The meaning of the word Vova. Vova, Volodya: full name. The meaning of the name Vladimir. The meaning of the name for an adult male

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Vladimir (Vova) is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Vladimir. Volodya, Vova, Vovan, Vovka, Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Miro, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Vlodek, Vava, Vavulya, Vavusya, Dima, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusya, Vovusha, Volya, Vladimirushka.
Synonyms for the name Vladimir. Volodymyr, Valdemar, Valto, Vladimiros, Vladomir, Vladmir, Valdomir, Vladimiro, Wlodzimierz, Wlodzimierz, Velody.
Origin of the name Vladimir. The name Vladimir is Russian, Slavic, Ukrainian, Orthodox.

The name Vladimir is Slavic name. It consists of two parts: “vlad” (to own) and “world”, so the name is interpreted as “owning the world”. Sometimes it is also translated as “noble ruler.” Initially, the name Vladimir (Volodimer) was pagan name. But after the Baptism of Rus', the name of the baptizer - Prince Vladimir the Holy - was canonized, but this name became widespread only from the second half of the 19th century century. In Russia, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir is considered the heavenly patron of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in Catholic countries - the patron of large families and repentant murderers.

The name Vladimir has a paired female name - Vladimir (Vladmira). It is very rare, used only in Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Serbia and Ukraine. In Georgia the name Velodi is found, which is a form brief address Volodya, but is used as a full-fledged full name.

The name Vladimir in the Catholic calendar corresponds to the name Valdemar. For the name Vladimir will be indicated Orthodox name days, and Catholic name days can be found under the name Valdemar (Woldemar).

A boy named Vladimir has shown good learning abilities since childhood, is very obedient and neat. At school he is usually better at exact sciences. However, growing up, Vladimir relies on social Sciences and, as a rule, succeeds. Vladimir is doing well foreign languages. Vladimir has some risk appetite. But, more often than not, he uses it for his own benefit. He likes to carry out physical and chemical experiments in his youth, and as an adult he is able to take on a difficult task that everyone avoids. It is inherent leadership skills- Vladimir likes to be in the spotlight, to lead, but he always needs the advice of an older or more experienced person. It is quite possible that he will listen to his parents just as sensitively both as a young man and as an adult.

Vladimir values ​​loyalty and devotion in people. He also enjoys company smart people. Vladimir can be considered an intellectual, just to find himself exactly the kind of company that he has dreamed of since childhood. Vladimir is susceptible to flattery, and he should be more restrained in accepting various compliments. The opinions of others are very important to him, and the owner of this name will try never to lose face. His reputation will be impeccable.

IN family life Vladimir is unpretentious, but loves comfort and order in the house. As a rule, Vladimirs prefer not to have pets, at most - flowers on the windowsill. Vladimir is faithful in marriage, as he values ​​the comfort and stability of an established relationship.

Famous people named Vladimir

  • Vladimir I Svyatoslavich (Prince of Kiev, Baptist of Rus')
  • Vladimir Monomakh (Prince of Kyiv)
  • Vladimir Putin (second president of Russia)
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky (poet)
  • Vladimir Nabokov (writer)
  • Vladimir Pozner ((born 1934) television journalist)
  • Vladimir Dal (doctor, writer, lexicographer, dictionary compiler)
  • Vladimir Lenin (Soviet statesman)
  • Vladimir Vysotsky (poet, composer, actor, screenwriter)
  • Vladimir Durov (famous trainer and circus performer)
  • Vladimir Gilyarovsky (writer, journalist)
  • Vladimir Solovyov (Russian philosopher, poet, publicist)
  • Vladimir Suteev (artist, writer, film director and screenwriter)
  • Vladimir Rusanov (traveler, polar explorer)
  • Vladimir Spivakov (Russian violinist, conductor, public figure)
  • Vladimir Basov (Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter, National artist Russia)
  • Vladimir Kornilov (vice admiral of the Russian fleet, hero of the Crimean War)
  • Vladimir Vernadsky (naturalist, thinker and public figure)
  • Vladimir Obraztsov (scientist in the field of transport, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
  • Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko (director, theatrical figure and teacher, writer, playwright)
  • Vladimir Motyl (Soviet and Russian film director)
  • Vladimir Matetsky (Russian songwriter)
  • Vladimir Korolenko (Russian writer, journalist, publicist and public figure)
  • Vladimir Etush (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vladimir Vasiliev ( Russian artist ballet, choreographer, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vladimir Khotinenko (actor, director and screenwriter)
  • Vladimir Odoevsky (prose writer)
  • Vladimir Zheleznikov ( children's writer, film playwright)
  • Vladimir Naumov (film director, screenwriter)
  • Vladimir Arnold (outstanding Russian mathematician, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky ((born 1946) Soviet and Russian political figure, nominated himself for the post of President of Russia five times)
  • There are thousands of names in the world, and each of them is beautiful in its own way. Today we will talk about something so beautiful, majestic name like Vladimir.

