And now – the meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology. Eastern numerology Luo Shu by date of birth

Chinese numerology is a unique science. The Eastern school is one of the most ancient types of teaching. It originated back in the days when people believed in magic and the power of spirits. It combines astrological theories, classical numerology and the foundations of Chinese philosophy.

You can tell a lot of interesting things about this school, and it will take more than one hundred pages. But now it’s worth paying attention only to the most important aspects of this topic, knowledge of which will help you understand it at least a little.

Basic provisions

If you want to understand the essence of Chinese numerology, then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the key concepts. Briefly, the basics of this school can be summarized as follows:

  • Every odd number from 1 to 10 has masculine energy. And even - female.
  • Each number is associated with one or another element.
  • There are numbers endowed with special magical energy.
  • Chinese numerology uses 13 digits.
  • Previously, the numbers 11, 12 and 13 had special meanings. The number 12 symbolized the beginning and end of everything that happens in the Universe. But nowadays these numbers are used as official numbers.
  • If a person decides to carry out a ritual of numerological fortune-telling in accordance with Chinese culture, then it is strictly forbidden to use those meanings that are accepted in other schools.

These are the basics. What is the purpose of the Chinese school of numerology? Identify the number of a person’s destiny, then fully decipher it and determine the influence on destiny. For this, a calculation system is used that is known as the Lo Shu square. What is it?

Luo Shu Square

Just look at the photo below to understand what it looks like. Lo Shu is a magic square in which the sum of the numbers in all its rows (diagonal, vertical and horizontal) is 15. It is oriented towards the lunar calendar.

Lo Shu is believed to play an important role in negative systems and metaphysics. It helps not only to determine the inclinations and character of a person, but also to find out how productive a certain period of his life will be.

How to calculate it? Nowadays, there are various online services for this, where everything is automated. You just need to indicate the date of your birthday and compare it with the date in the Chinese calendar. Then all that remains is to write the resulting numbers in the cells of the square.

How to figure all this out? Ideally, go deeper into studying the topic. But here's some quick information to help you understand the basics:

  • The top row is identified with the human mind.
  • The middle one represents spirituality.
  • The lower one relates to the physical body, business and financial success, as well as greed and selfishness.
  • The first vertical column is identified with the ability to generate ideas and express thoughts.
  • The second has to do with qualities such as persistence and determination.
  • The third vertical column demonstrates the ability to relate words to actions.

When studying the meaning of Chinese numerology and its principles, it should be noted that there are 20 lines in the Lo Shu square. Here's what you need to know about them:

  • 8 lines of power: any row is completely filled with numbers. It doesn't matter if it's diagonal, vertical or horizontal.
  • 8 lines of weakness: the rows are not filled with numbers.
  • 4 small lines. Key in terms of revealing character and personality. Although sometimes they are completely absent. In this case, personality analysis is carried out based on digital values.

This is all very interesting. Many people, having begun to get involved in this topic, study books of the Chinese school of numerology and become acquainted with the works of practitioners. But if you just want to compose your own square out of interest, then this will not cause any difficulties - modern services will compose it automatically in a second, and will also provide brief information about the meaning of each digit.

Masculine number 1

Having studied the basics of the Chinese school of numerology, you can move on to considering detailed digital characteristics.

It is believed that the element of the unit is wood. The number is masculine and is patronized by Mercury and the winter season.

Symbolizes the great beginning and creation. Associated with part and victory. The number contains the powerful energy of the Sun, which in a matter of moments fills and charges all living things.

People for whom one is the Number of Life or Destiny are subject to mental and moral overstrain. Because of this, they often develop pain syndromes and attacks of aggression.

Feminine number 2

For “two” the element is also wood. The beginning is feminine, and its patron is Jupiter and summer.

“Two” symbolizes conflict, opposites and struggle. Sometimes it also represents unity. It is a positive factor in predictions, as it foretells rapid growth and impressive development prospects.

If there is a number 2 in the date of a person’s year, month or birthday, then he is most likely a controversial person.

Creative number 3

According to Chinese numerology, “three” is a masculine number, ruled by fire, Jupiter and spring.

