My right hand itches. Are your hands itchy? We urgently compile a complete list of signs

Many signs are associated with hands, since with their help most actions in everyday life are performed. The meaning of what your right hand itches for will depend on various factors. It is important to take into account what day of the week the hand itched, the characteristics of the person’s character and lifestyle, his gender and age.

What to expect if your right palm itches?

A person's hands can tell a lot about him. If you know the beliefs, you can predict a person’s future and avoid possible mistakes. There is a sign that the right palm itches for financial gain. A person expects a salary increase, a bonus or a lucrative deal. In this case, it is important to take into account his type of activity. For the prediction to really come true, you need to rub your palm from below on the edge of the table.

If the itching occurs suddenly, then this is an indication that the person too often relies on his fate. You can’t always go with the flow, you have to take life into your own hands. We must look for new opportunities and boldly take risks; they will be justified.

Itching in the right palm can reflect a person's rage and irritation. He accumulates negative emotions for a long time caused by various events in life. This condition can harm a person's health and psyche. Psychologists advise to throw out your energy. Extreme sports, going to a disco or a sporting event (football, basketball, boxing) are perfect for this.

There is another popular interpretation, according to which itching occurs before an important event in life. A person will have to take part in a special event or make an important decision. You should take this responsibly and avoid making mistakes.

When meeting, a palm is given as a greeting, so the sign can be interpreted based on this fact. If your palm itches, you may be expecting a meeting with a loved one. To speed it up, the ancestors advised to kiss your hand three times and put your tightly clenched fist in your pocket. This small manipulation will help bring the meeting closer; it will happen within three days. If, on the contrary, it is undesirable, then hand must be washed with cold water.

It also matters what time of day the palm itched. If in the morning, then a pleasant surprise awaits a person during the day. What he has long dreamed of will come true. Itching in the evening means news from work. A promotion may be possible, or the person will have an important business trip. The main thing is to justify the trust shown by your superiors. My hand itches at night to meet old friends. It will be unexpected, but will bring many pleasant emotions.

Value depending on the day of the week

In addition to the time of day, in the old days the day of the week was also taken into account:

  • Monday. It's worth looking forward to meeting close friends. It will take place in a fun, noisy environment.
  • Tuesday. The palm itches on this day for a long journey. The man has a long journey ahead of him. This can be either a work trip or a long-awaited vacation.
  • Wednesday. If a lonely girl’s hand or palm itches, she will meet an attractive young guy. For married people, this sign means a meeting with an influential person who will support them.
  • Thursday. Lovers will have a romantic date with their soulmate.
  • Friday. Itching in the hand on this day predicts an unplanned meeting.
  • Saturday. It's better to spend this day with your family. Ideal would be a walk together or a trip to the cinema or theater.
  • Sunday. A meeting with a respected person can be fateful. Big changes in life are possible.

It should be noted that the sign has different interpretations. Their decoding depends, first of all, on the person’s personality. Everyone has the right to decide whether to believe in popular beliefs or not. The only thing we can say with certainty is that they reflect the wisdom of many generations, which is worth listening to.

A large number have reached our time. Among them we can distinguish a special category of superstitions about different parts of the body. It is unknown where they originate, since they appeared several decades ago. Knowing why your right hand itches, you can prepare yourself for certain future events. As with all other magical acts, belief in the veracity of superstitions is of great importance. If the itching does not go away for a long time and some rashes are noticed, then you need to immediately go to the doctor, since signs will definitely not help here.

Why is your right hand itching?

Many people, at least once in their lives, have encountered a situation where sudden itching appears in the body for no apparent reason. Most often, the sign is an omen of a meeting, that is, you will soon have to greet someone. Another sign that explains why your right hand, or rather, palm, is itching can mean receiving a large sum of money in the near future. To improve and strengthen the effect of superstition, you can perform a small ritual. Visualization plays a huge role in this. Imagine that the money is already in your hands, so squeeze it tightly into your fist. Then kiss your hand, thereby expressing gratitude to the money, put it in your pocket and only then unclench your fist.

