from the chosen one of his heart.

About the change in the soul of the main character

Most of us find it difficult to rememberIn what chapter does Bazarov talk about love?, but we will not be mistaken if we follow Evgeniy and Anna into the garden where they were walking. This woman, seeing that Evgeny had a strong feeling for her, managed to provoke him into frankness and hear a confession.

For Bazarov, Odintsova’s infatuation turns out to be so strong that he can no longer apply his pragmatic theory to what is happening in his life. Eugene now cares about only one woman - Anna, for whom personal peace of mind is above all passions. Odintsova is interested in Bazarov, but she refuses to reciprocate his feelings.

The main character is rejected. Evgeniy is very worried and, upon arriving home, devotes himself entirely to work in order to forget about his feelings. This is how it changes Bazarov. Attitude towards loveEvgenia is completely different in this part of the novel. Now this is no longer a pragmatic nihilist, but a person who is completely captured by feeling.

Love line in the novel

Turgenev's work shows us the strength of feelings of representatives of two generations. Bright representatives of the old generation are the Kirsanov brothers. Nikolai Petrovich, Arkady's father, cannot imagine his life without love. But this feeling for Kirsanov is something calm, quiet, deep. Love for Nikolai Kirsanov is the source of life. In his young years, he selflessly loved his wife, Arkady's mother. After her death, Nikolai Petrovich cannot come to his senses for a long time and finds happiness with the simple Fenichka. Feelings for her are just as deep, strong, but at the same time serene.

Arkady is a representative of the “children” generation by age. But, being the son of his father, he was filled with love in his parents' home and, naturally, expected the same feeling to appear in his life. Bazarov's views excited his mind, but everything changes when Katya appears in his life. Arkady falls in love with her, the girl reciprocates. The feelings that arise between them are strong and calm.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a representative of the “fathers” generation. In his youth he was very attractive and women undoubtedly liked him. Pavel Kirsanov was waiting for success and a high position in society, but everything changed when Princess R. appeared in his life. She was a married lady, frivolous and empty. She did not respond to his feelings, she drove him away. Kirsanov left the service and followed his love everywhere. Upon learning of her death, Pavel Petrovich was shocked and returned to the village to find peace of mind. The elder Kirsanov was as monogamous as his brother Nikolai. However, the fateful meeting changed his whole life, and he could not imagine marrying another woman.

Separately, it should be said about the emotional unrest Evgeniy experiencesBazarov. Attitude towards loveThe main character is ambiguous, he in every possible way denied and ridiculed this feeling. However, having met a woman who began to completely absorb his thoughts, Bazarov is unable to resist love, he recognizes its existence.

Eternal loneliness

Being terminally ill, the main character is looking for a meeting with his beloved, he wants to see her for the last time. Odintsova arrives, but does not rush to Evgeniy. She keeps a low profile. Anna only takes human part, nothing more.So, the main character dies rejected, but towards the end of his life he begins to understand the power of parental love, and this cannot be done withoutquotes from Bazarov:“People like them cannot be found in our world during the day.”Alas, he realizes the value of human relationships too late.

In the novel " Fathers and Sons" Bazarov's attitude to loveshown in dynamics: at first he despises this feeling, laughs at the romantic impulses of Arkady Kirsanov. For the main character, any manifestation of love is just the voice of instinct. He is an ardent nihilist, a supporter of materialistic beliefs. The meeting with Anna Odintsova turns Evgeniy’s mind upside down. He confesses his love for her and admits defeat. At the end of the novel, Bazarov dies, realizing his own loneliness.

Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" is a novel relevant for its time. He touched on issues that worried the Russian public in the 60s of the 19th century. Turgenev showed the advantages and disadvantages of the new movement that dominated the minds of young people of that time. But the novel of this great writer would not have entered the golden fund of Russian classical literature if it had been limited only to contemporary issues.

In “Fathers and Sons” Turgenev solved eternal problems: the problem of relationships between different generations, the problem of happiness, the problem of love.

The love theme is very widely developed in the novel. It is a measure of the vitality of heroes. This feeling tests them “for strength” and reveals the true essence of a person. According to Turgenev, love plays a colossal role in life. This feeling is the meaning of life, without it life is meaningless. The ability of heroes to experience love is for a writer one of the main qualities in a person and in his heroes.

