Professions related to social sciences. The most popular humanitarian professions

Where to go to study humanities? There are already too many lawyers and managers, but I want something in demand and an interesting profession which will bring money! Here is a list of the most relevant professions that you can get now in order to become a sought-after specialist in five years.

In the traditional dispute between “physicists” and “lyricists” last years“physicists” win. According to experts, in a few years roboticists and process engineers will become the most in demand. Where to apply for an applicant who dreams of creative work to successfully build a career and be a sought-after specialist in 10-15 years?

Labor market research in the humanitarian sector

On job search sites, such as or, you can analyze the number of requests from employers and the approximate level of offered salaries. The most popular today are marketers, PR specialists, and programmers. For the humanitarian sphere, relevant areas remain:

  • hospitality - hotel business, tourism;
  • education - from compulsory to business courses;
  • personal service.

The number of “retired professions” includes:

  • accountants;
  • call center operators;
  • secretaries-referents;
  • stenographers and translators.

Choose a profession at the intersection of directions. Specialists knowledgeable in related fields will be in demand. Technical calculations, processing of large volumes of information, and analytical activities can also be undertaken by machines. But artificial intelligence does not yet reach the area of ​​searching for new solutions and expanding competencies. In the professions of marketer, art critic, teacher, and tutor, a “robot + human” pair will work. Any humanist who has the necessary minimum knowledge in the field of automation of routine processes need not worry about being in demand on the labor market.

The list of promising professions is quite wide:




Specialization in the field of creating online educational projects, individual support for students, game educational modules.

Currency specialists, appraisers and developers of individual financial programs for clients.

Children's industry

Workers in the children's field psychological safety, creators of gaming and transmedia products for children, tutors aesthetic development.

Hospitality and tourism

Developers of intelligent travel services and virtual reality.


Time and cross-management, virtual consulting services, assistance in business communication

Analysts predict the development and emergence of all these specialties by 2020, and you can get a basic education in them now.

Humanitarian professions in demand today


By transferring the routine work of giving lectures or checking assignments to machines, the teacher will be able to spend more time individual development students and identifying their potential. When choosing, you can focus on several of the most promising specialties:

  • online educational platform coordinator;
  • tutor;
  • gamemaster.

The psychological health of schoolchildren must be controlled by living and emotional mentors; machines cannot cope with this

Get Teacher Education possible in many Russia, for example:

  1. , Moscow Pedagogical State University
  2. , Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University
  3. , Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen
  4. , Minin University in Nizhny Novgorod

as well as Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Pacific, pedagogical universities.

Education is one of the few areas of activity in which the personal participation of a teacher will be necessary for a long time.


Not inclined to mathematical research, humanities students will quickly understand statistics and transfer the calculations to technology

In the financial sector, algorithms for processing large amounts of information have long come to the aid of humans. But developing a program of action and making decisions is the competence of a professional. Promising specializations in this area will be:

  1. multicurrency translator;
  2. appraiser intellectual property;
  3. developer of personal pension plans.

Future financiers can focus on educational programs, available in the Russian Federation. More than 25 universities work in these areas, in including:, Russian State University of Tourism and Service in Moscow;

  • , Far Eastern Federal University;
  • , St. Petersburg State University.
  • Today you can book an apartment or create a travel route using software applications and services. Human participation in the future hospitality system will be more intellectual than physical.

    A person who has a humanitarian character is characterized by mastery of the language of emotions, words and letters, as well as good linguistic abilities, a sociable and friendly character, a pleasant and romantic nature.

    Such people feel good in society and social environment, A humanitarian professions created specifically for them. Nowadays, most school graduates associate their later life with humanitarian professions. Because this is their element, love and meaning of life.

    Humanitarian professions and sciences, unlike others: natural or technical, can be classified as social sciences.

    From the article, you will understand what some in-demand professions are that can be classified as economic and humanitarian. After all, we spend half our lives at work, and it is important that the work not only brings money, but also that it brings joy and is in demand now and in the future.

    Most would like to know which areas are now in the most demand and money.

    We will talk about five professions that can be distinguished from the thousands of existing professions.

    Profession - tourism manager

    A win-win option is working in tourism. People travel more often and more, and travel agents help us with this. They select the tour route, issue visas, book tickets and check into a hotel. Nowadays travel agencies exist everywhere and there will be even more of them in the future. The tourism industry needs ticket booking operators, managers and tour agents.