Folk signs explaining why different parts of the right hand itch:

  1. If itching occurs in the palm, it means that the person is filled with aggression and malice. The superstition probably arose because when a person is angry, he clenches his fist and rubs it. This could also be a harbinger of a meeting with your soulmate.
  2. When your collarbone itches, you should expect to attend an important meeting or go on a visit.
  3. Let's figure out what it means if the shoulder of the right arm itches. Itching in this place serves as a warning that you will soon have to leave the house for a long time.
  4. If itching occurs under the arms, this is a harbinger of a mild illness.
  5. There are signs that tell you why your right elbow itches. In this case, itching predicts the occurrence of quarrels, which can end in a fight. This may also mean that you will soon have to find yourself in someone else's bed.
  6. When interpreting the sign telling why your right hand itches, it’s worth dwelling on the meaning for each finger:
  • big - promises luck and good fortune;
  • indicative - predicts advancement up the career ladder and in studies, but it will be fleeting;
  • medium - expect significant profits;
  • nameless - portends getting rid of outside influence;
  • little finger - promises failures and problems.

The right hand may itch in anticipation of a situation in which important decisions will have to be made, relying on one’s own logic.

Other superstitions about hands

Those with small hands have an aristocratic streak. They cope well with leadership positions, reaching great heights in this field. A person with big hands loves to do painstaking work. He has an analytical mind and always pays great attention to detail. In ancient times, people believed that hairy arms were a sign of wealth. If the hair on the arms is light, it means that the person is too shy and does not have enough energy to achieve what he wants in life. People with dark hair on their arms are passionate, but also often irritated. They spend a lot of energy on pleasures, which does not allow them to achieve material stability. Those with bright red hair on their arms are boors.

It is worth saying that each person has the right to independently decide whether to believe in omens or not. The only thing that can be said in defense of superstitions is that they contain the wisdom of our ancestors, and many people have been convinced of their action from their own experience.

There are a whole lot of folk signs; they are passed down from father to son, from eldest to youngest. But not all phenomena and events in life can be explained from their point of view. For example, the question why your right palm itches can be answered from the perspective of superstition, medicine and psychology. Which one is true is for everyone to decide for themselves.

Folk sign

In very ancient times, when even the word “science” did not exist, a person somehow had to explain the incomprehensible phenomena and events that happened to him. The observed relationship between cause and effect was formalized into signs, many of which have survived to this day.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with hands; they can be used to tell about a person’s character and personal characteristics. For example, small palms are considered a sign of a good leader, while large ones belong to people with high analytical skills. It is not for nothing that palmists have a special interest in the patterns on the palms: from them they can tell about a person’s past and predict the future.

The human body constantly sends him signals, all of them are important. Why the palm of the right hand itches is a sign and its meaning that people are often interested in.

People have many interpretations, the most popular of which are the following:

A belief cannot work equally for all humanity. To accurately understand the meaning of the sign, why your right hand itches, you need to analyze the recent events of your life. This will make it easier to decide in which direction this superstition will play. If a meeting or date has been planned for a long time, then something similar will probably happen.

For a long time you have been trying to earn money or get money in any other way - most likely, you will get it.

Sign by day of the week

The meaning of a folk sign may vary depending on On what day of the week does a person experience an itching sensation in the right palm:

All interpretations have only positive meaning, so there is absolutely nothing to fear in this case.

Value by time of day

The time of day at which a person feels an itching sensation in the palm of the hand matters a lot. As a rule, if the palm itches in the evening, it promises events that should happen the next day. In this case, you need to scratch it from left to right and go to bed early in order to have a good rest and tune in to tomorrow's phenomena.

If your hand itches in the morning, then this is a positive sign approving possible expenses for the next 12 hours. You don’t have to be afraid of upcoming expenses, as they will be compensated soon. This also means that all today’s meetings and acquaintances will be successful and fruitful.

Itchy palm - money signs

The most common explanation for this is Why does my right palm itch?- obtaining financial profit. It is important to pay attention to how strongly a person feels it. Because there is another belief: the stronger the itching, the greater the amount will come.

So, your right hand itches. So that money comes to you for sure, some actions need to be taken for their speedy appearance.

First you need to clench your palm into a fist, imagining that the profit is already in it. Then put your hand in your pocket and unclench it inside. Next, pull out your palm and rub the same pocket with it. It is believed that these actions will attract wealth faster.

Along with the intensity of the sensations, the size of the area of ​​the itching hand is also important. If not only the palm, but also the elbow and even the forearm itches, then you can expect profits on a particularly large scale.

By the way, Why is my left elbow itching?- the sign and its meaning are similar to this one.