Thus, Bazarov’s life was subordinated to reason and rationalism. But everything in his life changed in an instant. To test his hero and show the absurdity of his beliefs, Turgenev puts an obstacle on the hero’s life path - love. Bazarov, convinced of the strength of his nature, of his difference from others, suddenly... fell in love. He fell in love passionately and furiously, as passionate and furious was his nature: “Odintsova extended both hands forward, and Bazarov rested his forehead against the glass of the window. He was out of breath; his whole body was apparently trembling. But it was not the trembling of youthful timidity, it was not the sweet horror of the first confession that took possession of him: it was passion that beat within him, strong and heavy - a passion similar to anger and, perhaps, akin to it. »

I wonder how his beloved Anna Sergeevna Odintsova behaves at the last meeting with Bazarov. She is afraid of getting infected from Evgeny Vasilyevich, and only a sense of decency forces her to come closer to him. Well, this woman didn’t love Bazarov? But it might seem that it was she who first began to show signs of attention to the hero. Yes, indeed, this is so. But at first Odintsova became interested in Bazarov as an interesting and intelligent person. Then, feeling more than just sympathy for him, Anna Sergeevna got scared. She did not want to exchange her calmness and authority in society for strong, but unknown to her feelings. In her heart, Odintsova understands that she wants love, but her cold and dispassionate mind stops the heroine. That's why Odintsova is so unhappy. In the epilogue we learn that this heroine married again, but again out of convenience, and not out of love. Well, Odintsova made her choice in life.

Unhappy in love is the antipode, and in many ways, Bazarov's double - Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. His whole life went to pieces because of an unhappy, fatal love, which Kirsanov cannot forget. Unrequited passion dried up the hero, turned him into a dead man, filling his life with “principles” and dogmas.

Arkady's father, Nikolai Petrovich, is also happy in his family life. He adored his first wife, and after her death he met Fenechka and fell in love with the girl with all his soul. Turgenev shows that true love is above all prejudices. Despite the fact that Fenechka is a commoner and much younger than Nikolai Petrovich, these heroes are happy together. And there is direct evidence of this - their son Mitenka.

Bazarov’s attitude to love in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

Anyone who enjoyed attending literature classes while studying at school will definitely remember the work of I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” and its main character, Yevgeny Bazarov. Surely most readers, when asked who he is, will answer that this character is a nihilist. However, in order to remember what Bazarov’s attitude towards love was, most of us will need some time to retrieve from memory what was read. Some people became acquainted with this work five years ago, and others twenty-five years ago. Well, let's try to remember together what Bazarov says about love.

As a true nihilist, Bazarov denies love, because it does not bring practical benefit. Arkady's marriage throws him off balance. He stops seeing him as his follower and calls him a “liberal baric.”

Evgeniy evaluates this feeling only from a physiological point of view, not considering that any woman can be treated in a special way.

Bazarov's attitude towards love is exclusively consumerist. He says that you need to “get some sense” from the opposite sex, and if you don’t succeed, then the world has not converged like a wedge on one person.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

All of Evgeny's ideas about love change after he meets Anna Odintsova. Feelings for this woman burst into his heart and take over his mind. It contradicts all his life principles. Bazarov's attitude towards love goes against his ideas about how things should be.

Anna Sergeevna attracts Evgeny's attention at the ball, he admires the beauty and article of this beautiful woman, but asks about her with feigned negligence.

Relations between Bazarov and Odintsova

Anna Sergeevna also became slightly interested in Evgeniy. She invites him to stay at Nikolskoye, her estate. Bazarov accepts this invitation, this woman interests him. In Nikolskoye they spend a lot of time walking around the neighborhood. They talk a lot with each other and argue. Evgeny Bazarov, in Odintsova’s eyes, is a very interesting interlocutor; she sees him as an intelligent person.

What about our hero? It must be said that after the trip to Nikolskoye, love in Bazarov’s life ceases to be only something that does not rise above the level of physiology. He truly fell in love with Odintsova.

So, a change has occurred in Bazarov’s soul that refutes all his theories. His feeling for Anna Sergeevna is deep and strong. Initially he tries to brush it off. However, Odintsova challenges him to a frank conversation while walking in the garden and receives a declaration of love.

Bazarov does not believe that Anna Sergeevna’s feelings for him are mutual. Nevertheless, the love in Bazarov’s life instills in his heart hope that she will be disposed towards him. All his thoughts, all his aspirations are now connected with one single woman. Bazarov only wants to be with her. Anna Sergeevna prefers not to give him hope for reciprocity, choosing peace of mind.

The rejected Bazarov is having a hard time. He goes home, trying to lose himself in work. It becomes clear that Bazarov’s previous attitude towards love is forever in the past.

The main character was destined to meet his beloved again. Being terminally ill, Evgeniy sends a messenger for Anna Sergeevna. Odintsova comes to him with a doctor, but she does not rush into his arms. She was simply afraid for Bazarov. Evgeniy dies in her arms. By the end of his life he remains absolutely alone. Bazarov is rejected by everyone, only the elderly parents continue to selflessly love their son.

