Mask, or formula for the ideal wife. Andrey rider mask, or the formula for the ideal wife

Current page: 1 (book has 33 pages total) [available reading passage: 19 pages]

Andrey Ryder
The mask, or the formula for the ideal wife

“Among the thousands of things born of heaven, man is above all. Of the things that a person especially values, nothing can compare with copulation. It imitates Heaven, and takes the Earth as a model, organizes yin and humbles yang Those who understand these principles can nourish nature and extend their life span. Those who do not understand its true meaning harm themselves and die prematurely.”

Dong Xuan

Part one

Chapter 1

There was an ambulance near the salon. Her flashing lights were still working, her engine was purring. She clearly didn’t belong here, and Daria’s heart sank in anticipation of some vague misfortune. High spirits, anticipation of pleasant holidays, relaxing with her husband - all this flew away from her at once, as if from a blow to the gut. Last year, just on the May holidays, her beloved grandmother unexpectedly died, and now for a moment it all came flooding back with renewed vigor. How ice water poured over. I didn't want to go in.

“I got a manicure, it’s called...” Squinting at the spring sun and stomping around on the threshold, Daria hesitantly pushed the door. The bell rang.

Indeed, something was wrong. Not at all like that. The administrator did not smile towards her, the few clients looked at each other in fear, the air clearly smelled of valerian, hospital, some kind of misfortune...

From the director's office came vague voices mixed with sobs and lamentations. The salon administrator was clearly confused, scared and, undoubtedly, ready to cry herself.

- What happened, Irina? – Daria carefully sat down on the edge of the sofa. – Why “Ambulance”? Is someone feeling bad? “Her voice suddenly became hoarse.

“Svetlana didn’t feel well... Kleopina, our client...” the administrator said with trembling. It was obvious that she was just right to drink valerian. - There was a hysteria... It was very strong...

- And what? What with her?

The administrator did not have time to answer when the office door suddenly swung open and a doctor appeared on the threshold. Drying his hands with a towel as he walked, he headed towards the exit to the street, and the orderly holding a suitcase and Dasha’s manicurist Lyudmila were mincing nearby. They continued to discuss something, and behind them the sounds of gradually fading sobs could still be heard.

“It’s right that you called us, girl,” the doctor said along the way. “I haven’t seen such hysteria for a long time.” It’s just some kind of state of passion, that’s all. Your client has no control over herself at all. A little more, and a very serious nervous breakdown could have occurred, on the verge of psychiatry. – He gave Lyudmila a towel. – I gave the injection with a reserve. As you can see, it has already begun to act. “Under no circumstances give her any more sedatives,” he finally instructed her, stopping at the door. – Let him sit with you for a while, leave until the end, and immediately inform his relatives. Here is our business card, if you need anything, call us. But I hope everything will be okay.

The front door slammed behind the doctor, and the disheveled manicurist exhaled noisily, turning towards Daria. Usually rosy-cheeked and never dejected, Lyudmila was clearly out of her element and turned very pale. A short, slightly plump brown-haired woman, very relaxed and outwardly carefree, she did not look like herself and now looked dumbfounded and stunned. Everyone in the hall was tensely silent, looking at her and listening to the sobs fading in the office. Someone else there continued to calm poor Svetlana.

“Sorry, girls!.. Sorry, for God’s sake...” And the manicurist, puffing, poured herself some water. - This is the first time this has happened to us. They barely pumped Sveta out... You heard it yourself. The doctor gave two injections. He seems to be recovering from hysteria. We'll start the reception now, don't worry. Five more minutes and we'll start. – Having frantically drank a glass of mineral water, she straightened her hair on her head and, looking once again into the director’s office, nodded her head and invited Dasha to her manicure.

- Lord, Milka, how scared I was! “I almost felt bad,” Daria plopped down in a chair. – My grandmother died last May. I felt everything as if it were new. What do you have there?

– Oh, wait... – It seems that Lyudmila herself has not yet fully recovered from the shock. “I’ll drink some more water now and tell you,” she reached for the bottle. Her hands were shaking. - Wait a minute, now... I’ll just calm down.

After drinking water, the manicurist sat down on a chair and, widening her eyes, began to describe to Daria the details of the unpleasant story that had happened that morning. It was clear from everything that she herself was greatly affected by all this, and she was still worried.

– You’ve seen Svetlana, she’s been with us for a long time. The blonde is so tall, remember? Always well-groomed, thoroughbred, she arrives in a three-ruble BMW, red. He dresses so stylishly. I saw it exactly, remember.

“Ah... I think I remember...” Dasha rubbed her forehead thoughtfully. “She also sometimes takes her little daughter with her, she’s so cute, she’s also fair. She and I even drank tea a couple of times here at your place, chatting about this and that.

- Well, exactly! That's her. That's what I remembered! – Lyudmila nodded with a satisfied look. – Sveta is my sister best friend Tatiana. So, listen,” she leaned towards Daria conspiratorially, moving closer. “Her husband suddenly left her.

- At all?!

– It’s not completely clear yet, but the conversation has started. So far he has only admitted that he has someone else, and this is serious. And it has been there for a long time.

“So everything seemed to be all right with them... I heard,” Daria was sincerely perplexed.

- Was! Yes, it floated away. We've been together for twelve years now. They were going to have a second child. Everything, it would seem, could not be better. And suddenly! “Like a blow to the head,” Lyudmila hit her palm with her fist.

“Oh, mom!..” Dasha shook her head sadly.

- Yeah, I mean the same thing! – the manicurist took another sip of water. “You can’t imagine what a terrible hysteria Svetka had today.” Just a fit, that's all. They thought he was about to go crazy, and in reality.

- Oh my God! – Daria involuntarily crossed herself.

– You won’t believe it, it happened!.. Only she sat down in this chair with me... We were about to start, and then my husband called. – Lyudmila fell silent for a minute, her face changing. Dasha directly felt like she was finding something again. It was clear that even the memory of what had happened was throwing the manicurist off balance. Taking another sip of water, she continued: “I thought someone died.” I was even scared. I was really scared... Svetka suddenly changed so much, it’s scary! She began to shake all over, her face instantly became covered with sweat, she began to choke, and then... How she began to fight in hysterics! She sobs and screams in vain, she almost fell out of her chair, she could barely catch her.

- Well, nevermind! Dear mother! – Daria also poured herself some water. Her hand was already shaking with excitement; something caught her in this story.

“How can I not believe it... I believe it,” Daria sincerely empathized with the story. – I saw the ambulance myself.