    The meaning of the name, its secret, the character of the person named by it - those are the points that we will definitely dwell on as part of our conversation. In addition, we will tell you about such features of this name as:

    • Origin of the name.
    • Full and abbreviated pronunciation of the name, as well as its derivative forms.
    • Patron saints of the name, dates on which the angel's day (name day) falls.
    • Female names with which Volodya has excellent compatibility, and those where compatibility is far from perfect.
    • Stones, plants, animals that can act as a talisman, as well as other interesting facts.

    From the history

    First of all, let's shed light on such a moment as the origin of the name. The name Vladimir has its roots in paganism. Later, after Russia adopted Christianity, dated 988, it will be considered Russian Christian name(in some sources: Slavic, Church Slavonic, Old Russian). What does the name Vladimir mean? The first part of it, “Vlad,” is translated as “to own,” and the second part is clear even without translation—“peace.” It turns out - “owning the world.”

    One of the main patrons of the name is considered to be the same Prince Vladimir, who, having accepted Orthodox faith to Korsun, returned to native land and performed the rite of baptism of Rus' there. His memorial day is July 28.

    Vladimir's spring name days fall on the following dates: March 03, March 7, March 21, March 25, April 3, April 6. In the summer, Volodya celebrates Angel Day on June 4, June 20, July 10, July 28, August 13, August 27. Autumn name days fall on September 02, 07, 09, 13, 15, 16; October 01, 04, 09, 17, 21, 30; November 03, 04, 05, 16, 25; winter - on December 03, 05, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29, 31.

    As for the forms of the name, the full pronunciation is Vladimir. Short (abbreviated) form - Vova. The diminutive form is Vovochka. In addition, there are many derivative forms of this name: Volodya, Vladimirushka, Volodyasha, Vovulya, Vovusya. The choice is quite wide; you can call it any of the names presented, because in fact they are all the same name.

    A few words about the astrology of the name Volodya. This would be perfect as a semiprecious stone like green jasper. It will not only protect Vladimir from bad thoughts, the evil eye and other misfortunes, but will also contribute to his success in business, eliminate existing fears, and give confidence in own strength, will help restore them.

    Among the representatives of the animal world, it is recommended to make your choice in favor of deer and hawk. The first is a symbol of purity, prosperity, fertility. The second personifies nobility and strength. As for plants, you should pay attention to birch, heather and maple.

    A favorable number is considered to be two, the day of the week is Friday, and the time of year is autumn. Volodya has two patronizing planets - the Sun and Venus. Its element is air, its zodiac sign is Libra, as well as Aquarius. Concerning color range, then red, green and purple tones suit Vladimir best.

    Character traits

    First, let's try to find out what the meaning of the name Vladimir is (the character of the child, his fate) for little boy. Vova grows up as an inquisitive boy, he is interested in literally everything, and he eagerly explores the world around him.

