The meaning of the color of a candle in magical rituals. What determines the power and magic of a candle?

In this article:

Candle magic is a simple magical art that belongs to natural magic. This art is built on small rituals and a few ritual artifacts.

Each of us has at one time or another performed the simplest candle rituals, such as blowing out the candles on our birthday cake. Yes, this is also magic! After all, at the same time we made a wish, sending it into Space, asking for help and support from the Higher Powers. And the extent to which we believed in the actions performed influenced the final result and its presence.

You can use different candles in rituals; the size and shape are not particularly important unless specified in advance. However, try not to use non-standard candles, for example, very large, multi-colored, or non-standard shapes. The ideal option is church candles. The best option is candles for household needs.

In magic, only new candles are used, that is, unused ones. Under no circumstances should you use candles in rituals that illuminated the room or stood on the Christmas table during a romantic dinner. Magic needs pure materials, without the presence of any information that vibrates and negates the effectiveness of any ritual.

If you can or know how to make candles yourself, then do it. Many magicians trust only themselves, imbuing candles with their vibrations, which turn out to be stronger in action and final result.

Candles in rituals

Once you buy or make a candle, oil or “dress” it before lighting. “Dressing” allows the magician to establish a psychic connection with the candle. Physical touches made during the “dressing” process charge the candle with your vibrations, and also concentrate your desire in it, which is the reason for the ritual on wax or with wax.

During the “dressing” process, imagine that your candle is a psychic magnet with two poles - South and North. Rub the candle with oil, starting from the top and to the middle, that is, from the North Pole to the equator. Then rub the candle from the South North to the equator - or from bottom to middle. Candles should be rubbed with natural oils that were obtained through a conventional process.

The simplest form of candle magic

Candle magic in its simplest form looks like this: write a wish on a blank sheet of paper, visualize it and the circumstances conducive to its achievement, roll the sheet into a tube and place one end into a candle flame, which must be directed along the paper. When the paper begins to burn, imagine the goal again in every detail. When the paper burns out, leave the candle to burn out to the end.

Candle color

In some rituals, the color of the candle is important. So, in rituals for the cleansing and recovery of a person who cannot be present next to you, an additional candle is used, symbolizing the person. To choose the right candle, you need to know the person’s date of birth or their zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign has its own color: Aries - red, Taurus - green, Gemini - yellow, Cancer - silver, Leo - orange, Virgo - yellow, Libra - pink, Scorpio - red, Sagittarius - purple, Capricorn - black, Aquarius - all colors, fish – mauve.

Red color symbolizes physical strength, love, passion, health, energy, enthusiasm, courage. Red candles are used in rituals directly related to love and sexual desire.

Orange candles are the sun in midsummer, strength and power, energy and enthusiasm, authority and luck, attractiveness, friendship, weight loss. If you need to attract something into your life, orange candles, which also make wishes come true, will help.

The color of the candles has a special meaning for each ritual.

Pink is responsible for honor, glory, honor, morality, respect, romantic and sensual love, friendship. Pink candles symbolize femininity and gentleness, fidelity and reconciliation, understanding, prophecies, education, harmony, affection. Pink candles help heal the soul.

Purple candles remove spells, fortune telling, predictions, symbolize ambition and business development, dominance and strength, success. Purple is also wisdom, the third eye, hidden knowledge, meditation.

Golden candles attract victory, happiness, cosmic energy, masculinity, and strength.

Yellow candles concentrate willpower and imagination in ritual. Particularly popular in rituals for fortune-telling, predictions, and clairvoyance. Yellow is creativity, energy, attractiveness, intelligence, accelerated learning, improved memory.

Brown helps to balance connections with nature and the outside world, attracts money, and overcomes the financial crisis. Used in home magic, healing, animal magic.

Blue color is aimed at healing, calmness, meditation, forgiveness. Symbolizes harmony, inner light, truth, luck, protection.

Blue color is associated with health, patience, harmony, calm. Blue candles aid in meditation and devotion, bringing peace and tranquility.

For the ritual, you can buy candles, but it is better if it is a candle that you made yourself

Indigo is the color of inertia, stopping situations or people, plunging into a state of deep meditation.

Green is about nature and material gain. Green candles are used in rituals aimed at fertility and success, good luck, finances, career, employment and personal goals.

Silver – neutrality and stability, removes negativity, develops physical abilities.

Black expels spirits, treats serious illnesses, absorbs and destroys negative energy, and removes obstacles. Black candles are most effective in banishing rituals.