It has very powerful energy, since it symbolizes the trinity of luminaries - the Moon, the Sun and the Star. Identified with the beginning of something new, with change.

But if this figure is present in the year, month or date of birth of a person, then he needs to constantly work on himself. He can become either a creator or a destroyer; it is up to him to decide which one.

Also, the “troika” symbolizes creativity and the beginning of something new. It may portend entry into high society or knowledge of the world. If 3 is a person’s Destiny Number, then he is most likely perceived by others as a very mysterious person.

Number 4 - stability

“Four” has a feminine principle. This number in Chinese numerology is patronized by Mars, spring and fire. It is believed that it symbolizes the unity of four mythical forces - the Sun, Earth, Sky and Moon.

“Four” sets you up for career growth, building strong business relationships, and attracts life prospects. Also represents loyalty, constancy, rationality and stability.

If we ignore the Chinese topic, we can remember that 4 in Eastern culture means the number of seasons, symbolic animals, mythical creatures and principles, virtues and sources of light.

Perfect number 5

It is special for Eastern philosophy. After all, “five” symbolizes 5 elements, elements and feelings. According to Chinese numerology, the number is associated with perfection and happiness.

They say that if it is present in a person’s date of birth, then he will definitely find his place in this world. And the patrons of the “five”, by the way, are the Earth, Saturn and summer.

It is also worth noting that this number, being highly revered, represents power, perfection and ideality. Possessing the energy of search and creativity, it gives a person the desire to strive for the best.

Reliable "six"

It has a feminine principle, and its patrons are water, Mercury and winter. Represents stability, peace and tranquility. A person whose date of birth contains a “six” is distinguished by determination, responsibility and reliability.

They also say that 6 is the number of hard work. Therefore, it gives people energy and strength to develop the inclinations that are naturally present.

Number 7: helps or hinders?

Is far from the happiest. This masculine number, ruled by winter, Mars and fire, is identified with impotence, wasted labor, decline and imbalance. A person whose date of birth contains 7 will achieve everything in his life by overcoming overwhelming obstacles.

But “seven” is also the number of forward movement. In fortune telling, it personifies spiritual perfection, as well as a constant desire for something better.

Positive energy of number 8

When studying the features of Chinese numerology by dates, it should be noted that the “eight” is treated with great respect in Eastern cultures. This figure has a feminine principle, it is patronized by autumn, Venus and metal.

It symbolizes perfection and death at the same time. Anyone whose date contains the number 8 will become either a creator or a destroyer.

But nevertheless, the “eight” has positive energy. It gives a person rationality, prudence and prudence.

Negative nine

He has a masculine origin, and his patrons are water, Mars and autumn. “Nine” symbolizes everything negative - spiritual death, destruction, any ending. And that is why it contains indomitable energy.

If there is a “9” in a person’s date of birth, then he will most likely become a very strong, powerful personality. Perhaps someone will even see him as a healer, teacher, leader.

And such people are truly capable of leading others to spiritual insight. “Nines” are better than others at controlling madness, fears and emotions. Despite the fact that in fortune telling this number means “grave”.

The number 10 symbolizes two beginnings

It is interesting at least because it simultaneously has both principles - both masculine and feminine. The patrons are winter, water and Mercury.

“Ten” is very rarely considered in its so-called pure form. More often it is divided into two “fives”. One is endowed with light energy, the other with dark energy. In fortune telling, “ten” is associated with closed doors, lack of prospects, and the inability to develop.

Interestingly, 10 is a service number that was previously used to calculate decades. Now it symbolizes everything negative: lost souls who are forced to purify themselves through the circles of hell, tireless and pointless attempts to strive for enlightenment, and the end of everything.

Rare number 11

It is used in rare cases. Eleven is used in selective reasoning related to astrology. And in Eastern culture it personifies life that comes after death.

11 is a destructive number. Although it cannot be different, since it is connected with posthumous existence. But, as you can already see, the same number has several meanings in different contexts. Likewise, 11 in fortune telling means the emergence of the opportunity to reincarnate. Sometimes it even represents the renewal of vitality.