From a medical point of view

If your hands itch very badly and for a long time, you should put the signs aside and consult a doctor. There is a possibility that this itching may be a manifestation of a disease, for example:

  • The cause of scratching may be allergic reaction, for example, washing powder or detergent.
  • Severe itching, redness and peeling are accompanied by skin diseases such as eczema.
  • If the sensations intensify in the evening and at night, and blisters filled with liquid appear between your fingers, then it is quite possible that you have a normal scabies. It is quite difficult to treat and is also contagious.
  • Our skin primarily reacts to the influence of the surrounding world, therefore experiences and stress may also be the cause.

Before referring to the sign that your palms itch, it is necessary to rule out physiological causes.

What psychology says

Hands are a special tool that performs a huge number of actions at the command of the brain. These movements are not always conscious to a person, but can tell a psychologist a lot. Various sensations in the body and on the skin are of great importance for a psychologist, as they are manifestations of the client’s unconscious.

In psychology there is a special direction that studies the relationship between the psyche and the body - psychosomatics. According to him, mind and body mutually influence each other: what happens in the conscious and unconscious parts is necessarily reflected in bodily sensations.

Thus, the psychotherapist can “read” the symptom based on the sensations that the client describes. Thus, the right hand reflects creativity and aggression. Therefore, if the palm of your right hand itches, then it is quite possible that you are harboring anger or resentment towards someone. To make the feelings go away, you can write a letter to the offender - write down in it everything you think about him. The itching should go away after the suppressed energy is released through the hand. Or if your creative energy is suppressed, then you need to unblock it through drawing, sculpting or writing.

Before answering the question of why your palm itches, check and rule out all possible causes.

To understand why your right palm itches, it is enough to know the time the itching began: the hour and day of the week. For convenience, all folk signs are presented in a small calendar - a scratcher according to time and days of the week.

Select the day of the week, then the time:


Itching at the beginning of the week is a sure sign of random encounters and unexpected guests. However, signs associated with the right arm or leg more often have a positive connotation - by finding a non-standard way out of the situation, you will make useful contacts, establish relationships with distant relatives, or decide on a large-scale project.

  • 0 – 6 hours If you notice itching at night, try to remember your last dream and find out its interpretation. The sign warns: all week you will have to pay attention to the little things so as not to miss a single opportunity.
  • 6 – 12 hours. The answer to the question why your right palm itches in the morning is the traditional saying “for money.” Indeed, the sign reminds you of the dynamic development of the financial sector, calling you to take decisive action to quickly advance your career or increase momentum in your business.
  • 12 – 18 o’clock In the near future you will meet a person you never expected to see again: a former spouse, a classmate, a previous employer or an old enemy. Try to respond positively to any behavior of the interlocutor and not waste a lot of time talking.
  • 18 – 0 o’clock. In the evening and around midnight, the right palm itches as a reminder of debts to relatives. It's time to make peace with your parents or call your uncle with whom you haven't spoken for a long time.


On Tuesday, the sign reminds you of family values.

  • 0 – 6 hours If your palm itches at night, you should think about whether you are paying enough attention to your significant other, close relatives and friends.
  • 6 – 12 hours Spend the day with people who need you. By showing a little altruism at the beginning of the week, you have a high chance of receiving support in return in the future.
  • 12 – 18 o’clock. The palm, especially the inside, itches on Tuesday evening for monetary expenses that will bring a lot of joy. It's time to decide on a long-awaited purchase or have a romantic dinner in an expensive restaurant.
  • 18 – 0 hours Itching can be a sign that your loved ones are hiding something important from you. Try to carefully find out if they have problems and provide all possible assistance.


Determination on Wednesday is your main weapon.

  • 0 – 6 hours. A palm itching at night warns of dangers and an unstable financial situation. The coming day should be devoted to improving your own productivity in order to maintain your current professional status.
  • 6 – 12 o’clock. Waking up in the morning with an itch in your right hand, get ready for an important call or news that can turn the rest of the week into a bustle. Do not give in to emotions and follow a pre-drawn action plan.
  • 12 – 18 hours Don’t be surprised if you soon receive unfounded comments and reproaches. When defending your point of view, do not turn a conversation with your boss or significant other into a quarrel, control your emotions and operate with facts.
  • 18 – 0 o’clock. The sign is aimed primarily at bachelors and those who are divorced. If your right palm itches on Wednesday evening, then you need to stop waiting for the miraculous appearance of your soulmate and take the first step.