So, we see how much Bazarov’s attitude towards love changed when he met his feminine ideal in the person of Anna Sergeevna. The tragedy of this hero turned out to be very similar to the love disappointments that probably everyone experienced. We meet a person whom we consider ideal, but he turns out to be unattainable for some reason. We suffer from lack of attention, not noticing that loved ones are ready to give a lot for us. Towards the end of his life, Bazarov finally begins to understand the power of parental love: “People like them cannot be found in our world during the day.” However, such an important understanding comes to him too late.

Bazarov: attitude to love in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

Turgenev wrote the famous novel “Fathers and Sons” in 1862 and touched upon the deep philosophical, political and moral problems of the people of that time. The main character was the young democrat commoner Evgeniy Bazarov. To explore the topic “Bazarov’s Attitude to Love” more deeply, let’s first figure out what kind of person he was. And let us mention in advance that it was love that broke this strong and strong-willed man, playing a cruel joke on him. But first things first.

Bazarov: attitude to love

From the first meeting with the other heroes of the novel, young Bazarov is presented as a man from the common people, who is absolutely not ashamed of this and, on the contrary, is proud of it. In fact, he never adhered to the rules of etiquette of the noble aristocratic society and did not intend to do so.

Bazarov is a man of action, strong convictions and uncompromising judgments, a nature very passionate about science and medicine. His nihilistic views make him interesting in some ways, but repulsive and incomprehensible in others.

Just look at his discussions about art. For him, the artist Raphael “is not worth a penny,” the beauty of nature does not exist for him either, since it was created not to admire it, but as a workshop for man. Bazarov's attitude towards love is personal and hateful. Because he believes that it does not exist at all. Love in his understanding is only physiology and, if you like, the usual “needs of the body.”

Bazarov's attitude to love: quotes

Before meeting the widow Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, he was a man of cold reason, a sober and deep mind, proud and purposeful, confident in everything, wherever possible, defended the ideas of nihilism, trying to break the usual stereotypes, everything old and unnecessary, and immediately added that It’s not their business to build.

Until recently, Bazarov put “romanticism” and “rotten” on the same level. However, he had to rethink his attitude towards love. At first Odintsova attracted him purely “physiologically” and he said about her like this: “What a figure, she doesn’t look like other women”; “She has the kind of shoulders I’ve never seen.”

Regarding the topic “Bazarov: attitude to love,” it should be noted that in the conversation Odintsova began to choose topics that were interesting to him, they began to speak the same language, and this could not but have a positive impact on their relationship.

For this hero, love has become too serious a test of loyalty to nihilistic ideals. Bazarov had never experienced anything like this before and generally thought that he was not inclined towards romance. But in reality it turned out that all people are the same in regard to love, because she does not ask when to come. Bazarov's attitude towards love becomes unhealthy. Love quotes eventually start to vary.

Odintsova was a very smart woman, and it cannot be said that she was not carried away by this amazing man. Anna Sergeevna thought a lot about him and even challenged him to be frank, however, having received a declaration of love in response, she immediately rejected him, because what was dearer to her was her usual way of life and comfort than a simple fleeting infatuation. However, here Bazarov could no longer control himself. His attitude towards love began to change, and in the end it finished him off.

Unappreciated love leads Bazarov to difficult emotional experiences and completely unsettles him. He lost the purpose and meaning of life. In order to somehow unwind, he goes to his parents and helps his father in his medical practice. As a result, he contracted typhus and died. But first his soul died from love, unable to survive the suffering of love. And only then the body.

At the end of the work, Turgenev sums up that man was created in order to love, admire and feel. Denying all this, he is simply doomed to death.

Love in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

The main love line of the novel is connected with the characters of Evgeny Bazarov and Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. The nihilist Bazarov denied love as a relationship of souls. He sincerely believed that love was an invention of romantics. Between people there is only habit, mutual sympathy and relationships between bodies. In my opinion, this attitude of the protagonist towards love is connected with his attitude towards women. All his life, Evgeniy Vasilyevich believed that a woman is a being of the second order. It is created for the entertainment of men. And although the hero preached, along with others, the ideas of female feminism, it seems to me that he still did not take women seriously.