But forecasts for the number 11 can hardly be called favorable, because the number limits health. In the 12-ary cycle it has only one meaning - destruction. In decimal it is completely absent. That is why many experts perceive it as a return to the starting point.

Anyway, 11 is the number of the turning point. And, by the way, it is rare.

Number 12: beginning and end

It has positive energy. 12 symbolizes harmony in the world and order guaranteed by all known norms of law.

It is the most important number in astrology. 12 is the basis of all cycles! Everyone knows that this is the number of zodiac signs, as well as animals, in the eastern calendar.

How is the number 12 considered in fortune telling? It is interpreted as a kind of “shelter”. If somewhere there are 12, then there is an opportunity to isolate yourself and escape. Reducing it to a simple number, you can get a “three”. In other calculations, a “five” is often formed. If we remember everything that was said earlier, then both numbers have the most powerful energy.

In general, 12 is associated with inner growth, completion, favorable changes, sound plans and victory. It is not for nothing that earlier in fortune-telling it symbolized the beginning and end of everything that happens in our vast Universe.

Deadly number 13

The last of the entire Chinese system. It is extremely rarely used in modern numerology. 13 is called a “human” number, which indicates the end of some processes or events in his destiny.

But in fortune telling it has a negative meaning. After all, in total, when reduced to a simple number, it gives 4. The meaning of this figure was discussed above, but then we were talking about its pure form.

Another rule applies here. “Four” sounds exactly the same as the hieroglyph for “death.” And no explanation is needed here.

Chinese Numerology Julie Po

A few final words should be said about this. Julie Poe is an experienced specialist on the topic under discussion, who has knowledge of all schools of numerology. She has developed her own unique analysis system.

What is the place of the Chinese school in Julie Po's numerology? She is responsible for the subconscious. By turning to this knowledge and applying it in practice, you can learn about a person’s abilities, talents and gifts. It is even possible to determine what information is recorded in his mental and mental body. And finding out who he was in the past is also possible.

The Chinese school of numerology by Julie Po allows you to create various protective tools, amulets and amulets, which a person can then use throughout his life.

It’s interesting how a numerologist characterizes birth periods. It’s worth at least briefly familiarizing yourself with them:

  • From the 1st to the 9th. People born at this time often face failures and problems. In the past, they completed 80% of their karmic tasks.
  • From the 10th to the 19th. Those born at this time should devote their lives to spiritual development. They have a special mission in this world.
  • From the 20th to the 29th. People born during this period will find it difficult to achieve success, even if they make every effort. Their karmic work-off is only 60%. It is advisable that in this life they try to fill the world with something good.
  • 30th and 31st. These are special numbers. People born on these days will find it difficult to adapt to the surrounding reality. They will have to face many failures. The numerologist advises taking this for granted. It is believed that nothing can be changed anyway.

There is much more to be said about this. People interested in the topic should definitely read Julie Po's books on Chinese numerology. You will be able to learn a lot of interesting things about karma, the meaning of the month of birth, annual cycles, metacycles and the level of development of the soul, maps of the subconscious and much more.

To harmonize rooms in Feng Shui, they use not an octagon, but a Lo Shu square. The square is divided into 9 parts, each of which corresponds to a certain number from 1 to 9. The sum of the numbers in any direction, including along the diagonals, is 15. Even numbers are located at the corners of the square, odd numbers - in the center and in the remaining parts of the square. Looking ahead, we can say that it is on the basis of the Lo-Shu square that accurate natal maps of rooms are compiled using the method of Wandering (Flying) Stars.

Lo Shu is used in numerology to predict upcoming events, to develop recommendations for achieving success, and so on. Just like in the octagon, each of the sectors of the square is represented by one of the trigrams and the energies of one of the five elements. Using a square or an octagon is a personal choice for everyone, as is more convenient for them. The Lo Shu square can also be superimposed on the plan of an apartment or room (the square must be stretched so that it covers the entire area).