    Vovochka also has a rich imagination. He's always making things up incredible stories, flies on spaceships, communicates with elves and other fictional characters.

    It should be noted that Vova is a very creative person. He is artistic, sings and dances well. The child’s parents should definitely pay attention to this. Proper support from loved ones - and, quite possibly, this boy will leave his mark on the history of modern art.

    To the piggy bank positive traits, which this child’s character possesses, we can safely add diligence. Rest assured, your request entrusted to Vovochka will be fulfilled. Just don’t give him several tasks at once - in this case, he may not complete one or the other.

    A calm character is another advantage of the boy. Only something out of the ordinary can make him lose his temper, when emotions simply run wild. Volodya is a very smart boy. At school, parents won't have to blush for him. This is the character of young Vladimir.

    Next, let us pay attention to the meaning of the name Vladimir (his character, the secret of the name) for an adult man. Vladimir is hardworking and has excellent mental abilities. If he has set a certain task for himself, he does not stop in the middle of the path, does not abandon the work he has begun, but goes to the desired result.

    This is a very energetic, active person. He not only loves to be in society, but chooses the role of leader, which he copes with perfectly. Vladimir easily finds people mutual language, always welcoming and friendly. He is one of those who is able to lead people.

    If someone thinks that he is too impulsive and prone to risk, then this is a mistaken opinion. Before committing this or that act, he will think it over, calculate everything down to the smallest detail, feeling the responsibility on his shoulders.

    It is worth saying that, despite his self-confidence, Vladimir values ​​the opinions of others. It is important to him what people think about him, he wants to be useful to society. He can be easily hurt by an offensive word, but he will not hold a grudge or harbor a grudge.

    Remember, when describing Volodya’s character in his childhood, we talked about his calmness? So, with age it is positive quality he does not lose. Vladimir is still balanced, it is quite difficult to bring him out of his state of calm and see the violent manifestation of emotions.

    As for living conditions, do they matter? Vladimir prefers comfort. He likes beautiful things, he loves antiques, products self made He will also like it. Vladimir's house is always clean and tidy.

    Love, marriage, career

    It cannot be said about Vladimir that he is a womanizer, but he is a rather amorous person. In his early years, he can start an affair with several representatives of the fair half of humanity at once. She takes love failures to heart. In dealing with women he is very gentle and affectionate.

    Speaking about love, one cannot help but say a few words about the compatibility of names. Alla, Elena, Valentina, Olga, Natalya, Evgenia - you can simply get lost in the variety of female names. How to understand which name is suitable for Vladimir, which of them has excellent compatibility, and which names are compatible with?

    So, with these female names, like Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Zinaida, Evgenia, Inessa, Lyubov, Natalya, Raisa, Sofia, excellent compatibility. But with women named at birth Elizaveta, Lydia, Maya, Nadezhda, Nina, compatibility is far from ideal.

    What does it mean? If Vladimir’s chosen one is called, for example, Natalya or Olga, then he will not have any difficulties communicating with her. But if it’s, say, Elena, then difficulties cannot be avoided. Girls with names from the second list should not be upset. Difficulties do not mean the impossibility of a union: if you really love a person, then they will not scare you, and you can overcome them together.

    The increased love goes away as soon as the one and only one appears in Vladimir’s life. Not just any girl can claim the role of the lady of his heart; she, too, must be a bright personality, have intelligence, and be attractive in appearance.

    Having tied the knot, Vladimir will become an exemplary family man . He listens to his wife’s opinion and makes compromises. Over the years, he puts first place in his relationship with his wife not love and passion, but spiritual comfort, the coziness of the home. He is not interested in commotion or emotional turmoil; he values ​​what he has.

    Vladimir loves children, they are also comfortable in his company. However, due to his busy schedule, most of the worries and troubles associated with them fall on the shoulders of his wife.