White – purity, truth, sincerity, wisdom. White enlightens and purifies.

The meaning of the behavior of the candle flame during the ritual

  • The candle is easily lit, its flame is calm and confident - you have chosen the right place for the ritual, and everything will contribute to your magic. Problematic candle lighting is a weakening of your magic by external forces that will in any way interfere with your work and the result you want to achieve.
  • If during the ritual the candle flame was weak and small, as if it was about to go out, it means that there are various obstacles and obstacles to the favorable development of the situation.
  • A swaying or dancing flame indicates the intensity of the situation you are working with. You will not be able to influence factors or things that will continue to inflame passions and inflame the situation.
  • In a ritual involving two candles, symbolizing two people, one candle can burn much stronger and brighter than the other, which indicates a stronger influence and power of one person over the other. If both candles have a jumping flame, it means that people are very partial to each other - it can be either passion and love, or hatred with anger.
  • The candle flame may have an unusual color - blue, red or green. What does it mean? Look at the meaning of the colors above.

Magic candles.

Due to the great interest in the magic of candles, by popular demand, I will continue the topic of candles and answer the most asked questions. Yes, I am an astrologer, and candles are my pleasure and my relaxation. Sometimes I make magic candles for loved ones and at the request of clients. Some of my candles are shown in the photo.

Magic candles- these are unique artifacts into which a certain influence is invested during production (program, prayer, spell, runes, symbols are applied). This effect remains in the magic candle in an inactive state until it is lit. Any person who lights a candle activates the embedded impact (program), however, this program is of a general nature, so it is very desirable to specify it to perform the specific tasks of a particular person.

The energy of Fire is associated with action, with real changes in the world around us. The burning candle itself is a symbol and center of the four elements: the “body” of the candle represents Earth, the flame represents Fire, the molten wax represents Water, and the smoke represents Air. Fire is expansion and passion, rage and power of the spirit, and the manifestation of everything that is planned and must be fulfilled depends on the power of Fire.

A candle is a powerful energy factor in sending one’s thoughts and forms to God, or the Absolute. The Absolute, like some kind of plasma, like Life-giving light, perceives us as some kind of holographic systems, and if we direct our requests, our energy to it, then we seem to concentrate all our desires, energy in a candle, and then with the flame of the candle this energy rises to the Universe and is perceived by it. If we light a candle silently, without prayer, then nothing happens, nothing will come true. The Forces hear us through the fire.

The formula for combining a magical effect with a candle is quite simple:

intention + fire = change.

Under the influence of your thoughts, energy comes into motion, through which you gain the opportunity to influence the elements of the surrounding world. Remember to concentrate on what is happening!

He walked to the door, turned the handle and opened it.

“You see, Alice,” he said, stepping aside so that Alice could go inside.

In life it is not enough to say the magic word. We need to do something else. If you said “sesame,” it doesn’t hurt to turn the knob later.

Kir Bulychev “Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich”

For any purpose, or for a ritual, you can create a magic candle - and it will enhance the effect of the ritual many times over, or it will be this ritual itself, without needing other additions. (I select herbs, oils, runes individually according to the client’s requests.)

If the candle was not made for a specific person, before lighting it it is necessary to tune it to the owner, to his specific vibrations, to his tasks and questions. To do this, before working with a candle, it is important to carry out attunement. They take the candle in their hands, say out loud what they want, the tasks they want to solve with its help, sometimes the candle is brought to the area between the eyebrows, as if conveying their thoughts to it, you can also write your name on the candle. It is important to understand that a candle is a beautiful, powerful magical tool, but no tool itself knows what is required of it - its use is in the power of man.

And what kind of candles should I choose and how many so that “it all sorts itself out,” a job appears, there is more money, a man (woman) is beautiful, smart, rich, good in bed, caring and loving? And how will something come to me?

How can you “conjure” something, and more? And, preferably, “for free,” that is, for nothing. Firstly, the only thing free is cheese in a mousetrap. However, it is worth knowing that a person is given only as much in life as he can “digest.” Exactly as much as he can realistically “digest.” And not as much as he thinks he can.

High-quality magic first of all begins with a sober look at yourself and an understanding of what you need and why you don’t have it until now. Any magic, including love magic, works with what is. New things are not created from scratch. Sometimes you don’t need to look for magical solutions, but rather take care of your body and psyche. Negative thoughts, self-programming, doubts, etc. can also cause harm.

Remember, you are given opportunities, you are lucky, and how you use them is your own business.