Today there are 2 methods of orientation in Feng Shui: compass and geographical.
According to the teachings of one of them, the Lo-Shu square must be oriented to the cardinal points (the so-called “compass method”). According to it, first the cardinal directions, then the Lo Shu square are superimposed strictly in the center and oriented by the compass. This method is preferable, since it is based on the original basic concepts of Feng Shui and takes into account the flow of energy and magnetic currents of the Earth.

The second method does not take into account the geographical aspect, and according to it the Lo-shu square is always applied with the northern sector (quarry / water) to the front door. This method is considered less preferable and we do not recommend using it. It is believed to have arisen as a result of mistranslation or a deliberate attempt to further simplify the complex science of Feng Shui for popularization in the West.

When using a Lo Shu square, you first need to complete the plan so that you get a regular rectangle (if your home has an irregular shape, then some sectors may be cut off or missing).
The general rule is: if the missing corner (sector) occupies less than 1/3 of this side of the room, then the plan is completed to the whole. And if the protruding corner (sector) is less than 1/3 of the side of the room, then it is, as it were, excluded from the general plan.
Next, both sides of the rectangle need to be divided into three equal segments, resulting in 9 equal parts of the Lo-Shu square. Each of the 9 squares must also correspond to one of the compass directions.

Flying or Wandering Stars

Roughly speaking, the numbers of the Lo-shu square are the stars. The stars are named accordingly. Star 1, Star 6, Star 8 (White) - are considered the most favorable. Star 4 (green) and Star 9 (purple) are also favorable. Star 5 (yellow) is the most unfavorable. Also unfavorable are Star 2 (Black), Star 3 (jade), Star 7 (red).

The Flying Stars method is used to compile a natal chart of a home (house, apartment, office). In this case, the direction of the facade of the building, the period of construction (or occupancy) of the dwelling, is taken into account.

We have already become acquainted with the magic square, the design of which Fusi saw on the shell of a turtle. In the center of the square is the number five, and the sum of the numbers along any direction is fifteen. This square is called the basic lo shu square.

As we have seen, each square number is associated with a certain direction relative to the sides of the horizon, and therefore with other aspects of Feng Shui. The Luo Shu square is divided into nine parts, and similarly the bagua divides a house or room into nine parts corresponding to the eight directions and the center, with the place of the south being at the top.

Thus, it is possible to establish a connection between the numbers of the square on the one hand and the directions, trigrams and elements on the other. The Luo Shu square also determines the numerical value of energy for the various sectors of the bagua. For example, the numerical value of the energy of the north is one, the south is nine, and so on. Similarly, one corresponds to water; two, eight and five - soil; three and seven are for metal, and nine are for fire. Therefore, the method of activating one or another type of energy largely depends on what number corresponds to this energy.

If you connect all the numbers in ascending order with a continuous broken line, you will get a symbol that in the Jewish religion is considered the sign of Saturn.

Cycle alternation

In the original loshu square, all numbers are always in the same place, the number five occupies the central, “dominant” place, and the sum of the numbers along any direction is fifteen. However, as time goes on, each number moves into the place of the next number, so that a one ends up in the place of a two, a two in the place of a three, and so on. This sequence of numbers forms the symbol of Saturn and is called the “wandering star” theory.

A full cycle of the Chinese calendar lasts 180 years, but it is divided into three sixty-year periods. Each year of the sixty-year cycle is associated with one of the twelve astrological animals and with one of the elements. The interaction of heavenly and earthly symbols reflects the interdependence of heavenly and earthly forces. In turn, the sixty-year period is divided into three twenty-year intervals, each of which corresponds to a certain sequence of numbers in the square of lo shu. In this case, the numbers no longer form a “magic” sequence. The current twentieth anniversary began in 1984 and will last until 2003, and it corresponds to the arrangement of numbers with seven at the head.

For houses built during this period of time, the most favorable directions are northeast, southeast and northwest. And the unlucky directions are south and east.

The previous twenty years from 1964 to 1983 were governed by the standard Luo Shu square with the five at the head. Then the most favorable directions were north, northwest and northeast.