- Yeah. So, as a result, we called the emergency room... At first we tried to give him some valerian to drink... Only he called again. And again - she shouts something into the phone at him, then throws it away... Howling, tears flowing, tearing out the hair on his head. Complete nightmare! They thought a real seizure had begun. Our Svetka is going crazy. I couldn’t even imagine this!.. To do this because of a guy...

There was a knock on the door. The administrator dropped by and asked Lyudmila to leave for a minute, and she apologized and left Daria alone. Lyudmila was the best manicurist in the salon, very fashionable, and she was assigned a specially equipped personal office. Clients made appointments with her a month in advance, and among them there were extremely difficult girls. As a rule, she was aware of all the city's intrigues, although, oddly enough, she knew how to keep her mouth shut. But, apparently, today’s event became such a stress for her that Lyudmila simply could not help but speak out. And they were, consider them, friends, because Daria had been going to her for manicures for almost five years and even once visited her with her husband for a summer barbecue last summer. And, it seems, she remembered, she saw this Tatyana there then, Svetina’s sister.

Literally three minutes later Lyudmila returned. Her face was preoccupied, and she could not hide her excitement.

-What do you have there again? Is she still unwell? – Dasha asked worriedly. It seems that despite the doctor’s visit, Svetlana’s situation has not improved much.

“I just started to come to my senses, and he called again... It would be better if her phone was broken, damn it!” - Lyudmila burst out in her hearts. - What kind of fool is this?! Doesn't he really feel what condition she's in? How easy it is to finish!

- What a bastard! – Daria involuntarily clenched her fists.

- Don't say that! Ugh, such an infection! – And Lyudmila spat with relish.

- So... hysterics again? Also?

- No, thank God! Two injections still landed... - and, sitting down next to Dasha, Lyudmila ingratiatingly took her hand. “But we can’t cope without you.”

– Without! – Daria widened her eyes in bewilderment, recoiling and frightenedly pulling out her palm. - How can I help?

- Well, you’re a psychologist! In Academy privacy you are working. Relations between men and women... Everyone knows, Dasha!

- Yes, I’m still a beginner psychologist! I have almost no experience. In fact, I’ve only been working there for a month!.. What are you talking about?! – Daria was taken aback. – Yes, and my topic is completely different! How can I help her? You need a specialist here if she throws such tantrums.

“Well, at least talk!.. Talk a little,” Lyudmila tearfully persuaded her. – Maybe... She will feel better. As a psychologist, talk to her. Should I calm her down? I’m a manicurist, and you’re a psychologist!

- To history! – Daria scratched the back of her head in confusion. - That's it...

- Well, Dash, I beg you... You can’t even imagine how bad she is now. Tears are welling up. You have to help people!.. Just look at her. Ask. – And Lyudmila again took Daria’s hand, and her eyes were actually wet.

- Well, only... if we talk a little. I’m not the psychologist she needs...” Daria muttered uncertainly, forced to give in to these persuasion. - How can I help her? Well what?!

And they went into the office, where Svetlana was lying in a chair, completely crying. The sleeve of her blouse was still rolled up, and on the inner bend of her elbow there was a white adhesive plaster from an injection into a vein; The poor girl looked extremely unwell. Usually ostentatiously well-groomed, gracefully stylish and outwardly self-confident, now she was a pitiful sight. Disheveled hair, red, dripping eyes, white, trembling lips, a reddened, sniffling nose - not a trace remained of her former luster. The salon director squatted down next to her; it was clear that she no longer knew what she could do. Dasha was even confused at the sight of such a scene, involuntarily stopping at the threshold, and Lyudmila literally pushed her into the room. It was clear from everything that the salon administration itself did not understand what to do next in such a situation, and Daria remained her last chance.

Svetlana slowly looked up at her with the dimmed gaze of her tear-stained eyes. Their gaze was not entirely meaningful, their lips trembled, and their faces turned very pale. She silently stared at him and Lyudmila, not quite realizing who they were and what they needed here now.

“Hello, Svetlana,” pulling herself together and trying to look confident, Dasha approached her. The director hastily pulled a chair closer to the chair for her. – I’m Daria, we already know each other. Apparently we need to talk.

- About what? – Sveta smiled wryly. She was tongue-tied. – What should we say?.. Everything has collapsed, it’s too late to talk now. “She sobbed loudly. The director immediately fearfully handed her a glass of water. She waved him off, almost knocking him out of the hand extended to her. - Sorry. Sorry, it hurts me a lot...” she inhaled hysterically. - It hurts, you know, it hurts...

“I understand,” Daria tried to concentrate with an effort of will. She herself was not clear what to do now. Of course, Svetlana should have been reassured, but it seems that it was not easy. - I am a psychologist. Let’s just talk a little together,” she sat down on a chair next to Svetlana. - Let's talk calmly, that's all. If you want, the girls will come out now, and we’ll talk.

– I don’t care... Let them come out if they want. “Apparently, after the injections, Sveta was not herself and did not think well. Daria waved to Lyudmila and the director to leave them alone, so it would be easier for her to concentrate. They both tiptoed out and, slowly closing the door behind them, sighed with relief.

“I understand how much it hurts you, Sveta...” Daria took her hand. “But don’t be so upset,” she tried to speak as calmly as possible.

- How can I not be upset?! – she sharply pulled out her hand, as if she had been bitten by a snake. Dasha shuddered, not expecting such a response. - Well, how?! – Svetlana shouted. - It still collapsed! Do you really not understand? All!!! “It was felt that if it weren’t for the double injection, a new tsunami of hysteria would have rolled in.” Having difficulty containing her excitement, Dasha stood up, silently poured herself some water and drank it. Her hand was shaking.

“Well, okay...” she tried again to continue the conversation, sitting down next to Svetlana. - Why fight now? After all, now there is nothing you can do to help. There's no need to cry like that. Why are you so completely upset? Everything will work out in the end. Everything will be fine in time. Sometimes there are troubles in life, what can you do? Let's talk now and you can try to calm down a little.

- Calm down? – Svetlana grinned again, grimacing, and tears flowed from her eyes. – How do you imagine it, to calm down? He betrayed me! Quit for no reason. You see, I threw it away like an unnecessary thing! I told him best years I gave my life, but he took it and threw it away. “Her voice trembled and her breathing was ragged. Dasha didn’t even understand how the ambulance doctor could abandon Svetlana in such a state. It was clear how tense her nerves were. Her mind refused to accept any arguments, and she herself was literally seething with mortal grievances and uncontrollable emotions. There was still hope that the injections had not yet fully worked.

- Well, maybe he will come back? Maybe this is his temporary mistake? – Daria didn’t even know what else to say.

- Will he come back? Temporary?.. – Sveta muttered to herself and exhaled with a groan. “It would be better if he killed me.”