    Career - what does it matter? Vladimir works a lot, often devoting himself to his profession most of its time. In his business, he achieves enormous success. This man will find himself as a politician, public figure, doctor. Considering the creative component of his character, he can become an outstanding director, actor, and writer.

    A few words to end the conversation about the name Vladimir and the character of its owner. He is a strong, purposeful, educated, active person with a kind, sympathetic heart. A wonderful family man, loving father. Values ​​comfort and order. Sometimes we are somewhat withdrawn, but each of us has the right to personal space, the opportunity to retreat into ourselves for a while. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova

    The meaning of the name Vladimir: The name for a boy means "who owns the world." This affects the character and fate of Vladimir.

    Origin of the name Vladimir: Old Slavonic.

    Diminutive form of name: Vova, Vovik, Vovka, Volodya, Lodya, Ladik, Vladik, Volya, Volka.

    What does the name Vladimir mean: The name Vladimir consists of two roots: “vlad” (to own) and “mir” (peaceful, peace). Vladimir is translated as “who owns the world.” Another meaning of the name “ruler of the world.” The owner of such a name, like his namesake, V. the Great, is a born diplomat. A guy with this name will be able to unite even blood enemies who accidentally find themselves in the same room. He is tactful, receptive to knowledge, the main thing for him in life.

    Patronymic name Vladimir: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.

    Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Vladimir celebrates his name day twice a year:

    • July 28 (15) - St. Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, who converted Rus' to Christianity.
    • October 17 (4) - St. Vladimir Yaroslavich, Prince of Novgorod.

    Signs: On October 17, goblins play fools in the forests: they wander, scream, laugh, clap their hands, break trees, chase animals and fall through the ground until spring.


    • Zodiac - Libra
    • Planet - Venus
    • Green color
    • Auspicious name tree - maple
    • Treasured plant - heather
    • Patron name - deer
    • The talisman stone is green jasper.

    Characteristics of the name Vladimir

    Positive features: The name Vladimir gives heightened intuition, strong will, curiosity, and concrete embodiment of ideas. In a society of peers, a man with this name occupies a leading position. At the same time, Vladimir is characterized by friendliness, cordiality, and a subtle sense of humor. He values ​​cleanliness, order, and comfort in everyday life. He has a quick reaction to events and prefers to plan his actions.

    Negative features: The name Vladimir brings a tendency to risk, dependence on mood, and conflict. When he gets pissed off, it becomes dangerous. A guy with this name does not spare himself in his work, so more than once in his life he finds himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

    Character of the name Vladimir: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vladimir? Volodya is inquisitive, receptive to knowledge, and has an excellent memory. He is a leader by nature and loves to rush into all sorts of new endeavors - however, he carefully thinks through and calculates everything, but outwardly it appears that everything was done out of enthusiasm or under the influence of impulse. A man named Vladimir is active, diplomatic, and has a quick reaction. He is amorous, and his attention is usually attracted to special women. If Volodya is submissive sensually, then he remains devoted to his love all his life.

    The meaning of the name Vladimir in childhood. The guy is very inquisitive, likes to invent different stories- flies to the moon, communicates with gnomes, he has wonderful artistic and musical abilities, a creative mind that should be developed. A guy with this name willingly carries out various tasks, but you should not give him two tasks at the same time: the person with the name will think for a long time about what is more important, and in the end will not do any of them. It is difficult to piss him off, but once this has happened, he becomes irritable and angry.

    The opinion of others about him is very important to him; he is easily vulnerable and selfish. She values ​​intelligence and strength in men. He sincerely strives to be useful to his friends. He has a lot of them due to his busy schedule and wide range communications.

    Vladimir - big and big name, even in their diminutive forms: Vova, Volodya. Volodya has few long-term plans and deliberate moves, intellectual complexity, but more immediate strength, pressure, he is not alien to the displacement of his dreams with the truth, the most responsible things in life are given to him easily, without much pain. If there is creativity in his life, Volodya blossoms and reveals himself in brilliance. Here his broad mind, although devoid of true depth, and his kindness can most easily manifest themselves. The man named Vladimir is a good tree, but he needs rich soil. What would certainly deserve censure in others, when it comes from Vladimir, is met without indignation, with a benign smile and secret indulgence. The word “well done” goes to Vova. In the company, he easily resolves all world issues. The broadest generalizations, generous impulses, brilliance and flamboyance of life are the natural state of this person.