The next cycle will cover the period from 2004 to 2023, when the central place in the lo shu square will be taken by six. The most favorable directions will be south and west.

Time dependent

To determine which aspect of your life is favored by a particular year, you need to correlate your own gua number with the location of the numbers on the lo shu square. The central position in the lo ilu square is occupied in turn by all nine numbers.

It is necessary to establish what number of gua corresponds to the current year depending on the gender of the person. For example, in 1999, among men, the central position is occupied by one. A man born in 1955 with a gua number of eight will find his gua number in the east in 1999, making it a year that could be conducive to business success and ambition. A woman born in 1955 has a gua number of six, and a woman born in 1999 has a gua number of five. If you take a loshu square with a five in the center, then the six in it is in the northwestern sector. This means that this is a favorable year for establishing relationships with influential people.

Chinese numerology is one of the primary sources on the basis of which the modern provisions of this science were formed. Therefore, it is not surprising that the meaning of numbers among the Chinese echoes the well-known characteristics of the numbers of the first ten.

Thus, if Chinese numerology becomes the subject of your interest, the meaning of the numbers will not surprise you, as well as their interpretations. However, if you speak Chinese, the amount of useful information for you will increase by several orders of magnitude - the currently available translations are sufficient only for a preliminary acquaintance with the topic. The Chinese meaning of numbers is a colossal amount of information, but it contains everything that has to do with human life.

The Chinese take numbers very seriously. The digital code of the house number, telephone number or passport, as well as the day, month, year - all of this is given great importance. Therefore, they count everything from the number of buttons on clothes to lucky days for any important event.

And now - the meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology

  • "1". A symbol of the beginning, the first step. Independence, courage, leadership.
  • "2". Symbol of couple, interaction. Contact, insight, kindness.
  • "3". Troika is a symbol of integrity and openness to the world. Adequacy of judgment, intelligence, self-realization.
  • "4". Unlucky number in Chinese numerology. Increased level of risk, vulnerability, unluckiness.
  • "5". Symbol of change. Refusal of the familiar and monotonous for the sake of the new, unexpected.
  • "6". Symbol of vital activity. Efficiency, composure, purposefulness.
  • "7". A symbol of intelligence, the desire for knowledge. Wisdom, spiritual vision, effectiveness.
  • "8". Eight is the luckiest number in Chinese numerology. A symbol of success, wealth, fulfillment of desires.
  • "9". Symbol of love and goodness. Happy completion of endeavors, satisfaction, peace.
Feng Shui. Magic square Lo Shu.

According to ancient Chinese legend, during the legendary Xia Dynasty (2200 BC), a giant turtle crawled ashore from the stormy waters of the Lo River. This event might have gone unnoticed, but the turtle had an unusual shell, on which nine numbers were clearly visible, arranged in a three by three square.

This is how the gods presented people with a valuable gift - the magic square of Lo Shu.

The numbers and sides of the Luo Shu magic square have a geographic direction - north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and northwest. Four main directions, four additional ones and the center. The main feature of the square is the unique arrangement of numbers, which are arranged in such a way that adding them in any direction - horizontally, vertically or diagonally - you can get the same number - 15.

The Lo Shu square had a tremendous influence on the development of Chinese culture and was the basis not only for the practice of Feng Shui, but also for the Chinese philosophy of Taoism.

Luo Shu Square

According to the art of Feng Shui, any aspect of our life, be it love or work, relationships with relatives or hobbies, has its exact reflection in a clearly defined area of ​​the house or apartment. There are nine such zones, remember the nine numbers on a turtle’s shell? Each zone is tied to a certain side of the world and has its own element and color.

To understand where this or that Lo Shu zone is located in your home, you need to apply the magic Lo Shu square to the plan of the house or apartment. There is, however, one caveat. In different interpretations, the square is applied in different ways. Feng Shui gurus have not come to a common opinion; some advise to navigate by the cardinal directions, while others insist on proceeding from the layout of the home. If you stick to the first option, then zone 1 is located in the northern part of the house plan, the second option involves placing the first zone at the front door. It is believed that the entrance to the home is at the bottom of the square. You can choose any of the presented versions, but in the future stick to the chosen strategy so as not to harm yourself and others.