On Thursday, itching reminds you of pride and respect. Be prepared to put bullies in their place. The day is favorable for self-realization and manifestation of leadership qualities.

  • 0 – 6 hours An itchy palm at night is advice from higher powers to show imagination and unconventional thinking. Remember about old dreams and plans that have already been abandoned - soon you will have a second chance to realize them.
  • 6 – 12 hours It’s worth thinking about what you’re doing wrong. Perhaps your productivity is not as high as it seems, and praise from management is nothing more than flattery. Don't wait for your boss or clients to put pressure on you - take the initiative and reconsider your professionalism.
  • 12 – 18 hours Thursday evening is best spent in the company of friends. The sign points towards the successful part of your environment - try to combine relaxation with a discussion of original money projects.
  • 18 – 0 o’clock Itching at night warns of an envious person. Get ready for offensive statements addressed to you and set-up troubles. No matter what happens, stay calm and use common sense.


At the end of the work week, special attention should be paid to physical and moral health.

  • 0 – 6 hours Think about the amount of time you devote to developing your body: exercise, running and fitness. An itchy hand is a mystical reminder of a passive lifestyle and its possible consequences.
  • 6 – 12 o’clock. The sign reminds you to take care of your health. Eat healthy foods and avoid strenuous exercise for the next couple of days.
  • 12 – 18 hours Prepare for sudden mood swings. Your emotional state directly affects your health, so try not to dwell on the difficulties that have arisen and maintain a positive attitude.
  • 18 – 0 o’clock. The sign warns you against uncontrollable anger. Excessive touchiness and vindictiveness can become commonplace for you and destroy long-term relationships.


Inexpensive purchases on Saturday will lift your spirits and bring new colors to life. If your right palm itches on Saturday, it’s time for shopping.

  • 0 – 6 hours Prepare gifts for all holidays until the end of the year. Your creativity will be at its best today, as will your luck, which will allow you to find quality items at a good price.
  • 6 – 12 hours Gather as large a group as possible and go for a walk around the shopping centers. The views of your friends will help you objectively evaluate the outfit or accessory you are purchasing.
  • 12 – 18 pm It’s time to update the interior. We are not talking about large-scale renovations - even by re-pasting the wallpaper and changing the dishes you can change the atmosphere at home.
  • 18 – 0 o’clock. The itching reminds you of a purchase that has been put off for an indefinite period. Rethink the situation - perhaps the price is not so high, and a timely purchase will make your life more comfortable.


According to popular superstitions, such signs on Sunday are given to those who have previously been unlucky in life. Today luck is on your side and you need to use this advantage wisely.

  • 0 – 6 hours Think about a recent collaboration offer. A risky entrepreneurial initiative or work project can bear fruit comparable to the effort expended.
  • 6 – 12 hours Expect an offer to make a bet from your friend or colleague. Weigh the probability of winning, and if it is high, use this non-standard way of earning money.
  • 12 – 18 o’clock Fate is preparing for you a chance meeting that will turn your future life upside down. Scratching the right palm is a call to be open to new acquaintances.
  • 18 – 0 o’clock. On Sunday night, the sign, on the contrary, warns against making important decisions. It is better to postpone difficult choices for a few days to look at the situation from a different angle.

Signs for men and women

For men, the right palm is associated with rational actions, and signs influence career and business to a greater extent. For women, an itch in the right hand is a reminder of the extraordinary creative abilities that lie dormant within each of us. In general, the sign is a reminder of stagnation - if the right palm itches, it means it’s time for active action.

Interpretation of the scratcher depending on the place of the palm

So, if the inside or hand itches, wait for news in the financial sector. The edge of the palm warns of future changes in relationships with people. In Eastern philosophy, it was endowed with the magical property of directing a person’s will to fight against circumstances.

It is no coincidence that the edge of the palm is a popular symbol in most martial arts. The right side relates to power and the political sphere and indicates the awakening of leadership qualities in you. Itching on the left side of the right palm is a reminder of the spiritual nature of man and the true values ​​of life.

The article will tell you about the meaning of the sign of itching in the right palm.

Various signs accompany us throughout our lives. We hear them as children, and then, as we get older, we teach them to our children.

Even non-superstitious people, deep down in their souls, believe in some signs that the world sends. As for superstitious people, their lives are completely subordinated to surrounding signs.