Luck - a positively perceived event that arose as a result of a random, unpredictable or not taken into account combination of circumstances in a person’s life, synonyms: luck, partially: chance, happiness. Can also denote the desired outcome of some event or action, especially in situations where it does not (entirely) depend on the actions or decisions of the individual concerned. Examples of luck could be winning the lottery, roulette, or other gambling game.


What kind of candles are needed for negative programs and energy bindings? What candles can be used to clean the energy of a home or premises?

Herbal candles are best for cleansing. Also, black candles are used to remove harmful witchcraft, to get rid of diseases or other negative influences, and to remove obstacles on the path. Black color is “universal”: it can be easily filled with any information that can be put into a candle. Not any herb is suitable for cleansing, but only one that has the property of expelling negative energy.

What are negative programs?

The whole world is filled with energies. And you and I also have our own energy field. In science it is usually called the energy-information field. Every person is constantly subjected to energy attacks in one way or another - even if they do not notice it. Most often, we notice only the consequences of these influences, which are illnesses, failures, and our own inappropriate behavior.

P.S.Please note that I do not. I don’t do love spells, spells, treatment, diagnosis, etc. I also don’t give master classes on candle making.

The element of Fire is very strong and important in ritual and practical magic. We communicate with fire through candles, that's why they are so often used in magical rituals.

Different candles are used for certain rituals. They all differ in size, shape, material from which they are made, and also in color.

Candle material

Ritual candles can be
made from paraffin, animal fat, wax, gel, stearin. For greater effect, dried plants, essential and aromatic oils are often added to candles.

  • Considered the best and most effective wax candles. They make the magical ritual better and have more power. Wax candles absorb and retain a lot of information. However, find it on sale wax candles sometimes it's very difficult. In this case, you have to use paraffin, gel or stearin suppositories.
  • In higher magic, candles made from animal fat. Such candles are often used in rituals where sacrifice is required.

Additives to candles

The composition of the candle,
in addition to the main content, may also include additional components eg dried herbs, flowers, aromatic and essential oils.

If these components are necessary for the ceremony, you can add them yourself, but if possible, it is better to purchase such candles in a special store of magical attributes.

Candle color

Candles can be different colors. But candles of certain colors are used for specific rituals. In some situations the color does not matter, in others the color of the candles plays a huge role.

  • To commit money ritual use green or gold candles.
  • Use red, white or pink candles.
  • For household magic Use white or natural wax colored candles.
  • IN black magic Mostly black or inverted church candles are used.

Candles may be completely colored. When broken, such candles are even colored from the inside. There are candles that have superficial or partial coloring. These candles are for rituals completely unsuitable. They will say that the magician disdains the ritual. There will be no effect from partially colored candles.

Shape and size of candles

Candles itself
big size suitable for those rituals that need to be carried out over several days. Thin candles suitable for one-day rituals.

Sorcerers and magicians believe that the thinner the candle, the more sensitive it is to various types of energy information. Flickering, soot, crackling - all this indicates the sensitivity of the candle. Therefore, thin candles are most often used in healing, for. Thick candles, in turn, are used to attract certain energy, as well as protection rituals.

Candles can have a wide variety of shapes. They can be round and cylindrical, thin high and thick low. More often than not, the shape doesn't really matter.

  • IN classical rituals a cylindrical candle is used.
  • Triangular-shaped candles are used for long and complex rituals. These candles are mainly used for writing off karmic debts and for atonement rites.
  • Square candles are used in money rituals, as well as in other rituals.
  • IN meditations use abstract shaped candles.


As with any element of a magical ritual or conspiracy, the choice of the right candles must be approached responsibly. I hope that this short article will help you better understand which candle is best to take for a successful magical ritual.

When a person has problems, diseases attack, family relationships are upset, he seeks help from the Higher Powers, turns to healers, psychics.

Experts in the field of bioenergy are confident that any person is capable of performing a ritual aimed at creation (for example, the fulfillment of desires), healing oneself and loved ones from illnesses, and protecting oneself from negative energy. The main thing is to do this sincerely, with an open heart and with great faith in a positive outcome.

The main tool in home rituals is a candle.

Fire has the following properties:

  • mesmerizing;
  • calms;
  • gives hope and security;
  • burns negative energy and illnesses.

Candles cannot be used in witchcraft, causing harm, or love spells. But they will definitely support you in love, health, financial and family well-being, and will make your wishes come true.

Working with a candle is not difficult, you need to know some subtleties.