    Profession: Etiquette specialist

    Business people They haven’t been decorating themselves with gold chains and crimson jackets for a long time, but they know perfectly well that the success of their business depends on how they behave, what they say, and how they look. And they need advisors who can teach it. Now not only from such people, but also from service personnel require knowledge of etiquette. Therefore, a specialist in professional etiquette is simply necessary for such people.

    Designers do not necessarily recommend furniture in apartments; today they are hired to tidy up their areas, arrange their offices, even they work on the Internet, on different projects. And a designer, first of all, must be able to dream and fantasize and skillfully contact people.

    Profession: brand manager

    No one thought why we argue with my husband to the last and try to defend the merits of the Bosch stove, we buy not just hair dye, but only a certain brand. Our harmless madness is the result of the work of brand managers.

    These people develop a habit among buyers of a particular brand. Various enterprises and firms need such specialists.

    The list of humanitarian professions goes on and on.

    Profession: politician

    Among the prestigious highly paid humanitarian professions is the profession of politician. Yes! This profession can give a lot of money, power and attracts more and more young people. Modern political activity built on a diverse set of actions, the organization of parties, constant participation in the election campaign and charismatic performance in the audience, the ability to capture the attention of the public, requires decision-making, honoring at rallies and in negotiations with representatives of other countries, etc.

    Try to find yourself and do right choice! And we will be happy for you and will always help!

    Professions in the field of marketing with skills in Internet promotion, promotion in social networks, SEO - optimization (but here the junction of the humanitarian and technical directions), content writing and creation different concept promotion. Video and audio content is becoming increasingly popular. Teacher-trainers will be in demand. Due to rapid changes in the work environment, employees are constantly required to retrain and learn new skills. We need charismatic trainers who not only have knowledge, but also navigate the constantly changing space, technologies, and innovations that also relate to the presentation of material.

    Perhaps a lawyer will become a more popular profession. In the event that Russia really becomes a rule-of-law state: when a neighbor will not be hit in the face for making hellish noise at night, but will be charged with moral damages. Nowadays, it is still profitable to be a lawyer who deals with the affairs of wealthy people. Unfortunately, middle class and below lives in a non-legal society.

    Psychologist, perhaps. Society strives for individualization, a number of foundations have been lost, stress in big cities, a constantly changing environment, a crisis in the institution of family; At the same time, there is less fear about turning to psychologists and psychotherapists. Parents are confused in matters of upbringing, so they often need outside help. But in order to make good money in this field, you need to be able to help effectively, and this means ten years of study and an internship abroad, preferably.

    Specialists in the following three industries will have consistently high salaries and good social significance in the future paradigm of our world.

    The first industry is media and entertainment. In the 21st century, the importance of various types of media resources is growing, which are gradually becoming powerful filters that place important accents in the world and help to navigate the agenda. Just look at social networks. Before their appearance, naturally, no one could even think about the emergence of such a profession as an SMM manager. Moreover, news for many people is a kind of information drug. We all constantly check the news report and are eager to see new sensation, it is desirable that there is a wow effect. We thus check our reality, our picture of the world. We think: “It’s good that this didn’t happen to us.” Next, entertainment. Already now there is a visible tendency to create various types of mass entertainment with more strong effect immersion, new channels for the supply of information are created. Take at least VR glasses. In the future, we will be able to watch people's streams, feel the food they consume in live. You can become one of these people and get good money (this is true, by the way).

    Specific professions in this area: designer of virtual worlds, game practitioner of quests in virtual reality, journalist with a unique author's style.

    The second branch is management. Already now, specialists in supra-industry management are required in every company - precisely because of automation in this industry. Specialists who know how to implement CRM systems, understand the principles of working with people and can coordinate them in the right direction for the company, who not only work on the number of sales of the company individually, but also who qualitatively influence other people and thus increase the indicators - such people will always be valuable.

    Specific professions in this area: manager of corporate venture funds, manager of cross-cultural communications, manager of strategic development of the company.

    The third industry is culture and art. Culture is one of the most ancient spheres human activity. Especially in our time, when everyone, with a point-and-shoot camera in their hands and a desire to hone their photography skills, can take a decent photo. It becomes clear that with the help of technology development, humanity is reaching new level perception of art becomes more selective. Yes, it appears immersive theater without dividing into a stage and a hall for greater immersion, art objects cease to be the domain of only professionals - you can make a creation using a 3D printer, art penetrates into the scientific environment.

    Specific professions in this area: art appraiser, curator of collective creativity, trainer for aesthetic personal development.

    Finding a job after receiving higher education at an institute or university is often associated with various difficulties. Therefore, a graduate often faces a dilemma - where to go to work after college?