As we see, Bazarov’s love is contradictory. She is mixed with anger at herself: she fell in love like a fool, like a simple little man! But the hero can’t help himself. He will carry his feeling for Madame Odintsova until the end of his life, and before his deathbed he will want to see Anna Sergeevna, dear to him: “Farewell,” he said with sudden force, and his eyes flashed with a final sparkle. - Goodbye. Listen. because I didn’t kiss you then. Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out. »

Another type of relationship is represented in the novel by the couple Arkady - Katya. Arkady, as a “student of Bazarov” and a “nihilist,” should also deny love. But his nature and upbringing take their toll. Arkady is a simple man who sees his ideal in his family, children, and household. He is a bit soft and easily influenced. From under one firm hand (Bazarov) Arkady falls into others (Katya). But the hero is happy, as is his wife. The scene of their declaration of love is beautiful. Turgenev wants to tell us: these are the moments for which life is worth living. And woe to those who have never experienced them: “He grabbed her large, beautiful hands and, gasping with delight, pressed them to his heart. He could barely stand on his feet and just kept repeating: “Katya, Katya. “, and she somehow innocently cried, quietly laughing at her own tears. Anyone who has not seen such tears in the eyes of a beloved being has not yet experienced to what extent, completely frozen with gratitude and shame, a person can be happy on earth.”

Turgenev depicts in his novel not only men who are unhappy in love, but also women. If a man without love “dries up” and goes into social activities or science, then the woman becomes unhappy and funny. She lives her life in vain, not fulfilling her natural destiny. An example of this is the image of the feminist Kukshina in the novel. This ugly and ridiculous woman was abandoned by her husband. She “shines” with her progressive views, but in reality she is looking for love, which she so lacks.

The theme of love is one of the leading themes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". All the writer’s characters experience this feeling to one degree or another, in the way they can or are able to. It is love that becomes for them the criterion that reveals the true essence of the heroes, gives them the meaning of life or makes them unhappy.


Love in the lives of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons.”

Love. The strongest and most powerful of all human feelings. It cannot pass without a trace - the soul of every person inevitably changes under its influence. In the work “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev's love plays a huge role for each of the heroes, forcing them to reconsider their main values, life principles, and behavior. It turned out to be the most difficult test for Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. It was as if something had broken in each of them, changing their nature forever.

Arkady Kirsanov's relationship with Katya developed in a completely different way: from friendship they gradually grew into calm and bright love. This line of the novel highlights the tragic story of Bazarov and Odintsova, giving it balance and completeness. With Katya, Arkady becomes himself: his gentle artistic nature is revealed, which he had to hide in his communication with Bazarov. Therefore, there is an estrangement between him and Evgeny, they avoid each other.

Nikolai Petrovich's relationship with Fenechka is much calmer. “. She was so young, so alone; Nikolai Petrovich himself was so kind and modest. There is nothing else to say. “Fenechka’s youth, beauty and freshness are exactly what attracted Nikolai Kirsanov to her.

Pavel Kirsanov's love for Princess R. devastated his life and soul. An unrequited feeling tormented him mercilessly: “It was hard for Pavel Petrovich when Princess R. loved him; but when she lost interest in him, and this happened quite quickly, he almost went crazy. He was tormented and jealous. followed her everywhere. retired. " Pavel Petrovich seemed unsettled: “Ten years have passed. colorless, barren and fast, terribly fast.” Having learned about the death of Princess R., Kirsanov, leaving the bustle of recent years, settled in Maryino. But his inner world could never be the same again, because the deep scars left by fatal love broke Pavel Petrovich forever. For this reason, he was drawn to Fenechka - for him she was the personification of calm, home comfort and warmth, which he was not given the opportunity to feel.

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Declaration of love to a woman

You are the sun's morning dawn,

There are no relatives in the world like you,

Like they love only once,

Not everyone can do this.

It's hard for me to be apart

I kiss your hands

To love and perfection,

The path to my bliss!

You became my happiness

And my personal air,

Can't breathe

In your beautiful way.

To be close, to hug you,

The soul only asks for you,

With unconditional love.

I don’t know a more beautiful and wonderful woman in the world than you. You fill my life with the light of inspiration and joy, you give me unknown powers of passion and aspiration. I didn't know it was possible to love so much. I sincerely say that there is no one dearer and more beloved on the entire planet, that I cannot imagine a day without your beautiful eyes and radiant smile.

I can't speak well

The notebooks are not filled with poems,

I'm destined to love you alone

Look for a smile, enjoy the summer,

I have been asking life for changes for a long time.

And now I am grateful to her for this.

Beauty, you are no more beautiful!

Smart, kind and a little capricious.

I met you many years later.

I want to be with you all my life.

The most beautiful woman in the world!

And even though I’m not very good at poetry,

I wrote these lines with all my heart.

Darling, read these lines quickly.

I wrote them to you with a trembling hand.

You and I will no longer be alone.

After all, you have me, my beautiful angel.