Zones of the Lo Shu square

1. Northern zone. Represents a person's career and life path

Zone element- Water.

Zone colors- black, blue and blue.

There should be no flat shapes, yellow color or its shades, or earth in this zone.

The zone contains everything that may be directly related to your work and career.

The shapes of the zone are predominantly round and wavy.

The creative cycle for this zone is metal, circle, white.

To activate this zone, you need to place in it any objects that are somehow related to water, for example, an aquarium with fish or a small fountain. Successful activation will be affected by the placement of metal products, these could be Chinese coins, metal jewelry or figurines.

2. Southwestern zone. Represents our relationships, marriage, love

Element of this zone- Earth.

Zone colors- red, pink, yellow and orange.

No trees should be placed in this area and there should be no green flowers.

The shapes of the zone are predominantly triangular and square.

This area should always be perfectly clean and free of broken objects. It is very important! Ideally, two red candles should be installed in the zone. All items must be placed in pairs only. Symbols of love are very appropriate in this sector, for example, heart-shaped pillows, chocolate, oriental sweets, etc.

You can activate the zone with earth; place a flower pot here. Please note that the flower does not have to be green.

3. Eastern zone. Represents family, mutual assistance, support

Element of this zone- a big tree.

Zone colors- bright green, light green.

This zone of the Luo Shu square does not tolerate metal.

The zone shapes are rectangular.

Careful care of this area will help you improve your family relationships. For the well-being of the family, it is important to have a “family” tree in this area. Carefully monitor the health of the plant and its appearance, because this tree represents the well-being of the family and its growth. In addition to the main “responsibilities”, this zone feeds the financial well-being sector with positive energy.

The zone bears direct “responsibility” for vital things, such as timely payment of an apartment, quality food, and expenses for basic necessities. By placing living plants in the area and lighting it well, you will receive an influx of necessary vitality.

4. South-East zone. Represents abundance, wealth

Element of this zone- a small tree.

Zone colors- gold, red, purple and green.

There should be no metal in the area.

The shape of the zone is strictly rectangular.

The creative cycle for this zone is water.

To activate the zone, you need to place a small fountain in it, an aquarium with fish, flowers with round or oval foliage. Be sure to provide high-quality lighting in the area, because plants need light to grow well.

And no waterfalls, the magic square of Lo-shu is very strict in its rules.

5. Central zone. Represents health

Element of this zone- Earth.

Zone colors are yellow, orange.

There should be no trees or green color in the area.

The zone shapes are square.

The creative cycle for this zone is the red triangle, fire.

This area is responsible for health, and therefore ideal order and good lighting should reign here.

You can activate this sector of your home with a beautiful crystal chandelier. Various funny toys, funny postcards and illustrations displayed in the center will have a beneficial effect, because laughter is the best medicine.

6. North-West zone. Represents help, mentoring, influences good luck in travel

Element of this zone- big metal.

Zone colors- metal, silver, gold, gray and white.

Objects of triangular shapes and red color should not be present in this area.

The zone shapes are round.

The Lo Shu square considers this sector to be the possessions of the owner of the home, his kingdom.

Metal bells in this area can work wonders. It’s enough to call them, ask for help - it will come even from where you couldn’t even imagine.

The zone is also responsible for travel; put in it the views of the countries you want to visit, and you will definitely get to these places.

7. Western zone. Represents creativity, children

Element of this zone- small metal.

Zone colors- metal, silver, gold and white.

There should be no triangular shapes, red color or fire in the area.

The creative cycle for this zone is square, earth and yellow.

The magic square of Lo Shu is favorable to Feng Shui figurines; figurines of children, for example, a boy with a sparrow, are very popular in this zone. Such a figurine symbolizes future happiness and gives divine protection and protection to your children.

Another interesting talisman is a figurine of a child with a peach. It will bring happiness and health to children and protect them from various misfortunes. Such figurines can be placed in all zones; each sector has its own magical talismans, and in the following articles we will talk about them in more detail.