    Volodya is Vasily, who grew up on Russian soil, and therefore it is clear that for Russia this is the most significant of the names, typical name only great Russian man.

    Vladimir and his personal life

    Compatibility with female names: A favorable alliance is with Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Evgenia, Elena, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Milolika, Natalya, Raisa, Sbyslava, Svetlana. The name Vladimir is also combined with Sophia. Difficult relationships can develop with Ada, Bronislava, Daria, Claudia, Nina, Predslava, Tamara.

    Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vladimir promise happiness in love? Volodya is interested in women with a predominance of strong-willed qualities, and he is faithful to his wife. A guy with this name is ready to give in in many ways, while maintaining his inner independence. The guys get married early, but he soon disappoints them. Likely remarriages.

    Vova values ​​romantic qualities in a woman. He Vladimir notices how she looks, how she is dressed, but does not focus on it. He is amorous and has several affairs in his youth, but he is also faithful in marriage, however, not because Great love to his wife, but as a result of complete immersion in work and unwillingness to ruin an already established life.

    In everyday life, someone with the name Vladimir gives great value comfort, loves beautiful furniture, expensive things, paintings. Requires ideal cleanliness and order. He treats his children calmly and leaves their upbringing to his wife.

    Talents, business, career

    Choice of profession: Organizational work, politics, business, entrepreneurship. Technical sciences are easy for Vladimir. A guy named Vladimir has a deep mind, occupied with extensive plans, and is able to convince his interlocutor that he is right. The ability to make an impression, a lively, rich imagination, and artistry help Volodya achieve success in the creative field.

    He is smart, hardworking, persistent in achieving his goals. He is receptive to knowledge and has an excellent memory. He has a wide field of activity, he can reach heights in technical sciences, medicine, be a politician, economist, a wonderful actor, an excellent writer, and playwright. Volodya is passionate about his work, and, if necessary, breaks away from it with frustration.

    Vova is active, friendly, and friendly. Has a quick reaction to current events and is able to make independent decisions.

    Business and career: A guy named Vladimir knows how to make money and often takes risks. Basically, luck and success accompany him, but he tends to spend his earnings completely unexpectedly. To implement his plans, Vladimir seeks to use large sums of money, but at the same time he needs to be careful - any miscalculation can allow his enemies to push him from the heights he has achieved. It is recommended to purchase real estate land.

    Volodya's achievements are as extensive as they are fragile. They do not have sufficient substance, they seem more than they are, but there is an undoubted power of creation in it. Vladimir's mind is occupied with extensive plans. Narrow and special topics are not his cup of tea. For him, everything that is general is of particular importance, but not abstractly theoretical, but entailing practical consequences, opening up broad organizational prospects.

    Health and energy

    Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Vladimir from a medical point of view. Vova’s health depends on his ability to self-control. There may be periods of imbalance, affect or depression, diseases of the heart and digestive tract. Stimulants, drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

    The fate of Vladimir in history

    What does the name Vladimir mean for a man’s destiny?