I will share with you advice from psychics, parapsychologists, bioenergetics, on how to choose or make the right candle for a specific ritual.

Magic with candles

How to work with a candle?

Fire is the brightest and most living element. It contains a powerful force that you need to learn to control. Uniting energy and the power of desire is the principle of candle magic coming from the depths of centuries. Today this is a whole art, which is taught in many esoteric clubs.

A candle is a symbol and center of the unification of 4 elements.

The earth is the body of the candle.

Fire is her flame.

Water is molten wax.

The air is smoke.

All this carries a huge positive charge. Therefore, you need to work with a candle only with good intentions and pure thoughts. Then the fire will not allow evil to enter a person’s home and heart.

And if the candle mass also contains herbs, then in addition to energy there is also the power of plants. Such candles are the most powerful, aimed at cleansing, healing, and protection from negativity.

To perform a magic ritual, candles must be:

  • church or ordinary not figured from beeswax;
  • real ones, when pressed they release a honey aroma and burn with a violet flame;
  • new and selected taking into account the color for the zodiac sign or a specific ritual;
  • better made by hand.

Candle magic - ritual

Rules for the ritual.

  1. It is important to take into account lunar days. You need to purchase a lunar calendar. Removing damage, protecting from enemies, getting rid of difficulties, relieving pain is done on the waning moon. Candles for attracting love, luck, finances, health - for growing. The new moon is suitable for money magic, and the full moon is suitable for love magic. You cannot engage in magical practices on the 1st, 9th, 23rd and 29th lunar days (satanic), when the influence of dark forces intensifies.
  2. Choose a quiet place in the house, you should not be distracted by calls or noise from equipment, where there are no air conditioners or fans. You can turn on calm music. Wear comfortable clothes, remove glasses and contact lenses.
  3. Place the candle on the table in a glass with any grain or place it on a metal lid or in a candlestick. Sit at arm's length from her. You can place a candle on the coffee table and sit on the floor in lotus or disciple yoga pose. The only source of light should be a flame. You only need to light it with matches.
  4. Having completed the ritual, you must wait for the candle to go out on its own. You cannot pinch the flame with your fingers - this will mean abandoning your plan. You can pinch the flame with a spoon or coal tongs.
  5. You have to be careful what you wish for. Concentrate as much as possible, weigh everything and decide whether this is really so important to you. Clearly formulate your desire, express yourself simply and clearly, as if you were talking to a small child. State a general goal, without details, for example, I want to find love, family happiness. Do not mention names, titles, cities. Don't interfere with fate.
  6. Don't expect instant results - the effects of magic appear after some time.

The main rule of candle magic is that whatever actions you take, such are the consequences. For love you will receive love, for harm you will receive harm.

How to do it?

Attach a third of a thin church candle to the inside of a metal lid from a glass jar. Light it about health, mentally turn to the Higher Powers. Place the lid on a sore spot for yourself or the person you want to help. For stability, you can put a book under it. Do not put out the candle, wait until it burns out.

2) By reading healing words for health on the waxing, waning or full Moon, their power can be increased with the help of candle light.

For this you need white. Light it up and say:

“Morning dawn Ulyana! May God's servant (name) be healthy. And the evening dawn of Maremyana, take away the damned gnawing, cough-sputum, consumption-ache Amen. Amen. Amen."

On the waning Moon, you can prevent a cold. Light a candle, look at the flame and read three times: “Just as the miracle worker Father Elijah the Prophet sent a shroud of fire over the king and queen of the serpents, so, fire, burn the stabbing-shooting, the fever-coughing, so that the servant of God (name) has everything the inside was clean. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then spit three times over your left shoulder. Bury the leaked wax under a lonely tree.

3) Black one relieves serious illness; it is a powerful healing agent. Before lighting it (and not during or after lighting) read: “Lord, bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! I, the servant of God (name), will stand, blessing myself, walk, crossing myself, through the damp mother earth into an open field, stand on a level place. I will dress myself in clouds, I will be covered with heaven, I will put a crown on my head - the red sun. Burn, candle, like the sun, burn out along with my illness (the name of the disease) and with fever-stabbing, shooting-pinching, aching-consumption, gnawing-gnawing. Be, my words, stronger than stone, stronger than iron, from now on and forever. Amen".

Then you need to scratch the name of the disease on the candle, light it and do not extinguish it until it burns out completely. Spend on the waning moon. If you don’t have a black candle, you can soak a regular one in a decoction of alder root.