- But why do this? Why do you? – Daria took her hand again. – The world didn’t collapse. You have a daughter, everything will still be fine.

- It won't be good anymore. Will never. “Tears streamed down her face. - He crossed out my whole life... And I did everything for him...

Lyudmila came in slowly. Leaning over to Daria from behind, she whispered to her that a car had come for Svetlana to take her home. They finally got through to her husband, and he sent his driver to the salon.

“You don’t have to take what happened that way, Sveta.” There's no point in this. You will still have many bright days in your life. You’ll see, it will certainly happen,” Daria stroked the back of her hand, trying to speak as confidentially as possible. “It turns out it’s time for you to leave,” she moved even closer to Svetlana. - Let's do this. Here's my card. We will call you right after the holidays and you will come to us for a consultation. Our specialists will return from a business trip, and we will help you calmly sort everything out. Fine?

“Okay...” It was clear that Svetlana did not quite understand what they were telling her now. “Let’s call each other...” she stood up from her chair, swaying. – After the holidays... Okay.

Sveta was taken away, Lyudmila quickly gave Daria a manicure, and she went to work. She wanted to take some papers with her for the holidays so that she could look at them in real time. free time. She really was a new teacher at the Academy and therefore tried to quickly gain the necessary qualifications. The Academy mainly specialized in the development of femininity and the psychology of relations between men and women. This establishment had a high reputation, it was not so easy to get into it, and the specialists earned good money here. Therefore, Dasha had no time to relax, because, having passed probation, she had already started conducting group trainings, but she still lacked knowledge, despite all her previous experience.

But Daria was a stubborn girl and was used to making her way through life. Outwardly, seemingly fragile, she knew how to pull herself together when necessary and knew her worth. Her expressive almond-shaped eyes looked openly and good-naturedly at the world, and she always attracted people to her with this openness. Slightly below average height, with a harmonious feminine figure and regular facial features, Dasha was attractive and graceful. A curly brunette with jet-black hair, she immediately caught the eye, it was so thick and silky, revealing an admixture of oriental blood, even though she was Russian. Dasha turned thirty, but few gave her these years, because she always took care of herself. Initially slender, she retained her figure almost unchanged, despite the birth of her son, at least, albeit with difficulty, but she fit into her favorite jeans from eight years ago. All this together created the tantalizing charm of mature femininity, and men felt some kind of zest in her. She liked this attention; it was not for nothing that the Academy’s topics attracted her so much; Daria really wanted to realize herself here as a psychologist.

All the other teachers, led by the owner of the Academy, flew to India for the May holidays. On-site staff training was traditionally held there, and since Daria no longer had time to join them, she and her husband decided to visit their son. Two weeks ago they sent him to his grandmother in Samara - the pediatrician strongly recommended taking the boy out of chilly St. Petersburg to warmer climes more often.

Arriving at the office, she hung there with papers. There was so much she wanted to read that, looking through printouts of documents and selecting the most relevant articles, she did not notice how the evening was approaching. Finally, having finished and putting everything she had selected into her bag, Dasha was already closing the office when her phone rang. mobile phone. It was Lyudmila again.

- Where are you now? – she began the conversation strangely, and her voice was interrupted.

“I’m leaving home from work,” Daria was surprised at this question. – Tomorrow my husband and I are flying to Samara, I’ve collected all sorts of papers with me. And what?

“The world is really bad,” Lyudmila breathed. - At all…

-What are you talking about? – Daria sat down on the sofa in the hall. - Didn't the injections work?

– Tatyana just called me, her sister. She's with her now. Once again the ambulance was called to the house. The husband said that he would not come today, and Svetlana again fell into hysterics, crying incessantly.

- Oh my God! And what? – Daria sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of her nose in confusion.

– A special doctor came later. “I put in an IV,” Lyudmila sobbed at the other end. “He even offered to take me to the hospital.” Tatyana says a psychologist is desperately needed.

- So where can I get it now, for the May holidays? Our girls, as luck would have it, are all in India. They'll be back in ten days. There is no one to consult on this topic.

“All my hope is in you, Dashik,” Lyudmila stunned her. – There is no one else to turn to.

- You're crazy, Milka! I'm not an expert in these matters. Today I almost cried when I talked to your Svetlana. After that conversation, I drank tea at work for half an hour and came to my senses.

- So the girl will disappear in a week and a half! She saw what was happening to her. It will definitely disappear. “It felt like Lyudmila was about to burst into tears.

- God! At least calm down!.. What are you really, Milkin? Sveta - I still understand, but why are you falling into hysterics?

– You just don’t know what state she’s in now!.. You can’t even imagine! As Tanya described everything to me in detail, I burst into tears with pity,” Lyudmila sobbed. “The girl will die, she’ll definitely die, I know... She can’t live without a psychologist now, there’s no way she can.”

– Please understand again, Milik, I’m not that psychologist! I already said it. Not the one! – Daria was getting more and more worried. - Just to cry with her together. It's better to let my sister do it. Still a close person.

– Maybe you can find one of your colleagues? – Lyudmila did not lose hope. – Not everyone has left for May.

- Yes, that’s the point, that’s it! As luck would have it right.

– Can’t you consult with your girls by phone? Maybe they’ll tell you what to do,” Lyudmila continued. - Well, do something, please! You understand how bad everything is there.

- Yes, I understand, damn it! – Daria was already starting to get irritated. “I understand, of course, but I’m angry that I don’t know how to help.”

- Dashik, I beg you, come up with something... You don’t even know how good Sveta is. That's why she fights like that because she herself has never done anything evil. And now I’ve encountered this, and you see what happened... It’s really going to drive you crazy!

Daria found herself in a difficult situation, tormented by doubts. Kindness and responsiveness have always been traits of her character, which has repeatedly created problems for her. So this time, it seemed impossible to her to simply send Lyudmila without getting involved anywhere. It was clear that Svetlana was in critical condition, but it was unclear what to actually do. All she could do was try to call her colleagues in India and try to find someone through them.

“Well, okay, let’s do it this way,” she finally made a decision. – I’ll try to call our teachers in Delhi. Maybe they can advise something. I'll call you as soon as it becomes clear. Agreed?

- Just don’t let me down, please. All my hope lies in you,” Lyudmila clung to it like a drowning man clutching at a straw.

She was lucky, and Daria, oddly enough, was able to reach the girls almost immediately. They had just gotten there. It was already late evening in India. After quickly brainstorming, they decided to try to find one of their colleagues in St. Petersburg. The question turned out to be really difficult.