    1. Vladimir Atlasov (Volodimer Otlasov) - conqueror of Kamchatka. Ustyug peasant; Having moved to Siberia due to poverty, he became a Yakut Cossack, rose to the rank of Pentecostal and was appointed (1695) clerk of the Anadyr prison. Having scouted about Kamchatka through the Cossack Luka Morozko, whom he had sent, Atlasov in the spring of 1697 with a hundred people undertook a campaign, took four Koryak forts, erected a cross on the Kanuch River and founded a fort on the Kamchatka River. He returned in 1700 to Yakutsk, from where the governor escorted him to Moscow. In 1706, he was again sent as a clerk to Kamchatka with service men and two cannons, and he was given the authority to execute foreigners with death for disobedience and failure to pay yasak, and to punish his subordinates “not only with batogs, but also with a whip.”
    2. Vladimir Vsevolodovich (1053-1125), nicknamed Monomakh, was the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich from his marriage with the Greek princess Anna Konstantinovna - “monomakhine”, that is, the daughter of the Greek emperor Constantine, who was called “Monomakh”, which translated means “Combatant”. Chronicles report that Vladimir Monomakh was the bravest prince on the battlefield. Already as a 13-year-old boy, he went from Pereslavl, the inheritance of his father, to Rostov, then to Vladimir Volynsky, twice to Polotsk, together with his father and uncle Svyatoslav he besieged Chernigov, and in 1078 he was installed there as a prince. Vladimir Monomakh worked a lot on laws and sought to improve them.
    3. Vladimir Putin is the second president of Russia.
    4. Vladimir Mayakovsky - poet.
    5. Vladimir Nabokov - writer.
    6. Vladimir Pozner - (born 1934) television journalist.
    7. Vladimir Dal - doctor, writer, lexicographer, dictionary compiler.
    8. Vladimir Lenin - Soviet statesman.
    9. Vladimir Vysotsky - poet, composer, actor, screenwriter.
    10. Vladimir Durov is a famous trainer and circus performer.
    11. Vladimir Gilyarovsky - writer, journalist.
    12. Vladimir Solovyov is a Russian philosopher, poet, and publicist.
    13. Vladimir Suteev is an artist, writer, film director and screenwriter.
    14. Vladimir Rusanov - traveler, polar explorer.
    15. Vladimir Spivakov is a Russian violinist, conductor, and public figure.
    16. Vladimir Basov - Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia.
    17. Vladimir Kornilov - vice admiral of the Russian fleet, hero of the Crimean War.
    18. Vladimir Vernadsky is a natural scientist, thinker and public figure.
    19. Vladimir Obraztsov is a scientist in the field of transport, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

    Vladimir in different languages ​​of the world

    Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Ukrainian it is translated as Volodymyr [Volodymyr], in Belarusian: Uladzimir [Uladzimir], in Polish: Wlodzimierz [Vuodzimierz], in Czech: Vladimir, in Slovak: Vladimir, in German: Waldemar, in Danish: Valdemar.

    Origin of the name: The name Vladimir has Old Slavic roots. It means “one who strives for agreement, agreement, who owns the world.” That is, what is meant here is not the meaning that most people think about - power over the world, namely, that this person can lead people to agreement.

    Short form of name: Vova, Vladya, Vavusya, Volodya, Vladya, Volya, Vovulya, Vovushka, Vovik, Vovan, Volodyusha, Vava, Ladya.

    Foreign forms of the name: Waldemar (Germany), Volodymyr (Ukraine), Heiwanushi (Japan - “ruler of the world”).

    Name day: January 21, February 10, March 7, April 3, July 10, August 27, September 2, October 1, November 3, December 5, December 26.

    Characteristics of the name Vladimir

    Positive traits of the name: Very inquisitive with early years. His rich imagination haunts him, and he constantly invents various stories about flying to the moon, communicating with gnomes. His Creative skills needs to be developed. He will willingly carry out any assignment, but he should not be given more than two tasks at the same time: Volodya may think about what is more important and end up doing nothing. He is characterized by activity, friendliness, and goodwill. He reacts quickly to current events; it is not a problem for him to make independent decisions. Vladimir is characterized by a strong will, very developed intuition, and the concrete embodiment of ideas. He occupies a leading position among his peers.