4) The color red has a strong effect on a person, excites the nervous system, and causes rapid breathing. It is used in the treatment of hypotension, anemia, colds, depression, for wounds, fractures, bruises, and to stop bleeding.

It is useful to light a red candle for 30-40 minutes in a house where there is a person with diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, veins, sexual and reproductive dysfunctions, female diseases, impotence, and decreased activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be placed on a sore spot or left on the table. During the ritual, tune in to a decisive fight against the disease, and not to a gentle healing effect.

The healing magic of a candle does not replace traditional treatment and can only be used as an additional method of treatment!

The magic of a candle. Cleansing

Candles have always been used in rituals of expelling evil spirits, cleansing a house and a person from damage, the evil eye, and curses. Did you move into the house after other owners? Or do you feel bad in your apartment, feel a loss of strength, suffer from insomnia, nightmares, often get sick, quarrel with relatives? All these are signs of negative energy and need to be dealt with urgently.

First, you need to do some general cleaning (on the waning Moon): throw away unnecessary things, trash, broken dishes, old newspapers, clothes. Wash the floors with a few tablespoons of coarse salt and pour the water under the bush over your left shoulder.

Then wash yourself with running water, imagining how you are cleansing yourself physically and energetically. Light a church or made magic candle and, starting from the front door, go through all the rooms from left to right, crossing the corners with a candle. After making a circle, return to the front door.

The most negative places with bad energy are the toilet, kitchen, bathroom. Clean them especially carefully. Looking at the fire, say your wish, clearly formulated, for example: “May we have a calm, happy environment at home.”

Cleansing should be done several times a year.

If the candle smokes (drops of wax flow down and solidify, forming an influx) - this is a sign of damage. Sometimes this happens in the paranormal zone. Therefore, it is better not to place a bed here; it is better to place flowers, for example, cacti or a TV.

If there are items left over from the previous owners, clean them up. Items that have absorbed the energy of quarrels, scandals, and divorces may not affect your life in the best way. Wrap the burning candle around things in a clockwise direction, thus cleansing them.

It is important to know that bad energy can be brought into the home with gifts not given from the heart, and even with food.

The magic of a candle. Protection

Sometimes you can put the evil eye on a person without realizing it. But there are people who want to cause harm intentionally by using black magic. But in order to protect yourself from evil, you need to do only good, radiate positive emotions, and think about good things. Then all the bad things will return to the person who wishes you harm.

It's easy to check if there is an evil eye. Take a sewing needle, put a black peppercorn on its end and place its lower end against the top of the person’s head (pepper side up) for 30 seconds. Next, slowly pass the pea attached to the needle through the flame of the candle. If you hear a crackling sound, then there is an evil eye.

How to protect yourself with candle magic?

First you need to make a phytocandle. Melt the wax in a water bath and add dry herbs to it 3:1. Twist a wick from natural thread. The shape can be made by twisting a cone out of thick paper, secure with tape, and place a lid on the bottom. Pour the wax into the mold and wait a couple of hours.

Among the herbs, it is better to take wormwood, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, and dill. They charge you with energy and are best used in the morning. You can take essential oils. Before pouring the phytowax mixture into the mold, drop a few drops of oil into it: for the morning - sandalwood, rose, lemon, rosemary oils; for the evening - lemon balm, juniper.

In a calm atmosphere, light a candle, which must be fixed on a stand, sit opposite, and relax. The room will be filled with the aroma of herbs. Then pass the candle over your head counterclockwise 33 times. Put out the fire, and as soon as smoke appears, “wash” your face with it, scooping it into your hands.

To protect the house, walk with a lit candle counterclockwise from wall to wall, starting from the entrance. Be sure to linger for a few seconds in each corner.

Protective prayer to the Holy Martyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina

Best regards, Olga.

The mysterious fire of a candle can calm, attract, hypnotize, create a romantic atmosphere, and give warmth on cold evenings. And a ritual where a candle is used is a good way to speed up the fulfillment of your most cherished desire. Fire is a symbol of the basis of life, and a candle is its miniature representative. Melancholy, pain and despair burn out in the fire and hope for good changes in life arises.

Magic using candles is a simple and effective remedy available to anyone. For rituals you need to use only new candles. After all, if they have already given away their fire, illuminating a romantic dinner or a festive lunch, then the information preserved in them can neutralize the effectiveness of the ritual. The likelihood of getting a quick result is much higher if you use candles made by yourself.

What kind of candles are used for rituals?