An hour later they called again. As expected, no one was found. All the psychologists I know who are at least somewhat decent went on vacation for the May holidays. All that remained in this case was to prepare accessible information on this matter for Dasha. There was half a day left for everything; tomorrow by lunchtime they were leaving for some distant ashram, and they were leaving for a whole week. There was no certainty that there would be a connection there. Daria was undoubtedly lucky in one thing. On Monday, a certain Andrei from Moscow was supposed to come to them at the Academy for private consultations. True, he had a unique line of work - the sphere of intimate relationships between men and women, but in any case, he had extensive work experience and undoubted authority among his colleagues. So, if necessary, Dasha could have a live consultation with a practitioner, and the owner of the Academy, Larisa, promised to negotiate this with him.

As a result, Daria returned home only at nine in the evening. All nervous, tired and completely exhausted by all this fuss. She was met by her surprised husband.

- Why are you so disheveled, curly haired?! It's like you've been pulled out of a washing machine. Your eyes are crowded, your hair is disheveled, it’s a pity to look at you! – he hugged her. - Something happened? And there was no way to get through. It's busy all the time. I dialed it ten times.

Things were scattered in the middle of the living room. Snowboard, cover for it, sportswear, protection, helmet, avalanche backpack... Everything mixed together. Daria looked around in surprise. It seems that my husband suddenly decided to go helicopter riding; he was an avid freerider.

“Yes, I’m here in the Caucasus, I want to fly to Krasnaya Polyana urgently, baby,” seeing her surprised look, Pavel justified himself with a guilty look. “That’s why I tried to call you.”

– How to Krasnaya Polyana?! We're flying to Samara tomorrow! – Daria stared at her husband in shock.

- Let's move it for a couple of days, curly haired guy, huh? I beg you very much! – he began to persuade her. – We’ll fly on Tuesday, there’s a very convenient flight in the morning. I have already checked everything, there are no problems with tickets. Tomorrow early in the morning I’ll go there, and by night the day after tomorrow I’ll be back. The guys on the private jet are returning, and I’m with them. You don’t even have to spend money on the way back. A rare opportunity turned up, I was just lucky. You know, the snow in the Caucasus is steeper than in the Alps. The fresh air has fallen, seats in the helicopter are free, friends are calling. Let's fly, okay?.. I really want to. I'll just ride for a couple of days. I'll close the season properly. Please, you know that I’m excited about this, but... - It was clear that Pavel was not drooling with anticipation just now. He really wasn't himself from heliboarding. Sighing heavily, Dasha shook her head indignantly. “Men are big children, by God. If you have an urge for your favorite toy, at least kill it. I forgot everything: my son, my wife, my own mother, the old agreements, I forgot, and that’s it!” – looking at her husband, she thought, realizing that it would be difficult to dissuade him from this idea. He was a rather stubborn person, and if something got into his head, it sat firmly in it.

“Well, okay...” Daria muttered displeasedly through her teeth. – It’s all the same, damn it!

- Why are you swearing? – Pavel hugged her.

- Yes, there’s another client at work to boot! “Grief, you know, it happened to her... She can’t live without me... Okay, I’ll talk to her on Monday, if that’s the case,” Dasha finally decided, waving her hand. - There will be time to prepare on the weekend. Fly, what can you do? Just be careful there. I know your helicopters - snowboards - wild slopes.

- Don't worry, curly haired guy! The French are rolling us out. Their group fell apart, and the turntable became free. If only we had gotten there at this time! The cream of the crop is now fresh powder. This happens once every five years, in May! – Pavel put the snowboard into the case with a satisfied look.

As a result, they went to bed late. Pavel had to catch a plane early in the morning, so he categorically rejected all of Dasha’s attempts to snuggle closer under the pretext of getting up early. "Here you go! - she thought. “They sent their son away, but they didn’t make love more often.” Either “get up early” or “come late.” I will become a nun so soon! A little more and I will. I don’t even remember the last time I had sex with my husband,” she muttered to herself with displeasure.

In principle, they were a good and prominent couple, living together for the eighth year. Tall and stately blond Pavel and graceful brunette Dasha. They suited each other precisely because of this contrast. Daria was almost a head shorter than her husband, but at the same time she looked perfect next to him, as if balancing his power. They both looked good, and Pavel generally belonged to that category of people who seemed not to age, although he was already approaching forty. He was originally strong man and an optimist in life, and Dasha really appreciated this in him. When six years ago, after a cop attack, he did not pay off and, as a result, lost his business, he was not at a loss, but got back on his feet. This is not easy, because many in such a situation break down or become embittered, not accepting Russian realities. Pavel drew conclusions, reevaluated his vision of life and became even stronger as a person. People like him do not bend under power and do not betray their principles. Daria was proud of her husband. He was truly reliable, like a rock at his back.

And everything would be fine, but here’s their personal intimate life V Lately suited her less and less. As if imperceptibly, as if by itself, she gradually faded into the background in their relationship, although they were still very close. Thinking about this sadly, she moved away from her sleeping husband to the edge of the bed and quietly fell asleep.

Andrey Ryder

All rights reserved © Andrey Ryder, 2013

Copyright © Andrey Rider, 2013

HABIT is the main enemy of intimacy, and monotony kills LOVE. Over time, boredom and routine quietly creep into bed.

Some people put up with this, some make trouble, some take a lover or mistress, and some change their partner, harboring the illusion that it will be better with him.

Is there a way out of this situation, or does love really only last three years, and nothing can be done about it?..

Daria is a psychologist, and her area of ​​professional interests is relationships between men and women. But now she herself is starting to fade family sex, and former love fades away before our eyes. Not wanting to come to terms with this, she begins to act, without even imagining how all this could turn out for her in the end...

This is a textbook novel, this is a recipe novel, this is a “love to death” novel, if anyone dreams of it. There is a lot in it that is unusual, controversial, provocative, it is very frank, provocative, erotic, but the fact that it will really help any woman become the only one for her man is absolutely certain.

Or maybe someone doesn’t need such help, they just need tips on how to enjoy life. How to get more pleasure from her, how to better understand men, how to understand and reveal your sexuality.

The other two heroes of the novel, psychologist Andrei and hetaera Ksenia, teach Daria all this, and as a result, she fundamentally changes. Former problems with her husband fade into the background, and she no longer wants to hide behind a mask of conventions.

Mask or Formula ideal wife

“Among the thousands of things born of heaven, man is above all. Of the things that a person especially values, nothing can compare with copulation. It imitates Heaven, and takes the Earth as a model, organizes yin and humbles yang. Those who understand these principles can nourish nature and extend their life span. Those who do not understand its true meaning harm themselves and die prematurely.”