    Negative traits of the name: Due to the fact that it is important for Vladimir what others think about him, he is quite vulnerable and selfish. He has few friends due to his wide social circle and being very busy. For Vladimir, perfect cleanliness and order in the house is important. Raising children falls entirely on the wife's shoulders. Vladimir's achievements may be extensive, but fragile due to their lack of substance. His tendency to take risks can cause him a lot of trouble. Vladimir depends on his mood and is conflicted. Can become very dangerous if angered. Since he does not spare himself in his work, he can often find himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

    Choice of profession: Intelligence, hard work and perseverance in achieving goals allow him to achieve a lot. A wide field of activity is open for Vladimir, and he can successfully apply himself in medicine, technical sciences, politics, and economics. Vladimir will make an excellent actor, a wonderful writer, and playwright thanks to his ability to impress and his lively and rich imagination. Passionate about his work, he breaks away from it with annoyance if necessary. He can convince almost anyone that he is right.

    The impact of a name on business: Vladimir, who often takes risks, can make money almost out of thin air. Success and luck usually accompany him, but he can squander the money he earns completely unexpectedly. To carry out his plans, he can operate large sums. However, he should be careful, since with the slightest miscalculation, his enemies can deprive him of the heights he has achieved. Vladimir is recommended to invest money in land and real estate.

    The influence of a name on health: Vladimir’s ability to self-control directly affects his health. Due to periods of imbalance, depression or affect, diseases of the digestive tract and heart may develop. Under no circumstances should he consume alcohol, drugs or stimulants.

    Psychology: Vladimir sincerely helps others, wants to be useful. You shouldn’t be too persistent in forcing Vova to do something uninteresting to him as a child. Only a mutually beneficial agreement can achieve what is required from him.

    Name compatibility: Vladimir appreciates romantic qualities in a woman. notices appearance her, clothes, but doesn't focus on it. Because he falls in love, Vladimir may have several affairs in his youth, but in marriage he will be a faithful husband due to his complete immersion in the work process and his reluctance to spoil his well-established life. An alliance with Vladimir will be favorable for Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Evgenia, Elena, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalia, Raisa, Svetlana, Sofia. Relationships with Daria, Ada, Claudia, Tamara, Nina can be difficult.

    Famous names bearers:

    • Vladimir Monomakh (prince)
    • Vladimir Mayakovsky (poet)
    • Vladimir Vysotsky (singer, actor)
    • Vladimir Solovyov (philosopher)
    • Vladimir Putin (politician)
    • Vladimir Vinokur (artist)
    • Vladimir Kuzmin (singer)

    Volodymyr, Valdemar, Valto, Vladimiros, Vladomir, Valdomir, Vladimiro, Wlodzimierz, Wlodzimierz.

    Short form of the name Vladimir. Volodya, Vova, Vovan, Vovka, Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Miro, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Vlodek, Vava, Vavulya, Vavusya, Dima, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusya, Vovusha, Volya, Vladimirushka.

    Patronymic name Vladimir: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.

    The name Vova in different languages

    Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Ukrainian: Vova. Yiddish: וואָוואַ (vova). English: Vova (Vova).

    Origin of the name Vladimir

    The meaning of the name Vova

    The name Vova is a Slavic name. It consists of two parts: “vlad” (to own) and “mir” - it turns out “owning the world”. Sometimes it is also translated as “noble ruler.” Initially, the name Vladimir (“Volodimer”) was a pagan name. But after the Baptism of Rus', the name of the baptizer - Prince Vladimir the Holy - was canonized, although it became widespread only in the second half of the 19th century.

    Numerology of the name Vova

    The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with the “fives”. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.


    Planet: Venus.
    Element: Air and water, heat and humidity.
    Zodiac: , .
    Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
    Day: Friday.
    Metal: Copper, bronze.
    Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian.
    Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
    Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, doe.

    The name Vova as a phrase

    In Vedi
    Oh He (Oh, Oh)
    In Vedi
    A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

    Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vova

    B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative person, looking to the future.
    ABOUT - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
    B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.
    A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

    Compatibility of the name Vova

    Suitable for marriage: , Angelina,