    Work outside of your specialty.
    Often life circumstances develop in such a way that a university graduate has the opportunity to find a job outside of his direct specialty. This may be due to many reasons, for example: work experience outside of one’s direct specialty before receiving higher education, the ability of parents and relatives to employ a former student in another field, themselves as a specialist for a graduate, and so on. However, if a graduate has the skills and opportunities to do something else that he likes, then this should not be prevented. Work should be enjoyable and enjoyable.

    Employment in the chosen specialty.
    It is quite easy to find a job in a position that corresponds to the specialty you have received. The only caveat arises due to the fact that there are a huge number of young specialists with popular professions on the labor market. For example, there are a huge number of unemployed people, lawyers, managers, etc. This means that, most likely, you may not be able to get the desired position the first time. But you shouldn’t be upset, because after several interviews something should turn up that could correspond to the specialty in your higher education. It is worth noting that the most competitive are those graduates who have had work experience in their specialty while still at or university. Therefore, the question of employment should be asked in the last years of study.

    If yesterday's student had a constant source of Money, related to his own, then why not do it after receiving a diploma. Moreover, it has faded into the background, and a person will have more possibilities do what you love, which, moreover, brings a stable income.

    Helpful advice

    If everything is very, very bad with the issue of employment after university, you should contact the employment service or a recruitment agency. In the first case, employment services will be free, but the speed of employment will be slow. Agencies will take money from the applicant, but employment will be practically guaranteed.

    Working as a psychologist in Lately attracts enough big number of people. Experts in the field human relations are in demand in many fields of activity. The number of psychological support centers is growing, vacancies for psychologists are appearing in schools and preschool institutions. Psychologists can provide considerable assistance at enterprises and other organizations where it is necessary to organize competent work with personnel.

    You will need

    • - diploma of education in psychology;
    • - certificate of professional retraining.


    Assess the level and quality of your professional training. As a rule, specialists in the field of psychology are trained in specific areas. This could be social, medical or legal, conflict management, psychological personality correction, teaching and many other specializations. To achieve maximum success in your profession, you need to choose the field of activity that best suits your training.

    Contact the territorial employment service at your place of residence. At the labor exchange you can get comprehensive information about vacancies that meet your requirements. Unfortunately, not all vacancies can guarantee a decent salary wages. But as a starting point, working in a government or other position as a psychologist may be good decision. Once you gain experience, you will be able to apply for more interesting, creative and highly paid jobs.

    Offer your services as a psychologist by contacting local government education. Work in secondary school or the garden may become in a great way get a job if you do not have enough experience. Almost every educational institution has a position of educational psychologist. Over time, you will be able to try your hand at a private educational institution, where the qualification requirements are quite high.

    If you specialize in medical psychology, try contacting a local clinic or specialized medical center. Psychologists occupy special place in the health care system, providing care to those with significant health problems. The work here is often associated with behavior correction and rehabilitation of patients after injuries and illnesses. A medical psychologist must have developed empathy and be resistant to stress.

    Use your knowledge and skills to work as a Human Resources Manager. When forming a personnel service, managers of many enterprises give preference to psychologists. Functional personnel officers include personnel selection, training and placement. A psychologist at an enterprise can conduct corporate trainings, team-building events, and also provide counseling to employees on a variety of issues. Working with personnel reveals the most ample opportunities for creativity.

    They say that the one who owns the information owns the world. A journalist is someone who not only obtains information, but also analyzes it, and then shares it with everyone who wants to read, listen or watch. There are several ways to become a journalist.

    You will need


    Find your nearest website state university. Look at which faculty you can get a specialty 03.06.00. Large universities, such as Moscow State University or St. Petersburg State University, have journalism departments. In some educational institutions, this specialty or related ones are given in the faculties of mass media or philology. These are universities such as MGIMO or Moscow State Pedagogical University.

    Training in the specialty you need, as well as any other where required higher education, consists of two levels - bachelor's and. To enroll in the first year, you will need to provide the results of a single state exam in Russian language, literature and foreign language and will probably complete creative task. You will find the admission conditions on the official website of the university. There you will also find availability information. budget places and conditions of study in a paid department.

    To become a journalist, it is not at all necessary to graduate from a specialized university. If you can write interestingly, but you work in a different profession, you can try becoming a freelance correspondent. Your knowledge of technology, education, and culture will certainly be in demand. True, you must also have some special data. To start working in a newspaper, you just need to be able to write correctly and highlight the main and secondary thoughts in the text. A future radio journalist must have a pleasant voice, and a television journalist must also have a spectacular appearance. If your first journalistic experience is successful, you may be sent to courses where you can learn the basics of the profession. For the most part, journalists who do not have a specialized education find themselves on editorial staff this way. You can improve your skills through trainings or seminars that are now taking place everywhere.