Dong Xuan

Part one

There was an ambulance near the salon. Her flashing lights were still working, her engine was purring. She clearly didn’t belong here, and Daria’s heart sank in anticipation of some vague misfortune. The high spirits, the anticipation of pleasant holidays, relaxation with her husband - all this flew away from her at once, as if from a blow to the gut. Last year, just on the May holidays, her beloved grandmother unexpectedly died, and now, for a moment, it all came flooding back with renewed vigor. It was like icy water poured over me. I didn't want to go in.

“I got a manicure, it’s called...” squinting at the spring sun and stomping around on the threshold, Daria hesitantly pushed the door. The bell rang.

Something was really wrong. Not at all like that. The administrator did not smile towards her, the few clients looked at each other in fear, the air clearly smelled of valerian, hospital, some kind of misfortune...

From the director's office came vague voices mixed with sobs and lamentations. The salon administrator was clearly confused, scared and, undoubtedly, ready to cry herself.

- What happened, Irina? – Daria carefully sat down on the edge of the sofa. - Why an ambulance? Is someone feeling bad? – her voice suddenly became hoarse.

“Svetlana didn’t feel well... Kleopina, our client...” the administrator said with trembling. It was obvious that she was just right to drink valerian. - There was a hysteria... It was very strong...

- And what? What with her?

The administrator did not have time to answer when the office door suddenly swung open and a doctor appeared on the threshold. Drying his hands with a towel as he walked, he headed towards the exit to the street, and the orderly holding a suitcase and Dasha’s manicurist Lyudmila were mincing nearby. They continued to discuss something, and behind them the sounds of gradually fading sobs could still be heard.

“It’s right that you called us, girl,” the doctor said along the way. “I haven’t seen such hysteria for a long time.” It’s just some kind of state of passion, that’s all. Your client has no control over herself at all. A little more - and a very serious nervous breakdown could have happened, on the verge of psychiatry, - he gave Lyudmila a towel. – I gave the injection with a reserve. As you can see, it has already begun to act. “Under no circumstances give her any more sedatives,” he finally instructed her, stopping at the door. – Let him sit with you for a while, leave until the end, and immediately inform his relatives. Here is our business card, if you need anything, call us. But I hope everything will be okay.

The front door slammed behind the doctor, and the disheveled manicurist exhaled noisily, turning towards Daria. Usually rosy-cheeked and never saddened, Lyudmila laughs

The mask, or the formula for the ideal wife
Andrey Ryder

HABIT is the main enemy of intimacy, and monotony kills LOVE. Over time, boredom and routine quietly creep into bed. Some people put up with this, some make trouble, some take a lover or mistress, and some change their partner, harboring the illusion that it will be better with him. Is there a way out of this situation or does love really last for three years and nothing can be done about it?.. Daria is a psychologist, and her area of ​​professional interests is relationships between men and women. But for her, family sex begins to fade, and her former love fades away before her eyes. Not wanting to come to terms with this, she begins to act, without even imagining how all this could turn out in the end... This is a textbook novel, this is a recipe novel, this is a novel - a formula for “love until the grave,” if anyone dreams of it. There is a lot in it that is unusual, controversial, provocative, it is very frank, provocative, erotic, but the fact that it will really help any woman become the only one for her man is absolutely certain. Or maybe someone doesn’t need such help, they just need tips on how to enjoy life. How to get more pleasure from her, how to better understand men, how to understand and reveal your sexuality... The other two heroes of the novel - psychologist Andrei and hetaera Ksenia - teach Daria all this, and as a result she fundamentally changes. Former problems with her husband fade into the background, and she no longer wants to hide behind a mask of conventions. [i]The book was also published under the title “Boredom, or Love to the Death.”

Andrey Ryder

The mask, or the formula for the ideal wife

“Among the thousands of things born of heaven, man is above all. Of the things that a person especially values, nothing can compare with copulation. It imitates Heaven, and takes the Earth as a model, organizes yin and humbles yang. Those who understand these principles can nourish nature and extend their life span. Those who do not understand its true meaning harm themselves and die prematurely.”

Dong Xuan

Part one

There was an ambulance near the salon. Her flashing lights were still working, her engine was purring. She clearly didn’t belong here, and Daria’s heart sank in anticipation of some vague misfortune. High spirits, anticipation of pleasant holidays, relaxation with her husband - all this flew away from her at once, as if from a blow to the gut. Last year, just on the May holidays, her beloved grandmother unexpectedly died, and now for a moment it all came flooding back with renewed vigor. It was like icy water poured over me. I didn't want to go in.

“I got a manicure, it’s called...” Squinting at the spring sun and stomping around on the threshold, Daria hesitantly pushed the door. The bell rang.

Indeed, something was wrong. Not at all like that. The administrator did not smile towards her, the few clients looked at each other in fear, the air clearly smelled of valerian, hospital, some kind of misfortune...

From the director's office came vague voices mixed with sobs and lamentations. The salon administrator was clearly confused, scared and, undoubtedly, ready to cry herself.

- What happened, Irina? – Daria carefully sat down on the edge of the sofa. – Why “Ambulance”? Is someone feeling bad? “Her voice suddenly became hoarse.

“Svetlana didn’t feel well... Kleopina, our client...” the administrator said with trembling. It was obvious that she was just right to drink valerian. - There was a hysteria... It was very strong...

- And what? What with her?

The administrator did not have time to answer when the office door suddenly swung open and a doctor appeared on the threshold. Drying his hands with a towel as he walked, he headed towards the exit to the street, and the orderly holding a suitcase and Dasha’s manicurist Lyudmila were mincing nearby. They continued to discuss something, and behind them the sounds of gradually fading sobs could still be heard.

“It’s right that you called us, girl,” the doctor said along the way. “I haven’t seen such hysteria for a long time.” It’s just some kind of state of passion, that’s all. Your client has no control over herself at all. A little more, and a very serious nervous breakdown could have occurred, on the verge of psychiatry. – He gave Lyudmila a towel. – I gave the injection with a reserve. As you can see, it has already begun to act. “Under no circumstances give her any more sedatives,” he finally instructed her, stopping at the door. – Let him sit with you for a while, leave until the end, and immediately inform his relatives. Here is our business card, if you need anything, call us. But I hope everything will be okay.

The front door slammed behind the doctor, and the disheveled manicurist exhaled noisily, turning towards Daria. Usually rosy-cheeked and never dejected, Lyudmila was clearly out of her element and turned very pale. A short, slightly plump brown-haired woman, very relaxed and outwardly carefree, she did not look like herself and now looked dumbfounded and stunned. Everyone in the hall was tensely silent, looking at her and listening to the sobs fading in the office. Someone else there continued to calm poor Svetlana.