In order to exist harmoniously in the world, you need to find a middle ground - without fanaticism, listen to the signs that are sent. And then you can become more far-sighted and encounter fewer obstacles along the way.

Why do people believe in omens?

Before we decipher superstitions, let’s figure out why people have believed in them for a long time.

  • It is safe to say that omens are a cultural phenomenon. Since ancient times, when people did not have the benefits of civilization and developed science, signs acted as an explanation of the world around them.
  • The signs are similar to pagan rituals. People could not explain to themselves why thunder rumbles and lightning strikes, how the change of day and night occurs. For such important moments, gods were invented. For smaller ones - perfume. But the signs served as an explanation for completely everyday and everyday affairs
  • Signs come in different forms. Some of them are really only related to superstitions (for example, not to sit on the corner, to be afraid of a black cat, etc.). Some signs are based on natural phenomena and many years of experience.
  • The signs of different countries and peoples are very different from each other. This proves that signs are part of folklore
  • Signs can also be of a professional nature. They arise in a narrow circle of people of a certain profession. Many people take such signs very seriously.
  • To believe or not to believe in omens? It's a matter of your choice. After all, our brain is designed in such a way that once we believe in something, we will find confirmation of our faith everywhere. If you feel that signs really mean something to you, you will have to adapt to them

Why is the right palm itching, signs

  • One of the common explanations for an itchy right palm is meeting people you haven’t seen for a long time. These could be distant relatives, old friends or former colleagues
  • Another interpretation of the sign is receiving a profit or a gift
  • A less common meaning is an excess of internal energy. You may feel angry or aggressive. In this case, you need to understand yourself and the reasons for this condition. Burn off excess energy with exercise or a walk in the fresh air

Why does my right palm itch in the evening?

  • Itching in the evening means events that will happen to you tomorrow
  • If your right palm itches in the evening, then most likely tomorrow you will have to make a responsible decision. Often, such itching occurs before taking an exam, an important business meeting or an interview.
  • For things to go well, you need to scratch your palm towards you

Why is the back of my right hand itching?

You need to independently draw an analogy between your own life and the itching in your palm. There are several options for decoding: meeting with old acquaintances or making a profit.

Why does your right palm itch on Monday?

  • It all depends on who has itchy palms
  • For example, if a young girl’s palm is itchy, then she will meet an interesting young man. Despite the interesting communication, their relationship is unlikely to move forward
  • For a businessman, this itch may mean meeting his former partners or employees.
  • Sometimes. itching of the right palm on Monday foreshadows small, insignificant meetings and acquaintances

Why does your right palm itch on Tuesday?

On Tuesday, an itchy palm means meeting with an old friend. This meeting will take place so unexpectedly for both of you that you will be impressed for a long time. In any case, the meeting will be warm and you and your old friend will be able to remember many pleasant moments

Why is your right palm itching on Wednesday?

If itching appears on Wednesday, then this is a harbinger of a romantic meeting or an unexpected gift. If you already have a soulmate, expect a secret admirer to appear on the horizon. There will also be a gift, most likely from a person who cares about you

Why is your right palm itching on Thursday?

An itchy palm on Thursday means a reunion with a loved one. Perhaps you are coming home after a long business trip. Or maybe you’ll come to your parents’ house, where you haven’t been for a long time. The sign on Thursday does not promise new meetings, but promises the establishment of old connections

Why does your right palm itch on Friday?

On Friday, this sign may mean a meeting with a former love. even if you don’t communicate, a meeting can take place completely unexpectedly. Perhaps this is your chance to talk and forgive all grievances

Why does your right palm itch on Saturday?

Saturday is a day of rest. It is on this day that many people go to discos and bars. There you are promised a meeting with an interesting person of the opposite sex. Most likely, the relationship will not go beyond flirting. But this meeting will bring both a lot of positive emotions

Why does your right palm itch on Sunday?

An itchy palm on Sunday is a hint of a fruitful business relationship next week. Perhaps you will meet a wealthy investor or patron. If your palm itches on Sunday, then you will meet an influential person who can help you in business.

  • Any sign can be perceived in different ways. For some it is a sign from above, for others it is a meaningless event. How to perceive a sign, the choice is yours
  • An itchy right palm can mean several things. But the most common meaning is a meeting of any nature
  • Signs have different meanings depending on the time of day and day of the week
  • When reading the meaning of a sign, project it in your head onto yourself, into your personal life. Then the value will be more accurate.

Video: Why your right palm itches