    Recently, a new journalistic specialization has emerged - blogger. Specialists are trained at the same higher education institutions educational institutions, as well as other journalists. But you can try to master it yourself. Interesting thematic blogs can be found in all in social networks, on the websites of television and radio companies, leading newspapers. See how the user builds and maintains his blog, what questions he is asked, and how he answers them. This will give you the necessary understanding of the basics of the profession.

    Helpful advice

    If the nearest university does not have the required specialty, look at related ones - public relations specialist or editor. By the way, some technical universities are now training public relations specialists.

    In teaching at the Faculty of Humanities, a priority role is given to the development of social sciences, the formation cultural values, understanding moral and emotional relations in society. There are professional and general humanitarian education.

    Education in the field of humanities involves acquiring knowledge and professional skills in philosophy, history, linguistics, law, art history and others. Such education determines the worldview and the general level of human development, and for society it is the basis of ideological and moral education. Any faculty of humanities education performs a cultural and educational task. Without this area of ​​education, our life would be much more boring, because thanks to it, new writers, poets, artists, and musicians appear.

    Features of education at the faculty

    The specificity of education at the faculty is a high level of humanitarian knowledge, which is relevant at all times. The Faculty of Humanities produces specialists who successfully compete in the necessary economic conditions.

    Currently, the educational process at the faculty is based on modern world methods; the best professionals Western universities. The faculty trains bachelors, whose duration of study is 4 years, and masters, who study for 6 years. One of the features of studying in the humanities is the in-depth study of a foreign language.

    Specialists humanitarian direction play a big role in the scientific and cultural cooperation of our country with other world cultural communities.

    University of Humanities

    A university with a humanitarian profile affirms the ideals and values ​​of society, develops cooperation through the humanitarization of the worldview, trains and develops students on the basis of individual freedom. Each humanitarian has different:

    Culture and art;
    - design;
    - political science and;
    - philology and foreign languages and others.

    They are selected taking into account educational standards modernity and effectiveness of the education received. Humanitarian knowledge is becoming an important part of fundamental education and allows us to obtain specialists with a broad worldview.

    Education in the field of humanities allows us to develop not specialists with a narrow specialized education, but real individuals with broad views on the world, nature and man. Humanitarians balance society and prevent it from sliding into a moral, spiritual and cultural abyss. Humanities universities continue the proud tradition of value-based education.

    Often in the conversations of young people, and even older people, one can notice such an explanation for the lack of knowledge in technical sciences as “humanities”. However, the tendency to humanities doesn't define yet this type thinking. The conditional division of all people into “physicists” and “lyricists” is not entirely correct and scientific.

    Abilities and mindset

    Psychologists have established a relationship between the development of the brain hemispheres and abilities. Thus, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for visual and figurative thinking, creative imagination, perception of music, artistic images etc. The left hemisphere is responsible for mathematical abilities and logical thinking.

    People who have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain are more prone to the humanities, reasoning, and philosophizing. To those who greater development received left hemisphere brain, there is an inherent tendency towards mathematical sciences, technical disciplines and logical reasoning.

    But inclinations towards the humanities do not yet determine a person’s humanitarian mentality. Rather, this is simply a consequence of the characteristics that are inherent in humanities people.

    Features of people with a humanitarian mindset

    Humanists by mentality (not by education) know that each individual or group of people has only a limited understanding of the world. They realize that there is something different in the world: a different perception, a different opinion, a different reality, a different meaning, a different picture of the world, etc. To such people after schooling for each question providing one correct solution or proof, it is easy to study various scientific theories or paradigms that explain the same event or process in different ways. But this should not be confused with a love of philosophizing and philosophy: the fact that they understand it does not make them lovers of this discipline. They may not have a humanitarian education, but a technical one, but at the same time clearly realize how narrow their understanding of the world is. Conversely, lovers of books, music, films and professional humanists sometimes do not allow the idea that others may have completely different interests than them.

    Another distinctive quality of people with a humanitarian mindset is the ability to interact with others. This is clearly seen in the interaction between those who accept someone else's position and vision, and those who reject everything except their own point of view. If a person manages to comprehend the world of his interlocutor and establish contact, even without sharing his views, then he is a typical humanist.