“Sorry, girls!.. Sorry, for God’s sake...” And the manicurist, puffing, poured herself some water. - This is the first time this has happened to us. They barely pumped Sveta out... You heard it yourself. The doctor gave two injections. He seems to be recovering from hysteria. We'll start the reception now, don't worry. Five more minutes and we'll start. – Having frantically drank a glass of mineral water, she straightened her hair on her head and, looking once again into the director’s office, nodded her head and invited Dasha to her manicure.

- Lord, Milka, how scared I was! “I almost felt bad,” Daria plopped down in a chair. – My grandmother died last May. I felt everything as if it were new. What do you have there?

“Among the thousands of things born of heaven, man is above all. Of the things that a person especially values, nothing can compare with copulation. It imitates Heaven, and takes the Earth as a model, organizes yin and humbles yang Those who understand these principles can nourish nature and extend their life span. Those who do not understand its true meaning harm themselves and die prematurely.”

Dong Xuan

Part one

Chapter 1

There was an ambulance near the salon. Her flashing lights were still working, her engine was purring. She clearly didn’t belong here, and Daria’s heart sank in anticipation of some vague misfortune. High spirits, anticipation of pleasant holidays, relaxation with her husband - all this flew away from her at once, as if from a blow to the gut. Last year, just on the May holidays, her beloved grandmother unexpectedly died, and now for a moment it all came flooding back with renewed vigor. It was like icy water poured over me. I didn't want to go in.

“I got a manicure, it’s called...” Squinting at the spring sun and stomping around on the threshold, Daria hesitantly pushed the door. The bell rang.

Indeed, something was wrong. Not at all like that. The administrator did not smile towards her, the few clients looked at each other in fear, the air clearly smelled of valerian, hospital, some kind of misfortune...

From the director's office came vague voices mixed with sobs and lamentations. The salon administrator was clearly confused, scared and, undoubtedly, ready to cry herself.

- What happened, Irina? – Daria carefully sat down on the edge of the sofa. – Why “Ambulance”? Is someone feeling bad? “Her voice suddenly became hoarse.

“Svetlana didn’t feel well... Kleopina, our client...” the administrator said with trembling. It was obvious that she was just right to drink valerian. - There was a hysteria... It was very strong...

- And what? What with her?

The administrator did not have time to answer when the office door suddenly swung open and a doctor appeared on the threshold. Drying his hands with a towel as he walked, he headed towards the exit to the street, and the orderly holding a suitcase and Dasha’s manicurist Lyudmila were mincing nearby. They continued to discuss something, and behind them the sounds of gradually fading sobs could still be heard.

“It’s right that you called us, girl,” the doctor said along the way. “I haven’t seen such hysteria for a long time.” It’s just some kind of state of passion, that’s all. Your client has no control over herself at all. A little more, and a very serious nervous breakdown could have occurred, on the verge of psychiatry. – He gave Lyudmila a towel. – I gave the injection with a reserve. As you can see, it has already begun to act. “Under no circumstances give her any more sedatives,” he finally instructed her, stopping at the door. – Let him sit with you for a while, leave until the end, and immediately inform his relatives. Here is our business card, if you need anything, call us.

But I hope everything will be okay.

The front door slammed behind the doctor, and the disheveled manicurist exhaled noisily, turning towards Daria. Usually rosy-cheeked and never dejected, Lyudmila was clearly out of her element and turned very pale. A short, slightly plump brown-haired woman, very relaxed and outwardly carefree, she did not look like herself and now looked dumbfounded and stunned. Everyone in the hall was tensely silent, looking at her and listening to the sobs fading in the office. Someone else there continued to calm poor Svetlana.

“Sorry, girls!.. Sorry, for God’s sake...” And the manicurist, puffing, poured herself some water. - This is the first time this has happened to us. They barely pumped Sveta out... You heard it yourself. The doctor gave two injections. He seems to be recovering from hysteria. We'll start the reception now, don't worry. Five more minutes and we'll start. – Having frantically drank a glass of mineral water, she straightened her hair on her head and, looking once again into the director’s office, nodded her head and invited Dasha to her manicure.

- Lord, Milka, how scared I was! “I almost felt bad,” Daria plopped down in a chair. – My grandmother died last May. I felt everything as if it were new. What do you have there?

– Oh, wait... – It seems that Lyudmila herself has not yet fully recovered from the shock. “I’ll drink some more water now and tell you,” she reached for the bottle. Her hands were shaking. - Wait a minute, now... I’ll just calm down.

After drinking water, the manicurist sat down on a chair and, widening her eyes, began to describe to Daria the details of the unpleasant story that had happened that morning. It was clear from everything that she herself was greatly affected by all this, and she was still worried.

– You’ve seen Svetlana, she’s been with us for a long time. The blonde is so tall, remember? Always well-groomed, thoroughbred, she arrives in a three-ruble BMW, red. He dresses so stylishly. I saw it exactly, remember.

“Ah... I think I remember...” Dasha rubbed her forehead thoughtfully. “She also sometimes takes her little daughter with her, she’s so cute, she’s also fair. She and I even drank tea a couple of times here at your place, chatting about this and that.

- Well, exactly! That's her. That's what I remembered! – Lyudmila nodded with a satisfied look. – Sveta is the sister of my best friend Tatyana. So, listen,” she leaned towards Daria conspiratorially, moving closer. “Her husband suddenly left her.

- At all?!

– It’s not completely clear yet, but the conversation has started. So far he has only admitted that he has someone else, and this is serious. And it has been there for a long time.

“So everything seemed to be all right with them... I heard,” Daria was sincerely perplexed.

- Was! Yes, it floated away. We've been together for twelve years now. They were going to have a second child. Everything, it would seem, could not be better. And suddenly! “Like a blow to the head,” Lyudmila hit her palm with her fist.

“Oh, mom!..” Dasha shook her head sadly.

- Yeah, I mean the same thing! – the manicurist took another sip of water. “You can’t imagine what a terrible hysteria Svetka had today.” Just a fit, that's all. They thought he was about to go crazy, and in reality.

- Oh my God! – Daria involuntarily crossed herself.

– You won’t believe it, it happened!.. Only she sat down in this chair with me... We were about to start, and then my husband called. – Lyudmila fell silent for a minute, her face changing. Dasha directly felt like she was finding something again. It was clear that even the memory of what had happened was throwing the manicurist off balance. Taking another sip of water, she continued: “I thought someone died.” I was even scared. I was really scared... Svetka suddenly changed so much, it’s scary! She began to shake all over, her face instantly became covered with sweat, she began to choke, and then... How she began to fight in hysterics! She sobs and screams in vain, she almost fell out of her chair, she could barely catch her.