Read the poems quickly and make sure of this.

Now I’m afraid my soul cannot be cured.

Just don’t be angry with me, dear.

I would give all the riches in the world

Just for you to be with me.

I am ready to overcome both the storm and the heat,

To know that I am the hero of your novel.

I soar every time I see you.

There is only one thing stronger than I love you:

My desire is to hear a response.

I spent half my life trying to find you, and now I’ll definitely never let you go anywhere. Many men even dream of being afraid of someone like you, but I dared and received my long-awaited, unearthly treasure, which I love so much. You are the same woman who managed to give me a world of feelings without asking anything in return. You are the one with whom I am not afraid to connect my life, because without you it is simply impossible.

Quotes explaining the attitude towards love of the heroes of the novel Fathers and Sons

2. And what is this mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what this relationship is. Study the anatomy of the eye: where does that mysterious look come from, as you say? This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art.

1. ...a man who staked his entire life on a woman’s love and when this card was killed, became limp and sank to the point that he was incapable of anything, such a man is not a man, not a male. You say he is unhappy: you know better; but not all the crap came out of him.

2. And what is this mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what this relationship is. Study the anatomy of the eye: where does that mysterious look come from, as you say? This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art

(no, but what. Everyone copies the answer, so why not: Z)


And what a mysterious relationship

between a man and a woman?

I. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons

One of the tasks of I. S. Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons” was not only to highlight the social antagonism of aristocrats and commoners, but also to show the usual conflict between “fathers” and “children” and to identify age-related problems of generations. However, in life there is a feeling that awakens in the heart of any person, regardless of his beliefs and social status. This feeling is love, and at different times it visited both the “fathers” (the Kirsanov brothers) and the “children” (Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov), leaving in each of them its own special, unique mark.

In the life of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, love has always been the support and driving force. At first - an endless, touching, tender and deep feeling for his wife Masha, with whom they almost never parted: “ten years passed like a dream.” It seems to me that a person who is capable of so sincerely and completely surrendering to the most beautiful feeling must necessarily be kind, able to empathize and sympathize, capable of filling and coloring his love so that it does not turn into routine, a habit. But the happiness ended, Nikolai Petrovich’s wife died. “He barely survived the blow, turned gray in a few weeks,” and began to learn to live again. Together, with his son Arkady, in the village of Maryino, named after his wife. Ten years passed before Nikolai Petrovich’s heart, drawn to family life, was able to accommodate another love, unequal in age or social status. Fenechka - the mother of Kirsanov's second son, the daughter of his former housekeeper - managed to illuminate life and fill the house with joy. I want to believe that this marriage will be long and happy.

The fate of Kirsanov’s second brother, Pavel Petrovich, was completely different. Young and energetic, women liked him in his youth, but his heart was given at one moment to Princess R. - a married woman, an empty and frivolous coquette. The intelligent and active Pavel Petrovich was unable to cope with his feelings and subsequently, because of unhappy love, ruined not only his brilliant career as an officer, but also his entire subsequent life, which was overshadowed by the only, in my opinion, unworthy of his female image. This love could never be satisfied; it deprived Kirsanov of his business, took away rich opportunities, and brought torment and despair. Arkady Kirsanov grew up with a living example of the tender and deep love of his parents before his eyes. That is why he was so indignant when his friend - the nihilist Bazarov - ridiculed human feelings, the mystery of the relationship between a man and a woman, the “mystery” of a woman’s gaze. The trouble is that, trusting and pliable, he fell under the influence of Bazarov’s extraordinary personality, accepting his attitudes and beliefs as his own, and therefore sought to imitate his friend in everything, suppressing many emotions, without expressing his thoughts out loud. However, as soon as he moved away from Evgeny, the need for a close and loving person became the leading one, and Katya entered his life as a long-awaited light. Arkady, of course, had previously had unrequited hobbies that brought neither joy nor peace to the mind and heart, perhaps this gave him the opportunity to feel the difference between his attitude towards Katya and towards other women.

Love appeared as the most uninvited and unexpected guest to Evgeny Bazarov. Smart, reasonable, living with his head and not his heart, he left no room for feelings in his life, because he considered them nonsense, fiction, and an inability to follow his convictions. That is why love took him by surprise, crushed him, and led him to despair. How could he, Bazarov, fall for this bait if he always laughed at this feeling, which he simply did not give the right to exist! But it came and made the image of Bazarov tragic, because, having elevated him, it not only made him doubt his attitudes and beliefs, but also made him more humane.

Love is an eternal feeling, it comes without asking and goes away without warning. And it is during the test of love that the character of people is most fully revealed, as happened in the wonderful novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.”