    A humanist by mentality knows that the world is ruled by conventions. When such a person finds the answer to a question, he understands that this is considered correct only in this moment time. Simply put, he realizes that there is no truth as such, but only judgments that are currently considered to be true.

    A humanitarian mindset is often confused with visual-figurative thinking. This type of thinking involves developed ability imagine, imagine, compare something, and accordingly, understand and accept changes in public life, some new genres of literature, cinema, music. But this does not mean at all that all people with developed visual and figurative thinking are humanists by mentality.

    Political science is one of the social sciences that is devoted to research into the patterns of functioning and development of political relations and political systems, and the characteristics of people’s life related to power relations. It received its final consolidation as a separate science in 1948, when at the congress of political scientists under the auspices of UNESCO the subject and object of political science were defined.


    Political science is one of the social sciences that is aimed at studying the political component of society. It is closely interconnected with other social sciences. In particular, such as sociology, economics, philosophy, theology. Political science integrates individual aspects of these disciplines, because the object of her research intersects in the part that is associated with political power.

    Like any other science it has its own object and subject. The objects of research include the philosophical and ideological foundations of politics, political paradigms, political culture and the values ​​and ideas that constitute it, as well as political institutions, the political process and political behavior. The subject of political science is the patterns of relationships social subjects about political power.

    Political science has its own structure. It includes such sciences as the theory of politics, the history of political doctrines, political sociology, the theory of international relations, geopolitics, political psychology, conflictology, ethnopolitical science, etc. Each of them focuses on a separate aspect of political science.

    Political science has its own methodology (conceptual approaches to research) and methods. Initially, political science was dominated by the institutional approach, which was aimed at studying political institutions(parliament, parties, institution of presidency). His disadvantage was that he paid too little attention to the psychological and behavioral aspect political sphere.

    Therefore, the institutional approach soon replaced behaviorism. The main emphasis was shifted towards studying political behavior, as well as the specifics of relationships between individuals regarding power. The key research method was observation. Behaviorism also brought into political science quantitative methods research. Among them is interviewing. However, this approach has been criticized for being overly enthusiastic. psychological aspects and insufficient attention to the functional aspect.

    In the 50-60s, the structural-functional approach became widespread, which focused on the relationships between economic and political systems, political activity and regime, number of parties and electoral system. Systems approach for the first time began to consider politics as an integral self-organizing mechanism that aims to distribute political values.

    Today, the theory of rational choice and the comparative approach have gained popularity in political science. The first is based on the egoistic, rational nature of the individual. Thus, any of his actions (for example, the pursuit of power or the transfer of power) are aimed at increasing his own benefit. Comparative political science presupposes similar phenomena (for example, political regime or party system) in order to identify their advantages and disadvantages, as well as determine the most optimal development models.

    Political science performs a number of social significant functions. Among them - epistemological, which involves obtaining new knowledge; value - function of value orientation; theoretical and methodological; socializing - helping people understand the essence political processes; prognostic - forecasting political processes, etc.

    Video on the topic

    Tip 8: Where can a person with a humanitarian mindset work?

    People with a humanitarian mindset on the planet are about half of the total population. They work in a variety of fields, but they are best suited for activities that do not involve much calculation, technology, or complex logical reasoning.

    Almost all professions related to creativity are considered humanitarian, for example, designer, artist, art critic, guide, actor, director, musician, singer. The creation of objects of art, although it does not bring practical benefit to humanity, is no less valuable than the creation and operation of technical and electronic means. That is why real art and its practitioners are sometimes so popular and can earn large fortunes. However, not everyone succeeds in this; it is not for nothing that it is believed that success in this area is more difficult to achieve than in business.

    Humanities scholars in the fields of law and economics are very successful. Although it is quite controversial to classify economics as a purely humanities science, people even without a technical mindset become excellent economists. In addition, they can work as lawyers, attorneys, and historians. Wherever a broad view of modern realities is required or historical events, humanitarian thinking helps.

    With knowledge of the laws, economic situation and the historical past of the country are closely connected civil service. Therefore, in parliament, the Federation Council, political parties you can meet so many political scientists, lawyers and economists. For some figures with humanitarian education who, moreover, are on the sidelines of true creativity, going into politics is good opportunity prove yourself and achieve real success.

    People with a humanitarian mindset make excellent doctors and psychologists. Some of them understand the human soul well, know how to sympathize, listen and understand people, understand complex relationships and mental trauma, while others are excellent at healing the human body. By the way, knowledge human soul through deviant behavior, the desire to get to the bottom of the truth and a deep knowledge of psychology are the traits of wonderful detectives and investigators of all ranks.