- Well, nevermind! Dear mother! – Daria also poured herself some water. Her hand was already shaking with excitement; something caught her in this story.

“How can I not believe it... I believe it,” Daria sincerely empathized with the story. – I saw the ambulance myself.

- Yeah. So, as a result, we called the emergency room... At first we tried to give him some valerian to drink... Only he called again. And again - she shouts something into the phone at him, then throws it away... Howling, tears flowing, tearing out the hair on his head. Complete nightmare! They thought a real seizure had begun. Our Svetka is going crazy. I couldn’t even imagine this!.. To do this because of a guy...

There was a knock on the door. The administrator dropped by and asked Lyudmila to leave for a minute, and she apologized and left Daria alone. Lyudmila was the best manicurist in the salon, very fashionable, and she was assigned a specially equipped personal office. Clients made appointments with her a month in advance, and among them there were extremely difficult girls. As a rule, she was aware of all the city's intrigues, although, oddly enough, she knew how to keep her mouth shut. But, apparently, today’s event became such a stress for her that Lyudmila simply could not help but speak out. And they were, consider them, friends, because Daria had been going to her for manicures for almost five years and even once visited her with her husband for a summer barbecue last summer. And, it seems, she remembered, she saw this Tatyana there then, Svetina’s sister.

Literally three minutes later Lyudmila returned. Her face was preoccupied, and she could not hide her excitement.

-What do you have there again? Is she still unwell? – Dasha asked worriedly. It seems that despite the doctor’s visit, Svetlana’s situation has not improved much.

“I just started to come to my senses, and he called again... It would be better if her phone was broken, damn it!” - Lyudmila burst out in her hearts. - What kind of fool is this?! Doesn't he really feel what condition she's in? How easy it is to finish!

- What a bastard! – Daria involuntarily clenched her fists.

- Don't say that! Ugh, such an infection! – And Lyudmila spat with relish.

- So... hysterics again? Also?

- No, thank God! Two injections still landed... - and, sitting down next to Dasha, Lyudmila ingratiatingly took her hand. “But we can’t cope without you.”

– Without! – Daria widened her eyes in bewilderment, recoiling and frightenedly pulling out her palm. - How can I help?

- Well, you’re a psychologist! You work at the Academy of Private Life. Relations between men and women... Everyone knows, Dasha!

- Yes, I’m still a beginner psychologist! I have almost no experience. In fact, I’ve only been working there for a month!.. What are you talking about?! – Daria was taken aback. – Yes, and my topic is completely different! How can I help her? You need a specialist here if she throws such tantrums.

“Well, at least talk!.. Talk a little,” Lyudmila tearfully persuaded her. – Maybe... She will feel better. As a psychologist, talk to her. Should I calm her down? I’m a manicurist, and you’re a psychologist!

- To history! – Daria scratched the back of her head in confusion. - That's it...

- Well, Dash, I beg you... You can’t even imagine how bad she is now. Tears are welling up. You have to help people!.. Just look at her. Ask. – And Lyudmila again took Daria’s hand, and her eyes were actually wet.

- Well, only... if we talk a little. I’m not the psychologist she needs...” Daria muttered uncertainly, forced to give in to these persuasion. - How can I help her? Well what?!

And they went into the office, where Svetlana was lying in a chair, completely crying. The sleeve of her blouse was still rolled up, and on the inner bend of her elbow there was a white adhesive plaster from an injection into a vein; The poor girl looked extremely unwell. Usually ostentatiously well-groomed, gracefully stylish and outwardly self-confident, now she was a pitiful sight. Disheveled hair, red, dripping eyes, white, trembling lips, a reddened, sniffling nose - not a trace remained of her former luster. The salon director squatted down next to her; it was clear that she no longer knew what she could do. Dasha was even confused at the sight of such a scene, involuntarily stopping at the threshold, and Lyudmila literally pushed her into the room. It was clear from everything that the salon administration itself did not understand what to do next in such a situation, and Daria remained her last chance.

Svetlana slowly looked up at her with the dimmed gaze of her tear-stained eyes. Their gaze was not entirely meaningful, their lips trembled, and their faces turned very pale. She silently stared at him and Lyudmila, not quite realizing who they were and what they needed here now.

“Hello, Svetlana,” pulling herself together and trying to look confident, Dasha approached her. The director hastily pulled a chair closer to the chair for her. – I’m Daria, we already know each other. Apparently we need to talk.

- About what? – Sveta smiled wryly. She was tongue-tied. – What should we say?.. Everything has collapsed, it’s too late to talk now. “She sobbed loudly. The director immediately fearfully handed her a glass of water. She waved him off, almost knocking him out of the hand extended to her. - Sorry. Sorry, it hurts me a lot...” she inhaled hysterically. - It hurts, you know, it hurts...

“I understand,” Daria tried to concentrate with an effort of will. She herself was not clear what to do now. Of course, Svetlana should have been reassured, but it seems that it was not easy. - I am a psychologist. Let’s just talk a little together,” she sat down on a chair next to Svetlana. - Let's talk calmly, that's all. If you want, the girls will come out now, and we’ll talk.

– I don’t care... Let them come out if they want. “Apparently, after the injections, Sveta was not herself and did not think well. Daria waved to Lyudmila and the director to leave them alone, so it would be easier for her to concentrate. They both tiptoed out and, slowly closing the door behind them, sighed with relief.

“I understand how much it hurts you, Sveta...” Daria took her hand. “But don’t be so upset,” she tried to speak as calmly as possible.

- How can I not be upset?! – she sharply pulled out her hand, as if she had been bitten by a snake. Dasha shuddered, not expecting such a response. - Well, how?! – Svetlana shouted. - It still collapsed! Do you really not understand? All!!! “It was felt that if it weren’t for the double injection, a new tsunami of hysteria would have rolled in.” Having difficulty containing her excitement, Dasha stood up, silently poured herself some water and drank it. Her hand was shaking.

“Well, okay...” she tried again to continue the conversation, sitting down next to Svetlana. - Why fight now? After all, now there is nothing you can do to help. There's no need to cry like that. Why are you so completely upset? Everything will work out in the end. Everything will be fine in time. Sometimes there are troubles in life, what can you do? Let's talk now and you can try to calm down a little.

- Calm down? – Svetlana grinned again, grimacing, and tears flowed from her eyes. – How do you imagine it, to calm down? He betrayed me! Quit for no reason. You see, I threw it away like an unnecessary thing! I gave him the best years of my life, but he just left me. “Her voice trembled and her breathing was ragged. Dasha didn’t even understand how the ambulance doctor could abandon Svetlana in such a state. It was clear how tense her nerves were. Her mind refused to accept any arguments, and she herself was literally seething with mortal grievances and uncontrollable emotions. There was still hope that the injections had not yet fully worked.