Candle magic involves using only natural wax candles. They must be of good quality, very smooth and without any defects. The color of the candle is considered important, since each of them is endowed with its own magical effects. Candles of different colors release energy in different ways during the combustion process and they all have a certain vibration.

It is important that the candle is not poured, but well and evenly colored. Some people relieve pain in different parts of their body by simply applying a natural wax candle to them. If you light it after this, the fire will be very weak and short-lived. Psychics and healers explain the magical properties of candles by the ability of wax to absorb information.

Candle color meaning

In candle magic, colors are of great importance. Red - symbolizes passion and love, determination, courage, revenge. When using a red candle to attract love into your life, you need to draw some kind of love symbol on it. Usually they draw a heart. Such symbolism will enhance the magic of the candle. Orange candles help increase self-esteem if people around you infringe on a person as an individual.

A green candle is used to attract health and finances into life. A yellow candle helps eliminate creative problems, improve your studies and overcome everyday difficulties. To gain peace of mind, a turquoise candle is used as a magical object. Its fire promotes relaxation and stress relief.

When meditating on self-improvement and good luck, a blue candle is usually used, and a purple one is used during fortune telling or when working with a magic crystal.

To neutralize negativity, use a gray candle, the fire of which helps to overcome physical or psychological fatigue. The magic of black candles lies in their ability to free a person from the past - to break the connection with his former life, getting rid of negativity. However, candles of this color must be used very carefully so as not to fall into a depressive state. Therefore, for particularly sensitive people it is better to replace it with purple. With the help of such a candle, a ritual is performed to remove damage and the evil eye. You can learn more about how it is performed by reading the article on our website.

Brown candles, most often used for fortune telling, give people confidence, freeing them from excess energy, while silver candles can improve intuitive abilities and find harmony. By using the appropriate color for a particular ritual, you can enhance its effect. But if you couldn’t purchase the required color of a candle, you can use a universal white one, which is suitable for all rituals and is a symbol of holiness.

Rules for working with magic candles

Rituals with candles must be performed by adhering to certain rules that are part of the laws of magic:

  • rituals should be carried out exclusively using new or self-made candles;
  • It is advisable to choose large candles that can burn for several hours;
  • at the end of many rituals, candles cannot be extinguished - they must burn out to the end;
  • for greater effectiveness of the ritual, it is necessary to use holy candles, because the magic of church candles is one of the most powerful;
  • For safety reasons, it is better to purchase unscented candles.

Rituals aimed at restoring health, financial and family well-being are carried out during the waxing moon phase. The waning moon is a time when rites of waning, destruction or expulsion are performed.

Popular rituals for attracting money and love

For a ritual whose purpose is to attract finance, you need to purchase two candles - green and white. They are placed at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other and set on fire using only one match. Moreover, first you need to set fire to the green one, representing money, and then the white one, symbolizing the one who performs the ritual. The candles should burn for 10-15 minutes, after which they should be blown out and hidden in a place inaccessible to others. The ritual is performed daily for ten days. In this case, each time it is necessary to reduce the distance between the candles. When they come together, a final ritual is performed, at the end of which they are tightly tied with a golden ribbon and hidden in a safe place. These two candles will be a kind of money talisman that will help improve your financial condition.

People who are unlucky in their personal lives perform candle magic rituals during the rising moon to attract love into their lives. For the ceremony you need to purchase a red or pink candle. Incense is lit in the ritual room. You need to place a pink crystal near the candle and strew it with rose petals. You should look at the flame of a burning candle for about ten minutes, thinking about the object of your passion and saying out loud your own spells. For example: “You will always love me,” “You and I are made for each other,” “You will always be by my side.” After this, the candle must be extinguished, and the ritual must be repeated 4 more times daily.

Way to find a good job

Those who are looking for a good job can try a magical ritual. It is held on Thursday or Tuesday during the waxing moon phase. To do this, in a room where there is a smell of laurel or mint, light two candles - green and yellow. They are pre-lubricated with pine oil. In order for the ritual to bring good results, you need to mentally imagine yourself as an employee of the enterprise where you would like to get a job. While the candle is burning, you should repeat the words: “I will work there,” “I will definitely sign a contract with this company,” “I will certainly be hired for a good position.” The ritual must be performed 2 times.

A candle is a mandatory attribute of any magician or healer. The rituals using them are quite simple, but they have enormous power. Therefore, you need to carry them out yourself very carefully, adhering to the basic rules of working with magic candles. Better yet, ask for help from a healer whom you sincerely trust.