- Well, maybe he will come back? Maybe this is his temporary mistake? – Daria didn’t even know what else to say.

- Will he come back? Temporary?.. – Sveta muttered to herself and exhaled with a groan. “It would be better if he killed me.”

- But why do this? Why do you? – Daria took her hand again. – The world didn’t collapse. You have a daughter, everything will still be fine.

- It won't be good anymore. Will never. “Tears streamed down her face. - He crossed out my whole life... And I did everything for him...

Lyudmila came in slowly. Leaning over to Daria from behind, she whispered to her that a car had come for Svetlana to take her home. They finally got through to her husband, and he sent his driver to the salon.

“You don’t have to take what happened that way, Sveta.” There's no point in this. You will still have many bright days in your life. You’ll see, it will certainly happen,” Daria stroked the back of her hand, trying to speak as confidentially as possible. “It turns out it’s time for you to leave,” she moved even closer to Svetlana. - Let's do this. Here's my card. We will call you right after the holidays and you will come to us for a consultation. Our specialists will return from a business trip, and we will help you calmly sort everything out. Fine?

“Okay...” It was clear that Svetlana did not quite understand what they were telling her now. “Let’s call each other...” she stood up from her chair, swaying. – After the holidays... Okay.

Sveta was taken away, Lyudmila quickly gave Daria a manicure, and she went to work. She wanted to take some papers with her for the holidays so that she could look at them in her free time. She really was a new teacher at the Academy and therefore tried to quickly gain the necessary qualifications. The Academy mainly specialized in the development of femininity and the psychology of relations between men and women. This establishment had a high reputation, it was not so easy to get into it, and the specialists earned good money here. Therefore, Dasha did not have time to relax, because, having completed the probationary period, she had already started conducting group trainings, and she still did not have enough knowledge, despite all her previous experience.

But Daria was a stubborn girl and was used to making her way through life. Outwardly, seemingly fragile, she knew how to pull herself together when necessary and knew her worth. Her expressive almond-shaped eyes looked openly and good-naturedly at the world, and she always attracted people to her with this openness. Slightly below average height, with a harmonious feminine figure and regular facial features, Dasha was attractive and graceful. A curly brunette with jet-black hair, she immediately caught the eye, it was so thick and silky, revealing an admixture of oriental blood, even though she was Russian. Dasha turned thirty, but few gave her these years, because she always took care of herself. Initially slender, she retained her figure almost unchanged, despite the birth of her son, at least, albeit with difficulty, but she fit into her favorite jeans from eight years ago. All this together created the tantalizing charm of mature femininity, and men felt some kind of zest in her. She liked this attention; it was not for nothing that the Academy’s topics attracted her so much; Daria really wanted to realize herself here as a psychologist.

All the other teachers, led by the owner of the Academy, flew to India for the May holidays. On-site staff training was traditionally held there, and since Daria no longer had time to join them, she and her husband decided to visit their son. Two weeks ago they sent him to his grandmother in Samara - the pediatrician strongly recommended taking the boy out of chilly St. Petersburg to warmer climes more often.

Arriving at the office, she hung there with papers. There was so much she wanted to read that, looking through printouts of documents and selecting the most relevant articles, she did not notice how the evening was approaching. Finally, having finished and put everything she had selected into her bag, Dasha was already closing her office when her mobile phone rang. It was Lyudmila again.

- Where are you now? – she began the conversation strangely, and her voice was interrupted.

“I’m leaving home from work,” Daria was surprised at this question. – Tomorrow my husband and I are flying to Samara, I’ve collected all sorts of papers with me. And what?

“The world is really bad,” Lyudmila breathed. - At all…

-What are you talking about? – Daria sat down on the sofa in the hall. - Didn't the injections work?

– Tatyana just called me, her sister. She's with her now. Once again the ambulance was called to the house. The husband said that he would not come today, and Svetlana again fell into hysterics, crying incessantly.

- Oh my God! And what? – Daria sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of her nose in confusion.

– A special doctor came later. “I put in an IV,” Lyudmila sobbed at the other end. “He even offered to take me to the hospital.” Tatyana says a psychologist is desperately needed.

- So where can I get it now, for the May holidays? Our girls, as luck would have it, are all in India. They'll be back in ten days. There is no one to consult on this topic.

“All my hope is in you, Dashik,” Lyudmila stunned her. – There is no one else to turn to.

- You're crazy, Milka! I'm not an expert in these matters. Today I almost cried when I talked to your Svetlana. After that conversation, I drank tea at work for half an hour and came to my senses.

- So the girl will disappear in a week and a half! She saw what was happening to her. It will definitely disappear. “It felt like Lyudmila was about to burst into tears.

- God! At least calm down!.. What are you really, Milkin? Sveta - I still understand, but why are you falling into hysterics?

– You just don’t know what state she’s in now!.. You can’t even imagine! As Tanya described everything to me in detail, I burst into tears with pity,” Lyudmila sobbed. “The girl will die, she’ll definitely die, I know... She can’t live without a psychologist now, there’s no way she can.”

– Please understand again, Milik, I’m not that psychologist! I already said it. Not the one! – Daria was getting more and more worried. - Just to cry with her together. It's better to let my sister do it. Still a close person.

– Maybe you can find one of your colleagues? – Lyudmila did not lose hope. – Not everyone has left for May.

- Yes, that’s the point, that’s it! As luck would have it right.

– Can’t you consult with your girls by phone? Maybe they’ll tell you what to do,” Lyudmila continued. - Well, do something, please! You understand how bad everything is there.

- Yes, I understand, damn it! – Daria was already starting to get irritated. “I understand, of course, but I’m angry that I don’t know how to help.”

- Dashik, I beg you, come up with something... You don’t even know how good Sveta is. That's why she fights like that because she herself has never done anything evil. And now I’ve encountered this, and you see what happened... It’s really going to drive you crazy!

Daria found herself in a difficult situation, tormented by doubts. Kindness and responsiveness have always been traits of her character, which has repeatedly created problems for her. So this time, it seemed impossible to her to simply send Lyudmila without getting involved anywhere. It was clear that Svetlana was in critical condition, but it was unclear what to actually do. All she could do was try to call her colleagues in India and try to find someone through them.

“Well, okay, let’s do it this way,” she finally made a decision. – I’ll try to call our teachers in Delhi. Maybe they can advise something. I'll call you as soon as it becomes clear. Agreed?

- Just don’t let me down, please. All my hope lies in you,” Lyudmila clung to it like a drowning man clutching at a straw.